V-1 l'rr ! .1.:- V'-."i 'J. U I m i 1 '.i !i' I ' -cM --.v.' -' t .1 j : i " - ! K. 'I i - lis- r- "V - i . - j . .. L : . .., y : i U-i- i . T i -r- T'T Z . J? r "- s -m . I i - 1 - f 'r.i ;. . -" i ' 1 - - - - - - 1 r - x i. -J t jl. ' f.-' v- ,- j j - a. h - it i "rr--k . f .;!.' it. nn tn his salary geuiTo .t nFettitiuu8 W ft gentleinair Icsuleut bl.onW.cl tveut out a poorer man than when he en- creU. Each , and ail ttlicyrrvra then ml died without blot. Iirilire eeil, 444 either tf J for ln8, T x ilM it lii ito injmlicioui fried had o,.e ,uinP hut aa Droud'as Scotch lord, aud t , i i : ki. tomtprf'd 4unty, from M'UUIU lliixe ,11 , ivhat sourttWi? j puparUuiuiblc ! Mr. Speaker, I uo not ttnaerrai u. cry either of ;l4.eir tegitjiuaW ucec u.,t JrTlihe rireswicef thilaust body 1 dareearthat if they wcr uoi em.uca to pekiniary compensd noue other since; ),a been. Irey wobld-have Rcorneu u with ' disdaiu tliu propriety of any who hare filleil tho ;Uigoffice whicli adorneil, asUig for reCosnp of service rendered, niav well be iloilbtod. ; f . The world has lately Vu4usto hope fthat he too waa of ftie Catoniaii school. It was but the other day that the world ! a .a !.i i,; Ha fiicnili de- was Kiatlicu mm uw..hi . lighted to read the hi-ad line iu the tele- ..,i coluriioi 'He decline:" a 0 uir iHft dcliDesfariiitK" IWlu4l Wet) proposed b the higljest itcompjetia , datory source to put hhu od the peuM Jist, but he declined witir, ungracious if V not oTcr-eeal. Zealous fiiefids started to j-aiseauother large fund or hisbenefit, jbiit lie decliiied again.';: Aealthy frieird ffera Ui teiir uo a hundred and -fifty thousand tjtdlar mortgage" bw behalf l but again tlie proposition is. vetoed. Even i is enemies kere forced toiry, . Bravo" It is for him to say whether his enemies shall any, with show: "TliWprevunis biiiU were inadequate; a sharkUs never caught - with a sardine hook.!' ' : Iu conclusion, Mr. Speaker I ask this Ilouso throiigh you if this great soldier.is fit and int-eti object of ciiarity? Unless he is belied he is the reci pien t of an aft n ual jucome placed tby tne considerate care of friends who gave it,4yond even the reach of his honest creditors, and that is whero no, hoiiest man should wish to have !lia niiiiiKV uliiJ-o: frl;ltpr tllilll that 6II- loved t bv either of his Predecessors. If i -o------ j " i t . . injudicious speculation .or financiering has entailed udou him loss, whether that Joss be the result of cupidity or overcon Ifidcnce in another, be his the blame aud be his the penalty. : Thousands today are paying the penalty attaching tvo mis placed confidence iu a" wild-cat concern whose only basis of-cretit was his own great name, not for finance but' for Government patronage.. My sympathy, Mr. Speaker is more ith the coutidinx fools who fondly trust-, ed that au institution paying 3 per cent, a month to the head ofthe firm was a fit depository fur honest savings. Are these victims to be satisfied out of the amount 'asked for? Then add a cipher to the sum " demanded and it will pay theura bare 1 " per cent.iner aunum oil-their confidence deposits iu that model banking house. In the abseuce" of specific statement by the framer of tiro bill we are con- straiued to believe that sucti purpose i. ' foreign to.tud pension, But if otherwise,' j I would still Yotenb;"' 'rf that be ; trcasou or to employ - the post bellum ; eupheisnv "disloyalty -any who please" i can make the most of ; it. I for one do . pot pfopdse to stiffla my conscience to Ke;ublicun Clieck - There is a wonderful amount of self- complaceucy io that portionof the Re pobricaotparrj that'is insisting upon the leteution ,f, most of therr set who are liowj.Vojulcel'.TIicficeui to think that the offices of jibe country were made for their benefit alone. After . havinsr beld "all of Ibe ufiices for.twcnty-folif years if they did not have tho cheek ufiboverni pieut mulo tliejr'would be willjug to steji j, down .htTbiUt "and give another set a chauce nt th swill tub. The European systenLof CivileVvice'Ji become aff f A suddea veiy charming. It is such a nicer IhingXto 6avc a tenure of office that knows no break or interruption if per- chance your party has the ius. There is a vast deal of unadulterated humbug in this cry farCivil Service reform -as un derstood by tlie Republicans. They mean ivreteutfen of tueniselyes iu office. . True Civil Servicej'reform looks to Securing cpmpetent, faithful, bonesTofiieials The Menrocras nata just,sucu men -to put, in pflico.. hey propose5 to turn out the twentyr(bur years men" and puV in men inoro reliable and capable. 