' .-r . . - . - - , j. . . ) . . ; . ! - " - !.;- , I ( ! i . t I ' . .!-: - - . ;-- . - I " ' . V- i i f i . - . t - - I . -- - - . i '.. ' i.v- j - ' . v-- . - i j- ', . : i - i -A . . J. , m i iiM - 1 1 ft .) j, M--. i ,r 4 H A ''.'!" fvj -i , fi ti; Mi- '-it . ' .'V r 'I r" 1 I 'l.s ",t 1 "l I' f J f- 4 r- i i 1 - n i'. 1; j i t: r, a I till 1 Mi i a . ,. m r 1 ' v ! i s "i- i ; 1 i -l. 1 i - . " r ia t ?l - - - - - 1. 1,, n 1 ' ' -s . . ,. . ": ! -' ; a .... '-. 1 i i1"""""" ...... '. j - I t Carolina Watchman,; THUKSDAY.MAUCH 19, ia8S. Tlie U 8dnV-- marshals m ' . jr 1. ... fi-nni the AtkeTiUe Citizen,' nuclei tcn.k n tl.e I7th kr.k no the traffic in illicit whisky . . r . l .K.ni Pn . Ga.. mid to f -h Inil nnrnait of 84mo men In it niidr nrrestertj them. 1 c frieod of the priUers (12 iu uo.nUfei ) AVasliinjjton Letter IPubUc allention is now viiatarallj ntrpi on President Cleveland and his tahala, newly! chosen adTisers arid 'everythjrig l " v i . . 11 i J done on the in regard to tneir movements ana mreii-. Marphy iu pons is TtT ..... imnartial comment faTorable, to the . 1 littlelwnr en eame to tueir rt: ' .aedlD which one inau was killed and ereral wounded not rescued. i The prisoners were r . Tnolr Tbwc: Elk Knob! Academy, hi liMtmft un with nev. " " Wtftug county. The Western N. C. Railroad. The Atlanta Constftutlon of yesterday lias the following in regard to the com- r .. V..l. rurkliri:l en !en"!"e" the Western North Carolina centered on President CSj r,.Ui uicl i com Dieted to the Nan bnt not much work has been gap- between that stream and Cherokee couuty, the ne rimei and it is Commanding re- ty and corner of 'the old NorUr State W ' larity frJni th sta?y The Richraoud and Dan viUe ieopie r and discretion' shJwni in under their contract with the &iaie i t here are great expectatioris North Carolina, kept a small force at I wiU accomplished, Inpe work.- but the construction lias iW"i L). four years. and the. railroad authorities had become I Purfng this transition '.period ilk -its ,ii.iuflir.' Tn iifin them out a bill was1i.:8i.ri nnoh which the eoimtrV is how UOcnilOMMll 1 MAWVVr I; I devised crantiug certain privileges, - entering, wasnmgipn will oe totxtiiu- . : .n. : ...lii,... fn tlift niAiiuer of nm or the nations eves . ... 1. Ml t...-I 1 J. j; U nvn,ntinn fit naviu" for convict labor, ana una interest cuuuig Hu.mc ,oi ; a year, wjtii a compensation qi iww uui- 1 n M n AVtrfl V1 An wa " j '- - 1 . mim v i ; i. 1 121.1 n uc&v uuu uiiirdr.. ' - .- - f Trom Oar BeguUr Currwpofldent. "1 r I 2. Thd COltnty superintendent is to ' New York Krecla PosV 1 WXrhisotos, D. C, March 14, 18S5. ' oeseereiary me uoaru w ABiu v ,H - rjav is two or three- dollars per day. Changes in postal Rates: v J? i.k i.Mn.i.M f the lenislature the Forty . Eighth Congress,, it .rather B. L. Beall and Prof. H. Wi Beall, onean I altogether accepUble heginsj lor Congress didlittle and the Ltj .wi , th other a crsyluate oN ? . 0 ...... ..n r....lrUvAlsfnd admtnistratinn most UO a tru gre Th, change i.the the 1 of flty days to fill Jga, Tpleof t . with Boa- North Carolina are mcl.ned to congra u- . J Arthur to Mr GleTeUcL wnTHio me. - . iimRplvM mtou the near compieuou - L A f goO.OW ffoii'i ""v : , igoes ou xruui .puiui.nu . uuwv h "x 01 ine roau to aiuiuj. changes in men as well as m principles The Western North Carolina road gives be jvery great. ' Nothing; dramatic access' to and affords au outlet from m oc(?ur,hut the t politieairtuation almost every portion of the we5teru Palc wjU be, interesting. There, will a neVv nf tlie state. The entire inouutain sec nolitical atmosphere; andwith ChUngeS lion is drained by it. All the summer some novelties in; habits. aid .prlhci resoi ts of the Laud of the Sky are reach- pies of Igovernment may be expected. .,1 1.. it ti. ninnntniii centre, has no President Cleveland has already iu- 'a nut th coiiniletion of the troduced some innovations' at the White tnuxrvhx doesnot bring to the House. The householdis .required to triple that raire cattle, cerials, fruits pe reaay; xor an 7" ,Il(irft ecutive Mansion, and the liBrarj whicli ion Honse for the s;ile ef fhrrr. Walnut and other lumber. The lamber business jn "Watauga and other moan tain counties is assuming j au im porUnce never before known thej e. Xhere have been several fires in Mou roe recently, trWch are believed to have had incendiary oilgin. The body of the negro who wa lynched there about a ! month ago, it is reiorted, was taken from I.