-THISB SEEIES SALISBUEY. H. C, EEBETTABY 19, 1885. 1 v Tin in-'"' tJ . t i ." , ' i 1' ; r -; 'li' . '-s t . ,,:: v ., r . ! MU . KK KY N I!.. CiniLIJin I lilt IRHn. . V.. . . r ' . (i - ' r . i'.' J . j.-..1 ,.! ' ft il 'i' iu r : J . . ; . , r- , 'A if 'tit i4 1Ef Mixture and rEimAKEJJr coe FOB. j;D5ia;d3Indiseition. ?i,H.AV.AV.miEGO 1 nereoy cennjr W ntlv used your Dyspeptic SI 1 M:it , ry great ?eneflt t myself 1 ttm .uiiraend ife t otliers. u. p. WakisCt, ' ' ' - ri T ? . V -Member . . ysllu,c ' : U ; Chaplotte, N. C, Vir Gregory: I tak great plcasar 1kw,.VM,?mT to the lue of your L;.r;, KT llhaveuwd it With,reat 1 Aierfollj rccomtnend it to any one u,!l dyspepeU, indigestion and "a TLjnion of liver and j w f. C. Stale Treasurer. ! Vbr J H McAden and TO Smith A iy.C.ndJHEnniSaJb. 49:ly " J The, Pleasure of Coisdogrt "See the boy " -" rnllpfjoy WitlUii8 paiuted ftled, Gayly go Through the snow, Always at the head.; 41; f Bells jingle, P w. Ears tingle, . Bat what matters thatf Rubs Vm warm, Doesnt.harm, i- Though lie tumbles flat. Up again, With a grin, He's bonud to have his' frolkj ? Slipping down. Cracking cxovtrijk , ... 'Sno worse than having colic. - y Chicago JSun. PRESIDENT C LBVELAND Tobacco Seed, fife 'largest stock of SELECT VARIr 1 ftlES of NEW ahdi PEDIGREE lEDS, suited toevery type to choose iQijality guaranteed, and prices fm.'JLL 'Price T-fat TREE. uy.""-r ,ti:' i V mmmm JTtDEBAKEU asd .aiioow ; 1 If v FARW WAGbNS. ; 'C0tBlis,WAfERTOWTf & ClKCISNATI j Js; & Spring Wagons! !lif if' 6ickpub; iicFFAS'.; . j l&m and Guatfo Drills. msHAYmKES, l1i!TEBV4ding and Walking j CULTIVATORS. TilOiiAS' HARROWS,- ; ! Megraph Straw. Cutters,! lilMw DixieiPLOWS, . ; Oektor poxrxx ' Snuor SAY AND GRIST HILLS, j ainr. Enzine and Boilcsr Fitings-Gun$, ko!,!8Hf1t Cartridges, Wads aad Caps. 'Ser and hot. Dvnaitiite Fuse and Pri- aAxes, Shovels and ; Spades, Building Htrf ire, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, ; E-RAISED GLOVER SEED. It wwytfilagv -feiae usually ikapt In First Class mrtwtiBd ffflpiement stores. I have on hand 1 nil reck tf the above. & offer tbem lor the next UMj'iaR.tor less money Uian they nave ever ktlwldlnUilicountry. 4- ! J ' tfk'VfJ SiiilTHDEAu Raleigh News and, Obsenrcr. The last tep in the election" of President- Cleveland was taken yes terday9.when the votes of the electo ral college were counted in r the joint session of the honses of Congress. The annonncement of the result, made by Mr. Edmunds, the president of t the Senateraised a storm 1 in both cham- bersbu t we th i n k n n n ecessa nly. It would seem that , under the l:iw he did all that wasrebuired: that he did more man was oecessary.signinea umy that he wished to emphasize the un- ci-rtaihties of ; the existing! law. He eansed tho certificates to be opened and -the votes. r to be ; counted. , The resblt he mentionetl as a public mcU" fetVbtti not assuming; lo himself , the Shadsneb nreuy ightbe, Jrogafive d vfr tea. And waving hair of golden sheen j - HecUd. Nowhere it the dutjr imposed on tue president of the benatet to de clare who is ciecteel President, and he has no euclr high and ! dangerous function. 'He "announced the result of- the voting, and the constitution makes the declaration as to who shall be President The clause reads : "The President of thei Senate shall, in the presence of The Inevitable Thorn. A saacviiose and cherry llp. And stately manners of a queep. Bat oh, there was one little faalt, One blemish all theRe charms among; Tlii lovely rosebud had one thoin, r She had also ! she had ft tongue. ? The Greely Rescue. In describing the rescue of Lieuten- J the Senate'and House of Kepresenta- afrt ffreelv to a reDorterr a sailor of the tives, opeti all the certificates, and the rninn- vpssp? Rftar rwTitlv rav the votes shall then be counted; the per- fnlowinc vprsionr L - ' 80,1 Nving tlie greatest number of Al ew, vuwiiauw i- (lpn. If such nnmUr Kft maioritv of Smith's Sound, we were nipped in the the whole number of electors appoin ice three days. The Bear and