i?rp hp ' 1 Til 531 '. WAV 53) (1 TO li 'le- i- a- In iirfllRB 'SERIES SALISBURY. IT.CJAHUAHY 15. 1885. , ,,5 .. A Boots 7ttftbighet prices Air youiLjtfoduee and sell you goods as low. as the Jowes. 1884.) I utMiKEn Ukd Tennessee FARM VAGUNS. CarMBCg. Wateutown & Cinciknati Mgie'fffi i Spring Wagons. t Bickfobd a IUjffmak : Grain 'and Guano Drills. ImasHAYBAKES jf'Avttrt Riding nd VValking. CULT1VA 1 PKS. :i .THO-VAS' HARROWS Telegraph Straw Cutters, Terr and Dixie PLOWS, Dexter Com J91xollox, SAW AND GRIST MILLS, "i(4Dr,-En;fnc anl Boiler Fittings-,G uns,. litoli, Shelly Cart ridges, Wads and Caps. WJer and Shot, Dynajmte Fuse and Pri .CT-Axes, Shovels and' SpadespBuilding !!ir(jmre,raint5,.Oils and arnishcs, - HOME-RAISED GLOVER SEED; MerrtWDsr; else usually tobt la First Class ana implement stores. I nave on naaa I M sock & toe above! & offer them for the next ptr4att.tor less money than they bave ever Hi In this country. . telasiV.W, SMITH DEAL. 1.'-- KM Y":-i;-' ' . CASH 1 OH TIME; ? classes of puccliasers, we have made Lents $ sell these celebrated Wagons eltur rf 8o all who need wagons , : J0UX A BOYD EN, Agent, Or. 0. WHITE. BEST SMITH 111 THE COUNTY ! ,toJX.u.UI'4ior vrau hM inhi r. ,h ... MUl iceSn Ye and W '0MT watches at I? tM?,t?tore- Sltsbury; a nd try the 1U J .Hill aifc mv VLf i t0ttlei8 to hold theirlcrders JiT ' rderctl t,,e Prtttie?t lot ot .HESTrr,l,l,,!0re- EVEBYTIIIXO WILL fWAso Fashionable. Ma Ubur, j,; W. R. BARKER. ?T.h0ct 12,.l84.-2:lm 7 Fi?ML! and "tot . Uleh WTi x of goods "S tatAiFJtops thU world. All first hour. The bread i- 4 r ! woreere, absoiut Kit tSlltoirif MH0V,r?" tt amend the JOHN A .uuia. n.lMSAy. Mayor. II T MILLINERY IPni & WINTER r,aJ"r t,0 Westerir North Carolina. j And wc are prepared to offer seasonable and staple Goods at r ' . j . . - ... LOWERk!sHArriYEIl DEF0RE.T ; We haYe a large assortment ot Jto which we invite the especiai attention of buyers pip Cloaks from ft up. We hare a good line of j y. j EflSSIAU CIRCDLABS A1ID D0LI1AH f ( We have Underwear for alL i- We are agents lorllte '- t WE IIAVE PEARL SHIRT and Shoes Wc sell thei unexcelled IIESS & BRO'S. fine Handi Siiwecl Shoes. Wc have a large assortment of John Mca-dels SOLAR TIPPED Children's Shoes. r - 1 RtJlmeaa to suppl? you with the best FLOUR, II AM S, PURE LARD, j&f lEALnew crop), Buckwheat Flour, OaMcal4 Grits, Rice, Sugar, Sjr CiSwswi Tomatoes, Coffee, Tea, and fancy ncw Deep Sea, No.' 1 MACKEREL. f-Tritill fcaje over 20,kinds UiiJii vv i UMAttu vt enave xe largest nwi vi L r. ..i r.i.nro in tAwn. A new supnlv of 5 cents tricks. AenU for the Light :T1fet1c Sew inj; Machine: and Coat's Spool Cotton. Remember, wa will pay Come KLUTTZ REIIDLEr.lAtl. W. W.TAYLOR, V .! D. J. BOSTIAN, Salesmen. 1 and J. A. NEELY. ! ' . - iiTivH ATfn TTfTEliMGEIVT AGENTS in trerj town WANTED ! WoiSrlfSllTaF POPULAR NEW BOOKS FAMILT EADQUARTERS FOR brunbr,eai3oo. - DO YOU YAIIT TO SELL Tfli lN OPPORTUNITY Is now offered to Land owncrswha may , Sviah to dispose o!J " FARMS, 'i . . i FOIIESTS, ? . f - .i MINING LAytJ)St . l or WATER-POWERS. -o - Having lcch instructed to act as Agents for the North Carolina Department of ; Im migration, wc will state to those haying property of the above description for sale, that we are in position to place such pro perty in the hands of over two hundred active Agents, who arc making it a regular business to sell lands to Immigrants and others coming . into North Carolina to live. Lands placed above market value are not desired; - We have established a Real Estate and Mining B cue Ac in addition to the above and are fin position to place to advantage mining properties of all kinds, developed and undeveloped. ; Large-tracts of Lands in Western North Carolina and in .hast Tearu, may bo placed through us to advantage. We Can offer inducements heretofore unknown, and land owners will consult their best interest by calling on or auuressing . - . I BRUNER, EAMES & CO. Real Estate, Mining &J j , Immigration Bureau, ,' - . Salisbury, N. C. Maps, Assays, Reports and Estimates on short notice. -- Parties contemplating going to Texas will do wel to consult us, as we have farms in all parts of that State, and will gladly furnish information. 