-m.c. fnt wifintific -iiurnoses, and the Jp- v " - , A r recent fires are meant as vengeuce The Cliarlotte Observer of this morn Inff aavs: Dr. Witherspoon, recently id Poultry . .atWactory kt. Th., '3,; l fiin titi rin an mii i i - i i v . , .gainst the'eommuuity for penuitting it ncca an - tou nia tolreUtoK been controlled bv the J ' I OUCH IIIHVIVOV""" l I a rnH hAnca A aQTIOrS Until Tl fAMTT ecu. or ui u-ust .u - d for business callers at 'an cient quantities to meet hoiue cousump-l, v " tiou. The completion of the Marietta Gmokmff is prohibited in the 'offices elected president of Davidson College, and North Georgia road to Murphy will 0 the White House, and the Methods bai declined accepting tlie place ; and give' that country just what it needs. ping Iwork there. Have lieen simplifi- rw ni.kn iWlinea to reconsider will then luive directcoiumuBication wicu ed by the discharffe .ot one nair or tne his resignation. Prof. W. S. Graves Atlauta, nnd through, Atlanta with all clerical force, lewer employes: and a." ,.r ni, n.i fi,, th a fioutheasteiu section of -the country, nlentv of . work for those who reinam. mwr "T ' - 1. ...i xr i. r ; Ikn mnlfn fhfl Proeirfonr. . nrtrl his j i.:. i i i lift Aianeiia auu aiiui iu uwikio ivtu ta uic munu niv: ... , .. ...... bids far to be bum to aiurpiiy jusi auout piivawsBwciaij. -j rtrrx..-T . i We learn from the Waynesville Ae, in time to greet its connection irom tue v":" 1"" that that new town is already infested mpuntaiiicounties of North Caroliua. not end there line to wesiern uiiii vuiium "uMti t,:4. 4- 4.U noffc, well be overestimated, so far as Atlauta'. SUFrfluous and nas sent a trade is concerned. It will enlarge our chm of tnrou?h thousands ol tributary territory fully twenty percent. OVftrnmenf clerks who have for years :Tlie first recept ion at the White House and doubtless add to the city's trade fully Been drawing bountiful salaries of the bee Cleveland's installation, March 17, as much. It will place withiu; reach the tax-payers money ; and doifig nohvork. U described as a very brilliant and pleis- very articles that-our customers further Jf the principle is applied throughout ant affair.', ! south uced. It will reuder this city more the service, not less than twenty thous ceutral; and secure iu its trade position, and men will be stricken rrom the J?ed-. It gives its another east Tennessee to eral pay rolls, without impairing. the draw suimlies from, with the advantage transaction of business. Officers of the .,f fomiietition. No event since the Treasury Department, for instance, . . m A 1 A. A. . . 1 A. t. . it. ... .. . .V . witu ioarer8j uui oener, inui me uccu brick manufactory therb tu provide, means for buildings to ,be erected in the Spring and Summer. L - Hi3.pay w two or three dollars per day, as the board mav dfttennine. for the day s thai he! is actually engaged, and ne is unaeri ne airectioa duuw cr- . . . ; i. ' . ... Il'l?. ' ion of the board, lie will in aaaiuon to the ordinary duties.of superintendent, perform -the auties now requircu uy iuc rejnster oi ueeus in scnooi iuttiwis. good podrd will give him pay and work witnui me; limits oi ine nv-vuium to his efficiency. ' .3.' The countv board of education will hpreafter n6t be reauired to make a per tramta fobbrtionment of the funds A t i... i 1 1 JI.UIad f among ine ! several scnwi umvw lie county as heretofore required. The law requires! that two-thirds of the money be apportioned on a per capita oasis, anaiuiie remainuiK v b& ai)nortionett "in SUC41 mauuer as w equalize school facilities to all the dis tricts o. the county, 6 as far as may be practicable andjust-to, au concernea, with but discrimination in favor of or to the prejudice of either side. If the board 'findj it desirable so to do, they may control prices to be paid teachers, and thev are prudently- to Tequire com fortable school houses to be provided. These provisions ihdtpate. the pnnci- pal changes in the lawr-rall other are r t'l.T'J J pimorenanges, luuueuwrasaiji iu uituir the system conform to these provisions. As lj understand it, tne assembly in tended! to separate school affairs from other cWnty business, and put them in the hands ot persons specially appointed Willi. a view men uli.cjv iu in mi ci, ,i . i i i '..il-. them juoiciousiy anu economically, giv ing them large discretion, and evidently taking into consideration the fact that the State I is exceedingly diversmed in its interests and population, and on this account demands larger local discretion than has heretofore obtained. . This local discretion extends also to the county superintendency. While it i& almost axiomatic truth ; that there can be no good system of public edu cation without the service ol an active and competent superintendent, some of our counties are slow to realize the fact. Such 1 counties are allowed, under the late legislation, to elect an inferior man superintendent, restrict scope of his la- i -r j -i ii ' a: Dor and jog aiong , uemg cuutiuuanj distanced in the educational race by their more progressive neignoors. a successful business man never invests ThreeTiraportant changes in posUl rates will go into effect ou the first of Jtuynext. I he postage on letters nfter that date will be two cents an ounce in- ; New York j March lC.Jformal notice will fee served upon the Eist Tennessee. Virginia & Georgia Railroad company today or tomorrow demajndiug the surr reuder of the Memphis. and Charleston Railroad. The stockholcjers claim ahat .. .... ..... iT-flliii .it Mift outset snd HIS lease ...,....