?: I 4 i - - - - . ' , ! ... .. - , , 2L jpj-ilHIBB SEEKS 8AU&UBY. II. C. H4BCH 2ft 1885. i r 3 - - - 11 m ii i - i - - PRY'S , i! AND FEliMANEHT CERE FOR Li and Indigestion- M.i Ji-lit l r , - GKEGORT, An Awful Heresy. It seems to be the opinion of the curious nev President that govern raent employees cannot earn their sal eries; with their heels on their desks, and the introduction into ashington Sooth Carolina Presentation. A Suaaatio to Which the President Made . injud a Hetponse. i Washington, March 14. -T. Stobo Far row, clerk of the Sooth Carolina Senate, a . ad 4 lit firecorv : i mreuy w. ij of the novel idea thfat a man must by special appointment called on Preti work id order to draw a salary will dent Cleveland this afternoon, and, in much distress i . . ... Ut hnnefit to inrself k StS Oiiniend it to other, fly good day's Vte Wrking until ni I Member N. C. Legislature. & :1 r i 1 A farmer 8 hired Ij-; s -i tlli.L.Xn- tn the talae of Jtoot tlL I have used it with West &W recommend it to an one nSflyifyepsia, indigefitnon and a Siib of lim and bowels, i ifif . D. A. JENKINS, N. C. State .Treasurer. McAden and T O Smith & and J JI Enni?, Sal- . . ; WnniiaRTERS FOR Ruuwii - : doubtless occassion among the unfortunate idlers in the government departments. Chicago Times. A merchant's clerk or -book -keeper is expected and required to do a fair- Avork many of themj ne o'clock at night, man works from sun to sun, with an hour's interval at noon. If the new hdroinitr.at ion with tbes facts brfore ttTem:viU require all clerks and hirelings in government ofiSees to comply with similar blerk's rules, they will not have a chance to set their heels on tops of desks, lean back and smoke i cigars. thou-render I would prompt even ; mbre strenuous hostility to this i I lad vised step of his . iniudieions friends. For, sir, is it not an imputation upon the honor of the leading soldier of the I victorious side to infer that he would take a service pension (and, say what yon will, it is not hint- more or less while one is re fused even to ft meritorious drummer boy, whose rat-a-tat sounded charge or checked retreat in the great armies Perhaps had my lot been cast on this side of the Potomac instead of the other I might add that few have illustrated in their own person the force of the antithetical aphorism, "Gratitude is the danger, the curse of republics?' Better the Oatra of Athens or the Tarpeia of Koine to curb the uudue and dangerous popularity of a favor ite than the eratitude which would the name of Governor Thompson, presen- KtS ich hele.dT AVhattter right the prompt a freestate to 'establish a per. eral Assembly of Soatb Carolina in favor first man t,an tneasiaa a ser- mcious preceaeni ,n n,s oenait. f T f , ti.-. P..wnt vice pension ? And I repeat, disguise Mr. Speaker, I believe I am with- rewncu m. ... ... j , -- . extended to him a cordial welcome. He said he had already heard of the Sonth "rrDtBAKEU akd TENNESSEE Mm WAGONS. TU AVaektown & ClSCiSN ATI t BicKFyiti) & Huffman Gram and Guano Drills. rJivv's Kiding aud Walking Ull'TIVATORS. ' . THOMAS' HARROWS, elefoipli Straw, Cutters, I itiM Carolina civil service resolutions aud was exceedingly gratified to receive tbeiu. He said they bad particularly attracted S his attention because, they were adopted by the Legislature about the same time his' civil service letter was given publici ty. Continuing, he said he fully appre ciated and would treasure them because he had already learned that South Caro linians aro an active and progressive It may be out of fashion, bnt J JPe witb Weaa fallj abreast of the J - I timaa fv 'P-irnvw VAlitlirpfl tll remark 1 JP v r men urawing irom wic w Uiiat true i i 1 1 , saim aouars. a Jear "UUIU comniensurate service. Civil-Service Heform in the South. civil service in South Carolina meant the removal of the incumbents of nearly all the Federal officers in the State. The President replied, that he hoped to remedy the evil at the proper time The interview was brief but very satisfactory to the bearer of these resu lt were invidious to Kve to the ception of two or three of his retiring first and withhold from the second, Presidential predecessors, so far from and so on to the last. Carried out their being men of wealth, there was to