H."4AU7;: --v i'; 4 i. f " f: r (!- 1 : - t i k IW - V i -1 r ,U; urn i v. k 1 s 5 4 Nil: r ? ifi f i i-t. - . i. t Carolina Watchman . - , .--...! :'- ". 'I : ' , i:..n t. vw'V..vL- iiESTuoT-TiiAT SioN. une may leel tbat - Fisni CevrKRivvc nave. n .; -'..f.-a - , - --- --- , ne kiid; oidrbut he natnmiiy dislikes re!dVri&l Ueal ou fi!i-rultuve iu llie lijrtn ptioiwuvu. . mrasnipi-1 'Tfncv j 15 aboot W appearance snould . !L.u. nii h:ive ifaeljeattliattjeii Grants bceivtHl on Satqrrtaj a l aTi-elothraof the lactYel bothing doea tl.fe I ciiiflnint!uf ier ivhu wru of fympatliV fmffewiil nrrmisicslexaetly wtl suited fur tlte JUasiiifcieir gtitQe& UiMJktmdMuc iiesa ni;d add fish aud a fii pond as ad- vpry det-plr Jt aaid f Daru' pWjer Oue ofthe rwmI things rrsnllinS ro I ,litioal attmtiour t thtirfaiois,; and nna e good Mli of all tht nTii this Reflect naif as thinrn3f4Hini hair. hiai l - 1 ",Utt, wanisio inarrj man. anu uua- liness iBrms hesitate to! employe Wdw ha veri i,.vwa 1 s n..: t 1 1u dectiou of Mr. Cleveland can hardly 1 ,;Ve W Lccjon t( jpgret the tune and glint, who honor arid respect Gen lat a 1. aiii" liicHti una vet o fC7 - wv- f - j- lt aWc4t'dirtMtiy-',,tio,,?d th"1 K it trill make people more rqrio itfiijnpjietitjn.-Hm-tofii fr,laMr ho wanted to aeconipHh an end fion odea of ioteret, peronal hate; env.v Grant I than its weight in diamonds. Use It, and 1 I 1. ..ill., t t ' r m .- - Tl . - . . . . l Bk. aau IIIII mill mw bj w 1 1IHII1 laboif expended tu lroviuu.S u.u.u. u. crtIlia ava i.e woa.a cm,qur -1 - lrracsa Iririoved aadl where the cost jl niaKiuj; anragomst w iu. wimiu iro j iiu spots covered lj nsing a sTngle bottle. uat ilTfiw it flcalnst xlainasins an" ""tne I febati' IORt arlie overcame tJeacg -i A ...I ....... M.r ij I . . i - ' i , .'1.1 1 n H TTTTT -4 . time d sastrons noims i"v -iniat. wiuiipiwUftcu:nue.uvMcm x m ii i MrjM graitif1rtpoitionxtb the 'n itv!aJ tears ago, ! we do not believe it will ayio goiiuo f tr malice betloaht hiin at first fettiu 1 llje bii&i4fas There is ub good sense in itjVe learp fromlMaJor ..Harper.,. I . t it through a petition, Je I ! f11- paii4ufe fof a thing than it is;wortU tue SuiithMuuuidepartuienr at jnghow ftsir rrsonaJaiiIUtMf jcj ji fiUl.hiiilible, or bfe6iase oth- Orjeana - .tliv'm t fiptttyfa Mf(e ihe tima to consider le6re signing ; Ihefr er ive done ao. The cjeaiv Profif t tht5 Nelwnf Idiai iWikVwonu wni-b namesthe 'worth iessiiess of, petitions ft faJni jlp tege m this latifC the ojid ,hy jir.SpaiuhourJ and Other T in ceueral under the Crrbiud-era is' be-. collJtrv kre too small to leave amargiM ,ut of the Institution nliout twoyears ia2 so distinctly ibrntightr out, as to iui- presa the whole sulect on the public offWtivd v as to accotunlUh much 2;oo4 10 tue eua. for risks on as uncerraiu a - iuihcw lago: on ine xauiiiniver. I"., ' mv? ' .1.: fish cultilre. The labor and expense thu p,e j juu,eter -ittl 1ksj ;is alu shows itlus fatal sirn.! Parker's Hair Bal . a i i , - u the 1 aam is worth to vou. in tn is. regard, more iai In 1:-' bestoweil would unduttedly imy a better i:tm t ixpif8enis: the mound nnwyered litrn&sw ;tfiVproyeieuU;of th'(-oir,- in tnr figurva f all the keIetoip and L j irh$ tr&. nwire thorpugh cultivation ,f their reiativeKlition ta each oflietl'tlie A PnEWCAHEKT. Keporta fnvnp I five usnM crops grownorr in th aire of L.tensils, ornaments, instruments of . vir( roni the pionntaiu -conntry tnat illicit j,lll)rove4 gtck. Few of the who have c.atp represeuieil. J0 T$i$ . lijslling and traffic inwhiskey is great- trjeJ fii raising have cleared expenses j r ai .