f . ; Jfei '" : - - v';:: --Mi: -;;. -.: IT ' - 'fir- v. - , . , , , , , , - yr rl , -i. ' : K f . . " ; - - " " - . , 'i- i . ' , . ' i V.;; : ! " '-'-f Ttafl : . : . : r-z : " - .? r i : :m. V . ; - ' , fc" ' , -. ..- irTt': P - St : ; . : ' : : 1 - i t . , XVI.-.THIRB,SEEIES 1 lure. AND:pERMANE!ir CURE e 1 A REGOBY IX From the R&llgb Chronlole GOV. ISOALE'S IDEAS. .ni'iOCDSia Dili" 1v I KOU and Indigestion. WJ UilEGOUY, 5!.;' 'ft' eilAKl-OTTE, 1884. SUMMARY, BY EXTRAOTS, ' OF KESINAUGUfiAL ADDRESS. , r C, Nov. 29 Mimber N C, Legislature. I Simony tojl.evatueof your ) i2i0? SS" I h o-a it whh great N.XJ.Btaie lreasurer., II Mt CChsHotie, N.C T C Smith & and J, II Enhiubaiis ' 49: ly TobacQO Seed I of SELECT VARI- and PEDIGREE I1 VVAV fiVFOS: VuiteUAo every type- from. Qualii guaranteed, and prices. i ( Ui.rtt ivn tTr-rfc Va. to choose and m6t'expcriericed jpf l-onr states men urging attention to the qaestion. I Cannot go into detail btirtVnst be Iermittec to hope mat tys icinsia ttife will hiake a beginning, toug- gest that at least part f the convicU force should be reserveu ana appneu through the counties to this purpose tobe continuKl year alter year unm ye have a complete network, or goou roads leading from every neighbor hood . in the SUte to tlie raiiroaas, water-ways and markets of tbe-world. J IN conclusion, i: -Men everywhere trampling upon all "-considerations of party ; interest -or sect 'of. all power, succeeueu, as we glatlly belibve, in bringing into pow er an administration that will restore the Untoh 'of our fathers based upon fbe Tconstitution. the equality of the States and the affections of the peo ple. All hail! to the new Union thus restored'.! ! All Hail! to the patriotic men without distinction of party or section who accomplished it. May it live in every heart aud without the loss of a single star, now, henceforth and forever. And now, in discharge of the hieh duties which devolve upon me, I invoke theVul of all the co-ordinate branches of the government: I invoke the sy mpathy,indulgence and support of this great people, and es pecioiiy ao l invoKe wisuom, kbow The Subjects Which he'Regards s Mosl Important at Present la Oar Affairs. , i ' ' i ' -,' ' ! ' We must have more and better schools, land these should be taught at least si months in -the year; We must add to tie number and qualifi cations pf our teacliers; We must have more money. The, ' State Constitu tion provides for compulsory educa tion. If-weTcan once more infuse intov our people a spirit T)f education and so mauuiaciurq luunu bchhukui, its behalf as to! inalce it a reproach to viv ivnrentM Jio refuses Ho temf bis ll .1 ' iT.v.Kl t-A .Jrk AMnrV phtM Cllliureil u auuuyi, aiiw w of teii Vears ot as:e and over who can not read, will need no other compul- enrv l:ivv. Thfe division of school funds, iwhich we' have faithfully and impartially made between the two races for nearly- twenty years not only records our progress but makes the work difficult and almost hope- less without aty.. The general gov ernment claims hud is" entitled to the credit of ' emancipation; it'shonld as siimc the. responsibilities, and the du nut. nF it. All fears, if any. on the part of our colored peo- ledge and strength from on high, that nle. that their condition may befi may go in auti out ueiore uiw p l ' . .: . . 1 1 , I . 1 chanced in this regard, are wholly ipie Democracy shoutd have triumphed at the election." , . ; ' MHowdo yon accoant for this good beaviorf "Well, I believe it is main ly because members oft uis party do not wish to embarrass tbfr Governor. They want bis administration to be a success. Ahev want wuu m we betterment of the whole country, and although the times art hard and men want places out of which they can make a living worse; man ior; many n ILL: L tm. 1 : vears. tne iemocrav nave nc .. .! . i-. '"( .