- i f 4 : : :f- l .;J: ' i I 11 y- v "t; 1 : it! "If: 1 i. If Si i . r ri- 4 1m lit I. I-:!' ,1 i T" I, f'tH 7 Is Wl i 7 ' .3- !-. f 1 1 - HI ' ' vii ! 1 f; .1 I 1 1 . i i r" 1 '. i: .1 ' . WEOTEnil II. CPAILROAD.5 ? nrrtccnev pjutsXaitUt'AGEST ilbburr, H. G, , IfAT; Hth, ' 1884. SCHEDULE. ii t3 kOS?i JAST. J f STATIONS. till A i 45 i Salisbury Btateavriie Xtwton Hickory jlorganton Marion Old Fort Kound Knob BUck Mountain aaaevuie . Alexander's larxhall Warm epilogs i Train No. 1, WEST. Lv. ls.os a. m. At. 1 OS " 1.48 " S.lO " 4. X6 ' S.44 r 5. M, .58 " T.W t.5 " t.45 M 10J .' 11. Si -l; Train No. ,) ( 44 p.m. i " V 1 STATIONS, Aabevllle 1 ; Pigeon Kim!, Wayneavllle I (Train Xo. I'Lv.i . 'Ar.lll.li rla ' - 1 7 and 8 run dally. Train iff $ connects at 8lsbMrfwUi i. K. from all poittta 8out b. ; I Coaflectf at Salfcburj itH B. "Ronijli on Rats'V clears out Rata,: Mice.. 15cts. ,"?.- X ; i'Y:, .! ' "Rough on Corns for Corns, Bunions. Thin people -"Wells'' Health Jcrctrer" rrstorcs litalth anhTigr, cures djspepsia, .Rough onTootiiache," instant relief. 15c. Lailies m !h would retain freshness and SQtchy d6n't fail to try "Wells' health it e ewer." - ; UUCIlU-paiUa,'' great KHincjanu wnuarj cure. . - .. ., - . - rl f:. ? Flies, roaches, ants, bed-lu, rats, mice, cleared out by MUuiih ou Rats." lyC , ; "Rough on Cougli," trocjies, locj liquid 23c. i ' .. v';f":i;- , for children, alow-in devc!opmcnt, puny and dtlicatet use "Wells' Health Kenewer. 'Rough Dentist" Tooth Powder. Try it. j 15c. J Kervous Weakness. iD vspensia, j Sexual Debility cured by "Wells' Health Rcuewer." Mother Swan's Worm Synip; for feverish- ness, winns, constipation ; -rasieici-v aoc. 1 P., It. from all ooJnU North and from Katfelsh. ConnecU at uuamiewiUi A. T. to. imt. of c.r.i A. It. Jt 1 0onoecta at Warm Oprlnfts with E. Tenn.. Va. K.K.forXlomstowpantpolntHW'ci.l,AV : Train Fo. 8 , at Warm Sprlnja with E. T. Va. Ga.ltR. ilorrwbwa the West k .V. connects at 111 wtlhA.T.JtO, Dili Of C (L. A.R.H. al Salisbury wlU K. K. It. for all polnja - trth and Eaat and for Kalffa. ' - T&rongh Tickets sale at Sillsbury, Statesville, Asbcrlile and the w Springs to all principal cities. A. O. P. A. .- i. v . ; ' , 1 . : - PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WOOD MAKUPACTC11ES. : . Articles of easy JIahe thai ice Import. A Practical View of the Opportunity Uffertd jor juavLUjaetarxng tn ICorth Carolina. u:: X'- - (A. paper fead before the Watartg Club of Jtaieign.- r . y Nortli Carolina claims to have'120 different timber lre, out ofthe 33 . ; j. - : x - fbunrl in the Uuitcxl Statt-ar One luh ilreU and thirteen specimens were ex hibited at Rostont is said, and caeli one of these could be put to some good use, if we only knew how to do it. Our woods include nearly all of the nicest and largest soft woods, cypress, juniper, cedar, poplar, pine, &v.f all is; of very inferior hickory, too; wag ons from Ohio and 'Illinois, buggies t he cheapest-come from Ci nci n ha i and Indianapolii made by machin ery, of course.: They drop to pieces willt j a,-y ear's use. Bodies of rbng gies and carriage, bass,, ash and oak, .4' ' m l "i " I .': P. made m loiumbus, unioj snaiis anu ongucs from the same place. . Bui let us turn from this Iiu mil ia- ing( spectacle and enumerate the; few Stinging irritation, all Kidney ahd Uri-1 of the most valuable hard Woods nary ion, plaints cured uf P' UJekory, white oak, maplu, dgwood, Ni-ht sweats, fever. cliitls, m alariardys- aiui ersiaimon, aim me very u eps!ji, cured by "Wells' Health Renewcr." fife ornamental Wootls, like our wal- ri"""?.? XT Mt, cherry, mountain .maiiogany m newer." fl. - ' ; the West, liolly, am? our red bay in If you are 'failing, broken,- worn but and 1 the Eist. ! But 1 with all these splen- nervous, use "Wells' Health Renewer' fl. . fincgt bf a gtate Prevalence of Kidncv com plaint m Ainer- . - , n ica? "Buthpaiba' is quick, cjomplete at Hie present clay, we are practically cure, $1.' I I t tired on sa .KERB CUAIGE? L. II. CLEMENT. CRAIGE & CLEMENT. ' r BALisBUur, N. C. .4 ' ' Feb. 3n1, 1681. : BLACKMER & HENDERSON 5 Attoraeja, Cotuulors c. ; tv vi and S.Ueltor-J S' 8lUbnir,'K. C. i J. M. JtcCORKLE. T.F. KLUTT7. ibcCOKlXCill KLUTTZ, M ATTORNEYS ip COUNSELORS . Salisbury, N. C. Office on Council Court Hoase. 