- : f ' " . . j y- , - - 'fr ! j. ii ;','':' v-,'...-'-i.; a ' - " ' " , k: A- -u.swJi f r- --- r r - - - - jv. ; :: - v. 4r -unv It. It i. it. 4 ' - V -'1 :t' 4 .f-T r,t !'. ' f ! ; 5 II V- if IL: r-1 v -r 1 1 i . f . ! I VI.'. 14T1 ! " " ' 7. r I pis i( l' . ; l l i - ' v t.H.CWME)ft. CRAIGE & CLEMENT, T: MAN'S BLINDNESS Aggravated by Woman' Patience. Mr. HUls Advice t Office Seekers. 1 ' Wash. Cor. jNcw Tork World. Detroit Tree PreM." Ml Salisbury, N. C Fbl3rdf 1881; nwn'fkr and eminently respecieu r , - . icitizen of that name, leaned over me banister the other morning ana.ani- Thc shears ? Why ihey are right Mown there somewhere. I was using thenv iiot'five minutes ago. melancholy which hat settled npon tlie few office seekers who i io town is absolateljr apnnlliog. The down are sti I do hot i believe that there will ba ronnd 'dozen of them in Washington after i-,''- y - J ' i . y". Yes-I-do.M--l';H- I "I have' never. 8ait much uaboat it, Mary, but lamf a jwriter.f Many a time while visiting newspaper offices, I have said to myself, 4Ab, well, you ft,at fellows -thuik ybu are' great writers naven t learnen yor um lessoiL.' So vou think itTa nrst-cla8, u 9 K T ftlinl I wsiil it. n ii and scud I another ! ten davs. I beard a discourse It to a matraEine. t ought to get at but right, from Isaac Hill, one of the As least a hundred dollars for it." (sistaut Sergeaats at Arm of the House. "You are going ttf copy it, are you He is a; roaring Democrat. He has a not?" j i 1 , I great I following in Ohio. All of these It s as men look; np to Isaac as the children of nrint. - I Isruei um to Moses. Alter ute4tb of r .1 . . know but you might Want ( March Isaac Hill had fully fire thousand 1 : i I r . I T- .i , .. t. 7.,.f.0t tlfltO maKe a lew UUSXCVUUUS. XJTh l"FV "yw w iiuu "-J JfUer..iP-"...y. Listen rly u,W.8l,ingfu. lUe.nl , ! xWWr . "? r.rr.V . thkmmobi ' 'General Beaure- kirn tnlkiue to oM of , hi. Ohio friend. w.o. n.i.i ki.i. ic. l. a ha a varn. a Da wr ui .,..-... . . .- . . " Xi Q 1 - rrn a CUM , mis weucui wh crrr. I " 7 : . : f .1 stowed on the motbfw 1 made garment, a button oox am oune worw. ;n lioiiw on t he noor, maae a 1 Tliis iorsluable pre TheVMajorf wanted them to trim .V", off ! a:orsc blanket "at the barn, and Pin sri I he marcbea into the sitting room and V1 ' Hi llcra Danger TO tSTJinotonlr shortH j -i 11.:... nM-1 fdrpd Nt-hetiaworjmborand uive among. uuu..., - - - - -1 a mi m -mm . A . a iiMnih inin.ii. nf and dsiruim? neeuies. anu vue pain.uut better than all M Wln't turn ni. Me Stoou ine worn , - - ----- - . a - . laard' seeinz that the left wing was hast night. The words of wisdom which weakened, determined to reiniorce j boouieu irora ms lips snoniu oe treasured them.', Don't you think that vou shearspbould say 'it iustead of 'them V ''Why T Belers to the soldiers II 11 It. 11C DtWW .. '"I U gU,dia,h,Ube.ir-. Un its I,ead but was no good. . ' ? ' TaMotherortMdSH? ,k went over to the what-not be W - up visit liupe that Uiose who hare beea to veiling in luxury should be made to strike at least one blow for salary . if I not for anpear- auccs. I f "-' To Prevent Stock Gambling. . Two bills are pending in the Pennsyl vania Legislature which are intended to arnh on ts" clears out Rats. 3Xicc! "Rough on Corns,1 ;for Corns, Bunions. 15c. i-;;fv t-- Thin nPonM Wells Health Renewer" restores bcaltli and vigor, cures dyspepsia, 1 'Rou"h oh Tothache,T' instant relief. 15c, f.w spent ror for A'tfccA wtu 4 113 ease of o!Tnd G, witM?fortTlfc4iV without loss of time, chaliK llo internal remedy. g of f ?r ' i T.adies wnOI wouiu reiaiu irouness aiHi roateiiallychaugethebu8iuessofbroke.fyiTacity -nqnf iJ . . . , .i . .... J Renewer." I viie 01 cue measures is "An act f,v 7 . .1 .. . j .. r In iv iv,i,..a-. v...,. 7? -j . .. . ... . . 1 ' I ! 'BacnU-ualua rucy uini urinary u n Miaiuiuja iniTliriit v. hibitsrulationinthestockof eorpora. M Bucnu pa 1 UesVspeeiaciies, iSi t?,C!W PROTECT YODRFROlTiTR mPEOVE AHD SAVE Tom . vuin. ii Pl?mie. w-?nKo Ravages of the br. " otherdestructi e Insects, by ustajr k 'f10 M4 P':; tions, in the necessities- of life, and 111 the ,. . ants1cd-burs. rats. mice. ?& M?"" aS: , ju iiaiB. juu, I wcuva iuc uu v iruiu iiupuinE Off Pi... 