-. - a :, Jjr pptjioiucrease ip.that section,aauJ on, jtfcw -we' know of none. The J ateisu' FsWtorl-klHXw.8 ;that it is due to the jerroneou belief that -biwj(ie8l4 ofien-uearly always at ten- has just nturne4!from CasiloHnypie, in PemocraU being Ju JauUiority they viU (lvd within deal of worry and expense in Xew HaioViTo4ut)'i whithep hp .wejit to iiot itnforce the -laWij aafust those.wlui 0; wiiy or- another which imc.biit ,llHke all the iiecasMiiy- arrangements for liolate them, pt course this w jatl'ii tno wej have? wrought np a passion for the ruannfactaeUf Lphphates for- the viiistakc. But don't 4t put democrat in tijiwafejdaiooater for treble.the ac- ,ieseut crop, audi wo io pleaiieil tieairn jk false attitude T WLat will il.- doj taai profit in i As a means of Wakiitg f,0'ui hiih that everything is ill good ruu- endxut spie to ferret pqt the latrl T hloluVat6-actl vc9 it will do yery well for uilI,r mder nod'tlMi the firni poMUlafly XSitSx' "'" . - . . ' t 1 . . J ' .1 .-TT - CAPITAL & ASSETS, S75Q.OOO. T 1 r- ---v r.--ll II. IK J - X illttl :. : THE OLDEST BRANDS & HIGHEST GRADES $ : f V i B !; yoldi in tiis Market. - ' ' " 1 77 - T1" 77" t ; : 4 , - : j r I - - U i'i I riJu 3. BHODsJS BROWNS. 1 1 ; : I i JPresUf i Peraocrats in MP sneak spying business ! Jend pat armed , men to shoot and kill f hose who break the whiukey lawsf 7 ' We hope ilajoir DoJ piay find a way to perform ki uupleasan duties with credit to hjmself and to' the satisfaetion of government and 'people; and that he those wImo have a home clear of debt and tamiug out from; ten to fifteen inp comfortable; bnt those who; are Pehind phosphates. u these t-e.xpeets siioiuuctriaiuiy noi aim at luxuties beyond ihtir pieaus to supH Without any deiitj to institute com nort. ; 1 narison or cast any reflections on f WH. C. COARTV - Secretary. iTwentysixtb Annual Statement,' JAKCAKJ J, 18S. . LIABIUTIBS. . Ca$h Capital $300,000 00 Keserve for he-Insurance and all other 1 natalities, Net Surplus,.. ,:- the undersigned; who has made th!s his special business fk seventeen year Wiidj liavijng: isiiulled all other leading brands ncW elsewhere in this market, has at last fettled down on theifollowi as those that will give best general satisfaction, and the most suitable St tnc various suns .j iiu crops, to wit : ..; j Jid all other 162,117 SO . So5,2S lz S741.3SO 82 otton s the 1 , 1 s scnuyuLE OF ASSETS : Cash In NaUonal Bank s 7.904 os We copy in auother part of tthiajiapor j older ?iiemleia (n - Congress froril this Lcasii in hands of Ajteats.. ..... n.W the report of all experiment in Carp cbK I state, wii take occasiou to reuiaik that nwLJ L, ' ... ' nrLDA 1 Mill nAt f,ma liu orcml F llm tiuitr nn I . , . , t.. l I . . . . i.' Ml rf thu iiv. .w,bs.,..w ..v-v. j,,,,. tare iiianipson couuiy, out we ?ae hio three younger nmoers, "iiesi Mini, lsute and Municipal Bonds lull unieiui Buuictv. . I 1iiiirrlif ) i fc nil vifcililA to thronr otlt tliel.o ...... nf, tk Wad 1 niHiin lianers call I axoaa,i pans ctotKa SOL UBLE PACIFIC ibpve thoughts on the subject of fi' (them . (Johnston, j Henderson and raising lest it should be supposed tins ale splendid workers, and will' Peid.j piake Cotton Manufactuilng stocks Other Local Stocks . Keal Estate (anlncumbered city property) 97.297 IT ... 