.... . i ; . i y : :. - . - ; . - - . . - , ' ( . . , .. tm,m: .trirtj-.,-.. ntr'- tmmm-MMMmriMiM -m f j-' .-. - - ' !-- " 1 " ' " V - J . .-- - -.y . . .. : ' ' " - - ' '' 1 t-aas J-. .... - -, I: 5 Ashes as a Fertiliser; prevent absolutely, citiiens or sJtal ;Make the best puir nations, so long as tuey au-iyouni w u viu,M not fVar death i it is 4 C C. WVisi6n34J xei uo :h a.nj, &.31 - --, -r i .ji -' " ' - .Tii u . - ' -y A .Hv'.P.. l-Aa.--.. niinn..n k Sl M???S-P"" WiiVU-the KI P other poweri, adequi, ng the only a.kiss, if jou love God m X k CONDI tf;GiMAT.:llth,1l8ai pealtiinewer- .Ulrl!! v?uaWc as a S1 ownership Ameriean jloif Avithin T ' j : .J; ';CCHEDUlEi ' 'rca&t&aS- ,sp,pais, New9 tt"d wier, ofarleston, 3- but some dunjination must be used the jarisaictionr the United Statesr New? CmmcH ataVidson - Tra!k J-- .'M t ' i;aifi iAtu CI iui Q , all of i which' is equally, applicable it Jheir applicalioii My -experience We maintain u that ? American ioil CoLtEQB.:fThe Presbyterians pf Ja- . JaD6tQ im i. if'V?0 !llouneiast 8aJShcdii:inAmen should be owned Exclusively 4 by vtdso'n College have just completed 4 j v-t ij ; " ' ' J, Vft i" ' .ThQi.WpujataUj frff-hness and. , . fa i'.frint'-of Wlori w ;!. fheniis thattliey American citizens; Perhaps oWectiou the ejrectiou of a new church edibce, Le. charlotte ffit ro hf? U ffiffikm&t WM ra,i llcar wbWed Mmade to the billon the ground andiU have it ready fbrife with- 1 - Benewcr," r the advocates of a repeal or the Lm should, be applied anu weij iorwcu t,jt: Sfa t tendenwiM. -'wilt-' I'm Vt-clrive s ' ftw davs The buildin is said p . Pom SaSSOK . W'r'dr tiaJlna SL. jSSKSv - !'S li i-Mibi Joototo ntiduq , teir Bmblig lj(ri,Xiel:tb.HXS:J, " ere are not quite sire thatWSjr theiumuf 87,000: Itisbwltof bnck AHilUor... S - 5SW" 'V t? s.SS Jl tM4lixfiBiM!-"raria' Wottoiw'aMeiiiitt.iani atiitn with itatoes.;. I planted two rows periuanenClwrD.woiiia resiiItxtl.ere- 'ItM.ttMaUeapraV.icoatiaMi!-. rH'lKSt B'VlltB ! -. l.i-',iLkli-,J,Ljii.i..J;.,j.... J. ...I, limp.iaiiil anoUier i f-' churches.- All that remain. 0 ;ue Arr.OolJiboro C.47 ' 7.27 9.45 - 11.49 l ; -'P.m 1.4a 3.00 .' 5.15 :l-sf urn Ui'; 1- a fK!i SThTESSKA .k5S I I ?Mrsyi'!'fi!ffiMS W,J : ,i V, W6rk WIUVWI-V, done now is to P ace.e.,;ew8 m ,ne ir;'1 LlJt WllHWl- ;mir:moW,JaC:,:tom. ,H....15'W . fished jkjlst. btationSi -r i fWEb n I jTk'. i... I . 1 . o '.SnfMifl; o- hcavi v into lil.e: .rows, where , the asUe (-.were..ai I iauor. noonquers all -Ah 4BuiiuuieJi asserted, j,Ued-were scabby, ; more so than I tS Vate do has.to 2iLA nice and clear, jln previous ina However difficult it .liniirh and liouidate a debtof.300 truth that which, now' haugs over the church. ings. -. .every- This new cliurcii i nas a cougn-gauuu No.l6--D4ily excsdl Arrive at Raleigl, nSt Arrive at uoidsboro 5X0 2 11 pen t'i perfection 1 fluential church. Char. Obs. may appear, lipw j , East have a cer- 0f about 200 people to start with and Ko.51 cdnnects at Ore inded on it hid fair to become a stroug aud m- R R for an;i.oiuts Noni. . , . - v . ,.i s - . . . i i . o t' i . ' . ant! . anviue. Ai.oansonrv wiii, Tf tpVUt llpointsiiri Western N o aI.1H lUiW&WiR.R dairy. Xofi "Itni ErancPif,: . - . ... " fnnootntBottti - , :-t; . - v I Btiostn&i'irntauon, nm jvuncjpuu vi-, evervthinnr on cotton. II an iius ue wncre ine asues ttncwuuciTO ever nunossiuie it may beeiu vo oe. ui Tf Ha nfficial vnt in the last election I conneet at u .l ..ii ,. -.