fti irT -THIED sSEBIES i ' ' " - ; SlLISBIIEY.il, C.HilBCH 51805. ; i-- ;, .4h .,r,J? M - . -...Utfrtw 1 in? fOl XvT f -j UJ ' :!:'---- !- t "'"-' v-- 1 : ;J -y I,-f ......v.., -,.,, -y-y1 '"rlffP;-1 r ;p j 1 LlL ... "T T " iHlH''- .i-TM J ilil;lHifl!.l;lijltifU" .l"l .v.rvll.Jnrr lis lij.l with mc. I UPVCr I nitll mv eblivnl. InnV n tiknMLi?! 1l li.' .l". jti;'l . 1 ..! ... ;If-H ;i"K...-i.w U, i".: . , - -fi IllvAflDVifi 1 : 1 . r. i. , I n.et iiim aea n slier ire parted at I his headquarter. He treated me nitli I ii; " !'(- .... .,....( ,,B Wr i , KtU'r -. J'- ... i: tliicfflixp. ; AND rKKMAK-irpUP ,OH f CI i ;t v- aid Indigestion- iulotte, M.. Utik.N.C.,Nov.2D?1884 1 - W ,litU vh vWt Hen-at if myself riTOIlimiMKI ti ll' miivio. pniwy - ' it. p. Wakixo. ' Icnibcr X:C. Legislature. lid ' iV W Gresorv: - I tWe great pU rMl&.,lf. I haveuedit witji CHAHtX)TT, Jf; C. I take great pleasure your rti LerfulfY TPTommend it to any one ifSK from dyi. intUgestson .nd ndition of nver and owe . . ; K. C. State TrtaBurer. J II McAOen and T Smith A and J II hnnisB. baha- 49;ly I.,r!f.ll A- 4:H" : ff ' H T; .i I FADDUAtiibno stCDKii FOR Alf E It and TENNESSEIi FARM WAGONS. ! 0I1S. To be the thing we aeem ; To do the thing we deem Enjoined by datr ; To wIJc in fjiitli, nor drcnm Of qii'eef lotiing GodV scheme . ' Of truth and beautjr. , , y' 1 Cnstinc ftelMore sidet -' Dioirdin iiaman pride, : . , i; Onf hearts U measure M t lit hnmble hope to bide .- j f Each change inrfortane's tide, ; " At Uod's good pleasure. To trust, although deceived ; Tell truth, though Sot believed. Falsely disdaining). Patient of ills received. To pardon, when agrieved ; , Passion restraining,, t - ; .- - With love no wrongs can chill,: To save, unwearied still, ... .The wiak from falling; This U to dG4l's will 7 On earth and'to fnlfill Oar heavenly caltiog.,- - r WAR HISTORY. An Interview with Bey. Dr. Warren ies & Spring " Ihii KKoHD & Huffman and Guano Drills. mm HA X UAKtiiS. 'I h Hiuing" ana aiKing . : CULTIVATORS. Telegraph Straw Cutters;! :jf AVcrj anl Dixie PLOWS, jo'xtor Corn jStLolloaral,. il l'Ekines and Boilers. ; jjWt AND GRIST K1ILL8, r jinvKhgi ne' and Ililv 14 Fi 1 1 iiigs-G unf Pi p&ofc,''S6clK Cart ridges, ads and caps. Pulridt-r ahil Shot, Dynamite Fuse and l,r-BtrjJ-As, Shovels and Spades Building lbirflwartf; PitiiVt-'OUs and -VaraJshes; HOME-RAISED GLOVER SEED. lii'werytiiifig else snsudly .Mf m nrsi viaw HaMwarautl fmpleinrnt sui t's. I have on hand iliillKtock of fiie above, & offer t hi m tor the next tlWd)i tr less money titan tHej bave vr M hpW W-tUW country; Y- ..ii..-. . mi - t MiiUBurf! Oct. 23, "81. Siiflif FOR CASH of OITIMK 1; mm all classes of purchasers, we have made ,Tment to sell these celebiiated Wagons etth- ir t 80 all; who need wagons iilflcttercall and see us soon. ; ! JOilX BOYD EN, Agent, - or, I : r -1- : -. C : Mpyre money than at anything else by taking Su airem-v fur tln hrKt scllintjr hnnknut. Ht- fpom succeedi'ra hdly. None tall. Terms tree. !V k Hxt LETr Kook co 1'ortland, Maine. rv Dec. ith -tr- THE BEST SMITH llj, THE COUNTY ! r wuaoprcignea ls prepared to flo all kinds of re FratoiUl kinds o( -wau-hes, clocks, ac.andat "MDlC prli'es. Leave and get your watches at jau rtendleman's store. Salisbury ; and try the lt..'8l:U. STANDS -1 . ' ,,rE t.IG UT-HUNNINO i Domestic." BiOWN. AT THE HEAD! Explanation of the Commission Sent to secure ine vapnai oj ivorw jarpimu, from Destruction , IFitcA ed to Ac i Sherman-Davis (hntrbversihf The Philadelphia 7Tnf publishes following jnterviewhad in New York with Dr. ; Warren Bey, who was a prominent actor in 4he scenes to winch reference js raaoe, asiiirowing mniirr lighten the Bherruan-Davis contro versity : , warren at Sherman's headquar- TERS. "Both General Sherman and Gov ernor Vance are mistaken in relation tothe character of ray services in con nection with - the negotiations' with Gen. Sherman that have been alluded to iii the present controversy," said Dr, Warren. "I was a member of the Governor's staff and one of the mili tary officers in charge of the flag of truce under which the commission proceeded to Gen. Sherman's head quarters. The facts, in brief, were these : ; "The war was about concluded, and the Confederate forces under General Joseph E. Johnston were . in camp in and about Raleigh, N. C Sherman began to approach with his -victorious troops from the direction of Golds- boro. Gen. Johnston retired to the west of