- y stead of cents a half ounce as at present, fthat since Uo East Tennessee got iuto The postage on newspapers sent t regu lar subscribers and on sample copies seut Out by publishers will reduced one half. All cities haviii!? intirH ilmn 4 nftfi in habitants will be authorized to establisli a special ten cent stamp delivery service, by which letters can be hastened to tlieir destination. All these chances were re- - c - 7 corameuded iu the last amnuil report of the Postmaster-General. About the wis dom of the first two there is very little doubt. The ten cent stamp project is an p xierimeut, and its wisdom is still to be tested. Provision is made for establish ing this service on a separate basis from me regniar delivery aiid-specification is made that it shall not be permitted to interfere iu any way with the latter There is no apparent reason why it 6hould luteriere. lue argument that it more prompt delivery cau bo secured for ten ceuts than for two. it follows that the present system is very defective, does not bear examination. A special mes senger with teu or a dozeu letters can, of course, make better time than a regular delivery agent with a bagful of letters and papers. B. B. B. This is the conc erned Blood Purifier that saves time and money by its use because it cures Blood Poisons in the quickest time on record. It cures Scrofula in thirty days; the kidneys relieved with one bottle; Hereditaiy Taint of children removed with one bottle ; Skin Diseases and Erup ions cured with two bottles.,1 Syphi lis of all stages cured under sixty days. Each bottle proves its wonderful value. Large bottles f 1. financial diEScnlties its t)?rin have not bcea complied with. . General Thomas snvstnai iH jiuai tt ' - .... . . i ami Charleston road wil enable mm ro para dividend within twelve, moutus after the surrender of thejroad. - RoMEThiso roa the Bat. What a ter rible affliction about the house is a cross. i.ui.v!t A vonni? man on inc verj j r . . ; .. crying edge of matrimony inigiitjcasnj uu i.v cncdTfrom tils purpose by having too much ot tnat son i music i n married friends. Yet babies cry common ly only wh2n they arc sicte One teaspoon ful Of Parker's Tonic give the little one. will bring rest and sleep tfi the Daily ana all in the house. Only 5 cents, at drug- gists. EXECUTOR'S XOTirTT ir Notice is hereby given to u1 ' ll? haying claims agaU.st the etaVe T" Sechler, deed., to present ti e Jrt' ntdei signed on or Uf,w tl.e March. 1880; ami all Vvms the estate ofa.id deeM U, iSe ou us and pay the same k-it10 lt S t: B C. Sechlek, WSl5eH ifarch li)tl, 1885. 22:Gt:I(d I ' df i ARE YOUr- - 'iui m in,,,. s 6v"ue nxt Ml in. fill fn 1 "Wl CUBED and restored to perfect health b Bradfield's - Female ' using I -r-H Regulator Druggists sell it. FORJPT! The Graham House, cn West Church Street, opposite my residence. Seven rooms: Has been remodeled aud repaint ed inside and out. Good enrdeu aud ex cellent water convenient. Apply soon. (It) I. H. FOUS r, Agt. There was abig fire at Atlanta, March 18, In the James Bank Bloek, and con siderable property invblved. .... - ! ' . . opening of the Georgia' Pacific road has have testified that the clerical force there 1 . I l-ii i i ii -j . :at l Jx Th f.dhmiiifT inia r t linned from ),,,! ...I. lvn nmiii Atlanta' trnilft COUld De reduced One-llliru Wimoai UL-. idn.;h'R.nu... Mp av a v.mit. Kiu i AnA;n r . triment to the service.- ed 42 robbing iu two hours, Saturday, straight to the heart of wester.. North inasmuch as .fteadeht Gland s a i rw vi. -a .L .1.. . n .... t .i worker, it has been rumored that the with a 25 caliber r fie nearly every on Carolina will have. It us ho, the social interests of the White House will wassnoinrouguvie urau. xwogeu- Marietta aim ivorui ueargia people win - nndet - hisf administration. He tlemen wre nding outfof town Monday take good care -to-be at Murphy, so as not nnt giye s0 many grand and expen- jOTcuiog, iiwuhi:k, ..v.i ...n a to unnecessarily ueiay me cousiuuiua- give entertaiments to the favored lew 4 negro ,rQlJuiga wheelbarrow, llien a tion of this great, work. change took place, and the two men in From Washington. in official lif ev but he will devote more time to receiving the people, rher will not be so much, formality and court like etiquetffe. observed. at. the White Watching Bar rim Disposing of Plunder House, but guests will enjoy themselves d:c.f in tlte Departments. as much if not more. My prediction is founded partly , on a clause, 'm Mr WnahbWnn. Man-h 14. Tli RMrtnrr Cleveland's inaugural address. The of tim Naw tndav directed bv feWrnni. purport of it was that the social and ceased Mife, aformer pupil uf that school, the commanders of the Wachusett and domestic lives of public officials should stead of being on the horsestbacks, were flat on their own backs in the miildle of the road.