f 1 1 --",,,"",,"ll!I cnSscriptioP .Bates &4i :..,;...vrntes'of the C'aroii .i .Ill VIII I . 2.50 'f A .niiniinii matters ad- Sal is- ...,.,tlir ucompnuiuu . InMlrU, i. Ufore the Leg.s- , tt ni doubtless pass. 1 ' ,TaniW'5lt? cap i now said, Te . k..nMtibn among the fatir J II C. Taffe, who baa morougniy Tfl'.tJ Aft of mantua-fitting and '"f. is mow ready to receive calls from L..a urvices. See her ad- uo ne-w , , tfuf iu " " jit and oats crop in this coun- l- f'i I.L-inir luwlli' and ?yreltVrful of a failure. The dry Shifted'' early, sowing ntid these 11 runtfil lieforH It UtVOTICK J persons whd have (' pjjj tj.fir taxes for 1884, way do so ft jing jii my office between the 5th fj H5th off tbii9tl. Alter the' loth vyp$ave ta tle j with some one ft ; , ; l : ' C. C. Kkideu. 'd'i-ij' Board, last Satnrday, elect jW -j -M. Barrieger a 4oliceiiiAu, in j Ti tt.L.i v who tliotirht it wise. 'wUl 1 (eeeki ago, jo vacate mis rancne. Barriiger U a reliable .man and we ifldmibt will discharge his duties fidelity. , ocso Ladies t'oLUMX. The Watch- jtlttgive space iu m..,...jv. Pfcef-xtracts iir verse or prose liiyiwteli, nuns, of whatever reading Qter that pay be of interest to its lady Lieritiu iU columns under; the above 100. i -Mi -O- Jbnulortanate lunatic, (who gives his II John Ivey, was picked Up last yaj st jhrdeHi iu. this place, and on the iuiorniatioii that lie had ai father oo file ID; jiisuville, Tenji., the Mayor Z m l.iiii a ticket to tuat place. 1 ne titers N.C, Uailroad fharging, ouly (ntUfur'his passage over iis line. , T Dr.Willarjl, who receutly visited this 4 m and iiifached a very; able-sermon J5 3K ftvuy tcnau cnui-cn. ouuuay ween, t ttJCliailotte. He is having much iff incccis as a lectmer than he en- uAhls lectures are spoken sfxtftiordiuiiry mid surprising. Touol'gh Wokk. We aie glad "to cttatdlie Town Commissioners have liorough street work near Mf ilwdigt church, which! has been HiM ronjjli needed. It is a real pleas- uotecoia gtMMl tilings of the Conunis- Iwwli they desci ve it, and ull the ;t tbeyU have to stand great deal uonsiilerkt abuse. " -N ' : o ; - -The acqtttuntanccs , of will lie pained to - learn ntlemliu Jilw had s-atroke of paralysis Sunday ninjj lash sndji re-currene of ft Way follow in ; and that ho is in "critical condition. , . ' J 11 18 Sltll RIIiphi p norm iv tli if h i. raW o the above that Mr! Coffin w tbi uioiiiiug utliis residence .before six o'clock. , Aged about nu services will take place, at , church tomorrow morning Wiy A Uatbcr. sou of Joseph a rather ilemarkuble batnrday Half hour after HIS UI1L'. niui WllllA w. ,E5"i tlthonf. t Wl and refill ITU 1 t lilrtn frit mi sei ions .injury- was done J.- . . w VMijII iiio rnRTwues bro..eo and the flesh i O f jt,,,,1i louacco lo lieairs hWi..;.o. . .... o . Etlie : 1 1 i ii csaiurtfay. Jt was r ay and broWkt riL in Vl' Wen dnilv ! t-ii - i . J innoai, infill "f. ami m !.... i - j i. ... ; , - nave ueen nne. jjusuow brinjriuir iuhpir Mf.l .-1 l.l-.k w . . . III heaji'l , r- - .-rft nw ii8 a Teu j ' l- anu isew Zia and. intimate and tw.i..,.i J: ivvme Habits. piunm. H It 1 " I -. lives, of those ma l.. i; i; Ueen del lriiih .. . V. tow,,, we ,:i; V"s way. . : A citi- hi ting Arkansas J,?i, M..:.MOmUe 'Wed a.., ; w" wanted !(-W.i crop j su-;.-; ! V,UI M? .vxorth 'W.-.TI wur i.:.( man ' 8oul jwith pa- 1.' 41 ami look Ai?v ,,c4 .wvwui cbii oi n u. com. arnJ.Euhg them tip in oue ?f the bigsest stores iju lirownsvwie. STIT soon L: traded ntteottoo by their site and beao ty audpyry farmer who sawftheni trai boanatke them down aiid hexamlo theoi. a'4'ey were labelled M6rtli Car lina Ppcoro bear itho can." He turned the JaagJion Safts of ihe West most effect nl ly; oue cf Jtftan sas best farriers begged the two ears for seed corn, and bu it happens that thwse Arkansas 'boy8tw have got to'be produ cers Of "riortll Carolina7 Pot mimi oi ds spoken iu derision are often of greater significance than, the speaker is aware. List or Letteiis remaining in the Post Office at Salisbury, ' N-C, for the week emling March 2d, 1885: W Williams, - J Williams, N Wilson, tV Williams, J II Wadkius, J Wood E Wise, P White J P Wrien, W Good man, II James, E El Jorney, J Jcffres, Ann Motley, S Snyder, F Starus, E Jlori Rpp, XI Eagle, J Elmo, J QEcmird, Saiu ueTWise. V ' Please say advertised when the above letters are called for. -' .J. 41. Rausat. P. M. DEATH OK WALLACE GRAY. ,Mafey peraous in our coinuj aui ty were pained Turslay evening last oo learning that this gentleman