-in 'fnll5", "'r J. T w r . H--f.I -i 'rt-v l4tM . --J irm -.:li.i i . . . .i i i 1 1 witu all our miirltt. oar. pffurtH will beUl.AU T.;Af ilw fifAfiair nwivorl thA.I T ;7to dit . ofcc a. 1pepa?cdreiVbv-Well Health fl3 w ie annitedc in the ;'T- JiwiKiint.weiW merchant, f mere , is the wom of hill. j . r,,. wins fur lunnelf a name that will al- The majpnti are as fnllows: . ... ' TmlNo.8 H : V, ,, taking away fronMmalliarmers the HsAjPring I placed ms:ils.fy waysbe omm, repeated and remeui. v LeaTeGold,Wo warM8bknwithE.T,va.oa.ltR. ..Ifjott, are; falling, trokenvjwprnont.and nortnnilrfxbbtaiuinff ! monev to in a nlace where a' large.: brush pile bered by his fellow-eitixens. . - , bte&r over airciot --r- Arrive Italekh ! - Monwowa tie wsUs. fcerta aenroui, s? WelU', IeaJj r-i Tf . ' U ttneMtioiir.lmMiV her hnd been burned leaving a heavy " ' Few; 'persons -conversant with 'he banjidew over vnanmer. ....... .iv,vo rt. - Vm witHAit.&o. Dir. ofCcrA.KlK. . PrVlefiea of KidDevcomnlaint a Amer-I cariT:Oli'-their pmtioiW, vgimpiy -oe- been uurnen, ieaviu0 eay 1 , , f : f.iili.ivpr thair in Roberts over Lawson. ........ .21,046 Arr;.. Dura reensboro on the Salt -1 L l.H A INS GOING W; Ear v 'Sallabary with R. Ap.R.R.jforanpoInts rU aad ast and f or Raleljh. - Throueh Ticket ! J" pale at SalUbury, SUtesvlUe, Aaheyllle and the W ; Bprlhgi toallpijnclpalctues. s - - - : W. A. TQBK, .'. .f .'. :.. ..'.lit . v : rrRYHii!ULH ui u.iu V.U1U iii . v. i tv . . - ' w i : ir nriii iinrn tiiipii rii ii isni' 1 ica BocM-paibaw;is l,iquick,'cnplete cause other -! planters in dealing with cat of ashes all over the soil; which h. : p ,f mc 0v raerate Bain over Staunton. .19,885 i cure' " ' " ' 'r other merchants, are encouraged to was altervarcl well pioweu anu uar- ine4us anj attaiuuienU frequently out- "er OYer " SLV -. ,- -; - j--';- '. V j lay too much stress on cotton. Uhar rpwedaiid laid oil in drills in wiucn J strip competitors endowed 'a.. ;YPti0Fte$lOXAL CARDS. lay acter will count in these transacfions, the seed was sown. T " Iitid v I tiia winilpu itf fiirtunA nilfl fltP ITlftH (111 I x ucici . .w..- I i H ri-. : r n n in nn will not I A 1 WW CASK.. ,t as the'members of the legislature hner crop, llie roots were large, nice ,5ron . vpv saya n coutenmoi-ary, a yonng man vvho know, and declare;, and we fancy that and sniooih. ; The soil was a new -iind in favor of the disappoiul- hreks most frequently and shrilly for an ant IlilUKm ' , Greens! ro.. Leavf Arrive Higti Piont Salilnry.... Charlotte.... 1 . . 11.0.) a.u .15 p m .f 5.10 ' -I 6.27 ' .! 7.08 9.55 " iio.a: " I p .1 j.oa.n 5 Is the farmer of gool reputation who - black loam. Scarcely a weed made I candidate. improvement io the character of our m j woiien, both mentally and physically, is No.lC, Dail :j exiSundav-LviGoWk I i "? Ar.lUleiU tZ " Ar.Gfee Xiat CAIQB.j ; y L. XI. CLEMKXT t CRAIGE & CLEMENT, - Attorney At , Salisbury, N. C. Fab. 3rd, 1881; YEARS IN USE Tha Grtttart Medical Triumph' of fits Aft! . . SYMPTOMS OF A' . v, TORPID LIVER. of appetite Dowel eoatlre Paiata the head, with a dall enaailen la tho back part Pain Tinder the ahealder Made Fallaeaa after eatlar with sdia I " 1 1 - F1SI lenus w iiwkc :.v...r.w. . w, ,,rv.-.., t , '"v-.w .v.... 7""" "f Wally a little Insignificant fellow who K n t i and batk will find it easier to obtain the weeds were very troublesome, and tunes. Every one lias -1 wei,,,hbout one i.undred poouds, who .SlnS c u aInSr7, money aiid supplies with agricultur as the land had never been eultiva- making himself respected, UMI hafnot sense enough of his owirto get off A. & C Air Line for all ,,onS&L aXdeiuatuWUiauU ted they were allowed to mature their $0'r thwack when the fears are coming LetV &SPo- SfeSSi l.im f fhi rnvenience bicaiise oth- seed. -V - - ,iw,c M1A'nrl: ilmt win have uo more of such nonsense. 