37:tf 1 Street, opposite the IELOOB AnditS4inparalclled abuses, are fully and frly discussed in a neat 8 page bookj tnmiled free in any. address, by Blood Balm Cu.i Atlanta, 3a. J Drop a postal for; it, as every man and woman needs it and will be dejiglited with its valuable and entirely new revelations. SHALL VOICES 4 Sometimes shake af Nation of people and rouse them to action. Expressions simi- lartO ihefoljowlnff, from a well known Druggist of Atlanta, pour in from sections -wpere IS. IS. is. has been used; V'! '; '."X I Atlanta, June 12, 1884. It is our firm belief tliet B. B. B. is the K8T Blood Purifier on the mnrketi We r telling four orjgre lottles of it to ONE of any other preparation of the kind. It has failed in no instance to give entire sat isfaction. Alerit isrt ho seciet. W.P.S,MITI1 & CO., Druggist- This ia the only blood medicine known hat combines fui'cl action, certain elfcct, xheap price and unbounded satistactmn. PROVE That one single bottle of B. B. B. will do aa much work ui-curing Blood .poisons, :6kin ASectioiis, Scrofula, Kidney Troubles, hiaii ii aim iiiiuiuniiMU n ail UOillCS Ol any other preparation on earth. ' n- One fitty-year-old chronic ulcer cured : Scrofula of children cured with on ttottle. It never fads. fWe hold home proof in look v firm. ; Send tot it. Large bottle $1.00, six lor $3.00. j - i! - A ; . ,. Expressed on receipt of price, if your uruggist can supply you. address J BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. LIVER 2S YEARS IN USE Tat Orsateit Medical Triumph of fha Age! SYMPTOMS OF TORPID Xofl of appetite Bowels ceatiTe, Paia la che head with a dall aenaaulea In the bach , part Pala aader the) ehaalder-. blade, Fallaeea after eattat with a dis inclination to exertion of body ermind. Irritability of temper, Low spirits, wlth feelinc of haTing neglected somedaty Weariaess, Dizziness, Flattering at the Heart, Dots before the eyes, Headache over the right eye Restlessness with fltfal dreams. Highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. 1 I'UTT'S FILLS are especially adapted to each eases, one dose effects such a cnango of feeling aatoastonlslitbeBufferer. They Increase tne Appetlte,nd cause the body to Take on Flesbtthus th sTstem W Boarished.and by their Tonic Action on tas UigesUTO Oiaas,nesrnlar Stools are produced. Price 25c. 44 Wnrray Wt..Wf.Y. TUHS HAIR DYE. Ghat Hath or Whiskshs changed to a Glosst Black by a single application of this Dte. It imparts a natural color, acts instantaneoasly. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of f 1. i Office, 44 Murrey St., New York. tfflSTiTFT J W CELEBRATED ' To the needs of the tourist, commercial traveler and new settler, llostetter's Stom ach Bitters is peculiarly adapted, since it strengthens the digestive organs, and braces the physical energies to unhealth ful influences. It removes and prevena malarial fever, constipation, dyspepsisjl healthfully stimulates the kidneys awl bladder, and enriches as well as purine! fatigue, and debilitated find it a reliable source a the blood. When overcome b -whether mental or physical. the renewed strength and comfort. For sale by alLDrugguts and Dealers generally, FOUTZ'S ! HORSE AND CAT1LE POWDERS 5 mx ;l f ij' -s FASHI011ABLE MILLINERY! UBS. EATE MEDERNACH, Is pleased fo announce to the -ladies ol Salisbury and surrounding country; that the has opened a! MILLINERS STORE in Crawford's new building on Main Street, adjoining ! the room formerly 'ot'cupicd b Blackmer Ai Taylor as"a Hard ware House. She U prepared to fill orders and respeet fuUy4nvites ladies to call and ins)cct her stock. Can Supply on short! notice any article not in ; Store. . Believes j her work will not only ive satisfaction but usurp Will till orders, promptly and I at charges v. as moderate a poaaible. Indelliblc'stanin Inim any kind of material for Braiding i and embroidtrv. alo free hand .drawin" " for Motto; Hat bands. Handkerchiefs, &c. any size, plafu toi elaborate. Mar.37:tf. - 5o nRss will 1ie of ColkS rK-rr or Lcso Fa If Koutx lowder ite iwd In time. Vwxtz- rovder will rmv and present Hoo CnoMtiu. Fontz's 1'owrtirs -will prevent Cafk ix Fowl. F.riu rwier will increase the qnjintitT of milfe n1 rrcnni twenty per ccnu and make tiie butter firm ami tweet. - . - Fnuw I'owrters will rnre or prevent alnwwt Xvkkt VirAtr to whteb Horse mid ( attic lire snbjecC i '0.r,' Powukbs witjL otvit SATisr icnox. ! 