"I t " ! - Q j MINING DEPARTMENT. F?rTS' ruteS OI I lows id i HPyT . mo' 2150 Kates ie Carolina e Ill cu LiL,intor jaform.tloa oa mattm- ' ii the jWy"', of New OrlennR, f ! f, Irw towj.suian, ThosrK. Bra- . . . .w sceP. iUBtiowiis " r - . .... -. maiio oneof the vice rrew- ted States KeiH Miave frit-", ; I As Overcoat. There is nn Sheriffs omce, lelt by iiit.ui-.-lt has been there '"The owner is mvit- property aiid take it away. regard to ouf Postuias- . ttjiuiug in - ;rr L-ith1 the view otaWestalliug gjafter tlie 4tljoi Ach, is not ' Ji tUllCU IU !',J':;,lb" J , u IpVe aj.pt ehend that the incoming .1 ;l i I. I.. i.-. liiiiL'ki tllit l.iuleUiUt-u. luuui icao mi." ' ""J , : r It' Jibjilfasf tu uie puuwc. j..L,v LhTTKits itiuaiuiiig in the Post j 'i,.-ii,biii v. N. C lor I the week ..ii JalJuaiy -u ldd5": 1 - . Jll ' ' ' " , kV-iiwIPf lla!r' J"1." ftm ----- ., . , . ; I aty llu4i KU., il.OS i binvatt, W M aii, JolfolAJlHer, Ju- hum:, -vo. ' i - .1-; . .' . .. . i . Hie uuoe iMeMty advertised wheu. trcicri re called lor. I I. .11. liA.UJAl t , - 0 iv- , . I- i , litric. Mr. Clias. lieaveiVW-luis cm twuity, :-V. moved to Texas live oj six years .li-PrL. lr of his family, a sou 14 rarioldnt .il.c tioie, did not waut to go, ini'iieDtaily resolved that Jhe would Wfiadi. Itesas did not prove to the Ulilih Idoraido jtlit-y: expected, yi'liioai that hard Work for a living I;, villi (iirolina reouiiWd harder work 1.1.11(1 as thev had no farm ol liirif yhjl iwcm moving nliost every T!ttWo, Adoli)hus7e.solved that Wftfflldwuie bayk to North Carolina, Mi i.at on foot. He tfatelled 100 u8 in tins way, and managed to come train's.',-Stopped a yeai? or two iitwrgi4hut finally reaefied North Car- d'uia ai ef days ago in good health and aving jerfoiaued the trip from Gturgi;. ndirely oti loot. He has got i&glUfjTexat and thinks he will speud lififfi inliisiintive State. T. JC. BECXKS.1 I At the Punn MoanUun mine they Iiave eight men eiiiployed in making pre paraiious scale. IU IL'SUIIIB - V work on a , larie M. L. Holme, ' Eq., has received a cablegram from :one of the directors of the Gold Hill MiuingJCompany in Loudon saying that tiiey will resume work apain slioi tly, arid to keep the nnuins i unniiiir so as to keep the water onl down to the 750 foot level. j . Capt. Sam! jBlisli, of New Jersey is here representing Rtproc8sby which 80 to DO per cent, of th gold in ore is ob tained atja cost of joot over 30ct8. per toir after t jie ore is pul verizetl. 4: . i , ; f 'M . ' ' ' Capt. J.D, Ste wait has about comple ted his contract iir isinkiusr the shaft at the Keimef, which nuder the circuin&tan- ces nas ueen a very a. meal t and labo- rious task, and noticing but his deter mined push" and energy could , have completed it so soon! ! To the Editor of theVatchtuen : '. r .... - In your paper of the loth iusr., the ques tion is asked, "whatHire the ameudineiits proposed to the Charter of the town of Salisbury!" f I he following hare wen proposed, but have not been subiiiiited to the Board of Coinmissiouern on account of the contin ued illness of their uHorney: Isf Aujhorizingthe Mayor to desig nate one of the Coihmissiouers to act as Mayor pro tern, dm iiig tlie Major' ab- s nce oi inability to jitteud to the duties of the office. ' 2nd. That the Mhyor's precepts with the official seal of his office attached may be executed anywhere iu the couuty of Kowan. HA. That tlie Mayor shall have final jurisdiction of the offence of carn-ying concealed, weapons. J 4th. That the Town may. have author ity to levy and collect a tax from butchers. 5th. That SectioniXVI of the amend ment to the CfiVter Of Salisbury, ratified the 27th jof Februaiy, 1877, be repealed, and that all'provisipns of tlie Charter ie pealed by that section be re-enacted. 6ih. That the Chiltf of Poliee, r any of his assistants' have authority to execute a precept bfthe 'Mayor under his; official seal anywhere iu the county of Rowan. 7th. Tliat the police force of the town shall be elected or appointed in such man ner, jindj monthly or annually, as the Board of Commissioners shall direct. J. A. R. the .second floor of the White Tower. I DfNAMtTB isr tbDOif.--TlieJ excite All ianthorities agree that dynamite was went in England growing out of, the dy- used. The floors were thoroughly wreck ed, and 'the explosion damaged i many hundred stands of arms. 't. The explosion took' place exactly at 2 o'clock . in the afternoon. ' Lord Chelmsford and Gen eral I Milman are ndw engaged in the work of inspecting the structure. Some reports place the number injured by the lower explosion at omy iour. sso ar rests have yet been made in connection with the Tower explosion. 