ti; -:4K- II 1 i J' if: ri. i ! 1 '1 1 ! 1 i! rl r ! r-- 't ,1. I ' r- f.-'' 'V : f H- i il if ! : i ;-H:irV;. 1 1 ' - . - - , . ' r rc cv.c. g"w, genuine wors irom iiiiu. 15cts case PROFESSIONAL CA&DS. . B. CLKMKKT. : y;vH-r L . ' - J JKCBftCRAlOC. CRAIGE & CLEMENT, . SIlisbubt, N. C. FeV. 3rd, 1881 I Thi inratu.ble pre 17o .Hara-Tarrsrl HoHorePainl 'titration m imlv a lri umpli ofitcieiititicskill, and no uiur tnttiio.r blr benefit wok ever br- flowed uu lite luoiUvr ul the world. - 4 nut unlv nhort- enihetimef labor ami ; TO iiAin.but biter ibao'all -",1 it tcrralfv ilimiiiiitlitr To Hotter or Child; tbe danger to Jife f itli itiuther ami child, .iid leave the mother in a condition ntxn.j favorable to aneedr re- Jbe Drd of i ' i . 1 Hot"i9rho)d Trentfprmed to HOPE v .' and . :- ; cover, and lar ltM iia- ile to d hkIm. conral- iona and other alarm in rnifiotD' incident tolintferinfrand gainful 9 ltlor. Iintrul? wonder ful et0caev in thia re- -ihh;I entitlea the Moth er Friend to be rank ed aw one of the life aav 3ns aiutlixncta cWen to t he world hv thedlcor. erien of modern tteienre. From the nature of the it will nf NiiiKD understood that we can nol tmbli-th certinotite concerning thl Remedy ..iiliO'ii wounding me 1-liracv of l he writer. Yet. we hare hundreds TO- ofmnh testimonialaon file, and no mother who it- liait once ned it will ever as in bewithout il in her time of trouble. Buffariag Woman. A nromineut ulivtHciaii lately miiHrktd to "tBt proprietor, that if it were admiwiMe loj make public the letter we receie,the"Motlu ri Friend" would outsell any thing ;6tt the i MmMtlf ntret erery temnle ex. pectin? to be confined to use Mother Kelief. Coupled with thi entreaty , 1 will add that rir.il timet ice (44 rear. I i hare never known it to fail to produce a aafe and quick delivery. n H.J. HOLMES, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. 1 8end for onr Treatise on "Heallb and Hip MUM ArWnman n mailed free. Ba4Drtct.D Regulator Ailanta, Oa. tund si v fntj nostjiffP. unl krfio.plve free, a costiy box of Lnwullw lbll Will UeiD TOUIO loiore money riscbi away itian --Tki. .io. In ihla urnrlil All nf Kit hf r KPX. 8UC- eeed from first uour. 1 ho broad road to fortune open before the workers, and 13 absolutely wire. At once aaareaa, tb vo.t auuubi, awu, TAPE UORhLj Ah eminent German scientist has recent ly discovered from a nmt extract, an nbto luU avecific for Taoe Worm. It 1a nle&sant to take and is not distress ing to the patient, but is peculiarly sicken ing ana 8tupelyin; to the tape wnu, which loosens ha hold of its victim and naasca awav in a natural and casv manner. entirely whole, with Headr and while still alive. , . . ; One Dhvsician has used this specific in over 400 cases, without a sin.le failure to roid worm entire. Success guaranteed. No pay required uiyil j removed with bead. Seud stamp for circular ami terms.., my wood a. co.,t 19 Park Place, New York. May 80, 4.-1 y - . "WE ASK ALL" Ifllcrested in Hides, Furs, .Wool, Roots, Feathers, BeeaWnx, Butter, Clutse. Ega, Jried Fniit, Poultry, Hay and Pro tqe Itenerally to send for our Price Currents. Prompt returns on all Consignments. Trial Shipments Solicited. IL L. WILLIAMS & CO. - Gehbhal Commission Merbhajcts, -' . .Office, 169, William St, New York. l-.tj .; ' THE GREATEST ENEMY to children ia worms. 