60,413 84 llygleujc j orinal, A Hyginic Normal Vlll belrehi nnderj paper advised every body logo Into the jttieir presence feltjn thnext Congiess. iMsecured byfUstmortyases. he auspices of j the; Woman's Christian business " , - .: i A' lj"ey have already . rendered valuable Temperance Union of : North Carolina,-in I : j "i- . ' ; jVi service to their coqstjtutenfs- Qharlotte iQreensboro, Guilford conuty, opening j A 5V?7 M 158,400 0Q 114,739 00 S9,770 00 NAVASSA GUANO. ALLISO I typesetting inacliiue in process of j Observer. fiiiiKtriii-riiin-nt Wash in if ion. D. C. if sac-1 7-T- tyr-.- J . - Zl- -- . .. , i ' I Pr. and Mis. J. IfKellnyg, of Battle cessful.-wUl dothe work pf eight or ten W W W pr ca p ; ra.ep ,.r . 5to - I.-' .A ... fiM 1 u.. i. 'Iilmnrii ff thfir nonds. this soring, and 2ii .a.. a. a. 1 rr van kpi i pi m a 11:11. 11 iu iu uwu ,111 inr 1- a Total Assets, $741,38Q 32 J. ALLEN BROWXl Art. Sallsljury, N. C, March 6. l85. &iADDIS0N BRAND ApriJ 21st and continuing three days. Creek. Michigan, will conduct most of ! (he exercises.' Dr. Jeliog is au eminent ; physician of Miciiigan, Las been for sev eral years a member; o the State Board pf Health. Mrs. Kellogg is the National jSnperiutendeut -of the department of JlygieDe in the W. C. T. U. Both are em inently fitted to impart instruction upon topics pertaining to healthful Jiving, . Delegates are requested to report to the committee, at Benboxy Hall where the Normal will be held and have homes Assigned thein. j , The evening sessions will be open to the public and be rendered attractive by various illustrations, and -experiments. The object of the Normal is to arouse a jgrs&er lytert-st among women in subjects pertaining ho well-being' of the house hold, to impart ipstrnctiop, apd toen poorage obedicuce totlje laws of health, A cordial - iuvitaUon is extended to all omen, .wJieUier rAembers of the W. C. T U. or not, to be preEent. yRUSTJBIS'S .8 ALB OP STAR way a long time. find large quantities of fish. Squire-A, A. Sudderth has pleuty of carp for tiibjo use, . . 1 .1 1 r ' denies that she ia to be one being lit ; luciies in leugui au.i 10 inches around. J. A. Dula, iLQ., lias Mrs. Gaj field married ias reported in the-newspapers. it i 1 ! : state! By: : vji tne of a Mortgage or Deed iu The prevalence of cancer in England, is reported ou the increase. TUf .Prcsidei)ts Reasons. y. tyliy s not'lnfluenctd by Petitions. sent young carp to lancey and tue carp Trust, t-xecnted by J. K. Bm ke and wife fever is increasing iu this county. Jjcuotrl lo J.jC Cowan, dated the 8th dayotj . aiiireli 1&S3, aud legiKtered in the office '- '"' 1JL ' '"'". I tlf tllM ItiMfirttr lf 1)4 1.4 f UikU-illl f !lllltf The islatur& Western Air Line Kail road,w from Shelby inni LISTER'S oiia!6i Dniyei Boies. Yin,T....f.,n Q,r air. Hint HirT.Pr- in BiMk No. r, page b8, &cM and opoii Morganton Stor says that the Leg- wlicl!dt.fau,t WU fM, Mm,,e; 1 will ex- re,has chartered Uie "Southern and M)ge Me at