1 he girls and wilIi & & C Air-Line for .ilJSti a. cm -w - - i Li aci uii i t a.aa wuv aeaaw w t ers make ill use ot itj, It were al- A good top dressing ot unleacncti most as reasonable! to prohibit the ash es U especially valuable for onions -BLACKMER k HENDERSON S'Attoiaeyv Counselors ' , ajtd SoUeltors.y y isbury, N. C. . f l iaH. df 79 tf. ''' i m . .1. ; J.M.M0C0RKLE. . - T.r.KLUTTZ.1 HcCORKLE & JiLUTTZ, i -XTTORNijyS and COUNSELORS 'M, Salisbubt, N. C.I . -7. ', ' Office on Council Street, opposite the ' doairt House. ' ; . . " - :- . - y- 37:tf - - A : : - 8SS83iZt$ coii4tfuctiori of raihvays because drnn- if not applied too quick; but to some iSSmvSii lu iueuand1diots,t times, resort tender vegetables they do more harm It is worth with to them as a simple tand inexpensive than good when used as a top dress I meau ofcommiuinglsclfrultirileiv ing, They are especially good for Facts for Farmers. Heart, Dots before the eyea, Headache oxer the right eye Reatleeaneeo. with fltfal dreams. Hi taiy coiorea unno CONSTIPATION i - n'irTT'8 pfULS are esDecially adapted to such eases one dose effects such a chancre of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. ' -4-JThT Increase the Ampetltend cause the body to Take on Tleh, thus tbe system W SioorUhetl, end by tbalrTonie Action on tas UlarestiTS Oncans.ltecuiar 8 tools sre meeiIiC ' WBrmf niMiijij c- Gbxt Hats or Whiskers changed to a GtossT BiJCK br-a- eiagle application or this dtx. it Imparts a natural color, acta " instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of Office. 44 Murray St., Now York. V-'.f. . i t u -hit jt 1m - - lr6daced. TUTTS HAIR TW thri nnint of it all is thi loosening a sun son, ou w men meir "Make bread anil meat firsthand cot- efiect will be apparent for a long ton last !w This maxinMvas formula- ami iu u.e y.cou..., x uul led by the News and Courier for the! know oi anyimng more vaiuau.c. 1 ,-i i ...in : benefit of the planters of the StateM e saving oi a,, ... w ua.- man wears ao, ai d every year that id even ai u.e expense oi uaiiu.ng rf .. o - while for all farmers every I i i i ii -L l- ' : v. i lress- I wnere to remeraoer mat inoruugu cul ture is better tnan tnree mortgages on the farm. aud women of to-tdiiy are a great deal too giMjd for the deserts -of the average man. Wlien you hear a man growling about the j deiireeiatin of the gcutle sex, set him ' I . ! .... Uotvn an luior. i . - N. W. N.C. RAILROAD," ! GoixoSocTif. Lv.Greensborio The New York World, referring to. Ar. Kernersviile That an otEensire war against, weeds five times less expensive. than a defen- rant s fa i lutiiX n llJ uiu a outs ujvuu1v m .I a year can be considered poor. There f -rr npttpr than al i mi n l i a L.eave oal citizens in this country who would con- is sive one. That good fences pay lawsuit with neighbors. Goikg NoutS. i Xo,50 -Daily, ex. Sun. 1 1 o0 p ru; 12 oii " j 16 No! IT Daily, t x. blin, em Ar. Kernersville Greensboro ; 7 25m 8 0-') '' II 11 M l!53f ; Wot, 60S 71 BJLOOB .'Vl a- - ; : . v Ami Its nnparnllellcd abuses, are fally and 'treely discussed in a neat ,S3 pagei Iwmk, Biailelwj to any address, by! lllood Balm CuM AlIaBtn, Ga. i " Drn a rvitl frr it k pvnrv man nnd wbmtrt need it Ud will be ileiiaftted with Jti Valuable ami entirely newtreTclAtions. SHALL VOICES Bometinies shake aX-Nation'of people and r arouse tliem to paction. Exprt'tsions smu lar to the following, from a well known Druggistm Atlanta, pour in prom sectioyin Vomvini sa , where 11. B. 'fit. 1 ... i.i'.'. i r It it onr firm )us been, used Atlanta, June 12, 1884. belief tlict B: B B. fa th test Bleiod Puritier on the Jiiarket. Wt . - 'lUra Bj.llirir Vit nr ?r Imlt ls of it tit DiNl- Ji.