1 -f ' . - .. - ; - ? n . . , 11 : -. ., ., 0 ' lJJJ ii,rTHIRD SERIES Til & - llaiiife The Healthfalness of MiikiA ' 1 ! ; - j p ""at 4 . ,rH i -, - rtninni .'-i in I'rrsuieni was accom- -.: ,...;--.. , M . j -- . t -,, . , ROYSTER'S' Vllr-vf Wi &W ESSS SL:'r-!r: III inn ppnmLllM mi I1U1U UlUUllliiiU : WMr 'M S TflE BEST SOLD IN THE STATE, ' TO-- 1 ... Vlll;::Nvl !iJi5i, I. M J:i;.; , ALL FOU . Kft VK, ' j , .-J kiwi? timif 1 . i- B III II I II I I 1 H I ! -IfAI 1 U il l . MW IN SMALL SIZE SACKS Ml-Vi run ri-aiNi dlwj , ; & ! J.D.GASKILL. ,.;V ! '" . . : - . J-x.V: -V i:m . - ' ' - ' i ' ' ' 'v !':V j . . . . ; ; .-; --i ' " - ' .. h I . i . v i '. ; -- ' f V '!v i I - . i- - 0 rHiis Mixture W ' 31-.V; - ,,T. . - V ypi ill Iaiifftion. j i-liurk'M.'. X. C K ktv iii 'tu v : i iificu vvii'ij f:Ui-.-..v Vn-nt hejiefit to lUVSclf ,Sr.r-U.i-,.ianiMl it to others. Mx-in.be r N. C. Legislature, The Dream of Life. AH men are il reamers fron), the hour , Wlien reason first exerU'lta ower ; Unmindful of its bitter sting ' To some deceiving hope-wo cling- v , That hope's a dream. A ' The brazen trumpet's clangor gives , The joy .-ou-which the warrior lives ; , And at his injured country's call, Ho leaves his friend,! his home, his all. For- glory's dream. ; j - f Clf A Rt)TTE, C. 1 iiitr n-Torv: iiaelc-" i"",v MW(intu..y to the va hie of. your ,i 1 have iiseu u wuu reai lv.reconinif rul it tq an yJone indigestROh Jud a !W.UiJ l,f livpr and Lowcls. 1. I, i)iJivnu'"i x Js.-'C. State Tpeasurcr: & 18- I j jlL jj IT M-Aden jmd T C Smith TOue,l4 ana J H Knis, Sali -. ,,: ; :' I" 1" 49:!y ' : : I -- ; - . -n I--1 ! L ifSUARf ESS f OR MbtfAll'ANi) TENNESSEE! iiifARM WAGONS. J';V !lVlifckFoi:i & Huffman raW and Guano Drills. uVBlIiiaing nnd- aiKing JLTIV A TORS elemph Straw Cutters, if Avery-an.l Dixie PLOWS,; . x '! The lover hangs on some bright eye . And dreams of bliss in everj sigh ! " But biighfest eyes are, deed in guile, . ', Aud he who trusts their fickled smile, Trusts m dream ! - f And there are those build their joys On piJond ambition's gilded toys, Who fain wonld cliraU the craggy bright Whose power displays its spledid light iJJut dreaming, fall! Whilst others midst the giddy throng Of pleasure's victims sweep along, i Till feelings dampVl and satiate hearts Too worn to feel when bliss departs, Trove all a dream. And when that chilly call of fear Death's mandate, faills upon the ear . Wo-'fi'nd, would we retrace the past," E'en' life at best, now fadiug fast, Is all a dream ! AFTER THE INAUGURATION. The Grand Ball in 'the Pension Building, Where Distinguished Men and Worken Met and Thousands of Feet Kept , Time to Merry Music. ' ; listingnished pcrebjis.lfiog presented to him. The Presulent was accom panied by I Miss Cleveland and Mrs. Hoyt, hi3 sisters, adbV Ids brother, Rev. W. A. Cleveland: and his wife and their two sonj,Ur. Hastings, his nephew, Miss Hastings Miss Kellie Yeomans and Miss lAnna Yeomans, Mr. and Mrs. Bacon,! the PresideutV brotlicr in law, of j Toknlo, and CoL .r -r .1? and iMrs. Jjamor.i. A medical authority says if any one wishes to grow fleshy, a pint of milk, on retiring at niglit, will soon cover the scrawniest bones. Although wo see a good many fleshy! persons how,-, a-days, there are a great mauy. lea ii I and lank ones, too, who figh for the fashionable -measure of plumpness, and who would be vastly imn roved f About the same timex-PresidentVin health and appearance could ' 1 ' o .-W ll.t.1.