87:Cnr. HE largest stock of SELECT VARI- ETJES of NEW and PEDIGREE SEEDS, suited to every type to choose from.; Quality guaranteed, and prices lower than cvbr4 Price Xist raxE. . : I i i . . . - i r- V OF LARD! By virtue 6r a decree of the Superior Court of Rowan County, in the case of J. F. Robinson,; Administrator of Joseph N. Dobbin, deceased, against William Dobbin and Joseph Dobbin,- I will sell on the premises on - - ; ! Tuesday. 6th of January, lSlS, - I the following land, to wit : A tract Adjoin ing the lands of Mary Ann Dobbin, Horace Nail, Crisscy Graham and others, contain ing about 46 acres. - . .. 1 Terms : One-third cash, one-third in six mnnflia nnp.thiril in (v.U. mt.a LANDS? Tobacco Seed P i ....... . niiio muutui n-with interest on the deferred Davinenti from date at the rate of eight per cent; j ' , XT. ROBINSON, AdmVi . Dec. 9th, 1884. 4t t V . ASKi YOUR DRU GIST WHAT HE knpws about the merit of Shncer Indian vermifuge, the poplar! remedy i IIuocbTille Itemt TKt. wlIU i X.. . .1. - . s will report. I p refer to lb marriage of Mr. Sumrow to Mias'Clodfeller. I -14 r,; A. A. .uaiiace lias : erected a new house ; Mr. Jas. Hunnycat has moved into the place and, opened a blacksmith shop, and Mr. It. H. Plas ter, of China Grove, has come among us to mercliaudise and is, o)ening up a good store. I W. A. j , For the Watchman. New Ytar Notes from itoekvllIe Mr.: Editor: Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather on New Year morn, it was a gala day for thelindifferent to the impendifj: change, hat ljonoff. people of. tuu. neighborhood.! Aihe cfosd of 'odr ioter68ting Xmas muvoij n wnicii, uy uie way, me sin of drunkenness was ably discussed, the paitor announced Chat there would be preaching here on New Year's day, after which there would be an Inter esting Service. All understood that to mean that there would be a marriage at that time in which the pastor and his family would be specially interest ed. Could the reader have seen the young ! ladies of this place going to churcii on Jthe previous eveuing, car rying wreathes, flowers, a large mar riage bell. &c. you would have con cluded thai more tlian the inmates of the parsonage were specially interest ed in the marriage. Bt. Enoch church was, by far. more tastefully decorated than it has ever been. The-designs and mottoes were simul v beautiful. J As the congregation entered for divine services. they saw, above the nitch. anu in iuii view oi an in me nouse.a pair of right hands joined, so as to look lite like,; and surrounded by a wreatli of sweet and beautiful flowers and eyergrcensjuarded by the wortls, "juarriage is nonorauie.'' next the marriage bell greeted the eye. and the air was redolent with perfume from the clapper. The sermon, which, was full of interest, was delivered by the Key. W. Kimball ami was followed with the chautiug of the Lord's Pray- er. At tins point. Meesrs. J. 1j. Dea- ton and G. M. Kestler 'threw opeu the doors and took their places as usher, while the organist played a beautiful Swedish Wedding March. aud the -'following groomsmen aud bridesmaids marched up the aisles of the church and took their places, viz: Mr. H. C. Deatou and Miss Lulu Stafford; Mr. R, L. Patterson and Miss Mamie Stafford; Mr. G. J. Gouger and Miss Minnie Leazer: Mr. Juo. Freeze and Mr. Jennie McKuight ; Mr. Jno. Witherspoon aud Miss Minnie Gra ham: Kir. J. I. Goodman and Miss Sallie Deatou. : Then came the happy couple, Mr. John Q. -Sumrow, of iMooresville, and Miss M. A. Clodfel- ter, formerly from Davidson county, but for the last four years a member of Rev. W. A.; Lutz'a family? of this place, who took their place under the marriage bell. . The ceremony (includ ing the ring) was performed by the liev. Mr. LiUtz in a very imnressive manner; and a prayer was ottered by Rev. Mr. Stamy of the Methodist . Church. Then the couple kneeled to receive the benediction at the hands of the pastor, after which they Very gracefully retired from the church to the parsonage, followed by their at tendants. The congregation being dismissed, a, large company of