its legitimate conclusion, and so far not one of them that could be called from being cursed with a redundant moderately well off. The list in- ii.'fnii anil nvMv hlethoric treastirv. eludes the Saere of Monticello. author aa we now are, unless wacyrtai led our I of the Declaration of Independence, prohibitory tariff ott rnanyv;artic)e9, 1 aiid coadjutor of the bill of rights, there would soon be a4 lamentable de- land by , co nmon consent the wisest ficieucy. Therr is nothing like a fat political thinker of the New World nension-roll to nake a lean treasury. I if not of the world. He died almost Good soldiers in war, synonym in in penury and left his family desti- ti me of peace for good citizens, are, 1 1 tute. am sure, onuosed to such a wholesale! And there was his neighbor, Madi bankrupting spoliation bill as one for son, deep, learned, tfidatic, and ab general service pensions imports. struse, whose counsels had almost Again, Mr. Speaker, the passage of contributed to shape that inspired in- .1 I I ? A !HU.J.AJH miliArtta M.tB4 I . n n ! wfr tills Dili, ay, lis liliruiiuviiuU ou ujevto buuiuuui, icvcrcu uy win ones iica the recipient of its benefits to the im- to the Bible, the Constitution of oui nutation of avarice, the besetting sin country. He, too, died a poor man of senility and littleness, from which They both had a neighbor, who was true greatness has ever been supposeu leaned to tue tame exalted post wnicu to be exempt. Of a surety, Mr. Speak- they had filled. He it was who dared er, it is not the soldier vice. On the to flaunt in the faces of -the potentates contrary, quite the reverse." For near of the Old World his "doctrine," Baltimore Sun. That President Cleveland has a cor- lutious. rect appreciation of the evils from which thfrneonleof many ot theCMitn- SPEECH OF; HON. W. J. GK12EN ern States have been . sune years, in the wholesale" corru the civil service in the interest cenary place hunters and spoilsmen, j i with ereed is shown in his answer to the comrais- r g.)eaer. At the risk of bein e er ce the great Marlborough, "lit- ot all his successors. .1 ." -a a I . . I 1. .1 I T ring ior - mil ln Authorzs Additional two hundred years we read ot no greai wnicu, consioenng tne urae, woum ptionof App0intmeni8 on the Retired List of English speaking soldier who has tar- be thought impudent if it were not of mer-1 tu p a rmu uished his epauleta or his escutcheon sublime, and made by force of public of gain. Ay, Mr. Speak- sentiment the recognized "doctrine sioners entrusted with the presenta- tilrtilt ' i1Iiri:ail ftr ntmmnns nr of tie Jack Cbnrchill," bartered a sister s stn tion of an engrossed -copy of the Sonth :mnutation Gf motive. I am im- honor, not to speak of his owu, for for ,i ; i.. ... i a l l a t i i . a iteines and Boilers, uw: and grist hills, '"' t i ... . . w . . i . . . - n II ?hgine!anl JJoimr Jittinga wuub, the dismissal ot all, artrid-e , Wads and Cap j M officc h()1(,er nhitShbt, Dynamite Fuse and In- , AT 1 , W ' 1 A Carolina jesrisiaiure couiiueuuiii ms ji i u.. r A mv i nounas. oence ana . ., . ,. mi' " pencil uy a ecuac wi uij w r ; . civil service policy, xhe assertion Joice and enter protest agaiut the er, with "an itch of South Carolina s representative that ftp.iIA hill n.ulpr onnshleration. the scoff aud scorn promotion, a sol ing palm" has been of soldiers. There He died among strangers, and there too he was buried, reason why, he left not the wuere- the application of civil service princi ples in South Carolina would involve . ... a. am or nearly all ot erS in that fetaie elicited from the President the decla- rationnhat he was fully aware of the Abuses from which outh Carolina, in company witn oiner oouiiiern oiaie, bad suffered, and that a remedy would be provided at an early day. litis is V. SMlTHDEAL. civil service reform of a practical kind, which will be hitMiiv annreciated in ' O ij . the South, but jt is hot the sort of "reform" which federal office holders are anxious to have adopted by the new administration.; with to pay hearse-hire back to his loved Virginia. Virginia brought him home and gave him a cubit ot earth. j4icil Shjovcls and Spades, Biiildin IOME'HAiSED CLOVER SfcfcU. htrmihM else usually leapt, in irsi viass mpJemt-nt Stores. Lnave on hand tlf nf t)OVP. oner UiriU ior iuc vWiAor less money than thej have ever UsuW in bls country I but anticipate the charge of section- has been, there may be, there will be, And after a pause, stalks on and off al hostility which such opposition is free lances and soldiers of fortune, who the Presidential stage that sturdy, sure to engender. Full well I know are willing to pit blood 'gainst boun- self-poised, self-reliant and ;benling ih. .istf. of v hailincr from ty. and who demand equivalent after, nature, most aptly called "Old Htcko- i tt i. u: : ry, wuu iuil ins luiincso uu ms ec IUV UliaUCI Ul WUJ tuimuun v-ww.tv. t , i ...... .