7 The police of the metropolis have been ordered to be doubly yigilmt. , t J f ' Washlngrton Letter. , r From our Regular Correspondent. UTonnrnivr Tn OJ ICQ". - 1 Tlie revivalist Moody; the journalist, Geo. j Augustus Sala; the divine,' Rev. Mrs.!01ympia Brown, arid the sterling old war mares of woman's rights, Susan B. Ahthonyr and Cady B. Stanton, have been! in Washington during the week and yet people say there is nothing go ing on. Attempt toj Blow up the House of Parliament and the Tower. -o- Pfauotiirn tx M a r k et.V-E f a n s B rs larg ?rtnloce CoihiuissioiiIefchauts, 5G Xortk'Witer street, Piiiladelphia, report efolloiag clty nun kets : I JSggs, 'ir (Mii uhL Southern, 2700. Live p ml trlil cts. per pound; dressed 11(12; tnrfctjr'i 314, according . toj -quality; ifck4l2 ; geese J 0 11. Live cattle 4i4llgR, jive 5Jo. Potatoes: Eilrly Icfcocei er bush., 5335; Burbauks, te:Sj0Q'; - Peerless, 4543 ; Pearl uaaitttlL 43(48. Cheese: Nj Y. Factu ij,tltdc'e I2il;j; fair to goodwill to 12; rnuvl.vania full cream, ; part jfelioy G1- full skima, ;ii4. Aple:, evaporated, in ftW sliced N. Carolina, fancy 4 Mjfiwkl slifced3;; blackberries 8J9; wne fitted, piime fdry t2il3 ; ?cjiared, evaporated 17022; N. C. Ii f'uipared haltcsew, 77ij VMi 55i;Je va pora ted lOISf pears, laai, ll-haspberi ies, 2424J per Nlr-Featliers, choice geese 5557. drj.TbtoU. Honey in comb, 14 beeswax 21)31. If UrMMuits: Ijiilii Thft liiAt'eliaiita nf "tin. f 5" J of Kichniond are subjected to loop iioaipaj isuns w i th vjheir more :HfH'aliBaltiiU'ore, iu th matter of pkinyiHerehandise for shipment to the j" A lot of potatoes 'received by feutowintTcliauts Tuesday moruing, fii rusty, dirty barrels with rag M?!'Vty cloths tied over the top SfJK ug duly, headed up in the m 2t ws the occasion for words of fli against, the business inethods in WSootherii cities. We men tion the iu the benefit of tlie suggestion it ?P"n. Neat Ursa itml cVnliCifrtr in i.L- :' r - r1 - j sis 4i TS'ou8 u,r the -uoservcdi.1 .Southern Via country should uot be London Excited Over one of the Boldest v I Plots on Record. -London, Jan. -24. 2 p. m An al arming explosion has just occurred in the Housesof Parliament. .2:10 p. m. The House of Parlia ment and the government offices were severely ; shaken and considerable dam age done. It" is impossible" at this mo ment to vEell the extent of the calamity. -The report of the explosion was heard in Downing street.1 Greait excitement prevails and enormous crbwds are as sembling, at the scene of tJe explosion 2:30 p. m. Thd origin of the explo sion is wrapped m profound mystery, but it isr believed Ito have-been caused by dynamite. 3 p. m The explosion occurred close to the House of Lords, near Westmin ster hall. It is reported that the explo sive was placed in the crypt under the buildings One policeman was hurt. The force of the shock was tremendous, and was felt at a great distance. The amount of damage done was very great. Rumors re current at this hour that anothere xplosion occurred at 2 o'clock this afternoon at! London tower. The excitement ! increases withevery mo ment, and the ciy is filled with flying rumors.! There Were two explosions, in stead of one as at first supposed, at the Parliament house. The second came aboiit three minutes after the first. One was near the House of Commons, the other at Westminster hall. One man has beeh arrested near the scene of the explosion. A detective force is hard at work how seeking Further developments which are anxiously awaitad. particular ly by the people j ih: the .neighborhood ot Westminster hall. 4 p. m. The rumors regarding the explosion at London tower are confirm ed. The outrage was the most success ful which has vet been made upon any Of the public- buildings since the inaug uration of the present era of dynamite warfare. The tamous om ouilding was crowded with visitors at -the time of the explo3ibn.CThe jwildest rumprs are in circulation as to ithe number of persons l v : - 1 4 . 