friends found ! their way to the parsonage. where a rich feast was enjoyed by 45 guests. Among the bridal presents were va ses, a pair of gold bracelets, a bill call ing for a bedroom suit, paid for and awaiting their order at B.NichbVt Charlotte, J. C Jiy 2 p. ra., a nappy company of young people were on their.way to the groom's father', in Iredell county. This day will long be remembered by the )eopIe f , thi community. May perfect happiness be their lot. One Pkesent. Vaskiiigton Letter. From Our Regular Correspondent. jVAmxGTON, E C, Jan. lt 1885. L me nrst uay oi me auv l ear was Cftlebrftted in tli nnnl wnv in Wodiinvr. k :i. t 7 itake pin ij t je ceremony.. It was Presi dent Arthur's last reception, and the last reception by a president of the Republi cans; format least four years. Ou the first of January. 1886, there will be a new official and social penonel at the National capital, and the large majority of those r who call will be people new to Washing ton. ; There was less calling than on any previous first day of the year during the last decade. The' Adonises of the Gov ernment offices have not been able to pay the money they bet and lost ou Blaine. The ouce exquisite Prince Albert coat lias now a dissipated uud fatigued an- pearance, the laniuess pantaloons and the faultless perfect hat are sprang at the knees and battered as to the, ci own. The wearer has not the heart or the stomach to face his changed fortune in these habiliments. , ftlana, who celebrated biitional holiday wtfcfi til hhl tima mietr twbn the Pros- iUnt wr In tiro da VS' inarch of the doomed niodern "orbit Urrannm". The prospect ( has settled liKe a pan upon his spirits, and is evident in ' a hundred signs, liut a great many cauea ana uie nsaal number of ladies kept open house on New Year'a day.! ,i i ' here is talk of a gay- social season. There may be a sort of Af tificial pr gal vanic gaiety pervading social and official life. But how can a political , party be gay. at its own funeral X There!1 doubtless be the nsaal number of presi dential and cabinet receptions, and the justices of the Snureroe Court.- and the Army and Naval people who are not af fected by the vicisitudes of party may be th tenaaand and altogether, lovely. JYoxx ! will "I am sure approve of your correspondent beginning the New Year with quotations from Scrip ture like the above. The truth is that I am pressed for something to write. I have just returned! from making about forty New Year call's and I realize that this letter must go by the next post. I have a journalistic friend who last year was smart .enough ro write his New Year's letter on the day before New Year. He described tlie President's re ception in what he thought was a very pretty piece of word painting.0 He told how Mr. Arthur! received first the diplo matic corps in their brilliant court rega lia; the impressive entrance of the Justi ces of the supreme .Court. Senators, Representatives, Generals, Admirals, Commodores, and the "Irish Legation" without stint. The letter was posted on the 31st, of December and it would have answered admirably but for au accident. Ou New Years while my friend was makiug calls, oblivious to the drudgery of the pen, and much: pleased with him self, he heard that the Deau of the Di plomatic corps, had dropped dead iu the vestibule of the White Houso, and that the Presidential reception had beeu coun termanded before it had begun. All signs point to a lively time from now until the fourth of March, and after that, the Judgment! Between the 22d, of February, the timo for the dedication of the Washington monument, aud the in auguration, ic is estimated that the popu lation of Washington will double itself. Organizations are coming in battallions aud a feature of the coming inauguration will be a large number of military or ganizations from the south. It is esti mated that ten thousand will attend the inaugural, ball. The hall iu which the ball is to be held is a niaguidcent room 316 feet Ions by 1 16 feet broad- and is believed to be the second largest in the world.; It is surrounded by a series' of smaller rooms, all of .which are couuec- ting, in