Thetis ted; Such is the constitution. The sailed from there to Cape Sabine, on the statute of 1792 provides that "the extreme point of which records of the certificates shall then be opened, the Greely party were found by an ensign votes counted, and the persons to till Bear started at lie mces Ui x-rwiuen aim y .ce l'resident ascertamcu ana declared of the Thetis, The once for Cocked Hat Cove, Where Greely was as indicated by the message. The steam launch under Lieutenant Col well made the landing. A fifrtire- was seen advancing over the ice. agreeable to the constitution." Here there is an apparent authorization for a declaration, but the declaration must be "agreeable to the constitution. The constitution does not impose this " 4Who are you?' said Chief Engin- duty on the Vice President, and Mr. eer Low. ' j "-'I am Sergeant Long,' saidVthe ema ciated wretch. J " 'Is Greely alive ?,Jwa3 the next ques- .. . i i . , . u 4--' won. ' , . Kdmunds only gave point to the-un certainty by declaring that he did not have anv iuntiou to perform in that matter. , But it is not material, b rover Cleveland is now the ; ascertained purl GFOR CASH or ON TIME. : talt an classes of purciasers, me have made hi?: V- ;!,:"; : " ' . j , ; : aipmenu to sell these celebrated Wagons eith- tua of ba lonj time. 8oJ all wfc need wajrons KtcaUandsee ussooh. 3 i ,l - ' A JOIlXi A. BOYD EX, Agent, ? ; fOrj'-- j Hiti,!. i jio. WHITE. THF RFQTT QF1ITU III Tilt GOUllTY ! " Tes, but starving. For God's sake President of the United States for the give me something to eat i terra beginning March 4, 1885, and "We took theman onboardtha Bear 1 M al! of l)racticaI iml,ort to tbe; at once. , Qommander Schley and Dr. 't which so many weak kneed Ames landed as soon as possible with foowcr8 0f the Democratic camp medical supplies. ' The party was found iave go constantly prophesied would in a dilapidated tent, lying in their never occur has occurred, sleeping bags, unable to stand upon "Ihe dead Democracy- wliich these their feet, which were useless. They half-hearted folk have so often cou- were so weaVand emaciated that they igied to the graveyard, rises tri urn- wereMy:hing but hnmto ekel- ffiSSSt Uiffl! econs wrapped in SKm. ureeiy was M Statcs as he bears aloft the banner reading from a prayer-book to private Gf those victorious legions that have Cornell, who was supposed to be dying. J never wavered in its cause or quailed As soon as he knew that it was an before its enemies. American expedition' that had rescued 1 " him Greely said: am glad to see'you ri Carolina at K ew Orleans. Dr. Ames took charge of ,the party and N Evening Post, (Jan. 30). allowed nothing to be given them but J . ffOT(rnmi.nti)l);u;n!T nroiw a ; small. teaspoonful-of brandy punch at blythe most perfect display is made intervals and at last small quantities of by North Carolina.- This State was food. The livmg and the dead were re-1 oliefof the first of the Confederacy to moved aboard the vessels as soon as pos- reipover from the effects of the civil sible. All but six bodies were recover- a,,d has. ,ad therefore, a longer J wu ; "-iiMf;n1 lease of new lift i J a .,c if i l t nr underwent a lengthened paralysis, and covered with alcohol in tanks We Her l,, My 8e't asif,e a stayed at Cpe Sabine only eleven hours l)0J:on ot- iier reVenues to exposition and returned through Melville Bay as WOrk, so when she went to Boston in fast as the ice would allow. 