6old everywhere. , DAVIS E. FOTJTZ. rropritor. . BAiria?onE,mj. . TAPE VORP. i An emineht German scirntist hai recent ly discovered from a root txtntct,Jau luUtpeyto fbr Tape Worm. j! It 1 pleasant to take and is not di stress ing to the patient, but h pcculia h ken ing and stupefying to. the Tapi Worm wnicn loosens its noia oi its victim and pisse away lrt & natural and easy maivner. enureiy wuoiei witu ueaa, and whilcy still alive.. - v ";H V " One physician has uscd this snoriF,. over 400 case! witfrout a srn je failure to void worm entire.; Success guaranteed. So rtay: required tintu removed iwith head v: - ' Ben4 stamp ftirctrcnUr and terms. 1? Park Place, New York. , m i. Are you failing, try Wells' Health Ex . XEWE3, a pure, clean, wholesome For Brain, Kerres. Stomach, Livery Kidneys, Langs. An Unoquaied Inrignrant, Cores DTSPEPSIA Headache, Fever, Ague, Chills, DEBILITY & WEAKNESS. Kice to take, true merit, tmequaled for UKPiu.. LlVbK ana Nlgnt J pweais, nervous weaimess, Malaria Leanness, Sexual Decline. SlX) per bot. 6 for 5.00, a Druggists. E. a Wells, Jersey City, N. UTfe. A. I1QV7 IS THE TIME TO SUB SCRIBE FOR THE GAROLIHA VATCHf.WN.SlBO. Buchu-Paiba Remarkable Cures of Catarrh of the Bladder, Innammation, Irritation of Kid neys and Bladder, Stone or Gravel Dis eases of the Prostate Gland, Dropsical Swellings, Female Diseases, Incontin ence of Urine, all Diseases ofthe Genito urinary Organsln either sex. For Un healthy or Unnatiial Discharges use also "Chapta's In jeclon Fleur," each $L i. '..ruius, ci'inr oontractea or neredttary taint, use Crispin's Constito Won Bitter Svruo. Sl.OOrwr bottle, and taapto'a Syphilitic POs. $2.00: andCha phs Syphilitic SarviTSLOO. 18 bottlea onip. s oi niis, i salve, by Express on Uiir."4 cr at ururcisw. R y7""-. Jerff v ptyt N-J-. s. a. without an man u factories of wood of more than neighborhood irupor tauce. Cutting vojtl into planks or blocks and shipping it. is not manu factoring it. We ship barrel staves, spoke timber, dandle timber, shuttle and bobbin blocks, lo be made into the manufactured articles at the North. We sell our magnificent cher ry and walnut logs, worth $50 and $100 when cut into boards, for $5, or it may be $10. Our birth-right for a mess of pottage ! The following facts are submitted in cvideuceTof this state of thing.: AUTICLES OF WOOD SOLD IX KALEIGU MANUFACTURED OUTSIDE OF NOUHH CAROLINA. Furniture, all comes from Balti more, Cincinnati, Grand Rapidx, &c. One lot of furniture frouvChattanoo- ira, known to be made from Western North Carolina walnut. The. new "a S W ' turniture lor the laiborounn was brought from Michigan, and travelled right through our walnut and cherry forests (via Western North Carolina Railroad.) Well bucket.", we mention the arti clcs as we found them, of white oak, from Nashville, Tenr. Axe and oilier handles, hickory and while oak, from Baltimore and the West. Small tooj-hahdlesf beech, oak and hickory, from New England. Ditto, from Georgia- Buckets, tub, &c, from white pine, ash, cypress, cedar, juniper, all eome from -oril New York and Baltimore; The buck et factory at New Berue failed, we are told, on account of bad work. There wares dropped jo. pieces want of knowledge and skill, and not the fault ofthe timber. Grain mcas tires, bushel and half-bushel, all from Baltimore and New York. Broom all from North and West.' Baskets from Baltimore and New York, while our u pla uds are full f ilgood white oak, and our bottoms of wi How Kitchen utensi Is, bread-lr&ys, all from the North when our jWipaw gum makes the lightest, nicest tray ever seen: biscuit-rollers and boards come from New England, of course; coffee mills from Connecticut; churns from Ohio- and Michigan ; faucets from Pennsylvania and New England; spoons, butter-paddles and skimmers it takes a Yankee