- -We learn from the Sentine that the Salem Female Academy received an endowment of $1,000, to be called the "Louise Fund." The amount was civen by jMr.F: H.fries, iu memory of his de- GEJtf Grant. A Shenandoah, of the North Atlantic squad- be calculated to inculcate habits of !- j il 'i Wtr V.L- (..lorrrnm XW fl..l I- : , economy, iO UVOIU reSlltJSS tAtl U VilJiilUCU lit 1 . . . ... mony with the spirit of republican in- PROTECT YOUR FRUIT TRIES! IUPE0VE AND SAVE YOUE FEUIT 1 moneV in anv enterprise without either From the wastiko ravages or the cuk clio aud T i. j -l u:,ci volrtTrinrr other destrucU e insects, by using superjntendingit himsel W. WcstbrookU New Insecticide "Victory,- a competent person to supenntend it for Remedy for tne Cmcmo him. 1 This principle applies to SChOOl Mota, BoreK Canker Worm, B.ack Aphades, Wooly U;:LM lu AU IWo A short Apbis,&c. This remedy Is NO HUMBUG. It Pre- UUJ111TOO " """" v- " " venuthe fruit Irom Diopping Off, Kotuug, Becom- term 'of iarood schooling IS worth more lng Knouy, Wormy, &c. saUsfactlon guaranteed it lulyA BUVAt P f the direcUons are followed. If the ' VICTORY" than-j a longer one OI mierionty , time fail8 benent the trees and Improve the fruit of aU is nvpd in nrnnortion to the efficiency sorts and classes tne money waiDe reiunaea. IS saved 111 proporuuu iu tue exiiicu Prtce $6 per lw lD3 un(ier 25 pounds, 10 cents per of the teacher, and a good County SU- pound. Full directions with each package or bag. . .;, i, . i ,i Send for descrlotlve circulars. Local aiid TravcLna me emciency oi Aaent. Wanted. Uberal commissions aUowed. "An i pcrmtendent promotes r t , ii the teacher in a marKea degree. ounce of Dreventatlve Is better than a Dound tf cure." Use the -Victory" in April broadcast under oi in- rees. beneflclal rit nA,-.nrtllnn will rnf nrwf mnrh if anv. to the trees, vines, plants and vegetation. ui ; i vr rvTr ' fZ Address W. C. WESTBROO more tnan was tne cosi oi cuuuty ' The ! system is not more expensive the trees, and you will destroy a great army oi n. ifLL i,4- rpi 1 Woi-1 sects and save your fruit and protect your ti than; the old system. 1 he special board Nothlny hurtful In the formula, but quite benet y f DEALER IN - GENERAL MERCHADISE, BLACKERjj N. 0. : Attontion 351,r,xxxor,i Of Steele; and surr.Hnftinfi townships! Ilavint; been with and ajnonfr you for the oast two vears. I have stuldiedjrour inter estsand necessities and ean assure you that my General Stock of Merchandise is always complete and up t youf wants in every particular, and mv , . . ROCK BOTTOEi PRICES will compare favorably with Salisbury, Con cord or Moorcsville, and ropeetl'udy ak your favors to convince ou that I mti.n business. My stock eonssts in Ladies' Dress Goods and Trimmings, Cloalis, Shawls, Hats, &c. Ready Hade Clothing-, Hats, Boots and Shyr-tor Ladies, Gnts, Misses, lioys and children, ami wanaiitedTo ive satis faction. Also a line of ure Family Gro ceries, such as pure Sugajr, the. best Coffee. the best Chewing and JfuukiDg tobacco, Snuff, and (as our Reprentative saiil) the best Cigar outside of Salisbury. Mv Hardware line is Complete, embrac ing Plow-shovels, Dixi j jtuining and dou ble shovel' Plows, Bolts Rings, open Links, Shovels, Forks, Rods' f Singletree, Plow points, Nails, Rods, lleej screws, Horse and Mule shoes, Well, and Water buckets, &c. Aho a good line of Saddjes, Bridles, Collars and Gearing. 'Just icceivetl a good lot of Chicks, Stone, Glass anj Tin VVare, anl m factlkeerievcrvthing usually found in a fir t class storey and will maVe it to your advau- taire t. come and see m beto e you buy. I take great pleasure in show my goods, and in giving all the information possible to my customers. My 5?aml 10 ct. counters of Tin and Glass ware Jfe complete and go- inor nnt. raniillv. Remember I receive produce quotations every mJ from the bett houses North, and will pav the highest miiket prices for any thini? vou have for sale -irom a'chicken to a bale of cotton. Respectfully, J. ROWAN DAVIS. March 16, 1885.-3 r i It is a special remedy tar all d iaj iJ. tninin? tit tilt Wdnili. mul i-inv u- . r" o ... nnr Kdn s ill! inv t . k...tt fm pilru li.rtAll l!v s ... 