r-, If : '. t " ..' 1 iy.tinrtpjj iLr-TBISB SSaiES,, 'U; (- ; ! SAUBOTTRx". j. C APRIL 13 185. U ' . ' ' 'v';. i ' I 'I I ! i$ s ' If i III ml l V i r jm tore. Meet! nsr and Partinsr. Here ire meet too anon to part, ' Here we weep Vr Borrow V dart, Here do joy n nil Iit4 (lrp.trt, i f i, TT . . ! t tv e meet Hias ihr mnro x r t.r iv'pKT riTRE Hre tre brentlie our last fare trelt, AND PERMANENT CtitL Toj:Hu(r )(.re () e we Ve range no niwe yon fliwery uVll, ! No ni(ret- nlrt, iio inore. FOR aid llndigsstion- - l,y Da. I Il4ve Ki A.k-titer jts'lJV.,. immieml it toothers. Qlcojf'r T K. P, Wakiso, i Member N. C. Legismiwe. -J . Charujtte, N. C a-MTWllT reron menu j '- r4t frftm Vpi:i, in.1i2etw,n and a N. C. State 1 reatturer. ft . tfTSDEBAKEU ASD lJSftr.aa. if FARM WAGONS. hliesi&pnng Wagons. Umn an i Guano Drills. : limusUl A Y RA KKS Here we meet to meet no more, Here our jcriff in torreotjw rtmr; Ig there then no MetltuRt liVe t - Ti onlv foniux to Heaven. Here or There. May GMl4e hesir rhee, friend, - When w are far away : j . May Hi tMiiile cheer t.ee. fiieuil, And make ail limit a lay : Look the kyt the tar4 alove Will whiier to tliee o I love- ; 14 changeless Iyer v "rrti, I i n i a n d . W a I kfi i 'A ctfLtlVATORS. Hi TiIOlAB' ilAIIUoWS. AVIT" ,i.M)ii.-WJ.- itoaanai5JiL3rs, Bll:l!lD :BBI'iI UILL3,' eii-t:itif else usutirj kjc iu y ..J .miT-niiiint-iit. stot-es. I tliVt oil liunil 4oc of tiie abo e. & ffer i n ni fa. I lit- ru xt ni 4 b, tor less money tlun tat-y iuve evei- In dUtant. dewft tdaee The MMiNintM of Godl are; ftund ; Hi ky the world emluWe, i Aiul make it ."holy iiuid The heart that serve si- d love and clings, Ileum every whvie the lush of angel viiig. T Gm1 the there" i here; , All spaces are hi Hi ovii ; ' The dirttaut and the near j Are shadow of Hi throne : All time are Hi, the new, the old-7 What boot il where life's little tale U told? ( . 'Ti -iiotlfor ns to chm8e j ; ' We listen and oln-y. J 1 Tislli to call and ne j ' ' ourTTrserve and pray,-; It niatrer little, here tir tliere, Gnr worl U witle, and heaven is every where. i had died after a lone i linear mr uls ter an I I called to nfk the famllv if drinks, thirntily, three cups f tea, and is litiftleii tin aer iiaimnaKe . .1 r Aikt j i we could assist thetn in any way. We ? gentle murmur ui .u, q met Several! women with luguhrious wiuow.. hfl luxn in tuxihi RnriP. I f For the next hour my sister and I waiters -in a crowd- iuviteil in for that piirjioae, glt lave leen 1" a cn.v creat treaMmt decliueiU il restaurant: We find the feast en We were "Can we he oftue?" we asked. (very particular aiH.utneir cjim-e ami "Wall" with the conventional tea ami very cpioini in x their cm Yankee nasal, which, if voii ever l ' those iHMrera-s. W thought of f it. i that one does hoi lave cut the third stack of cornel l..irl llA nnaa 'i lint U'lllwiill DCCf. OI 1)(1 alll Wi IIU-C talk the aslstam-e of that organ : Wall, j emjitied one picKie, j r, amn jim you couhhrt nohow lie waiters to the groping uowu cenaraiu, r,w,- ,..r Vi C'liiiiitl' n o far . That home i our of siht The morn, the evenitl tar WUI .v , 'G . .m Way !" .o I ni.