1883, she offered a display that no --"One of bur Esquimaux went crazy State had ever equalled. With this Kara smd inAmW on the ice. ran off experience, and with additional ap- as fast as his legs couldrcarry him. propriatiorts, she came to New Orleans Two sailors were detailed to follow and No great work! was ever accomplish ed without system, n Did you ever stop b consider howlmuch ume is lost in, this world for lack of system. A. houses keeper will for lack of system fool awayj the morning hours,' and dinner, time: comes before the breakfast dishes are! washed, simply hecanse ,.)wlf a dozen, things are under way at the same timej and no one thing accomplished. Youi sometimes ask a young man whom yojt know ought to have plenty of leisure why he did not do such and such a thingl only to be answered: didn't have time" Why did he not have time? H was idling with a few friends, maybe telling stories, or what may be worsej doing nothing, and bef oreha is aware of it his spare time ;waslup--il had been wasted. ' You! have no ilea how much wprlcan be accomplished in a day if there' is only system and application. A few moment's work at a certain time each day on some special object will ac complish that object before the worker is fairly aware of it,r and at the same time will not interfere with the regular duties of the hour. I Every moment is precious, and under some systematic plan can be utilized for business or pleasure. The merchant who does bus- Ml iness in a slipshod way is not the man who suticeeds. The mechanic who only works to kill time, and lacks system in what he does is the one who always plods along in the same old rut. No matter how hard may be your work it can be made much easier by taking ad vantage of every minute of 'time and systematizing your operations accord ing to the time you have and the work on hand. You can't let up on a job begun without danger of complicating affairs and increasing your work. You can't attend to half a dozen different things at the same time without slight ing all of them, j The only sure plan of success in life is to systematize your every, action so that; every move counts toward the obiect you would accom plish. I I ! Too Much Unproductive Land. It. L. BROWN. bring him back. Such .running you never saw. ' When they captured him he turned up his l;oes like, a turtle, ex- Dectincr to be carried. Sut tars didn t that him with their boarding pikes until he was glad to trot back to the ship. We arrived at St. John's, Newfoundland, Mdetgned ts prepared to do all Slnda of ire TkSJv6 look atij that way. iney puncnea Hunt " " eaiisuui Y . tuu lit tuc B Plll7C slx tttote tor posuge, and n ril I W. VfefCt VP fro n nnst 1 v hrtv nf crrwvia tiwVTthl . tiineipyoatojnoremonr juiy lb, wnere tne iron comns werere- JMttanaiJ things else In tSIiTworld. All . , , , , , . l ?tio1S,M,f,f,Pm &ret ho3- T1f b.road ceived and the bodies placed in them. Ir. .'"'KODens UPfnrpfhA wnrirvra aiWilntAi . "iwns ueioretne workers, i sk Co., Augusta, lalne NOTICE. A Washington corresondent in a recent letter says f"The negroes . are already preparing to flock into the 5?S ooruSSr ranks of the Democratic party. This North Varollna to amend the RAMSAY. Mayor. SiNTS wanted lor The Lives ot all tie Presidents oi the U. S.. Thelare- U onS ? Salisbury, nc. By direo morning a delegation of prominent vWu oi commissioners. i . " Lirrji ' colored citizens oi v irginia caiieu up on Representative John S. Barbour, and stated that they were willing to vote the Democratic ticket if they trtiiirl 110 n&fiiirad flint their civil and Stelaa twli;e price.' The ; political rights" would be respected by h.i AiiintofM..-. . i. r-. . i said party. The siokesmau of the delegation said that the "colored race had voted with the Bepublican party for twenty years, and thereby shown their allegiance to the party whioh set them at liberty. ;Their debts are now I paid and they projKwe to vote as tliey J choose. one L luurTt u aenu Terms tree, i FIT. !S AU"T Booi vo. ortUha, Maine, Mfe HARRIS. 11! oTILL Bonmiia t 1 ' 1; ifewed' Kcld's intereit fer.V.1Iarris Reid, I xvUl contin kuK! V-m tand dn Min 8cet "T.Uh3LiLni'nd and the public for Actress (to washerwoman, who has 1 Girv!2f First-claa i Myerffi? CISF Tobacco! and! has covered herself with glory There are, doubtless, States richer jn every respect: there are thosewhich could show! more highlydevelopecl manufactures or richer soil ; but there is no State'that has sliown such a con summate mastery of tliev art of exhi bition. With every article that she could-produce properly- classified and displayed; she makes an enect lar su perior to that of States which have greater natural advantages. lockadid MiiiA--Chicam Feb, ll.