7 f i'osi master Ucneral Vilas has had 4,500 " : applications from postmasters to al lowed to stay ia,and nearly all of these are : Republicans, j They s have; swung to the I great Govern meat teat' through nearly a quarter of acntnryrnnd they are loth I to tur n loosePlFtf: Star. '71 FlSK l!f flEKDERSO. At half past 7 ( o'clock on the )noruing of the23il iustant, a hre roke oat in Henderson, a town for ty five jniles from Raleigh, 6u the Raleigh &(Gastpn Railroad Despite 'the fact that snow' was falling and the roofs were cov ered with snow, tlie fire spread Vapidly paou ty y o'clock fourteen busiuesshous:s I bad been destroyed, among them those of E. Davu, Cheatham Jk, Co., Lassiter & Sous, Jf L.'3JTtMissillier, Owen Davis, M. Doreeyf Suimel field and, jTVFuicIi x, -vnisuinee was asKett 01 the Kal- .fciglidefWe-'littt at 9 o'clock the ifrew reported as under control. Char. ObsmenfAr - W; A$ijiGtoiflrrfMareIr!23.--Hoq.! XK v-ai k, o v lcksuurg, ams., tne newjyop: pola&d assistant Secretarv or the Interi t txrp -lip ha3t,beeo..Bufferiug' from an at i,; tack of typhoid pneumonu for about ten v days, and .was last evening considered out of danger, had asnqdenTiapse.about imdnigltt, andxp!red at au early houf this morniug,i learolihatatihnwD.:! TIILMtSDAY. MAUCII2G, 1685. ' has rn.- ..; .1 ,!iil.r'itiiin nr. V 21KUIU lllull I UUIUBICI bii.uo wvi--uuw ... l. vii ruina tMl T.nA T.nTllI fit i - - .' r a I 1 ..11 if. J..t. ni.il ia nuw nn n 1 , uiJ fcir drones and Udid financial basis. We have Wen fur- - ..-. " ;....it-.in th various de- nished with tlie Toltowins stateraem, l v-!i hovaI nr'alarminfir. " "at ra lust,, says;i ITuwitrWe'epafc -"With Mrendent at ih-head faf-U-re injured by the explosion in true ThrhJrsworkVlb'y fori from reader: ; ; : c. T faiw whpha&reaktt "eight o'dock,.' H postotfiw at-TeifiesTanTlierfonit- fl OOi$2 000a vear is7 not according v Some ten years since the. Society pur- anwh has finished an Imilding aye to Mr " Cle'velanVn-conception .-of' chased griuundvaihl erectetl large, and y0rk a i an hour when his predecessors greatly ; damaged. There were bis bags st and f tir deilin" We hare need- eonuuodioua buildings for the nnnnai ere in! fbed; vhoTkteiWtpomelj?to thIalieled ctorer sewl in the a&cfc vtilrri ex--dJ aAiir '-itVhl' enpitai : for jear Fairs, costing some $Ga,000, fr whfch the twaddle l of .office seeking delegations, pbided and they had been sent frm .SI UiUfl Xi0. UaU -mattrK:-V A property was mortgaged. The heavy in- and . then sends the office : to seek the Mnunlit-iuu a notorious resort of anarch- Will I II II 11111 (II I nn .aaw. iiwiuvai- ; w -w lliA r j . merchaht clerk works from snnfero lew l"u.1 4 -.". :r.L... r... f...Ht .Q toUiou tif the principal as rap dly as.was de r . I in lie; it t'iiiH-K 2il iimiiv. ' , - i vviiv lould eovernnicnfc ' .-"J - s j..- i talks' reeetve three times as muet. for to due third the amount of workT. Itisan the results Ipartr favoritism for; parly ei dfc ri?i-mbbirt2 tlJHjople's treasury "aiiiilisiuitihei woiiev rto oppress them, Let theTcf0rm g'oti in g .1.- ..'.tnirAtinii won Id till the hearts of t(ie peple with Jirely confi- deiice and i chcefiu Irope of good things to come. . : WliT AThlvelandVjmethod in respeetlo ihakinjr appointments is start- ;li6gto'he.'nibflc 'geueraIly.-Deincrat8 and iiepubilcius. t js decfafd .to be of dduitfal ad van rage1 for any applicant to present himself with a loug list of peti- tivners. The President seems to consider that heThasan IdfficjafesponsiUlity in suclrnidtterswhicli these petitioners have neither the; power nor the right to abro cate, and coes to hisr work by sonic rui not yet thoi-onghl v understood. But our friendskt Baleigir who are Very .much di- Postmaster in that city, propose to de cide it by au elecOii; Of course there is 116 lawful ssuiction'for such a proceeding, and the-result will it pay That' tlie result will it pay Tliat!sjthe quesHon. We hope those Kaleigh Dem- .iiiLoj,. iw,iv,p Boiwiinir'nii the ocratsw, fcsolu betore sending np the name of the nominee that they .will not kick outt)f(the tiaces should-the new ad- n.iu3strat4. ' 1MS- g ti . Tin- I'.iitu ivn TUP. iPlY. All SISSO- 1 III' irmtKJAJ . u 1 cialion to be known as the Battle Mon i , ijlT, ... , . I i V" ument AespciatlotTof tbe Blue. and Uray" Ims 1uii f.ii ninl at Atlanta. GaJ. comnos- edof Union and Confederate veterans, the the "object pf which 13 to gather up and rei nter. the remains of unknown 1 soldiers found in atd around Atlanta, the same to be biwietl in a lotdonated for the .purpose iu jWest Yievr Ceraetery, (the old battle tield oYjttJy S3, 18G4,) ad an appropri ate monnment of blue and gray material erected oferhem. The costjof the niou umeiit wiii range from $500! to $25,000. , Mr. Miller, of West Virginian, was giv en the office of Iuternal Revenue Com mission? because lie was stropgly recom mended by the West Virginiir Senators, as a veryfflt . 