1 I"' 11 who have oeen mi urea Dy me crime These rumors are, now oeing earned through the cityi and constantly exag- j gerated, by Tisitbrs who were present at tine iime,--anu wuo uave uurtieu away m Att a session of the woman's rights conviention-last, evening Rev. Olympia Brown chose for her text the words AU are created free and. equal. " I hope Bible readers will be able to find the text: I will not give the verse- or chapter, but suggest that the reader commence at the first chapter of Gene sis and read until he find it. The Rev, Oly mpia said : The aristocracy in power is that of the mustache, whose insignia is the spittoon, whose home is the smok ing ckir, whose outward sign is the curl ing tjobacco smoke, and which is depen dent upon an accident of the body' It is suih silly talk as this that makes the advocates of woman s rights traduced among thoughtful people, and if women ever attains the elective franchise it will be ini spite of the prime facie argument of unfitness that every woman's rights convention presents. Ini a letter on the same subject wnt- . "i -r n f . . ten tnree years ago l reterred in com plimentary terms to Miss Anthony, and Mrs.! Stanton as the "old war mares" of the cause. By an accident my letter was sent to the onran of woman's ricrhts in Washington Territory. By an'acci dentjit e3caped the eagle eye of the Ed itress, and her paper wa3 mailed to sev eral hundred subscribers before the aw ful ih3ult which my letter contained was observed. The Editress heard from her subscribers, and I heard from the Edi tress. As an argumentum ad mulierem, ranklated, "a clincher" she asked me howi I would like to have my mother called an'"old war mare." I did not re ply! I sometimes know when to stop. Hut! what made them so mad I had frequently referred to Thurman, Ed munds, and other able men as the "old war horses" of their respective parties. The language belongs to the patois of journalism, and is understood to be com- 1" T Til 11 1 ll 1 plimentary. ii i naa canea tnese ais- tinguished women "war horses the me taphor would have been false in respect mi to sex. mere is no opprobrium in i In the name oi sax, of femininity in its broadest and widest range, I pro- testagainst the invidious protests of the Editress and the enfrachised women of Washington territory, and when they object 'to the words "war mare," I arise to defend them against themselves. Mr. naniite explosions of last Saturday does not abate, but rather increases, as will be seen by the following: . -; ' ' London, Jan. 27,-In some ' respect', tlie panic prodnced by Saturday events lias really increased. Fears were enter tained yesterday that the ilytiamiterY were' to make an nttempt npou the u:t' tional arsenals and naval : stations, and they ' were placed under special watch. At Chatham t dock yards tlie jiolice were kept afloat during the entire night. .The entrance to the palace yard Tkis been closetl, and all the' public doors to the 'Parliament building have been 'locked and barred, and a barricade has been thrown across the hall at the top of the staircase. - !r ,: , ,- .The injured are all reported to be iiu proving. . 1 j 1 , A man named Cunningham, under ar rest on charges of being concerned in the explosioiis, has made alledged disclosures in consequence of which all traijiis leav ing London, for seaport towns are accom panied by detectives. Not the slightest trace of any mechanical apparatus or of a fuse have lieeii found iu the tower or iu the Pailiauient buildiugH. This fact strengthens the opiniou that no infernal machine was used to effect the explo sions, but that the agency employed was dyuamite iu some simple form, packages cpntaiuiiig five or six pounds of the ex plosive bt-iug deposited in the tower and I'arliameut buildings. ' ' Iu Locke township. tlAslconntr. Jsinnl- ary 4th, 1885,. ilis Margafret A. Meotus, daughter of Jacob Men i us, jted 27 years. In'the Senate wr yesterday Col. Means offered a bUl amendatory; f ,fhe consti tution in several respects. One of the proposed changes is. to give more conse qneuce to theomce of 4 tlie commissioner of agriculture, raising it to the dignity of a State office and making-' the -coin mis Today the convention of lawyers will sioncr elective Joy the iieople of the 8tAte. assemble at 12 o'clock iu the court house Another provides inlmtautially tlut luemr 10 consider what recommendations the bar bers of : tlw; legislature dial I not tie capa- shall make to . the legislature teaching oie or-noitiing uie nrst term of any office cnanges in the judicial system. We trust created bytheuij and a third alters the! there will be many present, and that tlie beginning of the fJoveruor's term of office I result of their, deliberations may be wise from January 1st to a later date, thus I and will teud to abvauco tlie reforms allowing' the legislature ample opporto- which all agree are greatly needed. nlty to cauvass the retnrjis and ascertain I itr and Observer. who is electeil andaetajiiing the outgoing Governor for two or three weeks for pur- poses oi cojisuuniiou wuu me general assembly. These pi opositious