- .l . - .. . i ' ; ; , i; ; ' -j&r i . - nates mrT-- 0 aa- KfecOPt" f tl,e NOT A SUFFICIENT REASON.. Earlt Corn PtiKiEa. We learn that , WVU . " & Q I ' W VWf M " " - - - defenceless condition of Salisbury Gold Hill road, true to bis SoatU Caroli- raiust fire in couseqence of an Insuffl- na habits, pitched and pianteu jus corn ..Vnt trntr tmnnlv. that it cannot be a cron on the 12tU of Marcn instant. ivtriy Vlvii a. "a,- - g a - v - S ... MANAGERS. j The Kusstlj wine in Montsoerjv coan- AU'contribntora to this column trill address their communications , to . "Toes a i Lasns' - Colcmv," Watcskaic, Salisburj, :N.C. . -x desirable location ior rasuuuciunng en- i pianiings uawr 5Cf"j i ij,--- r . r4i,.haed br u - v . M -.T- i A -.:ti- :.-. rLr. u i tiliAnMl ItV. that has recently been purcnaseu;. oy howevpi-, it will be seeu that thU objec- it Mr. Parks mayjhit it thispar eis . en ill f hi ii & h English company, is at present a scene toaccottolL sacceatfor. raisebbotco of activityTuer ?VT-"-V owing to centrated lertilizejsrhicb ls certainly an getting the 30 stamp mill id readiness to ITOrK Dy l euwuici . k, J j ( I tion is unworthy to be taken into Manafactarins establUhments their isolated positfconsi nsaally provide acquisition of great vaiue. water for themselves ; and with due re- o- A young lady friend, writing from New Garden, N. relatire to the work of the Woman's Christian Tern- peice Union, a" communication on We bare just receved from onr old rrff .,tion m matters af- cavd to risks, insuranjee, etc., frequently, as Ve .ua,, 11 inform?"0? r.aiivertlsed . . ,! .. .. . .. I fri-nd and f w mi - . illi k. j a - . a a at a aw a r a n aaaw,aana,aAn w a a wbi - - . t a Smr' .ttnroiuiu.rBr;Tl,Baa , :. Ratnort of tlwi eceitt of the 35 foot in widW and toaye erwtea a CoLmDr.'.Shft TOtes as follows: ' i . . f - m arar a kAt the Coltrain niine 'near Ashboro, in I which subject we publish on first page Riiitdoloh; county, they liave struck a) thinks well of our Youxg Ladies' rllnar tnvrnftinan. Dr. Ashbel r H . aL.Lt k. J a - I a. tuftirA a-iaM aa-aoaaaAr I llaX - Sfl:i f I iinmrn rn irnir Tiiry rrn - - j ... itl i .... -r i - - i 1 J I , , '. . . I n rmitr" oiiexni. . a tuiwij kmiuvu n s aDlu uiiu wi.nvi.M6 ? ?! - i -i nnnce inTi k - .- m. a. . . a a n tm wriw w mm am at n nfwoaTinn ex aw v -a ; x i t - y a - Jiaia nine? nose ui u. uu uicw .,.. n.ic...!M. u ' . . : ' - 1. i. i l t toe 'e!4 that I At the Crowell iniue . in Stanly county , 1 iW Tthiff I would be esridaU? ti(iutf r . .i ., i .. (. ,-,t i ! nn n iiiiiiimrtm rntix . runncnn i .. ------ - , . . , i .. . ? . .i : - . . - . . I notice in your last issue that you titled before u idM'T t Pnllector. i . FiV, 1 U.." : ' il-lv will ,r .i...ui:ince arci W ' l: r. thu mper t ie "' " . .1...U- 1 i il . allllfll fTj L.f t learn "Unit " expensive aauition toany iarse eaiauiiBu- meiit to have a water taut put Into their building to be supplied from the water source employed to feed their steam boil- ura mid if suitably arranged, it is far ai K?a " - - -n w - , ' " ' .'. . . - .... ! Lynchburg,' March 1G. IIuii;le 3 f ' the inhabitants of the southwestern cuun ) , ties of Virginia, are emigrating . to west ern states. , ine counties . tuey leave consist of bine grass growing land and is fertile, but owing to the want of railroad cooimnnication and the. disaster ofrlast year's drought, the movement approaches an exodus. Fifty- persons from oue poiut and twenty from, another boarded7 the same train on one day last week for the West. Tlie movement haarbceu going on for months. ' ; . the University is located at is in its second year: that fourteen Professors and Instructors that above 200 students are iu attendance, some of them young ladies ; and that the co-education of the sexes a feature. Austin, arid they have out about 150 tons of - ore and interested in such a department, and it; employs will begin to mill it i ahort time. hope that some time I may be able to uctors jthat I - "- ' j - write a few thoughts for it," verv oull at , : WashingtonMarchl6.--Geiieral Sher idan received a telegram I ;fio:n !Gen. iiaicu mis mprningi ; Binuug ihul upu the receipt otthe President's pniclama - ! t on concerning Oklahoma laud, most uf those reparing;to invado Indian Terri tory decided to returu to their homes. 