-.l! 1 1 room. With liimi were secretaries t11 uouie ue ruuimeu vua gooa Ier, Secretary and; Attdruey-General Lincoln and Chantl Mrs. McCulloch, Brewster and Mrs. Breivlter, Postmas- Mrs. Hatton, Mrs. Teller, Davis, Miss r. Allan Af ter General Hat ton' and Secretary Teller pm Judge Davis and Mrs. Lucy Frelinghuyseiij ;A! 1 huiraud Mu hal MeMlchael l ft icke arrived nViee-President Hend about-; Hie same tiaie and joined the President. j h . DISTINGUISHED IPEHSONS. : In the room at this time tlere was a large and distinguished gathering, including persons of the most! diverse shades of political opinions. the persons already named, were present Senator Bayard, Col. Vilas of Wisconsin, Gen. and Mrs. Sheridan, Gen. Iloscerans Besides there solid flesli. Nothinsr is bora coveted by a. thin woman than a fall ; figure, and nothing will arouse the Ire and provoke the scandal of ; the "clipper build" as the consciousness lof plump ness in a rival.- In the cases of fever and summer complaint milk is now I given with excellent results. The idea that milk w feverish has exploded, and it is now the physician's aid in bringing through typhoid fever .pa tients, or those in too low a state to be-nourished by solid food. It is a mistake to scrimp the milk pitclier. ake more milk and buy less meat. rt- X Low TicUs of Corn. fyxtcr; Corn snoiiors, Engines ana toilers, SAYf AND JGR15 1 ir,iLL&, It F.ninc and lioilvr FittiivjMj Guns,, i Sheila, Csnridies,. Wads and Caps.; NJe.aii! Hiot, Dynamite Fuse Had Pri- -ixes, Shovels and SpsKtes,' JJUiluing tifejl'iTrnts; (iils and Yiirnisftcs, RAISED CLOVER Stfcu. Washington, March 4. The bril liant finale of the inauguration cpre monics was the ball tbnigljitl It put the cap sheaf of gayety on the more formal and serious, though grand, ceremonial which preceded it. Beauty lent its aid to crown the triumph of the incoming administration, aud amid the light festivities of the ball room the celebration of the day came to a close. 1 The ball was held in the unfinished lie w "pension building, an ; immense structure enclosing a rectangular courtyard more thaw 300 feet .long by over 100 feet in widthj two months ago only the walls of the building surrounding this courtyard were in place, but by the exercise ot marvel lous transforming skill this rootless bare court has been changed 4uloa palace of beauty. Entering thebuikt insr tonight by either of the four Tis True. Mr. Belford, who often grand entrances one sees on every amuses the House of Representatives, 8,tJe unsigiitiy piles ot sanu anu mor- . i. i l ui t tar and brick aud iron and other ma- sometimes utters unpalatable home M" rtU " . ., , . . , r ... terial, out of which the massive pile truths that touch the sensitive nerves . ' , . , , nreh ' . of both Democrats and Republicans. b which access is obtained to the -TT I I 1 J I 1 1 1 I - - . lie i& a reckless nitter, anu aoes not building from the streets, are laiu seem'to care iwho gets hurt. "You gen- down across what is little belter than tlemqn of tie Democratic party" said a morass of soggy clay, which only h in1 the debate on the River and Har- yesterday an army of laborcre was bor bill, "hive seventyight majority engaged, in leveling; so that paths .i xx x l miiiht be laid over it.: in tne xiouse or nepreseniawves, ana t . i v" i .:. .n ii,?ni. 1 - Hot as the doors onens on the line- yet you daniiot get a quorum without rio the eve :s dazzled by a sudden the help of the Republican members, blaze, of light and color, and the How do voulexrject to eovern the coun- mind confused bv tlie immensity of J XI ----- - ; -: J . j . . . I ,, m o ii.i. try in the