to condescend to such small . things, though they sell, wholesale, at 25 to 50, ccuts a dozen. Maine makes theshoe-pejrsaiul clothes pins from her beech, and doing it a I together by machinery, makes money at it. Bench screws and carpenters' wood en tools and hai d.es are made in Connecticut from beech, oak and nickory mostly. They must buy their material somewhere, for they have no tine-irraiued hard wood, h 7 Strpladders, on sale in Raleigh, were made at Erie, Pa., in New York State and New England. Great nuin bers are sold. ; Frames j for looking illass Von would be astonished-to w j - - hear liowmany of thecarc sold -are all made in Mail. e, Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Other kinds ot frame and moulding conies from Bal timore and New -York. The win el barrows used on our rail roads, the ' p:ckhan lies! and shovtl- haudlcs, aU come from Ohio. So do the snathes and hoe-handles that lh" farmers use. But we cannot go into the list of agricultural implements A few are made at home: but, if we follow the most of them up, they will lead us to Cincinnati and . Cleveland, O'.i'to; to Chicago, to Indianapolis, to South Beiid, Ilf., and into the North west. In a carriage shep in Raleigh, can bs found wheels tnudc ill jlndianaptf standard articles of trade mautifac- in North Carol iua and found e in Raleigh. HOME WOODEN MAN UFACTURES. Ilandles, beautiful while hickory from Greensboro. "Why don't you get I hem all from there ?" we asked. Because they are too dear, we buy our cheapest handles in Baltimore," the ' merchant answered. The only factory-made hollow ware which we found was fish tubs and barrels, aiu wretched things they were, good tim ber but bad work. Rims and spokes, the best are home-made, .we were as sured. The carriage man affirmed that 'the best buggies were made at home, but he could not say the same for the wagons.. The one standard article of trade in which: we now com pete successfully with otttsi le raauu- fnctorirs is sash and doors. Thcsc-were i fw years ago imported also,iiow we can make them - at home as cheap us we can bnv them in Baltimore. Vre iave heard of one regular furniture actory at Old Fort, McDowell coun ty, but we do nut ce jany furniture rom there in these parts. And here with the whole story of North Caro- ina wooden manufactures is told ! Put it by the side of her limber re- i !' . . i 1 sources, ana are we uoi asuamcu of it. What is the cause of this state of things? Will anybody say that it is best it should be so, that we can affbid to pay for these things with our wheat, cotton and tobacco? Every one knows that the profits in nianulacluring are far greater than in growing wheat, cotton or tobacco, while) the existence of factories in a community always :ut-anccs the nrie'e of evervthinir the " - w farmer sells. No, dont let ussophis ticate, but acknowletllge the corn ! We don't know how to make , these things to good advantage, and, there fore, we do some menial or less skill ed labor and buy an our wooden manufactures from our smal ler neigh bors. If we had an . institution in North Carolina which would teach our boys the life of the lathe, the plaining amfc moulding machine and all other woo l working machinery, along with general mechanics, how long do you think it would take! those boys to stop this exportation of crude timber and this importation of wooden manu fact u res ? j Ciias. W. Dabney, Jr. oi Arkansas LorlisiaUa'alirl Mississippi. ond those of the mountainous regions of Georgia North Carolina and Kentuc- ky and West Virnik.v West of the Rocky mountains along the slope of the coast range in Northern California, . ex tends al long irregular-belt of timber that would yield from r one hundred to two hundred cords per acre, jffhUe in Oregon and Washington Territory there arc bodies of timber hearier than any that can be found elsewhere, some . of which in j Washington Territory, run ning up to the British line, would, cut over two hundred cords to the. acre. The most important information to be drawn from these maps is the enor- mpur extent to which the heavy growth of our forests has been destroyed, and the great; changes that must ultimately) be produced in our climate unless -our remaining resources are regulated by law. - NEMIES.