-ht !M Tin- heait Dial hives w ill never ! alum-; All earth, a. I heayen, il reckn s iisowu. - God Words. ctidaverons woiitan, in a blue drew, seeui.H to one ami green uiiighaui subsist on pickles, and i very nrbi- trary in her reniarka to me ciMiceru ing llm ! rciisiii. ;5he "jappenr to think that, in some injysteriou way, 1 am responsible for lh? fact that there is a whniW oioiild on some of these iuMfSXinUM ni Iters, j WUeu I hand ner tli iliiii the thirl tune, she sitys in a whispert the same way the resolution introduced by the son of Gen. KL S. Johnston, who fell fighting Grant at Shiloh, any adopt ed by the Veteran Association of the Army of the Tennessee, while assuring Gen. Grant of the sympathy of his brave antagonists twenty years ago, will tend to establish yet more cordial relations between the North and the South. And so these courtesies are not mere- The President Litres to b Prayed : For. i;i 'i . : Like many non-professors of reUgion, he has an almost ideal reTerence for certain of its forms and appliances. For instance he thinks a great deal of befog prayed for in churches. Whfen he was Governor at Albany and his sister had chanced to attend church some Sunday when he did not, his question to her on I curious ehVt hielijhec-ib-i mjr of if fen iMwr on ne nide ttiwsti'i orange tree at Ii.'e Jesnp, F!a. and jW, iio,h on iIik .,thc lad on trWfrriit;dir n.niHl. I.v a S-oiihern psjiefT Chichi mvs llint ihe ;si-'e that Was ierllliiedt born lariff, lirhjrht oranges, and dhe5l" on" mai rv ones. There Ollllt to I a been baked time, General Grant gave the world an illustrious example of greatness and we honor him for it. ' Mnrriag'e in lllluois. A New Eiigiumt Fimcrul. Described by one of the Waiter s.' New York Tribune. UaNBOME, Mas., W.-tl 'S HIK' OIO WOlli l Linrtlie difC'j r os, March 24.."I o iii' lieiv an I sift id- pej i" arrive nigfit an gradually seilu-,fo Ui t tus vc in-foine civit z -il and at lal e.l 'iileneili - Have voii aiiv id a that il i knoivn in whut inky dai kuos we sit ? jAml Vet I doit. suppose thcic is a person in town who cannot leatiaiHl rte. lidon't ini-au Hurl he can speil or put a grammati cal seotence ingctiit. That power iv. FOR CASH or Oil TIME. !a tell all classes ot purchasers, we have made Kinjfmeats to sell these celebrated Wagons eltn- ir casa or on Ionjti;3. So altwho need wagons Jilbedercattandsee ussoon. JOHN A. BOYD EN, Agent, ''!.. Or, J. 0. WHITE. I! Jll, ISSi f hi' K--. : more money than at-anjrthlng else by taking Auaeencv fctrthe hpst spllintr boo'; out. Ue. wMtiwcceHl v;r.wifii v. None (ail. Terms (ree. Ill''" Hilim IliLiv i'n Pnpt I anil il al no M'.li.'M. IV . i- I THE BEST SaiTti IN THE COUNTY! Jjiersignd is prepared to rto nlMclnds o( re- w,m "n" 0' wau he, clocks, ft c., and at i0 Prices. ."Leave and get your watches at ire oaiiaoury ; ana iry i ue T" l.the county; U.L.IB..OMN. STANDS AT THE HEAD ! m not irwssary, even to le gradu.iiel from the CVoire ilitfh 5cind. Ar.d woat do yiu l.iiaiiie will be required oi us at inui itiiicrai nil aiiernoou r We shall not please tiicui, 1 know, ami vet i am uuiii! io iry with all in v iiiihl lo d wuaUihey expeci." Tn us my sitter Gertrude uu a cer tain 'lay last siiutuicj. j '1 he town of Uaixstune, whicli you will not Bud on any map, j is retro ved Jrom the seashore. It is i it, Massachu setts. It is lovely of aspect, with hills ami brooks and rcky pastures, and distant purple mountain. ; But it is uf its people more than of its scenery thai 1 am going to speak. j It is al.uobt ' a miracle how such places can ttll exi.l iu M;tssiicliuselii uamlels not a nall ad. zju uiiics awa Iroin towns where live ladies ami tietilluiueii who cau use a singular verb with a singular sulject and wn know wliat plurat-. eans.i 'A great deal hangs tm knuwlelgtj seemingly su simple. Here in tins parrot Uaii oiuv we are scwi ucil.if wei say "limv v i ..i n..... i. UIC juilt iiiaiyuu tAiftv uc JC bicli is the