-I'll I i .1 . .i i i f i i I .wKnn.,l I id timnlv n n iims1 irn I nnrt the ntri RllfCCOtlltltr and the aeS who dare oppose tins anu Kiuareu cuuaiigwwi pirrv - -- -o t o I i t . . i I r KUfn.' viU Pf nnmilri TloUltn auond as tew have done in the measures, are name to misconsiruci-1 wiwi " rr? "t, i - ion aud certain of vituperation. getty. liut while barter may oe par- (Uonciuaea on xnapage.j But, sir, no man is worthy to oc- douable m a fclnlock,; where even a - g cupy a seat on this floor who permits pound of living humin flesh ts in- fi permission of Bishop Baltes, of himsel! to be tongue-tied Dy sucn pu- vuivcu, .u . vB,uS, Alton the old bell belonging to the erile, personal considerations. God ig ma nation idovhere he con- - at Kaskaskia, Bh, cast knows I am actuated by no latent. en- s.derauon is uu, o u, . --... . . 1711 , , . . It was the whether the first was spilt or simply S-tibbury,Oct. 23, "$4. 1111 01 T r " It".: 1 l - I. ' . How Vilas is Besiegred. The worst besieged man in Mr. Cleve land's cabinet is Mr.I Vilas. He is one of the newest in public life and he is l Fancy him to whom yon prouu pue bau.w... -n .-n . - . i -..I...J I xt ri "C1 r,:i: ; T- this and kindred measures. JNeither was but yesteraay couipieieu, siuuu- new wneaus iaapuBiwmu " do I believe that others like situated ing like suppliant or mendicant in first bell west of the Alleghany are so actuated. yonder aisie, eimer m person ur uy Brave inen bear no malice after a proxy, hat m hand ; and begging re- fair fight, an honest hand shake, and cognition for service rendered, iiaa a genuine make-up. The opposite is the abject picture ever been present- on im v certain. Ihe sku ker and the ed to a couuiry s swih wc ouau " ; . . 1 I C! srtTiu lta .1 AM KA hniintu nimnoi onl ttia I UPVPr Iieen flCULCll. : UUWII was wiv moun tains, and has been in use in the parish of Kaskaskia for the past 140 years. nPUPP i i : ? i wi. liiu w mt aaa j mja, u mAj l uu M - i.ii r iiiiiiiilv a ii mi liic aaw4 4fOR CASH (ft OH TIME, thrown right into the thickest of the contractor, the home guardthe back-, claim of Scylla, "the man slayer" who ' I . ... . i it I I ..I... M.1IH thni tulnoli hA mm rises in the morning until he goes to whom, fke tne war-noiss in noiy wui- m. - J C I . .V . . 1 . I I . . 1 i f I.I A. . Mill I aiar ucsncu. twenty Aurelius, the grandest figure in an- To 13 m classes ot purchasers, we have made baitments to Sell these celebrated Wagons elth- f er asittroa lonj ttw. So all who need wagons -wetCiUaadsceussoon; I s "i'h.t4. jonN A. BOYbE Agent, J. O. WHITE. i ' - i- bed at night he is pursued. He is oblig- Wri.M s"ufff, l,.,e b1ult,e irom urn imn amll P 111 llMtP. PVPI1 ed to steal into the department after V 'a-a a 1 oIphi Rtorv. did not. he could not have - . years .tliei guiia n.c gluui.ucu aim oa- v. -f r six o clock to get time to sign his oft- : sheathed. Every side in every done it. Anstides was a citizen ot mi . . I - t -. - I 11 Ihere are two ante-rooms to ef p,,,,Ip turns ont thpse va h.int mouth- cial mail. his main office. They are kept filled ers and strutters ; harmless as doves all day long. If Mr. Vilas were tore- in war, but mischievous as serpents in rivp PVPrvhodv that came without cards peace, or, as John Fhceuix has it, Athens, and had rendered some ser vice to the State, j He died the purse bearer of the State!. He lived in John Phceuix has it, penury and died a pauper, and was Borr money than at anything else by taking phis room would be packed to suffocation. m mitsv. lur lur ursv acuiuxvuua. wui. xrr- t l lit." " "J nz l ifi xee4 erandlr. None fall. Terms free. . I IIallitt Book Co,, Portland, Maine. .n.1t-ly i t " I! . THE COUNTY ! 