-It Is sdid that bees and KTf;H MflWlV SL wasps will not sting a persou v skin ; imbued wftir lioney Hence, I aa.Cln, 1WL hose wboare hitclUciposel to the venonvof those little creature?, when ftlie liave occaslo.il to hive bees or ake ; a nest of wasps smear their faces and hands withdioney, which is j Leare Charlotte.. found to be the best, preventative l.i.,tn.a im n onnvPil with insult. I AiT.Greensboro II licti - h . . -r- ---- 1 n i persecution and Opposition from per Arr. Hillstoro... verse .d. nial.a.rso.,,, the y gftgziL 1..1 JnAmmi VirMitikt tliptr venom is to r - s-7 c. asa:ssasww u - - - BK. , i .... Iiborl n tiriiTPV. lt Arr.Goldsboro nave iucij"t' fcfv.. p.., . every -part be saurated jwith meek ness, gentleness flrSearance, and pa- Couipressiusf Air in Biriniiiffbain. . ! - - 't A very remarkable kind of publier meeting iwas laieiy neiu in Dirmi.wg- ham a meet in: which seems a tr first trlance to be without precetleliti I was called by the promoters of the ower uuijijP, mix ; DIVISION COHDEHSjral 1 " ,-'! TRAINS (iOiXQ e.st M 0- si. 1 . 3 7.27s ". 1 r i li.4Jjt V 1.43 3.00 J i5.1$ 'f J. tience, and the most spueiui enemy (will be disappointed in his endeavors to inflict a sting. No. lailyicfc Leave Greensboro Artive at Raleigt! 11.54 Arrive at Goldsboro 5.00 a m" No.51 Connects t (ireiniAr. R R for all points Konh.fEaind V Danville. At Kalisbury riih V 5 f all points in Western Jf? C i n r.fc with W & W R iR daily! No," 5T0I(lsb connect art Greensboro with R au t U for all points on ihe Salt&i Eraiic r. M( Jan.6lh, 1881. BTrmingham Compress Air IJ Company, who have obtained ah act of Parliament for the distribution, for manufacturing purposeS over a con siderable area of the town of Birming ham, of air strongly comnressed at a . . a central Station. The Town Co unci have aecorded their moral support to, the scheme, after receiving favorable reports - from Sir F. J. Brum wel l and Mr. Henry J. 1. riercy ; and the ob ject of calling the recent meeting was? says the Journal of Uas Lighungr to explain fully the nature and extent of the proposed undertaking to sucn in habitants of the borough as might be interested in the scheme, either as fu ture consumers or as investors. The meeting seems to have been very successful in every way. Sever al experts spoke simply and practical ly in support of the scheme; and if an intelligent audience ot power users thoroughly alive to everything that might improve their pecuiary interest cannot be got together iu Binning ham, it is very ditficult to imagine where such an assembly could be col tected. Judging from the report of the proceedings, the scheme was thor ougly examined from every point of view, anil unanimously approved ot on grounds of economy, safety, and cleanliness. All that now remains, therefore, is for the company to get to work and prove that they can arn a dividend. This they are confident of being able to secure; and if their an ticipations should be realized, there is no possible reason why the conse quential public benefits wbich they promise to the town shouui not be forthcoming. It is a most inter sling experiment, and will attract a great deal of attention from other mauulac- Hiring com in unities. In New Yorlr and some other cities we distribute hot steam from a cen tral station, the circulating pipes ex tending iu the aggregate for many miles under ground. There is no rea son why compressed air should not be so conveyed, aud thus furnish power to run elevators and ei giues, large and small. i ChailotKs Democrat: Prof. Brewer, of Yale College, strikes a key-note of American life when he -states that nt tceii of j our twfnty-one. Presidents were farnicrs or sops of farmers. There is no calling whifh hajs greater oppor tunities than agriculture for useful- ness, liquor, and position, ior yonug L.eaveiioiiioro Arrive-xuieigu Leave M Arrive Durban ... M Hillsboi Greens ro... Leave Arrive High Piont Salisbury..... Charlotte..... TRAINS GOING WEST;! No. 50; Daihv. men of ability a nl education. r STATE OF HOBTH CAROLINA. I Bowaxl County. In Tns Superior (focRT,' Jax'y 10, 1885. Samuel B. Hart, Adm'r of John M. Brown, Sr. Petitioner, S i Againtt , Gerge A. Brown, Jihn M; BrowrJr., Jo seph F. Brown, James L. Brown, Wra. L. Brow a, and Margaret Kerr, wife of n va. . Kerr, heirs at law Defendants. (i ft ti. ao a. m. 2.15pm 5.0 44 ,6.27 ' 7.08 ft 9R, 110.07 ' , 1I2.D5 Ti.:i t O 1. IO.17 H. 11.9a J : i: 1.58 a.m.; 12.53 Oar Forest Resources No.lC,Dailyex:Sunday-Lv.GoldBb'ol4Vf, A?.llaleih ulg . : 'Ar.Grefnborogn" No. 50 Conneelsi atl Salisburr till, in1 1 MP 1 t . . I STk j,ins is a special proceeding orougnt oy rv,," V t . " ai. lunoiit t the; said administrator for an order to sell A'& A" Llne for a'j H'Uf. 8omh r the land ol his intestate for assets; and the . n V?f7 -.? -al VAiarLutteith Cfc above named Wmi L. Brown, Margaret & V;1K-AWJ1 nitoml 1 iuu v nu-Liuiv ior ail lliiinia Sri 1 Kerr and her husband Win. S. Kerr, being proper parties defendant- and non-residents of this Slate and residents of Texas, said Wrh. L. Brown, Marearet S. Iverr and urn, S. Kerr are'hereby -notified and summoned to appear before tls Court and answer or demur to the petition on file in this ease, on or before the 14ih clay of March, 1883, or judgment will be taken pro cnfeo as to tuem ; anu tins nonce win ue puunsneu in the "Carolina Wntthman" newspaper 6ix successive weeks Irom this date.) This Jan uary 10th, 1885. j j J. pi. HOKAII, V. S. U. 13:6w ' ! of Rowaa County. N. W. N. C. RAILROAD. Lv. Greensboro Ar. KernersvDle " Salem Goiko North. "WE ASK ALL" Interested in Hids, Furs, Wool, Roots, Feathers, Beeswax, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Dried Fruit, Poultry, Hay and Produce generally to send Jbr our Price Currents. Prompt returns oi all Consignments. Trial Shipments Solicited. r. l. williamsI & co. t . General Commission Merbiiants, Office, 160j William St., New York. .lily 1 Cloyer M & Jersey Cows ! Fresh Grade Jersey Milch Cows for sale I. at my Stock larrh 12 imles West of Salis j bury. Very nice clean Clovtr seed,als for sale at my larm and at i-jnniss' Drug btore, Salisbury, at Richmond prices.- i J. M. HARRISON. 12:lm:pd. I The Secretary xt tlie Interior has had prepared, under the direction of Special Agent C.S.Sargent, a series of maps, of about eighteen by) twenty inches, showing the distribution of the primi tive woods of the forests of the United States; with a general map, showing, in colors more or less deeply shaded, the relative average densijty of existing for ests. From this latter map it will be found that the heaviest bodies of timber yet; remaining, and principally pine, lie south of the Osage river, and running through - Arkansas and Louisiana, in cluding hoth sibes of the Mississippi westward to the Tennessee, across the river southward into Alabama, and then t iadingnbrtheastwarr1, through the hilly and mountain region of Georgia and North Carolina into West Virginia, end ing in a comparatively narrow covering strip covering a part . of the mountain region of Pennsylvania south of Will- iamsport. Through all the region thus described after striking the mountains, many varieties of hard woods are inter mingled with the pines, arid the distri bution of these different species of wood are given in the series of maps which follow, and illustrate in a specific way the general man. Besides the heavy bodies of timber we have described, and which Mr. Sergent estimates would cut from fifty to one hundred cords per acre, theie are irregular hut much smaller bodies on Lake Superior, on the penin sular lying between Lakes Huron and Michigan, and in the Adirondack re gion of Northern New York. Outside of I these the average cut of timber wall not exceed from twenty to fifty cords per acre, while in a number of States, in' whole or in part, the average ranges from ten to twenty cords per acre down tome or two cords per acre. There are some strips of timber land in Idoho, Colorado and Arizona that would yield in cutting from fifty to two .hundred cords per acre, but these are insignifi cant hen compared with tl o forests One of the most remarkable causes of death known to the doctors recently came to light in Chicago. It was the absolute turning