are all wrirthy 'of mature consideration', and we will discuss them more fully hereafter Against Bad L'terature. Taking Care of the Cody. Tlie Christian Iudex, the leadin? of the Baptist Church in the South published iu Atlanta, Ga., in iu iasue of iMrCf 4, has the following editorial: . l oo many people seem to think that a rel iir ions ne whom iter klionld iMmnflnui ll k ii- f l r n tLf i mi m !... "t --.vw w Accoruing co.iroors juanualv tour tne discussion of moral land reliioQ thousand millions of fietitiona vt-ruA objecU only, forgettiot' that religiou has i ll - iljt vL' k t"1 ' I - uio uuuica niiu sou IK of jrpicuii xix me hwcks ana men. "Prove all thing, ;ho!d fast that uuiiius oj. uux ruilxTKHxs. iniS IS the I - " uun yj uo wuu uie statement made by Mr. Van Wvck in the United btates Senate tn the debajte mony that in all question discussed iu of the interstate'eommerce bill. 1 the Iudex, tlie practical has been duly set . . . . .. . . iionn. iu uns naracrapiii inerefore. w nmnanr AW-Kmw Inor . h nJnn tnnA. I . a I . . wiuvu v aiwut A l iiuiiT bCUUCl- vVIIIUICUUSllUU. Alter Buoieciiuir It Ul till) ed .Mr. Fred Grant a .captaincy ,in the above test we have tried 8wift' Specific uruiy, wmcn was respectiuiiy declined r,uu I"u,,w s" s""" iwi pun Tli Roloi'M, ni-Lun ot 1 because the vonne- man didn't wan't in fier S M health tonic. In this opin AUC w.k-.c, uax. r,, , ,..',, i7 rxt i ion we are sustained by some of the best says: "Ihe biil that passed the benate r "a" "1S Iainr men in the churcli. Ilev" Jesse H Campbell yesterday makmgthe traffic in indecent, Pt on the retired list, and because he the Nestor of the Baptist! denomination obscene literature a misdemeanor will b in aeoi mat going dock 1u Georgia, says: "It is iuy deliberate hardly meet any oppositionih the House ouW prevent him from working out. judgment ftliat Swift's Specific is the and we may consider iture to become TC,ar' Observer. ; , .graudert , lood imrTfiet ejrerdiscovered. i TfL;M;n i i- TiT x ' Its effecU arc wonderful, and I cousider akw. It is a piecf leaslation that . . . them almost miraculousi There is no will receive the approval of the people. Ihe coldest weather of the season, m medicine comparable to iti" Dr H C Hor- Tx . 1 . tt v i x il, XTi-l -.x . T ort rni 11 . . , . . ? . . x us uurpuse, m umui Xiiiiisn, is io pre- mcnuituwesi, waaxw. ou, xue mer- uauy. one oi me oest Known ministers in vent the sale in the tate of such pub- mometer marked 36 below zero at St. church, says: "Swift's Specific isoueof lications as the Police Gazetty and the Paul, 50 below at Stillwater, Minn., and the best bUotl purifiers in existence." Life of Jesse James. Every such pub- 55 below at Winnipeg- L , These brethren speak fulvisexll,v. But :i : ' it. ,i : - " iew preparaiious can onng lorwaru sucii endorsements. The Index desires only to endorse these statements. We have witnessed the beneficial effects of this medicine, not only in our own households but In several thercasea where seeming ly all other remedies had failed. It is vegetable compound, scientifi lication is a positive evil in the world. j , xux j , x - "rpi T,,c Pittbuigers and others, creditors mi i. ,i o i ir ?, : ,V of the failing firm of Gil ver Bros. & Phil XltCVXXB.0, ItXXCXCXUXC, IU XJLLX . UUDAVK, iui. Buxton and .-all the who favored the bill. other gentlemen lips, wire manufacturers, have met and inspected the . coudition of affairs and will probably by indulgence help them out of I Purely a r ii . Absolutely Purely; - Tlits do .rder never tuIml - a m&mt mmwJ - thn the ordlnsry kli da, and eannot be SofflS-1'' competition wiu Uie mulutuie or , low iet ilertL-.-r weisrai, aium or DbosDUaie nowders.'. tUifn hntAr - "M. KOTAI. BXKINO POWDBK CO..' 1 Will USU WA3UED-OUT HAIR.-TbeVU S dkrt f lt pallid, chalky complexion which the Bof elist call a "washed out complexionrHUr ghastly enough, and no mistake. ,WasJjetL.i out, faded, discolored, or part colored bajr,;'; is almost as rcDulsive and inBnhnlv ' . --- v?v.,s Parkers Hair Balsam will restore year' " ' hair toits original color, whatever it was5;" : ' brown, auborn or black, "WWy wearjnosa on vour lipftd. whpn rni! m. AnL;tw.Kk . lively, shining hair.