- TT-'X. W jSTOSXACH IP) Jjrany other prcparatufn of t he; kind. , Ils44 baa failed in no instance to give entire sat Isfaction. Merit ittthe secict; . W. P. SMITH & CO!, Druggist; . j Thii j the only blood medicine knowr. hat comiMncsjmoc action, pertain effect, Cheap price and unbounded satisfaction. t" . -4:TSs the Tia f th trtntlnt. MmTtvrelsl traveler ami .new settler; Uos tetter's Btom , ach Bitters is peculiarly adapted since it strengthens the digestire organs, and braces the physical energies to unhealtb , ful influences, it removes and prevens. malarial fever, coustipation, dyspepsiaJ healthfully stimulates the kidneys- ai WE 4 PROVE ' bladder, and enriches as well as porifiel the blood. When . overcome by fatigue, whether mental or physical, the wearl SVS a 4" i . a f m t S-rfc tnatono smsie uottie oi is. u. is. win u Muid debilitated find it a reliable source I renewed strength and comfort. For sale I by all Druggists and Dealers generally, - ranch work in curing Blood Poison.. 8kln Affections, Scrofula, Kidney TVoubles, c Catarrh ann Ithumatism ns $u bottJes ol luiy other preparation on eaiih. '""A ?One flttv-ycnr-old chronic ulcer cured : . ocroiuiam iniKiren cureu wun one t ottie. p It never falls. We'huld-liomeiprool in book .form, rtiend lor it. Large bottle $1.00, six for $5,60. " i ' . )'' ' ' . ' fpreed; on ..receipt .of xpricc.f joui f.r Drugghitjran't supply ypn. address '4iiiVBL00D BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. FASHIONABLE HILLHRY! vi:?-S7'--.:; -H f 7. - 'UES, KATE 1IEDERHACH, s -Vlapleaietl to announce athe ladies ot y A'Salisbary and surrounding Icountrv, that - Vslio ha opened aMILLINEltY STORE in. ; , CrwforUnewbuiIding on' Main Street; ;JawS-tl;room lorpicrly ; iH cnpied L ; -iV Blackmer & Tavlor as a Hardware House. tj .-cie.,is, nrjmixfti m mi uruera anti respect- ' full tiivitW lailiott uii.l '. :........ i POUTZ'S' : HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS - ttrwl Sfff I t-rt Ito Hor.s will die of ; Colic. Ttorn or Luxe Fa vsb. If Foutz" rowilers are terl In Ume. . Fontx'sJ "owflcrp will en re and preront Moo Cbolkka. f g Komz' T'owlrr will prevent Gaprhk Fowls. Fontzs Powder will fnrrene the tjniiriiitT of Biilk nl rrenm twenty per cent, and make the butter firm and sweet. j- Fount Powders will enre or prevent almost kvxby Dim" to wUrrh Moroen and attla are rmhject. Fotrrz's Powukrs will oivk (taTisrACTtov. , h Sold everywhere. ; . DAVID E. FOUTZ, Proprietor. BAI.TiaroitE,KD. ' , ' ' r - "' ' - ! Ci fu,1it ,l?v,fe8 Udicl to cn wdinspecl hei 1 r tock. Can supply: on slnirt notice am f- -..-iJ:i;rlc not in': tore, - Beliejves her work I will net onl i'i vh aatiafttrt inn lnt nl Wv Will jlill ordera promptly and ntcharjr.es -. .:,?WSJWej!f ivib ( jiimiuic , 4UMCIII UIO. SI Sm IV I Inp; on any kind material for: Brnidin.' , and embroidery, also 4reer hand drawin s for Mottos, Hat bands t Handkercluels- &cc - .nii Mte, piaui to eiauoraie. ' vf!Mr.27:tf. trHtMf . IllnfXTIJLSIsSlI tape vonti. :-:.t- T- An eminent German scientist h at ro4nf . . fy discovered from a rootkxtract, an Mm-: . .: ,v:if jwii(jr.vaaD YY'orn). f-- I ; i It ! pleasant to take and s not distress , . Jntf to the patient but is necutiarly Mi-fern-! 4. in .and stupefying to the Tuje w)rm. v : which lvsens Its hold of it rirtim ln,i rla8 Wfty in a natural iind ensv inuiner. f - ; 't: ..eniireiy wiioie, wjiu nen, una while jstilt' f , One physician has used this spec ific in I I -j over 400 case; without Ji; sinii le failure to 7", V' .,;ir1d.worm entire. Success suarantcci No I V- ; iA PT required Juatil removed ' with keadfli j : ' v Bend 'stairorrcolar anrj terms. V 1 . .-. " ' : f" ? 1 0 Da .1. or..ii V. W.lL- J r;,ij (; t ,if.,.. ',j.. I . HOW 7?:E .TfB& T(? 