'person to fill, thei office, and because" there" "WTjre ' objection? to Mr. Thompson, of Kentucky, on the ground of his connection with the whisky brings of the West amonghich he resides, aud by which Jie was fhotight to be influenced. The President has nominated the following foreign msnistars; Edward J. Phelps, of JJurlingtonT j Vermont, mjijister td Kmgland ; Gor. Robert M. Mclhey of-Maryland, minister1 to France; Hon. Geo! H. Pendleton, of Cincinnati, minister to Germany; Hon. Henry Routes Jackson, of Georgia, minister to Mexico. Those are all known to fame, ( especially in their respective it States, where they are highly esteemed askable -and worthy citizens. ; The convicts under the laws senten ced ta the penitentiary in New York have been by a vote of the people ex empted front hard labor because their la bor canje in competition with honest laborers-outside. Xhus prisoners are com fortably boarded and lodged in prisons irom wnicn tney can look out and see I UkCJ. il. Ji I nA ' a.h. - J q w x 1 ahd the people prefer ibis rather than encounter tne competition refered to. j The K. Y. City newspapers have rent ed rooms? hear the residence of Gen. Grant, so as to be able tq watch effect ually eyery change in his'case In other words they are-watching and waiting for him to die, the news of which thy will send throughout this and other 1 countries with lightning speed the mo- ment it taKes place. . : . r The latesit reports represent him as improving. 7 : ' - i ' . f - We publish in this paper Hon. Whar ton J. Green's speech against pensioning Gefi. Grant.It in a fit document to put paeeord to be read fifty or a hundred years from'now ; aud as contrasting with the illustrious names and history men tioned by the orator, will show the true enaracter- of the man whom accident more than merit luu made great. - i The Wilniingtou Star reports that the dwelling of Miss Amy Bradley, of that city, was forciblv entered hv :i tmoi;,r - - mf -7 j " 1 ' , Sunday morning last before day, but was frightened away by 'Miss. Bradlev's cries in her struggle with him for a watch be bad stoleu. Mr. J. G, WrightV residence waseetered about the same. hour. Both om Dtters etcaDedr i C 'President Cleveland respectfnlly- de clines dead-head tickets to theatrical per- iormaneep" etc. r? - - j, " arr r tl!e maa- that? pats a heavy hcelonleadheadism and lirtbery in eve ry shape and form. 7 . i'C t ''".;. ' JIrs..,Toi Thumb's Marriage. Tlie r-iff6 of Mr Genral Tem Thumb to CouTiTOaSW oil E.iRtr ATimdnr. in tKu rhn..i.!.r i.. j , .wv vuuivu M1B Holy Trinity, New York city, I K; trAsrictiltiiral Society, Fair, ' for several years been somewhat em barrassed, we are j pleased t learn, has i .i i ! : un - -i . . sirable. - lloivever. the debt lias from time time been rei need until it is now on y 5Zb,pou, au touu( munn u. Within the last lett I months the society liaa issued bonus lor the above amount, running twenty;. ear, thus telieviug it from any farther emouiM interest, auu we are . mcaseu w i have every one beeu taken at par. Thia is aii exact statement of the financial con- dition of the society. ' , rue great su tion haa retire pje ju 8UCh ma The great tiucces of the State txposi-1 vived the interest of our peo-J atters, and we are pleased to learn that, while the next Fair will not grad ah affair as the State Expb- - j! wag, jt Will' be one of the best ever jjj ti,e state. . We trust our people, alj OYer the State, will renew tlieir-iuter- jebt jn this -great State institution and aid maiiitTg it nn honor to North Caroliua. Sea Host for Fool. s Porpoise Stales to Take a Prominent Place a letter from Atlantic City to the PhU adciphia Times says: 1 "Porpoise fishing promises to become one of the principle industries of the New one of the principle industries of the New Jersey coast. The expel i.nent made last fall at Cape May proved so successful in the facilitje8 of tIie conilany wi,i l)e greatly increased and ther porpoise fisheries will be establish- May - and A flannc w-niu At first thev were caught fr ai nrgi niey were t.iuj;iii nu me miu uuu k t 1 .. beiii; Miiiuuci "M ., . v.vv. "-o in row n away or 111 a lew iiisiaiia-s -uimth , - ....I a .a fi rilizHrs. From the blubber is ex- tract ed a very fine oil,1 while the skiu makes a superior quality of leather. Some time last fall, howerer. it was dis covered that the