ualuial pr uieiuss to de pravity that 1 have basely truckled o popular opiuiiio and fliiu about tiie wioiiir veybs recklessiiy. I dou't think thai 1 aai liked any the better lor it, and I imagine 1- am blill cull ed "stuck up." j '1 hey will notTead here, and you are a "lazy, snitiless thing" if you read. "1 ain't no tune-fur; 'read in'," a man wilt say scornfully; and you south see In oi silling lor noiirs iu a iiiiinb sort ut way perhaps Miiokiug, perhaps iml even doi,.g so iwticli as tiujU' lit will tell you he is resting, and tie wuuiit sincerely believe liiui self an object tor blame if he should be scanning a newspaper a imhik. You say tins siaic of atitUirs cuiiuut be in MuMiaciiusvtU. liui it i, and tliouli we have I i Veil iu the midst of funeral, now could ye?" iuquireil the widow. V We protested our willingness could we Jbuow what was the duty of wait- rs. --.- . 4 . "Wall, you Fee, when wev'e all gone to' the grave, the waiters they git tip a super; coffee, tea, and so on. There'll be a sight o' folk mo-t like ly .come back from the, grave, a ud t ley'll lie migluy hungry. You'll have to tend right up 'em, ye. know. There'll Tie several table full, and dishes to wah. Now, could now? I'tt 1hS4 much oblejel lo ye. "Hut, she added iu thoughtful commisera tion of us, "if ye do, you can't go to the grave."; We said we would stay and would try 4 do what was proper. "How appetizing going to the grave nmHt be," said Gertrude, a we walk ed hone. On the way we met Nauev Hol land, who was taking down a strang er from Mill Village;, 5ie explained that her com pa u ion had never seen Mr. E-veil, the man, but that she felt a, wish to see the corpse. Mrs. Hol land was old, and trembling with the interest and excitement of t lie occas ion. :$ ;e asked if ve were to be present "at the fuueril." When told that we were to Ik? "waiters," she looked at its with uiiinMakle surprise and envy. "He xe, now ? I die are 1 told M ts Kweli I'd je' a lieve stay an' help, o:ily ; ltraii'i leavejltobert, ye know," and she went on. From interviews with several util es' in ighi miis, welsaw that our office was a eoveteil itoe.Did .il not give an almost unlimited opportunity to peer into everypart of the house;, to sec where dusi had collected ; l i Hud out m ' - " . ft just i liow many pies hail been made, and 'o judge preliy accurately wheln er, they weie made us they ought to he? 1 oven.eard one decrepit old woman, woo remained ben. nd in the I last the slow-mot ioiie) men brought liiue of uioiiriiing. siv to another, as 1 around their horses and covered wa li e two tottered along the narrow on, those bi carriages that, in child- . . ... . . . 1 . II i . . WJ eutrv through which the coltiu had hood, we used to call "oeu-room. j.isi been borne; Deliberately the women mounted into "1 call It tMhl that Miss Ewell ihese vehicles and were carried otl. ii t . i . . - I '. t ! . i ' . I .!...,.! stiouui a nan tiieiu two gals as wa t- rxuausieii, laiut, not uaving nan tunc Qn weio.hed its value was ny gals wouhl a been lad to to eat a morsal, we walked Homeward, Uans. W hy didii t yewe to iiTtlainl me thetn cikcs. Ai t there no beans lit the h'.use anyhow ? "I !aw a bushel of raw beans in the shed," 1 cannot help saying. She los-ed her head, pointed to her cup, and saitl IVa." i I hurried off cravefily to olie'y her. We washed di-hes furiously betwee.. whiles, so that the supply might not fail. After the first tableful had bee fed, I ran down into the ceilar for more pies. 1 fell against the woman in checked