1 1 . .i i.a v a i a 'T f-ia.'l III. J 11-. lions it i! especially iethcacious in J i not ft and i.artial prolapsus. It aSordx irnmu- 1 relief andieriuai)eiiily restores tl.e inetwtrJlT ' I funetiotfe. AsaTeiiiedy io be used dui'mit tK . : I critical period known as VCit VGF.i;FLirt''l this invaluable preparation La- no rival j1---- - : 1 a Saved Her Life ! , KIDGE, MCIXTOsil Co Dr. J. Bradfieli l)ear.ir: 1 i,HVe en several boll les of your Female Kciguliior' for falling of the wod and ther lii &Kcia bined, of nixK'en years Ktai.liiL', and rejju believe t-am-eurtd e tirely, f.r whicli p accept my heurltVIl thanks and most f roA4ut4 -gratitude. I know your-ni-dicine M.id mr life, ho you see 1 cannot ii'eak tw ijlghlr fQ its favor. I halve reoomHit ixbd it !qfTeuf of my frtetid yrbo are Riifli rii c as 1 k Your verv respectful I v, I . MRS. W. K..STEBEKS.t comhiissioners as boards of education, and the fees heretofore paid to regis trar of deeds will be eliminated Seeinki that the constitution of the State reauires a system of public educ tionj may I not ask the justices of the Deace. the county commissioners and the people to assist me in executing the system given us by the assembly under Grkensbcko. Late of Wilson Nurseries, Wilson, IN. C. Ilapjii Our Treatise on the ''ileahli .ind ness" mailed free. Brafielu REOCLAt'ou Co., Atlanta, G. MILL STONES, j rnHS UXDEKSIGXED has tou;-ht the weS III known l)W.x county inn STONE QUAKHY ot . E. Phillips, dew,, and will continue li supply -the public niand for Mill Stones fioni itils c?lekut g kit so well known throughout iliiscMntn : lor lta,su;)fi1onty for Mill Stonrs. Granite Dlocfa for Ornamental purposes,' Monuments, to ti, cu also be had atrthls quarry. Addtoss, J. T- WYATT, SaMMrj-S., PHOP. (" of Saturday, in reference to the condit ion at once to Ceutral America. Af l.k n a. t- f,.tw.i.an IS- . . ... I r.l... .1 -I. 1. , ..'V ' ? i r , 4'UUii,;r ; mauu8 " " u,,ce uslu stitutions. This sentiment had caused sajim-: "If left to himself, he would not h-on remaining near New Orleans, were L i In Jf WnQhinofnt, live foar day . He is very weak aud in- directed to hold themselves in readiness circIes ocieL people don6t wisposea to tiiiieftny nourishment what- to execute a similar order. Of the North doubt that the President means what ever, because, of the ! pain produced by Atlantic squad rou three vessels, the Ga- he savs. and that his entertainments lena, Powhatan aud Swatara are now in will be for the public to a greater ex- Central American waters. The eutire tent? and for state dinners and exclusive squadrou will be held subject to orders receptions to a smaller extent than has from Washington: These movements are been the rule for the last twenty years. uuderstood to have direct reference to Lavish expenditure upon entertain- I 1 . ! 1 TTT1 1 TT 1 It the endeavor tf General Barrios to make ments at the White nouse anq.m tne himself supreme military chief of Ceu- Cabinet households; compels extraya- tral Ameriea. gance m ot-ner omciai circles wnere it Secretary LamarV today directed the 13 .fPrlvev Secretary Jiayard has j imitate the constant festivities, recep- . 1 - swallowing. I lie is uever hungry. : De spite .the earnest solicitations of those who care for.fcim, ho has refused toJeat a morsal for two days lit a time. Theii the memjjers of his family; ga!therironnd him, and beg of him for their sakes to . take eome-DoariHliineut. ' He then consents to the ordeai, nud is iu-variably exhausted by tlie effort,! but in ,an hour or two he begins tonend, and thereafter improves Tery rajiidlyintil hik system calls out agafclor Ipod. Thti he grows bvorse alajqjniftgly, ntil persuasiou once more prevails upon him to eat, Ida (Fred. Graafs wlfeVis rather mote successful iu UCAling-with lus woods thau anybody els,' fcud it is usually from her hands thai he finally accept food." 5w.C- EXHIBIT REPORT OF the CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Salisbury, in the State of IT. C., their constitutional requirements' to At the close of business, MariO, 1885 the end that we may provide at least a resources. rndimpritiirv education tor all the chil-1 t Kina on1 Hicinni.i'a dreii of the State, and to the end that overdrafts lint mnnnv we do snend for education u- s- Bonds to secure circulation ....... - - A 1 T,, , ... Jllt tJKi lUUltlvuc., v. .v. j TJllAfpntn nihX..tn1 TJonl-o May inoi nope uiai wiMi, ucuc uicnt Keal estate furniture, and fixtures and suitable men may be round in eve- current expenses and taxes paid rv county who will consent to act as premiums paid.. members of the board of education, which is the foundation of the system? . M. INGEF, State Sup't Pub. Inst. chief clerk aud superintendent of the Iu- A-Woi-klng 'Presidcul. iv . .; r : -Prettdent Cleveland has very long bu siues KoursJ He is iu his office ready to aeor people! 