next four years when ydu thescene revealed to it at a glance, crowded, ami the President and Vice w"n a tew crops of rye and buckwneat cannot control this House?" This A, half 31G feet long by 116 feet wide : President, the former escorted by edged in between them, and. without a lighted by sixty gigantic bicman s senator Pendleton'- and Kieh- gax burners ot ouu candle power. i am i. luerricic,; anu tne latter oy ich are suspended trom tlie M , In reference to the very low .yield of the Hon. corn in the Southern States, a rather sin- Dan Manning andjwife, Senator Pen- gular fact might be mentioned. Some dleton, the Hon. Richard T. Merrick, 1 time ago a correspondent who is a South Representative Eaton of Connecticut, ! era farmer for Mce Representative Barbour of Virginia, Ln ri,j. M Mi -ii i f Q 1 . i i i . b . to what crops he could grow m place of Seneator Wade Hampton, (Senator i i-i , .-, r, V i , Brown of Georgia1, Justice Field of . corn, which only yielded six bushels the Supreme Court, and Speaker Per 9' Since then the writer has Carlisle and Mrs. Carlisle, j been on this farmer's land and found in There was no formal reception by his close vicinity another farmer who President Cleveland, but a large niitn- made the past season 750 bushels of r i i ; v corn irom iweive acres, or more man some ot the irentlemen standing iti'.. A- n i 1 :. . ... i , len times ine yieia oi tne complaining the immediate vicinity made presen- - mi tations. Alter half an hour spent naer' The rcason was ve Plain in this manner the! room became over The one nad grown corn year after year vipps rif ih( mninritv in the Hrmse. i'v, ,,r 4.1,rt cauu, n nsibihty, it is a crime against the LrfvdaJVfor lesK money -.l iwytlilri:,' else usually K.pi n fft viasa dwireapd implement .-stores; I haw$ on hand allrtuck ot tlie above, & oiler t hem lorftUe next "x..j. mnnoviiinn fhev bnve ever jihbury.oct.n-l. 'S- W. SM1THDEAL. M t. MM CASH or OH TIME. 4n ?uit iill cluvies of pun-hascw, we have made FTftSemenbi to seltiht ' eeiebrate.1 Wagous clU proa l:t ti -i . s alt who need wagons 4wtta8a'ft'isee us soon. " . . J JUX A-. r.OYDEX, Agent, or, -y O. WHITE. .7. tU mntr rtwnoy tha.u anything eWHby takinj u RRracy tur Wie iest selling book outv Be ?iKtsBuecef(lirrai)(ltv. Xonefall. Terms free. it i f HiixicrrJiooK co rortlanU, Maine. respo trusts witn jwmcn tne democrats are charged by! their constituents. Mr. Randall has been twice defeated in mg THE! BEST SMITH IN iflhiPlslctiii S4?U kl1 f - WiUrhcs, elooks. &c, and at tau TVrnl lavanil jret your watches at knl$0.nai,;liai,s sorc. Salisbury ; and try I lift charge is too true. Absenteeism is one of the iic liiiiiiL ULiLHJDj any, 111 ucn ui 111c j x root, wnose peau is josi, losigut nine ty feet above the floor, in a perfect forest of streamers nnd flairs, on whose acre of waxed floor several thousand j the titua occiipied ju walking around f ha Anrrrvni-5nnn f!mn. counles in brilliant! toilets are nioviii 1 the room. mittee by the defection of depart of this about in the mUzes of the dance, large Democratic majority, who proved while thousands more circle around taitniess to ) tneir pledges given to tne I on the outskirts in ceaseless prom- people. iVjl.oim. ; ' I enadc and other thousands look down Stop thef-.jpay of members for every J Upon them from jsurrounding balco lav of absence. The toilers in the es, is tle graurtlrame woru ot an r 1 t t . 