8hriner8 Indian Verm ifure will aire them from ruin if used according to to6 direcuona. ; Axo yo'i faflLi?. try Weus Health He meweo, pure, clean, vnoiesoms - . re BinInJCcrre.ttwKli,TjTr,KMiMfL Lnii Au CiMqtMlsd larigoraut. Curt Headache, Fever, Actk Chills, DEBILITY & WEAKNESS. - t Nlce to take, true merit, tmexraslcd for sweats. Nervous Weakness, Malaria. Leauna, Sexual Decline. .ho per bot, 6 for f 5.00. et Dnerlsta S. WEiia, Jersey CttyvW.J UTB.A. IB IB Buchu-Paiba Beraarkabl Cvres f Catirrb of tbe Bladder, ltttani motion, Irritatknof Bd aeya and Madder. Stone or Orarel Via gaaej 1 of tbe ProsUto Gland, propdeal 8weInvFemaJe IMseaaea, Inoontin nte of Urins, ail Diseases oftao Qealto- UrfauUT Oruia III Ei. tt 5 : 1 -- healthy or Unnatural Dischanres use also HAanln'a Injecn 1ec., each tt hereditary raint, ufo Cuapin'a Constitn- puts oymuKw owt vi.uul DOCUea Bynrn. X of PUls, 1 Ralre, by Erpresa on reedpi of fl0.no, or atDrazslsu. K. a Wkvl Jen?y City, N. J.. U. & A. - '1 Send six cents tor nostsni. ma i receive tree, a costly box of wt i whlcn will belD you to mora mnn. ey rlffht away tbao anything else la tats world. All of eiiaer sex, sacceea irom a ret, noar. ne broad riad to fortune opens before tbe workers, absolute. 1 tore. At once address, Trfi Co.. AofosU, Mama. li- 1 wm IP YOU WANT GOOD T USE THE OLD D FARMERS' OR PR1 AND o ROYSTER'S ' I' - G ACID PHOSPHATE, ETIVVAN DISSOLVED X Lvhich are the very 3 the coming G j but to !, Rich, O (which it must prices), you must Or the New G 0 Et7"Lofk to buy your Guanos OIL your Cotton, &c.,and remember that 1 :. fall of above named Guanos arc soh O only by n I J. l 1 Hir I do VI' 111 tlie I RELI.VBLE, O A. o IM THE MIU1. FOR HIGH GRADE best Acids made. VI:- crop of this trountn make it and f aiy, be to bring the best to use the old stand h ft and Favorite your own interest and where you ran sell o GASKIU. l -9f A i - ft BONE We are a Civoretl ' people and ought to he duly , grateful, to. Di vineTro yi dence ami the Continental Congress the many advantages we enjoy. Look! across I he Atlantic, and what we jlf t: Frauice r 0gli'ting X with ; China ; England getting slaughtered the 8nitJan; 'Turkey battling with ji Albanian nsurgeit ; Egypt at war, wiin me Aiamu ; xvusiaus and Afglians facing each other with arms iii their hands: Great Briiian and Russia ! ready, to fly at each others throats; r ranee iiitder the shadow of Coiuinuiiisai ; Ireland hulieu ami au gry ; ai.d everywhere' the'terrow-of Nihilisin and Dynamite threatening nations with destruction lrotti the palace to tiie Imvel. Tiirhing onr eyes to this side of the ocean, what lectaeles tlu they hehold? Barri.s bnllyimr hi.- iieijliUir; Mex ico massing tro against Hrriis ; a revolt in CoIuitiluar and Chili ant lVr 11 still with unf el lied tionhles. Yet here we are in the United States ' laugbiig und growiug lal, ; crazy tor roller skating, settling our striwes bv conceding, belter .a'y for labor, looking contidently fr lusi- nnw revival ref inmiig our d'Aeru I V .... iii meiit, .me ot our hdl,, and d.ead- ing nothing but cholera and taxation. I We are even prcparjd to dcl these i ein'Uiieh the one by cleanliness and sai;itary skill. ani other by J.o.et ie- ducliou of our cxt csises. Thtlouly fihiit.g weoearot amoitg our own people are tlie baltles.lor the bjjoiI.