Raleigh with the main portion of his army, leaving that city uncov ered, with the exception of General Wade Hamptons command of caval- ry, wincti was posted as a picket line between the city and the enemy. "Uov. Vance then had a cousulta- ion with Gen. Hardee, the ranking Confederate commander nearest him, he members of his 6tafF and persons of distinction in the cityv It was de- termineu to make an enort to save Raleigh from the fate of Columbia, which had just been burned. With this end iu view Gov. Vance selected and dispatched a commission, compos ed of sHjX -Governor Graham and Ex Governor Swaim, both of whom are now dead. Gov. Graham had been Secretary. of the United States Navv in the cabinet of Mr. lilmore, and a candidate Jor the Vice Presidency when General Scott was the Presi dential candidate. Mr. Swain had been Governor of the State, and was then the president of the University of ortn Carolina, ihese two pen tlemen were citizens of the highes character and position. They, as com missioners, were sent under a flag o truce, which was accorded them by Gen. Hardee, and it was accompanied byj Mai. Dovereux, Coli Burr, of Wil mington, and myself as a military escort. self a medical oficer and asked lsthe protection of therson iu commanct. The officer: immediately rode iup and said that he was Colonel Godfrey, of Gen.lKilpatrick's stafl; Wheh jliold him tliat I was Surgeon perieral of the State oforth Carolina he said: 'AH right ; but keep close !to rae.' I then sprang to the ground and ap proached him, and 1 at the same mo ment! looked, towards the back of tlie car t0 see if my corarads were safe. I saw thecommissioners and my broth er officers descending from it. u AT KILPATRICK's HEADQUARTERS, r "In the sudden fright and general cptrfttsioi), while I was parleying with the officer Jn front, the soldiers had entered fromhe rear aiid gone thro Ujie- car' and the commissioners, too. Though I had been tit most immedf M danger. I'was more fortunate tliahr iallthe.' rest, becatiscr TrespedviK eyerytuing 1 had, including, a 4iun dredidbllars in gold all the nioney I had in the world and my watch and chain. Col. Godfrey then conducted Nis toj Gen. KilpatrickV headquarters, some; half a mile distant, who receiv ed us very sullenly, and refused to acknowledge the official character of he commission, for it was exceeding ly hard for us to explain to his satis faction whv we were traveling to wards Raleigh with a nag of truce flying. He finally Raid he , would send 'us to the rear and decide1 what ie would do with us later. Our con versation was brought to a very ab rupt conclusion by a sharp skirmish hat commenced at that moment. As we wjent to the rear we had to pass a number of Federal cavalry regiments, and as the corumisioners wore liisrh tats and were dressed in frock coats. hey iwere objects of merriment to the soldiers, who had not seen a man in civilian's clothes' for months. The commissioners, being all men of great dignity, marched on without respond ing to the chaff of the soldiers. We were, taken back and confined in an old house. We were kept in suspense several hours before Geli. Kilpatrick paid 'attention to us. When he did ie said that he had determined to send us to Gen. Sherman and let him make such disposition of 11s as he pleased, We were then placed "upon a hand car, and I was made to stand up 11) front in my Confederate uniform as long as .it.was supposed we were in Con tetlerate J 1 nes or wtj 1 u . lha ca nge. of Confederate pickets, and their the federal officer took mv place when we reached the Federal lines. evervthinsr he had with mc. I met him again1 after we parted at Raleigh until he came to Paris last year, when I tried my best to return the kindness of j twenty years ago. We remaine! a 1 night at General Sherman's headquarter?! and the next morning, at an early hour,' he sent us back; to Raleigh the Gearers ofatT order comTnaudiug rthe officersTof the army to protect piiblicahd private property in our;ctty uuiess some overt act of hosUlity was committed against the United Stales forces. Thus was thlT primary object of pur visit sucr cessiiil. j J TAKING POSSESSION OP RAUGH, "On our arrival at Raleigh we as certained that Governor Vance had at the approach bf 1 the Union 'forces retiretl ..within the i Confederate lines tind that'the fMavor bf . Uhe'town was with my consent, took iqV lib his headqiiartersV He treated me mih great kindness. The clse of the