porpoise flesh was savo ry to the taste, and it soon became popu lar as an article of food, aud was in great deniaud. The juicy red meat, which is taken from beneath a layer of . fat next to the skin, is prouounced by epicures to be more palatable than any porterhouse steak ever cooked. ; In appearance it resembles beef, but is more solid and of finer grain and eery, tender, Sonie say that it tate likcvenison, and that there is nothing ot the fishy taste about it." : It is said the world moves, and no doubt it does ; but on the -subject of eating por poise flesh it cannot be said to move very rapidly. The editor of this paper was a passenger on the good nuivphrodite schooner, Riauzn, Capt. Bradley "comman ding, from the port of rew Uiieans, bound fr New York, May, 1833, and off the North Carolina coast, shot a porpoise under the lee side of the bow. It wa brought on hoard and the lean part of its flesh was cooked and brought Co tho ta ble. It was-rich and sweet as tne tender loins of a pig, which it closly reTsemblvtl, especially in appearance and fla,yW. We doubt notsailorsdiave from tiiui without date, almost, been eating porpoise flesh, and the only strange thing about it in that it has been 60 little "known among lands men. A Mystery; in Iticlimond. Tlie Murder of a Yomtg Woman from King William County by an Unknown Nan. A telegram from Richmond, Va of re cent date, says: "The mystery attending the discovery of the dead body of a young white woman iii one of the city reservoirs Saturday, has been partly cleared by the identification of the body, although the manner in which the unfortunate woman met her death is Tet unknown. The bodv was fully identified to day as that of Miss Fannie Lillian Madison, of King - t William "Conrnty,- this State, where her parents live. , She came to Richmond last Friday morning arid went to a hotel. In the afternoon she left the hotel, carrying a small hand valise nnd accompanied by a man whose identity is not established. Next morning her body was found in the reservoir She had a bad brniso on the left eye and temple, and another at the mouth, There were indications of a strug- gle near the place where she was found. Search is now being made for the man last seen withjhe deceased, and there is a strong probability that he will be fonnd." Later reports announce, the arrest of a young awyer, of King and Qneen county, named T. Jk Cluverius, who was identifi ed in the examination before the coro ner's jnry by a colored night watchman at the American Hotel, where Miss Mad- ' I ! - ' ison registered, as F. L. Merton. He is possitive that Cluverius is the man he - ' - i;-. V . , saw in the hotel parlor with the young lany at auont X0 j minutes to 9 o'clock on the night before her body was found. The jury rendered a verdict charging Cluverius as bemg,4,directly or indirect ly the cause" of Miss Madisou's death. Catawba eounty; has an incorporated town named Maiden. ? j Th 9 town of Hickory propose to build a town hall. t The Catawba and vAlexnnder iTol Bridge Corapany vf as incorpomted.1 The uriage crosses tiiev Catawba between Tay loisyillejind Hickory. 4 Uaieigh has had a savings bnnk incor porated with J. J. Thomas at the head. BilesvUb Academy iu Stanly conntvlii i i .1 .1 ) -'" jucorjioraivu. AVashinirton lAtUcnj ' From 6ar Regular Correfpondfent;j? tfVfAsiiisoTos, D.t., fllarclip, 18Spt. , The situation in AVashington is full of ihteresti-bitt-nofc.at all etartlingAll .TtS Kis nousehold '.fdra Clerjc - l narasites ot His nouseuoia, or a hoto in on Tngn urnn ll isiiiisj-- hhu liik .tr! XiTW , Tr iw are? accustomed t6 old time men and , , , .r n i metbodi: The example,: at the. White ff . n b hfeej0US no a0ubt, WQjjld have its influence on., the annear relied oti the slow, process ot infection, The Cabinet officers whomhe has chosen some oinem at teast, .appea? men 01 aeeo woo naye uuteu uuiu uu courage; tempered by luagment. use- less cienave beenaiscnargea; expen- sivfr perquisites of horses an5' carriajres nave oeeu aispenseu wun; iuiu iu urouu and intricate jungle of- the "civil service is being surveyed and mapped for im provement. ' It is ! Curious to observe the alarm and rmlvnniA. fnfT&V ; ..bat is -vwntnfttirti? the? kre' bodrof political xirummers and- droties wno nave drawn pay lor years and years withoat doing any leg itimate work, without, in fact, having any Slegitimate work to do. These men and women would be willing to do any- i ' i ii 1 111 ii ruing now tnai wouia nave tne sem blance of work and are put . to absurd straits to appear to be doing something. uc auuiua u nuv, nave plenty to U0 put wnom It nas rn