;F 'BT3 Tr - 1 - r 0 , .,.. rxV-'ATTT -vt-. rn i . ; ax . : m JyrUHIRD SERIES .if - " ' ' SALISBURY. H. CiiAPKina 1S85. V iff 5 J S ff Hi wiM AXEVT CURE rM' I TortheWatclunML k thoughts" j While Amour "the Lands of the Skies." FOR ana. Indigestion' W. .V. (iKEGORY, . Chailotte,. 5 ;LOTTEt X. CMNov.29ft1834. . . ..;rr rfSitlV ymr Dyspeptic SrecomtnefHlitto others. C. Legislature. "v! 1- Tit ..: I j i iffiuber N, 1- I.""! : 1 Cha '"..Lr.monV to the t BLOTTE, Jf.' C. great pleasure alue of. your aveuned it with treat r?Tii wllrfu'Uy rerommend it to any one ' Sl of liver and boweU. iconif: D. A. JENKINS,- V ! ' N. 0. State Treasurer.' ,; :!e by j jl (fAden and T C Smith & F 1 v.. '49My BY J. M. WEATHERLY, wind pur, way.v orer rocis, wnose rablime m nature, and such tnc avenues gray moss corerings; make of them the through which they reach our senses bearded indices of centuries. By :the and impress their distinctive features brink of a yawning chasm, whose mniwn our minds. t ; m . , known depths have echoed thft rumbling " Leaving these outward expressions of thunders of ages-on and on, through nature, let us pass a few moments in the mist an spray of forming clouds;: the-contemplation of those laws and we wind our way until we reach! the the wondrous machinery of their ex summit of the tallest cliff, whose awful pression and execution r provided in the form lifts itself far above the haunts great laboratory of nature, lne phi- z . . . r - ii i 1 . ; of beasts or the The distinctive characteristics of man are not alone in his endowments with the ability : to perceive and reflect. THere are higher attributes of human n of n ra ovor af in rr na inn afi f nroffi- fnrnnon wriirfi Ka atone can come into l in its solitary Grande intimate relation witn ms creator, oy aramst ine sky aa a utuieb uuuu nwwi which he may trace a kinship to the time has. registered the flight of S periods, universe. Mightv Jehovah of the Universe. In the passage of epochs and the death pf j of matter tne sweeps or nis imagination man may woncs.- nere view we scejie arvujiu explore the great mysterious realm of you. Far below the clouds which we infinitude, and course the boundless passed through, and f elf only as a morn- uniVerse between tne material ana tne ingmist, nave iorrnea memseives imw immaterial -until. he; reaches; the very roiling 'masses, and fgive the maiestic throne bf Omnipotence and stands amid movement of a boundless ocean. Above, the glories of celestial worlds. the glorious orb of day lights a burnish The moral nature of man, though ed sky with dazzling spendors, and gives very nearly allied toy his reasoning fac- to the ocean Of clouds below the browz ulties, is yet a very distinctive part ed tint of an aerial sea. Silence reigns of his bemg.andia nobler attribute, ma- inthe hush of an awful stillness. Mai king him as a creature of the highest esfy, grandeur, power and glory are all in the scale of created intelligence, I about us.- ri ow the rumbling echoes oi ran QUARTERS FOR fDEB.VlvK AND I V oo iFARM WAGONS. r.riitsW.vTEKTOWN Cincinnati :es & Spring Wagons. : : RirKFiHii) & Huffman i ' i-ain and Guano Drills. max H A Y RAKES. Avbry's Hiding and Walking f ULTJVATORS. RriioMAS' irivimow , . Melrapi Stow Cutters, j Avery and Dixie PLOWS, Lxtor Corn sia.ollr-. femes and aouers, SJtANll GRIST MILLS, ;M -Eismefahd lioilvr Fittings Guns, Viflells, Cartridges, Waids and Caps, ijcr nd Shot, Dynamite Fuse and 1M-:-j-Aie, Shovels and Spades, Building kariiiWrits. Oils and Varnisles, IOME-RAISED CLOVER SEED. twrftUluu .else usually kapt In First Class fiiireiad lmmr nt Stores. 1 have on hand -,! ol thealxn e. & offer them tor the Tiext klii)! t(r lss money than they hate ever ifciilntaiseouniry. ; - : aoctk; W. SM1THDEAL pliT r. i ' . CASH or OH TIMK Tsfiii: ill classes ot purchasers, we have made Kfmina to "sell these celebrated Wagons elth- rasaoron Unjtime. So all who need wagons NWiMealUidsce us soon. JDIIS A.TJOYDEN, Agent, 1 .. r- J. O. WHITE "7 I'M mart mbney than at anything else by taking i'IHik arenrv fnrtlip hof ulllncr nut R 5occeeq grandlr. None falh Terms tree. - "Sf IT rortiana, Maine. HE BEST SMITH III m COUNTY! Hnu.i. TT. Fcjaicu w uu ail iiuus ui rc- -crtendnjan-sstorg Salisbury; and try lne 1 1 5UNDS AT THE HEAD! I THrniiTrh his Derceptive faculties man a noise far below breaks upon the still- is only brought in relation j with and ness, as it warns the valley cottagers of sensibly realizes the existence'of an out- a coming storm. vThe vast reach from side world while through these higher, mountain to horizon is, covered with innate moral forces, he lifts his nature thickening clouds whose dark masses above the sordid materialism of the act- roll high upon each other, like mighty ual, and is inspired with thoughts and billows of the sea. From one to an- experiences emotions far beyond the other of these the zigzag lightnings powers of animal instincts or mere hu- play, and luridly light their grotesque man reasoning.