-4 ' .1 -.11 enough to make mem wair, ami uuw things to take ineir naiurai wuw. Of course the Governor's civil service letter had its effect. Jt was snpport- ied with great vigor ad unanimitv by the press all over thecountry, which was alone suffictenti evidence of the Donnlar sentiment dn ihe subjecL I do not believe there4t anything like the pressure on the Governor that there would have been on Mr. Blaine, had he been electetl. It is understood that Mr. Blaine and his friends made a erreat many promises? which they would have 'been called upon to ful fil). The Governor, as everybody L-nnwR. made none. He has never w J been about Washington, does liot know the place-hunting element that goes about there so much, and in inai respect has a great advantage over most of the1 public men of the coun try. I was told while at Washington the other day that the office seekers I nlninst drnvu Garfield distracted. He .. CniJRCH-QoiNO.--Many people fail tb go to church regularly because they al ways wait until Sunday morning to de cide the question whether they shall go or stay at home. If an invalid, this may be a wise method; if a strong and' healthy man, it is a pernicious one. JSo man or woman should regard the ques tion of church-going as a merely inci dental one, to be decided ; on Sunday morning according to the inclination of the-tnoment. It ought to be a matter of principle and a matter of habit for every man and woman'to attend church on Sunday. ; I Let the; principle be laid down and it will be easy to form the habit. Let it be decided once for all that nothing but ill-health or duties that are positively and . clearly paramount shall xeep one from going to cnurcn on Sunday5 mornings. This decision once made, the question "to go or not to go should no more arise on Sunday than the, question wto go or not to go" should come up concerning business on Mon day1 Christian Register. Death op a Virginia Physi cian; A dispatch from Salem, Va., says: "Dr. J. J. Moormon, president of the loard of trustees of the Itoan oke College for.45 years, resident phy sician of Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs, and author ot several works 1-"- . If3:!?! ;:-: : ; m-i FULL from TOP to BOTTOM 1 . . - ! . - 1 - i -J . V- NEVER SO MANY GOODS: , IN ONE STORE BEFORE IN SALISBURY. i,, the a, ofa jo con- - o .pHNoA iij - - . i : llEADOUARTERS groundless. They have been sugges- duct myself in my great office, that knew e oyer the coun led by ban men lor a wicucu pr: . um,u.a .. - t d njg fyienUs came down on mm . II I J W . m. . mm ..B A Wn Vf I - V T like an avalanche. No, I think we his crlorv and the honor aud 7 o i of this eople. i ca, died at his home in this place the 22d inst., ?ge 84 years. einr ll mm 1 i.i FOR STUIIEUAKEU and TENNESSEE If fARMWAGONS. CotCMBCS, WATEliTOWK & CINCIXNATI Buggies & Spring Wagons. rt BlCKFOUD & HUFFMAN Gfrain aM GuanofDrills. . 11 A X AypitV'8 Riding and Walking LTIV A TORS. THOMAS' I1AUUOWS, i Telegraph Straw Cutters, Avery and Dixie PLOWS, j Engines and Boilers, ND GRIST MILLS, tti..ioi nd Boiler Fittingsf-Ouns, SAV fl ought to feel very prouil of the admi- Petersburg, V a., Jan.. .v. rable disposition so far sliown py me uwr .wi, Democrats. The limitetl number of was convicted m the Mayors court applications sa far made have been to-day of petit larceuy and sentenced nfade mainly from persons in outlying to thirty days in jail. He was also At 3:30 o'clock vesterdav the Sen- dlstriols. who want nost-offices. As to sent on to the grand jury to oe inuict ate returned from Metropolitan Hall any general rush, it does not exUt at THE LIECTEXAST-GOVEBNOR Took the Chair In the Senate Yestertay Afternoon, January 21tt Senator Vance. 'rtolXShcIUj: Cartridges, Wads ana aps. powder and Shot, Dynamite Fuse and I ri crAxesj ShovcJs undSpades, Building 1!iint. Oil3 arid Varnishes, 1 Ak pose. ; .' j I. THE tNlVEKSITgr. The Stale University at Chapel Hill forms a njiost important part of the common school system and claims special attention at the hands.of the government, i ' V tU.tt .liv M77KI tn I ue. nmiil j. iij.M - , ? i ... . . .. ... i all the mutations of time and revolt!