1 straws -Aifc. va -w j- Miuius iu the State is present. The regular ..pMiicers have j fir Watchman: settled down to steady work ami no un- j tne pleasant task of usual reports are lieard from tliemyery writing for our column. This time I 2IAREIED. - i i i!i v - i if taelimetits to a UmU in the upper stoyy, buihliugs so provided can be flooded with ! w,.tf in nlfew minutes.7 Iu this view of the case, whilst it imight be xlesirable to lutveTsuch additional facilities for com bating tire as might be supplied from city water Works, it certainly caunot w re- A Bjiight Dat. By common consent gartled ad of sufficient importance w out- g turdaJ ,ag become specially observed weigh otljier aiiviuirages nturcmug iirn,i county as a trading 1 day. . nas. vounc an institution TheVorld moves, and Texas; the Em p! re State of the Union thirty five times spring. as large, as Massachusetts goes wiui it. Mav her Utiiversity add yet more to the radiant glory of the Lone Star, j At the residencejirf the biide mother ;n PnUnnna ninntr ' V P . lV I! PA' Mr fewuew enterprise are o handathough j wish to speak a few words about the Wharey, on the 3d 4nst., Mr. George U it is said there will be f souie iu tue j boys of this period; for, as a matter pi I Li taker to miss biaina k. urowu course, it wiu not pecome jme w aepre ciate my own sex; but TU try to do justice lectio.. .rlartM d tue to-i?"." .ade-8 - VVli7 All fvsS -JO ml Absolutely Pure. DIED. L.ately Issued ''pateut. locality ?ns' luducfcment. to Ww been Wcoming more and Wore so appa- ' lotUior coverinir TotlCco plautbeds, liTl and ll.mannerd 1" .TT r?r;7;; Jr propose to erect manufacturing estariisii- g() tt o - that ay u jarge iue of thetll declared they hml used , tbpir sisters! Whv thev cannot sit inoffensive neighbor, and has lei meiits. We nave raiuoaua ruuu. 1 rowd is now aimo8t confidently expecieu i . , . mateiiai for imif- a dozen years or 0t tlia UUa without strikine it friends to mourn over their sad bereave- . . . r " " j viv w u u a-a v -s w - I A reai lwy is worth half a dozen fops or dudes. And it seems strange that diking toa number of planters rf ppti dudish feind. At wtk in reference to the use of jnd again, I do not see why boys should From the Western Tobacco Journal. In speak the past I nari'inser. "bejng B JX: a .-Ming pi i 'he Pr- V" U l.r .nt HUD. lUlii-ii(9 " Hi,'' .ii r turkey J)CZ2JI'' iW'l. ii -i. nt lielled it it!" :i ,. i i .l.fi t.i () iver UHsnii ot- I : a f.,r a Cony oi ; ejcd.. .v- WV- 1 : ... n. f.,r 5 the K ) ; ' J,..,.!.!!' Ki hiMU. It IS Ute assess ''r' v i l f .....1 .,,1,1111 -n'l'l o : In this county, March 10th, 1885, Mr. Isaac Earuhart, aged 78 yeais, 4 months and 23 days. At his home in this county, March 1 1 th, Mr: Jacob HolshouBer, aged yyear, months and 2 days. The deceased let and ett many This powder never varies. A manrel ot jurlty 8trenfj;U, fta 1 . wUo'.t sonienes. More economical tban ttle ord nai v klLds, aud cannot toe sod In, oompeiUoa wilh tLe multitude ot low test, tjort weight, alum or phosphate powders. old oily H fans. Uotal Baking Powdkb Co 10 W all bw. N. v. ! i .-- . ' g!as out, is a " :-- - ' In three directions; we are in the m,U8f iu lowu, La8t Saturday, under a mild, Yow fov protecting; their young plants jarring the dishes, as well as the in i no n:v 0..y. , i Knriiiz-iiau ieuiirciiivuio 4tuu ti-im tim ver viirviiiJi weanier iuciucuv i nprvps or me wiiuie jouiiuv. x"ct Staie; the country-aboutid ,,nM t,e stiwts were thronged witli ieople on to early spiiug.irid froiU'the pestiferous not cross a room without stumbling over meut. of almost evei y kind ; we Hue in tne niiiwi business and nleasure. It was of4b great miueia belt, which, 8tartin0 difficuU place8 to )as .ou tlie side- u Virginia, extends into H or tne rn ueor- wa,k8 witllout jostling jothers or being iirlfd. Ererv store was crowded with " ,- Rational Bank of this place ,rl ,ivhrhlpM 13 per Pir$r-J ;.i ncvi Th out- SyomisSng and busiBepod, Mrly statement; elsewhere ii SAIilSBURY MAEKET. Mar. 19, 1883. giaj in a healthy aud invigorating found any where. the advantages of! countrv with as sweet waters as are to be There is no disputiug this region as to cli mate, soil and resources for almost any enterprise, aud btlt little if anythiug can be objected to this particular locality. The difficult watdr supply for the m I as matters now stand, is oue ot greai i nortance to those who own valuable pro perties iu the crowded parts of the town, but not nearly so much so to those who rehide iu thinly settled portions. This exposure could not materially concern those who contemplate schemes having little or no relatiou to those who risk their second time. There was uot oue among the lot but what emphatically declared a people, i buying talking, and selling, determination to resist the pa j meut of a Farm products, it is true, are generally royaitv if any oue attempted to collect, very cheap, Jutit so also are almost eveiy but feW of them thought the matter se descriptiori of merchandise ; so that after .joua enough to cause any agitation as to all, farmers get quite as 'jnncti in goods ,jie posSibility of the "pateut" beiug now "as when their products brought toWn-L . ' - . 