public auction, at the " I think I cin throw some light ou the toCniuberry, via Morgan ton, up Lower reason why orBce seekers backed by long petitions ,ijnd little favor from the J?i-esi- dent," remarked a well known journalist to a Washington Critic man. . "Ah, proceed to unfold." Creek, to Ieuoir, thence to Jenersou, iu Ashe cotfnty, and on to conneel with the Shenandoah Valley Bailroad . Tile fnneral of onr old friend, John W. ,4Smeyeai8 ago when Mr. Clpvpland Riifney, Esq., took place Wednesday, iu was mayor of Buffalo, a number of his! the Episcopal Cemetery, llev. D. C Stim- euemies formed a conspiracy to oust him. son ' official ihg. 1 Quite au assembly of 22:4t. Que thing they did was to draw up a pe- his old friends gathered together to pay tition requesting hjin to resign, Kuowlhiui this last sad; tribute. I opic. ing how good natured men generally are in the matter of signing iietitions. never ?Willmm2ioii5ton Ex-Presiderit Jef- .' '''!. Ammoniated Phosphate. Court Houtie door in the town of Salis-I ALSO iMirv, on tue zurn iay ot .April, iciaj. at I 11 1 o m a i2K:k,M., the following ,vai esratp. several Dranus 01 mnesb iraues oi to wii ; a 101 01 laiio hiiuaieu 111 dillls buryi adjoiniiig the lands of A. L. Johnson Mrs. hophia Thomas aul others, beiii" the lot on which J. K. Burke now resides and iu the West Ward of the town oi Salisbury. Terms Cash. Dated at Sal isbury, this 17th day of March 1885. J. C. CO W AN, Trustee. OMBTHlNt N,W ! GERMAN KAINIT, LIME and PLASTER. 1 For Tobacco . FOR THE GEOWTH OF -T55 S?.3 IS HONS ALLISON & ADDISON m 7BRAND --'"': ' !!! : I Always the same Always Good. Cipps raised with IT bring thi hig iast averagipricj- Aiiij in3 miTKeLS 01 .Virginia ana Uorta (Jaroliri WMr. James ami wno for tne uswd many differ SrtClAL lOBACCO 1. uoDgooa, a rurtner ia;jv UeCo..;nowateuf W last 60 years has been r.ilalnsr and curim' u,u .Ztr entbr ndsb a hiis nevelL found anv surinrtnti,?!.!. ALSO J. G. FILLER CO' mm LiiriF 1 WW GUB t(!i 1 THE PACIFIC, NAYASS4 And Are also Tobacco Fertilizers. J. ALLEN LIS! i romlinor 11111-. ftbriiihir u Iiimik v.r ask tliur I f Plsnn DaVIS IS hllitA ftf. VllS homf. A wo cm uses J-MiHS Clara Moms, an took t, petitiua around to a number of Ws old wound' received tWrty-nine """r f i.eig 'tt"tai Cleveland's friends. Si LAMP CHIMNEYS mat will not break by heat, lor tale at I ; i! ! ENNJSs'. J. G. IILLEB a GO'S. actress bay liorse'h itched to a cab iStaudiriLr in front of, her Hotel, descended o the street with lumps of; sugar for liiiu,' and u bile xraressiug and feeding the ho;4e the own t young man, c4me up ami claimed om attention also j but the admjier of fine horses had no favorable recognition Sore pjioagli ithey YPrs ago, iu the Mexican var, has bro I lill Dot their names down on bcinr 'haLm). 1 kep- OMt, "When the petition came to mayor oiAniuau nxta an colors von wish at NNISS'. Cleveland he was considerably surprised hofrib!e dcath hy t went v five! cents; worth kW to find the names ot -'many-of his best nf khriner' Indian Vermifuire. DON'T FORGET to call friends oo the paper. Now, you know that Mr. Cleveland is not a 'man to do o ta ar t li i at Itn of il t TY a 1 Jl tl -4 . 