II r '':lllll fi II 4j,iM;,l,77" 1 : -; . ; . . 1 . 1 ' ' 't'"4l;: 4;-!i I White -4i pre Jj ifi'vr'll CURE Jlndigoslion- tillEGORY. -LTV C.'-JV, ! : ti.netisi i verv cnyt beiiViit to my sen recomnu'liu u ro inci. 1 K. P.i Wlttiso, Member N. Cv Legislature.- Our information through private channels fro u Washington City is that the colleetorship tf this district has been settled in favor of Hon. C Union. A dozen years ago this organization did 'not exisL Now in the United Washington Letter in Cleveland Leader. The selection of Mr. fJhjirlc fi Tnct. nonnU hplieveltnat the 50.- o . t"""i;-r , t, i jT .i 7 . iiii iaxo x iisv -n.sisi.uiii Decretory in 000 a year -which the r resiuent ge s the Treasm is probably; thee as his salary isthe subtotal. Ih.s : flT1swpr4 tm- ! MP11?: Dnwd 'of CharlnitpJ A meeting of the States it numbers more than one hun- 1 1 m;ei,tA, The estimate of the ; anwer-wnicn jut. .manning could give North Carolina delegation in Con- dred and twejity-fi ve thousand wives, amount which Congress is to appro- ! at present to any doubts which have gress was held, as We arc informed, mothers and jsisters, of. the best wo- pnate this year lies before me, open been inspired byjus politicalpanteeed some days ago, and the offices were men of the lahd, as one of the leaders j the page relating to (the President, . ents as to his, fidelity to civil-service re- parceled out among thebBirent von- said at their convention! y are the , J gg. that $36,064. w lasked for him 1 form, and as to the principles on which' gressmen liie coiiectorsnip oi mis wives oi me uesi men minis country.. jn addition to his salary oi $ou,uuu he means to manage the treasury. Mr. uisinct was given lo oenaiui v ajiuc, J.weive cap agw, me w ui Severn- lo .,ay ine salaries oi suiwiumaiesami Fftirrddld ' wlin W Wnf u x. that of die fourth district'to Senator ber last, the women of a certain vil- Hia private secretary is paid 11. ? r - onat;nn I.? H.o on fteN 1 l .U:..i sincene neld the btate attorney ceneral- . '11 fti. e...-l. ii . li 1.: t X ' ' .. - ' 'v.. oi oftA.'. snip m lon- .. is a man in everv rt- vftii ins stpiwvarranner oi.ouu. nve ( . ' w, O i . " ' . ! Chabix)Tte, C. VT Orory: 1 Uice great pleasure -w umony to H.e ah.&;of your SeUftjHy rron.mfndUo anyone ' ,..1 iliam.Dsia. indizton and a r.,i ITU'": "V ' . . ' I. -ndiiion of livc-r ami -K. n a: jkki. K.'C. Stale Treasurer. y.Q., and J 11 tJini, sans- f 49ly "II ! : I. I 1 on the collector of the fifth. Senator . inroads the saloons were making on Vance, as we have it4as decided to their homes. Husbands, brothers and recommend the appointment ot Maj. pons were hastening to drunkards Dowd, and it is conceded that whom- ! graves. Families were com pel led to solever he rhay recorumeqd the Presi- denPwill appoint, rrom the same soljrce from which we liave the above t in learned that Senator Vance and It4reseatative Henderson, are agreed that the office of -the collector shall be plained atStatesville and if this is tne;ve will not have been hurt much after all. Slatesville Landmark. ''J This is probably not altogether cor rect. "There is a report here that Mr. Sam. Tate, of Morgajiton, is to be collector. Announcements are yet - j prernatiire. The Judgeship. lEADQUARTERS FOB ti FARMWAGONSi rMBtrsjATEHTOWN & CrSCISNATI ygies-& Spring Wagons. fainUnd Guano Drills. is JJAj. JiAKrjo- id'ii nidin' and Waling - CULTIVATORS. Telekitipli Straw Cutters, . 4y and DixiV PLOWS, ! ' N -- .1 1 -r-a. - Engines and toilers, -SAW AH D GRIST s.flLLS, ;, F.nMn uuiJ lioiltr Fittinus Guns, l v .tO ci.iid rsii-fiMin-s r Wild a and Cans. ; PsWaer anil si()t, uynatmie-r lusL-:iuu i ii- mine new circuit. ve unaersxanai wv Versi-AShoycls and Spade Building .v , f, , !fiftl, rjinlate for i;jjw Pinin Oii m Vara is hcs. i T nt. Kr'DV ocn ni nvta: SPFn. tie iudgeshid and does not atall desire Va" wu V" ..lu u,a.t uie I nuHiL-tiHiobu ufc.i . ,. - - . , . ,r . TT must ue a systematic ettortasrainst the -A iventtiinL t'lsc usually Kapt i' rrst uass ir. inaeea, ne is upportmj; Jiiai. xxar- t a i i r r .i i i lminrt lubiintht stor?ki nave otfhand ' V, . runi traffic in defence of. their loved eHtU tiv ha ever y-umgnam, ot tins place, lortneposi- Un henee oginatc-l the " Woman's WBiuui mtuis country. , j . - tion, and is very heartily enlisted in his i Ghristian Temperance Union' called I t,Mthnrv Vt. 5:1. '84. VI. Olfll I llUhHki . 