3 jo til klads of watches, clocks, - ft c, and at ;vUrlePrtce9- Leave and get your watches at Keudlenran's Store. Salisbury ; and try I he county. k. l.. buow n i? by ;the chief clerk.j The next room beyond this is the main ante-room, THE-BEST SMITH 1 HI where two colored messengers are sta tioned to receive general visitors. In Mr Vilas' room the Senators and members are permitted to go without any intro duction or form. As a necessary con sequence this room is also crowded with members of Congress, ; who are sitting around with as anxious faces as the AT THE HEAD! people in the most distant ante, room. I sat beside the chief clerk this morn ing and watched him open his mail for several moments. Nearly sit pr seven hundred are received every day for offi ce. ,J3ome of these applicants are very funny. Every now. and then an appli cant incloses his photograph us the proof positive of -his virtues. Every one of these applications is uput on file." I asked the chief clerk his object in fil inc allthese applications. He said: "We dare not put one of them in the waste-basket. We file every application under classified heads, so that when the question of deciding the appointment of a postmaster for a certain "place comes upwe take up every . applicant who has put in a claim for that posi tion. If we did not we would get into a great deaTof trouble. W ashington Cor. X. Y:World: "soldiers in peace, citizens in war. But take "the soldiers in our terrihc strife, and I venture to say that since the first recorded battle between bro- hers in the purlieus of Paradise, never was there such deadly hate in urn 1 m- 'Vi !- THlf UQIlT-ttUXJhXQ DOMESTIC Mtfie acknowledged Leader a m TATEITi tL I ! ONE EQUAL IT. eLt ftunninjr.1 ) MffIst Beautiful Wood Work, D f WARRANTED feZSebe.titnaterial. ' itinqs ot work. .4 Z wti warfil i cev fespect, rekn P" territory. ftFIS0 MACHINE bo.. i'W'lfrnT-.- j Richmond; ;trTUTTZ & ENDLEMAN oaiubury, N. C. buried by charity, autl yet no priiice of recorded time has had his epitaph, and but few deserved it the briefest, proudest, grandest ever chiseled by stone-worker. Apposite to the bill, Mr. Speaker, Col. Wharton J. Green did a proper and manly thing when he opposed by speech and vote the retiring of Grant upon a big salary. His constituents ought to remember that. Col. Bennett, our able Representative, also did his duty and voted no. Morning Star. Little drops of printer's ink, And little typo "displayed," Make our merchants princes, With all their big parade. Little bits of stinginess i Discarding printer's ink-j- "Bnsts" th mau of business, Aud aces his credit. j Stanly Observer. fl 1 ffl I "9 9" Send six cents for postage, and II I II I aW receive tree, a cosily box ot goods 14 II I Cm mm which will help you to more mon- in accepted the dread arbitrament of bat tle with more composure and less com plaint than tue losing side, of which I was but an humble component, de rided as rebels and belied as traitor.-,. by ;1ieroic "implacable, of genus named? A. C. HARRIS. STILL BOOMING I Having purchased U. E. IU-id's interest tho firm of Harris & Rcid, I will contin ue business at my old stand on Main street. Thanking my friends and the public for their liberal patronajje heretofore given, I shall endeavor to ensure their continued fa vor by keeping for the trade a coniflete and full stock of Fresh, First-class GROCERIES, CONFECTIONS, Fine Cigars and Tobacco; and everything usually kept in my line. Call and sec me. Respectfully, A. C. HARRIS. Jan. 21, lS35.--3m Gen. Gordon did not fix his heart's affections upon earth and its fortunes. He lookedf beyonxL On the 11th of September, 1877, when in the Soudan aud on a perilous expedition, he wrote thi?: t - .'God knows what my nnxiety is I Not for my life, for I died years ago to all ties in this world and to all its comforts, houors and glories." ' . Noblo hero! A Christian of the highest type. A man of faith I Wil. Star. I - battle or such mutual rubbing of eyes candor compels the confession that 1 SSStiiSi and genuine forgivness after the smoke last session did tax my constitutional tortuno opens "S of baule was dispelled. conscience to its jutmost tension to SSMX It is an English attribute, and we vote ior