1 1-1 ;!iv It ; Tk! IV. 'f Siili Fn' it P s 4 m .1 4 7 I! I 1 1 m i i r if r t n .1 1-r i mt Li' ' CE&TERH II. C. RAILRCAD. OFFICE QtX. PARSENGER AGENT, Salisbury, N. MAY Hth, 1884. v ; SCHEDULE. : r - ; Train Vo. s, . EAST. ITrtln NO, 1, I WEST. STATIONS; At. t-Siam. - 1A1 ; "11.11 " ! 11 -is p. m; l..t "J ..si r t.ss ; T.1S M : v S.U M ' ;Slisturjrn Statesville : Newton 'Hickory i 1 Morgan to a . Marlon r !-ll Vnrt Lv. It MA. m. If - 43 " r 4A aiM H Ar. 1 03 - " AM ' " 5.44 " , t .so " iKound Kno b i" 6.5J " ' " T.5 ' 8.5 : .4 i ioj . "11.35 " Black Mountain ; AsbevMe m Alexander's ' S.33 " 4.54 kr. 4JM " l twaraspriujfs Marshall Train No. 8, Train No. T. WEST. - JkAST, T-lfU STATIONS, 4.44 p. m. flARbevtlle l 1.40 "1 .Pigeon Hirer . Lv. .i0 AT. IMS 1.30 Wayiiesvilie Trail it and 8 ron dally.! . Train No. 3 connects at Salisbury with R. D. R. , ., from all points sout b . i ! rv; Train No. 1 Coaaects at Salisbury with E. t D. R. R. from all Mints North and from Kalelzb. Connects at Utesrtlle with A. T. dt'oi Dllv. of C.C. A. R. S Connscta at Warm Sprlnjts with E. Tenn.. Va. B. B. for Morrlstowii asd polnt3 West, S. ;: TrsOa Nol2 : .. T i ! atfWarm Sprlnzslwltb E. T. Va. A Ga.R.R. v, Jlorrlstown ; the West 8. W. connects at ! vIU With A. T. A O. iDlv. of C C. & A. R. R. at Salisbury with R.' A D. R Jt. for all points t orth and East and for Rajleigb. . V t Ticket. On sale at Salisbury, Staterllle, Ashevllle and the W Bprugs w ail pnncipaj ciurs. V I ' I W. A. TUEK, "-. j j a.g. p. a. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. KERR CRAIGE. '. - . WII. CLEMENT CRAIGE & CLEMENT, . ' III Salisbukv, N. C. i ! ; Feb. 3rd, 188). BLACKMER k HENDERSON Attornejs, Counselors and Solicitors." 8lisburv, N. C. ' ' " Jan, 22d;'79 tf. V; . - J. M. MCCORKLE. 1 T. F. KLUTTZ iTlcCOItKLE & KLUTTZ, attorneys and Counselors Salisbury, X. C. Office on Council Street, opposite the Coiir$ House. Mj i ' 8TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ' . Rowan County: In the Superior Cqcrt, Jas'y 10. 1885. Samuel B. Halt, Adm'r of John M. Brown, 8r., Petitioner, ; - ; ; . ' ' Againtt j George A. Brown, John M. Brown, Jr., Jo seph F. Brown, Juniea Ii. Brown,' Wm. L. ! Brown, and Margaret Kerr, wife of Wm. S.. Kerr, heirs at law-r-Detendants," This is a special proceeding, brought by the said administrator for an brdcr to sell the land ol his intestate for assets and the almve named W'm. L. Brown, Margaret i Kerrnd her hnsband Win. S. Kerr, being i proper parties defendant and non-residents of this State and residents of Texas, said Wm. L. Brown, Margnreit 8. Kerr and Wm. 8. Kerr are hereby notified and summoned "to appear Wore this Court and answer or demurf to the petition bn tile in ihis case, m on or Ikfore the 14th day of March, 1885, or judgment will be taken pro eonfeaso as to them ; jand1 this notice will be published in the "darolina Watchman" newspaper six successive creeks from this date This Jan uary 10th,"1885. ' ! ... h I , J. M1H0RAH, C.8.C. ISiCwJ . l ,0f Rowan Count j. flfrize Send islx cents Dostaee. and receive tree, a costly tbx of goods which will help you to Finoremonev risrht. wav Ihon cuc ui uiis wuria. ah. oi eiiner sexi suc ceed from ttrst hour, lb broad road to fortune opens before the workers, and Is absolutely sure. At once address, Taea Co., Augusta, Maine, ; FASHIONABLE MILLI1IERY ! mrs'. eate Sederach, s i Is pleased to annotinre to the ladies of fx' Salisbury and surrounding country, that . she has opened a MILLINERY STORE in Crawford's new bujldiag on Main Street ' adjoining-; the room formerlv occupied by Blackmer Taylor ns a Hardware House. She is prepared to fill jorders and respect : : . fully invites ladies to call and inspect her stock. Can supply on short notice any ; article not in Store.! Believes ' her -.work will not onlv irive satisfaci inn lint nlna CM VA . f. Will fill orders promptly and at charges ' ; - as moderate as possible Indelliblc stamp mg on any kiud of material for Braidin ana embroidery, also free hand drawin' ; for Motto, Hat bands, Hand kerchiefs, &T, any Mze; plain to elaborate. I ; Alar. 2I:tf. ; . TAPEwonn.. j