-, and, like all b.itties they are dvscritnd us lerribltvantl ilestrnclive 1 i s only through the vivid iiuai.ialioii 4if :w:ir;correspouleut. Act.tiaiU, they are verV harm less skirmishers, fuglit 111 got.d temper and without fatal re suits. . Ooly slight wouiulsUie re ceived and the wounded find eousola- - 1 tion and com fort in the eay going ambulances of Civil tier vice Reform. NVe recently cast a vote in a great Presidential battle which was a mag-, nificent syuilol of the sti ength and en durance ofour republican goveiiiiiM'tit, Ten nil i ions of freeiueii decided in a day, intelligently and peacefully, the political destines of the nation foi four years to come ten millions of f.eemeii so evenly divided 111 toeir op nious and wishes that only a small plurality of the popular vote was iouud 011 the side of the winning can- 1 . ..' T . . 1... r? . ..... u urate. xei me umu :m peacefully translerred. lu what other coiinry could so grand a speeiucle In- witnessed ? Ye, we are a tavorctl people, and that citizen is an idiot who U not preparetl t exclaim with sincerity, "Iii mk GhI, 1 am an American !" N. K. World. Good Work or None, We have published this story be fore, but it wilt bear repeating every year. , Jt is a rule that a workman must follow his euiy loner's orders, init no one has a ritrht i make htm tlo work discreditable lb himself. Judge M , a well kuown jurisi, living near Cin cinnati lovts to teil this anecdote d a young man who understood the rik ol doing a shabby j !, even Wi.eu tli- reett! 10. He had once an eca-iou to t-e d to the villiage lor a cariHnier,aiid a sturdy ) tmng fellow pjcatcl with li totds. " "i want this fence , Mended to keep out the cattle. '1 lit re aie some un- plauetl board use 1 hem. it is out of Mglit of the house, s you need mt uue time to mane it a neat job. I will pay 011 a dollar ami a liu l." The jmlge went to diumr, and eoiiiiiig oul, fotiml the man caiefoil planing each Ix.ard. feupsing mat ue va- trying to make n csl j h d it, he ouieiei mill to nail tnem on at uue, jiu-l as ihey were, ami couiinoeu ins walk. neii lie relume, toe iH unU wre alt planed ami nuuiovieu ready tor nailing. ! told y.u tins leuce was to le itivtreii with vines, he said, angrily; wi . . . I ...I. "i uo uoi csire now u ihu. ! tlo," said the carpenter, gruffly, caretully meai.unng li s work. v neu l.e had nutshell tneie Was uo pari ol llie fence as tooiougu in ti-.iso. 4lioW uitich do yu charge 7 ask- ed the iuoye. A uoiiaraudahall,"said the man, shouldering hi tools. 'i t! i .. .i lill'lu j1T1 vi.ii : aue juiige btaiieu. ; speud all mat labor ou the juo, il uol lor money T ' 1 Fwr ihe job, sir. Nobuoy Uidd nave seen the por work ou ii." I "But 1 should have kimwu it was there. .No; I'll take oil ly a dollar aod a halt.,, And betook Hand went laW"X- .... ..... Ten years afterwards, the juuge nau I the couiraci to give for several mag nificent public ouildmgs. I here were many applicants auiotig master-builil- ers;i but the tuce oi uun m6m e.i - "It was my roan of the feuce," liinj the contract, and it loaae a ncii man of him.". :lt is anitV that