1 1 1 . it l workshop and the field are not paid for ensemuje wiiicn, nursling suuue ny .1 1 ii j t , 1 inri i 11 1 uuuii uat; a view. 1a iijiijiiiiiiuciiiij u the rtnvs r.hev are nhsenr. Wnvsnnnld I r. . . ' o J J ', J J I ivililnPlllfV n 1 1 J .Li 1 1. ti? I tney oe raxea 10 pay aoseni, pumic ser- 0il41 mllf . f.. . rnnnl R.m vants fox work they are not perform- lin)e before the details of the scene begin to present themselves to notice The hall proper is divided by two Killed by aG rain of Corn. rows of massive pillars, which sup- nort the roof. ! into three connected Jddie bhuman, a boy eight years of ias ihe middle one of which is the a ) . 1 til I. 1. . . ' . ... age, died yesterday morning at tne res- largest. Rising irom the hall on Went of his father, Mr. Wm. Shuman, four sides are smaller brick pillars bnthe Camden road, two miles from which support the balconies, and on tu ,;fr rrho ,n.i nf fhe W denh the outer side of these and between . . i v j 1 i 1 them and the inner walls ot the build vus ct i;iaiii tuiu t 1111,11 xiaKx luuecu 1. . iiii.il . . ... .. , . . , . . . ' ins is a pronjcnauc nan, iweive icet iu iiis vmpnc anu 1111.11 tuc iijoiciau genarated from the ba room vahlly endeavored to dislodge. On the OI,iy by therows of pillars. From 20th of February, the boy, while play- the balconies which extend around .-. : ' m - vl.l 1 - 111.1 ins with an ear 01 corn, put several tlie tour siaes ot tne nail mere rise " i 1 . . . . . : ... ' jrrains in his mouth and one of these still smaller; -rows ot pillars supported I M I 111 1 " M (rmin lmA InnVed i liis windnine P" t'Se ueiieaill, 3UU 111. turn Slip & 0 r-r, y . i.i ii.... : , i.:.i and caused him to sufEer terribly. The " ? Tuuu uaty "IJfc ; , , 1 , , . . by tne temporary rooi. xwo jarge lcauireu w xuccx slflnds.. one for mus e ans fur to dislodge tne grain 01 corn out iau- ishig the dancing music, and the ed in all their attempts, and yesterday other for a baud which provides music death brought relief to the little suffer- for promenaduiir. are-built out from particle of manure, while the other had grown buckwheat for a first crop on epreseuiaiive iaion ami iur. o. v . nftvr lani thft Mrn fnp twft vpnrs Tupn mnile the . 1 ' J ' l. round of the ball; room, the band wheat, then clover for two years, and f. ; playing "Hail to the Chief during Alter the Presidential party had left the room the crowd continued to pour into it through the other doors, unaware that Cleveland had left. Standing near thej centre of the room was Senator Bayard ami the crowd pressed about him dud shook hands with him as they passed, appareu t .1 - .i.t unuer tne impression tnat lie was Vice-President Hendricks. , When the Senator at last discovered that he was being taken for somebody else lie abandoned the! robin. . The scene in tlie ball room was ex ceedingly brilliant. The large hall was completely filled with a constant ly moving crowd numbering several thousands last corn on a rich clover sod. As usual. it was a case of "the man and not the land, as it is every time." New York Times. Judging from Appearances. Whatever truth there may be in phre nology, or in Lavater's kindred sci ence of physiognomy, we shall do well . scrupulously to avoid forming an J ' opinion against a man irom ins per sonal appearance. If we so judge We shall often commit the greatest injus tice which may, if we should ever live to be disfigured by sickness or marred by age, be returned into our own bo som to our bitter sorrow. Plato com. pared Socrates to the gallipots of tlie Athenian apothecaries, on the outside aiANUS1 OMESTIG' ..