huddied, and that his frieuds Were bringing his remains for sepulcher iu Oak Grove Cemetery, where, a few years ago, his mother was buried. Mr. Gray died in Bay St. Louis Miss., in the 37th year of his life. Ho was of Scotch descent His parents settled first iu Tennessee, and afterwards in Louisville, Ky., aud Wallace was reared and educa ted there. His father fell in the battle of the Wilderness, in the late war, fighting witlt Southrons. He bequeathed to his sonsa strong and vigorous iutellect as well as patriotism. Wrallace, at an early age, connected himself with the Methodist Episcopal Church, which relation he sus tained through life ; and in his last hours waited for the summons with uujluunted courage and faith. Few j assessed a more gentlemanly bearing than he iu his in tercourse with men, or was ever more highly esteemed by those most intimately acquainted him. His remains were ac couiiauied to this place by a deeply strickeu sister, and a nephew; and fol lowed frOiu the Metodist church last Sou- day morning to their last resting place by a large and sympathising congregation. Death of Mr. John Jexkixs. Mr, John Jenkins, says the Charlotte Obser ver, died iu this city last Sunday morning at the residence of Dr. E. Nye Hutchin son, after a sickness of abtut six . weeks. The deceased was a brother to Mrs. Dr. Johu II. McAden, Mrs. Arm i stead Burwell iud Mrs. Dr. Hutchinson, aud was uatnr illy 'a man of a most genial nature aud opeti hearted disposition, and had many friends who deplore his death. He was aged about 33 years. His remains were interred yesterday morning in ElmwoodJ Cemetery, , the funeral services having been conducted from the residence of Dr. Hutchinson, by Dr. A. W. Miller, of the FjrstjPresbyterian church. i Editor oj 'Jhe Watchman :- i ! Your remarks on the subject of Lent, as having no Bible authority, bear as ueaviiy on Episcopalians ns on Romau Catlidlics. If the boys of Salisbury were io argue on wingirs principles, tncy niihtrefnse to go to the Graded School until some one Would show I theiu Bible authority forgoing there; and if they detnankled a. text expus-ly coium:uuliiis it who' could auswer them f The best we could do would be to show tltejiu 'that the Bible commands them to obey their parents, unless they icqnire somethiu!! cdutrayvttt God's will; ami therefore tney muse goo sciiooi, unless tney lean sltuw it to be contrary to God's will. On the sjiue principle, Zwingli isanswered. The Bible coniiuands Christians to obey their sijirituiil rulers, "Obey tlieiu 1 that have the rule over you aud submit yourselves; for they watch for your souls' Chris tians ought to obey them unless thev couniiand things contrary to God's will, or go beyouu their corumissiou. Zwtngh ought ; to have been called ou to show that the ruler? of the Church had, either exceeded their commission, or gone con- nary uous win, in appointing a special time for. fasting juid proyeiy wluch he couTdriicver have done. Times of ; fasting aud prayer are iudiffereut, uutir appointed by those in authority, and tjieu they are obligatory ou those un der that authority, but not on others. Theretbre we ought neither to judge or coudemu those not under this obligation. The more you look into, this matter of Lent, the more you will be convinced that it is u time when many do by that fasting aud prayer really draw nearer to Goo, aud therefore really nearer to all other Christiau men. , ' F.J. MuuDocii. Feb. 27th. The Watchmax had no expectation and much Ie6s a desire to provoke a reli gions controversy, by Jts reference to Zwiugli's troubles leeulting from his teaching and preachiug iu opposition to the Lenten rules of the Romau Catholic church, of which he was a very distin guished memberr But having brought pat the above reply it would bo very unjust to the memory of that glorious hero of the Reformation times, to let pass the ; above as an antveer to his views on Leut, and by implication t marry other points of religious faitkasjf the practice of his-church. There wafe few men in his day more learned than he, and fewer still more thorough aud devout students of the BiblCyWith which 1 was perfectly acquainted in three languages the Greek, the Hebrew land the-Latin. Hisbwu translation of , the Bible-into German is still! extant and at some places iu use. He was among the earliest and most bi illiant of those stars which gleam out ou the dark aud bloody back ground i f the history of tho lUformatioH, without whose Jight, and fervor, heroism nod martyr 7 lnn. L i ' rus.iic was dom the warld had yet been wDned in with civil and. religions bondage. TJie least we.can lo! io vioication of .the imrUnr tal Zwiogll.liaring nuatwjtlonaUy drasrif hita before tho iitlie in .this fv ay jU to exhort all persons feeling any intefestln the subject to refer to his history, which may, be found iu the library of almost any protestant minister.; -There is a condensed 25 cents copy of his life, issued byonk-at Wagnalls, 10 land ? 