heretofore impossible to make do their work. ereare many of this class in U g, patent Office where the work f eamnin&iind 5, upon applica- ttoni 0f i inv!nto has fallen in manv --. - - n arrears, 'compelling the applicants for patents to wait often more than a year before their patents are granted. There are 1 nearly a lou examiners m the Patent Office and the force is ample to keep the work up to date, but under the lax mis-management of the , last eight years, many of these examiners have spent their time outside of the ratent umce, or m reacting, taming, and flirting with the female employes of the Office. During: the last week a, change has come over the spirit of their dreams.! They have been ordered, in so many words, to stop their gossip, read ing,? and dishonest loahng, and to bring their work up to date, even if they have to work!' at night. The cure that this order has accomplished appears mira culous to those unacquainted witn tne real ; nature of-' the disease." The exam iners are now doing more in a week than they have done before in a month, and at the presentrate, their desks will in, three! months be cleared of a long andshamef ully neglected accumulation. The plaintive cry of previous admin istrations to Congress lias been "give us more clerks! more clerks!1' Mr Cleve- and's rinsina command to the clerks has been '"give us more work1', and the clerks, no longer backed by their Re publican influence, are buckling to it in a way that is edifying. There is some discontent and grum bling at the policy and the appoint ments of Mr. Cleveland, but it is sporadic and comes mainly from disappointed individuals. There is one fact that the great body of the democratic party knows and rejoices in, and the .merely political and office seeking class will be taught to know it sooner or later. Mr. Cleveland was not an omce seeker him self J and has doubtless no love for of fice seekers as a class. The office sought himl not to reward him for what he had done, but because he was believed to be aqle to begin a desperately needed regeneration. Representing ideas and pnnceple3 that are as old as humanity and as eternal as democracy, he is hap pily a I hew and unentangled man. With a new man and new men, let us have new methods. The great heart odemocracy may well be indifferent to private pangs, and chagrins in the boundless joy of a rescued and reunited nation i . There is some excitement in Chatta nooga growing out of ,Uie. fact that there have been three deaths recently ffom bic- coughs, jand two luoreeascs reported in a critical condition.' ' Mcav YOU WILL FlSTD SflRINER'S Indian Vermifuge the moit reliable' remedy to de- story worms ami. cleanse the intestines. One or two doses: joujrht to pe taken oy every adult and child twice -a year. - Washington, March 16. Mrs. Ynlee, wifej olrj Ex-Senator Vulee, of Florida, died suddenly this evening at her home iu this city. $1.00 spent for for Kineh will cure any case! of G. and G.. within forty eight hours, withoutj loss of tjme. change of diet or any ! :t i ' , ' internal i remeoy. SALE OF LAND I On S aturdav, the 25th day of April next, ua Grove, I will sell a traqt of ai ynina urove, I will sen a tract oi j , 75 Acres of Laod, situated on he N. C. Railroad, three miles ; South of China Grove, belonging to the j estate of Moses Beaver.,' The land will be sold in two tracts; one tract will ,be sold without incumbrance, the other tract will be sold subject to the widow's dower. Terms' made known on day of sale. i JACOB CORRELL, Adm'r I- of Moses Beaver, dee'd. . March .23, 1885 .ux . A -riTji i KmVB Airn IIfXEUIaIEarT AGEXT8 in every tornm WANTED I indSr illr mjPULAU NEW BOOKS nd FAMILT BT?Lii:.iifeiSferf Jdt7h tim. U pot f ull -copied, wfil it to their intcrert c. ,1 To foW' . -nd other your? " LtVt bnne SwVTd vnt, both . mean; of ki"f,dlltT f i .Th .Vilmingtor 5tor notes" the fact ttat the peanut cttop has been oyerdone. ; he markets are glutted and the -prices HLjSLt ac u isxsuggested :tbad tne next crop be pitched with auereffard to this'state of the trade. 1 Mail BAO.AlVienna Tliree 'Destroy that Sion. One mav feel that he's geltinir ld. but he naturallv dislikes that anything alniut hi appearance should advise others of t lie-Tact. Yet nothing does this 'effectually as thin and falling hair. jno woman wants to marry a man. and bus mess firms hesitate to employ a man, who Miows this fatal giorn. .Parker's Hair Bal sam is worth to you, in tnfe. regard, more than its weiyht in diamonds. Use it, and have plentiful and n'osy hair. Many have had every trace of grayness rcmovi-jii and irtihl pots cuven-q liy usinj: a s ngle jliottle TO PROSPECTORS AND OWNERS ' ' or " MINING PROPERTIES. 