'Vrlft. systems known as dealing in margin. i R0urh on; Coughs," troches, 15c: liquid the directions are IoiiowmY ,1 ?u"i?l commodities of commerce by or umler the jceared out;bjjr -MRdh tails to besetit the trees and improve th .CTOa" sorts and classes the moner win be w,; ot H "Well, go on, go on. in a condition high.yhJn,ttidowll a lot of shells "The general at one time, contin-j hn a straight stnugj you want me to pre- tances or other evwlences of ti fat orsbie to speedy re li- hut th 1 tied the woman, ti tiding aiioiner oo-, aentl those papers for you. you fool you. I ability for the delivery of th coreryi and far less lis-1 an . l". . . .. ' j I WiiniVal'imrairrauhi "was much -niovrnA Vn! ihinle.1 am. nainn to rnin vou.t 1 rW.in afminW'." If no time be sneci k.fnflM .....L .. .mi unM ItnMhPW MR Wal Ill IJ' I D I " ' I V - " O o " I " 1 -ion. and other alarm- ? ?a lw wpnt into the liall and H to seft a soldier dragguig a gu pKiu'fc you know that paiers don't eouut fied, then the delivery shall be on the day A violation of the provision of the act i25c. made a misilemeauor. nunishable. on con- ; Fcr children, slow in deve opmc nt, puny Vnce n per iw lbs -under ?5 ptmndk Tz: v .1 ' i ji.i: .. .... uw.ii u..ith n.m...... n DOiuiu. uii directions win. iu..i. " u m. viction by a term of imprisonment noc anu uch. .ud Ior descriptive dreniars. i7 ." exceeding one year and a fine not exceed- "R.gl uent.si toot,, rowatr. i ry Vf"owrf Attn ' 'im.- -.a.....i ,.rn'f Mm i It. loc. r cure." Use the -Victory" In Asm h.?.nM ol IUE Oiwu. Atm otv ... w I, rv M i l.hol: onrt tAn H,.'; "'""WaSUM- nesMiiTS, uirur k, oviuuii "..7 " s real arm ' - . . . - .Hrri inn raR vnur iniu . ni - j vn in oiQing Burvim m me iormuia, butiqmte her-- w tne irewi. Tines, pianis ana vetft-tatlon. 1 ' i J -t.-II 1. . T . 1 I . . - . ... . . . I nuuivo. mane or eziwcceu, suait uo ciuuci: . Mother swanj w orm syrup, lor tevensn- The other bill requires tUrttvevery persni jness, wormsconstipation; lasieiew. oc. makiuc a contract for the sale of stock or 1 : Stn:in:,, irritation, all Kidney and Uri- You have delivery of property shall ftirnish the buy- nary complaints cured by "Buchu-paiba, Night sweats, fever, chills, malaria, dys- Th ft(ittii1 iuctioii movidesl IUUI ail CO III rUC 18 III KUKK urcwiliuitmiuro by way of margins, it's a Trsttsfonned to HOPE 1 sndj J. :.u I 1 l.. t Willi u UIUACII ig. i ...... i . i . i m a ..... . . ... . itivh.i'j uiviiinf uriiii riini r 4i n't nm hide or nair oi em. i ; w. - - ' . . t l i" " and 1! don't believe -you ever W rr..?Ti' n a w f m tv a v ai is a MUb 0 aa . m see? The fellow's leg was broken, but so deter ; The Dread of llotherltood U vpin. incident tnf. "..f,8. WW , toliagerinffand painful I called putt labor. Its truly wonder ful efficacy in thin re spect entitles the Moth ers b nend to be rank ed as one of the life sav ing appliances given to the world by tneoiscov- sries of modern science. From the nature of the leaae it will of courte be lunderstood that we can 1 1 , ' vft t1,pnps . Then lie stood uu r .... I lllUimCl w " I not puDiinn ceniQcatea 1 .. .. 1 .1 .. . i f i, concerningthlaKemedy iauu . without wounding the est approach to sliears mere was a de!icacy the writersj,nti.4:r Tlien he walked around Yet we have humlredn . i a a;n a..ri lr..,..K ..;m:i-A alio Burvcycu cam " o... file, and no mother who p-ave the work basket another racket. m m f iuiio uuvc uecu i . win IL L. .: .....ui. here lie siiouieu iruiu iub uau - uivci iu uau k a - a , over. the proprietor, that if it were, scmissaue 10 - tW IV MlliuP i.0,v imtient. C ...klU k loMrao raeive. the j101U-I " VI ' . a - -J iTrt.nl" wnnlrt ontaell anvthins on the are! r . X market. by thoso who are contemplating a to Washington. Said Hill to his ul Ohio f i iend "You don't seem to which should 1 understand this new deal. come on herewith euough papeis to Jer with "the serial numbers and lates of streteh ifjrom the Treasury to the Capitol j such certificates of stock, receipts, aecep- title to or H- le property Jnhilitv curt41 bv "Wells' Health Renewer. where no delivery is . i W.C.WESTBRboK. AjSLVG Ul a UI 34 ICB, W U301V4X Q fSTFOn SAUE at CNNISS- DruiShJ 4 MILL STONES. bensia. curefl by "Wells' Health Renewer." a a j - I Mv husband (writes a ladv) ia three times the man since usimr "Wells' Health Re newer." If you are failing, broken, worn out and with this Administration t The more a of making the contract. But in every case nervous, use; "Wells' Health Renewer." $1 "Yes, but how did he drag a guii Now look again-tbat's a good with a broken leg? ., it i ! Tj ir 1 !.. Ml "Confound it. don t you man,' sue repueu. x nuW lo 'ut'.K,. right there. -The! Major got down on his hands and knees and looked under the tuau putsiuof them the worse he is off. the stock or evidences of property, with And you want me to get np a delegation j the number and dates, must be given to for I you; too. Well, you are from the I the i purchaser. Char. Obi. Prevalence of Kidney complaint in Amer ica; ''Buchfu-paiba" is enre, ft; - TTJ UNDERSIGNED has boughtthe,,, " kaown ROWAN COUNTY kn, STONE QUARRY Of K. E. Ptunips. dT y