war and the restoration of Uie Uniou was the subject offrequeot convertatioo betweenui.1 do not exact remem ber the r date bat one oiglit lie estate irTvery lat? I had retired.: He came and aroused me, asking me to get up, saying he had s most important work to do. He said that General Schofield and himself had been in consultation with General Sherman in relation to the status of y the States1 lately' in re bellion after" llieir surrender; that the commanding General had decided to request Governor Vance t6 return to the State Capital, resnrae his functions as Governor and set the machinery of t he btate at work again as though there had been" no war, General Blair said that he could not 'write himself and THE INTERVIEW WITH SHERMAN. "On our arrival at Gen. Shermau's Kilpatrick; vhb arrived' about the same tilde, we did. We at once went to him, but he I was not disposed at first to be fneiidfy, but when we pre- sentetl General j Shermau's order he immediately accepted it and. gave or ders to post guards so as to protect the town. He then marched in great state, surrounded by his staff aud body guard, up the main street of the city. The Mayor, f members of the Governor's staff and other prominent citizens marched abreast of him on the sidewalk. As we approached the capital two Confederate marauders, who had been engaged in pillaging a store, suddenly. 1 rushed out, sprang upon their horses and fired deliberate ly at Kilpatrick, Ihe greatest excite ment immediately prevailed. His staff surrounded him at Once aud his body guard deployed as skirmishers. I rushed up to hiai at the very moment aud asked him very earnestly not to hold the city responsible for an act of individual misconduct: I urged that these men were violating their orders in remaining behind and were acting without the knowledge or consent of any Confederate1 officer. Geueral Kil patrick immediately gave orders to have them pursued and hung within ten minutes after they were captured and said if this were not done, he would hold somebody responsible for the act. ihey were pursued, captur ed and brought to the capital grounds aud there hung, just after General Kilpatrick had taken possession of the public buildings in the name ot tire United States. "A young Confederate officer, who had been accidentally left down in the town as the Federal officer was fired at, was on the road and when the two Confederates who were guilty ot the is a Ui.,.H. 1 ia..l .1 rrCU scatter IMITATE IT- . ! '(1 V !?.;?feftTTJi'f TT- U--"" if yt Beautiful Vnn,1 WrV tl .:!lft'na(!e.nfi.'i. ' 4oi(to n,. , "larenni. t , w "O auv an.l 1 i. : . ' 1 a 1 worK.i a 1.. lAvcnt. 1 " c in everv resiicct'. T.i" . Mlresntea la ""occupied territory. 10 SE'ING MACHINE. CO.. iNflv LTTZ KENDLEMAN l j ; pHusbury,.Ji. U. JEFF. DAVIS ACTION. V 1 fUpon- reaching Geu Hampton's headquarters there was the usual de lay to perfect an arrangement between military commanders, but in due time Gen. .Sherman agreed to receive the commissioners and flag of truce with in his lines. We had passed beyond our own pickets, aud were proceeding to fulfill the mission upon -which we had been dispatched, when an order of recall was suddenly received from Presideut Davis, who was then at Charlotte, Nf C. This actidn'of the Presideut was no doubt based upon a serious misunderstanding of the por- I poses of the commission, and is doubt less the real. cause of the present con troversy. ' We of course turned back, re-entered the Confederate lines ami journeyed as rapidly as possible to wards lialeigh. Tho train which was carrying us was still flying the flag of truce. Y hen we were well within our lines it came to a very suddeu halt, and ljumjed to the front door to see what bad happened. I saw about two hun dred yards beforejus, on .1 be railroad track, a large force of Union cavalry, which at once opened fire. I escapetl injury by dodging behind the tender. The whole party, with .leveled car bines and revolvers, rode down to ward me, when I immediately took my white handkerchief from my pocket and waved it in token of surrender. As the firing ceased I proclaimed my camp we were taken immediately be- crime passed lilm with their horses tore him and the commissioners given a ut full speed, his became unraanagea- chance tQ explain the object of their ble, joined theni and he with the rest mission and present Lrovernor Vanc.e s was' captured and was about to be letter. Gen. Sherman received them