-1As the result of the blizzard the dispatching room of the post office and large : covered platform, at which mails are loaded on wagons are, fill ed with hnge piles of mail pouches con taining letters and clothe sacks filled with papers. 5 Every mail car in the depots is crowded with mail, so that: it cannot take more. The amount of mail thus delayed weighs probably from 80 to 100 tons and nearly all of it orig inates: in Chicago. When the, roads, are open the work of postal employees in all jbranches of , the . service will be ex tremeljt heavy; There are now still out ninety direct mails which are past due in Chicago and on which 500 pouches may be expected, , The ' mail transfer contractor is suffering badly on account of delays, he i obliged to send wagr ons to each train to go out and also to keep a wagon at each pf the depots to receive incoming mails A Sensible - View. Tbe -Philadelphia Time says: A youth who is old enough to carry a pistol is old enough to know that it is loaded, and jO? ble for the consequences of exploding ijJ- it. nen a pistol or gun, aimed in the sportive way so familiar, has gone off and killed the person aimed at, the joker is plunged in misery and ncre is a general leeiing mat tne sense of the mischief he has done must be sufficient punishment. No doubt it is so, but it is not so much for tbe sake ofj punishing the individuals as to iiqld up a warmug to other careless versions that these reckless Jokers should be made to feel the rigor of the law. -1 rr X Petersburg, Va., Index. '; One grand error of the Southern farmer is the holding on to so much unproductive land. Most farmers, we dare cay might,) in some way make productive more land than they do. We say, in some way, either by till age, by pasturage, by fruit, nut or timber culture: or by tenantry. But where a man has fairly done what he can, according to his means and .labor force, lie has no need for more, and should not keep it if he has it. . The secret of successful farming ev erywhere is to make the whole farm productive. Every square yard of sou should yield its quota to help fill the farmer's bin and barn. Land that yields no income, and is not likely to do so even in the life time of the owner, is a dead weight, drawing upon the rest of the farm in taxes, interest, etc., and fearfully curtails the profits of the productive acres. This error is far worse when much of the unproductive ground of the land lies within the enclosed portions. Then there is an j additional annual tax lor fencing,?gr6tind travelled over in working, &c. The rule should be to make every foot of an enclosed or cultivated field productive, lhere should be no waste ground on account of stumps, stones, trees or other im pediments. An idle square yard of ground not only cuts down the gen eral average, but is an expense on the labor bestowed upon the rest. The hillsides! fence corners, mead ow ground and woodland of f every farm can and should iu some way be made to yield something in the gen eral routine. 1 he departments ot ru ral iudustry are;multitudinous some thing for every soil, locality, season and market. The true policy is, to make every acre do someiiimg. i there are more acres than can be work ed, some should be sold. Asheboro Courier : A few days ago Joseph Hackett, near Red Cross, shot i i J lj l. I t i Yithotjt Organization or In fluence. Of the twenty million peo belonging to the agricultural classes in America nearly eight millions are active farmers, and there is pnbahly not in the whole world so large a bo- Atr iif liAmnaptmPAnt ' rtormlo tivalv amnlnvpd nnil linl dW nronartv who at a bird on his hay stack. He killed lank a fO n i I inn r oc iah 1 the bird - but did not notice that he orgamzatK lion, cohesion ! the bird - but did not notice and iufluence. Lincoln J Neb.) Lem. set his Hay on Ore.: ine consequence I was he lost his hay and nearly al . In Aroostook county, Maine, it is complained that people have to go a hundred miles to court. Now while it would seem a little difficult for the old Aroostookers to go to law with one another, the young Aroostookers can probably go to court at tiicir jicxt doori neighbors ; but it is human na ture to grumble. . The value of thecocoanut as a food is as vet but little understood. An in stance of its use is found in the exper- fT ipnv cif fwn sViirwra.lrad sailors. Thpv fe. It' (r were seven years on an island where their only food was cocoanuts and an accasional flying fish. They retained gopd health, and gained m weight. Springfield, Ills. Jau. 29.