and will coatUiue to supply the ,pubicdl okit so well known throughout tUis eooM- for its superiority for Mill stones. Granite Ok, (or Ornamental Durooses. Monuments quick, complete I also be had at this quarry. Address, ' : J. T. WYATT.Sallsbiyy, Milk Yield of Full Herds. he that he still stuck to flafrty &xii Zzn -TO- niineU was i ' his gun. "But he didu't drag it with his broken leg." VHang it the fellow's leg was bro ken " ' "I uuderetand tlmt " backwoods. If I Just wanted to lay you i out! completely, I would go out to the White House with a delegation. You Considerable excitement is occasion- askjme j what you shall do. Well, I will aiiv PnUSed bv the Dublication of the tell. You just go home by the first train, yields 0f single cows in a single week,- iKO iuur uuiicis-niiu juu. a iivii. i wnen trq uii lur tue &ueciu uuiuusc ui i 1 . m . . . .1 ... fi -4. -Li I you want an omce, realty, you migni. obtaining tne very nignest. posssime i . ' M .I'll m l iiii i.i l. : I send your uame anu your postotnee au-1 yield witnoui Kuimg we cow uutriguu dress to the President. Then wait aud Such experiments are well enough for see if lishtnius dosen't strike vou. You those who are willing to risk their an- TOW PDLLS 1 r-.---;-. I'J f Well, then. Leg was broken, bdt I. : . chaIlce tlnU Wilv thail vou imals under such tests, but they are of ; T a- 1 w Is i 1 l l 1 1 . A r Ii Washiugtou with the biggefet I DUl vulue. u aud the longest striug of pa ve tlie Wora uasKei anoiuer racKeu .... ? c r stana a oei I tell oulhereXain't no shear nnwillmg to retire Irom the field, lie wouldj ia re, or else I'm blinder'n a bat!' craw ed along, dragguig his gun. ; delegutioll 3 25 YEARS 1M USE Tas OraatBSt Msdieal Trinnph of the Age! SYMPTOMS O? A TORPID LIVER. you are! 'J tell you durioc along obstetrical practice (44 years), 1 house! I had to look a straight hour d TbprM no imnatience about it ! I I mtmt earnatlv entreat, every female ex-I. n ..:.. ),,,. i t cdIm! with tbia entreaty I will add that one can ever fidd any thing in this "With his broken leg? 'Mary, haven't I you got at all ? The statement is uk plain as daylight. When you strike a woman oh military matters, dud blame it, Ornamental Soldiert to be Sent to the Fron uera that was ever made." anv sense i Washington Society Paralyz ed. the yearly product as entire herds kept SaWlf "Sffi' sSKiJS .suS in o wi-wf Uof id rlopmml Vipaf. anrl snfpsf fnr Ii hark Mnrt.' Pala Cndcr the abonl!cr Ilia urn T WJLSCWV h7 uvvjv hv i; -r . both cow and owner. Mr. Henry E. Alvord, who manages noughtqn farm, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. . Notice is lerebyj given to all i. having claims against the estate of J.. Sechler, deed., !to present the same to tU ucdei'Kigned oil or It-fore the iMtli tav of March, 1886; and all persons indebted la the estate of said decl are iutified tnr.ii on us aud pay the same without delav. a. U. oECHLEK, hS 18 of A. W. SKClltEU. ( .St'tiilerL dcr March 10th, 18d5 S2:Gt:'ptl. f haveneverknown itto fail to produce a safe the otier day to fiild a gimlet !' "dqalSTHOeLMES, M. P., Atlant.,Ga.' 'If! you don't see them iu the bee ! i' room i I'll come down?, tUA rnar Traatbie on "Health and Hap- He. eutered the bed room, glanced : pioess of Woman," mailed free. over the bureau and stand, pulled the jaADrieu tttouxoa au., sha(ui off the pniows aud whirled the t " gtx cents ta e and I pillowas around and theu took down a A rra2atTAreceiTefree!a cosu i oil bottle from a bracket aud I I If III Hsoods wucb will ueip you to Ini V iiiaw she can't see two inches.' . . aa I m t '1 uiulei stand it well enough. lle man was drairtriiiir his nun with his - C7C7 W m broken leg. which, I should think would differ very little from dragging his broken gun with his leg? tier and Made to Earn their Sala vie Like the Rest. blade Faljneas after ccttac. with dio- lncllaatloa to exertion o boot ct Irritability of teaapcr, Lowapirita, yrita MrMliafFAf huTlnar ucclcctcd aomo anty, has eiven to the Breeders Crazette the WeariBe9a,Dizxines3,FlntterlccattLo recora oi miiK yieia oi iur. v aienune s : h riCht eye, Eeatieasncrc, w::h entire herd during the past year, which I rftglRlImrJ53"'"4 ,Vftwa an avoraffA nf 71X4 nnarts Pnch www ir iy .1 for a herd of hfteen animals, two of them fourteen years old or over, and three heirers witn tneir nrsi caives. The annual but- TUIT'S PIIJL.3 aro especiall j- adapted n mh raies. ono doso effects sucii 8 W ife was a seusible woman. 1 The sliears were not ianjthlna else In this world. All, ofeither sex, sue- tntti. ..r nnvwliprp p!p. Siavtfniy eeed from nrst hour. The broad road to ionune "T . , . f . , j ilwMiiriit ah wi n woman of liienrv : opens beiore the workers, andls absolutely , sure, 'fhev minht have been carried under lnol,S,,t 8ne. as a Ionian oi 11 erary a i ama aitMoa Tvn r a n on i fir a. Maine, i ' . V4IVVPUyMf aw w vwir..