- SaliSDury Tobacco Harlet f- CORRECTED WEEKLY BY J50. SUEffRD Another Libel Suit. their troubles. It was a failure involving millions ot dollars. Col. A. K. McClure, editor of the Phil- L There was a heavy run made on the adeipnia limes, and his party arrived I savings bank at New Jlavei:, Conn., last at New Orleans Saturday evening. Be- week, and all theresult of idle jokes ITniWl about the bank's conditiou. V WMV Will A VIVUVS V IXV UVVV V A&AWVt. States marshal entered the car and serv- -J fx irJ ir m ' l x eu a writ, upon iur. Jucwure, issuea at, we wallt MO divorces in this State, but, the suit of Maximilian A. Dauphin, who if we have wife beaters, we certainly re- demands the sum of 100,000, with in- quire the protection of the whipping post.r terest and costs, in atonement for alleg ed injury done by the editor of the Times to Maximilian's loiihiana lottery busi ness. - It is a civil action in the United States Circuit Court asrainst Mr., Mc Clure individually, and is substantially the same action brought in Philadelph la JikFajeof .vTiuiTEK.-Ai IL Butt. Chicago hiluWrbMiipaiiy, wcuTr.;SM:. "C,,,,!J ,,e,erc ca,,M tlMJJ ?nHvtl.i.r.. ' :iu Uroj.ped to 43 decrees belowj 0fox . tlie climax if four davs That: night a It'hrVTlr !U,d hunter nam- mv1- "- ,t!t,J"'ng fromihuutiug 4Sl,eU l,-v Ivei withN mere , more huiiii-.v.... i i i i. wcotn.f e S. wmri m ill au tiferJi:f1.lltA,t scarcity of smal "'pt searching l9 fttfctA """"t searciuiijs-:Ior luni wirlU : ,r "miu woives were, ivniir 4is., rifle b;, ills, an rriflydeWUhS ided. Moody had crowded houses to whibh admission was only by ticket, and thousands were unable to hear him. Mr. Mopdy is not profound or brilliant. He is not even grammatical, and he uses slang. I heard him while preaching and surrounded by fifty ministers use the'exprssion "1 cant eatch on; but he is simple, sympathetic, earnest, and therefore eloquent. No one can hear him without being impressed with his absorption in his cause. The secret of his isuccess, I" think, is in the fact that he preaches christianitv without dosrma. and without ism. Purity of life, with beneficent work seems to be his creed, and ho one can tell from his sermons to which sect he belongs There has been little doing in Con gress this week. Ah entire day was devoted to eulogistic oratory the sub jects being a deceased Senator, Anthony of Khojie Island, and a member; of the House, Mr, Evins of South Carolina. Th Indian appropriation bill was pass- ed, and the senate spent some time in ectet session discussing the Nicaraugu- an treaty. It is believed that the treaty will be approved by Congress. The work of preparation for the two great pageants of Feb. 22nd, and March the 4th, goes bravely on. such a pro cession, such fireworks, such an inaug ural ball "as are projected . were never before seen in this country. " Proposals have bsen invited by the Washington Monument commission for the erection of a ?tand on the soutl east terrace of t ie-monument to accommo date 1.540 persons besides the speakers A reviewing stand will also be erected at the east front of the Capitol. Live ry stable men have been invited to send in proposals to furnish 175 carriages to convey members of Congress and dis a!j -il 1 1 .1 i . iinguisnea guests irom tne uapitoi to the monument. These carriages are to be uniform in character, the drivers L ! 1 1 1 , of th0 building known as the white lW uveriea, and upon each carp towen It was fairly filled with visitois I rt proposed to have a staff with a at the ti ne, and imost it not all of thae all directions. Up to four o'clock but vca in bouthern-cities tlian in silfeeu been officially re ri(t!ierii, and caunyt be without itumed as having been injured by the B'ge to the fotnitT. 1 ii. vr t ti. n Aai expiOdlUU. i.uxie yx.wxcoc axe xcpvxca as mortally hurt The; attack was made on that portion cally prepared, and perfectly harmless iu its composition. It renews the blood and builds up broken down! systems gives tone and vigor to the j constitution, Its well as restores the bloom of health to the suffering. Therefore, we do uot deem it iuci sistent with the duties of a religious joumal to say this much in its behalf. I reatise oil Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. ir The Charleston News and Courier says I The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3 At- lauta, Giw j notice- is hereby giveu that application will be made to the uext General Assembly of the State for au amendment to the char ter of the towrn of Salisbury. 6c Jan. 1, 1835. jA. II. Boidkk. Lugs, common to med. Lugs, med. to good, LujiS. good to fine Lugs, fine to fancy. Leaf, common to med. ., Leaf, med. to good, . , Leaf, good to tine, -Wrappers, com. to med. Wrappers, med. to good Wrappers, cood to fine, Wrappers, fine, Wra ntura fa nnw njnA . i..i o, laiibj liwuu UUCIKI, New tobacco breaks for the past week lave been li-jht. Prices stiff for allirrades:-" Good, rich, waxy fillers, smooth cutters aaL, iug smoKers are in great demand and pnees a shade stifler than the quotation.;; Wrap;s pers ot an classes are high and5 eagerly " sought after. Planters would do fwelL h putting some of their good tobaccos on the market at this time. , -. 