4 . . or him. but the contraryf whereupon he tlie eunclnsion that his friends had become disgusted with him. He suspected that there was some mistake J?3 He sent for some of his friends whose names were ou the petition, and then he found that they iaa ueenf entirely ignorant of wuat they wero doitig when they signed the paper. That littje incident clearly proved to Mr. Cleveland that numerously signed peti tions arejof no value; and that's why the mentioned oties,1 and those with miles of uames supporting them are not in favor with the administration." DISSOLUTION! for Seed "of: ENNJSS', sprang forward aud embraced the lady. Surprised and frightened she screamed And tainted, and ho'-jumpped, into his fidb aud fled J Were! there more fools thai oue in this case f If ouly one, which, Jie or she 1 j ; v The managers of the New Orleans Ex- Ai foiuuu imOi leuucea ii,ie price oi admis won at night from 5pjto 25 cents, with the p- hope of inducing larger attendance of . 7 the resiiut Kpvlati(?! who lave thus farJ j taken very little interest in the big show. Cocanc; tho ajklod of the leaves of a ahrub fouud. in Sou tlj America, is taking the place of tlier An3thetic8 iii surgi al, operatjous. It; is a new discovery, and Ja said to be very superior to auy thing yet used. - V j - : Te Stanly tragedy pablished in ths paper last wfek, has siuce beeu -loeatd among the hills of S It is more likely duo tlie mountains of 1 outgomeryi coufity. to some da k corner ie moon. v fk goou quaiuy ot newspaper it uow 7 panufacturcd by G. A. Pond, Glen Falls, Y Pf spruce"1 aaw-dust,. reduced to VU Vy; powerful rollers Nordiuary textile material la employed to assist the -flrork.:7-i R ' " ,Sv" 4 ' !'7? " ' i i Tlie Bfiw land Commissioru?r. Oennr.it - Sparks, bas jissned orders in respect to f"e Mie ot public lands, designed to ar- - rest fraudulent and illegal transactions. ill V Gen. Grant reported to have! had a atroug oeiusion in respect to .his talents for moneyjmakios; butAVard, his trust ed banker, took that conceit 1 elean out oi iiitn. The recent failure of the Hnrfi4k baak turns out to bea very balrahojro iudecd. eioonntjdueo depositors alone mouutf to 9yer $3,000,000. j. r , The firm of J. S. McCubbins & Co. has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. J. !S. MeCubbins having 'bought the, entire interest of Thmias Murphv in lHMks, stock and assets and assumed all the liabilities. TO THE LADIES: Call and see the Flowerj.Pots at i? ENNISSV Notice to Creditors! Alii persons having claims against the estatq of Daniel Chamlei8, deceased, are hereby iiolihed to exhibit the same to the uhdet-Hgued on -or before the :3tl dav of RALE OP LxiND! AU persons inlebted to the firm are earn- April; 18tX5f.r this notice will be pleaded a 1 -.S nrl a til I I m av ixliAtj.ln .t it I I . 7 ,r1w """""-j. in; bar ot their reeoverv. Tii s Ami 1st. KIUCU...UI., . ... w jbso., Joseph Hokaii, Adm'r. uuh pviiiaj3 nexnu iuicvi iiiiiii iaii Tins 1st day of March, 188J. !. J. S. McCUBBINS, ' thos. mubphy; 25:1m ' . SALE OF LAM il H They Must pay Their Debts. The clerks of the . Interior Depart ment receive salaries ranging from one to two thousand dollars." Dnnne the Republican rule these clerks imagined they must keep up a certain, aristocra tic styled Not only did thev wait until 10 o'clock before coming to their desks, Dut many- oi tnem liyea iar beyond theit means. Some of