--o more money rleht away tbaa lOOKCU itlto II. rorld. AU, ofeither sex, sue- .i.- )uttte oi Wasuingtox, March, 30. Consterna '- a a t 1 . a a- . 1 lion lias luvaueu sen society, au awu.i t, . , Jersev. minor goes abroad that the officers of the - ii tnnA.nn air'-friala nn pnln. The geueral wheeled around iu his army and navy who for years bave been lat:ons of the amount of butter made chair, shoved both hands into bis kept at Washington through social from 100 pounds of milk, showed that pockets and in a calm voice, slightly influence are to bo sent to their commands if all the milk had been made into but- trembling ou the bosom of a struggle, aiid made to do their share of duty like ter, and the product had equalled that said j - the rest. Not ouly is Washington in- from the lots actually churned, there W lmi T ninrruil T ttioliorlit thslt 1 i.L.i i c 11 i... .1 ' I -nm.il si Vi o ra Vwoqvi tmm fVio onfiro borl 11 iivi. . .. ...--..,.. 1 m iiii.mi 1 11 ik it'll hwooo. 1111 r mi iiih 1 nwuiu ua.v w-i uvu .. change offeelinprn to astonislitliesuC'trer They Intrcaae the A ppctUe.nad tausc t!: Ixvlvio Take Ott 'IMU,I.iri 1110 r?:...a noarished. rrl yih r Xonto aciicvc on yrofluc-il. IVlcea.'.c. 4tMnrrav't..i.Y; TUH'S HAIR Mt GaAT Hatb or WuiXEits changed to a GLOS9T br ft sinsrlo application cr this DTE. It imparts a lmturcl color, acl.s iastantanepusly. SoM by Drr-ists, or sent by express on receiptor Pi. Office, 44 jflurmr..r- TAPE WORH.) '' . I a . . M la I ..M.I lrlM . k . M IlllllllAll the bed by that mysterious household ia5lr ,U mrtv "u u,u'": tida which carries articles from room blindiusss has contused me. Head to room in an invincible mabner. He the paragraph again. I ,IWI nn-i.r i.iim Mm on 'The ceiieral at one time was mueh rmwlpd under.-hum ned bist head on I i. lie general Ihnatata. pot dust 111 his throat, and moved to see a S4ldier dmgging a gUn j o - - . . . Aa eminent German scientist has recent- iiai.ni- vvlib blmid in bis with a drokeu leg. Ah, I see, she ex lyidlscovered from aroot extract, an :l . . , .fji- M,,Pf, , claimed. WW,.. rjTw w r. 1 am clad vou do. Marv.' It fs pleasant to take and is not distress- ftOg W fcUC lAtlCllba UUt 19 JJtUI iai I J DVRtll IBB which passes : entirely vli? r One over , void worm pay required until removed with head. : - peoa stamp ior circular ami ierms.f ZZZ31TT700D l CO., r - I 19 Park Place, New York. fsy 30, '34. ly ter?' 'The soldier was a urairiruis a gun swoop, other soft billets throughout the country. Everyi large city in the United States will be hung with society crape when this rude edict goes into effect, but with special aud particular force will it fall upon Washington. Here for years has there been a coterio of favored offi cers, Rapper young men with exception al talent for geruiatis, young uieu who have cultivated the light fantastic uutil the v are worthless tor auv other avoca an average of 377 pounds per cow for the fiteen animals. From the ten cows left after cropping out the heifers and old cows there should have been din pounds and ten ounces to each animal as the butter product tor a vear a re markably good showing for a business: herd. Country (jtentlemen. Wonderful Butter Yield. Snd stUDefvlnz to tne lane worm, ,iia..i aa..i I.. GL,.U ne 1, wit h a uroaen leg me emri ieg wa sa, Deionmn io me loosens its hold of its victim snd I ... .,M( llff J.,n 0r broken' at.. I ux i Herd of Mrs. S. M. swsy las natural snrt easy manner. -vv.rwr&; V. " .n:. - !,.. mI' b orolaiml . rv. : another test of . m .HI I . . I .. .....hbkmB a 1 I llllllir: HuL mJmm, 1H: a a B B Vf W at W mm-' r W . A. B. I B ' v - WhOle, with iiesa, sua wmie sun ter ti e m mema. ; - - r r - , , luuc.ie. cry loriuem, mai.on. awn- v . oualitie. under m .- .r i iiv .u i. . ufa f iah nA i .xii ue triei naur uu ut. 11 . i ... ... : .... a i a 1 i - 1 1,HY, IICI.C nicy ais i llicj "15 I " . . ... ' CU Ml UfPClUl UUOU IIICIII, UeUUUlIllS ItUU I Tl f UT T ,,otn M,wt.lan ha n,x.l thia inM fio in . . 1 ... 1 t ' .mo. in IPV I n n Mftl ; lllPil lit VTlll. I ... ' . . - Ul ilU. UCUIY OJOObC, UJ. uHiHbi.u .m. ... . ,nrr ll mv cantinir nilUir. riOllL III mlll viir w i , J I j ..liL-a Hml tlium n 1'i.f.nru mil I . m . T r stresses, without a sinule failure toJ ' -"T.