1: ,1 V 4.50 to 6.00 6.00 io 50 8.JiO io IftOO - 11.00 toia.(a;. , 5.00rtqv 6.25 . t. 6.25 loj .8.50 . o.iw LU Xll.W 15 00f tr i.50 46.50 ;to 25.00 25.00 to 40.00 40.00 it ssroo. "ClevelandV AiointinentP," we cou- fess, is getting to be funky he has made none, and no one knows what he is going to do. He has baffled about ten. millions of conject tilers and qnerrists. SCROFULA CURED. Atlanta, Ga August, 1883 My six year old sou has had a terrible OUR LITTL GIRL looks careworn and a?ainst the Times Publishing Companv !!. Worms are .destroying her. When I ..-A .1 ... .1. ....in .1....' ...1 . . O I TI . . if . I. I. C. . vpar no-n Thftt wa. rlkm ksni W K O 1 - " I siOUglling ocroiuious uiecr oi uie htc lor year ago. inai was aismissed by buv - w,,- of ghriner Indian VermifuaeJ . .t.n.iM.i Win. i.iin.in .i t . . . I J " n I hill W3 V S HW mrmmmm w-wt . - of hair, ereat emaciation, and prostration. Physicians! and various blood a Judges McKennan and Butler because there could be no actionable injury to a lawless business. Murder Statistics. Oil. From Nature's Wells. The skim oi the head is kept soft and flexible by a secretion from the oil ulands. When these are clogged t he hair dries and falls off. Par ker's Hair Balswin renews their action, re stores the original color to the Hair and Statistics show that Ohio heads the makes it soft and trlosnv. It also eradicates murder list for 1884 withl89: Texas is dandruff. lot greasy, not a dye. de iciously IS i 'Poa wo moiT perfumed. Delightful lor a lady s toilet. Zrrr f ill ' The 1c8t -of dregsi Preferable account for, but Ohio is one of unac- to all similar articles because of its superior wuuiamea uuy way unu in everyuuug, cleanliness ahd purity. i fi i i V. " i AUK 1 OU J IIIEP OF Il-KIMIf oick: e maKes me oesi snowing m proportion w t ft!iv ., 1M ,. .. . nnfi population, having only 03 murders last girjH WIW work in 8tore, offices and fac year, notwithstanding the fact that she toiies. There are huudieils of thousands makes more whiskey than any State m of you in the country. Very lew of you the Union. This seeming inconsistency well. You are shut up tiMi much and ex ls explained away by the logical conclu- erclsc tiw little. In this way you get sick. sion that, knowing all about how whis- X, ' .. C L Ur ir, Ua- 1 1 1 " tf . .... IVCJ w xuouc, xicx pcupie UlUW UCllCX remedies were resorted fo without j benefit. I he New Atlanta Medical College treated him for three months, but his condition ir n w trnnv. I was urged to try tne emcacy oi u.u.u and to the astonishment of myself, friend and ncijrhlors, one single bottle effected a entire cure. Ulcers of. the neck entirely healed: evesiirht restored, and the hair conunenceil i;rowing on his head agum I live at 345 Jones Street, ani my boy is there to be seen. i Frank Joseph than to. drink itJ work. Your liver, stomach and kidneys are out of order. Parker a Tonic, has cured hundreds of such cases. It' is pure, sure and pleasant. A. C. HAKRIS. STILLBOOMING! The Outrages Denounced-by Irish men. London, Jan. 2(5. At a meeting of Inshmen held at Clerkwell yestesday the outrages, were denounced as cruel 11 m 4 m v cowardly and mmrious to Inshmen who Havinjurcliased R. E. Ri id's interest will lose their employments, England in the firni of Harris & Rcid, I will contin- in consquence thereof, and the hope was ue business at my old htand on Main street, expressed that the offenders would be Thanking my friends and the public lor speedily brought to justice. their liberal patronage heretofore g,ven At the towerj between bn and two thousand rifles are believed to have been destroyed. The man arrested 'in con nection with the explosion at the tower is twenty five years of age and describ- and everything usually kept in my line 1 1! i .1 I ,.,. , I . 1 I I ea as very simnnr in appearance to the convict vvnitenead, rle displayed much sullenness. SALE OFT LAND! By virtue of a decree of the Superior Co irt of Rowan-county, an the case ot J. J? Rolnnson, Adm r of Jf IN. Dobbin et ai., l will sell to tlfe highest bidder ut public auction, on the premises, on Friday tlie 13th Pay of February, 1885 a tract of land adjoining the lands ot Mary Ann Dobbin. H. E. Nail, Grissey Graham, nrl others, containing 46 acres. Biddings to otien at 521. IP. Tkrms One-third cash,; one third in six months, and one-third in twelve months with iuterest on the : deterred payments Iroui day oi sale at the rate of eight per cent, per annum. J. Jr. UUmSUJ, Atfju r. Jan. 15, 1885. 