gingham, who wa leisure ly looking uoout. lJr-ibably she was convincing herself that really there were no heuus. ; "It's a good suller,' she said ca'm- Iv. "I alters did want ler see Mis I E veil's si I hr. She says it don'i freeze but 1 don't know 'bout t lief . How inoeli pork bee they got put down? 1 did not answer ner ; 1 may have laughed in her flee. She seem- ed thoroughly contemptible. Mounting tie stairs; uitii three tiers of pies in inv hand, whom should 1 meet but the new made widow She caught hold f my sicjeve, and asked, excitedlv : "W liar's that Miss Skiles ? I -knew she wa- a prvio'! Jes' git her out o' there!" 1 left Mrs. Ewell fl.irrie.lly descending the siairs. j How the -n counter ended 1 never. knew. The .afternoon wore! away in melt ing heat, and increasing work. At ly formal, but being the sincere utter- her reto-would be, -Did the ministir ancesof earnest m?n carry a weight v iui" hc with them that makes the whole Union the superserviceable pliancy to the realize that the sufferings of Gen. Grant Blaine Juggernaut manifested by those excite a compassion and evoke a sy mpa- ei ht Buffalo mmisters, who originated y inrougnout tne entire territory of he most infamous attack upon him me uuitea ouaxes. ior can we toroear ever made yoU a Presidential candi- uulUH "ccasion wnen uen. urani is 6te, has seared his heart against this nowpassmg away to recall and dwell reverent liking to be prayed! for, Is X ua uiuse uisuirica mciuenw wnicn snow chance to onBoston P. tnar ne-was, true and faithful to his plighted word to Gen. Lee, and that he nroD03ed. come what miffht. to havfc thetermof surrpndpr rnrrid not ar- A singular will has been probated at cording to their real intent At that ?a8Per Tenn' An d man died, leav- Ktiives vs. Forks. "As Far as the Wax Will Go." Many of the settlers of Illinois were rude in speech and rough in manner. JJloney was scarce with them, and ser vice was paid for in produce. Governor B illustrated these incidents of fron tier life by the following anecdote: ing a large property in trust, jto be used by the trustees in any manner they deem best to suppress the habit preva lent among men of eating with knives when a fork should be used,5 The de ceased says he has always felt the dis advantages of early training n that re spect. He was in the habit oil reproving everybody at hotels or elsewhere he saw using Knives ior eating, ana was a mo nomaniac on the subject. A considerable Dart of the American petroleum shipped to Enrobe is. after One day there came to his office a bemg deodorized, made into putter and young man accompanied! by a young woman. l'Be you the squire?" asked the man ly youth. - ' "Yes sir." ers A 1 - 1 i VV i,.. .1.. tl,..., L .. S'L.;.,.. ... ..,;.l l.v N.H...V ll,.lhiniL who tu "e""y aiJ cciiu. her head bacic in our ibriH'tion. lihoniHi unaole to leave Kobert. liatl Oil, how hot it wasi It was fer-1 vet remained to the last minute. vent as a day iu Massachusetts will "I don't think Mis. Lwell she took . . .1. a 1 1 Mviiiietiines tin in Hip slimmer, the it verv liard. said INaiiCV. Her lieau heavens being overspread by a thin, bobbing up ami dwn in her earnest . . . .1 -i i ii .it eoimerv liaz . and without a urcalh uess. "I waicneu uer an inrongo u-r - i . . i ... ... t air. It was the third day of such remarks and ihe prayer, and, et you il neat, and every one foretold that tne believe it, ftbe never! cued a drop . ..i. ........ . I, ui.u tvi.illil l.ruilr Kui.lu iiiirlit " I i iu Iim' will Kllll. I dt-nlMI'P. 1 SllOtllll - i Q I ; Meanwhile it had not broken, ami we la' thong. t she'd a' cried a little were iu the kitcheu brewing cofH eaud That is one of the I funerals where I woman's wit, "can't you marry us as nr ' .. .11 . .1 . --! l i la' , "ii n lea. v e put iwo laoies end 10 emi i were waiters. e nave ueeo m ingm- tar as tne wax will so r in-the "settiu room, and hastened to cap parlies, aiso. Do you know wnai stiread them with crocerv. cake and la uiirht-c.iii iiarty is? j , - . t a. - pie, stacks of bread ami ot cold boiled Cornell beef. News and Observer. Ihe cemetery was not tar, and we President Davis has done a proper were barely ready, when carriage alter and a courteous thing In expressing to suet, which are used by the poorer classes to some extent, but very largely by ba kers in tne large cities, wno use it in making cakes. The confectioners also employ it. It has a great 'advantage over Dutter. in mat in store cakes or in kf candy the petroleum not only does not J I arfiplo bnf tints as a nrKrvaf Ivo in Iroon- 'Yes, sir. J jnor the other ingredients of the cake or "How much do you charge?" candy from spoiling. A recent hygien "One dollar is the legal fee, sir." ic council sitting in Paris, protested Will you take your fee in beeswax?" againsrtnis use ot our oil, but it is not V.. i I bUUUUUb 11B UUaUUlUUUU Ml 1)IU9 VY U V w, JV wu v r will lie lessened. IntLx. South. "well, go aneaa ana tie tne knot, and 1 11 fetch the wax. Two million dollars have been snh- No," said the squire, thinking there I scribed for the construction of the Gulf was a good chance for a little fun; and Mineral railroad, from the (iulf of ft,a K-ro firf A fo-n Mexico to the Tennessee river, through UllUg Ut VUV U.ov, UUV. H1VU I j . 11 I " p.. - I CUtU ilUU UUU ICIUJIS Ul AiiUNUUS. x n maiij juu. This is an iranortant enterprise. It is Reluctantly the youth went out to one which will develop that section of 'where was hitched the horse upon which country, and stimulate the influx of Drby and Joan fashion, they had rid- capital and labor. Ihe region is excep den, and brought the wax in a sack. l There arc ibqds of easily louna r . . rmr, i. a ; -n Urr Mobile within easier reach of our rich- Wal " said the anxious groom, "tie est mineral sections, and frrobably re- theknot and Til fetch more wax next suit in mebuUding up of ; an export i iraoe. inausirmi ooum. ween.. "No, sir, I don't trust; that is against the rule of this office." Slowly the disappointed youth turn ed to go out, saying, "Come, Sal, let's go" "I say, mister," answered Sal, with a "Yes, I can and will," replied the Richmond State: It is generally conceded by persons who iave visited the New Orleans Exposition, that in the Government building where the re sources of the States are so splendidly exhibited, North Carolina is not surpass ed even by the great States and Terri tories of the West. North Carolina s full and striking exhibit ccst the State A wis man will never ' rust bnt. V A long as In- breathes the: breath of fi life he will le iloing somethingf fr! rl -hinigflf, his con nt rvy or Misterityi ,u Vyashinlou, . franklin, Hotvardl Yihiii, Newton, all were trt workrh " almiHi to the hist hours of their ence. ex is- 1B r if tt A firm in Hickman countr. Tenn-lxin are engaged in the manufacture 4o1l?? alcohol from oak lumber. The.enter- . . prise ia yet in its infancy, but fax hM proved quite successful. n , j r.'- Fifteen acresrof land at ShefeeldJllJr bave been donated to Mr. R. S Elti at nt New York, for the site of a lOft-ton furnace. Its construction will be befnin at an early day. bids. South, i t - - Hi :4l; I -mi: -5- is -- .... 