- " r n n,l Uvft ah.ne. To " " member ot tne Jersey ntlra SnroPM rnrant.pd No ' " . . . . . ; joy. ;l liey are ueauiiiin iu men genciu-1 y 4WB ASK ALL 4 lalerested la Bides, Furs, ?Wool, Roots, hollsi than au woper shopl' -resinersi ueeswsx, nutter, uneese, tg. s, HA walked past the chairlnto the Winltrv TTnv and Trrv,lii I 1 ii ! gener ally to tend for our Price Currents. Prompt ireturnson all Consignments. ' Trial Bhipmenta SolicitedT . CLrtiEBAL Commission Mcrbiiasts, ; ; Oftlce,169, William St., New York. -ffiilj-i " r. ' - I don't believe it I'll-never be- suddenly discover sucn ignorance ut- lieve it! I looked into that chair tally crushes ine. U you think mat over leu thousand times !' a gun has legs and anrs like a man ? 'Well: there thev are.' D y for a nnte suppose -go .vb a a a I ... . .a T S.ll ' JltrS UQ 8UCll tlllllK! 1 OU VC lOSt I uwujf, x icii 'em or pawned 'em or traded em' for i- r t 1 gum. lou veno more oraer in your THE j GREATEST ENEMY to children hall l and was going out when she - 1 it called : 'Dear, areu't you going to take the shears?' y , z '' " '1 ." : 'Shears ?. What shears ?, I'm going over ;to the store and, buy me a pair of shears aiid if any human being in this house ever puts a linger on 'em they'll suffer for it ! I'll see if I a. ft rfsi can t; nave a pair oi shears iu my You mean that a soldier with a broken leg was dragging his "gun, don't you V Hah?' i She repeated the remark. The general took the. manuscript, folded it with mock precision and put it in the stove.1 ! I 'Why did you burn it, dear?' 'Oh, I was afraid that it might break oue of its legs. 1 reckon its safe enough, now. The next time you ask me to write anything, I'll do it. Oh. ves. I'll seize a broken leg pen. The celebrated Jersey cow, Princess Burnside Park Shoemaker, has been her butter pro- the supervision Cincinnati, a Cattle Club, ap pointed for the purpose. In seven days tion. They have acquired the art of she produced forty-six pounds twelve "letch and carry," aud they fill it place arici one-half ounces of salted butter. that nobody else could. But this callous J In the week preceding the official testy Democratic adaiiuistration has decided Mr. Ricklefsen had made a private test that all government salaries must be which gave over forty-one pounds of earned: that those who wear the Federal butter for the seven days, thus making For DytprptU, CosUreaeii, Sick Ueadatha, Chronic DUN rlusa. Jondio, impurity ( Um Ague, Malaria, and all Drm-nn caused by Da. ranement of Liver, Uowela -nd Kidnfjv ' STMPTOMS 01L HISKaSEO LIVEK. Bad Breath; Pain in the Side, smttimo tht -pain is felt under the SboulJer-blade, miukcifar Rheumatism; general loss' of appetitt; Bowcir," generally costive, s.jtnetints iilicinaiinj with hi; ' the head is troubled vitb l-'m. duliand hanr with considerable lass t-f picmory, accampanM with a painful sensati n of Icavm,; uiidoRCfBtthirf which ought to Have been done; j slijht, dry cijll and flushed face is sometiaics ab aucndaot, otu mistaken (or consumption; the putictt'esoiptaia' of weariness nd debility: nervous; easily KtH,; (cet cold or burn. tig, sometimes a pricMy senulios of the skin exists; spirits are low and despoadeat,; and, although satisfied that exercise would be bene-, ncial, yet one can hariily summon up (urtiiudca try U in tact, entrusts every feme y. Sewm of the above symptoi.-- attend t'ie c: have occurred when but fw of them ei: examination after death h.it shown the Litem have been extensively derail. 1 rbctciw 1 Li!, i a total for two weeks of eighty-eight pounds of butter, a result' unparalleled I heretofore. This leave3 Princess 2d at the head of the list of heavy yielders, and perpe- ! f ii o ,aa f Vi o b nn rvrs wbie.Vi h ave been ?ath-f niaua-, aud that the Treasury cH.inot pay v Bl,rnside Park Herd. a corns of jeunesse doree, to hang around I ftnr 01 Pnnfains an animal Washington and decorate ball rot.ms. ch remarkable chievements.-4 i So the edict has gone forth, and worse American Farmer. than that, it is said to apply to all of the livery aud eat the Federal ratiou uiu&t make a show of tiieni. This uu feeliug President aud his equally coarse grained Cabinet have decided that offi cers of regiments must join their com- To the needs of thei tourtst, eomnaCTelal travaler and new settler, Hostetter's stom ach Bitters Is peculiarly adapted, since U trenirthens the digestive organs, and braces the physical energies to unhealthy fol rnflneuees. It removes and prevent malarial ifeTer, constipation, dyspepsia., healthfully stimulates the kidneys ana bladder. n& enriches as well as purine the blood. When overcome by fatigne, whether Imental or physical, the weart and deblMtated find it a reliable source o renewed strength and comfort. For sale by sil Druggiats and Dealers generally, t worms. Bhrinert Indian Vermifuge will house -after being married for lip- "d write the life out of it. A phoph -RPJtffliSr- 