1.1 ...... l..it I . .L i t r I higher prices, xnow aim nn-u 11, mj f- Qe gentleman in particular, nr. o. pen that disproportions are more mai uea; Cobb) t)f Lusby's Mill's, Owen county, WASHED OUT UAltt. There i a s6rt of pallil, chalkj completion which, the nov- i elist call a "washed out compteiion.' It is ly enough, and no mistake. Wjashed atled, tliscojored, or part (colored kaic most as repulsive ana mclancoolj. PnrL'AX Ilnir lt ik'LIll Will rptnr OUf a. 4a t V a a a Aa -w ,j hairlto its original color, .whatever H wal ' '- browc, auborn or black. "Why weaf mosl 'iitt on ypur head, when you may easily haTeff, . lively, shining hair. . , i -vr'T - ' I V Salistoy Toljacco MarteL C0RBECTED WEEKLY BY JSO. SJtErPAltD. Lugs, common to meet. Lus,'med. to pood, LiU'js, poou io iint?. Lui9, hne to lanc Ledf. common to med. Leaf. med. to good. but as a general thing trade equalizes it- lv na to leave little or no ktv a wv va , ground of complaint on any side. insects that hVe often Jdepletetl plaut or against some piece.of furniture, or . .1 i .....iiM.i ti.tr ioivimtion the o.lose a door witnout Biamnuiii: n. xu. oeuanuu I" . . . ,1 na!t. T..1 TAT snort. 1 must say, tne iuaiiuei uiduiuc wwu, iimj, t wvw, .., -v- bovs are intolerable ; but I hope to see, Wheat7530 ; Flour per sack, $1.75 not many years hence, a big reforma- $L90; Western bulk meats, 810; Laid, tion. Jl012i; Beef, retail, 610; on tlie hoof, I think Delcie" has selected a Yety 2m3i . Butter i5o0 . Esg8) 15 . niiy , 30 rf t) interesting, topic, and 1 nave naouw 4Q jhler, C005 ; Shncks, 4D ; Bran, I wrappers, com. to med she will handle it fairly, but 1 hope sn,e on : Potatoes. Irish, for table 7580; for Wrapiwrs, med. to good will not be too hard onus, liut enougn ,ailt:n,-,.o5!- Swt notatoes 75(aSl: wrappers, 5od to hue, won t noiier gii up uuvu wm morning t airro ior ray sen., ; fa - . f 4.50 to 6.00-? COO to 8.50 8.)0 to 11.00 'll.00to 18.00 5.00 to C.25 " 65 to 8.&0 !850 to 15.00 1 15 00 to 10.501 16.50 23.00 i 25.00 to 40.C0 40.00 to 55X)t i J Third Creek Items. Perhaps an item or two from this place t USUliiy sought after Ky.f was qnite amused as to the claims of the "patentee," and (guaranteed that he or his agents would get all the roj thev wished, and more, too, if thej tm-fil in his section, but of a kit I Hawthorn. rin nnura bnn - - a - raa la m I I " l 'Pv 1 - 1 Peasf90100; Oats,4U4o; l allow,; iiy VVp fanrv. none offered. Hide. 10: ILibbit furs. 25a33 cts per Kcw tobacco breaks for the past weeK l.m....m At attlr aVina on?ui I have been liht. Price's stiff for all gradesi 1 I r i .1 ..! ,.l. ..... .. 4i r. - K AntlMa anff . J .1 1(11 nta ftv (TiUlll UUUU. I JCll, W uA V Hill I P, aiui'uni vuim " Cotton, ready sales at lUi cts tor goou ... ,i.,.,i .n.rt 1 SJuhir frihd J. Fj McCubbinsis fio open out a; new stocK oi IrmMde from bottom to top, at I riiir.M ct.md Hp retains as as- VmCTA Mi T)I U: Julian irKHiim abundant success all on the chances of wind and what ter they can cany from an ordinary iu 2o cents buckets. r o Magnetic Mineral Indicator. ufclr may interest some of the readers of your wa- paper, who like to know what's going on inK I. well around them Our place is slowly im- fully Ui lamps, Mil lUll . mv l! Ii HI. ftriuns;,a'ni'p:s! There Jwero u)4 1 i Dear Wakhman: Brevity being a literary virtue, I will bnrtTi mv subiect bv tnvine to your , -j 4- y , yf , i mouey-mat- readers the essence ot wnat "my iaay j ' - ' . . I - ... .. L " people. Mr. Cobtr informed us that learned of tne "manners ana customs ten years agu he canvassed his To- 0f the aristocrats ot Vienna, wnue so- .... .: .... i...:i I i. ' ..i.. ft... ii tnnp mill lrmmino in tna.1 Ausinan city. iirovinc. i uree new uuimiiigs weio uui" i oaccu plum. udu J . . . . . , , .1. this winter, aud two ouieis are uu wic ft8 he does uot claim me onginaiiou 01 iiic w " way. We have but one vacant house, e . . probable that it was iu use considered hightoned or properly edu- aud it isn't haunted. r!vhms to that time I cated, no matter how well they may be Our Academy is in successful operation Pie; f t?" " I hnm f1lA able to sing, perform on their musical 1 . a 1 . . j i.. 1 iviiw . an 11a 1 . 