4-: ,1 K,..J,- ..1 i j r - v - Iredell is in one of the three new ju dicial districts). Judge Avery, of Burke, late of this district, is in the new tenth and Solicitor Adams is about moving to Buncombe, wiich is in the new twelfth district. ' This will render it necessary : for the Governor to appoint both a judge and a solicito j for this ( the new eighth ) district, who wifrcontinue in office until the next regular election. The Hickory Gqrolinian of last week says "a petition was signed by the members 'of the Ca tawba bar this week, asking Gov. Scales give up theirjalmost palatial homes to the saloon-keeper! What could be done ? Mother-love was aroused; to, ij utmost exertion; and what will not a mother do when heir loved ones are in danger. A few women met to pray, and very soon, without previous ar rangement they quietly fell in line and marched jto the saloons, there to beg the saloon-keeper to .find some better employment, and to pray that the saloons be closed. It is useless to attempt to describe the effect. The streets were quiet, and - there was the hush of a funeral. Not in one village alone, but alj over the North and West, was this suppressed feeling, which bursted out like an overcharge of electricity dgainst the saloons, and in thousands 6f villages prayers went up to God fbrS deliverance : For fifty days the revival lasted saloons were close'd, saloon-keepers were converted and found-respectable employment. Men who befdre sold beer sold bread, and the pitched battle between the homes mid the saloons" resulted in a victory for the homes for the time. 7 I J. 1 i 1 1 . messengers each 1,200, a steward j political, personal ana profession- 81,800, two door keepers who each j 01 tne very highest standing, a pro get 81,200, four other clerks at good j moter of every good cane, a reformer salaries, one telegraph operator, two through and through, and eminentlv ushers getting $1,200 and 1,400, a 1 oualified, both by attainments and ex- -night usher jgetling Sl ork of his new place f 7 "7 iorV -in Washington. .-Manning would care ot the fires who receives 864 a 1 , 65 , . . In addition ' to this there is a "ever uave Put mr- r;urcmi(l m ne did not mean to purify thetreasury and manage it on business principles. X. Y. f keening Poster ep. year, set down 8,000 for incidental expen ses, such as stationery, carpets and the care of the Presidential stables. And further on, under another head inor, there ?is a demand for nearly 840,000 more. Of this, $12,500 is for repairs and refurnishing the White House; $2,500 is for fuel, 4, 000 is for the green house and $15, 000 is for gas matches and the stable. The White House, all told, costs the country iii connection with the Presi dent, considerably over $125,000 a year. f The First National Cabinet. Mr. Arthur's Cabinet was section al. It had not from beginning to end one Southern: member. It was made up entirely of Northern men, , - . ... 1 .1 , . t 1 ?.i ;a r..;.i. r.. 11., i,i ana mougii tne pariy 10 wnicn 11 ue- 111c iinuiryi uotitiv 10 iuiiiiiui 11 iuii 1 w( - a a in Tt S. Arthur's "Woman to the Res- '""S ciaimeu ana s mi claims as a cue. .People) said that it was "wild- er riglil t,,at of t,,e Souh- The Color Line to be'Obl iterated. Kew York Times, Ind. Rep.) The new era upon which we have entered promises to put an end to the old antagonism, and is likely to re sult in the geueral acceptance of the doctrine that the freed men are enti tled to protection in their rights as citizens. Once this is recognized, there will come'a division in the negro vote which will obliterate the color line,! and this will soon jiut an end to the solid South. Political pro gress in this country is irresistably in the direction as a line of party divis ion, and on that alone can sectional ism be maintained. This movement has been checked and hindered in the :outn- Dast-bv the use of the Federal nower t I r. . . ' I 1'. . ! y - - - 1 I fire3? that it was a "woman's whim :" ern &lates are repuuiican, not a sin- as represented by officeholders to sus- 7 .