1" THE Electric Mine Inflicator Patented Auj. ll, 18S3, and May 2?, 1S84. This wonderful machine locates and de fines all existing veins, tracing out their eourse, and giving their width, length and probable distance from the surface, whether any visible indieation exists or not, accom plishing in a few hours what it wouldother wise take months to do, and saving the great money outlay required in blindlv luntmg for veins by Crosscuts, Tunnels and Prospecting" Shafts. 2pMThe Agents of the Electric MineJn- dicator Co. are now at the BOYDEN HOUSE, Salisbury, N. C. Ready to take orders for the examination of Mineral Ground. For terms and further particulars, address or call ou MELLET & PEINCE. Salisbury. March 2(T, '83. (It.) TRUSTSB'S SAL3 OF By virtue of a Mortgage or Deed in Trust executed by J. K. Burke and wife to J. C. Cowan, dated the 8th day of March 183, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Rowan County, iii Book No. 63, page bS, &c, and upon which default has been made, 1 will ex pose for sale at public auction, at the Court House door in the town of Salis bury, on the 20th day of April, 1835, at 12 o'clock, M., the following real estate, to wit: A lot of land situated iu Salis bury, adjoining the lands of A. L. Johnson Mrs. Shophia Thomas and others, being the lot ou which J. K. Burke now resides and in the West Ward of the town ot Salisbury. Ti rms Cash. Dated at Sal isburv, this 17th day of March iSSo, J. C. COVYAX, Trustee. 22:4t. BALE OP LND! On Saturday the J 8th day f April '85, at the Court House door iu Salisbury, 1 will sell a tract of nine acres of land, more or less, formerly belongiug" to . A. Wise, and situated on the Stntesville road, seven miles from Salisbury, adjoin ing the lands' of Rad Wyatt, J. E. Brigs and Jno. Gourley. Tlie bidding will be opened at one hundred and forty-eight dollars andSTfifty cents. Terms of sale, one half cash as soon as the sale is confirmed, and a eiedit of six mouths lor the otheHialf with, in terest at eight per cent. J. F. ROBINSON, AdrnV otWi A. Wise. March 14th, 1885. 22:tdots. . PROTECT YOUR FRUIT TREES! IUPE0VB Alii SAVE TCUS P2UIT From the Wasting Ravages of ine Cur cuo aud other deitructl e lrsecis, by using C. W. VYcslbroak's Sew Snsiciicidc "Tielory,'' The great Specific Remedy for the Curcullo, Codling moiii, oorirjjjaaiver vora, a acic Apaa .es, woo y Aphis, &c. Thlsrrmedyls N UIMBCU. It Pre vents the tru t friu Uiopji ng Off, Rotting, Becora Ing Knotty, Wormy, c. sausiacilun guamntted it the directions are Iollowe.. f the viCTOhV falls to benefit the tres and improve the fruit of all sorts and classes tUe money will be relunded. I'nce te per lou lbs under 25 pounds, ID cents per pouna. fuii airecuoDS v ltii eacu package or bag. Send for dcs-rljtlve circulars. Local avd Train ng Agents Wanted. Liberal commissions allowed. "Aa ounce of preventative Is better tuao a ixui d of cure." Use the -VI -tory" la April broadcast under tne trees, ana you win aesiroy a great army oi in sects and save your fruit and orotect vour tiees. Nothing hurtful In the formula, but quite Deaenclai to tue irees, vines, plants ana vegetation. Address W. C. WEST830CK, t.KKKNSBK0, N. C. Late of Wilson Nurseries, Wilson, N. c. EBFOR SALE at ENNISS' Drug Store, 8allsbury,Jt. C. 22:3W i I will sell at public auction at my resi dence, ten miles cast of Salisbury, on Fill DAY, 10th DAY OF APRIL, 1885, all ot mv property, consisting ot two horses, two milch cows & calves, six head of sheep, three head oi Hogs, one Straw Cutter, a two horse Wagon and new Harness, also. tongue and harness.-Piows, Harrowaud many other farming tools.. Three-fourth interest in a new Geiser Thresing "Machine, a new Domestic Sewing Machine, Guns, Beds, Cooking Stove, in short, all. of my Household and Kitchen Furniture. I also. offer mv plantation for sale, to be sold PnT j Bale privately, any time previous to date of Terms of Sale, Cash. R. L. POOLE, March 10th, 1S83. 21:lt. NOTICE! The annual meeting of the North State Ironaod Transportation company -will be lists, i : b;Id at the New York Office of the CompfH ny. Room 29, JSo. 52 BroajlavTtw York City, on WedmjsiUyvrApvil loth, 1585, at 12 o'clock noon. E. J. Brixxeb, . 21wJ '" ' . ' Seaetary. ORGANIZED 1859 CAPITAL & ASSETTS r 06,000. J. BHODr-S BROWKE.? I fm. C. COART. Prest Secreuny, Twenty-sixtli Annual Statement, . jixtxT t, 1835. LIABILITIES. casa capital 4 .lsoo,noft 00 Unadjusted Losses 2l,hJ 00 Xet Sarpias ......... A . ... T.. .......... . 35,se3 n $741,0 as SCHEDULE OF ASSETo : lash la National B&nfci S T,904 OS CaSli in hands ot Aem ....... 