1. m .l 1 a 111 ua w 1 . 11 . a. i a. a Aa , 1 . 1 I with a good teacher at us neau, mm jrj - . . Tliis is woUhe green hazel stick trick l-bscription we are going to make it uj '-patent" was grated, has .imt originated for indicating minerals water streams, tirst-class institution. 1 liere is room tor; the ideaf r can not chum ; any transier hWare taught the true principles middling highest, 10i. Tobacco, sales every day and prices, satfsfactory. Poultry, in steady demand, but prices moderate. . i i.innif hnrta imote in -town . , , '. . I I ...". . -L a ll :.1.. l . ,! !.. . e :..lw,o ll.a ornt rtf sirt1l ;;.! Uai vriwk-.- V liar is 10 uc muw OUr winnu a ic iuvh - liiia tint, vet I 1 AllllA tt tvi.inh mineral veius mav be i.ar rffftir 111 r 1 iin.iut,c 1 j - 1 ii3iia--at,B , ti uivm i - - IBiifactiorilyl settled. 1 The bund, and also determuie very nearly WTt1 . i . I .... I 1 . . t .11 w rt-'Wly eufoicedwould prou- the size of those veins ana tneir ricnnesa all without breakmgne suriace who snadeor nick, if this be true, the iu- a .' - a I . ? 1.1 : 1A at 11naHm1i II I fo&te.-0wing to the lateness ot veuiion is invaiuauic. v-. Tfl . 0 IN.. Sa"A.t;A.Ll A tiv a Liri-ft number ijwasou last fall, tne wueiu .MuK..Mr , e. 7." . runs 111 this county are almost 01 persons ui . i l ifelfauuN. Many farmers are gen ce, and among them is Altrea 1 . rtflll'tlie till seeiting and rewiug 'Skinner' Superintendent of the Carolina : rl 1 : .;..i.t kii 1 111 iiun .iiiiiiirv i ,fi. hil. & i i. iiviv v rs are ,iieiianu t" "-"o . anything else the purpose 01 tesuug prupeinvB m I II F nmifao liu 1 1 aim MIA i.a iuwala of the earth beyond a few more scholars, audlgotxl, cheap aten- board Had it eany appucauou is uumc. Farmers haven't room to boast ot whear and oats prospects. Judging from pies uiir iniiAsifiiie,fs Rome fields won't make . 1 v " I I Kl'ttl. i s is xeirevmiij i." &c, in the reach of humau sight. It is a "p ted magnetic" instruineutiu the haudsof the iu veu tor, Mr. Jerome Prince, - who claims that he cau by the use of itpoint of 1 ights from the gentleinau or gentle- of w0an's sphere at home. They are men who first nut the idea into practicil i acauainted while school girlsi by use. as relating to Tobacco plant beds, QinPi pTnerience. with all culinary du- ' ! . . I r .... ..- 1 and as this custom has prevailed more i.: needle work, knitting, and in iact ious to the issuance of everything pertaining to the duties of Wow, case in tj)an ten years prev red lands : and those who can are piongn- . . .Intlir n Wefail to understand on what f.hfi civilized, happy bouseKeeper. iug up the laud aud re-sowing u moats, j . the Pateiit Office issued such a systematic course of training of girls My neighbors, I think, win sdw a great : MrjGrtnard hopes to for such duties in our schools and col- lMHlviuls ot clover seeu, uuus uuu im-r tne matter is urousut w 100 uucuuwu i tramped as fine as possible by horses, uml thpii fuin-n broadcast over forirteeti acres: If successful in obtaining a gtod -in 1 shall reiiort. 3ud Cheek. ' ibeaatijirop. 1 Other iadi fwsru ; i cotton or iTiiabji'v' - - s . : -I. . .' atiiciplH government lot the years is attracting the attention section. Of '.:'!.'" ..illa,..l M..t,fi.iiltA 111 1MB EraiUIUlllCBS I V.vria uiv aw 1 1 . m . . ... i;l r '1 .t.. ,um I the following city markets: 'ulilSliellC lUUIWlUr, liu uuco u vi-w. . L im ciHzeus just naw. 1 here sue to Dciuocratic Wiiid meetings in the ..! .:: t i tnkl Wards tomorrow eventngland a fMjal fcjeeting at Mei oney's llall Mou- iuz next, to bring out a Deiuo- alii Hketr.;Tho attendance ought to ularsnaiid haraionioua. - -o- ICardJruni J. S. Ingram, . ir Jtlie Opera House- was not opened tiuj after the 1 tiiiie " aunoutieed for the :e on Muiid;iY eveiiing last !on the isfrallan Nulive races, this expMnatittii ml. to the I'ubUc who eaiiielout tot March 17, 1835.- Our Philadelphia markets are corrected eveiy week. , Philadelphia Market. Evans Bros., utmost I large Produce Commission Merchants, 56 of , his North Water street, Philadelphia, report Eggs, Vir- . w a a . , i ' .ri.;ia ,.rVA fiilhu ions. giuui and Southern. 2()0U.