( H IS AT THE HEAD! thousands .the scene. while from the balconies morej looked down upon The bright toilets of the of which were painted grotesque fig ures of apes and owls, but they con tained within precious balsams. All the beauty of a Cle6patra cannot save her name Irom being infamous. Per sonai attractions nave auorucu some 1 w; ; of the worst monsters that ever curs- 7 nn man ladies, the flowers, the glittering jew els, the decorations and lights were prominent features of the scene to be 1 . 1 I i ! ,ug mnu 1C . , : , ed humanit Jm, then xw.m...j ...in .umj; i or woman atter their outward fashion, lour of the ball room returned to the but with purified behold the 'in- reception room :and for a short time er beftUl ot the heart aud ,if- 7 HitnAllfnl fill 1IM wil !! hn 111 til li.ltf Imain I ivwivv:vi mi i (.aim,- in hi tnvii Snuropf)n 1111..I Kill, n t I, nil' 1 1 ti l nnl I & his party left the building and Vice President Hendricks and his party also went away.j j j At 11 o'clock the Germania Or chestra of Phi A PRIZE: er.! Char,. Obs. Killed in a Grave. 11 ' UK :n- .- m...i i -l t 1 i i vmf 1 Cani?ot bc disputed. : ! - IMITATE IT. ! 'l.tcstHunnin- . ! ' . - H M,)t licauuful Wood .Work Iolcit WAaRAiVTED 1 .1 - j-. . - . ToSN in,U'l kinds of work. 1 Aa,?J.0P,-1.eine very rcsnect. 'Irel, ll,,t,ccupifd territory EST-ir. ei ;: rr 7"G MACHINE CO.. i i Petersburg, W. Va, March 2. Charles Barth was buried yesterday, at Cherry Ruii, east of this place. The ground was frozen very hard and it was found necessary to use a pick to loosen the earth; with which to fill the grave. James Aichison iwas doing the work and a man named Adams was shoveling the. earth intoj the grave. Adams slip ped and fell just as the pick was com ing do win. The pick penetrated his skull and he died in an hour. Aside from economy, the best if hot only, moral safeguard of a State Uni versity is thehealthful existence of similar institutions under denomination al patronage. Living men may recol lect the bad moral atmosphere that in fected State Universities before denomi- nation'Hhstitutions arose to shame them into propriety.- Infidelity, drunkenness, pnofanitjjywasnobar to a professorship and the prrupttng exploits oi teachers were a jest among students. When Dr. Cooper, eminent for science, was President of South Carolina College, some of the choicest youth of the State wrere tainted with his infidelity. There was no alternative to a parent who fear ed to expose his son to that influence but to send him abroad.-5iop McTUre. BEAUTIFY AND, PURIFY Tourtelvek lis i ' i i I i . i ? ni i i i . .- Kr l'TTi r oiucimionu, va, '.anu cnuuren uj ttsm Dunueru inuian ver- Ji DLEM AN.; mifuc tvyitea jear. Worms ruin the coin i . .Salisbury, h, C. ' plexion.;: the sides of the hall to the height of the balcony. Supper rooms, wine rooms, cloak aud hat rooms, reception rooms, President's rooms and rooms occupied j by the various ball com mitteesare ranged on the tour sides of the hall beyond the promenading circle. In this vast space hard I v a foot of the rough unfinished interior remains-exposed. Decorations cover thewhoja juterior, with the exception of the roof, and this is almost hidden from view by the network of stream ers, flags and buntings- All is bril liant coloring, in which the red, white and blue tints of the American Aug -predominates,' but -are toned down by the cohtrasiiiigrolark green of natural garlands- hutig in festoons and the -toilaee 6f ffomciil -i. ulants which Mre banked about the sumiorts of the tbof anu'in the corner! of tlie. nan, ana . are: blended with ihe rich dark hues of velvet hanging f