12i Dey Stifef, N. iiTr may be had at Boer baumsy perha p,) which is more interest ing and far. more profitable reading, than any1" novel of the timeacaul be.- For 'thbngh dead he yet .siKjaketh" - with charity towards all, and is his own best witness. " V i MINING DEPARTMENT. T. S. BBCXKK. X. If. SAMXS, JK., X. K. 1 MANAGERS. Dr. Lneas is'shipping about 5 tons of coruudum a week from near Webster N. C, to Mass. t .' The Mica mines -iu the vicinity of Franklin, Macon county, produces a large aud fine quality of that mineral . A company are engaged in gold miu--ingfi miles from Haysville in Clay comi ty., j They aie taking iu some heavy machinery and have- promises of a good ler cent, on their investment. . Supt. Jacobs iuforms us that he is run niug the Chloriuatiou works? near town on Reimer mine ore. i SAIilSBTJBY MARKET. Mar. 5, 1885. Corn, freely, at C065; Meal, 7075j Wheat, 7580; Flour per sack, $1.75 $1.90; Western bulk ineats, 810; Lard, 1012i; Beif, retail, 610; ou the hoof, 2i3i; Butter 1520; Eggs, 15; Hay, 30 40 1 Fodder, G0b5 Shucks, 40 ; Bt an, 20; P;otatoes, Iriih, for table 7580; for planting $1 1.2o; Sweet potatoes 75fl ; Peas0100;X)at8,4045;TaIlow,7; Dry Hides, 10; Babbit ftirs,2530 cts ier dozen ; Mink skins, 2030. Cotton, ready sales at 10J cts for good middling highest, Ki. Tobacco, stiles every day aud prices sjitfsfaetory. Poultry, in steady demand, but prices moderate. . March 31835. - Our; Philadelphia markets are corrected every week. Philadelphia Market. Evans Bros., large Produce Commission Merchants, 56 North Water street, Pliila'delphia, report the following city markets : Eggs, Vir ginia and Southern, 2300. Live poul try 1213 cts. per pouud; dressed 10ll; turkeys T415, according to quality; ducks 1314 ; geese I0I1. Live cattle 4$5jj hogs, live 5$6. Potatoes: Early Rose; choice, perbush55C0; Burbanks, choice j 58G0 ; Peerless, 5053 ; Pearl Mammoth, 5558. Cheese: N. Y. Facto ry, choice 13 131; fair to good, Hi to 12; Peuiisylrauia full cream, 89i ; part skims, fancy 66J; full skims, 23i. Dried Fruits: Apples, evaporated, iu cases, C7; sliced N. Carolina, fancy 4 good sliced 3; blackberries 99; chetries, pitted, prime dry 12I3: peaches, pared, evaporated 1722 ; N. C. sliced 79; uu pared halves, new, 88; quarters 66J; evaHrated 1013; ears, 23; plums, 9; raspberries, 2424J per pound. Feathers, choice geese 5355. Hides, dry, I0M. Honey iu comb, 10 11; beeswax 2931. To Graze in Itowau Pastures. The Summei field swindlers are still doing this State, and an Observer repor ter has discovered that they are smiu to commence operations iu Rowan, Davie aud adjoining counties. They have'had their shoddy wares stored iu Charlotte and yesterday they telegraphed here from Danville to have their goods ship ped to Salisbury.. A hint to the good people of Uowau will be sufficient. When two men come along offering to sell $300 worth of goods for $100, or even offering to sell the goods at half their cost, don't buy, but wait till you go to town aud trade ;with a merchant whois known to you anil wiio lias always dealt fairly and squarely with you. Give the peddling swindlers the go by, for they never fail to cheat all with whom they can "make a trade." i These swindler have gone through Lincoln, Cabairus, Cleveland, Union, Alison and Richmond Con u ties, aud they ought to be jerked Up for ob taming money under false pretenses. The farmers should make it a rule never to patronize such characters, but when iu need of articles visit the regular 'mer chants', and; thus they' will avoid being' swindled. Cir. Observer. At 12 o'clock last night policemen Joe Orr aud Luwsoii Black welder came into the Observer office with a basket filled with an assortment of general merchan dise. They. had just captured Henry Ariustrolig,!c6lored, aud the collection hail been taken up by Henry from the stores about town. He was captured near Hargraves & Alexander's store, having just stolen a j leather hand bag and two pairs of babyi shoes from that firm. Henry was a Santa claus iu