8USi CCniBEFOR THE CAROLIHP vftiuHnai. si. so. Are you failing try Wxtu He altb - ,xew3 ft pure, dean, wholesome Vao 1SofaVaoos SlwMMOuaV Tin " Lunsa An Cnpqnaied Inrigorant. Cores Headache, Fever, Ague, Chills, ' DEBILITY & WEAKNESS. 1 Nice to take, true merit, unequaled for TORPID - LIVERanNlght eanness. line. Malaria 1.00 per bot, e for S5.00.at Druggists. E. SiwiM-s, Jersey City, N. iTk A. mmmk BUcKu RemarSable Cares of Catarrh of iha liiaaoer, mnammation. Irritation of Kid neys and Bladder, Stone or Gravel Dis eases of tb6 Prostate Gland. Propsjeal SweUmirs, Female Diseases Incontin ence of Urine, all Diseases of the Genito urinary Organs la either sexi For Ua bealthyor unnatural Discharges--rose also "ChjpLTs Tn jection Fleur." each $1. eor-bif hh.I-S i t contracted or hereditary taJnt, uro Ciia pin's Coostltu- uou t.iiser Hyrup, 5 1 .iw per nouia, ana Chapin's Syphilitic rills. $2.00; andCha- tin's SypluHtic Cahr-4 $1.00. bottles yron, 2 of Kim, 1 Salve, by Express on E. 8. Jerriey City, N. J.. U. 8. A "ti ft! tfiC- I A1 passes slrengthcns our coiifi .ence in ks wisttom. . . : j It is liardly loo much to say that the prosperity of the farmers of the, otatc-prosirity iiieastiretl by the money that remains to them wheij they have paid the expenses and obj ligations of the year is ineasiirwl by the crop of breadstuff and forage The greater, the yield of corn, oats. wheal, rye anil bar!ey.H potatoes ant sugar cane, the more money tl.e farm er has; There are variations a ltd dif ferences, hut. as a rule, it lis incontr. vertiblv true that the farmers who think first uf bread and; meat foi tliLms3lves ami their families anu food for their animals, are the farm ers who j live in comfort, and whose cr dit is high because they j are out of debt when the end ol the season t . conies, j.v.- . 1 It is not difficult to ' explain this. Bread and meat for the farmer aiu his family ami food f.ir his stock must be hud, whetiitr the cotton crot fail or not, and whether cotton is low or high. The planter who pitches a crop of cotton without tefeience to bread .and meat, and Hods that his fiue expectations dwindle to the vaii7 ishing poiht by reason of drought or floods or rust, or aniy otler of the ills to which cotton is heir, has no choice but to keep ou buying corn ami bacon. The apyetites of his family mid of his horses and mules and oxen cannot be reduced eiu any ,proMrtion - to the diminution in yield of cotton. Aitd so it is wlwn the price of cotton is unusually Uw. The bread aud meal - . ! . S" " nrf must be naul tor air tue same, me need ;f . the farmer, as regards food for his family and the auimats he em ploys is a fixed iyiailtity which caii uot be chancretl wheu seasons are bad or the prices" down. 1 Tim dema uds upon Inm are about the same when corn is high and cut- ton is low as v ien cotton is high and torn is low. Is it uot, therefore, the a'rt of wisdom, the part of common sense -which, after all, is the rarest sort of seuse toilrovide ! first the in dispeusable things, bread and meat? These secured the platitcr can safely turn his attention'to cotton as a suppler meniaryicniii lonrnisii inm me iux tir1cs6f life", and suchS necessaries as are beyond tho lines of that which is a' place -for the purpose of storing in Summer than purchased in Winter, That more stock perish from famine hem. But to obtain the most proh- than founder. table results they should be thorough- That scrimping the feed of fattening y worked into Jt he soil, especial ly in 4 hogs is a waste of grain. the garden, and should not be applied fhat educating cnudren properly is o root crops. Finally, it should be "V"" A A , borne in mind that their effects are , Thai one eveninjr spent at home in hard pan soil than on a blaeksaudy, study is more profitable than ten in loamy soil. The Public