8.45. lie is there, with the czeentinii f his going to lunchn uutil 6 octficiv when he dines. Jlis dinner is j- , nola log a(rair, nottliree or foujr hours ?"N like- the Arthur dinners. By the irresMent is back in his office and remains vO; 4 tKerrf nMilHfiearly mpdoight. iiawbim last ingnt a ; little before 1 1. He did not 1?, at . all fatigued, although it Iwas at the Close of a very I0115 day. He said he had hardlybeeii out of the Whit House! loco he came to. Washington, a week 'agoj yesterday. He;is very mnch sur j prised Ah th cpmphrative freedom he en- ' joye-here from the pressure of ffice seek i; T . jpCv"H had anticipated a gieatdeal of . j W Jicpmforifrom this source alone. He wtotU, however that i he is not nearly as i ' ' tnucfi -annoyed by personal requests iu Wasliingtorf as he was In Albauy. He is . ernitich jiuterestetl iii getting ttie de- ' - !AamAnaVa. . ... : C A. 1 . ' iriiuaE.iw upuu uj ursirciass uusiness fasi He sis now; devoting his entire i lute to the consideration of methods and ieajicalcobAted to see are the best results Jtt this direction. AW rri- World. , ' tenor Department to dispose at public tions and ceremonies of his predecessor, sale of all the horses, carriages aud ,Thft brilliant pntertammPnts fof the equipmenU which are the property of Frelinghuysens will be missed by a cer the Iuterior department, excepting those tain element of Washington society. rbut used for trucking purposes, the proceeds the extraVasent methotls inaujrurated of said sale to be covered into the tieas- by the ilast Secretary of State proved my. luebaio is to take place as soon very oppressive totne ipreign aipiomats as soon as consistent with the interests who came -here- to represent their rov- of the public service. The result of this ernments on small salaries. T,Be army order will be the return to their rcnlarj an na7J officers.,xand many othera in duties of seven emidoves who i,n- i Ipflicial and sdeml life- who felt?, bound ft r - - w w VVVU IfEVER HESITATE to give Shriner's Indian Vermifuge when j our children show thefirst symptoms ot wjcrms. You cannot affojrd to trille with worms, they work in earnest and to kill. Checks and other cash items Bll.s of other Banks Fractional paper currency, nickels, and pennies Specie Legal tender notes Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer " per cent, of circulation) ...$ 74,967 75 26 "2 ... 60,000 CC . . . 10,305 4") . . . 8,421 92 .... 1,120 34 Z'ji 14 .... 1,000 00 985 10 .... 2,740 00 163 24 5,(K0 to 2,000 00 2.2S0 00 $1.00 spent for for Kinch will cure any ease of G. and G. within forty eijrht hours, without loss of time, change of diet or any internal remedy. I- used as drivers. A Bimilar order has been made by Attorney General Gar land. - I to- keep up, the standard of extravagant disayjestablished, Will-welcome change tnat W4U aimmisrt tne expense oi a AVashington wiiitdr. 1 V The New School Law, 'I Lurmuighain, Ala., March 16. Mr. ti......... i... . y- w.amua.1 xiiuuuic, kwv grt-ai Pennsylvania It'fvti L'ltknr tpla.. a .I...... 1 . a. ' a r v ; 7 .7 i , ? u u modifications as Explained by the Su- ot valiisiliie i:il nnil imn : ,i.s . I i A--.. - j . : . : V iu;. un. permtendent of Public Instruction, country, is expected to visit this citv iu a t j. W t -l ' n i. t, -j j fi..v Aava u:. v!.a-..'. . . : I trust' that it will not be considered i, . u nnwrr ' f -Parcaf improper for me, through the news t me u qn te s.gnificinf, as he wrote to Daier essW of the mat educators tie ;ew lork lioXAge a few inout-hs if the people, to explain the modifica ago that he intended fo visit Birmingham Hons bf the public school law, enacted iu a short while, and ivould, duringnhat by the recent general assembly. I am . u.vm. ucuicr ue wouia erect ex- movea to ao sa because ot the numerous tensivevoiKS there. - , inquiries relative to the matter, know- lts currently reported on the streets ing as 1 do that it will fieeessanly be that the Sloss fnrnacn mniMni 'ni I some fweeks'baf ore it will hi nnssihle for w . . . 7- gin the-erection of auother 125 ton fur- law be published and sent bnt as uactTthi spring. These ironmasters nre rjmired by law! as silent as the linnrt ..f tt.t- he prominent changes from the old orabeds concerniuff what they pronose law indicated ; by the ... following ".uS, uuu uis nexr-to impossible to ooraiu accurate lufonuatiou of their ments. BALE OF LAND! On Saturday the 18th d.ay of April '85, at )the Court House door in Salisbury, I will bU a tract vf nine acres of land, more or less, formerly belonging to W. A.! Wise, aud situated on the Statestille road, seven miles from Salisbury, adjoin ing the lands of Itad Wyatt, J. E. Uriggs mid Juo. Goiirky. The bidding will be opened at one hundred npu forty-eight dollars and ulty cents Terms of sale, one half cash as soon as the' sale is cbntirnied, and a credit of: six; months for the other half with in terest at eight x r cent, 1 I J. F. KOUIXSOX, AdmV, of W. A. Wise. March 1 4th, 1835. 