-. Here do wib find the forms as phantoms from a spirit world, verv foundation the basis upon which Darker and denser the mass of clouds rsts the argume&t for an; immortal becomes, and with a roaring rumbling spirit whose iungeririgs are not fed sound the hoars bellowing of a mighty with the sapless food of the material j wind are carried through mountain world, and whose thirstinss are satiated gaps and echojwith demoniacscreams only at the perennial springs of a life J among the chasms below. Nature now that knows no ending. - ; is in wiia commotion, ine evenasimg An aDoreciation of the grand idea of I hills tremble to their foundations, with creation; of God, as the mighty, author peal on peal of bursting thunders, and of heaven and earth, the Omnipotent everything seems to be passing away in architect of the universe, can be had the wreck of universal ruin. So passes only by knowing Him m jthe mani- this hour. Presently from the western testauons Oi nis wotks, ana luy reaumg i iimn 01 me ureau scene, mc uiacn. pui his presence in. all the marvels of creaJ broken clouds begin to roll away fas a ion, meeting ms at every step of the mighty scroll, and trom their maeous way trom .-the craaie to tne grave, j granaeur reveai 10 our vision a ceie ui There is no veiled mvsticism. no shad-1 gldrv no language can portray. iThe owy vestments of the supernatural, imperial god of day is passing to arioth- i ' . ii i i i r- i n I- l ' l C-J 11 xl.. out in ail his wotks, a Deneucent; irea- er nemispnere, rooeu m an tue uiu or reveals his presence to the inquir- and grandeur of an autumn sy. nehmd ihg creature. A thousand fvoices fall he leaves a gilded crown oi splendor on upon the spirit proclaiming his presence, the brow of mountains and hills, while reioicinr in his praise and attesting his in his train a hundred fleecy clouds maiestv. These come to the senses in i hold the gorgeous rainbow hues of his '. - . . . , . I . ml i.i ii it- everv staee of existence, at; everv step own creation, ine aarK anu lenginen- we make m the ..pilgrimage; of lite: It I mg shadows ot the valley tar oeiow. mav be in the erentle whispering of a I seem the drapery of mourning, as if zephyrs breath, or in the tempest of a they had felt the last warm embrace of sweeping whirlwind: the sparkle of a the sunlight. This spreads from the 1 .1 !tl I .. II ... 1 . ll . I. Ml- i. "1 1- -i dew-drop or the heaving duiows oi an vauev to ine nms, unui near wnepe we cean, the soft beams ot a summer s sun stand the dark funeral curtain seeps to 6r the shivering bolt of an electric flash, rest its folds, and our tall cliff has lost i. . . m f ii ' i ii i 3 ii j the sweetmurmur ot a30lian music or tne glories oi tne uay anu is roreu m the deep-toned thunderpeals of the con- the sable vestments of a coming hight. vulsed heavens : all. all are but a "thou- For the first time in hours we become sand oracles divine," proclaiming to conscious of our own existence, and man's higher nature the majesty and I our thoughts turning to our own utter lory of the omniscient Creator. The nothingness amid these surroundings ot ighest of these innate endowments of grandeur, we are led involuntarily to our humanity is that faculty through exclaim "Hot? marvelous are Thy works, which we are enabled to' realize the Uh liord, uod omnipotent I sublime in nature : the hisaest. because Soon another scene of the sublime through these all the senses of our be- engages our attention. In the east the ing are aroused and brought into full full orbed moon is brightening into a realization of the grandeur land glory of soft and silvery light, while planets and nature's wondrous works. I In the soft stars are fast appearing to adorn the breath of a May morning whose danc- canopy of night. AVhile all is hushed ing sunbeams gently kiss away the dew- below, and all the earth seems to have droos from mvriads of flowers, we are settled into a quiet repose, the finna- jead to the gentle slope of ;a woodlawn ment above is spangled with myriads of hill, where, embowered inlacanonvof starry worlds, that give to us a grand new-born leaves, a thousand feathered realization of the sublime. Contempla sonsrsters lave their gav clUiriaee in the ting such a scene, his whole being lost genial sunshine, and send iip a contin- in its grand realization, the sweet sing- tied anthem Of praise in the sweetest er oi israei ana