hung when the facts were called to wjtfi great civility : at once recognized General Kilpatrick's attention. He their; official character and a long and acted instantly and the man's life was interesting interview with them. Not saved and he was released. being one of the commissioner?, I was the commission's sole PURPOSE. not present during the conversations. "This is a plain statement of the I heard and overheard a great deal of facts in relation to the much talked it, however, and naturally, as we left I of. commission, and: I have given some the General and returned to lialeigh, details ol the events as thev occurred the conference was the chief topic ot and the plans, I purposes and doings conversation between-us, and the two f of Governor Vance and his advisers commissioners spoke Ireely to me in as J. understood and saw them. To m 1 - - - relation to the matters discussed. The treat with General Sherman for the commissioners, both of whom Imd been I protection of Raleigh was the power warm Union men, spoke to the Gen- delegated to the commissioners by the eral ireely ot Uov. Vance s position. Governor ot. the otate. - If they wen While the Governor had originally any further I have5 no knowledge of opposed the war-lie was tenacious in it, and from the character of the men his adherence to the Confederacy and I cannot believe tjiem guilty of ex refused to act separately for the State, ceeding their authority in proposing a fact which they deprecated. Both to surrender the State. Being there in of them thought that a crreat deal 1 the canacitv of a: military offinpr I might be accomplished for North Car- have only -official knowledge of the ofina by this conference had not Gov. things I have here stated of my own Vance limited their powers to plead- knowledge, and of I the order which ing tor the safety ot lialeigh ami been Sherman issued, and such a view of so determined to do nothing whatever the commissioners' nrivate con versa - that; would seem like deserting the tion with himjas. they related it to general cause. For he considered it me. I think the rumors of the camp his duty to stand by the last extremi- aiid.vtlie gossip" about Raleigh have and help to make up an order iu con - tonnity with Geueral bherman views, as , he had expressed them to me, so tliat he could submit it to him the next day for his approval. In the small hours of the morniug General Blair and I, myself doing the writing, sat and line by line prepared such an order as General Blair believed sta ted General Shermau's views upon the important matter of North Caro lina's restoration to the Union. THEY WERE LINCOLN'S IDEAS. "The next morning early Geueral Blair started for General Sherman's headquarters. When he returned he told me that he had seen the General aud that the order Vhe had prepared J following day. , That morning, at an early hour. General lilair went oven to see about the issuance of the order and to arrange to communicate its contents to Governor Vance. There were never a happier set of people in the world than we at Raleigh who kuew of the intended order, for all expected that before night North Carolina would practically be back to her original place in the Federal Uuion. When General Blair reach- ed Sherman s headquarters he was stunned with the terrible intelligence that Mr. Lincoln had been assasina- ted. Finally when this subject of the order restoring the State to her place iu the Union was broached, Geueral Sherman said that owing to the changed condition of affairs con sequent upon the death of the Presi dent lie did not feel willing to act uuon so important a matter: that A. m w although he was well acquainted with and. was authorized to inter pret the sentiments and desires of Mr. Lincoln he did not know what the temper and ideas of his suc cessor might be. Thus the whole thing fell through and all the strife and bitterness of reconstruction fol lowed." ! n man a lift nro I IwiPP 7 asks the New York In bune. This mav be a mooted Question : but some men deserve to be hanged twice aud each time fatally. N. Y. Dial. A fashion paper states that chil dren's shapes show no change. This will be interesting news to parents, I x pensive and troublesome to I 7 as it is expense change the shape of a child season. Springfield Union. every tv. I Although abdut minor matters President Davis and Mr. Vance often uinerea seriously, there was never any question as to Gov. Vitttce's fi delity to