disguise. The offi cers pulled from his pockets eight oranges twoL candy -popcorn balls, one plug to bacco, ten iiirsif hosiery all sizes, and a number other articles. Tho officers locked liim uiy-Mr. Observer. Merchautsr 4 who do in heavy Saturday uiget ousiuoss ougni io make a note of th.s. BEAUTIFY! AND PURIFY yourselves- and children by using bnnuer s Indian Ver mifuge twice a year. Worms ruin the com- plexhm. j . Work tor Sontlterii AVomcn. j was almost ttuknowu , among, the white women 'of ilie South under tlie regime of slavery. Bat with the era of freedon, inaugurated " and; accompanied :. aa it wa with great dest r act iou and ( loss of pro- pertyj the hard necessity of "doiug some thing lor a living" feB upon thousands of women . iu that section who liad never before undertaken directly to earn a dol lar. Labor having ( been dignified by freedom, and made 'respectable by cus tom many womeii of the South have been led, as their sisters at the North long siuce were, to work without the stress of actual oeccssity, because work contrib utes to their independence and even to their pleasure." With this .change in the social aud industrial situation, public at tention at the South has been directed by the press and by essayists and lecturers, to the discovery and development of suitable and remunerative employments for women. The climate of that favored section opens many occupations to wo men that are iu a measure closed to them in the North; and! their 1oc of outdoor life leads them to choose such avocatious as flower gardeuing, fruit .. growing, bee. keeping, dairying,poujtry ralsiug and the like, rather than the really, harder and more con fining work in offitesand shops. A capabable and buergetic woman can direct the .work of tn anyisui table out-ot door occupations with much greater pleasure aud profit aiKTwlth less loss of nervous foire, thiin result from school teaching, writing, j-cierking or .other ef the employments usually chosen by her sex. The new South will yet prove to be uu inviting fiejd for self-supporting womeu. Boston Herald. Mysteries of Jupiter. . The problems waiting for solution in regard to Jupiter are almost without number. Telescopists nre uever weary of studying the markings on its disc. New lines of his varying belts dots on his surface, changing tints, bright spots near his equator, rifts iu his cloud aud atmosphere occupations and transits of its moons and their jshadows are scanned by eagle-eyed observers, accurately, map pud by skilled draughtsmen, and laid away to swell the huge pile of observa tions, which, oue of these days, when the Joviau alphabet has found au inter preter, will reveal jhe process of world making going on in a planet so huge in bulk that his primeval fire still burns. The great red spot, visible for years ou Jupiter has come and gone. Its apear- ance was a mystery, its disappearance was equally uunccouu table. It left be hind au uusotved problem, tangible proof of the equatorial acceleration of the planet. For tho bright spots near the equator made a circuit around the planet in five minutes less time than, the great red spot that was forty .degrees from the equator. ; In precisely the same wav the spots near the sun's equator complete a evolution iii less time than those nearer the joles. . Here is another link connec ting the central luminary more intimate ly wjth his lordly son, aud iucludiug his developments within the bounds of solar mysteries. . When we find out the reason why the equatorial sun spots move faster than the polar sun spots, then we shall learn why the Joviau bright spots moved faster than the great red spot. We shall probably be' convinced at the same time that the regal planets is far more iu the condition of the sun than his less massive aud less richly endowed brethren. How many ages must roll on before the dawn of the day of certainty succeeds (he loug night of theory t Providence Journal. - The Soudan St ry. Sketch of Brents that Lend ,u io Present Situation. the The steps iu the Soudan tragedy which the world is now witnessing are as fol lows: 1. Revolt of the Soudanese against the Egyptian government, which had, since the conquest . in 186i, beeu little better then organ iz4l robbery. 2. Inef fectual efforts of the Egyptian govern ment to suppress it, ending in the des truction Hicks Pasha's army. 3. Refusal of England, which had in the meantime taken charge of Egypt, to allow these efforts to be repeated, in view of the con dition of the nr'myjand treasury. 