tnemignty monurcu oi melody of music, A hundred sporting God's chosen people, losing sight of his denizens of the forest leaplfrom bough own power and the glory of his impe- fco bnuoh of atatslv irees. iovous in this rial rank, could but exclaim, "When I gladsome day, while above - and around crnsider thy heavens and the earth, the them the rich garments of spring give work of Thy fingers, and the moon and to the scene the charmed expressions of the stars which thou hast ordained; an actual naradise. Bevomd. a meadow what is man that thou art mindful of richly carpeted in green, has coursing him or the son of man that thou Ion its bosom the rippling waters of a shouldst visit him!" This exclamation clear brook, whose reflected1 flashes of of King David is a full expression of sunlight make an ornament for the ver- the -emotions we realize in the presence nal goddess more beautiful than all the of a sublime manifestation of nature. fabled diadems of Arabian: princes. Man must come in contact with some We rest in tnis scene upon tneveivet i ooieci m nature, some creation vi me robe of an ancient rock, ;whose;-grave Supreme Being, surperior in the vasb and worn features seem to have harmo- ness of its structure,, before he can be Dized with the charmingj reality about lost to his own self-importance, and us. From the modest daisy, whose liny lose sight pf his own existence. It is petals blush in the embrace of the sun- by comparisons that our senses are im- beams, to the nch garniture of the for est, all is enrapturing to our senses. The delights of such a Scene and of From the minutest particles the grain of sand is formed in obedience to a force so subtle and etherial that finite minds ctn never know its character : save, anU V)nly in its expressions. The same law, moving on with ever increasing- force, builds fronx grains of sand the smiling .valleys, the rolling ''plains the swellmg.hill and piles up grand mountain chains to l4 . ! - i il .; ' T-j.- 1 - i. Dina continents togeiner, ana stana out as signal stations of a world in the great universe of creation. Following on from solid to fluid formations, he finds this law of attraction uniting by affinities the subtle gases jand thin va pors of the earth into sparkling dew drops and then gathering up. these myr iad gems froms of them "the . storm cloud whose bursting fountains water the thirsty plains with fruitful showers. Reaching out into the ; infinitude of space, he draws from the heavens the great impulse of these laws and finds ih a lightning's flash the energized expres- of the law of I all existence. sion Through this force more subtle than a spirit s form, more etherial than the air we breath, comes the pulsation of his heart, beating m rythmic measure the funeral march of a human life. Through this force the bounding pulse of nature is moved, and I thence comes the animation of all living creatures. By it the world is peopled with active intelligences, the sea is filled with count ess forms, the nrmameht on high re ceives its thousandxglories and the earth its garniture of beauties. Through these laws come the regular develop ment of form, the growth of trees, gras ses and flowers, the movements of all the fluids that course a thousand ave nues of our bodies. By it, as by the breath of the great Jehovah, man walks he earth, and lives and has his being, No circumstances or situation iu life can separate us from the marvelous ex pressions, of nature s wonderful works No thick darkness of a dungeon, no close cell can take us from the ever present power of God in nature. It meets us in every breathy in the pulsa tions of the heart, the complete and perfect adaptation of every limb and every organ of the body to the necessi ties of life. Nature s works are perfect works, when the play of! her matchless affinities are unrestrained, and the rules of her actions are not modified by the intervention of -art. But why limit our thoughts to this single earth ? The boundless infinitude of universe upon universe through the unmeasured and immeasurable expanse of eternity, where time has never registered exist ence and never known duration all all is the grand expanse of nature's mighty domain. Worn and wearied our imagination rests where only suns and systems begin to nil the great m finitude of space, and coming back to this earth is followed by the echoing music of the spheres, amid the scenes of glory that fill the earth, andwaits a time, when disembodied it shall find companionship with higher intelligen cies and explore throughout infinitude the marvelous works; bf the God of nature. v M Tp-: LiouT-urxxixo DOMESTIC such surroundings steal almost imper- pressed, that we