which there will be ample space for refreshment halls, cloak rooms, toilet chambers, and everythiug-rtsc that may be needed. Around the hall is also a loug line of iron columns supporting the galleries, in which will be seats for such spectators as do not care to join the dan cing. ihese columns wilt be entwined with the three national colors, and be- tween them will probably be placed largo vases filled with natural flowers. Numbers of plants will be, placed artisti cally around the. room, and flags and banners will bo arranged iu effective designs and decorate the walls. The whole will be lighted by the electric light, aud will forma magnificent; dis play, such as has rarely beeu seen in this country. Decorators of experience will be engaged to perform this work. The Theological Seminary Row . i Knded. Rev. Dr. J. B. Mack, one of the di rectors of the Theological Seminary of Columbia, over which there has been such a racket lately concerning the evolutionist, Prof. Wood row, was in the city yesterday on his way to Fay ettevilte. An Observer reporter met JJr. Mack at the l Central Hotel, and obtained from him some- facts in re- garu to tne air airs ot me seminary that will be ot interest to the public and that will correct some erroneous impressions that have prevailed in the minds of our people. In the first place. Dr. Mack; said, the seminiry has not closed as has been reported, but is now in a better condition than it has been for some time, a number of new students having lately been received. All Uie bid professors, ex cept Prof. Wood row, are still iu the seminary as usual aud will remain nu- til their successors are elected. When Prof. Wood row was expelled, the oth er professors resigned and their resig nations were promptly accepted, tho it was agreed that the professors should hold ou tor a brief season. A meet ing of the board of directors is to be held in Augusta, Ga., on the 28th of this mouth, at which an entirely uew corps of professors will be elected. Dr. Mack stated further, that the semiuary never had brighter prospects than it has at present and that the re ceuti summary dealiuz with l'rot. ' Wood row by the directors meets with the hearty endorsement of all the friends of the seminary. AW trouble is uow cuded aud the seminary is now entering upon a new and aueecsxful era, with the prospect of incmsio nsefulnesa before it. The report that the doors of the) seminary had been closed was entirely unfounded, and it ob.A.jgc mat th rcmainea un contradicted for so long a time.-- Uuxr. Observer, Jan. '85. Tho New Jersey School Exhibits. he screw Jersey School Exhibit fur the New Orleans Exposition has been completed, and is an extensive collec tion. It containt tbo work of 29, 000 pupils, abbnt,000 of them being from private schools. ; Tliere are n.. 000 maps and 1,000 drawings in the exhibit. All the mans are drawn from memory and aire not Four hundred photographs of rjnhlirs scltool buildings id the -State will t framed and- seut witH -the Wolar woric. liesides the drawings, there are collections of work in mathemat ics, grammar, essays, spel Unwind penmanship. A laree exhibit of kin dergarten work is also included, rhe State normal and model schools send special collections, including botanic al and mineraWical disnlav im!. mens in chemistry and elaborate mod els of book-keeping. One of the col lections is of pressed sea-weeds from alonsr the Atlantic coast. dhnrlntt W " - f WWW Observer. Two Prisoners Cremated. JTredericksburq, Tex., Jan'y 8. The county jail was discovered ou tire yesterday aud the first arrivals on the grounds from town were greeted by the agonizing cries of the two uris- ers confined in the building.- Before assistance could be rendered tire struc ture, which was built of wood, was wrapped in flames and soon burned to the eround. Search uins was rewarded by the finding of the charred remains of Raffle Ojrvera. Mexicau iu jail for horse stealing . aud Wm. All I son. imnriKniiPtl ir manslaughter. Allison was to have been released to-day on a $3,000 bail. The World's Exhibit. The Grand Display North Carolina Makes at New Orleans. The exhibit made by this State will be just what might be expected of its thoroughgoing and practical people. T ; 1 1 i . i ... . 