the Confteracyftef the war began. The suggestions -that: he stood iu awe of Mr. Davis cannot be true, for no one ever doubted Gov. Vance's courage, in any emergency, tor an instant. THE VISIT SUCCESSFUL. ivi'i.:i . i . ' i : iiiic me commissioners were in Geueral. Sherman's company and en gaged in discussing the altitude of beeil confounded with the statements oFtlVeVCoiuniissioners. Mr. Davis' or der from Cliajloise., recalling them was no doubt j based upon a serious misunderstanding in their purpose on Visiting the Fetleral commander.' It may have been reported to him by wire that they! had gotie there for a broader missioii than seeking' aim ply the protection of the city of Raleigh. I have written jail these statements in a book, whicli is now in the hands of tlic Appleton's, and which I hope will be given to the public shortly as the State and endeavoring to secure a view of my career, not Only in this protection to public and private pro- country birt in Europe. SHERMAN pN RESTORATION. "There is smother exceedingly im portant incident bearing upon this war matter which, althongh it is not directly conuected with this contro versy with which hiy name has beeu mentioned, shows in a marked degree perty at lialeigh, General She'rrayi was in the best of temper aud in his happiest mood. He treated us with great consideration and kindness, and I cannot leave this j) base of the sub- ject-without giving an instance of my own expenence at that time. We had hardly arrived when one of the Gen- the good feeling of General Sliermati erals staff ? officers stepped up to me towards the Siith at that critical and said : Are you not the brother time. A day after the return of the ot jUr. U.J.. Warren of. Edenton?" commission aiid ths occupancy of I am, sir, I replied. He then intro- Raleigh by Geueral Kilpatrick, Gen- tiuceu uimseu to me as Co one Riv- pim! Shnniijin Arrived with the main lorJ saying he wa? an intimate friend body of his army aud established his of iny brother and that he was ideas- lipnilnnnrinra in the citv. General :. j ed to make my acquaintance. He took 1 Frank P. Blair, who was command- - me: to his tent and divided it and ing one of the wings of the army, A PRIZE; Send six cents for postage, and receive free, a costly box of goods w hich will neiD you to more mon ey risrlit awar than anythln? else In this world. All of either sex. succeed from first hour. The broad road to fortune opens Defore tne worKers, aosoiaie ly sure. At once addresu, Trs Co., Augrusta, Maine. kov. zi, si. 1 OA. C. HARRIS. SmL-SoOMINQ! Having purchased R E. Iteid's interest in the firm of Harris & Held. I will contin ue business at my old stand on Main street. I TlianKing my inenus ana me pumiciur their liberal patronsge heretotore given, I shall endeavor to ensure their continued fa vor by keeping for the trade a complete j and tiill stock ot Fresh, rirst-ciass GROCERIES. CONFECTIONS. Fine Cigsvrs a&d Tobsveco; and everything usually kept in my line. Call and see me. Respectfollyr A. C. HAKEIS. Jan. 21,'l853,3ni wanted for The Llres of , ail the Presidents of the U.S. The larg est, handsomest, beet hoAwafiid tor less than twice our once, ine fastest selling book in Amenc. immense pruma to agents. All lntelU?ent peopl want it. Anyone Mn himmit nieceasful aeent. Terms free. U4.U.KTT Book Co. Portland, Maine. - 13:1 HARDWARE WHEN TOU WANT HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES Call on the undersigned at NO. 2, Granite Row. D. A. AT WELL. Asnt for the (CardweUThreslser.M Salisbury, X. C., June 8th tf. 'fjr- - ' a ""7 : ' -'i-' ' :::-,',l3jSfe$v "i.'j'J-j; 3'JXV' xiv,a ui uxi U -rw f :m M GEEM'K M : ...4 mL mn nvrnnnrr i mn musm -'-m WW 1 1 I II UUIIVUU I: I li mim. Yrvrx i fWf h S TOE 1ST SOLD IN THE STAW.t-: ll i I'll hi n ill 1 a i in mi1- xvftW m lhk ii ii in u u i in i i iixmr i 1 1 1 ill nil ii m n i iu i i -iixor. ' nix m . i - - fi: iv m rm r ii i 1 1 iii ivmpi iii i sir ... . . : i m li i mi n km im Lr. a iW1 w iw ,- - lYIV .. ! .(1 15 . . jj, ; ; WM mnn a nnn hit a uin 'mm- M &JkiT i nil it i i ii i 1 1 ii iii f i srr h I 2il; I llll 14 I I II iTll H II III .11 K- 1 ZiXV lllll IIJUII . UU111VU IHil : iT-lri , - "il ' Wt m small size saoks 1 liife' ISLVlu I Till V. 1JT Iflf 1 i . : I- ; ! fl - --- ---. . - -- ! '; - - ' ?. i ... Vr !.:: . "f- - ,7?" : 'ii k" i . - ! V i , . ! t '. . 'i f l . - .... : . .' "-: j ; ' . - t

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