to blood of every bone in the body of a young man; What was bone originally became blood red matter that resembled liver in its normati state, and what this red matter is the wise.men are so far totally unable to say, 5C Geranium of the young man, they say, resembled nothing so much as a football, inasmuch as any portion of it could be pushed in with the slightest pressure of the finger and would then resume its normal position. The Senate yesterday in executive s2ssion disposed of the Nicaraguan trea- pty by defeating it. The majority was not large, but large enough for all prac tical purposes. Senator Vance was a mong the strongest opponents of its ratification. Goixo South. "No. 50 ei.Sun.- Xo.52 D.ilj, 123G . 1 1G " No. 51. Daily: ex. Sun. Leave Salem , Ar. Kernersville l'2o pm 8 05 " 15 1 lo00lB 1101-1 1253 ts xo.aj Daily, fj 530am 605 ; 7.10 K STATE UNIVERSITY RAILROAQ. K Going North No. 1. ii Dailyex.Sunr Leave Chapel Hill ...... Arrive University.......;... 10.20 am 11.20 am Going South. Daily ex. jjua. Lea veXJniversity.. ...;.!.. Arrive Chapel Hill ...... 12.05 p m i 2.25 pmL - - DARBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A Household Article for tnim!. FaiMijr I'm. . - ; Fo r SmMuf Typhoid F1 Diphtheria, U vsUen, Vkmld Sore Throat, Sl Pox,Meail,ui Eradicates I LIALAEIA. ASK YOUR i DRUGGIST for Shriner's Indian Vermifuge and if he fails to supply you, aauress thq proprietor, Liavid outz, Baltimore,. Md.; 1 Send six cents postage, and receive free, a costly box of 50od8 which will help you to more money risrlit away than anything el.se In this world. All. of either sex, suc ceed from first hour. 1 he broad road to fortune opens before the Hvorkers, and Is absolutely sure. At once address, j Trdk & Co., Augusta, Maine, A Prize For Dyspepsia, Costive neas, Sick . Headache, Chroiiic Diar rhoea, Jaundice, Iiupurlly of tha ' Itlixja, Fever and Ague, Malaria, und nil Dlseasea 3s caused by De- jU Contagions Diseases. Penoos ic : the Sick should use it freely. carkt 'J 1 never beea tnown to spread whtrt the fWi ued. Yellow Fever has been cure3 whh kifl black vomit had taken place. Tw. Mr cases of Diphtheria yfeld to K. 'j I ;-, FeveredandSlckPer- SMtALL-MX ; sons refreshed -and. ".i' L Bed Sores prevent- PITTTSO ofiM ed by bathing sith , pQx PBEVE5TD -Darby s Fluid . j j A member of T Impure Air rtiade iitf wa,rukv harmles ui purified. , c' j, . i For Sore Throat it U a sure cure. Fluid: the pw not delirtotBr" . rangement of Liver, lio'veis .nd Kidneys. systptomIs or a diskased trvEit. Bad Breath; Pain in the Side, sometimes the pain is felt under the ShoulJer-blade, mistaken for Rheumatism 5 general loss of appetite ; Bowels generally costive, sometimes alternating with lax; ibc neaa is troubled with nam. is dull and hearv. with considerable loss of memory, accompanied " wth a painfuUens.-ition of leaving undone something Which ought to have been donx a slight, dry cough and flushed face is sometimes an attendant, often mistaken for 'consumption: the patient complains m can ness ana Oeouity ; nervous, easily startled', reci com or iMirnmg. sometimes a prickly sensation No Preferences in Souxn Carolina. The Supreme Court of South Caroli na has just rendered An opinion holding that a person about to fail in business has no right to make an assignment dic tating that certain creditors shall be paid to the exclusion of others. The Court interprets the law to the effect that every creditor is entitled to main tain the same status which he held at the time of the failure, and that all have a right to share in the assets ac- enrding to their respective claims. An assignment intended to deprive any creditor of this advantage is not legal X. Y. Herald. n By the use of ft new invention long distance telephone a, con versa tioii was carried on Sunday between New York city and MeadvilIe, Pa., a distance of 509 miles. A tenor sing er at Meadville gang several songe, 1111(1 every tone, every word, and in deed the vibration of bis voice could be heard in New York. of the skin exists; spirits are low and despondent. '", amiougn satisueu mat exercise would be bene ficial, yet one can hardly summon up fortitude to ry it in iaci, distrusts every remedy, several ofthe above symptor.'