- and President iSoykm calieu jneooay an." . y i .1 TT I . ....!. n.t.l .annnsloil flint linflfl IMP lion, peace and war, me universny i-iw"-.. - - has retained a place in .every consti- arrival ot the committee ot escort io tutionL and theiduty of its protection the Lieutenant-Governor that the ami Unainlenahce has been, in em- Senate would receive them standing. phatid language, placed upon the leg- Accoruing.y ine co.nm uW W1 ot,er man in poUt life , islature. i , ! ; Messrs. iroy anu ""'i uccouijmuiru , Aornnionwealth. not only in popu lar estimation, but likewise in breadth and power. More than that he is the biggest man that any Southern State has as its servant in Washington. Mr. Lamar, of Mississippi, is brilliant and brave and a great orator: but Mr.Lam- ar ia a m.iu of mood?: Mr. Morgan, of Alabama, is a strong man, but Mr. Morgan s strength lacks at least versa- r:. IT i f U .....I.O..M..I: . FULL, & COMPLETE ed for house breaking. Spencer preach ed at the third Baptist colored church iri this city last Suuday night to a large congregation. He stands head and shoulders above STANDS AT THE HEAD ! TniiApn ninuro CCCn HUMLftlAIOLU UlUitn fcMi It; may hot be expedient to attempt by their charge, took their position in all this at onccf, but the point Isought lont of the presiding officer. to.be made is jthat the constitution, Mr. Troy said : Mr. President, 1 the great organic law of the laud, have the Honor w present 10 you u.e that we are sworn to obey in s let- Lieutenant-Governor who has been ter and spirit; klemands a higher and duly qualified and is now ready to more geueralieducation, free of ei- enter upon the discharge of his doUe!, pense, when " practicable, for tuition Lieutenant-Governor Stedman. - ' tl.rn.xrh "ihe TTnivprsii v. to all the Mr. Boykui respondeti as follows: .-""- - 1 'J l ri I"..?... I.. iUWlKUH SB children of the State. The question, senators: ineauopuon m luero.u. - Mr H ; tolI 0f SouthCaroli then, is no longer a tieoateauie one, u" r . it has been settled, for one hundred K U i n V ,- . ;'erAtnuie 'u"yP ..It M years that theiUufversity must live; iluUttock or tlHUibove, & offer them for tne next j j 0j (Jtiapel twnrdi.ra. tor less money than they Haye er . , i .r M.in t.hM cniinm'. die. t sue must, not m. a 5 "... . m . H n . . . wm . bury, Op?. 23, S4. W . Olill I I1U LHL. rresiueni o but Mr;Hampton has sometimes need e the grateful for jlis daring r Mr. Brown, tnaiiks. it is .: i i metal, shrewd w torce, but PIEDMONT THE LlOnT-RUSNINO X:. :A CASH or DM TI Mr. Brown is selfish; Mr. Coke, of T'exas. is a sound man of steady .. . . i , rr:.'li: strength, but Mr. oue mews oniiiau- tt.. A ppmrn cy ; Mr. Beck, of Kentucky, has the JJ (J Jy 1 j Scotch endurance and the bcotch pluck K.f VTk RoaI? ia ! iiloihiinor num. I Tlmt it. i thn ark nowled cred Leader is Above them all in brightness, breadth fa--t that cannot be disputed. ; and balanceMr. Vance has made his MANY IMITATE IT. way and his position is acknowledged " To suit all cis throughout the Union. Hal, Chron icle, ' ?es of purchasers, we have made (unngeinents to sell these celebrated Wagons eith er ortaso orSn lonj w. ' 14 better call and see us soon. dJOJIN A. BOYDE?, Agent, . 5. ttii. is4. ' j. o. White. THE BEST SMITH III THE COUNTY! Tbe dnierslcrnwl ts nrpn.ired to do all kinds of re- 4 P&Jrtng to all kinds ot watches, clocks, c. a nd at reuwnacie Ipricf s. Leave and iret your watches at lujttmdieuian's Store. SaitsbuiTf : and try the im ... -k i l 1 1 . ia luttll i j w v . . w loricauce oi my unties as the Senate, impose ou me Hill' must not I duly oi returning my uiuiitv. ui Pfio .. nn pminpntv languish. The gratifying to me to know that Senators I nnf, ' - of ereit ft, shades of those grand educatorsi4i our believe ine comeuw mervui iu wiruc State, Caldwfjll, Swain, Mitchell, two weeks ago I assumed the discharge Phillips and Hooper, cry out against ot tne auues imposeu uy iaw. x wa it. The conskitution and the fathers then a stranger to a large majority of for over oue hundred vears forbid ifT you, now after the lapse of that time, The long line! of distinguished alumni I feel a personal regard for every iu almost every State beseech us to Senator upon the floor. The courte spare their time honored alma mater, with which I have been treated, The voice of the people as expressed has aided me greatly in the discharge at the ballot box has overwelmingly of my duties, I return my sincere recorded their decree against a starv- thanks for the kind consideration with ing sickly Existence which is as disas- which I have been regarded by you trous as death itself. If then she is as a body and individually. It .is t llvo 5n the nime of her nast crlo- uow mv duly and pleasure to intro- rious history and ihe State's h fell duce to you the Lieutenant-Governor young persons are ever thinkin hopes of the, future, let us make it an who will hereafter preside over the new way Gf adding to their plea- 5nKf tut nn wort hv ot -the State and deliberations oi me oeuate. ne ia " J - . . ; ,. !'