experience pleasure or pam, or admire the superior excellence ot a work or an achievement. Canute, the flattered sovereign of a UthVoi. , i . . fo-tii 7 AUWW'wigea Leader is a fi that cannot 1 - " uioiiuitu. ftaiLiitlKwaJ! EdUM, IT. . Jf fittest UnnnW Most Beautiful Wood Work. PS WARRANTED ttanSv3c0thebc8t material. . in eerv respect. tl'Ire?, ,n- uoccupied territory. j if?RC SEWING MACHINE CO.. &Kt Ittt-7 l iilic,nond, Va. :-J. '.t' ITZ & nRvmriiiv "If ' ' ""l -JJWUlXi.l - Salisbury, X. C. ceptibly upon oursensesl and as one mighty kingdom, surrounded only by after another of these charming pictures sucn pieasmg i o Djects as o osequious of the landscape meet the vision, we courtiers and boundless wealth could become enraptured with the scene. provile, excelling in his pride and fan- Such is the beautiful mnature awak- cied omnipotence, must challenge the ening only the gentler emotions of the sublime in nature' before his imperial human breast, a id moving us intuitive- vanity is rebuked, and he is made to re- i . . . . ii. i - I i: iX- : ' j p iy to 0in the swelling chorus oi joyous anze tue superior power ana giory oi praise to God the Creator. Gladly God ia nature. The challenged ocean would we linger here and rest our souk derides the mandate of this proud mon in this prototype of Eden's changeless arch, and its waters rush and roar and beauties. The back grtlund of this sport with his imperial throne as with scene in which we haVe been reveling the sands on its fretted shore. Over- is skirted with & mountain! chain, whose whelmed - with the power he . could not azure hues in the distance have only resist, the mighty monarch drops his added to its' beauty. There let us go. sceptre in the sea, and declares to his and from the beautiful,1 reach a yet subjects that "the God of the ocean is higher manifestation of the glories of the Lord of Canute. The mighty era nature. The nearer we approach what peror of France, while the tread of his but a short while since seemed the dra- legions was sounding the death-knell of pery of a lovely landscape scene, the principalities and kingdoms, would more sharply defined its icharacter be-- stand uncovered in the stormblast, and comes over hill-tops und through miles with each lurid blaze of lightning add of forest me wind our wav. until at last his voice to the deep-toned thunder in there is before us the might v form of adulation of a power he could not real- an upheaval so great, so? jmajestic, : that ize among the myriad flowers of Mal in its presence we feel at ionceihe awe 1 maison, or the quiet shades of St. Hel- of a supernatural existence. Qn, we, ena. Such is the beautiful, suqh the as a professor of the Theological Sem- ...MWW ' n tin it. 4. KA 1 ? A I a 1 " itiaij, iu wc iui.crirciiDg me leacuing of the Scriptures upon the question of evolution, not in accordance with heir ideas. Accordingly they in- diiuuicvi me uirevuirs oi me oetni nary i to take eps lo prevent this teaching. I The measure adopted to secure this end was the removal of Dr. Woodrow rora tlie professor's chair. The'ground that Dr. Woodrow now akes is that this action , implied that ie was guilty of hereny. This, how ever, it is said, does not necessarily ollow. for the book of church order draws a distinction between heresy and error, and by many leading cler- gymen it is maintained that Dr. Wood row's offense does not amount to heresy,5 but is simply error in his interpretation of the Scriptures upon me Buuject oi ine creation ueueving his teaching to be error, however, boy were justified in insisting that it should not be continued in the Sem inary. Whether it was error or heresy is he question to be tried, and the subj ect before the committee for investi gation. Hie intelligence, prudence and Christian character of the com mittee give assurauce that the most ample justice will be done both Dr. Woodrow and the Synods. They have this predicament to contend with. If . they sustain Dr. Woodrow they con demn the action of the Synods. Jn declaring Dr. Woodrow a here- ic they have his reputation, intelli gence, learning and Christian charac ter to bear iu mind. The committee will enter upon the work at once and will strive to arrive at a just conclu sion. An adjourned meeting of the Pres bytery will be held in this city at an early day to receive the report of the committee and try the charges against Dr. Hood row. lhe session will be full of interest, and will attract much attention not only from members of the denomination, but the public gen erally. Augusta Chronicle of Sunday. Kissing Pets. The habit of kiss ing pet?, or ot handling and surely breathing their exhalations, is fre quently the cause of epidemics