them used their salaries for luxuries, while the tailor and butcher were left in the lurch. Sec-. retary Lamar first broke up the lazy naou oi. tare morning nours. tie has now issued a circular warnine the clerks inac-iney must not contract debts that they cannot pay. Bight you are Mr. jamar. ALL ENTIRELY New & Fresh ! ! J.S. McOTJBBIUS. Sr., Will continue the business at the Old Stand, having closed out all the old stock tii 9 present stock is Entirely New, and will !e offered on reasonable terms for Cash. IJartcr, or first-class Mortgages. J Those who could not pay all their mort gages last, year may renew, if papers are satisfactory and appliance 19 made at once. JIIS STOCK. CONSISTS OF Dry 0Qpdis, Groceries, Boots apd Shoes, Hats, OlotJuugr, Con-1 Apriist, 1885. 24:tds. fectionens, Crockery, Drugs.. Bacon, Lard. Uorn, Jfiour. jj'eed and Provisions of all kinds, with a full lino of 7-- The sanlow(erJs said .to be coming to the front as a farm product. It is a valoa-1 : pie pianrueyoua uoiiup tor rMaitryr jf for i, nothing jelse.:I5--.. . " IV j. , SpeaKng; of the possible removals in the postk)mce deoartmenL Henrv W. urauy writes irom v asnington to tne Atlanta! Constitution, that Mr. Vilas, the Postmaster General, says: "There are pver ntty nrst class post-omces and over 2,200 fourth class post-offices now vacant Tweath; expiration or resigna tion, it win- be seen that with these to fill, and more becomine vacant everv day, there will be but small chance to look up other ofBceS and oust incum- Dents whose, terms are unhmshed, and fwho want to stay I ihbuld say, as an opinion, that nine out .of every ten Re publican postmasters who are eflBcieht J AJ.' 1 1 ll 1 ' ' ' v ..V '. . . iiuu attcnu to tneir ousinesa, will hold wxcir oitces io tna ena oi- tnenMerms. " V " ! -. ' "' - K' . Rev. Wm. V; Taylor. 1 ".. Presbvterian pastor.at Westfield; JLawrenee county, Pa, is the gentleman whom rumor hath it is to imarry the widow of President Garfield. He is about forty rears of i Secrest.. confined in the Asylum at toaiiton.;3i i iWiye3rn) 5 tliat institution. He. is a dangerous man 7j Iff be at larje' age.-- t I' THE SENIOR. MEMBER OP OUR FIRM has for fourteen years made the preparation and j sale of Fertilizers a snecialtv. and ban. say that i . i t ,r t . 1 f it i I ne nas not seen or ucaru oi u leriuiZiCK in mut inuu for'Tobacco, that has hen as "reneralfffood results and satisfaction in all respects as the! Yellow-Leaf Brand. It is prepared after ourowniformula, and by the ihost reliable manufacturers in Baltimore, On Monday the 4th day of May 1885, 1 o tiiviviS criTH .m.nt.fn i ll f Ri.il 11 fl ilTf I t. 11S VOHT RlUl 11 De ...:ir i.L.u ... ,i. ui.L i : v v i House door in the town of Salisbury, at equal to anv that has ever been prepared, it not the hour pf 12 oVlo k, a trAct of Land, .! . ; . 1 ' known as the Polfy Hartman Land, itt hPttor I iP.t It Snnn.K IOr USft f: lainiri thfi fismiP ffviit lav tho cuii Pnllv I A Hartman to Solomon Ketchev and ithers, coutaimng 154f acres more or less, lyin aad situated in thu township of Litaker. 