r: An eminent German' scientist -has recent, i v ly discovered from a rmit ! extract! an aim v lute tpecrfc fox Tape Worm. n - It is pleasant to take and is not distress es t0 lie Pient, but is peculiarly sicken inse and.stnpcfyin- to the M ape Worm; h,ch loosens its Mld pf its victim' and Y les away in a nattiraf and ! easy manner, entirely whole, with Head, and while still ' irS,&!an .,VlS t,,is specific in 7 over 4&0 cases, without a sin-Ie failure to void worm : entire, Succesi guaranteed. No ? - EIy:c?ulr? unt 1 i Movir with , cad. stamp for circular! an twins Ir b 19 Park Pl-o v!l V!. tcrestetJ hj Hides, lrs, Iwool, Roots Pathers. Beeswax Butter, Cheese, E8' D.ied Fruit, Poultry,. Hay and ProdTee ene:ally to send for oir Price Currents. I rompt rtttrns on all ConsiSnnlcnts. . Trial shipm'ents Solfcited. K. L. WILLIAMS ji CO. I i f in . . t ' "Rough on Hats" clears oat' Rats, Mice. T VRough on Coras,? for Corns, Bunions. 156. ; ..Jr w-j , ,'.'" . v Thin people. 4Well$1 Health ReneweV' restores health and Tigor, cures djspepsia, &c.fi. ' - : A A "BouglronToothacIid," instaJnt relief. J5cT LadieVwho would retain ffrcshtfesafand vivacity don't fail to try "Wells- Health tenewer." , "Buchu-paiba," great kidnet and urinary cure. - ; ' i , .. r. . Flies, roaches, aufg. ljed-bus, r&ts, mice, cleared out by "Rough on Rat?' 15c. ' 4Rou''h on Couhs,'T trocheit 15c: liouid J?cf children, slow in deve!opment, puny ana ueiicatty use eIIT lIea,iUi uenewer.- "Rough oii Dentist" Tooth Powder, Try ! it. 15c. . " .1 i y' i ',- f . r '. . i i t. i Nervous "Weakness. Dvsnepsia, Sciual Debility cured by "Wells' Health Renewer.' Mother Swan's WormJ$vrup,:for feverish- ness, worms, constipation ; tasteless. 25c Stlnin'r, irritation, all Kidney and Uri- riia"y complaints cured, by 'Buchu-paiba. f l. - . . . - . Night sweats, fever, chills, malaria, dvs- pepsin, cured by"Wel!s' Health Renewer." My husband (writes a lady) is! three times the man since usimr "Wells'- Health Re- newer" $1. t . a . If you are failinr, broken, worn out and perrons, use VWtJIs' Health Renewer." 1. Prevalence of Kidney coiuplaint in Amer ica; "tjncbu-paiba" is; quick complete cure, i. 25 YEAR3 IN USE. y Dm Greatest Iladical Triumph of this Age! GYPJ1PTOMS OF A LoHof uppctito, Eowvls costive, l'diala tlio bead vrltb a dall ceneation la the bach, part, Tain aader the ebooldcr tls.de, Fallncas after catlrs with cila lncllaatlon to! exertion of body-or mlcd, IrrlmbKiry cftcmpcr, Iaw spirits, with a faciinzof bavins nojlected actnodaty, Wc&rincas, Dizziness, Flattering at tLe IZccrt, Dots beforo the eyes, Headache evcrtho rirht eye, Iie3tlo3cce3s,iwita fitfel Irc3cis, IIili!y colored Urine, and corjQTiPATiorij. i TUTT'i FilXStiro especially adapted to such eases, o;io d90 euects such a chan 'ofae'lsipr' to astonish tlic euffercr. The Increase ttt Aiipctttetnd rauce the body i Tube on l'"leaU. t.mi lUe '-tcin t nonriihcl.r-'l bylho r Tontc Actlou oa 1 tte li3csttverrana.liefulart fools rro TB1T8 'HAIR .Wtt&: Chat Hair or Wuincas cb&nged to a Glosst Ulact; hr a sinierlo application of this DTE. It imparts a u itural colon acts instantaneously. Sold by Dru5gist3, or sent by express on receiptof $1. Office, r&lurray St:v How York. To the needs of the tourist, commercial - traveler and new settler, IIos tetter's Stom ach - Bitters is peculiarly adapted, since it strengthens the digestive organs, and braces the physical energies to unnealth ful influences, lt removes and prevenA malarial fever, constipation, dyspepsiiQ healthfully stimulates the kidneys and bladder, and enriches as well as purine! the blood. When overcome by fatigue, whether mental or physical, the wear and debilitated find it a reliable source oi renewed strength and comfort. For sals by all Druggists and Dealers generally FOTJTZ'S i HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS -i!aiIlE8B "ni dle of Colic. lUrro or Lvsa Fa- vaa. tf Font Powders ars med in time. - T : onu; lowrterwtlleifreanl prevent HooCBotaax. Fout Powder wfH prevent Gafsk tw Fowls. j Iow" ill Increase the qnantlty of milk snn cream twenty per cent, and make