11 ?a "BOWS t wards of forty-three years V suvimmu - I A .1.1 I. 1 .1 1 aiiu lie iHiiieu uuwii ms iiai anu j slammed the door with all his might as be went out. .r-i b' Hi l jSiToTtaiUnivr et is not without honor, and so on. You. have beaten me out of a hundred dollars in cash, and I hope you an satisfied Womau'u Worry! ujr, Wajs. Some Mad New Yorkers, barracks and city headquarteis in the country. There is tu be a general turn ing over. Those who for years have been retained in soft siuecures through court influence are to join their commands and earu iheir salaries in New Mexico, Idaho, Aiizoua or Alaska, as the case may be, and all necessary .vacancies in desirable places East will be filled bj officers for Black KircU for Inside Finish. JJAKBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A Household Article for Universal : family Use. Eradicates 1IALABIA. Reiult in a Great Literary Loss, I Arkaiiaw Traveller. these long and weary jears have been 1 , . ' Some of the maddest men in the Uo,nS fiemce country today are tne members or a high toned New York Club, whose "hootine bar", is on the shores of Black birch for doors, wainscoting, and other interior work is being in troduced to a considerable extent in uew buildings, and it is certainly one of the-handsomest of the many variei ties of woods that are being int rod uc ed into new houses, while the cost is much less. Black birch is a close grained wooc), jujguj and is as easy to work as walnut, anu Fevered and sick r-er is much cheaper than either walnut or cherry. There is great difference .-' - a s a a: 1 taitina itw, a pure, clean, wholesome 4- i: fee Brain, Kama, "tormach. I Jvar. K Idaers. aequaled laTigorant. 6uraa Xleadacbe. Fever. Ajrueu Chills. DEBILITY WEAKNESS. h . . ' r loe to take, true sneriLunequaled for .larbV, laaw i5odf iM per boL. for liOO, ftTprurrirts. K. a. wsxLs. Jersey City. W. U.B.A General Mecklebam, in imitation of I Currituck Sound, N. C. These gen- greater men, decided upon writing at tlemen are fond of shooting ducks, series of war articles. "Vhv shouldn't 1 and finding cood HUorLin CurritneJ!:. 1, Alary T he asked h is wife, who came there aud built a tine club house w ew lorK v,.cg, ... The news has naralvzed society. This noble army of dudes, whose soft cheeks liave never oeeu toucneu uy a oura, .q - a,jt aud or of birc.h tial , aud whose Uleutshave ruu excluMvely ; inJ ur0ii hih and dry land be- r to 1 erpsichore. are tilled witn sauness mmmwmm " I Q while the irrowth on swampy land is ' " c For Scarlet and Typhoid FeTers, Diphtheria, SmU ratlon. Ulcerated Sore Throat, Small J Pox, Measles, and all Contagions Diseases. Persons waiting on the Sick should use it freely. Scarlet Fever has a ever been known to spread where the Fluid was Vrllnw Fmr has been cured with it after taken place. nc won to it. SMvVLLr-POX sons reiresnea ana lied Sores prevent ed by bathing with Uarbys Huia; 1x1 d are Air made harmless ar.i fpiirified. For Sore Throat it is a aud dismay. The paroxysm has spread nati, aud every place wiiere military belongs to a lilerarv society and - who and bouirht a lot of land. Mueh to fis considered an excellent critic, f "I their surprise.! thev learned "la few daudies prevail, aud sackcloth aud usbes should lust like to know whv I 04i?htl months airo thai Unless a man is a k-esi are ll,,e regime. not to give my feiperience? I went deal of the State he cannot 00 out ina But hr every groan of anguish among ' 1 ji .!!.! ..C 1 ..t:t. I sure cure. f inZ liartl ana SUSCepilUie Ul guuu wmi Contas-lon destroyed UllKlalna. Piles. -ftfr and tliprpfnre not well Stilted tori Chaflnc. etc. tiiA Miinmsi-s the uuiaua nroauci so j , . admirably fills. Tne writer in con structing a new house last year lud birch folding doors introduced against through the war ami nerveU witli dis- boat to shoot ducks! He must shoot the displaced favorites there is a sigh f lhe protesflif his architect, who had hot at all! Result: relief and approbation irom tnose wuo neyir heuru Gf bircli-wood being used '-Vtt.