1 1 fiii S9 -$ 19 m 3S United States Registered Boqds.... .. . T9,S09 00 . 51,091 98 Io, 00 00 . 114,735 00 89,170 00 State and Municipal BouCs. National Bank Stocks i, y Cotton Manufacturing blocks i'.. qther Local stocks . . . . i I . . Real Estate (unincumbered city pi pert j 97.29T n Loans, secured by first! mortgages "... so,4iS 84 Total Assets, $741,380 3$ J. ALLEN BROWN, Agt. . SallsburyAN. C. March 26, iws. FQH RpT ! ! The Graham House, on West Church Street, oppoir my resldejice. Seven rooms. Ha len n niodeled hih! repaint ed inside and out.--. Good garden and ex cellent water convenient. . Applv soon, i (It) I. H. FOUST, Agt. DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHADISE, j BLACKMER, N. 0. Of Steele and surrounding townships! Having been with and among you for the past two years. I have studdied your mtei ests and necessities and can assure.vou that my General Stock of Merchandise is alwats Complete and up to your wants m every particular, and my ROCK BOTTOM PRICES Vrill compare favorably "with Salisbury, Con cord or-Mooresville, aud respectfully ask your lavors to convince you that i mean business. My stock consists in Ladies' Dress Goods and Trimminers. i Cloaks, Shawls; Hats, &c. fieady Made L'iothinff, iiats, Uocts and Shoes for Ladies, Gents, Mist s, Boys and children, and wan anted to give satis faction. Also a Jine of Pure Familv Gro ceries, such as pure Sugar, the best Coffee, the best Chewing, and Snicking Tobacco, Snuff, and (as our Representative said) the best Cifrar outsrde of Salisbury. Mv Hardware line is complete, embrap- in Plow-shovel, Dixi i turning aud dou lie shovel Plows, Bolts Kings, open Links Slrovels, Forks, Hods, Singletree, Plow joints, Nails, Hods, Heel screws, Horse am Mule shoes, Well ami Water buckets. &c. A. I so a ood linent Saddles, Bridles, Collars and Gearing. Just received a good lot of Clocks, Stone, Glass and Tin Ware, and in actlkeepevervtlung usually tcuiid in a fir t class stoic, and wilt make it to vour advan tage U come and see me lK.'fo e you buy. I take great pleasure inrtdiow my goods, and in giving alf tlte information possible o mv customers. My 5 and 10 ct. counters of Tin ami Gias warci're complete and go ng out rapidly. Hcmeinber I receive produce quotations every mail from thq lest houses North, and will pa the highest market prices lor any tiling you have lor ale Irom a chicken to a bale ot etitton. HcsiH-cifullv, X 1 J, ROWAN DAVIS. March 16, 188-.-j-3n ale o2 jLand. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Kowan county in the case ot John Lin;Ie.nmi others against .Margaret A. Lin- uU; and others, I wil) 'sell on Friday 27th March, jlpdo, on the premises at the late reidenee of Law rente Liniile, dee'd, 250 Acres or Valuable Laud adjoining the lands of Itnlus Fisher, Mo ses Troutman, J Temiah Enrnliart and oth ers, known as the Lawrence Lin:Ie-lands, Terms one-third cash, and the -balance in twelve month's with interest from day pi sale at the rate ol eiirht pjr ccnti per an num noteand prxid securit. JOHN LI NGLE, Com r. March 8d, 1685. iw SOMETHING- NEW ! Er LAMP CI1IM s'EYS 1 j that will not break by heat, tor sale at ENNISS'. DIAMOND DYES All colors yon wish at .1 ENNISS'. DONT FORGET to call for Seeds of all kinds at ! ENNISS'," TO THE LADIES t Call and see the Flower Pots at ! ENNISSM NOTICE TO CREDITORS! Having qualified as Executors of the estate of George M. Bernhardt, deced., we hereby notify all persons having claims against the deed., to exhibit the same to ns on or before the 18th day of February 18SC. All persons indebted to the said estnte are requested? to make payment witnoui luriiier notice. C. T. BERXHAirmf," Executors P. BERxnARDT, ,' of Geore M H. A. Berkhaedt, ) Bernhardt. " Feb. 19tb, 1885. 18$t. GIVEN AWAY! ?SISH aai SZlTUliTS Garish Scsds! . cioun. ""'o wuj jsouar b worm o Garden Seeds or Medicines of any kind wil m ' Am ik oe given iu papers, ot pesii garden seeds ; At ENNISS' Ilrug & Seed Store.1 NEVEU HESITAlt: to give Shriner'. Indian Vermifage whep your children show the first symptoms ot fvorms. You cannot ntlora to tnue with veorms, they work etrncst ana to silL i . EXEOUTOlt'S .NOTICE iaviiiv1.iim'..T:rV" w,nu tL ' .0 -icicirv frtvuK . Sediler, deed., SM" uMf m dersil , prMJti! to Z March. 1880; and all pe T '' ! theshit i.t .1..L!. rt "hbWl.i! u us and pay tlieme witl,S NT A.W.SKciiLfcL SofJ Mai cli 19th, 1883 Sct .cllW MOM ABB you--. TROUBLE0E; 5TO'ir.iirri Ifw, to you wehririsiidinnsofromr.. " l! great joy. Vuu ran 1 . 