-. Elijah M. Haines, Independent Democrat, 1 was elected permanent speaker oi tne Illinois Assembly, on the second bal lot today, breaking the deadlock which has existed for three weeks. After the assassination of Gen. Gor don in Khartoum the Mahdi s men perpetrated a frightful massacre of the terror stickeu Egyptians, who were mercilessly butchered, with barbarous atrocity. A BEAUTIFUL CHILD is the pride of the household. Worms will darken its complexion and ruin its health. Save it. Oh! save it. One or two doses ot bhnncr's In dian Vermifuge will set all things right akaiu. tan DS AT THE HEAD I i THE i LIGnT-RUXNIKG DOMESTIC." "fhat it is the acknowledged Leader is'a tact that cannot be disputed. MANY IMITATE IT. NONE EQUAL IT. 'he Largest Armed. The Lightest Itunnina. The Most Beautiful Wood Work. AD IS WARRANTED To be made of the best material.. To do any and all kinds of work. T Ija cnmnlete in everv rcsnect. Agents wanted in unoccupied territory. Address, . DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., Richmond, Va. For sale bv KLUTTZ & RENDLEMAN '84 36:ly. Salisbury, N. C. his nroveuderlaiid his bam barely escaped. On Wednesday night of la3t week, Mr! Eli Welch who lives in the" Concord settlement in this couitfy was awakened by a man, standing at the! head of his bed with one hand on his pillow and a pistol in the other, 'the robber told him to keep quiet, thai lie only wauted his money. Upon OCing asaureu uy ooui Mr- and Mrs. Wclcii tney Pad no The craze on electrical studv is be ginning to bear fniit. "Are you the. nvmey, he dearted. On the same ' iqj 1 niffht. Mr. E'iie ! Yales who lives i llt rlj it ; i about two miles from Mr. Welch s, sion train. UI am, replied the courte-1 , -. f Blnri:no ;n i.ri i ua w j awoke to find a man standing in ins ous official, "andjny name is Wood, room xamig Lis pants. The "Oh that cant.be, said, the boy, "for thief was'salutecl with the contents of succeeded in escaping ij impertinent as to dun me in this way? Washerwoman "Impertinent! What do you mean? Who are yout, I should like to know? - If I choose to pay for a gallery ticket you have got to faint on Syoodl is ,aj non-K5onductor.v Boston a shot gun but the stage for my amusement." ... "jfcftfii. with $10 in cas HAMRE YOU WAXTT HARDUARE AT LOW FIGURES Call on the undersigned at- NO. 2, Granite Row. 1 ' ' D. A.' ATWfiLL. Agent for th Crd wUTbremhmr.- Salisbury, N. C, June 8th tf.: - . , : ' ' ' - . !.-, - ; ,. -:: , .!' .... : ! ' - ' ; ' r - ' I V A'Mft'.Vj--;i.'t'::f''t lit . : ! -v. ' W:Wf w ." -'! . wm:yxm i.iL'sf n ill it iiiiiiiiiiii it mn isWris. .- ; . IYIV M I.I II I Hll ll n H I p. Mfo&' 11U1U 1 UUU1 Ull 1 U M .';- :J '-i ww 1 : y:- -y.-.- r wm:y:y S THE BEST 'SOLD I TOE mB,''K.:S i AlAI- - . ..-AIWl, .. . yr: I ifii a i . A iu jiii zvmr ri l-HK IU ! U UI ! II I Ifm .ij-.r uuiuvmiy muiui mm, ym IAP' - 1 - .. AllAI. r .jj1" -Ml , ' at.t. t -JiiJVK ft WW . . - ' AlfAW rJm mm ' mm. ym mm. I II I I PI l I I III I- W0HL Si mm? humv ui) i mu. ,? : : : m . i y m Aim - . - 'j - m:"M mm, - i mp-ym I TOjllCO EI110 j jl Iff SMALL SIZE SAOKS , ' mm. - y y h i Am am i . -vi4! :-y -mm, :yM 2s J Tl a A SKILL-, ffi x v 9 u : v - yu - I , ' ' ' '. i- ' ; i' H'h . , - ' - ' - r l:U ' ' - I j . y :y : - . - i i;i Ky-Yy . " ' r " - ' - . ; . -t . J y .I " , . .- , . -i jjl 1 ! ;'"-!; :; y- ; ' ! . " -;" ' - I ' ' 1 ivy i . . . ' ; .- jh - r-. -I yy-

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