bova are not taught in their earliest '"years that the high est Kui-cews iH-Iono-H-ta lhe man. be hel&c $1. .. ; earnenter. .farmer '. nnthor. or artist, . , ... w . -r ; tl...u. .L i., n.. .i.wpoltf mill I thoroughly .doiie.T-fXiMiip 'Age, An Astonish luff Iiiven tion. ' It Threatens to Supersede the Morse System and the Telephone, :A Philadelidiiasnecial says: An invention has recently been ierfectel here t hat bids fair to revol ntion ize a 1 1 exist nig systems of eleciric com mum- cation, ImiiIi thelegraphieamt teleplm nie. The secret o it has,bt?eii ore 1'iillv irii;irilHl liv 1 1 if iovpntor-. MeS nn. Geii. M. Hatliawav ami Jas.jH. Ulll Hir, Ullil IMC oniiin I 1 .......II.. .....t I . . Ilia a HI 4 I I fftftl II I 1 ... ... 1 , I I ol large capitalist who controlled it while it was being fully civereyy patents, 'both Aniericau ami -foieiu. Now that all is secure, It is to lie Utl-1 denty rilu upoii tlie pulilic liyj an exhibitiuu at the Continental ll.itel.J ' . - , ! i I telegraphy as Hiiiiple,r..pid and easily wiiniii te eoiumaiid nf every body as !u l liaa MlUArMtl.rv asl flit t iirri till r tviie writer. Ktlei ting what is el dm- d lor il, it wm ! he means ot great J l ..reducing i " e ol t lejiriipnyf ot J jenabjiiii; 11m ojieiiiug ot h oe 4U,U00! u.raj ii m l.o, i. rai;,o:ul'aod j .XjMt, .Ue. j iliiougtMMii iiw U.nle i 5i;iles wliere JI1.1V have iuthei to iieen 0',:iud tf tai..gt e plac general j oi ineieieplione Ay iero'n who eaiv f He k out a rd on 1 he keys fa' jyH writer cm irans.uil a u.ifs.'ige by 11. e Haihaway hlem accurately and rapiulv, oiilx le-lticletl by the ipfd Oi the pieki -g, W hlle as tor reiviviug iiKsages, the iifi niuieut is thai aiitomalitMliy, wiieiuer. ' there is a iy tKhly .ujiersuieudiug its oj r.i.i s or no. 1 here was a private exi'ioition id the sjk sieui t -cl y at H.-e 'inp;iu oiliis, No. 327 Waiuui ir e , tue ie .-ults attaniett al wldch euieil ! lui- y niitain all 1 hat s el. tuned fur 'tht most ief:aruablc iuveuti.i. '1 he ii.struiiifiii ued i" b th a t r. nutter and receiver. I he t wo i ,. r.u ineuls 11 ed in this ex ilnliti ere' couuecied by alto.il HX) urh" of wire coihd about the !tlive. K ci ai- pea red lu it- front pari lo be siuipiy a. 1 ordinary , type-writer, with the lei - ui r.us. d kcY. lieu 1 ud this rises a small eoluuiu witn h ank paper wrapped aiouud it ami moved up hue by Hue as reuu re I b a simple ileviee. lu-ide 11. a. c duum that strikis outwardly, s.i a to, wnen- ever a key is touchal, press the jHper against toe periphery of a honzo.iiul wheel thai lies between lile board and the coliiniu. On tiial periphery, in high relief, are the letters f the al piialiei, n inn era Is, and pids I'm pnuctiiatioiu The Wueel spins around with lightning like rapidity us the keys are suece-sively touched by a 1 expert. When it has to 'ret recede i.n tue alphabetical order il Hie bac.v to a fixed poi t, as does the wheel of a gold and stock iudic:itor, hut much more swiftly. All the ilelic de and intricate electrical attachmeuts neces sary are below, and, when understood, are much less complicated than they teem, their apparent complication be ing caused by their multiplicity. A -eparaie wire leads from eacli, key to a single coiuuioii wire, and "each of