4. Re fusal of the Mahdi to allow the Egyptian garrisons iu the Soudan to be witlidrawu peaceably, followed by loud Jingo cries iii.f.ugi.iuu inni u nun a snuiue io leave these brave 'men" to lie massacred. .5 Slow acknowledgement of the British ministry that somcthiug ought to be done for theni if possible. 6., Appear ance of Gen. Gordou on the scene, offer ing " $s settle the whole matter single hauded by going himself to Khartoum. 7. Acceptance of his offer by the ministry, with emphatic warning that an armed expedition was not contemplated, aud that he if he failed lie was to come back. 8. Further concession of the ministry to the Jingoes, by sending troops to Sriakim, just to secure the port against Osman Digna. 9. Complete failure of Gordon to make any impression on the Soudanese as a deli yerer, and his: conversion into the commander of the Egyptian garrison iu Khartoum. JO. Announcement of Gordon that he would not come back, bat would stay ahd "smash: the Mahdi," if he could get some Indian or Turkish troops, or if Eunqveau aud Auiericau capitalists would lendhim about a million dollars. 11. Growing impudence of j Osmau Digua at Suakim, leading to a sortie of the garii sou, and two fights in which about 5,000 men were killed or disabled, just to teach him mauners. 12. Gradual blockade of Gordou ut Khartoum, j accompanied by lonlJirgo cries that it. was a shame to heavsuch a splendid fellow to be over whelmed. '13 Gradual breaking flown of the ministerial detefmlDstion not to meddle, in the SoudaK trouble partly through fear of the jinsoes. knil tnrtlv through fearof effect which anyl sign of tlmiditr mtht hiirii'nn CLJ ....1 - m tm ; : ' f. - . usiiuauj .uu France and the Indian MoMulmahs. 14: Determiuathm to send 7000 men? and speiid $50,000,000 in rescning Gordon, as splendid specimen of the British officer. 15. Death of Gordon before - the Arrival of, tlie expedition. 16. Deternutiatiou, sluce there was no Gordou to rescner to prosecute the war,' and t'oiasli the Malidi,M anyhow, no matter nt what cost in blood and treasure,' but wiUioat any iutentiou of keeping tbd ISoodau. 1 I " J. Bauos AVti Barrw. Yes,riaid MrsParveau, witii a wadof pride io Iter: roice as big as a chew of fine cutf fm y daugtiter is to be married at au early day . " . j "To a titled German, I believer quer ied the frieud to whom she was talking. "Yes, a German Barou." . v v . r-j-;.- r "Ahl. A Baron 1 what is his name T ' The Baron of Barou of pshaw, it's funny I can't remember his name. My dear," she said, turning to her husband, a gruff old chap be h iud a newspaper, what is our new son-iiawV titlet He's Baron of something but I can't recall it." J ' T "Dou't know," he growled, M Barren of Funds, I reckou." MALARIAL POISON. The drouth in "Southwest Georgia last spring dried up the wells, and we were compelled to use water from the creek on the plantation. The result was that all were troubled with chills and fever. I car ried with me several bottles of Swift's Specific, and as long as I took it, I had perfect health. Asoon as I ceased taking it, ITike the rest, wast afflicted with chills. When I resumed its use, I was all right again. We have used it in our family as an antidote for. maUrial poison for two or three years, and have never known it to fail in a single instance. W. Ct Fcblow. Sumpter Co.. Ga., Sept. 1 1, 1884. A CRIPPLE RESTORED. Some two years ago I received a 1kv (Lena White) into tlie Orphans Home, near Macon, from Columbus. He was one of tho poorest creatures I have ever seen nothing but skin and bone crippled and deformed by Serofula, which - had atten ded him from his birth. About eighteen months ago I commenced giving hi.u Swift's Specific After several bottles had been taken and no visible results to be seen, I began to despair, but continued the medicine. At last signs of improvement tecame apparent, and from that date to the present there has been constant im provement in both body and mind. He is uow about fourteen years old, and is one of the brightest boys I have ever known. I honestly believe that he will ultimately outgrow the effects of this loathsome disease under the influence of Swift's Specific. The two cases of crvsinelas vhii-h were treated some two years ago with S. S. S. show no symptoms of return of the dis ease, i L. B. Paynk Snh't Orphans' Home. So. Ga: Conf. Macon Ga., Nov. 1, 1884. 