the batter firm ana weet. .J,onrz' Powders wni enre or prevent almort ktkbt Diskask to u hlcl. Horses and Cattle are antyert. J ForTz-a Powmis wna oitk Satis actiox. ! Sold everywhere. ? PATIO T. TOtTTZ, Proprietor ! BALTIM0KE,1ID. ! Are yon failii?. try WEtxs' fTEiLTn Ea- a pure, ciean, irnoicsome For Eralrv VmrM Sfiwy.'V T jT. lns. Aa Uncquaied Lnvioraat. Cores Headache, Fever, Ano, Chills, ' DEBILITY & WEAKNESS. Nice to tae, tree merit, tmcoTia'.ed for Buchu-Paiim Ik,"!jle Cnrt of Catarrh of the Bladder ,1 anamination, Irritaticnof Kid-nfyA1Jilld,;'8toiMor-lravel Lis ses of the Prostam Glnnd, lror6ioal Sw FemVe P&eascs, laoontin- encs of Urine, ell Difccs of the Genito urinary 0r0-ans In either sex. For Ca- 14 r2? lW l3cr." each SI. lor biPinus, ' r contnetedor JwodibiiT raJau -! v. jtvln' Consvitn Uoa Citfer Byrrp, fc J.o.) p bottle, and Crania's Frr JLfic PiHc. f 2.00: ondCka pin Srnbrit eaivJi. f'.OJL 6 bottles JSEFV' i'- lyrsprosson receipt of Sia fti f r:w.fWk. E.8. fftua, Jersey CUt. N. J., U.S.' A. I y 1 tsiSSfeS jmQe&s sJj' Malaria, L-oimc.--, t&xual JSedice. E. S. VVslls, Jersey Ciy, N. uTs. A. if Hi B Ryfl H Hyja p?1 B H Mil M Coinpfcssetl . Air in Dirm Ingham. VA ver.rfoiarkabla kind of ; .ptfbHo meeting wa largely- held in .Birming liaraanieetihf whicli seems at first kiaoc4p' liewitliour precedent It was called, br the liromoters or the BirmingnamCompreed v Air lover Company, -who have obtained ao act of Pari ia men t for iihem distribution, for inanufiictnnng- piiriioseis, over a consideriibTe area of the'toWii'ofBir niiiignani, of air strongly compressed at a central station. ;.The Tpwn.Cotin-- cil have accorded tlieir moral support to the schemeafter receiving favora ble report frorriJ 'SirVEVJ; Bra m well and Mr, Hen ry J'. IV Piercy; and the object of calling flie recent meeting was, says the Journal of Qui:X,ightingt to explain fully the nature and ex tent of the proposed undertaking to such of the inhabitant's of the borougl as might be iutcrestetl in the. scheme, either as future consumers j or as in vestors. ,j ., .5 ' ' - The meeting seems to have, been very successful in every way. Sever al experts spoke siiiipiy and practical ly in support of the scheme; and if an intelligent audience of power users thoroughly alive to everything that might improve their ecuniary i tiler t crests cannot le got together in Birmingham, it Is very difficult to imagine where isuch an assembly could be collected. Judging from the report of the proceedings, the scheme was thoroughly examined from every point of view, and unauimously -ap proved of on the grounds of econo my, safety, and cleanliness. All that now remains, therefore, is for the company to get to work and prove that they can earn a dividend. This they are confident of being able to sesure: and . if their antici pations should be realized, there is no possible reason why the consequen tial public benefits which they prom ise to the town should not be forth coming. It is a most interesting ex periment, and will attract a great deal of attention from other manu facturing communities. In Kew York and some other cities we distribute hot steam from a cen tral station, the circulating pipes ex tending in the ujrgregate for many miles underground. There is no rea son why compressed air should -not be 80 conveyed, and thus furnish power to ruu elevators and engiurs, large and small. ' j - Wealth Itollin- Sotitlnvard. ! . j The Trip of the Philadelphia Merchant Hoie Engineer Worlry Shook 'em up at the Rate of a Mile a Minute. A special train bearing a party of Philadelphia merchants with their wives, passed through Cnarlotte at 3:20 o'clock yesterday morniug, on the way to New Orleans. . The party all told, numbered 95 people. They had the same train of cars used on January 20th by the Knights Tem plar of Philadelphia, including the palace Pullman car "The President' Capl. Ed. S.'-Lee, general passenger agent of the Richmond & Danville road, met the party at Lynchburg, and accompanied them ' to Charlotte. It was the toniest crowd that has ever invaded the; South, everything about .1 t . 