3i.lTr: -I fT"; tt"' 1- ;. Hi' -A ORGANIZED 185& " - i 1 :i - M- CAPITAL & ASSETS, S75Q.OOO.' J. RnODuS BK0WNE, I Prest. WM. C C0A"RT, Secreuur. Twenty-sixth Annual Statement, Jakcakt 1, 4 ' . LIABILITIES. i Cash Capitol Unadjusted Losses Reserve tor He-lnsurance and all otber liabilities, f Net Surplu;, , SCHEDULE OF ASFETs : Cash la National Bank ...f '.964 06 Cash in hands of Agents .11 ,963 .$390,A00 0O, . 14,000 00 112,117 MlL $t1.380 IS II 1 -.-.- 1 -$ 19.MI J . (79,800 00 . fBl,09T . 158,4 K 00 . United States Registered Bonds...., State and Municipal Bonds. , National Bank Stocks Cotton Manufacturing stock lH,7W 00 other Local Stocks 39.770 otf Real Esiate (unincumbered city property) 9749T if Loans, secured by first mortgages i60,41 84 I Total Assets, $741,380 32 J. ALLEN BROWN, Agt. Salisbury, N. C, March 26, isb5. J SOMETHING NEW ! , LAMP CHIMNEYS, that will not break by htut, lr paleat DIAMOND DYES All wish Ht DON'T FORGET to call all kinds at colors you ENNISS'. for Seed of ENNISS'. carrniyre drove -back from the grave, ... 11 . , . . 1 . . 1 Gen. Grant the sympathy he feels for and -their ocetipauls ixuired into the " Jr'tr J , I 1 3 1 O.-J Al ' I squire, laugning; ana considerable money, but thtf outlay will saw Traveler. TC u 1. ; pay. Virginia iuujui ictxi an mili tant lesson from her sister State. Char. Observer. A gland irrt iiua;e. It will be a gigantic task to change the jruage of the railroads in South Car- TBK LIOHT-RCNNISO . . 1 ..... 1 . I.. .....I . . . . . ..4 . 1. ....... ........ i.i:... ..;i- Grant was in trouble some half dozen III II ill UI I il virivvi t, line iiiiii mtil a 1 ' in prim dresses oat their hair bet. ue years betore tne war New York Sun, (Ind.): ' One thing President Cleveland's ad- is not a thing of everybody can pre- pendent, original, guid- , and not by j rp au fttiv nntsme rorce. iu iuc ie some nuu uuku , . . 1 j 7 r Mr Davis' bein- and PS8" m,ust ? wto.coaclies hil hic observer it is the most in , iur. uavis uciu0 1 . v mifim imlp HifFprpTit tracks r .r ...... . v- ii'i 1 . 1 irna 11 vi n cr ithuit;! . wiui i.wruiw . w rai a 1 - . 1 unisex m-rv me men get noe j0 7" lTLi'T IC'J olina, (ieorgia and r londa so as to con- d aboat riOUSiy SliaiHU sack CoatS WHICH in ago uruuguu w a mv? 9vv v . f, -fimilord mum at tbp ..... :.. " 1. . V. i) .. ... - i 'm,. i i-r at. j a.ui o tA 1 "v o o - ministration. 11 in uie ua.K uuu mai nnuiaiu uu 01 uie ouatuuu viun- , . .. ... . 1, .1 the x. 1 siv, ur u nci in ftfuiiil li luM RH, t,OM om .rlr.iblA mPTi ' : ... . . .. routine, wnose acts - " J M E " - " " - ' HI. V IJLfLlJ. J A- UIAIlT 11U J iHV vm.'v-m 1 W I M . A. I . ' ..." .. .... .1.1 i . . .. i - i .. . cost, dv reason oi tne saving oi uuie u ;a;nAa 1 AT A. I vJ I I I UlLili. .W AO iiiUV I Cll SO the m rM i.vi- kiiiiii hi h:iv n;i W,,. Freight is no. transfer-L,. own -purposfs '" fi" ,..; t,fi.-U.. halfdon ramt3WnerelnegUaPe.,S:nafg- those of any outside f, we have became in priui-drcsses pat their hair before.' years oerore me war,jur. "avis ueiu pf the new guage, unless different tracks ;Inirition that the little ItHiking glass iu the bed sectary of war, did him a considerable terestmj: admmistration that room, then come out 'one by one, ami favor. Nothing subsequently occurred U is a sign of activity and progress seen since Uen- "rant nrst peer oyer me tame at us. i ney tai, to make any personal breacn Detween that the changes should now be con- x y tt,., and discuss