-Liive poui- pay ior ei icvw iv . .n7t.. It is not impioper to mention that sim- try!200 cts. ter pound; dressed 1011; ilar claims have been set up by men in turkeys 1314, according to quality ; California, but we7 do not remember that ducks 1516; geese 10ll.-Live cattle theewspapers have ever Leralded their 45.; hogs, live -"" Joe Siuitli, the Mormou, it is nose, cnoice, pci uus.,oow, the hazel sticks, nrst 111 cnoice ouoo, rccnB, ywv, , mi.,i,il nrouerties: aud Mam moth,"5055 Cheese: N. Y. Facto- ashore, he turned his sticks ry, choice 12i13; fair to good, 11 to Hi; mid that Pennsylvania iuu cream, oriuo thorn," who seems to be a pretty sharp riYiA nnnreciates vour kind offer, and ovmlod hArself of the privileges of the 44 Young Ladies' Column.'1 I hope oth 1 1 An lilrAwisp. and make it inter- grow Tobacco, and afford pro- . . Ar,iovable. Begging the tim- his young plants, should use -i frt bnstft to be wise. I mUst the courts, vlucli certainly will occur when the attempt is made to collect the royalty. There should be no quibbling in this matter j but every planter that desires Xo tectioo to lugmokers are in great demand and prices' f . a shade stiffer than the quotation. wrap-?- peNof all clr.sscs are high and cagerijf ; sought after. Planters would do well iJj : r putting some of their good tobaccos on the j market at tins time. Dress Makina! !TWO D.VNGEUOUS SEASONS, -j. Spring and fall i:re times when so manjr people get slek The changes in the weather are severe on feeble persons, and, even those natumllv strong are apt, as they ' c- i- . !. l.l 11 Tl,n lliaa irrcici ir n rn A TT?T? sax, "to oe leeung nuserauie. i.u muv j MioO M. U lArrJj aifcjnst in condition to be struck down Has ODened roorfs in the Old l'hotograpn Onllerv. She lias learned Dress Makin . 1 A. M A. 4 n ci HCf lin aTV f 1 1 t 1 1 II anu tne moisi atcuun; Bjoum y thoroughly. - Fit Griin-i'aiitcetl! Will be pleased to receive calls from the ladies ot Salisbury. March 5, 1885. ly BUSINESS LOCALS. Delcie. cloth to cover his plan t beds, if he .thinks brin this to a close. it is au effective means which we think has been demonstrated conclusively m n ifi mr likes best to the affii mative and pay ho attentoin to bAiir the voice with a "ring" to it.-lr. nov flaims of rovaltv. If the "patentee" WbanVs the 44ice-cream girl:" she, no then proceeds to enforce his claim, let doubt, will pronounce the aboye a slan- him attehipt it, aud let the planters com- jder? bine to move the fallacy of his claim and the woitiilessness of liis '-pateut." We RELIEF FROM MALARIAL, POISON think this is an easy piatter. Attention Farmers ! Mv stock of Chemicals, Acid Pbospluites, Kainit, &c, is uiore complete and cheaper than ever before, and of the very highest grades.' Don't tail to call on me ucioie furchasing elsewhere and Site M(mxy. also have a large lot of Best Virginia Lime for Agricultural purposei, which I am offering at reduced pnee. ' J. ALL1N BROWN. Feb. 26, 1885. tf with onift kind of fever. A bottle or twa of Parker's Tonic will invigorate t be diges' .t . .. i i i i.i i ;n tion, put the liver, Kiunejs nnu viwu perfect' order, and prevent more serious attacks. Why suffer and perhaps. di. 1 .:...i n nw.rlifinn will 'lllH VOU t W HUM S' Slllljm: i imvviiumv ..... ----- j--,.. Gbod for both sexes and .all ages. 'Goto EX.NISS andbuy Majhii-e oils. Kerosene anl PATENTS 4)t4ilnci1,nnrtn PATES1 BVSISKSSMXnl$U omLyZue. the IL S. Patent OlTVee, o vio. can obtain I'.uei.isln lf-ss Ume taan ttOHera nioietrom V;is'.ilii'non. Send Motel or Vrnvy9 VVe advls.' as to p;itentablllty free of ch-rgrcrn We mave o Chant lrvnUut faiL nt Money Older 1M. nnd to offlrlals ol Jhe -tent 6ffli-e. For i ircular, advice, terras and mer K to actual tU.Mi.sin .vourowii State oreoantyr I o;1poitr Patent OJnce, walilngton3f;C: Nov. 2T. '81.-4:n f; ; Cancers Conquered. Th Swift Sneeific Comnnnv have the! most endubitablc evidence as to the cine of Cancer by their famous medicine,' S,S.S. Among others, John S. Morrow, an old iind hisfhlv esteemed citizen ot Florence, i r 1 WM ' VTal VjaF Til mncf aa' success. said, lived by pointing out that running to limiting springs of water; The Industrial School Act wJiich Passed the Legislature Provi ding fur its Establishment. For six months oait I have been affected Ala., makes the following statement o , e UA "malaria thi merits Ol tlllS renieOV: : 1 1 , -I ve to suffer,, ,,h a Cancer m northwestern Florida. I tried eeral reme- mf rlsht ear, lor about luree j e.r . . -". . a.M,i T,n n-a.ki