.s attend the disease, hut cases nave occurred wnen but lew ot them existed. vet lAdiuiiMiioD auer aeatn nas shown the uvrr So have been extensively deranged. It should be used by all persons, old and youug-, Whenever any at the attovo jsymptoms appear. Persons Traveling or Living In TJn nealthy Local iUes. by taking a dose occasion, at y to keen the larer in healthy action, will avoid all Malaria, lUlloas attacks. Diziiness, Nau sea Drowsiiess Depression of Spirits, etc. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, but Is no In toxlcaUng beverag-e. .If Tr iaaten anything hard ol .UBestionorfrl heavy after meals, or sleep! ! at night, take a dose and you will be relieved? Time and Doctors Bills will be saved by altyayi keeping the Regulator I In the Tfonsel for, whatever the ailment may be, a thorouehl cafe porgaUve, alU-ratlvi and tonic can never be out of place. The remedy is harmless pleasure " iut'tTfeT9 business or . , PUTtKLT VEOETAITLK, And has all the power and efficacy of Calomel or Quinine, without any of the injurious after effects! A Governor's Testimony. V SimmonLiver Regulator has bceft In use in my fem.lv for pme time, and I m wtUfied it hi valuable addition to uie medical science i J. Gill Shobte. Governor of Ala. Hon. Alexander fir. n.her"ij!Ver KC8UUl0r' "d .J?? fJ. Thine that n. ran- have found anvthintr to kT" . v ?" DeVer from the use of to give it a such a medicineVand wod 3 JT "rther.for UaHv affrJf7:?-W?u,1 ail who;are sim- thing that never fihVlf" " ce,M only Tr tIvw J" Minneapolis, Mina. y practice I hit, iJT ""I Ijer RcK"'a'"r d prescribe fu H anJ satimficd to use peafe w purgative medicine. (Sffonly the Genuine which always aas on the Wrapper the red Z Trade-Mark M.SAU? !V ALL DRUWISTS . . . . j uinianoo aestroyea. , , . nj For Frosted Feet, ftrh itai.A Chilblains. Piles. ; ?Ti Chafingrs, etc ; i ?y W. - Khenmatism cured, t ,w PiUWas. i cr ivi.it. 4u"' ' - Ions securecTby itsiise. "ShlpJFever prevented. To purity the Itreath, Cleanse the Teeth, it can't be surbasseil. Catarrh relieved iinJl . cured. . - j Krysipelas cured. Burns relievedinstaatly. Kcar- prevented. ' i ' Dysentery cured! Wounds healed rapidly Scurvy cured. : i a. Stollm i An Antidote for Arem.il j GreeMWr;' or Vegetable Poisons. , - Arl. H riphtieriaj : Prerestei The phrswa-' use Uarbvs FJ successfully in ax merit of UipsUW I used the Fluid diirin; our present affliction -Scarlet Fever with-decided advantage. It is indispensable to the iick room. Wk. F. SaK voao. Eyrie, Ala. . itn ; ,t- In cases cTD should Uvri L ... mrrat "V" Scarlet Fever Cured. "it ' .-im slel... convinced rrr- fanderbUt University. Nashvlue.J' 1 testify to the m4st extellereoauw ' j Darbyif Prophyjactid Fluid. As a k'23H both; theoreticauy aw r--0 , superior' to any preparation with jwliiclU i quainted. , I. Upton, rrot vjj i Darbys Fluid! Is Recommeode! Hon. Alkxanoek H. Stei-meks, fJ7s ! Rev. Cmas. F. Dibits, D.l)., eTwrt r-n Strangers, N. V.: . Lt,T JosOjtCoirrK, Columbia. Prof t ' lev. A. J. BattlJ., Prof. MVg f Rev. Gso. F. PiEkc bishop M fc- ZT.,1 ' ZNDISPKNSABLK T EVERT Perfectlv harmless. Used intenuflT ! r , ... externaUy tor JWan-er iM Fluid has been thoroughly tetteM-; btmdant r:deiice that it ha Tjis The av uunu4uk . " . w. ir 1 1 . C M4sAffl Rt here claimed- i or juuer '"'"""""ZJvtai, Lruggist a pamphlet or send to the proprwr Manufacturing Cheujists, L'll mir Chemists. I'HlLAf Tie VaUey Muloal Lifs HOME OF VIRGINIA... vt- The Cheapest, Safesil, anu mosi .- . . ! rnn iiu as :.m. su ranee now olerea ti puouo i ley Mutual, which enablewoti to E"J. p Ucy at an actual average cost oi For further Information, call K . i issriTTT May W, 18S3.1 , a week 8t home solutely sun outfit ff;ii No risk- lK beit tl niulreu.J Reader. If j Xe all Wat which Persons of el her , ... nnr i iul . . .. i . rv or oiu, cu make 1 'S. 'tnr narlic . u with absolute certain. PrtA t II luixkrr C o.,-.roru-" i , ' 13:ly; VRIGHTS iNDttH VECEI fOSTaa i ntif mm And all Bilious Corripi Sale to take. beint:r!y f,, tug. trice 4 rt3

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