1 reatise on Rlood and Skin Diavasea mailed free. The8wift Specific Co.. Drawer 3. At lanta, Ga. SCROFULA. I have had hereditary scrofula broken out on me for eight years. Mv mother and one sister died with it, and I, supposing that I would io as other nit-mlxr of tl family had, had despaired of life. The treatment of mercury and potash seemed to aggravate instead of curing the disease. In this condition I was pressed to use Swift's Specific. After taking six bottles the tearful ulcers on mv neek and arm pisappearcd and the scars only remain to remind me of my sufferings. Had I taken S. S. S. at first, I would have leen a well man long ago. Fhakk Gilcuer. Oct. 18, 1884. Danville, Ky. ECZEMA. I was affected for nearly four years with eezema. the doctors called it at first erysipelas. I was treated by physicians. I was cured bv Swift's Sneeitic. I uspd about thirty bottles antl have had no trou ble with it since. I refused to take it. even after it was recommended to me by others for some time such was my prejudice to the name of it; but having tried it tnvself. I now belive it is the best blood puriticr iu all my knowledge. It did another thing for me,- I hud suffered from piles for many years. Since taking this medicine I have been relieved, aud believe it cured me. i R II. Joses. Cartersville, Ga., August 25, 1881. My daughter, seven years old, has been afflicted with eczema for two veers, and after trying other remedies in vain, I gave her Swift's Specific (S. S. S.), and one and a halt bottles cured her sound and well. Iti is the best blood remedy in the country. Mits. M. S. Judkiks. Cedartown. Mill, July 23, 1884. Treatise ou Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, At lanta, ua. Thk Beactv of Yoctn.No matter how handsomc.or stalwart a young man may be otherwise, nothing can make up for a par tially bald head. Shining talents are at tractive,, but a shining h1I is not. The cause may be sickness or anything else, yet Parker's Hair Balsam will stop the loss of the hair and start a new growth of glos sy and soft hair so quickly as to surprise you restoring the original color at the same time. Not dye, not oily, delicately perfumed. Only standard 60c. dressing. OUR .NEIGHBOR'S CHILDREN look o sn rosy and healthy and are never sick. Our children are so delicate and have such sallow complexions. Your neighbor keeps up with the times and gives Shriner's In dian Vermifuge to his children twice a year, ' " . liND MD LULL PROPERTY FOR SALBl Price low and ttrms easy 'For further particulars, address or call on 1 P. N. HEILIG, 14:8m Salisbury, N C. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST lor Shriner's Indian Vermifuge and if he fails to supply you, address the proprietor, or.DavrdHFoutx, Baltimore, Aid. AmasstnaUoti In Florida.- r .Tlie Ifidsoh Viile pbnn the paiTicuiare ot a s not sing affair, which jnc enrred last Jteek nt JJraidMown, which is only a few miles from th town of ilarn ateey Jlorida.- It eeras thaik trambef of persons were in conversaUoiynt Braiden -townwhen the subject of the Abbe ninr der carde npabd one of the JaHy , a;.M r. Campbelfi' madea retnarto. tlie effect that he was of the opinion thiit tlie coui ts Would not "convict the parths wlio have been arrested for -the mrtrder,aVioT he would be oue to assist in killing them if they were turned looje. . The party after wards dispersed; and within 4 very short time Mr. Campbell was notified to leave the county withm foarlrours or he would be killed for expressing -himself as he did. lie did not - leave and that night some oue knocked -at' his door. He "got" up and partly opened -ft; when the' per soti outside 'threw in a ball ofdynanilte; which exploded, blew the'housc to piece's. and broke Mr. Campbell's back, from ilie effects of which he died short lv '"after.' ay- wands. It. is also stated-tliat other parties had been notified to lea ve-the county in side of twenty -four hours or '! Hey would meet with a like fate. Savixo Banks. The annn'al reiiort of the snpsriutendeutsof tle New Ybi'fcbaiilr big deitartmeiit -furnishes sohie interest ing facts relative to the coiidition of the saying tmnks of that State. Tjiey are 126 in number, holding desposifs to the ainount of H37,107i:: Theldepsltors Dumber 1,165,174, or m re thau one-fifth of the total population of the State. The deposits averngeoTS.o each' aud the average, rate of interest paid was 3.44 per cent. The number of depositors increas ed 17,586 during the year and the amount of deposits $6,027,491 , The effect of the present depression in -i business is shown to a marked degree iu tlie' small increase iu deMisits, they having increased for the five preceding years at au - aunual rate bt more than $26,000,000. ; MISS M. 0. TAFFE Has opened rooms in the Old Photograph Gallery. Sho has. learned Dress Making and the most accurate system of 'cuttfrig thoroughly. .. Fit Giiarantcpd ! ' Will be pleased to receive tails from the ladies of Salisbury. March 5," 1885. ly ' ' , BUSINESS LOCALS. ATtENTION 'EAltMERs! - My stock of Chcmtcma, Acid Phosphates Kainit, etc., is more couipWte -and-cheaper than ever before, and of tho ;er highest grades. 