that destroy whole families. It is a filthy habit at best, but if mothers will un derstand that the pet cat' or poodle communicates its diseases of throat and mouth to the child who carries the beast in her arms, we woujd have less of that class so fatal to children. A writer in the British Medical Jour nal says "it is a source of danger that should be widely known and prevented." Evolution. Dr. James Woodrow Wants to know Whether he is a Heretic or Not, and Demands a Trial by the Presbytery. The delegates from this city to the meeting of the Augusta Presbytery at Union Point returned yesterday. A full attendance of thj 'churches- was had. Rev. Donald McQueen, of Mill edgeville, was moderator, and Rev. J. B. Morton, of Sparta, clerk of the Presbytery. The usual statistical re ports from the different churches were read, and gratify accounts of progress aud growth came from nearly every one. The principal matter of business before the'meeting was the considera tion of a communication from Dr. James Woodrow, late professor inthe Columbia' Seminary i It was to the effect that rumors in the public jour nals and elsewhere were abroad charg ing him with heresy.: That as this is a grave offense in the ,Presbylerian church, he asked his brethren of the Presbytery to inquire into the matter and if they found the rumors were well founded toprepafechargesagaiust him and try him tortlie offense. The Presbytery having no discre tion inthe matter but to take action upon the communication as requested, appointed a committee consisting of Rev. H. M. Newtonj bf Union Point, Rev. Wm. Adams, Rev. G. T. Goet chius and Mr. James W. Wallace, of Augusta, and Col. J. A. Billups, of Madison, to examine into the rumors complained of, and if they found that they justified legal; proceedings, to re port the same to. the j Presbytery. This was the only action that could be taken lyesterday and the status of the case now seems tp be about this: Dr. Woodrow was found by the fbur Synods, who had jurisdiction over him A writer in the St. Louis Medical Journal advises young practitioners never to make fun of au old woman's remedy. The writer add?; "In 1830, while practising in Madison county, III., 1 was induced, by the represen tation of au old woman, to make the trial, in dysentery and diarrhoea, of tablespoouful doses of pure cider vin egar, with the addition of sufficient salt to be noticeable, and it acted so charmin&rlv that I have never used anything else." A German paper states that eggs may be kept perfectly fresh for a year .i .i i ? oy ruDOing meni wim vaseline, which has been melted with three-tenths per cent, of salicylic acid. The applica tion should be made twice at an in terval of a month. A. C. HARRIS.i STILL BOOMING! Having purchased R. E. ReM's interest in the firm ot Harris & Keid, 1 win comm. linsincisa at mv old stand on Main street. Thanking my friends and the public for their liberal patronage nereioiore given, i shall endeavor to ensure their continued fa vor by keeping for the trade a complete and full stock ol Fresn, irst-ciass GROCERIES. CONFECTIONS, Fine Cigars and Tobacco; and everything usually kept in my line. Call and see me. Respectfully, A. C. HAEKIS.: Jan. 21, 1885. 3m AGENTS: wanted for Tbe Lives ot all tbe Presidents of the U.S. The larg est, handsomest, best knnir om sniri fnr less than twice our price. Tbe fastest selllnic book In America. Immense profits M a-rents. Ail internment peopl want It. Any one pah become a success! agent. Terms free. jjallkttBookCO. ortUnd, Maine. ' 13:17 HARDWARE. WHEN YOU WANT HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES Call on the undersigned at NO. 2. Granite Row. D- A. -AT WELL. Agent for the "CardwellThresher, Salisbury, N. C, J une stn if. ' : . r-.r.f,; . ,- (ff) A -nui-nTkrt S' . IF YOU WANT GOOD 'J Il USE THE OLl RELIABLE 1 jF .sf? : OWL BRAND, j r f fp$X farmers! friend, v;1 (( (( vC&Lv J OR the 0)) )) 11 1 " . - " AND' FOR I '? ; r ; i i m (f(fM ROYSTEB'SiHIGH GRADE ; i ACID PHbsPHATEr(( I S, ETIV7AN ' S. IP hiih .ro the terT bit Acld ro.de. 11 jSV I . 'j I ii Lk r i i : kJ mnnll nn n I ' i t II 1 1 n lili II . I I r7 . .. F tliia rrtlintrv I J F 18 coming v,uK " ' I I I ff. 'W, Bib, ai Waxy, VJ Jl ( mustoe ro unnjs iu ... ii xS" II W i l iwnnnTi iiBlwn J rl L If ff tfJ il Or tbe and Favorite l 7A 4 . -lr- V ieffiK' nun iDDlun fM)JJ J I N; u if u Jjuniiu. v ( I V "Look to your own interest and J : buy your Guanos where you can ell - . y your Cotton, &c., and remember that If'" all of above named Guanos are old Til ll; ll I I ll . . r -. if prices), you must use-tne oia Btanu-uj y . : i 1 - f . I . : ' f . -.

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