those key -connected wires serves ei ther for transuiiffion or reception f messages. I lis utiifl i iir iir issi ft iitt m - WW mm any particular letter or figure is gov eriitnl by the strength ol current re quired f r that individual one, a id hr no it her. It seems very strange that all tho-e various mipuls s should he fl ished along a wiie even m op posite di lections at the Same lime v itlit Mil j filing each otner or getting mixed up, but they do. Many uo-s ags were sent amf received in to day's ttsts by iiou-exHrts at a .-pcol of from forty to fift wrds per min ute with greater accur icy than is tisu ally shown by M rse ltll,, opera tors, and that peed, it was ami'me I, tt ui Id lie uniitly iitefeisetl. A ii't ce- ab'e and valtiahle feature of the sys tem is that it prints clearly in tin .-ight ol tue person transmitting a mess igej.iM What is being se.-t to the receiver, - that errors are avoidinl or, if contiuitted, ar reailily c- rreeicd. Tlie nn-ssiigcs sent over a wire byilns tuslrtimeni can .ol lie read bysound, so that il is much more favorable to the privacy often desir il!e in busiuess than either the More system "f t e telepleuie. l as.imc i as the Hatha way system can lie adjiisteJ lo any system of wire coin in inn a io i ami wirl wtirk to as.g'rvat disiaoee as is rtquir eil in telegraphy, it will le of inesti- a malile value to railroad and cxpief cotupaiiies, bankers, brokers, mer- chauts ami the general public. 1 here are no formidable complications in its construction, and expert electricians who have examined it pronounce it tme of the most wonderful achieve ments of the age. Should il oaly do half what is claimed for it, and luai it shows it can do, it would practically revolutionize tclegraphv. 'r An Illinois woman, win says she a Democrat, wants the Histofiice probably tluring the present w-ek, as the man since using "ells Health Re- inie ot the e 'gaol ic sM ulifiit Ktit prUt. newer f . i . . r . ... : i.: r ...i...t If you are failinir. nroken, worn out and . the century. 1 o j.iale lu In lef what nerv w.t w Heati RenPWer tu it is. it m not inn'- less lliai iiiaklnir .. I . .. . now administered by her Republican hu baml. Jhe husband vouches. for lu one cae in Nebr.tska, a father her.! and still arc applicants for the s ine office, and their applications ate hi led he only with endorsements of themselves, but with dissertations on the unfitness rongb on Corns,M for Corns, Bunions. - LiThSn neWrile. "Wells' Health Rencwcr" restores heajtlrand vigor, cures .-dyspepsia, RoughopTopthacheinstant relief. 15c . .t.i r.. 1 l.ailies wnn wouKi riiaui iicMmess aim vivacity diiat fail to try uYelU' Health Renewert- . 1 , -. ... . . , : ; !uclitt-pjtiba,w great kidney and urinary cure.. 1 - k - Flies, roarhes. ants; led hugs, rnts, mice. cleared out! by Rough on Rats." 15c. Rousrh on Coughs," troches, 1 5c: liquid For clitlctren,, slow jn de.ve opment, punv and delicate, use -Well' Health RenewVr." Rough clii Dentist'1 Tooth Powder. Try it. 15c. ? Nervous 1 Weakness. Dvsnepsja. Sexual rl, litv cured bv Wei sT Hea t i Renewer: x j. . i - " " . 