virmiiis remedies and was tKeaiLU Uie out everyuung .a,.cu u.c. ;"V; r" f pMt!1h whicll nroduccd rhcu- oottieoi Dui-ru.vU. rT ..,.! si v ieei ana , ieg wen; txinnlM Weak I aaapaaaiv ; number illurtmted with .plendld ' "2mgiaiu3 . ! Information which no person hu' JlrSmrnk'thal popularity of the NTirio AaEJCAl JJ -J Iu circulation nearly equal that of "oWgJJra4 t. claw combined. Price. tl imLtt I Clnba. Sold br all newsdealer-. MUKV CO.. -:- li.ViT. No. 361 Broadway, m. Y. . . v iT.l, " mmmammmammmwaaaaiaaaaaai fore UM ratas ,nd have prepared inorethaatt- - - - a C ajn I purchased a failing to meet ihe cravings of his ambi tious spirit, ho! turned his sticks on reli gions, and soon after "struck" Mormou- tie lecture ajid were dis; :l6 i appointed. lNGUAM very . much to bo re Mf. lugram," who advertised jto lec- h Meroneys' Ilall, Monday evening, rived the pri vilege of doiii" so bv NUlure of the jwrsoii whose -Jdace it tf light tlie IIall,aiid arrange for it in ..Nuortlie adiuissiou of attendants. It Mlwe- been au accident, butiit was uul uufoitunate lor the good uaiue ism, and there! he stuck. But we said in the beginuing of thi narasiph thatlthe "Magnetic Mineral Jn- tted dicator" is not the green hand stick trick. We hoie it may be tliorouginy testeu, and if found aole -true, it is the very skims, fancy 66tj full skims, 02IW. Dried Fruits: Apples, evaporated, iu eases, 67 ; sliced N. Carolina, fancy 4 i4h uood sliced 3 : blackberries 99J; cherries, uitted, prime i dry 12il3: peaches, pared, evaporated 1724; N. C. sliced 79; uu pared halves, new, e!Ji; quarters l6i; evaponited-1014; pears, 23:plum8.9; raspberries, 2424i per a , . lMmud.-Feathers, choice geese 5355 thing needed iu this part of thfe btate to ; v . . niues, uiy, luu. uuur.i .u solvo many a doubt. 11; lieeswax 2931. SectioX 1. That the Board of Agricul ture is hereby authorized and directed to seek proposals of donations for the estab- I lishmeut of an Industrial School ; and all when auv citv or town shall donate in lauds, buildings, machinery or other ma terials, or money, an amount adequate in the jtidgmeut of said Board for the es tablishment of said Industrial School, it shall be their duty to locate the 6aiwe at such place! Aud if there be more than one city or town making snch proposals, ... . i 1 . mivo fur rllld I nitltWIll cine, WQlCll nas provcu 7 c, . T pnnUX not walk; About rl PCJOf! Ill I mIKII V . lliwcu.u. J - . - . -, 1 T o inrilwix til ITV nH US hone of ever bein well again, tor l ivao one year g x wm f 5S5 1 IS die-. all of which had Specif, which soon removed the trouble. led to do mt "ood Would to God that iu my limbs, and my rneumaiKin is . ? the "tSiSlSile mlding in the entirely gone and my Cancer m steadilyj tne amicieu pcjoio ,,,. . . :u,.:nf, better now than at any; counties ol ueorgia, r lonua am. u, " " "T. micin(i ,,1 would read this .and try tne md. i th-n n, .thinir else L of dosinz themselves witn quinine uone .c V . T mn,t 'i - . . I . All I m-m A ml 1 IIM I illlr Oil I i'"'l- m. mineral remedies. 1 lelt it my outy vo nave . "ll)teiilv 8wilVs & .rr.r luimanitv to write tins cerrincaie, iu u r; - , - ...... a.n.,.(if is the. best -utoou punncr i iv( i air n , jaaaaav u foret ore tl dred. Thpu.and VPSSTSk' L'tr.Btdhrir rSSJTK OrtCUIIll V . fff.-mamT a a 4J f'snaVOaV- UIIMna, at unort notice anu " rT- vitiate i Imlinl Information as to obtamwj PftTzZtZ- ' tff-1fIS&sSS - a Go. are notieed in the SctifieAaiaeaaw-a, Theadrantairecjaucnnwc-ni. J61 Broadway, ew Vork. .1 al in pnutenf yi'W airajr. Jna us 5 cents postage, ana trf mall you will et A a pack- . , aft? of goodB of liir.a ' d, kv.u srat yoi ta. -""M: p.i.tta in iipmI of a convenient dwell ing will uote tho advertisement in anoth- ? - 7 t ""'"" Ailllllul)f,tliA Graham property, on yfi?D lra reSectalde , I Hrtving been repainted "tiitci ui . iinii.iir u ni't i-r l ii r iivuli.p lliu I . ... - . . i, ..mi riiiirniimiiv rpninHir.ii i Hibavima Jnot'i8iHsible, but by wiiich he fplfuecteto the lessoif- time 1 aud O : s: i f Pfl a fwig by au accident for which quite au attractive appearance. V ihe deepest snow of the preset win- an eIJ4erej;Tuesday last, beginning in to! "true and surprising appearance devil" to a compauy of blaspheming card Monday was another brilliant day, and plaj era in the former placjj on New Year s with the crowds of people on the streets, j night. One man was killed and the oth- d SheppanTs rattling voice auctioning er nearly scared to