1 1 rtyi inem oeniff gut eoereu. JLiicy were provided with elegantly engraved and artistically printed programmes of their route, which give the hour of their leaving Philadelphia, hour of arriving at different places along the route, sketches of several Southern cities, etc. It tells where they will beat any hour of any day until their return to Philadelphia and wbere telegrams or mail will reach them. It contains 20 pages and is bound in silver, the front page containing sketches of scenes in New Orleans and the back cover containing pictures of public buildings in Philadelphia. It 13 a genuiue work of art and we have to thanfef tlife mcmbersW the party for a copy. , It j-egtilates. .everj-thing except the time to take a drink, but this, like a motion to adjourn, being always in order, was probably deem ed superfluous for the pages of the programme, i . The commissary department was under the control of Pullman com pany employees. The party took dinuer in their car at Dahvilld on the South; trip, and one of the features of their menu . yas5 spring Iamb and green peas, thV latter having been sent from Florida, met them on the road; It is t said "that this 'party of Pliiladelphiins represented a wealth of thirty m!liroo;dit; agHaw.'' In their programme they set forth the object they had in view in pnjecting this visit "to be, to reciprocate the visits of our. mercantile frieuds in the South to our, Centennial Exhibition in) 187G; to show by our presence the interest ,u which we 1 feel in the com- oinnent andf 4 prosperitv pfthe Soutli; to "forin neWies which u?lfc, ,UIUU ne secuons pi our common country mto a firm and lasting union, in which all that is best and food In bothj sections shall unite to promote thie getieral welfare and permanent gootl if all sections; to sce for oursel ves this exhibit of;, the wonderful re- sources of our country in the depart 3 ! 'fc meuts1 6 Agriculture, Commerce manufactures and art. and to have a pleasant season of health ful recreation in tliej sii uny Strnth." y (The train was drawn by engine 33, one of the new engines recently put oil the roadand engineman Worley wis in charge. The; train was late and Worley made up the time finely, giving the new engine a fair test. Between Thornasville and Lexington he made a ruu of 12 miles iu 12 inin- l . i i utcs, the best time yet made on the Richmond & Danville road. He cov ered another stretch of 19! miles iu 23 m nutes. The Philadelphians arrived in At lanta, yesterday afternoon, and were warmy received, the mayor and all the citizens turning out to meet them They Wve a banquet at the new H. I. Kimball House to the citizens of At- lanta.- Char. Observer. j Dancing: Dudes. A dispatch from Canton, Georgia, 1 ' 1 A . - I i .1st. says: A story nas just come to ligiit here which affords much j amusement to natives at the expense of three Boston dudes, whose connection with the opening of a Georgia marble quar ryj has. brought them here. They have i had much amusement with mountain hoosiers and delighted in showing off their superior accomplish ments. While on the way to Tales Wednesday they met two harmless looking country boys whd, barefooted and with but one suspender over their shouldejs. were trudin" to town. The BoKtouians stepped iu front o them and ordered them to da nee to 5 : a Massachusetts j'.iba, i When the mountaineers became satisfied that the Boston ians were in earnest they pulled out two ugly looking revolvers and changed the programme by ordering the dudes to dahec. Thinking to humor the joke and thus escape easily they danced awhile, but the boys would not let them j halt. For five hours under coyer of revolvers the Bostoniaus danced such a jig as has never been seen. : When the time was out one of the mountaineers exclaimed: "Now. i i' dang t, run !" The Bostoniaus were on y too glad to do so and reached town footsore and weary. They are noiv seeking legal redress. -j. . 