22:tdofs. TRXJSTIDE'S SALE - - OF Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid la Surplus f und . Undivided profits ... ? National Bunk notes outstanding-. .. Dividends unpaid. i . .'. Individual deposits subject to check Time certificates of deposit Cashier's checks outstanding ... Due to other National Banks Due to State Banks and bankers. Total ..$153,354 J3 .$ 50,003 00 . 2,100 00 . , 63S 6S .. 43.0t0 OJ 95 00 . 5,154 9. . 1,343 C4 257 43 117 7T .$153,34 xii To All Whom it 3Iay Concern : As it has been reported by. certain parties that my rhain is not correct, I herewith an nex the feilowincertihrateot thebtanaru Keeper of Rowan county, which explains itself: i . Thlstnay certify that a blialn I stamped for J. C. Beriihard;is correct, buu lh utln the chain the handles at'each end of the chain must be Included lnthe leuyfih ot the chain, j ms. Bkown. February 'is, : Hoping this may be satisfactory I remain Verv IIespeltlull'v, &c, J." C. BERJttlEARDT, C..S. March 5, 1885. 2t I i , -7 1 tf; "B By virtue of a decrle of the Stipt'iior Court of Rowan county in the case ol .John Luvgle and others against Margaret A. Lin gic atutothcrs, I will sell on Fri.lay 27th 'March,' .183.), on the premises at the late residence of Lawrci.cc jLinj:lc, dee'd, 250 Acres oi Valuable Land adjoining the lands off Ruins Fisher, Mo ses Trout irian, Jeremiah Earnhart and oth ers, known as the Lawrence Linle lands. Terms one-third cash, und the balance in twelve months with interest from d.iy ol sale at the rate ol eight jur ccnT. per an num note and goo sijcui'it. .JOlINt LINULE, Com t. , March .3d. 1885. Standard Keeprr's Notice! I hereby notlfj- all persons In Rowan County that all Measures, Weights, and Surveyor's chains must be sealed or tne penalties ca me law wiu ue eniorc ed upoai taoae who lull to comply wun inis nonce. a a . . . a . a a. la aa . . a . a.T La 111 '.IB DRUH.l, Feb. 26r lS85.-it J Co. Standard Keeper. SOHETHlNa NSW ! State of North Carolina. County of Rowan, ss 1. 1. H. Foust, cashier of the above-named bank, s3? LAMP CIIlMab i b .J3F3 do solemnly swear that the above statement Isti ue that will not break by licat, h-r sale L . 1 - - i TT- V V. . . Cjiira . at to the best of my knowledge and beilef . I. H. FOUST, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of March, 1S85. w. L. KLUTTZ, J. P. Cobrect Attest : S. W. COLE, ) o. A. BiNtiHAM, v Directors. K. J. liOLMES, j DIAMOND DYES- All wish at I colors you EaYaSISS'. DON'T FORGET tp call for Seed of all kinds at EXX1SS'. ! r I will sell at public auction at my resi dence, ten miles east of Salisbury, on FRI DAY, 10th DAY OF APRIL, 1SS5, all ol TO TIIE LADIES: Call and see the Flower Pot at I ENaSISS'. Latest from the Federal Capital : "The Rebels -have seized? the Government." Lntr TJ. t mm pM. Gi-finl Grant a year.r-6'.vcao Tunes. -J . r- i move- Caicajo News. ' Iteal Penance. "Are yon going to the ball tonight, Clarissa r !What t Go to a ball in Lentt Of r course not, Charles." "May I call ou yon then f 'J v- tj av ' prrjvisioiis. 1. Un ttie ttrst Mbnday in Jane next, jid every two yeare' thereafter.; the jus tices of ; the peace, and thctyunty coni missibners at. their Joiiit. mej&ting iire required to elect three Tesidentf of thgir connty, who shall be a connty board -of Their duties shall he the supervision 'of tKe school mat ters of their county mainly such cs By, virtue of a Mortgage or Deed in trust, executed bv J. K. liurke aud wife to J. C. Cowan, dated the 8th day.f starch 183. and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Rowan Connty. h Book No. nasre bS, &c., and upon 4.hich default has beeu made, I will ex nnew -for fin in, nt miblic auction, at the fVwV) W tW I ' , Court House door in the town of Salis bury, oir the 20th day of April, IB80, at 12 o'clock, M.,-the following real estate, to wjtr- A lot of land situaiea in oaus burv, adioiuin- the lands of A. L. Johnson Miui Shophia Thomas anu tuners, oeiug he lot 011 which J. K. Burke now resides and! in the West Ward of the town of Salisbury. Terms Cash. Dated at Sal isbury, this 17th day f March 1885. I'M J. C. CO WAX, Trustee. - , M T i l , . n;:i u, eume up tomorrow nisht. are now uerf ormd bv the cortntv rr,m JI am going te the skating riuk, tonlsht jmisiioner.. They are to meet four times KERVOOSDEBIUTT UBGAHlOWtalUW i DecTnd bbiscm. obKureduieim, bu-; sicinns. remit A RADICAL CURE FOR'ft jtoo freeindulwnc, ' ovor Drain vara. am : line im pout ion pnMh tiou. mnMtt for Ow ; trouble.. Ort ot rm I Circular md Tritl Pick. ! age, and Iram imaotaal facta before ttkiri tieaV , mrnt danrhtre. Tut SURE RlMUiTthttlll CUKED thoutandi, aoel not interim Ua alra ' tion to buiinrM, ar w pain or iaccntenirtiata any ef. Iw4e aai h arientitit iM4ca.arM plea. By diriir?irOjtw. to the teat ot . fpreifia tnOutset la fcl withota. Of lay. i unl fimctibtnef teaa-j man orpaninn u r Tne animating of life,: vbH-h banaam i wailed are rirrntiMajw i the patient become. abe ful and rapidltfahuM j trni,Tth aud acxuai ai. .1 TJT 'TrTTfaTTItt wi II. W wr w laa. - - TiTmTT.rrv, Crganis Weakness, fPIIYSICLAJ. 