death by theinghtlul tobacco in Beall's Warehouse, nnd the J shape, black, with eyes of fire, aud smo- I mm . . a . T 1 a. . m Vm I A strange old pauipljlet has been it shall be tne unty oi tne uoaru w ivo bjooght to our office by Mr. Edward it at the place offeiing the greatest in-k.i-.1 It ia ii letter fiom a ci'Utleman in doceinent. Mi.l.atr. En... iii 1808 to a -friend in Sice. 2. TheBaVd of Agriculture shall rJip,ti,nt. and "nriutedfor the benefit direct the organization and equipment of f th nommoiiwealth." It lecoids the the said school, and shall .manage and v. . -- . -v . t i k . ... f th Unntinl thesiime in coniuuction witn a Board of three Directors, appointed by the Board of Aldermen of the city or rnwri. whnsn ni-ooosal is accepted. The m,w " " s. malarious Alabama instead and B It ff. OMMW.. 0 ' " . I J lor it may be the means ol many pi my oiu frinndi trvinc? this creat remedy as I have done. So strong is ray isim m it u every case where the directions are follow ed I will guarmtee a sute cure or forfeit one hundred dollars. Chas. Barkbk, Publisher, Editorial Koom Temperance Advocate, Atlanta, Ga. j ' aaiaBmmm.BmpBai ! "IT 18 A WONDERFUL REMEDY." (Snui. ri c wf-r"-"-- miivr o- imimnitf WOrld liUIll O. Jiviuiu . . a Florence, Ala., Sept. 22, '84. T rinvp lind a cancer on mv face for manf years I have tried a great many remedies but without relief. I almost fxave np hopf of ever being cured. Dr. llardman, m son recommended Swift's Speciuc,. which f have taken with .'reat results. My lace i almost well, and it is impossible lor mc tft express my tnanK m wuius 200080 work taat will at once un nnvthln? elHe 10 AE Im jnuoLla present wltli fc ,i,ra nrithfr Hex. Of all n VfT.n-a e rp.uae.w work f or ft" 4r!, v li'jrn .,.PKortuaes for a worteri t t3Hir r ed, Paul delay. """52. o l ii n It t ) i' .V OV.2T, 'U IT Formany years my Wood was in a bad medicine has done for me , Jan't do vour work well.whHo yo ndition, manifesting its character by a MLIL ILVRDMA . cant . . but a tn T?l- rofuloua breaking out op both my ankles Monroe, Ga., Sept, 184 n:sea4s hw touch better to keep your . . . ;ar,il enfrrinr oa T.,,.,. ,in THiiotl and akin uiseasaM i . . . , . i,j Tnt aanaai i cond oor-nfllllUlB iii.h oauaed me consiaqrai suuermg as - o'l a rreat annovancei I Seeing the name of Rev. Jesse H. Campbell, of polumbus, j i 0011 about3 o clock it cpntinu- presence ofsome gentlemen just from I king J?UUlroua theevenvmg kind Washington 'aud telling of matters and tinere was no wmd md the thiugs there, the day was lively -4 VJ n UUin 111 y-v , I i. i 1- II I K ' I I yM'H wuere n ien, as ugnt ai mM thistle down: A more beatiful hm than that 'of Wn'osll mnrn-1 Drmnr itV TVia fnr nf Tiftvi Hen- i,i';,- . i i """vr ajuiv. r . ; . . . . local Board of Directors may sit with the Ga., attached to a ceitiftckte concerning a TVi.ntis. on lilooa ana okih a v-ia- lal ca i v- w A i. 1 Swift Specific Co., urawer a, Ai.auia, Ga. I -I Don't Tkei. LiKEJVVouK."-";in"-t o difference what business you sre .-ngg-cd in : whether you arc a preacher, a wo- .. .. m nn Ifl IMirfT. I VI ianic. a lawyer " '""""" T - . - mouth, with a forked tongue, and all matters pertaining to the said school, won5 ned." I tried it and NOTICE- harpoon tail. Tlie picture accompanying of his sataiiic m ijesty is as surprising as lis appearance. Torrinyton Conn.. Reg ister; ! rgt abouU nine pVlock, tind of Sunday night, and robbed of one hun r'frt?V w"lterrwith notl a par- dred doilars in cash, and a lot of goods. ISf precipitate retreat j door by lif tiW the cross bar, from the back as we learn. Hpnprsnn ia an industrious business tlEss-Ox February! ihe, 4th, young man.to whom the loss is of some Mi,iAJU accident Uce, took I importance. No clews yet discovered. 5 icy in the 1'Travel- ' liirtf ' UCUfeIUBU.uyvf vo., ' -oi I une ot tne snoscnoera io uie uA.un-H- iut $6nu.. thronrrh theil- Kiifi-il nr n.iui Mill IrpnneatB na "to re- . , i?-t - H T 1 Afl flTf Aorth Carolina: Mr! til C. ltul: Hiat th Pnatmaater nt Third j - j - " i vi'iiiuJy,u ; . On tllA llh n( ii... ' ... n: . . i: I.'. .L.A.iul fr. oaMilaoonama rVl lDitt.il '" - na v ;t.'w. eaiuc i rCCbi UO h:biui.su,iui . ni.o9uvin - firi J lie was accidentally killed on a no&t master who wants tm hold the office . LitM a i.m. . -r t- i m . . i l - rar f a a m i. i n - t as to his official conduct. 