1 fl: ITT ! . - ' II Co, nmuipi vi'iiiiiiiuiiwu , iviiivrf, kuv Stinirin.ri irrrulion. an Kidnet nnd tri- DJirj complaints c ured by "Buchu paiba. lfl. - Night sweats, fever, chills, malaria, dvs- jpeps'ii, eurid I y "Wells' Health Renewer." My liaiantl (write aJady) ia three times f revaience oi ivKincy com pi.utu in aiiut- ira . Bucaiupaiba" is quick, complete cure, $1. j r 1 25 YEARS in UCC Has Grtaiast Hodical Trinmph of the Age! Symptoms cf a TORPID LOVER. Loaacf eppctite, BuwelseoatlTc, i'&ln la to bead, xrlih a dall cenaatlon la llio tacSs part Pais cadcr the eliouldcr tlade. FallocM after eatlir, witaadit. taellaatloa to czertloa of body cr mlcd. Irritability of temper, lSaxr spirits, irlli afeellasaf bavlcs ucclccted aoiao duty, lYccrincoa, Dlzslocso, Flatteries as tie Xleart, Dots beforo tbo eyes, Ileadacho otct taoi risht eye, Rwetlef encss, :;! fitful drsias, IIJ;!i!y colored Urine, a ad 0O?3STEPATIO?J. lUTT l'lLJL.3 cro CEpeclally adapted to bach rases cno d -so etrects suc.i f chans offee:ln5,itoa'ini',.itliCEuCt rc: Tbe Inereaao tlio A ppetite.nnd t auic tu bray X Take ou FlefcUjir . tap-, icua nourish rxl.t -dy .h .-Toalc Aelicr. c toe WteeetlveOrtrana.ttf'rrularfetcoi : TUTRT'e tmi! CHAT H.vnt cr vniEEna cnangeo t ?. wsr i;L.CTt a slnerto nnpiiceticri Vt DTE. It Imparl ft i.:itnrrl cc!r-. r. : tnctantaaeontly. Br.M br Drccin!3, ; sent by esnrc- on rncet cf C 1. , Otnco, 44 Klurmy Ct.. To thef, nda of the ton flat, commercial travalcrand new sutler, Ilo6tetter'' Stom ach Ilitti-rs ia pecullurly adapted, since it strengthens the tHgestire orgar.8, ani braces the physical cnereie to uuhe!U-.-ful iHfluence. It retnovi-a and previr.a malarial fever, coutipUon, lyp"l"" heiilthfully stimulates the kilneys ai.J bladder, and enriches as well as nunf.i the blood. When overcome bv futigtte, whether- mental or physical, the wears and 'debilitated find it a reliable eourcc a reneweil? strength and comfort. For sola by all Uruzi: and Deak-rs sencrully, - DAEBYS PROPHYLACTIC I FLUID. A Ilouaebold Article for Ualrersal Family Use. - L For Scarlet and Typhoid Foyers, Diphtheria, Sali vation, Ulcerated Sord Throat, Small Poz, Measles', and ATiAMA. '1 F.mtn.rinn DImmci. Person waiting oa the Sick ihould use it freely. Scarlet Fever has never beta known to spread where the Fluid was used. Yellow Fever has been cured with it after black vomit had taken place. The wor cases of Diphtheria yield to. it. Fevered and Sick Per- ( SMAIX-POX . sons refreshed and ! and Detl Soren prevent- PITTING of Small ed by bathing with ; p0z PR E VENTKD U..rbys rluiJ. import Air made A m .mber of my fam- t ily was uken with i i a a j For Sore Throa. it u a Fluid Uenl u,.f- I not delirious, was not St"Jf "l-.' 1 1 , ''"othen Cbafiiisr. etc. Rlirainaii.im curd. Soft White Complex bad it. J. W. PAaa i INSOM, Philadelphia. ions secured by its use. O fikin IT.v.T Tyrvrtr.f M To purify the Breath, Cleanse the Teeth. - it can'tjbe surpassed. Catarrh relieved and cured. I Krvaioelaa cured. Barn Sieved i&uiIy. j Xhe phyticiaas here Soar prevented. nue Darfei, Fluid very J9?? uecessAilfy in the treat .Votind.healc, rapidly, j mem of D phtheria. co.rTjr.c.urf4. . ,:A. Stoi An Antidote for Ammnl - Greensboro. Ala or vegeublf Foisoas, ' Stiny.ftc. ! Tetter dr?ed up. 1 useU the Fluid durinsf : Cholera prevented. our preteat afllxtin with j LIcers purified sad Scarlet Sever with de- healed. ciJed