... . 1 ligntneu, compeieiit anu 1 . " ! I . i' i . n. ..am i Hia iimsinonpv u'lii rp. passed uy none, ah , appropriation i luijjuiiiai. ....... equal to due-half what the States of down to the honor of the State aud to Virginia. South Uaroiina, Missouri, nis own cretin LiiUtenant-Urovernor oicaunian saiu; Senatocs: I thank the President pro tern, for the kind aud complimen tary 4erms in which he has alluded to me. Called by the duties of my of fice as Lieutenant-Governor to pre side over the deliberations of this bo- LOWER for many things than ever before known ' 1 jsijl the IiMest styles m NONE EQUAL The Larprcst Armed. The Lightest Running. The .Most Beautiful Wood Work. The Wat of Hipp.sEss.-Many AND IS AVARR ANTED S over t-smtth in the county. M. L. BmONVK. MILLINERY ! avifiilct I' f H m isl have ordered the Prttlien lot ot terriiined to continue the Mil- Uusidtss at mv old. stand, I juk my am customers to liold their ciders -if 4, I.Kave BKjjTIHEI.Y XeV AND FASHION ABLE. MRS. W. R. BARKER. (Jet 13, 18S4.2:lin Maryland, iTenucsseej New York, Kansas,,Georgia, Mississippi, Colora do, California, Nebraska, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa have made for a similar purpose will give her pew life, new hopes and a new future, i : The reportXare before us, her wants, thdeed-her peeds calit be covered np. The rqmnsibility is with us. Let us rise to l.he height of the occasion j do bur whole ddty and coming genera lions will bless us. , i ? SHEEP AND DOGS. rr t -1 Ml' liic dog anu sheep will no more thrive together than the wolf an lamb. Muzzle the dogs prosper, loose the dogs are destroyed. f H KAILROAD MANAGEMENT. That the Legislature hus the power mi l i 1 t 1 sures. i ney always iook ior more uuaii ces for "fun" more joy. Once there was a wealthy and pow erful king full of care and very unhap- For sale by py. He heard of a man famed for his wisdom and piety, and found him in a cave on the border of a wilderness. "Holy man " said the king, "I came to learn how I may be happy." To be made of the best material. To do auy and all kinds of work. To be complete in every respect. Agents wanted in unoccupied territory. Address, ' DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., Richmond, Va. KLUTTZ & RENDLEMAN !-36;ly. Salisbury, u. CIRCULARS Hull Without making a reply, the wise dy, I shall endeavor to discharge the J man led the king over a rough path, un- thetrnst confided to me courteously, Uil he brought him to a high rock, on HATS, EIBBONS,FEATHEES, SILKS, iXOWERS, &C, t ever had in store. Eveuytiiixg will to control and regulate these cornora- I ! . - i . . . - . lions, and that it is their duty, it not done by jthe corporate authorities (hemselves, to remedy the wrongs, Will hardly , admit of a doubt. The jjreat quesjlion,,and the one that pre sents the jonly difficulty to my mind is, now snail a law ue iormeu so as to impartially and faithtully. J?or er rors committed I ask your friendly indulgence and forbearance. When our session has ended aud our work has been finished I hope that each one ,i kA of us may feel that he has contributed and the sheep somewhat to the glory and prosperity it may be sand the sheep of our great Commonwealth. ; pheni action of business. the top of which an eagle had built her nest. "Why has the eaglebnilt her nest yonder?" "Doubtless " answered the king, "that out of danger." imitate the bird," said the wise nT 1 1 1 1. ? 1 nA man. uuiia tny nome in iieuvtn, xxv thou shalt have peace and happiness." -Child's World. for working people. 