and "the glos-sy sheen or silk damasiv j draper ies. This wealth of color is relieved against a back-ground of pure white muslin, and is blended into harmony and sdftuess under the light of lamps which hang from the. roof like great globes of tire. The entire scene forms a brilliant setting fur the rich toilets of th'e dancers and promenaders and the ever chanirig panorama on the floor.) Tliis is the general ' tfl'ect." The details are complex and elaborate. ' THE PRESIDENT ARRIVES; It was half past ,10 o'clock "when President Cleveland arrived at Uie balljroora, he was immediately escor ted to the president's room I where for hail an hour he held an; informal re ception, the members of the! reception commiuce.. ana a small n u m bor t if Wl th wa ltz. Send six cents for postatre. and receive free, a cosily box of goods which will help you to more mon ey right away than anything else in this world. All of either sex. succeed from flrst hour. The broad elpliia numbering ly sure. At once address, "T?v Co., Augusta, Maine. 100 pieces opejied; the ball prpper Dancing was contin ued until a very late hour, intersper sed with intervals 'for promenading, during which the Marine Baud sup plied excellent music. It is estimated that at least 10,000 persons were present during the even ing. ! ! THE SUPPER, A very handsome supper was serv ed through the evening in a series of communicating j supper rooms by the Murry Hill Hotel of New York. The supper and attendants were brought from New York on a spec ial train. The arrangements and menu were alike '-satisfactory. Nov. iT, Sj. ly i Is'tiieue ANY1 Difference. "Is poker any more ,a gambling game than ivlottery at a. church fair, or of the doings of a broker? buying aud selling what he has.not This question was put by Col. Bliss to a .witness in a New York police court, and the an swer was, "T think, not." Was not the answer correct? Ifayoung man goes to a church festival and is im portuned by a young, lady to "take a chance" at a cake, pr some article val ued at tribble its worth, and he wins, is there not daiiger of his catching on to the idea that h0 is lucky, aud will he not next try! his luck with Dau phin's lottery or ait a game of poker? The church should abstain from evea the appearance jof evil. , V; - ( .. The man wlio does not believe in newspapers is the man who has failed to work hu little racket through their column's. Picd'irthe. i : A. C. HARRIS. STILL B00MDJOI Having purchased R. E. Riid's interest in the firm of Harris & ItcvcL I will contin ue business at mj old stand on Main street. Thanking my friends and the public for their liberal patronage, heretotore given, 1 shall endeavor to ensure their continued ia vor by keeping for the trade a complete and full stock ot Fresh, First-class GROCERIES, CONFECTIONS, - Fine Cigars and Tobacco ; and everything usually kept in my line. Call and see me. Itespectiully, A. C. HARRIS. Jan. 21, 1885. 3tn AGENTS: wanted for The lives of all the Presidents of the U.S. Thelarg est. ha.:KliOQiesL. best boot ever soid for less than twice our price. The tastest semnsr book In America. Immense proms ioazents. All Intelugent peopl want it. Anyone nan become a successful agent. Terms free, U allot Boon Co. ortiand, Maiae. 13:17 HARDWARE WHEN YOU WANT HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES Call on the undersigned at NO. 2, Granite Row. D. A. AT WELL. Aseat for the 4CardwellThrcgUer." Salisbury, N. C, June 8th tf. .t. f ' n - y - . v . , , - 3 H . ... - . ;. . -. , t' . ' '' . -VI - -J ' T -.' :,:- V; .