-7 9 I 1 W 1 1 - A I t" A 1 . r- I " but one of the; ablest men of the day to appoint Hon. II. F. Armfield judge said : "It is an angel's whim it is as it is called, led the women to see :tnat there r 1 D THT1 tfMTi ! behalf. Other namea mentioned in the "sober second thought" :of the fliio nnm'mnni. n. Ifn? XT T I Yrinsfwlp. Willi nifirp t linn i ptpv'An kuio U1C UlUQC VJi AlXtll. 11 .U. i v- . ....... I . . . . i . . 1 . . .. .. I iiiimiir. ...it I laca l ma rrl ll o r IT I IIOS 11 vp:irs' irrowtli t ie nrfrniiizfitinn ha w,F'"a' uu i..MCs..ul.i,.u.; .... j j ' o" T " "O ; ". .i:: . r gle Republican from south of the Ohio, River found a place in it. The claim that the V est will long dwell over the fact that Mr. Cleveland took but one man from this section will not; be borne j out. The West is not sectional .except as the North is sectional. Events have made two great sections in this Republic the North and the South. Mr. Cleve land has done something towards Montgomery, of Concord, and Mr. M. H. Pihnix of Lexington. The names extended into all our States and Ter- mM CASH - M. UlillA J i. litAIUlllUlla J. lllllLLO . . . I 'll . , , ritones, aud is now bidding fair to that one hears, connected withhe so- belt the globe! with Unions. The ob- licitorship are those of Messrs. Benj. F. ;ect of all this? work is to fortify and Long of Statesvflle, L. H. Clement and strengthen the homes against the in L?e S. Overman of Salisbury. States- roads of the enemy ; to find where the vitle Landmark. against The Old Kebel Yell. S i suit all classes of Durchascrs. we have made Hi :- ii- i- ; - . S i i !' ' . I-,' - laeijaneiitf loiscll thcs celcbratecl W f dsa or on iomj timr. s,i all wna'need wagons JOOX A. BOVDEN, Agent; j- i Or, J. O., WHITE. " V: , lib, IRS N more money than at anything else by taking au agency tor Hie best sellinjrbook out. Be- ruerasuefceed crandly. None tall. Terms tree -3 Hallett Book-CO,, Portland, Maine THE BESTXSI1TH IH THECOUPYI TV UnlpMIOfWrti! la nr. ?to all kinds or watches, clocks, & c and at I'htt prices. Leave and pet your watches at tZZ; fe,n(l1'man,s store. Salisbury ; and try i Ire TJm,ltVnJhe county. 1; L. BivOWN r.w,f:u.. . I w AT THE HEAD! - - pi"- ! 5; " The New York Times' Washington cor respondent desci ihing at length the scene I and incidents of Inauguration Day, has agonseltn";!he following pleasant reference to the Southern soldiers who marched in pioces siou by the reviewing stand occupied by thu President, ex-Picsideut and others, in front of the White House. He had just described the passage of the Grand Ai uiy of the Republic, and other Northern troops, and then proceeded to introduce those front the South in the following terms: "A familiar sound floats dowirthe ave nuc. It is' neither a shout nor a lusty cheer, i It comes uot the lungs, but from ruouin. diiaa-ueiiieu bouuieruers - can produce it; a ixortyemer ucver. it is kown as the rebel yell, ft is one of the 6hiill4&t sounds of which a human being is capable. It is penetrating, and 4inder some circumstances, a generation ago, it may have been positively appalling. There is nothing in it to-day. Its mean ing is simply that the Southerner knows no other noise that will express his sym pathies. Its occasion becomes apparent. temptations liei and guard them ; to get as nearly as possible at the root of the matter. Not only in the home but also in the school do we seek to fortify j against king alcohol. 1 he object is to have the pupils taught Au Application that was Kef used. the etlect of alcohol upon the system, I ; taking Ins Cabine from the nation at large. It is the first national Cabinet since the war. If we credit the Re publican party with restoring the Unioniwe must at the same time con fess that it took tjie Democratic party to prove that it -was restored by in augurating a national and at a sec tional government. Chicago Herald, Ind. I M tain a party organization in the South ern States. When this is withdrawn, and the people left to organize and act upon their own spontaneous dif ferences of sentiment, they will spee dily find means of dealing with their own problems and difficulties. All there is of serious i nport in the negro questian will become a matter of local and not of national contention, save as the nation may lend its aid to the process of improvement, which, as the Jrresident says, aflords the only occassion for discussion. 