1 A Strange Death. A remarka ble story of death caused by the con cusiou of a rapidly passing train, emies from York, Pa. At day light Saturday morning, the engineer of un express train saw a man walk- ing on the track. He blew his whis- tle The man stopped, looked defi antly : at the approaching train aud only stepped . from the a track as the engine waa almost upon him. The concussion of the train caught him like a cyclone and threw him heavily to the ground. The train was back ed to where the man lay and he wak placed in the baggage car. By the time the train reached the next 3 . station, five miles distabt, the man was dead. At the inquest the crew i . . .... ' . ot the trniii testihed that he was not struck! by the engine and was killed by the fall, and the verdict of the a . jury ; was in accordance: with these facts. J So there Js a -possibility of being blown to death by a train. News and Observer. Stick to Yr5un Callino. Sel dom do we find a man suecessful in any business enterprise outside of his own legitimate occupation. Life is not long enough to master the essen tials of half a dozen callings. Better for a farmer to handle I ii own sur plus money in improvements on his own premises t ha u to trust it to some one else with less judgment and ex perience to manage. Better for an in divjdual to slick to that which he knows! all about than tojbe tempted into an unknown enterprise by allur ing promises of glittering gains. Bet ter to be one's own president, treasur er and (board of directors and draw all )he salaries, rather than to listen to designing schemers why want capi tal for mining, boring forjoil or rais i nor 5 cattle am out: the idizzards and snowdrifts. He who entrusts his sur- . I . .4 . ... . . m plus cash with strangers mousanusoi i! '.! . . i le :c mnes away, in tne nope vi magiiiu cen dividends, seldom gets the origi i al investment. Boston Cultivator. A Kemnant of a Mail Selit to Prls on for Larceny. . . A? snecial from Joliet.t IM4 W The aheriff . of Kendall county lias ust arrited at the Statft;penitentiary, lavius in chanre four ptlsoners $tn tenced q to prison front v that county. Among Uient is oue named ymm Russell, acred tveuty-foor, convicted of larcenv i and sentenced if or.a year. The slierio; Iiad ; to carry .liusseii luio the prison tm his back, lor tne reason that the con vict had no l legs ana dui one arm. Both leers had been ampur tated close to the trunk and thejeft arm at the shoulder ioint.. k This rem- naut of a man waa deiKilea upon lue i ... . - . -. i stone floor of the orison euard-room and the sheriff produced hb mittimus, showincf tliat liussell. waa aeutenced by Judge Charles Kellum, of . lork- O -- - - - . ! ' - yille, to be confined in . the peniten tiary for the term of one year at hard labor, rxlie sight of this poor wretch iu his utterly helpless condition, as he was tugged into the prison on the back. of a brawnv sheritf, called forth many expressions of disgust from the prisuu-fcevpers. xvusveu lost ni icga aud one arm in ,a railroad accident. He was convicted of - stealing a row boat from a man in Piano and sell ins it at Poria. Russell's condition is such that he will need the services of an able-bodied convict to take care of him while he is in prison. Hanging Makes tub Muscles Rigid. It is strange how a little steady pressure on the windpipe affects people. Of course it chokes them, but that is no reason why they should not be able to move their limbs. They seem to loose all control over their muscles and giver right in. I remem ber a case that occurred in Brook ville, Me., when I was a young man. A woman, the wife of a sea captain, threw a skein of yarn over the top of an open door one day, -and sticking her head through the bight that hung dowu doubled up her knees so heri feet could not touch and remained in that position until she choked to death. One would tiaturally think that when she became unconscious her muscles would relax and allow her feet to drop to the floor, but such was not the case. Hanging or chok ing seems to make every muscle as rigid as iron.