Lands. ' " Shall They be Gobbled up by Foreign by ridicules f lounging about saloons and taverns. That it is to your interest to subscribe for a sound, intelligent paper, and keep posted with the work and progress of the farmers. an income. R Goisg JSTORTn t Dftilyafe Goi.Ka South. s county costs ninety cents a Lenve Upier8iix..Tr(..... j 12.05 pa during its session $54 an Arrive Chapel Hill 2.25 p t Another Invention. WASHiNXifaN,- Jan 21. - Repre- R B q punai w.u..w yM - University, some time ago wrote to the amis lias prepared a report on the New York Journal of Commerce rela m11 to prohibit.aliens and loreigners :v f thA rtotfnn Dim. Tf. spoma f.Visif Smyth published a book in J 794 in which he gave an account of a "Tour" in the i . a Irom acquiring or owmngHands witn sl. 1 1 ttitnil Vrlfic? ivlimll iltA fr IYi Uf UliliCU wjuiltrj n in uiv vyur ftp fTAV4 tnittee has reporteil to t he House with South. He mentioned the use of a cot- the rccomracndatioil that it shall pass, ton gin iu 1175. Mr. Munn wrote toMr. Mr. Oatcs says : Battle that he hadf seen a hand gin in Your committee have ascertained use by our ancestors. He said: with reasonable cert uinty, that certain "In 1864 I had the pleasure of 'work uoblemen of Europe, principally En- ing it.. It consisted of two upright glisli, have acquired oind now owirin pieces about a fodt apart, fastened-tc- Segregate, about twenty-one million gether at the top and bottom by cross nl!rM r hind inilie United States: pieces. Near the top were two rollers Wo l. mvp not .iffwMP.it iiif.irmiiti.m to placed horizontally. Ihe lower one had tate the quantity owned by unentitled a wincn ipanaps ootn naa, i ao not re- aliens, nor is it so important, as it is "u";- wmcii L,.ii.. 1...1.1 iw.,i;rto 'vun the cotton was passed, were tcxrclose to pennii mature or nam seea io pass De- indispensable of Jife and health. If the cot toil turns out well, he has his breadiaud meat secure, and so are his f profits the greater.1 If it turns out ill, i-li? prices are: low, ne win nave no reason ,t sti nt.his fam i ly or h is d u m I auinials, and will have.no occasion to go in (ebt for bread and. meat, i The fartners of S mth Carolina, we are cimhftinieeHiis ant! understand 'Mi ! it for themselves. Bread aud meat fii'st, and cotton last .i lie ii twuirnttiiliMit fivviim'ili ii will. in flip I -.. . i i.i ii i tween themi but the soft, 'faulty seed course o time, lead to landlord. am, in, woul(1 g0 through. It required one per compatible with the best interests and Crt rt7nrT1 anA nnnfW if Tf six in free institutions of the United btates. would pick about as much as four on The foundation for such a system is nprsnns bv hand. Them was a alnt uei ng iuiu iu ihu laivi ii wo auu i siae pieces to raise or lower tne lower Teriitories. A considerable nuinber)rolier. Turning the handle was not of iiumiin-ants are annually arriving in very funnyJ this country, to become tenantsyand Mr. Battle thinks the hand gin refer- herdsmen ou the vast possessions ot red to- by Mr. Munn is the same of which these ioreiini lords, under contracts Smyth, wrote in 1784. He savs: m.ide :iiul entered into before thev sail "I think the machine described by for our shores. T4ie avarice and cn- Mr. Munn, who lives among the High- .i iiriPl of Ruronean canitalists have land beotcU, wHo as a rule Own and re- I 1 "I - 11 lL. - 1 -I . .i.iUn, t ;..vt ..mnnv m 1 nn sme on tne same ianas ior generanons. h, Am.iican .a.lroad an.l ld boml, - """-' rl l coveriue. i.ei-liaus. sauilry millions U Vy. u., i ..... . i nnnAcr.irni. rriRnp -nia Prtrriw mn na acres, the ureater part ot which, un- "V ICI ZT'IT Vi JT der lorcclpsure sales will most likely, gouth here - ahead Some one before