advantnge. It is In cases or Death a iadispensib.e to the sick- should be used about room. Wm. F. Sand- the corpse it wit roan, Eyrie, Ala. . prevent any unpieas ay j ! aat smeu. The eminent Phy. sleian, J. ZIAK! O-S Stars, IX. I)., New ork. sap: " I as. convinced Prof. Darby Prupaylactx Flu:d is t valualic cisi&fccuat. randerbilt pnlyersity. Nas'aville, Tenn. I testiftrto the mot excellent qualities of Prof Darbys Propliyiacuc Fluid. As a tLimfectaat ane determent it w both tae. ret i call T and practicaUv superior to any preparation with hich I am ac qttainted.f N. T. Ukton, Prof Chemistry. is i Itartars rlold la Recommended by Hon. Alkxanukh H. Sraeiiaiis, of Georgia; c tF- D". D.D. . Churchof L - the I-F?,T;S-Co'um1,i- Prnf . University. S.C. lJ' 2AL"' prul.. Mercer University: Kev. F. Pirc-. iIKv m. E. Church. ecrfcctly.rarmlLV. Used internally or tint The Flai-l has been thoroughly tcued. and w nere tET "vS dSeWer.ng bere Claimed ?-r fuller iefornutu m J rpninc.r,l-irI5 1 t- rsinnn iDfilTIETfl ., ii n I j Diphtheria Prevented. Scarlet Fever (JnrecL i.ru pamphlet or tad to tbe proprietors, ; j S. H. 2BHMK & CO.. Manu&qgifcnitMa. f H I LA. OniJH I A. j: . - -- 00 spent" fr for J?;.-x . ' -4 without lossf tlZl'? M&W.. internal remedy "ne f OietX Bti From. the Wimv. o.. 0ther4en1cU,eWtH.bra,Khe up kit the UiL lricef6 per twi toT-uixS Vu " ter 9'f Ubera'i ooniiste'ftilj trees, and you will Uesttxiy aT?aiaiW me vrw-, ana you will destroy a z, r mia ai imi w vrui . amxa - . . Jk"?" PWect ? - NOthlnrhumnl la the lorvSJi Tr io uei ree. Tines, piasta anj xmt Address Late of Wilson VurwriAo i, . jiaiin v ( 3rtul SALK at " ENNISS- Tw. 1 MILL STONES. VNDSRSIOXBD has i "9 " Kow ax coujerr vr STOXB QUARK Y Of K. E. PbilUpJJjSi and wUl continue to supply tue DS5 i - mand for Mill stones from iju9 canZ ORiT-sowell known througUout UJto,t, for Its supertoilty for MM Stones, v.nm"1 tor ornameiital purposes, MorumeM. irv" au be naTatthisuW Add f J.t. WYArr.juusbur,i ll ' - fC' EXECUTOR'S NOTICE, T Notice i hereby ki veil to all haviiiK elaillis against the estate nf l3 Seelder, tleed., to pvem-nt Hie same m leixirnel 011 or lM-fuieThe 2l)th lUtrf' Xjaieh, le8fi; and alljiei-soiiK im-biMl . ' the estate, of saiil th e'tt are imtifiwi ,lwi, ou us and pay tlie same witlmuf tlej,j I R. C Skciilki:, ) ExV 0f JII 4 A. W. S-KCULKIt. i tHxlfo March llhh, 1885 ii2:C.:i.l roruy.p CottiTB,H Sick Beadad ChroB.uj luij.iirlif fcftt, ?v.t0i,Ftmtj -ce, aaUra, niidall DImssmi ra uwd hv lw ran foment of Ii vur, Uo won Ktdsrn,4 SYMPTOMS OF A DlSF.ASETl UTTJl Bad Breath; Pain in l!,c H.:c, wm-luaa tk enin is filt under the hh uluer-lbdc,BtviaU.w. Khcumatiso ; general l -s of inpewe. Bov generally costiv-. s mct;nits slfrnaiii (aj the bead u troi.bicU i.a p.i.n, i- auilairi hewi' with consideraUc loss f n.- , cc irwi4 witnapaintuisensati n'ii-.-inn u lononmoiw" which ought to itavw b n! a s '.ij; .it.-bry and flushed face is so:.;c.aihs ai. ..i.laM,Ma' mistalit-n for consvn p;ioa. t'c 11 di conpliia of worincvi au'i debiu-y ; rv'vmt.j, i.y ilr: fci t cola r burri n, sl3,ie..,e - "iuly tcsv'sa' of the-skin exists: fpin.s a. . !-v ;ic .'tfiwsdo-, '. and, although satis fi . i nt tjsrmiiXeie. ficial, yet ooe can hax--f " t i f .ito-fea try it in fact.