- Boston Globe. "Santer." A young minister who succeeded an old worker in the promulgation of the 1 . I t S 4Slft 'l gosiei to tne people oi a "wild ana woolly" section of Arkansas approach ed the old brother and asked: "What kind of people am I likely to meetr' "All kinds." - "Any rough characters?" "Some of them are pretty tough. "Suppose they take it into their heads to insult me, what must I do? "Sorter sauter off as though your business called you away. "Suppose they follow me?" "Santer a little faster." "Suppose they chase me ?" "Then santer like the duce." "And if they should happen to catch me, what will I do then?" "In that case, I reckon, you'd bet ter wait till they get through with you, aud then if you are able you'd better santer. A Man who Ate Fifteen Dog aud was Cured of Brffflit's Disease. The use of dog meat to cure Bright's disease has come mto notice in Illi nois by the account of the restoration of the health of Samuel McGregor, a farmer of St. Clair county, Illinois. who, after spending nearly all that he was worth upon physicians and patent medicines, was pronounced incurable, but now is as healthy a mail as walks. He traces his present vitality to feed ing upon the flesh of dogs, according to the advice of an old German woman who learned of his hopeless condition. She insisted that he should commence feeding on canine flesh and she would guarantee his complete recovery. The idea of eating dog meat was most nau seating to Mr. McGregor, but like a drowning man grasping at a straw, he resolveed to diet on dog flesh as a last resort. He had become so fond of dog meat that 'he could hardly give up eating it, but the furor that had been produced in -the locality among the people who were missing their dogs aud the threats made against the par ty who was taking them, warned liim that he roust call a halt. In all he ate fifteen dogs. Mr. McGregor is firm' in his faith that he cured his ter rible disease solely by eating dog meat. The dog question is thus solved. and now the farmer can engage iu sheep raising. Constituents cannot take offense at this method. Char. Democrat. Cairo, Egypt, Feb. 5. The first tiews of the fall of Khartoum receiv ed here wasfrom London. The offi cial dispatches have not been pub lished. The tidings of the capture have created the utmost consterna tion among the inhabitants. " Young men, don't loaf, even in a parlor with nice ladies; or iu an office delaying business .men. You have your task to do, and getting behind in youth will keep you all your life behind. Practical ability is often as much shown in finding something to do as in doing it after it is found. iI: .' frd'' " -; 'A - AAA':'- lIoAt-. tbi Tides It tse and. Fall. .! .. Let us consider the moon first, as its action from: its greater proximity to ineearin, ismucn more enecuvu iu producing tidal-waves than thai of the sun, "VAT know frpm the laws of grav- ty. that the ; raoou lends to draw the earth mi wards ; if it i be at the anti- nodes, ucneatn our lect. its tendency . - . . ' . - is to draw the earth down wards. . lo.w, F lha irtfffA t vinpirl maea ike a ballxiHiron; this action bf the it!TtS!!n8!oro moon would! have no other apprecia-1 : Durham r. : . . t . . . - - i i a a aaiiaBMirii ble effect than to draw the earth as at- " Baleigh whole upwards or downwards. Thei " I1UTCI, J9 UlUMCUt WIICI1 tll sunace oi me soua giooe mere is an ocean of liauid matter. Al he force with which gravity acts ir greater the nearer the two bodies are to one another; consequently when is over neaii tine sunace attracted with greater l A:rr . i. t. I woiaiooro.. so id vie Ida lo this force, and ia raia- w"n V A W K K daily, v'.r ed tin in tlriVshane of a wav, mnch SonnclaJ Vreen9.oori RibpS . T r . ' loran points on tneiialtm Branch 1 the hair of (he head rise tip toward a charged electric machine. I he con verse of this actiorf holds cood alan at an.6ttiri884. tne antipodes at the same time. There the bottom of. the sea is attracted more LeaveGoldsboro than the surface of the waters rconsev f" Rg" miPiitlv. thri Inlfpr drnn nurnv naUl'r?9.. i - j i n - r;rr, . . Arrive Jurhan were, irom cue eartn; ana also assume " HUlsboi a wave like -form. Thus we have at I Greenutro iuv vi'jrugi4v, uiviw ,w nv i til aiiuiJcal I . - v t-i a waves raised at the same time by the . i arriia iiivn rmni moon's attractive force. Then