- t I know! the 'local sportsmen of Currituck, ha" endured the hardships of camp and fr (hat or any analogous purpose, he cou- j being resideuts, would go out iu boats active service niid frontier barracks. De- regult is most satisfactory to all - ri-f uchq-Paiba tiuctiou, if X do say it myself. Anoth-t from the shore, or 1 er tiling in my favor is that haw! to write. I understand the struction of sentences. I understand on the sotiud and bag all the came, seryiog officers who have earned a right parties, aud to none of us mure tha the use of vigorous English. What I while the .Northerners, who had sient I to iudulgeuce by faithful service are eu- t,e architect, who preferred the usv do you ay, Mary ?" , their money to build the club house, cournged to feel that theirreward has Df walnut or cherry. Possibly te . )Vhy, by all means write your ex-pranced up aud down the shore, but come, and for a brief season at least they builder took especial care in the se- perience.i do not see whv vou shoudt could seldom cretashot at a bird, will return to civilization, 10 nunje auu 1 nction ot his material, so as to cou - keeti 1 bacLr ntivthinv tfiftt niitrht nrnvnl Here wna a rlilrmmn iintSI of lonut I fxiuil v. rnnfrni:il entercourse and to a - O 7 'O r 1 " " 1 " - I - RamawkaMe Cores f Catarrh of the Bladder , lnfla-tjnistioa. Irritation of Kid BCTS aai KUlder. stoe cf Gravel Pis eases et tha Prostata MnnA. DmnriMi Sweilhjrv Feina! rsscascs, Jncontin ece of Urine, all Diseases olka (lenito Urinarjr Or.-sns in eiOier se rorpH health or Unnarnral Diachanres use also "Chanln's lnjw-p fieir," each L j ror oiruu.i comnctea er hereditary aiat,ur .nin's Constitu UnanatvrHjrrp. $1.Vij-r bottle, and Chapia's Frrtnflit ie rdls, SiOO; &4Cna pin's erPMtto BsJT-Ttl.00, 6 hotUes Srrnp. S or mi, i mi", iy ncajess on K. S. Wraxs, JerweyCltyNTJ U. 8. A. j of interest" to the public and might re-j some one saw a way out of the suuiin proht toyourselt." i , culty. ; vrhati it. Mary ; that's it. j " You - It so happens that Currituck have bit the nail on the head. While a debt of several thousands of ' a. m s z m - : sa m.w a i - ; t . a x was at college, the students used to lars. .Bow these moneyed men. who nets have waited udou tecretaries iuu- dark cherry, are .. i .-is ' ...... - - i r I . - I lnnl.'. : I ... .11' . 1. I 1 J An. I !i ..... . 1 I :.. l.a dim- rest. pf course thero has been n passionate owes protest against the arraugeraeut. Delega- dol- tions of potent matrons aud social mag vince the architect of his error ami and his (the builder's) superior knowl edge; but, however that may be, tlie black birch doors, which in texture resemble . satin "wood, aiutin cohr the , admiration of It re- Rhenmatisnt cured. Soft White Complex ions secured y iu use. Ship Ferer prevented. To purify the Breath, Cleanse the Teeth, it can't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved and cured. S Erysipelas cured. Burnsrclievedinsuntly. Scars prevented. Iysentery cuted. Wounds healcU rapidly. Scurvy cured.j An Anuaote r Ammai or Vegetable Poisons, Stings, etc. 1 used the Fluid during our present affliction with Scarlet Fever "with de cided advantage. It is indispensable to the sick room. Wst. F. Samb foso, Eyrie, A&u and' PITTING of Small Pox PREVENTED A member of my !anv ily was taken with Small-pox. I used the Fluid ; the patient was not delirious, was not pitted, and was about the house again in three weeks, and no others had U J- W. Pak insosi, Philadelphia. Diphtheria Prevented. . I I.n hAm I e ao mucu aiieuiion w rueioric. were aireauy speuuiu? oz.uuu a Icott auu wiiitnev toaeciaiui uk.uubi every one who uaa seen mri. . It will all come in handy now,' you year down there, offered to piiy tht revolution, this uprootlug ot deepseated sembles bird's eye maple, and when ee. Vellj I'sbail go to work at whole debt of Vie county f the people tief,this iconoclastic blow. Maidaus weep polished it possesses that sheep which onaf." ,K ' : ,; would would eive them the nrivile?e iu their hmvr. The rebec and the lute renders satin wood so pleasing to the lhe next evening when the lamp ! of shooting ouj the sound. Up to the I are st: II, A gloom has descended upon eye. We pretlict for black birch an lad: been lighted, the ceueral said ; SState legislature went a delegation I the nnoer circle, the Wi7e are plqnged iu important place among the faUey The physicians here use Darbvs Fluid very successfully in the treat merit of Diphtheria. A. Stollknwerc;, Greensboro, Ala. Tetter dried up. -Cholera prevented. Ulcers punned and healed. In cases of Death it should be used about the corpse it will prevent any unpleas ant smelt. The eminent Phy. slclan, J.MABUriY SIMS, M. D., Mew York, savs: "I am I convinced Prof. Darby I Prophylactic Fluid is a valuable disinfectant. randerbilt Untrersttr. Kaahvfll T.na. . 1 testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof. Darbvs PfoDBVlactic Fluiii A. . A .;-r --a detergent it is both theoretically and practically superior to any. preparation with which I aa ac quatnted. N. T. Luiton, Prof. Chemistry. uarDy. rjuia U Recommended by 'Hon. AlksaSobr H. Steph.hs, of Georgia; Re. Chas-JF. Desms, D.D Church of the Strangers. N. V.: Scarlet Perer Cure! It should be used by all persons, old sol young, whenever any of the uUcre symptoms appear. - Persons Trarellnr or Llvlnj In U- ' healthy Localities, by taking a Ho ocaum- ally to keen the Liver in heatiliy acuunj iaoiit ' all Slalarla, lUlious nt lacks DiuiwM, Ni j sea. Drowsiness, Depression ofo.im, tsc. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, bulb sots tuxicallng beverage. ; If Tou have eaten nnTthlne hard s! lliseHtlfin, or feel heavy after mealrrsr bt- , less at sight, take a dose and you Ulbc raiicvxd. Time and Doctors' Bills will fee iT4 by always keeping the Regalator -- In tlie HoiisI for, whatever the arlmeni may be, a tWstfl : . Caie ptirgatire, altfi alive and tonic i never he out of place, '1 he rtmey t luifflili and does notJnterfere with biuiufu , pleasure. i ' IT IS PURELY VEOFTAljftlL And has all the power :nd ettic -cyi Oioaev Quinine, without any of the injuriuuiiJterelitta-: A Governor" TerflmonT Simmons Liver Ktgnl.itor ha U cn '"ilT i hvmily for sume time, and I am saykfiedju r vsiuablc addition to tne mtdicjl scicw:t. ! , J. GlUL SiioKTKH.'GoNemorofAil. Son. Alexander H. Stephen. f es says: Have derived 'some benefit trnr!l'' Simmons Liver Regulator, aud wih 14 fiirthcr trial. . -!; ! "The only Thing that never Wilt t Believe. I have used many rtmcdki ft' 1I pepsia, Liver Affection and lability, . iave found anything to benefit me W iimmons Liver Regulator has I Ktt,y'! nesota to Georgia for it, and would stni unherw such a medicine, andiwould advise ail K,'T . ilarly affected to give it a trial as it $eclnfttJ thing that never tails to relieve ; P. M.: Jahnet, Minneapolis. V Dr. T. W. ttason aay : Front scf 1 perience in the use of Simmons Liver R'P11 " Siy practice I have been afld m mww4,sT and prescribe it as purgative medicine. fTTake only the Genuine, which lr has on the Wrapper the red Z Trade-' . snd Signature of J. II. ZEIUN f C j FOR SALE Y ALL DRUGGISTS , Tie Valley Mntoal Life OF VIRGINIA.. T4 J. i HOME OK Fit' E, 8 1 AL .Yrt. tWh : Th nhftanpet. SafeRt. and Most KellaW":,,, su ranee now offered the pubUcis fonDd?a2:i: ley Mutual, which enables you to ciTTS,,.& p iicy at an actual average cost of For further InXonnatlon, call on or aof- t JW. McKENZIEiA MsvM .1883.1 SlXI8BrTi f S66 a week-at home. s-'nHc'hjtot . solutely sure. No risk, t H quired. Reader. If JBU.jt at which persons of enter t or old, ican make preat pay a lD.e "SUltri ' with absolute certainty. wru iu. k-- - . U. 111LUIT a, i 13:ly VaiUHTS INDIAN VECE1 FOR TH And all Bilious Cornplal All UraJCS i ER' Sale to take, belni purely T..isiJ. Ins. Price HORSE AND CATTLE P n nl'nr" 8end stt cents torposuM. and -,f 1 1 Li .lrrrem,tiyixolgt)ori ii Is 1 1 Ui la which will help you to more mon- fir rUrht awa than anything" else In this world. All of either sex, succeed Irom first hour. The broad raad to fartune ojeiisiwfoie the woikers. absolute. j naro. as unco ax lortT. .-iy ly sure. At once addwy Z?m t Ansni ne. t: i - -v ; Jjlarv, are . vou rraJv to bear mv laruied with the mouev to nav off. the I .aJinoaa if ; VMrv miilaucbolr. All S T . ml. -m a I " a M J I INiUIIBWt All ! v - w war paper?" ! leutiro iudebtduess, but, lo aud be- the same, com mon people approve the ho;d, the lyegislattire refused to pass measure. The most ordinary docket of the bill J Well,a more disgusted justice and propriety call for a change, crowd ot duck' bbootcr thatj these it ja only fair that those who have done New Yorkers would be hard to find. l.-! rh iinrintr these long years BaliimoresMonvfacturer'tJUwrd. ... Shall !enjoy a season of recreation, and "Yes." Ie read it to her. t V,at do youthiukofiti" is gootl.?' . JL "Po you tluuk it's first class?" woods for buuse fiuishiug aud furui- ture. Jos. LBVowTs.Coliunbia. Prof.. University ,S.C Xe. A. J. Bsrroi, Prot. Mercer University; Rev. Gao. r. Pissf, iMsbcp M. E. Church. JSSVS.ABLK TO EVEBT HOSIE. rerfectiy harmless. Used internally or eeraalljrfor Man or Beast. The Fund has been thoroufhlv ., .-a have abundant fjidcitce that it has done ev'erfthinc Km H9iinJ ?a r..ll e i. A BAD COJfSCIEiSCE does not trouble children, but worms make their night sleepless and kill thernXOne 25 cent bottle jr s of your Ir flkn.P'o THi. , Vprmirno-B Will fiaVel tne propnetors. UUI1UI a was O them from disease snd death. . rJ i m 'ft fSJr- fO Hosss will di rf ,ntnr-. routrs rowaers wi . Ar ty ... .niaiii.' -iota- r' Fontx's Powders Fonts' Powners and rream twenty and sweet. per ci'ni-. n a I etTi FMtrt Powders will run- r M Disr" to which Horn t1,7aC7 Forrz's Po ! r. n ' 6T1 ' . ; . tec Id everywhere ...a. mere. roB"' HAh A - mm fan". J. II. ZEII.rV Mt tn rctargawiHLF.LPH IAj . ""T" t - . 1 - - . ! , f - - ' . umm mill FOB SALE! t.,v Inw and terms e?y. : rticuUrs, aldres,;orc-lElJ,; . 4;3tn i I