1 Don't fail to" call 'tin .'me beforj; furchasing -elsewliere and Stite 'Money. also have a large lot of- Best'VVifglnia1 Lime for Agricultural purposes,, which 1 am offering at reduced pijce -r -r.ct J. ALLEN BROW. Feb. 20; 1885. tf " r - Cancers Coiiqueredk The Swift Specific Compnny have the most endubitable evidence as io the cure of Cancer by their famous medicine, S.S.S Among others, John S. 3Iorcow, an old and highly esteemed citizen of "Florence, Ala., makes the following statement as to the merits of this remedy: 'I have been suffering with a Cancer fn my right car, for about three years. I tried various remedies and was treated with Iodide of Potash, which produced rheu matism. My feet and. legs were greatly swollen, so that I could not walk; About one year ago I was induced to try Swift's Specific, which Soon removed the trouble in my limbs, and my' rheumatism is ni)w entirely gone and my Cancer is steaxlih improving, being better now than at any time within two years. This medicine has done me more good than anything else 1 have taken, and I feel that I am on the road to a speedy cure. Undoubtedly Swift'o Specific is the best blood purifier in t fie world." JOHN S. MORROW. Florence, Ala., Sept. 22, '84. . I have had a cancer on my face: for many years. 1 nave trieu a great many reuieoics but without reiiet. 1 almost gave up ltoe of ever being cured. Dr. Hardniaivmy son, recommended Swift's Specific,. which 1 have taken with reat results. Mv face is almost well, and it is impossible tor inc to express my thanks in words for what this medicine has done for me. MBS. OLIVE IIARDMAN. Monroe, Ga., Sept. 1884. , Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed Ine. .... . Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. I NOTICE . ; ' Is hereby gi veu-that application will be made to the next General Assembly of the State for an ameudiueut to the chat ter of the town of Salisbury. 6t Jan. 1, 1835. A. I. Bovdex! SCROFULA CURED. Atlasta, Ga., August, 1883. My six year old sim has had a terrible slojghing Scrofulous Ulcer of the neck for three rears, attended with blindness. ss of hair, great emaciation, and generf prostration Physicians and various blood remtHlieS were resorted to without benefit. The Xew Atlanta Medical CoWege treated him for three mouths; but his condition grew worse. I was urged to tryjhe efficacy of B.B.B and to the astonishment of myself frierwl and neighbors, one single bottle effected a entire cure. Ulcers of the neck entirely healed; eyesight restored, and the Jair commenced growing on his heail H'ain. I live ai 345 Jones Street, and my Uy is there to be seen. Fit a.nk Joseph. Notice to Creditors AH persons haviug claims against the estate of Iawreuce Lingle, dee'd; are Iiereby notified to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 16th d.iy of Jannarv. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. juii i-iauiv, Jan. 9, 1835.-GW Dress Makind! .'. x s AbsoluteIyJu; 1 his do rder never rule, a mmi mt 'w. stifBg-iaund wholeauivneH. Mure HbMia:aI cotoeeuuda-wrthiueifinnuadeof low Tm" Sfort man ae uratnnrv kinds, and mnuoL..!-. mvih.ia ns. naxL Bikino rowocK co.. nx hhi ku . WASHED OUT UAIR -There is WcflX pallid, chalky complexion .which thenof-j. elist catl a4washcd out c6mplexipB.',vTt is gliastly enonhT and tm mistake?' Tksheoi put,Jaled,.dUaLured, or part oldredTiahv is. Almost as repulsive and mblaacholY' Parke'rs Hair Balsam will restore.; vom hair to its orignial color, whateverUU. WiiSi, browsj aulwrn or black. Why wear moss' RffK" vl 1 c HU' Wl,cn " " : Salislmry -Tobacco1 Hartet. ;" CORKECTEO WEEKLY BV JXO.TnErPAED. Luss, common to med 4.50to6.00'- Lugs, med. to good, Luys, good to hne. Lugs, tine to fancy, Leaf, enniuon to med. Leaf. lned. to good,. 8.."i0tO 11,00 . 14 .00 to 1H.0O 5.00tv . ' C.25 to 8.50 ' .V8 50 tftlSa, Leaf, good to tine, Wrappers, com: to med. Wrppors.'nwd. to jrood Wrappers, sood to fine, Wraniwra Ann 10 ou to 10.50. 