the ourtli na If ikirrvlifAa rtfi iIsotii ItriniM every place these waves, wheu it is liigh water in eacli place as it arrives at the waves, and low water when between the two vtaves. jxenange. Queen Elizabeth once said to a couri er: " Those succeetl best in th a .a.i,i, a in AVVr", life who pass over, it quickly : if we stop we sink. Ihis sayings might oft be repeated, and with profit, too, ifofiener practiced. Life beinsr short. we should make the most of it while ir iu -....I ... Lv. Greensboro ii i in cacti-ins cupauiiiues 10 ineir Kernersville fullest extent, and sooner or later " Salem suecess will; be his. To fail is ab solutely impossible, if a man is fully determined to succeed and has an es tablished pijrbse in view. The following anecdote is told of Judge Abbott, one of the members of the House Investigating Committee, which wentlo South Carolina : VV hen he was in Charleston he asked the old darkey at work in his room what made him so slowi about building the' fire. Goig&outh. The reply was : "Fact is, judge, dar Leave University .. is no coal down stairs. I'se bin up Arrive Chapel Hill and down (le alley, and stole all de wood 1 couhJ find, and in de preseu demor lire.1 condition of society. 1 can't do no jbetter." Mackerel,! which is so common a breakfastrdih in inland towns, need not be so uninviting: -as it sometimes is. If freshened properly, that is, long enough, say from five o'clock until seven next; morning, one objection to it will be removed. Wran the mack erel in a cloh and boil it in just enough water to coyer it well; let it boil gently for twenty minutes and it will be ten der and yet jwill not fall apart. Melt a little butter add cream to it, and sprin kle parsely, hibbed fine, over it. Or to vary it use 4 little melted butter with lemon juice,' or a little vinegar. Goose berry sauce or currant catsup may be used with mfelted butter also. One Thiiq Necessary. Gen. Jud son Kilpatrik used to relate the follow ing of himself: "Soon after the an nouncement! in ne news pap61"8 hat he had, been apjSointed Minister to Chili he was met by 4n old lady who had known him from childhood, and to whose bu colic mind tie gallant General's ! large way of stating things had sometimes seemed like exaggeration. "Wall! dud, she said, 'I hfear you Have been called to the ministry Glad to hear it. You'll make a real good preacher; but (sol emnly). Julj, you must stop your ly ing." Army and Navy Journal, i : . What is eternity? A day without yesterday or o-morrow; a line that has j no end. ELOOB And its unparajlelled abuses, are fully and freely discussed in a neat 32 pasre book. oiaiieurev to any Address, by Blood Balm vu, Atlanta, (ia. - w I Drop a postal for it, as every roan and its valuable and, entirely new revelations. wviuau uccusitanu win ue ciei iriir.cri wit n Sometimes shake a Nation of people and lar to the follow in!?, from & well krmurif Druggist of Atlanta, ponr in from sections wpere is. is. is. lias been used. Xtlakta, June 12, 1884. It is our firm belief that B. B. B. is the est Blood Purifier on the market. We mi voices ire selling W orrfw tottles of it to ONE I The chS"' and liist KeUabi.T ui auy uiiier prc-paraiion oi tne Kind. It surance now offered the public w ituir Tja nas laiieu in no instance to give eutire sat- F MataaL wbica enablts jwlw tsiacnuu. itienicis me secret. W. P. SIITU & CO Druggist. This is the onlr blood medicine known hat combines quick action, certain effect chean nrir and .hn1uinnlnl ..ttar...!.. - ""1' t m i.uuwuuuu Baiisiaciion . WE PROVE S66 Jj'i'.T "!?''" C ? b, b. will a TitttJSSSS&rj o uiui.li nuis iu caring Blood Poisons Skin A ffections, Efcrornla, Kidney Troubles! Catarrh and Rhufaiatism as bottles o! any other preparation on earth One filty.jear.old ehronic ulcer cured; Scrofula of children cured with one bottle. It never fails. Wet hold home proof in botk for$5 oa0 lor ' i" Lrfi boW,e f ,00, tix Expressed on Receipt! of price, if your Drazzlt can't su ddI rL n.i.lrM. ' i J BLOOD tmi CoiS-nT., Oa. 1 i BICEK01 &' X C division COHDEMJED icut..i-; J-n R,n lwl t r oi- Iilv ,.' 5 Leave CharloQe.. 