4w I TWO DANGEROUS SEASONS. : Spring and fall are limes when so many-' people get siek. The changc.;iu the r' weather arc severe on feeble persons, and. even those naturally strong are apt, astliey say, uto be feeling miserable."- llictt they are just m condition to be struck down with some kind of fever. A ..bottle or two;. of Parker's Tonic will invigorate the diges- . . .1 i; 1-1 - r a.jt I 1 j lion, put me liver, k itinera nno uiooa in, perfect order, and prevent more scrfo'us attacks. Why suffer, . and perhaps die. when so simple a medicine will cure you f Good .for both sexes and all ages. lA - SALISBURY MARKET Corrected weekly by"j. M. Knox t Co. Salisijuj:y, Jan. 29, 18857 Bacon Butter Chickens Eggs v Cotton Corn Flour F.iathers Fodder Hav Meal Oats Wheat Wool t ! A 10 15-20 10 to 15 ; 2o vi io io 'V-.; 5$ 1.7521 m 50 CO-05 ; 40 (1LU5S ; as-40 .75 80 io-50 Go 4o ENJflSS and buy Kerosene and: Madhinc oils. Obtained, and nil PATES1 BUSISK&S attended to for MODERATE t.- 4u . Our office is opporite the U. 8. Pateat Offle, and we can obtain Patents in less Urae than those re mote from Washington. Send MfM mr Drkwin. We advise as to patentability free of charge; and we make o Clvirg patrut is ttevrtd. r We refer, here, to tlie Postmaster, the SS.pt. f Monev Order Dir., and to ofhclals of the US. Pat tent Office, For circular, advleer terms atKFrefef ences tx actual clients in your own State or county, write to C. A, SNOW- A CO. Opposite Patent Office, IVaslxlngton, p. C. Nov. 87. "S4. 4m , - shall endeavor to ensure their continued fa vor bv keeping for the trade a complete and full stock of Fresh, First class GROCERIES, CONFECTIONS, Fine Cigara and Tobacco; Call aud see me. Jan. 21, 1885 3m Respectlnllv, A. C. HARRIS. Mark Twain's BiclKentcckian. Jo!oneI Samuel H. Stone, of Richmond, is the gentieman referred to by Mark Twain m his ktA Tramp Abroad as the Big Kebtuckian,'" who had inn um era-1 ble sword duels while a student at a Ger- man university Colonel btone made a tour of the German universities for the purpose of fighting their crack duellists, LAND AUD MILL PROPERTY FOR SALS! Price low and terms I easy. For further particulars, address or call on P. N. IIEILIG, 14:3m Salisbury, N. C. Dissolution Notice I Notice to Creditors? All persons having claims against the a. - 4 i estate of Lawrence j L.ingie, uec u, aie hereby notified to present tlie saute to the undersigned oil or before the lotn u.iy oi January, 1886, or this notice will be pleaded in bar ot .their recovery. - iaiiv w ivmi v l.' -' Jan. 9, 1885. tiw ; STATE OF NOHTH CAROLINA, Bowan County. In TnE Scpehiob Coijbt, Jak't 10, 1885. Samuel B. Hint, Admfr of John 31. Urown, Sr., Petitioner, J AgaiiuA Gt-orge A. Brown, John M. Brown. Jr., Jo aenh F. Brown. James L. Brown. Wm. L. 2Sfnof Rl ges8,21C,fK)0 I'tlnS moriev. --ir5w,n' . ar could have lot, of a for who are known to. have been hurt were moving about the tower at the time of the explosion. I A clue to the perpetrators of the out-j rage is thought to have been discovered. Just before thej explosion occurred a man and womai, the latter carrying a hand bag engaged acab outside the par liamentary1 yard land drove rapidly away giving no directions as to theirxdestina tion. I ! i .' ',. J;-Aij--'r They had n6t, gone very farirhen the explosion happened. The cabman hear ing this stopped his cahl - The man and woman at once leaped out and hastened quickly from the spot : The "cabman went in pursuit! and. the runaways were soon overtaken and arrested by the po nee. t ' - - - . - ' 7 pt m. The explosion occurred on red white and blue streamer, The pro- position to decorate the carnages with flags or streamers is made for the pur- nose oi relieving wnat would otherwise be the funereal appearanca of the pro cession. w- ' 1 11 . Vi u llu if II 111 n and cleaned up (everything that Came in The copartnership heretofore existing gerr heirs at law ijerendants. - his way. Colouel Stone has forty nine between the undersigned, under the firm ' . j , Droccedjn.r imu"ht bv scars on his face, hands and neck which name of Harris & Reid, was dissolved by administrator for "an'order to sell he received in these -duels. Lexington nmtoal cnsent on this tlur 14th .lay of intestate for assets; and the VKu.Prn: I January,! -Thi indebted to the firn .-- t- . l ,irA lwrhv not itieU to make immediate uav- I r . . . txt-. a x.- i.;.. : . 