many years, become the prop- nnu f wr:t nri firm f li Aim i n von f ivr o erty of 'these foreign bondholders in that have been stolen by others. Sev additiou to t hi ir present princely pos- erai very important inventions have been sessions. It is thus u.anitest that if made by Southern men and now it is a the present large alieti owuership is tradition in the family perhaps, whilst an cviliof which we have no doult, the credit is, given to some Northern man the probabilities of' the near future who was quick to catch the idea, a$ Ful still more imperatively demand legis- ton was of the steamboat and Morse of lalion for its prevention. This aggres- the telegraph. The Gatling gun is a sioti of foieign capitalists is not con- North Carolina invention. ( So is the fined to the lands it has purchased, type-setter, we think. There are oth but overleaping its boundaries has ers of note. The Coifs revolving pistol caused hundreds of milesof public do- not the first ; A New Berne mven main io be fenced up for the feed of tor was first in the field. We forget ul utrus ui i;iMt, - "nu ance the right ,of houest but humble ..I ' 1 1 . . . .v. Ity. x r t I, a seiners, xnc uunvj t.iv . , . . . . - v - i . nnnn. nniii. r- Imvniflr imiiiiriiilv oiv ment 'heretofore toward aliens has been v AAA. characterizetl by great liberality, and fn ine wrges thrdimreTt fStt of the Union, each the pyt twelve vears. In recog- ine uinereut oiaics , w f ic j,,.,. Vauce, acting for i sel have gone evening of la8t ueck, in DAEBYS PROPHYIiACT FLUID. IRaleigh Clirnicle : Two accurate SyVunrlitv!."." lawyers who have made a calculation Wiich shows that the Superior fCourt in WaUe minute hur to the State, the county and the people. Upon this suggestion they very pertinently ask whether petty larceny ought not to be a matter for tlie determination of a lower and less ccjstly court, j The Local Newspaper An ex change savs: "When you hear a man sneering at the local papers because they are not as big, .cheap and newsy as other naners. vou can safely bet a w ,-. m that he does uot squander his wealth in assisting to make them better, and generally the papers have done more for Ii i m than he has tor them; llie man who cannot see the benefit aris- ijig to a' town from the newspapers hasn't the sense of an oyster aud Ire is about as much value to a town as a delinquent tax list." j 10.20 1 1 U1.20m! Dfiily exife A Household Article Jor CsIvrm Family If. TypheUlMm Diphthera, UvaUon,DM SorTluTt, Pot, Eradicates ; HALABIA. ADMINISTRATORS MOIIDAY, FEB. 2D, 1835! Charlotte Observer: Catawba is the ther tiiHin the idea of llie desirability Lof araiiid increase of population and wealth and by meir icgisiauoii nave conferred upon aliens rights far be yond those enjoyed by treaty. stipula tion the common law or the law of nations, i Tlie bi 1 here wit li rcportea pniM.8e, as part of tlie foreign policy j Pursuant to an order of Rowan Superior Court, on Monday, the 2nd day of Febru ary 1883, at the Court House in. Salisbury, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, tho lands of the late John Bringle, deceased. 'j The biddings for the 49 nerc tract will open at $813.50, and lor the 12 acre tract at $85.80. The 49 acre, tract lies riiht along tho new Concord road, - one and a half miles from town, and lias on it a dwelling house and barn and a good well of water and would be cheap property at $500. ) TERMS: One third cash and the bal ance on nine months time with-8 per cent, interest from date. 1 JOHN. A. BOYDEN, Adm'r. 1 - of John Bringle, $aHsbury, Dec. 81st, '84 12;4t. "WE ASK ALL" Interested in Hides, Furs, Wool, Roots, feathers, Beeswax, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Dried