8alwbory.... High Point.. Arr.ureensboro... No. 15-rVailv e'xcrrrsrr-T Leave OTeensboro Mtk. 1 . aiUri . -..UUiU o.uu I 3.S8Tr-r 6.47 ,1 7.27 9.43 " H- 11.49 A--'.'A 1.43 y ii, 3.tK) I ' j - sir . I the moon T,?0;5, CnnecUl GreenW--. R Rfor all Doitits Noril, f... oi me sea is nnwiiu i fit s.i;. sMi tJ orce than the I all point in Western A 7 St Ik y- - m ' i I . VB. Al . . v TRAINS GOINOJVE8T , 2.1 5 phi 1 5.10 44 6.27 ' j 7.08 : 9.25 " I 9.55 10!i7 I 1. it Salisbury..., ,t Charlotte - - . iu 17 i a, ' ll5Sa.m.!lisi ir rlTo.lo7Tvr7 Hi . ta I ii r w iiiifiap ..nil w I . -v.wu..nte.- ' i o.io.ianvex.ounaay-Lv.t oU.f.r :i I. iuim iiiiuh vavii vii ; ! , "IS Lv. Ar.Grefnn! No. 50 Connects si ,t fi:.t : iX: points on WN C R E and at C.sridwitJ A. A (J. Air Line for all poiuU Soutk i No. 52 Connects at Charlotts hk dt A.R.R. with allpot nu Soutk and U A.ab.U. W1L11 BUlHliniil.Xtlllli kkJDl i 1 ie lor aUpoifiSotj n. W.II. C. RAILROAD. No:. 50 ex. Sun. Goiko South. 1 lirtti 12 36 44 1 16 44 - 1I(H 14 t ' No. 51. Goiko North. Daily, ex. Sun. Ko.5t" Leave Salem' Ar. Kernersyille Greensboro STATE UNlVERSlfY RAitBflip, No. 1. Ehiilj ex.8oi. GOINO NOKTH Leave Chapel Hillr.... 1 0.20 a JL20ja 'i ; .No.2n Daily ex. jfm,; 12.05 pm 1 2.25 pm i Arrive University- L DABBYS A PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A A Household Article for Cahtml Family I'se. ; Fsr fkrl ui ; Typhoid FtMr Dipktharia, fat MAfrAftTA, vatioa, Vtemirf ; Sor Tarsal, tail Pox.lIeailM,isi JsU Contagious Diseases. PcnoMaMaM the Sick, should use it freely. Scarict Ins Is 3 never been known to spread where the FUm ; used. Yellow Fewer has been cured villi it ; black Toiuit had taken place. Tkw. cases of Diphtheria yield to it. i ; xtTcrcoasaMcsrrr. biulii-iv ona refreshed . and ' aal ' Bed Sores prerent- PITT DiGaf tail d fay bathing with p0 PREtTXTB Darbys Fluid. ,.kas. Impure Air made I harmle aud pur.nl. . c' ,!,., 1 adit Contagion destroyed . !jkl Olillblains, Piles. Cnannr. etc Rheumatism cured. I weeks I had ii.-J. w- r 1 Dl.:lUn)M. ions secured by its use. Ship JPerer prevented. To purify the Breath, Cleanse the Teeth, it can't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved and cured. i Erysipelas: cured. BurnsrelievcdinsUntly. Scars prevented. lysentery eui-ed. Wounds healed rapidly. Scurvy cured. An Antidote for Anim.il TheThytit'" use Darbvs Tkafwiy successful! r is s mentof Diphtaw. A. SToLi.nwsc. 1 Grten.kors.as. Tetter dried tf- t Cholera "H'tasl Ulcers swital healed. should be Jft the corpK-'ig " prevent ssj sots, -HYL I convinced or Vegetable Poisons, Stings, etc. ,; : I used the Fluid during ' our present afllicdon with Scarlet Ferer with de- ! cided advantage. : It is indispensable to the sick room. Wm. F, Samo rossD, Eyrie, Ala. - valuable. rJjtifc(S FanderbUt University, Nashvitt-. fJ 1 testify to the most eicellent qualioe Darbys Prophylactic' Fluid. A a b!bta isaroys rropnyiactic r iuki. n detergent it is Jxth theoretkalljr d tuinerifSr fcl antf tMr.n.nti.n with wlnCS I r i quainted.-i-N. 3"i Luiton, Prof : Chwt 1 Darbys Fluid ia ItecminedjflJ. -Hon. Alexander H. STgpnm.5, Re. Chas. F. Dssiis,l).D., d- Strangers, N. V.; ..1j.!j Rev. A. J. Battlb, Prof.. Mercer XNPISPENSABLE TO EVEBT B Perfectly harmless. Used interamy - externally tor Man or Bea The Fluid has been thorooghly tesi have .hairtiHnt rAr-rrr that It hat don here claimed. ? Far fuller informal P L'ntggist a pa-jpJJct or send w the J. H: ZEILIN fnrrfHU. Manufacturing Oiemists, PHUr!ir r i Tie Yalley Mntnal LifeAsso -noME omc, siai rV;IflVwiiH bo ro Sir, 7 iak i 2o m 63vilT 8 05 44 05 9 1 5 44 710 Scarlet Ferer Cured. .1 S- . I , - .....illtlf"' ivj aaubiuix, wuu.il cuaum j ' i inr for runner mionnauon, can w . ..t J. W. McKE2'-" & - May to, 18S3.1 1- i i u.v.v mtiisiacuon. I ; - sr a wMk it home. ouUHfi pot solutely sure. No rt-.ill a atH red. Reader, h - jvt afg.it S I SBSnW nV BaBF at W II 11 II UriBUUf -t ff faCl wlta absolute certainty, write ior , i rf lTwl . TI. UA14.KTT4CO . 'Y r .4. 1:17 " 000. WEICBTS INDIAH ECETAEIlRil AndallBlftousCorjip

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