'vuo4 CTJ2ED and restored to perfect health by uginj? Bradfieia's ! Female 1 ! . Regulator! It is a periul remedy for all ,1; J i Uining to tliw nooibjiuad any intelliefci " niiin cjtn cuie henii r follm -lions Ii i especially et caci nM in anil Mniai prul mih li atf. relief and perm neni-jy retore . . :n ' r : - ii. in fumlion. Asa emedv luteu l ..: r i-rilu-al i tr ! id Lr.e,yfL ht,'C o i-i . - i .:"t i invaluable 'ie air.ti;i In hi tnnl. -" Saved Her Life ! JHidoe, McIntoh Co (J4 Dr. J Brdfiih Lear Sir: I 1,.,. . t- en several Itotilt-x t.f)y riir rmait i;, .... nviifWMIMI oilltriilH' Alt A. nr Ti iniii.F ih. .-. K .. J ..ii . y ---- - - - m i ifijl-' leliev 1 aim cui-vi. entirely, f,.r ,ic, . ' acedia my litsnrtfeli thanks and m.i i, ,i I'liieu. oi sixircn f lira iHiuiitur groitiide. km w;y ir ninliiiiip life mi you!e 1 cannbt spenk too liiihl. i. 1 nave reoomiiieiuld it i.....ii of my friend who airekiflerin :,s I VtK loars verv rvS ccll iIJr MRS. W.E.hTBBiys, Our Treatise on the '-Health and il,pBj r BR4FiEurr REQtJLiTOR Co., All aula, Gt- MILL; STONES. T" HE UNDEKSIGXED has bougUttbftfU knotrn ROWAN COWCTY mi STONE QUARltY or E. K. I'UilUpa, aece ! awl will continue to supply tUe;pubUfe mand for Mill tones. fiom this cniitam""' grit so well kriown throughout this umaj ; tor Us supeilorlty foij Mill stom s. (;ramtcblocto 1 tor ornamental purposes, Monuments, , &.," also be Had at this quarry; Address, " -1 4. T. VYATT, SaUsbury, S. d 1 -1 m-mm 1 t-wmwtw-t NEBYOUSDCBlUn OUGlllI(!UliIn. Docay jud UMm J flina th killtBk. vwvw A Radical Curs tor f ViicianiL molt fmi l rrootblul lnditrmlo. 'too frao indaleaiiM,gr ' TTETt VflTTa s Br brain or, ind DEumnr, Organic Wolmsss, ppinrsicAi 'v decay; i IrYounn A Middle the IripotitKm ot pntn. tioat rnncdKt tot Uxn . traubln. et tiitt" Circular to4 Trial fvck- ' Re.mnd ktr nponul -lacU before UilrJtMt. mrnt elrwht.! Tai - SITHE Rrmnnrthaina CUU0 thotuawlt, not intrrfrr wvk utr. : tion to tHiYinm. ar mmmu pain or lucoflvnina li ' anr war. Foindra m : tea men : Testcd for own 8 he Years by use in mamy ThousandOascs s Iacicntifie imdicaltriM ' plea. By d'tntttftliatm ' tcci lo th ant ol dan to ipcviflc inflame fct without drly. TfeM uril functkmior th k. man orjnnUm U totofta. The 1 animatinf tlaqpia of lifr, which Iiu bet waatcdarermec'-e4 j:. TRIAL PACKAGE ) TZlEAT3UirT. One Month. . J3.00f Two Months, - fi.OOt TLree lf.oath, 7.001 th Datirntbminatc.v ; fnl and rapidlrfaiatbl r latrniKth asd aeuatlliK. HARRIS REMEDY CO., MftCRtm 8XH W. Tenth.' Bt. ST. LOUIS. K0. DI I QTUREO PERSONS ! Not a Trust. Ask for trma of mr iiTpliBca, . wb oivb irxcEja z:eixaJC Grace teat in alt. her iteps, ii eaten inker eye, - , , In every gesture Hignity and lovt !" So appeared Mother Eve, andbmij! lj ?liine lier fair de8ceiilaiu,wjdi titrJ j ercir of cummin enie, c;ire and 'tf, per treatment. An tnuiincun nuibki' of female complainm y ic direcily cu4 , ed by dituriarces or hiijutrtMiou Ihe MDtraI runciion. Ju reifiicB,; caseih'41 iterlinan(i u n f t tin uetific; 1 Braofields Female KtGCMToK,j will e fleet reliefntici cure. I ' ' It in from lire recine-of a mofl dlnin- - fciiiidud pliynician. It i coiupoH-i 01 strict!; officinal injirrUitnte, vaon Q h.ipjiy combination lias nevtr b-enir-.( panned. It in prepared with' acientinV $ kill from the fie-l roaterialn. Iib-r m ; 'be "pxljn for donsiancy if utreojtth i: erii.inty of eftef t, elepaiire of I'f'iji1! .lion, beamy oft appear net- '-4 'HS : ive I eapnena. Tbe teKiinonT;iii i" B 'vor i genuine. It never fail I"B2 i liiirly tried. : ;3 CarterfvilleCt. v Thin WillcertifV thai two n.ew g of mv immediate 'family, adrr ha.vwj.O CO Buffering fo,r mapy yean from mew'. al irresiilarity, and having been trfl r ed without benefit by varion mf'c' doctors were at ilecgih cowpldelyf" , by onerhottle of pr. Bradfitld' I'fuaJ . .. or.- It effect in, "pcli CM, I t nily wonder fu l.k nd wl f hray )be rroM edy be called "Woman'. let rf" - You rs He pec t f u I ly t r . , JAS. W. STBAXfit Send Tor onrhook ontnf::' i f HappinrM of Wbman' Mai!edff; - I AtlanU.Oi; HEALTH BSST0BS3) f fM titJ BartM. R'ua TIl 1159 nR Vava THE M rt er eiKSHAMTCX, working people.. K, for ramble sample 1$M nnr. vou in the wy ot 5 t.rro and we "W U IU' i tfi4 anvbuiflness. CaplUlTiotreq re. b?tfE home and work In spare uw" ' 'suae;,, warn. Hum '"-J - r-.ftn are uoi VrniDS!! .paralleled offer : To w?e trouble off"i C Will DC"" " , I "j, .t- ftf bC"1 " Full particulars, dirMo'surt &. payabHOlutely sure tr n delay. Address Snssos & to., n ov. 87. w.-iy WnMTCn? riVTOX RED OIL, Ctear in I. : ! ray HfiD of both Bex, oi au asep, nine. TDr.lhis SET i -. ..Ltfj i At I;

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