- tit-tri sis . Sti-S o( the above syrrpto - -ait- .'.- have occurrea h.n b..t i )t exaniin.uion after tfi.th h.i s'i-.w-Cc Uii have been txunsivcly uVru'.J. '. ; l It ahonld be tised by all prrvni,a4at-l young, tvltepever any of Ui-ni.M symptoms appear. ; j Persons Traveling or Uvine l Tv healthy ltcalitiein by takiry a A, eemm. ally to keeD the Liver in hcal.hy iaim, vriB voit i all Malaria, lUllnurt aOtM-ks litiiBcu.Ka sea. Drowsiness, Depresiiun uf Sfirio, ot. k will inviEorate like a Rlas uf wine, but itMlS toxictiiiug beverage. , If Tou have eaten anythln-r hard tt (CiKeKtlon. or feJ h vy after mtaH. or steep. , leas at night, take a dose and yuu will be refitr-A Time and Doctora' Wlls win bs mni by always .keeping the EernlaUr : In the llnuoet -i ft tot, whatever the. ailment may br), s aafe purgative.-ialteratlvc and toskai never oeoiit of place. The remedy is hsrafca and duel not Interfere wuu baUarMf pleasure. - jrj IT IS PURELY VEOFIABIX. And has all the power and eflictcy f taioeJe? -Quinine, without any of the injurious atodwa "A Governor, Testimony. ; t Simmons Liver' Regulator has b-nts is m f family for some time, and I am-saussts 1 81 - valuable addition to tnc mediul science ' : , J. Gill Shorter Oortntotal Bon. Alexander H. Stephen f fis. says : Have derived some benefit Irom utm w Simmons Liver ReguUtor, and wish to rt further trial. ' - "The only Thina; that never Wh Relieve." 1 have used many -rmt-hn " pepsia, Liver Affection and Debility, to nave found any thine to benefit me iimmons Ijver Regulator has. I tcatf'mly oesota to Georgia (or it, and would.stsd -: such a medicine, and would advi all ho Harly aftVted to give it a trul as it steal mmj thing that never fails to relieve. P. M. Janmev, MinrKspoS'f"; Dr. T. W. Mason says: Frors pcrience in the use of Simmons Livef 127", my practice 1 have been and am sausfcs sua and prescribe it as a purgative medioa. - tc-Take only the Genalne, wkk tJ has on the Wrapper the red T? aad Slsrnatore of J. H. ZEILIJI a i FOR SAt.F. Y ALL DRt'CClSTl fie VaUey Mil Life is OF VIRCINIA. r. noil k or rictr, s ai m"." - j, Tbe cacaiet. SuIesU and Most KefltDieu" trance now offered the public Is fotitia i ley M utual, which enables j ou to cairy s ." j . . ta a miM p llcy at an actual average cost of !.& P" i ror lurtaer loformaUoD, ca 11 oo or (mm. l ii j. W. McKEXZII.'f; May 80, 1883.1 SALI8ICT' S f vreek at home; lmrtii l IZ roluteljure. Ho rim. f W Y mired. Keader. If J ou t or old, can make gnat pay nllw ""JLjjh f jVdlnta nart iln v write fOf Oarin-j. j j U. UauiiT t o., portuuw- n:iy Waicirrs Indian VecetaeiePiuI FOB TH - H; 0 Vt5.R And all Bilious ComplalnW hale to take. bein nury J. big. Price tt.cu. . Ail vrd HORSE AND .CAT Lb .. . . i ill ( i . MIIU- r5wtv. Howie w.triir.- -n- ,.7. Fonrs 'ov.- sal erwini ii" r ' 1 it acl swet. p.vrnt s?P p . " V.H-tx-s Per. -"r'? ; J..flre 5 : DlM-aar W l.l.-li .rsn. lTU,tl7M' v Forrifs To'" a 111 6,rk Sold sverywhtre. l.AlJTl AND MILL FPR SAL Price low an.l terms ,rticular8,dlre:,lUlJG. part -.-it PROTECT YOUR FROITrS Ahts, fic.-VhU n-meayi'yhJft :1 . w. m nf t our T-T T I til J ,m I mr, mm I i PEOP'1 It of each other. HOT. IT, mi.lf -r; . . .. ' . V- i.said. "I knew we should have onry t - - v t f -