'ilalnis is a valuable tract of land well located and within, a few miles of Salisbury. iTEUMs OP SALE One-half cash, the other; within six months from date of sale. The i jdefcrred payment to be secured by bond and good security. Py order of. the Superior Court of Rowan. KRU CKAIGE, Com'r. On Saturday the 16th nay of Aprils at the Conrt House door in Saalla&orf will sell a tiaet of n:nt'ioie of hd, more or less formeiiv lelnngiiigi A. Wise, ami Hituated tm ihe SrattTffif road, sevcu miles from Salisbury, il in.r t!i l:inU if Hai IVimII .1 F R; k-t 1 II yA-y , and J no. Gourley. aXX I Tl. I.S.I.l;.... .. Ill 1, ..r.naA f Mi All 2 UlllUllfg nil! 'C lllf liru: l hundred and jorty.eixht dolHiiitAiSiMf cents. Terms of sale, one half cadi it soon a the nale is cotilii inel, autlstow' of six mouths Jor the other half rtli te rest at eiiiltt p r cent. J. F March 14 th, 1885 KOBl.NSOX.'AdmV of iV. A, Wise. 22:tdof' l"Call nn our agents and see certificates from best Tobacco growers in North Car o- linn nnd Virifiuia. P J Ai.i.en Brown. Aent. ! J. G. Jl lLLi.lt & tu., Salisbury. N. C. (25:2m i - I Danville, Va. SALE OF LAND! Sigh Grade Fertilizers, as cheap as the cheapest. : - yon will, do well to see him before purchasing else- 1 Salisbury, April 1st, J885. 25Hf f Oa Saturday, the 25th day of April next, at China Grove, I will sell a tract of 76 Acres of Land, situated on the N. C. Railroad, three miles South of China Grove, belonging to the miMMM cmis ui jiioses ueaver. i mim 1 1 1 ire IXUllLt I U LREDIT0RSI Uld!m two tracts: one tract will be sold without incumbrance, the other tract will bo sold subject to the widow's dower. Terms made known on day ot sale, . 1 1 JACOI1 COHRELL, Adm'r i I ' of Moses Beaver, decM. March 23, 1885. lm All persons havinsr claims " ajrainst the estate ot James A. Arcy are hereby noti fied, to.presept thesame to the undersigned vt uv-M'ic um luiimnv oi Aoru looo. or ., iiviivs jii iw iiieaiie9i in oar oi ineir April 8th, 1885; ,25:6t. AdmijrnstratafeK ! It: HILLIHG POBLLU! iiavinz i quaiinea as administrator ofli ohn A. Snider; dee'd ; I hereby notify all nuptee to work accurately. I have de- tt: . -v4Mi' "e 1 fided ta p vn An lb, of irooU Hoar lor ou lbs of good, clean wheat, or a sack for l W 1 BLACK MER, N. C. ATTENTION, GOOD TtS Of Steele and surrounding town hi p! . Mv Hardware lir is completeembrac- . . ,; , '.r w, inj Plow-shovels, Dun turaing and dou- Having been with and amona : you for the r p Bytg Lnk past two years, I have studdied your intei- Shovt:l!,ForkSt R,a SinletVee, Plow ests and ixecess.ties ami can anre -you haj in Nail8i Hod y, Hon4 mv trenerai ocock t aierunanuisc i dee'd. to exhibit them to me, on or before the 3d day or April 1886. I " w- P- SNIDER, Adm'r. u a:KAV21 aofJCHNASNIDER. H&IV EN AWAY I FEZSHand QNUXH2 QiirdsnSeedsU A7 furious snow stonn preyailed throughout Canada last Saturday, in brfenaj with railway travel. Persons buying One Dollar's worth of Garden 8ed or Mddicin.e ofany kind will be given 10 papers of fresh garden seeils ' At Ei Diu2 & eed Store, ' ererv 2i bushels of wheat j and will satr isiy Uie most fastidions mat no unuue anionrnt fa wasted ill cleaning, . ..Your pat-l-pnage is solicited. ' '. n i.d.lition, let us add that wo can fiir nish partiea who appreciate a superior grade of flour our "FAYOBITE" brand, which, if not as snowy white ' as iSouie brands, ia sweeter and more nutricious, and ought to satisfy the most fastidious occulary taste, while we ofTer it much cheair tliau iijost fancy brands. All wo ask it give it a triaL -JL.