'Those who have hoped to find in sectionalism the material for future political ;on- . tent tun will de doomed to disappoint ment if the supporters of Mr. Cleve land are sagacious enough to adopt the spirit of his inaugural address in regard to the l ights and obligations of all citzeiis. A Secret Long Kept. Boston, Mar. 7. Thirty years ago Mrs. Abigail Gard- 66 that being iorewarned-they shall be A Washington;correspondent to the ner was convicted of the murder of her foreamed. 1 here are many lines ol Philadelphia Record tells the follow- husband in Binsrham. and sentenced to work too numerous to mention here iny: 1 1 think I have a new Lincoln- life imprisonment. She is now 77. A arranged ii thirty-eight depart- j Stanton story. At least the congress- few days ago she sent for the prison J In our own State this orean- man who told it t spoke as though he chaplain and confessed that she poison- i mentsj . - - S I. -, . ization has existed tor two or three I had lust years, me work is progressing slow ly but surely, and ere long there will be in the ranks of the White Ribbon army a goodly! number of Carolina's faithful women. The children are being gathered in discovered the document ed her husband, reiterating that a de mon seemed to urge her on until the murder was committed. Mrs. Gardner is now overwhelmed with remorse for the crime. which is its basis. It was an applica tion for a chaplaincy in the army, with ja series of endorsements by Lin coln and Stanton on its back which ran over tlie available space on the application and down on a slip of , from the regiou of Bands of Hope and trained in the papep which ha(l been added to re the unner nart of the way of temperance, before they are ceive them. These were the endorse- caugnt oy tne snares or tne tempter, nients, eacn being oatu: "jjear oian- The members oT our Union aren't rest- ton: Appoint this man a chaplain in MyreAt once address, TrrKco..Au-uSu, Maine, less, uneasy office seekers, but they are the army. . A. Lincoln." "Dear Mr. I Christian women who, realizing that Lincoln: He is not a preacher. E. M. the strength of the country depends Stanton." Three or four months upon the strength of the family, have! elapse, evidently, and then we have: APRIZ Send six cents tor postage, and m.'kolvck t i'ii o iiauiIv Ivivnf mwr1u 3 a a v ii t, it woi aj vi wuj which will help you to more mon ey rigm away tnan anyiinn? else in tuis worm, au ot either sex, succeed from flrsi hour. The broad road to lortune opens betore the workers, absolute-- A. C. HARRIS. banded themselves together for God ami Home anil Native Land. Yours for the cj u-'e, ! Mary C. Woody) New Garden, N. C. f If. S. Correspondence solicited in W. We; iKiiiTKuxxiso DOMESTIC The contributions of Southern States to wards the celebration f this Democratic regard to temperance work. event are coming along. They are de tachments of gayly uniformed jnien, who have, -evidently had little- practice at marching of kite years. At their head is the soldierly figure of Gen. Fitzhugh Lee. He rides like a centaur. He is a favorite A West Virginia Tragrcdy. Charleston, W. Va., March 11. A frightful tragedy is reported from ise county, i Martha Reynolds, the of Northerners who know him, and he is belle of her neighborhood, engaged regarded with positive afiection bv thr herself to Charles lieutoii and Bud Southerners, who remember him as a Mitchell. Olio was unable to tell dashiu2 cavalryman. He is cheered all which she preferred. Understandimr "Dear Stanton: He is now. A. Li- colnl" "Dear Mi. Lincoln: But there is no vacancy J E. M. Stanton." "Deiir Stanton: Appoint him a chap lainrat-large. A. Lincoln." "Dear Mri Lincoln: There is no warrant of law fbr that. E. M. Stanton." "Dear Stanton: Appoiiit him anyhow. A. Lincoln." "Dear Mr. Lincoln: I will noti E. M. Stanton." And he didn't. But apparently he told the applicant thai he could leave his application on file, for there it is among the dry old 1 documents.' 