1 . xi win oesuosiauiiai,oi the best qual ity ami sufficient for the purpose for which it is designed. Comparatively little attention has been bestowed up on ornamental features enough to re live the toule ensemble from a look of heaviness, but decoration is created merely as setting forth what is valua ble and not a; c instituting it. I he material for the exhibit has been collected under the supervision of the officers of the Agricultural De partment Hon. M. McGehee, com4 missiouer : Dr. C. W. Dabtiey. State chemist ; Mr. P. M. Wilson, secreta ry, and Mr. b. Cjt. Worth, superinten dent of fish and fisheries, and Prof. J. A. Holmes, of the State University. lhe work ot setting the exhibit in position has been under the immedi ate charge of Mr. Frank B. Dancy ; of the agricultural department; Mr. 1, K. Bruner, the mining editor of the Salisbury Watchman; Professor Jo seph A. Holmes, of the chair of bota ny, University of North Carolina, and Mr. S. Worth, superintendent of fisheries. '"What will be show ?" the repor ter asked. "Everything of economic value and representative of the industries of the Slate," came the answer swift on the heels of the query. As you leave the comfortable office. where will.be fouud the Narth Caro lina papers and a North Carolina welcome, will be seen the wonderful varieties of rough and heavy ores. Most . of the -specimens, are large enough to make a practical mill test. the gold ores, from scores of mines silver ores, copjer ores, magnetic and hematite iron ores, will prove as m teresling to the capitalist as to the man of science. There will be an array of building stones which will surprise and de light visitors marbles of delicate tiuts, grauites of exquisite aud intri cate patterns and of almost every hue. It will be difficult to decide whether the fancy will incline to the curious leopardite and its dendritic forms or to the startling and novel orbicular granite. Facing these will be mounds of phosphate rock taken from the newly discovered deposits in the eastern sections of the State, and heaps of coal from the Deep river and Dan river basin. ! There will be handsome piles of tin ore (first identified and located by Dr. Cuas. W. Dabney iu North Caro lina), corundum, garnets, &c There, under glass will be found the rarer minerals, emeralds, j amethysts, zir cons, beryls and the lustrous and Continued on 2d page. : . Tot&n Sliopprxrcl. KLUTTS WAREHOOl for Te. i PARMER'S REMEMBER KLUTT8 WAm!mvnsiti.;i - ii"rtAs. FOURTHS of all the Tobaeco sold on fte hiKht averages for' cro and a gener-irage ndfria Skte for the same grade of Tobacco. ; T,;; ? ., ,.- -1 - Id U the BEST UGHTED, BEST place that has STORAGE ROOM FOR If you want the HIGHEST PRICES 7 T!7'K'miifo -roimtfff'ts.at wjere your will always find a full turn-out North Carolina, has orders for Tobaccos and will pay HIGHEST PRICES for all grades from the Ground Leaves to Fancy Lemon Wrappers. f DAILY. SALES. , I HIGHEST PRICES GUARANTEE!). .' Your friends truly, if SHEPPARD, SWINK & M0NH0R V oiinsuury, dune 4tn, 1554 STANDS AT THE HEAD! THE LlOnT-BCXXISQ DOMESTIC." That it the acknowledged Leader is a - tt that cannot be disputed. r IMITATE IT. r NONE EQUAL IT. The Largest Armed. The Liglitcst Running. The Most Beautiful Wood Work. AD IS WARRANTED :. To be made of the best material. ZLTo do auy and all kinds of work. . t To be complete in every respect. Agents wanted in unoccupied territory. Address, . - DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., Richmond. Va. For sale by KLUTTZ & RENDLEMAN '84 30:ly. Salisbury, N. C. for working people. Send 10 cenU post tig:e, and we will mall you free, a royal, valuable sample box oi goods that will put you In the way ot maklnsr more mon ey la afew days than you ever thought possible at any business. Capital not require. You can live at home and work in spare time only, or all the time. All of both sex, of all ages, grandly successful. 