-iS complete and up to yonr wants in every particular, and my ' ROCK BOTTOM PRICES will compare favorably with Salisbury Con cord or Mooresville, and respect ludy ask your favors to convince you tout I rucun business, llj stock consists iu Ladies' Dress Goods and Trimmings, Cloaks, Shawls, Hats, &c. Ready Hade Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes for Ladies, Gents, MhyjesjjBoys and children, and warranted to give satis faction. Also a line of ure Family! Gro ceries, such as pure Sugar, the best Coffee, the best Chewing and Smcking Tobacco, Snuff, and (as our Representative said) the best Cifjar outside of Salisbury. I Mule shoes, Well and Water buckets. &c. Also ajjood line of Saddles, Bridres, Collars and Gearing. Ju received a good lot of Chx ks, Stone, Glassjatid Tin Ware, and in fact I keep everything usually found in a firsf class store, and will make it to your advan tage U c.bme and se me lefo eyoa buy. I take Vreat pleasure in how my goods, and in giving all 'the information possible to my customers. My 5 and 10 ct. counters of Tin ami Glass ware are complete and go ing out rapidly. Remember I receive prod uceq notations every mail from the .best houses Northland will paj the highest m u kei prices for any thing you have for ski from a chicken to a bain of cotton. i R spect fully, . , ft -0J DAVIS. March 16, 183o.4-3ai "Ui tttewat in all her ieps, Ihannab eye, j la every gesture diyn ily and lott . j; So appeared Mother Eve, and oa., hinc her fair dfsceilots,-itlflle'f'f; ercint- of common striit-e, tare H4 er treatment. An enormous ftunHf of leajnle coupIaintare dirutly o ed by diMirrbunceR or eui'pre?iOM the MnMral Fuuciion. liirrfT cane that Herling and unf-iliDipi Uraofi eld's Fkmavz RtotW1! will eflect reliefum! aire. . --ij' ll U front the recipe of a rooctoi ". h:ii)OT fiotii tii nation has nevtr wwr u..l Ilia nriii rt-ll with Ktentif Kkill from tlie finest ruateria,k hJj tue paiui ior couiai".' y - a i i ia 1 1 ty of effect, elega" r", . a ion, b.auty of pearen . .-.j live cheapneM. Il.e lennjii; g favor genuine. It never hi" (airly tried.- ' H I rter.villM Thiswilrcertify thai P 03 UI HIT iu muiaic '"";' n()f' iiflerina for many year from 0Lj kl irrPffiitririlv. and having ",1 ilhont benefit by y;irl0T.T- ed doctor, were at lleKulator. I effect in fc g. truly wonderful, snd mj! "7 edy be called "Won.anV Bert - VoursRi lw...jlfnh Send tbrrbookonthe .jui.i i. f Woman." Ma ' ! lilt A W IEID fii. ,-1 ."- - HEALTH "rr A tVTmT1 f ACTIVE ;!A3n ntTEtljIGEarT AGjElBTS la arery town rV A WTIEIJ I .nd .wntr to aril our roeUIUV NEW BOOKS aad FAMILY BinLl5rMTaiSnrwaher nd otbers, wbo time UmttuUfoocapi.d,winfli,d It to their interw to eormt)OBd with m. To fnner,aona and other yonnym joatoominf on tbo fttld of mi ion, this " WneToSii nunr .dTMtw. WJ. "tVJ.l!!1' 52 Write for ipocUl uona t ll F. CO,, l.Ol WLln fitroot, niehiaaad, Ta. ' - JJNXISS prug & Sped Store. RED C, PJtL, Cheap--: At "ENNJS3V W fra taoa, awa: - Hen I MTrfl for wOrtlDg People, .fr out yon tn-"t ".ivrftwS'Ai . . . m n III - - n 1. borne ana wore cwdJ!) T tw m w.th iwx. ot all age?r K 1 "T. t?5 io $5 eaty earned even -nAsVe JmI nranrieu " vlS for the tn-- i,,!;-, win sena f- .m..u' . .nf f "