Fruit, Poultry, Hay and Produee generally to send for our Price Currents. Prompt returns on all Consignments. Trial Shipments Solicited. R. L WILLIAMS & CO. ' Gesebal Commission Merchants, i Office, 169, William St, New York. ! iiy VJ Contagious Disease. .u. gi.i. .... it rr.l'v 1 ScuwlM ncverbeen known to spread whw lasu. ivuun . ' -' ...... " - . black vomit liad taken plat If !" cases of DiDhtheria VrelJ to it: -j J- Fevered and SlcU rcr-; sons rcircsnea ana . . ..' Bed Sores prevent- riTIT5Gi ed by bathing with pox PBETKttfci Darby Fluid. ; ! AmcBbetofif Impure Air made WJJ o harmless at.d purified. srnaU-po. U For Sore Throat it is a jyj r put sure cure. . not ddiw, Contaeion destroyed. fva For Fronted ,Fet, ,i.ti,ZatmiW Chilblains, Piles, Zbiw Chaflhgs, etc. - Ihadit'.-J ' Kiirnmaiism curca. .Jsso,J'ler r3iL muw i,uuipit Ions secured by iu use. Ship Fever prevented. To purlfythe llreath. Cleanse the Teeth, it can't be surpassed. ' Catart-h relieved and cured;: Krysipelas cirrcd. -Burnsifclievedinbtaiitly. Scars breventeJ. 5 Dysentery caved Wounds healed rapidly. Scurvy cured. . . . Aa Antidote for Animal or Vegetable Poisons, - Stings, etc. I used the Fluid during our present affliction with Scarlet Fever -With de cided advantage. It is indispensable toHhe siefc room. Wm. F, Sand- voao, Eyrie, AU. MlCteW'fi"'k, mentofI.W2 a CKcnW Tettfrdnai, ilra DflT'I w v . ;.t; IB -"7 Ji Scarlet Fever iSffy CloTer M & Jersey Cows ! -o- ; Fresh Grade Jersey Milch Cows for sale at my Stock farm 12 miles West of Salis bury. Very nice cloan Clover seed, also for sale at my farm and at Enniss Drug Store, Salisbury, Richmond prices. J.M. UARRISON. 12:lm:pd. , j- ' i A5K',Y0Un DRUGGIST for Shriner's Indian Vermifuge and if he fails to supply you, address the proprietor, David E. Foutz, Baltimore, Md. i of this country, to owrate ouy pro-uo srciirity in promises .acu cams. iH-rlv, and thtrerort not uarsmy, toomcr, ;. the hall of the House 'of Ilepresenta tives, presented her representatives with a beautiful silver flag. Truth is the bond of union "and the basis of : hn man hapiness. .Without this virtue there Is no reliance on lan- i mm a s 1 ' 1 ' mm ffU32e. no COllfiilcnce in Irienaship, ITmV U I Waiore money rlgbt awuy than r mj m - W9 m m w m hi .- m mmt mv aais Mmmmm a mni Send six cents postage, and receive free, a costly box of ooos wuicn win ueip you to ceed from first hour. Ihe bread road to fortnnn i upt-ns ociore toe woreers, ami is aiwoiuieiy sure. - ai umre auar?ss, inxz i o.,.Aususia, .name, 1'anderbilt University. ,Tm I testify to the niostexi client P Darby. PVophy lactk AZtt, superior to any prepar..n f -.j, quamted-N. T. .Lt-Tos, Darbys Flujd is lG, Hon. Alsxanoek 1. !f-ns Rev. Chas. F. DtBMS, r!. tranven, N. Y.; . , strangers, w-.- , , . r rf' lev. A. F. Battle, I'n.r.HtfiV . ACT, W . S i r r rsnisPENSinLK to EE'Lar w.-.i t.j.-., i: ibw-t' i cpct-j y uar Jin externa, llv fr Man or; w- . i .K..mlrrT jne riuia na? q' :idsrrej- V.nvi. hK!.-,n rvdvme t 1 usrH i. i j , f;:'!rrTnform . . T ..1.1 c-ni 10 tBC uruggisi pa-JH"'cl Manufacturing Chemiswv ThR VallRv Mataal . j '. nil. --: -HOME OFFK-K. st.Kl tA The Cheapest. Safest, aBrio0i surance nowoffered tlie puo"- ley Mutual, which ei p licy at ah actuiil av ,, u t,hi.h enables j ou to c' n i iir a t ah actual average coi For furtUer Informatwii, oaii tii May20.15S3.1 S66 soiui'-o ,f to rit" ri we?k at h".int: . jtwiiu-i. PTiet iakejfn-atlJSJ e-eturiiv.r1t ,wtr ii II n I.KTT ilv-' -t or old, caa uik' n-it h ,id iinrt ce ,.. l..w---- ...... -T - 11. UAIP" 13:ly -' TffiICnTSlHDIAHV; ILDV And all Bilious Salata tP.bci2PI 1 . I Tl) CfC "r ' 1 - - - . 7-"' f V-'V:-: .

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