60 cts. to $3 easily earned every evening. That all who want work may test the business, we make this un paralleled offer : To all who are not well saUsBed we win sena 91 w pay lor me irouuje 01 w nuuK us. Full particulars, directions, etc., sentvfree. Immense ay absolutely sure ior au wno sian. ai once, uub v lelay. Address Stinsom Co., Portland, Maine. Nov. S7, "84. ly HARDWARE. WHEN YOU WANTf HARDWARE AT LO W FIGURES Call on the undersigned at IO. 2 Granite Row. I). A. AT WELL. Agsat for the 0ardvrellThreher. ; Salisbury, N. C, June 8th-4tf. SALE 0FLAND ! By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court oXRowan County, in tie case of R. A. Shim poch, Administrator pf A. C. Earn hart ajjainst Fr-inces D. Earnhart, I will Sell at Gold HILL, on Monday, the 5th of January, 1885, Hip fnilnwinrr lands, to wit:l; Onetractof about Sixty Acres, adjoining E. Mauney, Joha Culp, and Burwell Smith, known as the home place. Another tract of about Fifty Acres, adjoining Henry.Williams, Ste phen Braddy, John Williams, and others, known as the Fennel land. Terms one-third cash, ono-t bird in six months, and one third in twelve months, with interest on the deferred payments from date at the rate of eiht per cent. R. A. SHIM POCH, Adm'r. Dec. 8th, 1884. 4 w ! ' FUU TUfc ". LBV And all Bilious Complaints yi ta take eltvi purely .vre?aM: no grip HelD -EM - . t.v rrjVMf f L?at Tobacco : :2-ara Salisbury, JVbrth CqFplinL - this mi&l tkU JTr 7 h. I ARRAK6ED a thi Li. liiLHsJ. PLANTER'S T0BACC(C ,!':?H for ,oar Tobacco Mlat MISU : of anxious buyers. ' Notice to Creditors! I AU persons having claims against the es tate of A. C, Earnhart, dee'd, are hereby notified to present the same to the aoder signed on or before the 11th day of Decern ber, 1885, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. ' t- R. A. SHIMPOCn, Adm'iv, Dec. 8, 1884.-6W GREGORY'S A POSITIVE AND PER3IANE.T rClRE Cfor I . tand UlDIGfiSTIOli'.; Pipared by Dr. W. W. iiREGGRY, Charlotte, X. C. Charlotte, N. Cm Nor. 29, 1884. Dr. W. W. Gregory : I hereby certify . that I have recently used your Dyspeptic Mixture with very great benefit to myself -and cordially recommend it to others. If. P. yAUlNG, Member N. C. Legislature. Charlotte, NC. JDr. W. W. G rezory : I lake great pleasure in adding my teotioiony to the value of your Dyapep'ic Itemed r. i have used it ith great relief, arid cheerfully recommend U to any one suffering from dyspepsia, indigestion and a torpid condition of liver and bowels. ; ' D. A. JENKINS, N. C. State Treasurer. .1 For sale by J II McAden and T C Smith A Co., Charlotte, N. C, and J H EnnuwSalia bury, N. C. 49:1 THE GREATEST ASD BEST: The Large Doable Weekly, Religions and Scenlar, HEW YORK OBSERVER; e ' ; V (Established 1823.) I . X7xa.cl.es lxxatioxtal. TJnseotarlanr Bxransolloal axxcI. Si7Atloza.Al.V- Ko paper in the conntrv has a more EX PERIENCED and ABLE CORPS of -EDITORS, v V ; Besides the regular, Editors, the Obser ver has a host of paid contributors and correspondents all over the world, includ ing home and foreign missionaries, traveler scholars, divines, poets, and literary men and women. The Departments of Agriculture. 'JBasi-nesSfSunday-school Teaching and Religious Work arecpnducted by experts, who write clearly and to the point. The Observer does not fill its columns with long essays and sermons. v The NEW YOSE 0BSEEVE2 i A LIVE NEWSPAPER Furnibhing each week A Religious Sheet, j full of instruction, encouragement, and truth; and A Secular-Sheet . containing all the jicws. Price f 3.15 per year. Sje:ial terms to Clergymen. Spec imen Copies Free. Address, " NEW YORK ORHEJIVER. 8;4tJ ' New fork. REAL ES TATE IN Dursuance ot aawrder ot tUe Superif- jCourt of Rowan County tbe undermined, vol ml -atone'', will milat Toubac sale, at the conrt-Hou, 1 1 Salls SlSrfoi Mffi?bed day of February a tot ot land conUlnlng 3l cris,inown as ttBm. roueas lot. sltaated on the Western v. I. Railroad. SeTlMSi: commlssioDer 62 ACRES -or- VALUABLE LAND POE SALE! 7 Lies seven miles from Salisbury betweeaith Mtc Pleasant and Concord Koads- Apply t the under. J4th,lS84.-m:pi ' . i Dyspeptic ffiitore. M' Si. r-' f-tt J n - r v If -4 -P1'. 1 fl if :. 4- mi V ML- r : ; - ; , . - ; - -j 1 : . i : ; v--'v i ':P if i! -.