how well, or how ill, them: ," The feeling of I the old army of- templated, and it is to be hoped that no . York djnner Hie uiuitster ui. u e iiuiiks ne uiu , i,, fataAi not improve the occasion correctly, u. " " 1 Z . ii 1 urmountaoie atmcuity wm oe en- 1artv novelties is the disli ot marrow thtr that he was nut sufficiently ot a rancorous, viper ous u rh " . I countered. Whatever simplihes tran-1 w,ich has liecome highly lash- ionable. They are brought to the la . . . t .1 i: i . . . TO TIIE LADIES: Call aud see the Flower Pot? at? , ENNISS. GIVEN A WAtT7" FEESH and QSH0INE Gardsn Seeds il . Person buy in r One Dollar's worth -of Garucn Stcisor Meilicines ot any Mndwill be given 10 pap-n of fresh garden seeds ' At EN N IS6' Dru & ed Store. 17:tf T .. STILL BOOMING! 1 s Havinir nu rc liu seiIt. E . lUid's interrit in lh-' firm ol Hnrris & Held, I w ill roriUn. ue 'business at my.ohl stand on Main street. Thankin my trienthvand the public lor their lileral patmna-e heretolore given, I s tall endeavor to ensure their" continued fa vor bv keeping for the trade a complete and til I stork of Frchh, First Hass GROCERIES, CONFECTIOKS, Fine Ciffrs and Tobaccos and everything usually kept ia-uiy bne Call aud see. me. Hiffcwt lutty, A. C. HAEEIS.: Jan. 21, lSS5.-3m I- i -'it allot lit I DOMESTIC" if . vnnni ie aispqted. USV IMITATE IT. 1 5liL,:ffE EQUAL IT. 1 Tl.' ' r i ,:u - LitcstRuoninjr. I I; i&e Most Beautiful Wood Work. RD 18 WARRANTED o feeo(lhest material. 1 to y aU kinof work,? 4 " "oinpfct in every rcsncct. t rJrm Xn upied: territory. I TIC SSWINO MACHINE CO.. KLUTTZ RENDLEMAN it lor MX'Veurs. It eve. i uuw seiin m creihble ,lo us. liul !iuipusable, ' evideu.ty imaiieut lir the feast. tinman luviMole, barrier is tin re wuico i pre vi nts giiuicis uf seusel anu renue- me.it aim literary tastes Ijoui cuuiiug uere, wneti a lew in i esj a way s ou t V 1 rru I . ... "leelui' in ids prayer for the wid.ter." tne war one ot Kinanes3s.ympamy.xms Uportation must be advantageous to tbe Widders is 'customed to 1mu' pray- has been well understood, ana tne public weli as the railways. When ed fur! more pin iciiiar," said Nancy Southerners have indicated that they Lupri ;a uniform imaire throuhout the Holland, who spike, I supp we, I nun treasured no hostility towards those Ujted States transportation will be exiienence, Mie 4.aviuir been a wnlow vf ihom he hardest bv their I j t ; . .. , w . ... I 7 : J QUlCKer, UUU Ui WIUSC 1CW waul. twice betore she married her Koliert. I L i aan u..l- tnr. . . mm. ...i. .i . .ii .... .. . comiai support u xxxwvo. Charleston Jeics ana courier. Aiiuiiu mcy uu iuik, iney are I , ., i u i'-. I 1.1 1) ! .1 f.ir nAnrvla ttra Viliovo ! v 1 tne i resiliency, .v rw ' . 41' Tl. less than leu carriage hnids have s"are very largely u iuc uuuiciiu ca.- ihick asd iu&x uuuba. ii.c come. , e icaro ivm tne remark tit presseu oy x-icsiuciii. . - - - one thin, pale-facetl woman tuat it is of sympathy to Gen- urant, a disti.ictnui to have a good many j Men do not live bba.i h.iu culture ami geuiUiiiy? True, i come liauk from the grave, aud liar- tnere is no railway to tue jviiiage, but a ratl.wuy is not bndy a civiuzer. 