1 he .ua.,t .hi o.: lllillllUaV J. I H IA ft UailgllOUa 11I1IO (U tuvutjuao .mv of complaint as to his official conduct. Tin new ndmiuJstration will lift a fellow be WkrveiV'd Sh MrH G- Led- Uf complain) in;haft forl.ooo iu full for thel new admiui 0U at'COlinr. or liAi-'linal fore yon can say Jack Jlobiuson so they hiit shall not have power to vote npon - nti thfl -ction verv niuch as described questions involving iappropriations from in the directions. I usedj about one dozen 1 ' . - . I,...! .iuina a atcadv and almost c funds of the Pepartnieui oi Agncui- uovu , -7-3 . t was a- an ar a na ra a 111im.11 a mm wa vaw r entirely cured of this disagreeable and dis . Tkai an Koon imiirlv f th tine Yes, We'll Give Him a Lirr.The ast issue of the Asheville Citizen con - ains the following free advertisement : For some time past a man named W. R. II ed rick, from near Chattanooga, Tenn., . ... : :.i. .fn.:,.A i ' IiaS leeil WIIoS " ', lIK1l,a o 1 - . ? . :il fa .t e - 1 1 - iiKiirftpnanpA f anid 1 maileu iree, 1 ian r....i. lr. An.:r.. sunn uihm.v iu.w r Iieau OI VIUUC Vicca, utu j iiv, i rtnu I - - - a I . 1. . ... ..t aliuip fnnria rt a .a nnf . . . 1 - r.. .. 1-1 Kri IHII. BiUIB UHI h v w-- " nnu two cuuureii in leiuiessee, w iucni" Skp. 3. That instruction shall bo pro-t.,, . . rftacase. That has been nearly vided in this school in wood work, min- year a, and I find no signs of the disease lng,metallurgy,pr ctiflagricultureand pffl. X i other such branches u industrial edu- T'Aer(S remcdy.n R. M. R. Ciitiou as may be deemetl expedient. Charleston, 8. C, Feb. 5, 1885. Sec. 4. That tliefBoaid of Agriculture! Treatise on Blood and Skin uiseaaea tiled tree. 1 The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3 At- .. ' t .1 1 ! n'lll t.. i u .t- mvii tiisic nniHicaiiuii J.S IIVItJ o"-" -- i be made to the next General Assembly pt the State for an amendment to the chap ter of the towirof Salisbury, Jan. 171835: A. II. BoruEsJ , . i. i i.,L-;r,r I'ariter s inic"iw ootl oruL-i . .. iinij vou feel "a little out of sorts' c monev in your -l??.0.??-ood. rejoicing health is worth lialf a dox cn hours full ot languor and pain. HAY i place it is understood he vamossed be cause of, some ottense. against the law. Recently he has left his late quarters io company with a young woman, his niece, as man aud wife, without the sanction of the law, however. The friends of. the young woman would like to give warning as to tho man Ilediick he ii. about 6 feet high, about years of age, with sandy hair and light mustache. Give him aT'.ift' wherever fonnd. required to conduct 1 the work of the regular department: Provided, that more - O a. r i lanta, Ga. Tax Beautt of Youth. .a, ... Atlarita Medical onese ireaecu thaii fi ve thousand dollars of their fundi handsome or stalwart a young man may be i ue j- months, but his coudit on .... .. , . ! .. i -4-i.i: .i t nnthinir can make op for a. par-1 nni -No matter how j ty b par- , SCROFULA CURED. J AtlaxtaGa., August, 1883 f Mv six year old son has had a terrible aloutfhin" Scrofulous Ulcer ol the neck for Si. attended with blindness, . u..;- rp.at emaciation, and genera., j ,f Phveicians and various blood were resorted to without benefit HAY ! HAY! 500 Tons of No. 1 Valley of JVirgiala Timothy a-Err&SbK,- : 43:Gm. Stannton, Va. Notice to Creditors ! AH persons havinlainja I ,'lil I'li li IIKKI . niii'rsirnei " . -if t J I, rr, 18, or this notice jWill be . i ii mil. i , recovery. . i i lllCaaed in o.u ... llngLe,Ex shall bo applied to the estauiisuineu. oi www-s Rt grew worse. The v.,.', r mpif friend d to tne asioiiiBumt"" .7 r- a PTiat. Shriner's Indian! Vermifuge move the worms and purify the system nred to try the efficacy of B.lt.B t. oetrtnishnient ol mvRell. ineno ana to u .xnnnj. wile effected a Sp-Sh Hair Balsam will stop the loss and ne. g" thc;ntck CDtily of the hair and start a new fMt restored, ami the Ija.r commenced growing on liis neaa ag..... i;ai IT WUH a..-, - - a II T- :-n- K.ta liftftd. Shinin the school in oue yoaiv w a animus poll is not. Srr . s. Tlmt this act shall be in force A m. k- .ickness or anything else. r UU9U J . . ! ... .r from and after its ratification. NEITHER CHIllD or ADULT can h.T. d oftrTtt o rosv bri-ht con.plexion when worm- jou restoring inc r 1 perfumed, Unly sianarw ow. uit-.u-. a Jan.iV-l3?5.-Gw -r:....r.rvnu raTiT.nnEN look OCR Ktiw"Puu ''TrT u ith the times dian Venuifug andcives Shrinerti In- . . a a. T to his chiuixen iwww there to be seen. Fuask JoEFif. ye:ir. ''fli it ':' -4 -1 ill ' I. ! i'i: ! i 'p-ii say. v I .1 t i . 1 1 i' V' . V r . V