18.50 ti 25.00" mOO-ftfOW' 40.00 toMLCO- m iujM.-i, lanry none onerca. . . v t . . . New'toljatfco breaks for" the pSs w'rejc Imivo been lihr. Prices stiff for allrades. ' Good, ricli, waxy niters, smooth eotfrrsSnd .lug smokers are. in reat demand and prices' ia shade stifier than the quotation. Wrspr. per3 of all classes are high and eagerly sought after. Planters would do well byj puttjni: some of thdr good tobacco tm the ' market at this tinie.; ... TWO DANGEROUS SEASONS. - -Spring and fall are' times when so many ' people get sick. The changes Sn the" "4 weather arc severe on feeble persons, sn4 1 even those naturally string are apt, a they ' say, "to be feeling miserable." Thcu.they are just in condition to be struck . I down), witli some kind of fever. A bottle, pr tWe T of Parker's Tonic will invigorate the diges tion, put the liver, kidneys and blood hi' perfcet order, and prevent more jicrious attacks,. .Why suffe. and perhaps die,' when so simple a medicincwill cnre'yoUl lood fpr. both sexes and sll ages. H- . , ' ",' Go to ENNISS andbny Kcros4 sad Madliii.'c oils. . PATENTS Obtained, and all PA TES1 BUSlSKSSttUadrtit) ' for SiOhtylA TE . ; i Our ontce in otiosite the U. s. Patent Offlisc, antt j we caa obtain Patents In lew time tban those rw mote from Wa.shlD)fton. Send Nodrt r UrnwinQ. , We advise as to patent,abl!ttr free of cbargT;aa4 we make mo Chargr uU potettt ' mermrtd. ,We refer, bere, to the I'ostnjaHier, tbe Snpt. bC ' Money Order I 1 v.. and to officials of the U. S. Pat- tent Ofnce. For circular, cdvlce, ierma and; refer ences to actual clients tn your own state oretmatr write to C. A. SNOW. 4b CO.: , . opposite Patent onlce, VVafcblnirton. 1. c. s KOV. XT,Ol. iUX drotd to Miene. machtoica. giriafc.ai eoreries, inTentions And ptnia rr poblihS rV amber illustrated with splendid BrTina. .Ti pnblieation. farnisbM a mou T4abt mtv?So9m? : hiformttioa which bo panoa hoald bo withoot. TW KpnUrity of tho Scxnrnno Auzmkax it nehthot t 1 oircaUtioa aeoriy eqaolo tbA of oil other 00901 or its claaa combined. Prico, 9X30 iwtr. nmmm r ClntM. Sold r All MmilMWt. linhers, Ito. , roodwsf, H. V. A Moaa m 00. aojo oioo ) i H BBaHMHHBHv lore toe rmm wma. ud bow prepared wwo thoa On Mrn- . .nobu, Airmeat.d eil otbeo ' for wenrinr to lnentow tbe.r riohU Jo tho United . Btete Cnd, f. tuMM, Gormn7 and other f oreiica ooootrieo, P'iBnria . ot hort notico and on reoaable frmo.. ;.".. Information aa to obtaininf patenU ehejl four iriTen witbout chair-:. Hand-oookJ of " Mnt w Wt.nU obtained thromoh llano Tho odrantoiro of aueh notico irwoll onderatood by nil I I Vc. 1 1 1 1 11 n i.iifl a iniiao fr persons wbo wi.h to dispoM of tl VAddreeaMCNN aOO.OSoo 361 Btoadway, Vow York. oauram Oi prttonU give aaj. Set us 5 tents postage, and by mall you will get frt s pack age of goods of lar.e value. it viU !t ti-t y-i in work that win at once n o 1 i 1 n ) 1 ' 1' l ivr,uiaa an thlBg elsta A m en 11 dm ti; tiii.DOi ia presenu wuof oaca o gii.i 1 1 -e wyjrtaere.of either sex; of all a r ft t ! U n or spare Uinooly. to workforw tAir in himM. Portuoeo for all workers aj tilv nvi.'eJ. tlou't delay. IL. UalXETT M COu . 0.1 It; 'st -ly ortund,; Mala 'I Dojt T Feei. Lick Work." It makes no difference what business you are engag ed in: -whether you are a preacher me chanic, u lawyer or a common laborer yew can't do von r work well while you ant bait sick. Thonsnnds try to, but all inivaia. How mucir better to keep your organs la good- order 1t taliing Psrker's Tonic whea you feel "a little out of . sorts," It 'WtfuhV le money in your jpockct. One Iwur ot yfood. rejoicing health Is worth Ihslt ajdot 11 hours ftill ot languor and'pain. HAY! HAY ! HAY! irk) too3f No. 1 Valley of ViriiajaV Tiniothv nay "or saie uy ) P. B. SUBLETT SONI 43:6m. .. Staustoa, Ya PUBLIC-SALE OF LAUp! : Cu SaturcTay the 14th day of March next at the Court Houms dor in Saiisbtiry I will sell a tract of nine acref of land, inore o-less; being the place wflb thf buildings . thereon, whore W. A. Wise lived and re-, cently died, being aUut seven miles ftm SalisbJry on theStatesville lNad;aaJorniBg, the lands" of lUd Wyatt, J. K Brlsgs. John Gourley. Terms of sale one half caakafhd a credit of six month ffr tUebiher 'WrH with interest at eight per 1 ent ? j JAS. F. ROBINSON Atte?rf W.TyTsc Feb.. 10th, 1P?4. 17:4t. '-: A Pi 200000 1 ! , Ui- ill-' 1 I .3 : TV. -ft -l r. fH-";i ,.r.-f MA r - 1 iL.-r i t If -' 7 i r i .7 y7r " ' i 8 - !

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