1 M Some of the applications in the de partments at Washington are gotten STILL BOOMING! Having purchased R. E. Reid's interest in the firm of Ibirris & Heid, I will contin ue business at my old stand on Main street. Thanking my friends and the public for their liberal patronage heretolore given, 1 shall endeavor to ensure their continued ta vor by keeping for the trade a complete and lull stoek ot Fresh, rirst-class GROCERIES. CONFECTIONS, Fine Cigars and Tobacco; and everything usually kept in my line. Call and see me. Respectful I v, A. C. HARRIS! Jan. 21, 1S33. 3m . wanted for The Lives ot all the Presidents ot the U. S. The larg est, handsomest, best boot ever sold tor less than twice our price. The fastest selling boo In America. Immense profits Aim UUC is a'liwledgeVteader IMITATE IT. i "-imest Running L l ihe Most Deautiful Mod Work. SWARRted Jnfedeonhetnteenal. 1 iTo U wQy inUl1 kin,ls of work. Ac,,HllteinevcrvrrSn i lmi?l)a 'cupied' teritorv. iWCSEvixbMACHTXRm Nftie W K-i t'tJ Richmond.lVa. '36-lv LlTTZ & RENDLEJfAN fPi,:- ' . - Salisbury, N. C. nlous the avenue, and: the occupants of this state of af-,irs Henton persuaded up in style. One man wanting a place ef t rpi. t o thegrand 6taud.)oin in the applause, her to elope jwith him.. They were the department of justice sent in his hallktt book -co. 'omind, Maine Close upon him comes the Virginia mnV ' qrtly married and retun ed to the application Tuesday accompanied by 13:ly tia, with the Richmond State Guards, the 1,1 ,uc s j nut uigiu, iney nau iwuicugciaui lia& A YWTWXliT & ITl IF W St. John's Academy Cadets, and several an oUl shioned dance and all the bound in antique style, which were U l hi i llil K W eninrPiTonmnaiiioa snoniii fp,tn,-a neighbors were invited. Bud Mitch filled with-endorsements and all sorts 4 Jl JFTLX a UUjru.JLKUa v y i.ii ; l. l .. j . il e : f ii I The New Jersey njnlitia w lso massed iu "au-u iiju uriue ana reproached oi recommeuuawou?. vi.,t,3 picsc-.i this Third Division i tramp by to the mu&ib Maryland,' the Fifth (Regimen The Marylanders jer for lier fitklene,s, finally slappiu ue of 4rylaud, My Jjf- "?id rushed i.) and gav g cave The next nirdit . .c .i.s Mitchell a beatiuir. mnn. Ann nf tl.A Wl rJMSA. f "ei"u" UIIU Weill. lO CHlircll n.A ixMintrv. n,in,. ti... . n.,ci. aB iul ot return home. In the mor- Guards of Missouri, the Hornets' Nest mdS H .ad niangleil bodies uiffMun. orn.nri v n n were to"u PY e roadside. Mitchell- gia battalion are among the Southern 3 ra,s1,ng there is no doubt that t loops iu this divisiou." he is the murderer. Some oniq has said that the man who Question : - What is Socialism ? An- 13 curious to, see how the world could gei aiong vyitnout him can find out by swer: Socialism is spending what you have, and then wanting half of what some other fellow ha3. , sticking a jcambric needle into a mill- Y. 1 .... J it. -ii i ... ... ted their credentials in pamphlet form ;md some handsomely bouud, with the name of tile applicant and place wanted in gilts letters on the back Char. 06. M : If the new government will reflect one moment these fine fellows can't come in. The are too fine. They have-no expectation or intention of J : doing honest work themselves, but only mean to-fill the places sought; iu a stylish manur and let out the work " Ti.. .:n J. Hill win mm tm pond and tlien withdrawing it and look-! to he done by! "sfubs." ing at the hole. j 1 be: according to Washing iugton city style. WHEN YOU WANT HARDWARE 7 AT LOW FIGURES Call on the undersigned at NO. 2. Granite row. D. A. AT WELL." A' ant fortlis Ca,rdwaUl"nreiier. Salisbury, N. C, Juuc 8th tf. ml royter'sv. mm M .mmm gmms ;.;- I ACID PHOSPHATE i WM THE BEST SOllD ITnEmTllfer ' iitoflMAiif :nrarr nt7if ULiimni .aniiui -SBK, , ; m ( ALL FOR ' L ' t nritirrnnnrriTTiTri . -fM-:- I rim Kt;- UUlVlLUUJ.liUU. r - ii.:1:7 'm, ' ma : . ,;7i amv 1 t Ajvi f : . JS. & 'I I 113 fl Bill 181 ll 1 11 JlJty i 1 mrn& I Until. I lu tI h j xmr . ruimuuu uuiiivu. w&n c TnyAfi. : its- ms k , i mm IN SMALL SIZE SACKS !- -7rr re r. -mi ui i i KfW: ,7 7 ii i - : -7 mh 1-mw Smf 'i m : il. 7 -7 - mfflr 'I' . . T'.Mll ' l ' - .7 j:!4' s - . - . :,-:--! , . ' ' : f r ! . 7 j :7;i ' I . - .. I'D"''-- 1' " 5 - ' ' ' i- ' - j t, i 5 " " r ' ' ;7 t: i J - - ' - ' i '. ' " V . 7 -fH-jTf a- y i IT-

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