a Kinoreti oun iuiuk iuwu are English. The sword-wearers and more meritorious measure. the cuu-bearers on the victor side 10 give u ciiiu iu unci. . B . . . . . . I O i . i.s.il.n held out the right hand ot lellowsliip oouie iwv; yer agu . and said, "Let us be brothers again." called for an army to uphold the hon- After such a pass at arms nouc but or ox nis country, xuecan 1 wered. honor was uuhekl. and more imbued with the spirit of Treedom than an empire added. Ihe rolbol a 1 ll'l:l :1 1 3 JW kv could say it. And may I not be par- heroes wno aid ii naa awinuieu uowa doned tor adding that none have ever to a iracuon. uorne uowu, w hu wounds, and poyeny, anu age, mis band . of superannuated heroes did venture ask aa oboltis of their coun try. I tried to say f'No," but it was not in me to do it. A Democratic House with singular unanimity accorded it. A Bepubli- Ti.otf tUrA onrlnrAfl nnrl fr nnin. Can S.'Uate . tllOUirllt prODCr tO Kill 11 ion suffered as no mailed host has ev- with a rider. Now, sir, if these o d er done as long as the clash of armsl veterans who had given usa lootnoio nniilinniHl. But when "orimvisa(red ma f bail mrvrf hnrl wrinlrlArl Trnnf n from ocean to ocean, worn down with ...nt h-w.L- tn thii rl.Miai Ivears. and tottering ou the brink of hearth stones ; .bearing little of this the grave, are uot entitled to the poor world's gear, and leaving even their pittauce asked for, upon what pnnci hate behind! ie ot equity or proprietjrsan young- As one of that ' fold, realizing full er soldiers in later -Xrs expect a well that the cherished convictions of recognition ot theijr service in the earlier years are dead and buried, but manner suggested in this bill ? Judg- as an American citizen, and as a Iaw ed Irom the auccessiui standpoint, no maker, too, still wedded to the free man can overrate tne magnitude 01 traditions of my forbears, I venture the work be accomplished, to raise ray voice, unattuued to elo- But, I repeat, let; us not for his own quence, in honest and earnest protest sake as well as purs insult him with against this unprecedented proposi- a pecuniary recompense. Ay, let lis llOn. it is nut uuuc in uie spirit Ol nut wuig M,M"i" "j malediction of a confederate soldier, standard. Merit so measured is apt but of an American; legislator. It is to dwindle in public esteem; to grow llarorl !n llO r!iriillT Sttirit ff rati r!oi -lim install of bricrhter with advan- or ; reveuKe lur uiasivu uupes ana i viug jwk - wanted for The Uvea of all the Presidents of the U.S. Thelarg-Mt- handsotuest. best But when "grim-visagel on the Pacific and emended our sway 1- to arrcnts. All Intelligent peopit wantii. aoj Uaixktt Book Co. Portland, Maine lfcly HARDWARE. WHEN YOU WANT HARDWARE AT LOW PIGURES dreams dispelled- by the would-be publica are ungrateful ;" but of all , tho undersigned at NO. 2, Granite Kanaiiniipv rrk i.-ir imin it n i r mpn wnn nivn i iivm ut uicvi. uvu i un er. that were I his bosom gard fyr his fair fame and good friend, re- j has less right tc complain of the in- j Agent for the "CaxdweUThrehr: jood name gratitude of republics than be; 1 Salisbury, N. C, Jane 8th tf. II II II f i ; XJLJLJLiLCLljJLJLo -l; -ii ii' ' - ; . -. ' ; : ,Vil j-ii-fi K I ; - t . ' " , ; , , ' 1 , ; - 'i'--ytw ; l ' t i ' . ! - - i f - - J ! ik- 'ty.ht- . ? r - . r . no 23 Tou WAjra aoop ; r I ' - USE THE OLD RELIABLE . 1 1 1 ! If illinl I II ifii li II ---i mfl uuu & u ii u u I i ii ii ii ii ? -1 j i III i i ANCHOR BRAND, . I i r j .!,( ' " fllVI, RRHNH ' i il ! ill Pin If. 1 ; :; M ; ' , ' f: m-;:-; s . - ' - I. . i f and FOR m : : r i: i - '' : - 9 J- r ' ' ' : ' ii 1 ' ROYSTER'S HIGH GBADS L M J) ACID PHOSPHATE, f "1.. IS Tl fj hicb sre the very beat Acids made. j J r.l 1 I v sa ji I u v ' i L l the coming crop of this couctry ff l YV " but to make H j ' l t Toili, Kiel, ail waiy, - f . I ' (which"it" mutt" be to bringthe best l V. - ll rZS Jj prices), you must use the old stand by NXTj 1 ; MGHOR B8AHD, (f : Or itbc New and Farorite ' j 1 MT MP 11 J ! 1 U 1 "Look to ytur own intcrett.and 1 buy your Gaanot where you can tell- r I you Cotton, fcc.. and remember that j all of above named Gaanot are told U . J , J 0ASXLL ; l -:-l ill ti i . : s - . ; : 1 i ' ! -' . - -it' . i ' i'i' 1 -f A r. : . J. i it i