4iwi i Kerr ami ner uusoano m. o. n, KtZJ TThaort-'popaUr Week ly 1f Walar Weekly to acieitee, mecnAtuoa, von - - umUmw rill Bnmoar umnruea wiui spienaia "IwT,J'.f 5 pabliestion, farnisbM mort TiluabU DcyoiopOlr . information which BO person should ta withoafc. . T D popularity of tb Sozrano Amraioxw te aMkhs iu eiremlatioa Brly oqnala that ef all 4b VV f ClolM. Sold by all aowodoaWrs. MuSX CO Pb liahors. No. 361 Broadway. . Y. j . . 1 'nr. th T.I Ofiet. I and praparad mora thaa On Nun rata In th IJaiwd u.22 JSST 'eoontri. Carata. Trad-Mar Copr rivhta. iMlnataU, and all otbor papera rfor aacorinc to i n ren lorat hair MWMUi . VnlUA BUUa, v Canada 25SS2r Gormaay and other foreica eoantriaa. praparoa M anor "!T'ri Z.WrrBlVr IDIormsvMm mm w jk- - - .-7", , - Uom aani PaUata Maia4 tbroafra Mw m uo. ara bovic m t . . . j . . t. Tho ad ran tax of aoeB aouoo la wan wuihii " Kl Broadway, xw s ors. mcnt. w V ' . a L a r resident Arther i mamng prepara tions to return to the practice of law iu X. York, wheu his; term shall have expired. His distinguished qualifications as a law yer are said to be for cases - involving ri parian tights. Jan'y 22, 188?. 2w, A.C. HARRIS, R. E. REID. TAPE VflRfl The United States Supreme Court has recently decided that' Ma lunatic or per- yu iuxeuteu wuu msauity, is admissible as a witness if he has sufficient under standing to apprehend the obligation of an oath, and is capable of giving a cor rect account of the matters which he has seen or heard with reference to the auestion at issue; and whether he has that understanding is a question jto be determined by ( the Court, upon exam ination of the 'party himself and any Competent witness who can epeak as to 'sufficient; t afford relief and meet the the nature and extent of his r insanity, horrent expeisesJ! A m mbm iturtf aflaa- m n CI 1 jatl t I mf 1 att a"f f . ly discovered from a root extract, sn or judgment will be taken ?roeonfcBO as to iy. - ..r..-rr-vv. , . ythm-nl this notice will lie published-in nvi " -. . "i a u . nrmi Lnc m.m.w j iti vmcuki w.w. n..;nlrirrignt anfl non-resi dents r . tJ .nui mr .rtwrL ni either aex. of ail a !""! a" X "i: 'r ba tc..nu orWraUmnonly.to wort tor i..a .1 .th .nn rmiueuu tit .- gam w ... " . Wm. L. Brown, Margaret S.,Kerr and Wm. 8. Kerr are hereby notified 4nd summoned to appear before this Court and answer or demur to the petition on file in this case, An nrJefore the 14th day of March, 1885, The New Orleans Exposition is likely to exerieuce a larger patronage from this time forward. Tlie impression is very general that the opening wp premature, and many who intend to viaitit have de layed the trip ou that account. The num ber and expense of buildings have large exceeded the calculations, and this neo eisarily prodnced financial embarrass ment, the limited gate fees not being late tpeeijieior iape norm. f-; It is pleasant to take and is not distress ing to the patient, but is peculiarly sicken ing an'd stupefying to the Tape Worm, which loosens its hold of its victim and passes away in a natural and easy manner, entirely whole with Head, and while still alive. -.. ? One physician has- used this specific in over 400 cases, without a single failure to void worm entire. 8uces guaranteed. No pay required - until removed with head. Send stamp for circular and terms. . mnrwooD a co., i 19 Park Place, New York. II May 30, mil ly j H them : and this notice will oe uu the Carolina Watchman" newspaper six weeks from tins oaie. i ins jau- successive uary 10th, 1885. 13:6wj J. M. HORAH, C. S. C. of Rowan Count) . BAY ! HAY ! HAY! pretuU pit arof. Sebd ua 5 cents postage. mall yea will get A Pclt age ot good ot Urge value. a . . . . a ail aa w naa on - . ....... ..4. Inf aI I n lmATi y iiuin luonry laswr iiu .iu w tUielruwn hoinw. rortuaes.wr anj rrr tely atoor ed. Iwntaelay. OUUm Co ovf ti, 'M -ly fjjW"1 Mal i 500 Tons of No. 1 ! Valley of Virginia Timothy Hay for sale by j If . U. OVOlibl BVJrM 43jni. SUunton, Va. "I Don't Feei. Like Woni..w-It makes no .lifference what business you are engag ed in : whether you are n preacher, a. me chanic, a lawyer or a common laborer, jou can't do vour work well while yon-are bal iek. Thousnls trr to, but all fn vaiiu. How mucii in-tter to keep vour organs in good order by taking Parker's Tome when yVu feel "a little out of aortS.", It woul.t L money iu your pocket. ? J'f -md. rejoicing-health U wyrthAslf dor-., an hours full ot languor and pain. Whether iidjng.uViving of walking, al ways turn to the right on iiieetinganoth Liniheway. .-f ul j; I'.!: . S s .

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