9fc Middle Aged Men. : Tested fob over8uc Years oy use in many Thousand Cases TRIAL THE A T3LE7TT. Ono Month, - $3.00; Two Mon,h8, '6.00f Three r.ox.tbii. 7.00t HARRIS REIVJEDY CO.. M'FCCracn S06H II. Tenth BuBT. IXDUI3. IfO. : Rl B QTUREO PERSONS Wo a Tri- Ask for termii of en t A rpliaaea.,, , I wh ca-xvjLs ?3-ian jcixaX "Gi tce xcat in all lur tcp, Ilearaiiktr eye, t - In ev& y gesture dignity and lotef So appeared Mother Eve. andoini xhine ler fair dtsctnlanli, wiih thx i ' ercise of common ifem?, icare ami jptr. per treatment.- Aa enormous imJKr of I'eniHle cotnplaii-ts are direclly fro l ed by tii..turlunct or suipfe8nin of' 1 he Me nst ra I Funcii(n . 1 n traj fnefc . case th.tt Merlin-; arid unf-iling fjxtific Buaofield's i'KMALE KtOLIaXTOlp will effect relief ami cure. j J Q It i from the recipe ol a mo?l dfim- H fcuir-lnd l.v!j(:ian.i It is corapOMoe' ba ! tstrictly officiiiHl nredimtn, : nhcw g q n.ipy cornoinatiop ia nmruirH i, Mpaxed. It i prepared willi ncUalifc'itj skill fr.om tlie fine'4 maleriala. Il)i jj M the palm for constancy of fitreSgtSt; q .cerlainty of effee-elegaiire cH V"V" u n lation, beanlv of appearerice'ar.d irrll t rl.:. ' .... 'IM. . . i ! r An t ID III P I lie iri'imi"",' f , It ntver faiU P liVi flieapnetss favor iB genuine fairly tried. : Carter-Tillf C. j Thi will certify tli.lwo J of m v i mined ia te if a m i lyf after 'hiJ B suffering for many; veyix from mttuvr !al irresulariTv, afild liavirti; befn i f- !- i . .. ... t. " .ei' i... .iw mailCf doctors, were 1 length ebmplettN ly one bottle of Dr. IJiadUtia : Keeilator.-Ils el!Vt i n such .caaei imlv wranlorfnl lirnl Wf4I ll.aT W?! I edy he called "WomanV .B 'f04 : Yours BespM-i folly. I J Send'for our bolk on 'fl Happiness of Wminn." Mai.edfK HbaDFIEI.B1.EGll4m i AtlanN-.yJ NOTICE TO CREDITORS s.- TTnv. nr minlirtfrl nft "F.rpontr.ra nf thr uiy jiujjcu., i u estatc ol Get.rge M. Bernhardt, deced., w miicn cuw a caives, six neau oi biieep, ,H,ret )y notity al! pemms h iving claim tknaa lticlH f llmru nno Si f run? Plltfail-'l I . . .. . a s .... P. wiivv ....w yM..w., - or:iinSL tile? (!(!(!.. tOi CX lill.it t ie R.1IUR two horseVagon andiiew Harness, also t(7lj3 oa or before th(, .Jth d f)f Ft;bruary iuuSuc.. i.a.UCTS,--t .unB, uuuin, on . A)j person8 indebted to thesai interest in a new Geiser Thresing Machine, a new Domestic Semnu 3Iachine. Guns, Beds, Cooking StoVe, in short, all of ui Household and Kitchen Furniture. I also, offer my plantation for sale, to Imj sol privately, any time previous to date ol sale? Terms of Sale, Cash. . TL L. POOLE, March 10th, 1383. 21.lt. HEALTH"" EESTOBSIl estnte, are 'requested Jto witlutpt further noticel r T ti . P. .M. Bernhardt! II.; A. Bersiiardt ) Feb. 19th, 1883. l:Gt. 1 make payment Executors, of George M Bernhardt. NOTICE!' The annual meeting of the North State Iron and Transportation -Coinpany will le 1 neld at tne -New York Office ol the Compa ny, Room 29, No. 52 Broad war, ,New; York City, on Wednesday, April 15h, 1885, at 12 o clock noon. E. J. Brixner, 21:3w Secretary. i"B Laren. ttel B-arlncar !!' ClfXV., UK PA" " fold oa trlt WrrU Jw Par Urn took, aduraaa : JCKLS CF ElKBHAMTOM, Mi ey in a 1 lor working Pfffjau valuable Ti&f put you in tlie a j.ugtilpil .in.- w-l.-l ulie. GIVEN AWAY! FSESHand QENUITS Gardsn Seeds!! 1 Persons buying One Dollar's worth of Garden Seeds or Medicines of any kind will be given 10 papers of fresh sard en seeds At ENNISS' B;rug & Seed Store. 17:tf j 9 IVAC1TED! ONION SETS at ENNISS' &rug & Seed Store. 17:tf - 1 0 a'ny business. Piumeonl- in inn 11 Jir a.s -- -r" . . , . 11 1 ii . to $5 easily earned ery "we on ajj .,Vt wnrii mav test tlie butn( r a."" - 1 -.-t-i ACTIVE .4JfX EfTKLLIGEllT AGEJfTS In trjrjwn V A TYTT1 rllJ I ud Nutr to wn ou pofuub new books -&d familt JfTr - ftd others. koM time ia t fully oerapud. will Hod it te tkrir lnUrt ..vo. t "f-rmert on and otht ToaBf mem Jurt eoain on tb field of otioi. uut to oorrtM-pond witn vJ?lZmmm tukiK money tod ol self culture. Write for epeeiL RED C. OILl Cheap-- tiamMtftn-ur I2PS'rAV ro, l.Ol- Male Street. tUelaamaMl. Vaw VUav" J. ' . y-5 At ENNISS'. $1 to pajr lb,el(l,.nt tTt i-s.rtinnjii,"r' . ; t .rt il,r..au ru" 'L.r.;... fan all wbuunAlM-r JiaiiT Aii.1 res STiss0l t o. . we will send Full partlcul delay, NOV. 87. net nrent thei to 1' ! l a- "!... 1. .. iarv I C w v ltthdayoi '." "f their reco Feb. 10th, 1 1.-.6V ...

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