1 lcty any-uiie lo leacu tuese jn"upie anything. Ihe)' may listen or appear to tisicti to sjiuu uiiiiouuCitig u elf evident fact, not known to tneui, aud you will see all tne lube ou ttieir laces a Uk of dull curu uf yuu wtio j take of the festival. ."nlieii M is Marl i n was buriel they only had six cairiages to sup tier." she Ktys in a congratulatory way to the bereavetl woman, as if iu Mrs. time when thin women were much to themselves; and ore in demand than plump women. ' I 'I'l l... aiD Vl lnrll ti 111. men who have filledj large places m he Non goW twt public life exert an.mfluence in all their llgjalMj no 0Ker dictates in acts. So we are sure what Mr. Davis lliaUcro ,f taste or religion meu have has done will tend to a further elimina- disctiveretl that a bony woman is not tion of bitterness at the South and will necessarily beautiful aud that a plump is by no means a revolting R.ieli'. ,.:u ,.rr,.iw i.i.i ii, i i,.,r iflnnnfP in lnrlincr nn I woman is ly no means a v.. . uvuvn ..wi. iu wiu ltll I liiiTC i WWJ o Mr I . , . ill r I xrrJ j. - i.. l.. r.... !.... 1.11111.11 Ii!.u0 liuil Kitlil. S. ,V. nrmAnu omnncr I bllJIIU All Idtl, iinti ..v... . i in ;l TTiurK uiuiuuu jMvi "'t-i i w . . . . i . . . i .. .j... .....i -... mr nion vv 1 1 r l I w I'll . 1 uieir uay bum ,uv" ....-..-- I K..u I'uurii !nri UTOII Id have tliouirlit It . i . , lUVWlVWiv 0 - - -------- - v-a wa uuui" i i t . a a. ia. r -a ai wawv-avs v tv i . w.,,.1.1 ...v .itH II. h w.irn.v li. I ' ..lT. L i.- tlOnS. 1OUOUess uc v .... ..... , iiiuwcilf till IICI lUUTt WIIICU lit ftll't- 1" . ..' . .. . . .. ' - . . Uei neuu oi any irutn wnicn Uuudcr- worn and sallow. Warren.hsda. (timmI mnnv rrlun.tj " I i il . f I... should belitve ucli a think. "He who ' -mIII S.I.. . .,it... ' ' iae V0?1 VL c . .' . 1 . i "o w.m- i a;--- lliihflAaa hP smVerLellb LO I .. -T.. I ... .1 ol.a lu iitvu. jvmwv.www p- j a privilege 10 laceraia 'vuciuoci i so that possible consequence and perhaps Luteii contact with the edges of a head does not see. munt be a master ; vt his art. Hut 1 was point? to fell vn nbmil .m. . ft 4 " tuat tuuerai, a man nvmtr near us Iu a few niomei.ts we have the Brst ' ho hoped for that ivery result. But in typical New England girj are now ll f.ihhxl in a naukiu. ami It the reader inquire the process, it may be uddetl that a cunning - little frpoou, bucket-shaped aud adapted to the pur jKiseofex tract ing the marrov-,hsleii inventetl. The bones are served hot and the marrow crumpet, j eaten with a thin "I tell you, sir, no- woman can be fully trusted !" exclaimed a cynical man to a friend. "Why jut,louk at poor Suiffson. Didn't he love that wife of his? Didu't he consider her an angel ? Didn't he fairly worship her? Dindft he think nothing was loo Aud how lias sue re- ow ?' asked ihe . . t I ....... iliuwa other. "Uoue ana ua ),wii.r-i"vv hard limw'-Cforfotof Aretc and Courier, W. .r a in dancer of having too much culture in this country. An uer i .iriuu guild lor her ? Aud quitted him?" "H wanted for The Ures of ainiie Presldenu 01 the U.S. Thelam-. est. Ua ddomest, bent booic ever soid for less ibau tlve our Pce aVwstselUnjrboo la Amerlc imrnens ;prom amenta. All Intellpt PJJn3roM become a succesaiui -v " UALLATT IKIO LU. -vi wm. t A6ENT5 CJID 1 13:17 HARDWARE fWHEN YOU WANT HA OD WARE AT LOW FIGURES Call oa the undersigned rt NOranite . i 1 .'nuwuillu fr.it I Kl) .l.f! KuttwnilOreU UUKICWiii.i a . - lit.-; SadTn Bon becauTliis mistress ASant ''T nmci in . KUnkef 1 tuiiiburv. N. C, June 8th-tr. drctscd tiini in lii" 5'- "!! i 'I ' tablea full, including the minister any point of view, it is a courtesy tnat cm viuceu uiai a mm Wu.a who if in a hurry, having another well becomes President; Davis and which complete woman aud as such is very lunerai to aueua at a o'clock. He ftrant mrf to! appreciate, in uu..v.v. . , urn i 1

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