8end 10 cents post t iire, and we will maUyoa free, a royal, valuable sample box ot goods that jwlll .,t vnn m the wav of matclD? more mon- ey in a low days inanyou cci -r "i. r.t T.nirai nnt. ronutre. You can live at of both sex, of all affes, jji-andly successful. M cto. W $5 easily earned every eyenlns.. want-work may tesvme uiunucan, " . rallied offelr: To all who are not well Mtlslled we will send $1 to pay for the trouDie ot wnung us. Kllrtteulara, dlrei Ions. etc.. sent free. ImmoM JS Ibsolutely sure for all who start , at once. nUont tleiay. Address Stixsos & Co.. Portland, Maine. Nov. si, vi.iy it. fojjidj arc: just Iobclg anb arc selling nicclg. Ia Liliei ail CMfei's Wraps are shown all lie new toittot RUSSIAN NEW MARKETS, CLOAKS, HAVELOCKS, &c. VERY NICE AND 'NEAT ARE THESE BOODS. Jerseys!!! Oaugburv, N. U. APRIZE 1 Send six cents for Dostaee. and receive tree, a costly box of goods .vbi.'h win hpin vou to more mon- N ay than anvthlns elsetn this world. All ' No Great Hush for Office. IFftai Cleveland's Private Secretary Says About it, - - Springfield Republican. 1 rffix' sud 'wm arsv hour. The broad meet the difficulty fullv, and at the lv uTi-J Y' ur "i'iis oeiore rue. worsersi auauiuw . . ts . -. , , , 'rOT-Al0'nee address :: co.. Aucusta. Maine, same tunes save to the railroads what- sary-to their preservation and legiti mate profit? f - ! PUBIilO ROADS. We hajre made little or no progress in our public roads for J nearly one hundred. years",, and the subject iu its importance is second Ho none iu the have talents, industry will Slate. Qur ' system is jbld and sadly UeiecilYCUllU lliiuugii iiu tucav ;caia ia ve been ino'stau iy.neglectdi 1 here must be ameud incut.. The iieople will NOTICE. rfi i.1? wlu be maae to the present Gene- !; ! ntort1?01 Itebury, N.C. By direc k - vut waru oi .oiumisMoners VWYe them: f m..dprntP nldlSffoa Miairv will mum u l,r . r . - . . . . t ' . in i Ti J:.:-. cth isssJ.t ouiuussloners. JOUX RAMSAY. Mayor.- . 6t Idleness not Happiness. The most common error of men and women is that of looking for happiness somewhere outside of usual work. It has never ii .... i ' i. i. ' - ti J vof. Wn found when thus sought, and --! e . r5 ,or omce .am . . While the worid stands . un at A,oany yesieraay. d th 9o6ner this trath U learned the noil Wt it. is denied to well iing is ever to be directed attained demand it." Com muii!cat ions; have been received from some of the wisest J.anr rn if von rionht thp. agreejbly disappointed. We have ffince around-among your every reason to be proud of the befj.- naintances, and select ha vior of t he Democrats. A fter be- appear to have the most en- ing out of power for twenty -four years joyment in lifeT Arerthey the idlers and some pressure for office was naturally pleasure-seekers, or the earnest workers? looked for, but it has not come so far. w Irnow what your answer will be. Iii all the correspondence that reach-1 Of all the human beings it has been our es the Goveruorr-and there is a preat I f4n or misfortune to lmow, they deal of it there are but few refer- were the most wretched who had retir niiees trvffioe.'rA. lartre nmmritv of A from tiseful employment to enjoy tlie letters seem to be prompt- themselves, while the slave at his en ed by pure disinterested patriotic forced work, or the hungry toiler for friendship. Those who write them j bread, were supremely happy in cora scem to think it is enough that the parison. f Jerseys! Jerseys j CARPETS. d more than nny four store com Wned i ;n ii rmlrs kinds and prices, an nn iiac uicui ., f- ' .. .. , . l. ever before had at one time in our town. They are very attractive and cheap. HARDWARE. Ruq5,Jats, andji Cloths, Wn i.u mm. ym WHEN YOU WANT HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES Call on the undersigned at NCC 2, Granite Row. D. A. AT WELL. Aeat for the "CrdwenThrhr." Salisbury, N. C, June 8th tf. REAL ESTATE nureuaoce of an order of th Super Court of LKnntythe undenaned, aoner. will at public sale, at the coart-Uoubi w i Sails. oVMondaytheSddayof Febrwrr. 1865, a tot i.nrt containing IX acres. m? rousrhs lot, situated ou the w estem . c. SSSrt xreek station, In Rowan counMr. T.mw rah . J Bw Railroad. Terms cash. lKe. 13, issi- it ORAn. Commlsaloaer OT.TJTS' BURNISHING GOODS, oevr. o neat,V) wcll llTllde and strong. CLOTH IN (J, CLOTHING! IK AtL THE NEW 6uTi AND STYLES OCT THIS SEASON. ' j" and we have the largest and uest ao, prices to be found in our city. - tU-the town besides. Also, wc arc .argc . .. rhor TOU sell. Think of it, garifheTpsyoutosenweii.wncnyuuu.-j J. D. G A SKIT- T men, youthsnd boys ; : w lrti more Cotton fhan kinds of Country Produce, - to sell well when you uuy wc.t j ilt S i y.n - IS 2. ' Ur-f 4' -.1- It ':! 1"7."V i - 'yyi il'i ,- ,v,f ,J r