t ft r xr w .f 1 4 'fx MA - '- -r. t I J A " i!7; ft "lv U. W , V J i I Vr A v" T-4 1 'I I - I VITflIRD SERIES lit SALISBUEY. H. C.,gttPBH.23A K85. y r , r, - -. i . ; rr ! : - HO 27 llij laiAiuiu. .VS.. rKUMANEKTCVUE ,i-aadlBtiiSestion.: . f W.-V. OUEGOBY, . m ri,arl.tte,.C.J , J iTE V.c:, Nov. 29, 1834. Cl!: , I hereby certify l rvgtbeneftt to myself .4 U. P. Waking,, Member N. C.IUsitare. j . . ; Charlotte, N. C. Am- i r 7.- . . .Aliieof your iry recommend it to any one fro ; r. A. JENKINS, 2f. "C. State Treasurer. I t.J II McAde4nnd T O Smith & 'fu l-Vc'-ndJ H EnniSalU. I L.N' , 49:lr u EftflpRTERS FOR fl'.CRDM WAGONS. i w - j I . TTT mn a glies & spring, w 'lit n.tuRD SiicFFMAS .... has VA X nsiivw. Wrtiitiling a Walking LTlVATOKb. Telegraph Straw Cutter?, i ifven nn.l Dixie PLOWS, - j lter Porn Sixouox Engines ana uouer, -mm GRIST HILLS. vl -. i ci nVn!im tt! Fuse ana rn- -Sie, Sriovds hnd Spades, Building Linrc, Paints. OUs and Yarnwlw. I BME-ttl8ED;CLUVtiiMtu The Home that It Happiest. - OttV bardens aro liglitened , ThAt many hands bear x i And plittr'TnjVibriglitened i i Thai many hearts share ; L "Ami the hame that !s happiest, Brightest and best, " Jf Is where they all lalior, - And where they all rest, , " - ' Where ho careworn father TIia. brunt: of work bears. And no gray-haired 'mother, Ts burdened, with cares; "Where no tired elder sister la helper alone, But each one is bnsy . Till all worl U done. The Bride's Keturn. Prom an old EngUsa Annual. , . She hath her wish fdr which in vain She piued in restless dreams Oh mother t is tliia home agaiu t How desolate it eens4 Yet all tho dear familiar tilings Tuib ;ia tlmv (lid of VOre ! But oh! the change this sad heart brings This is my home no more : left thee ! like the irlove of old, 1 l-ft th narent breast But on life's waste of water cold My soul hath found no restl And back tle weary bird lias come, T woesits wanderinff8 oTer ; Ne'er from the holy ak-to roaui . A'et to this home once more. i Oh mother, sing my cliildhood'a songs? They fall like summer rain On this worn heart that vainly longs To be all thine again ! Speak comfort to me! call me yet "Thy Mary" as ot yore j These words could make me half forget That, tins is Home no mere j Sit near me ! Oh this hour repays Long years, of lonely pain.) -I feel as if the old blight days Were all come -track again I I 111 19 V ltIJJ ..'J"'f p - Z I " ' " f - . ' .-...i:... alUt An'nibiaPM Wlfll thp I -r- . . rr r 7. J f L PnXtlimtl HfIUH Lm! naiala I ha' fVtctorllltr ir OI SUCH I " . . i' t L-J.i1!nf Otl. I . . . Mvv..v.y ..-....j,,--- , A yortriatn ir. i.j ii .... Never stand ion? at a Worth Rcumnberiiiff. Never eat between meals. Never eat a very hearty supper. i - Art Important Fifurc. Last week there were sold on the . t . : '.- i. j: , i ' , u 1 I -- - . I v j .vu a uv tm WAUCl. men ot strong, practical use u TlieceebnitedfastorKaiesranisey ister Jarvisto develop into large pro- temiuated at eVclock ti morning ' Tlmt ciuih MM Will DP I . -- 1. I . AlCt JIOIIUIIS. XIIUli 0v- w... ...... given under tins adnitnistration, none who know Jhe wisdom and . energetic character of the new minister ..will ldotb;fpr a? moment. Netcd-.Obs. t l T ,.1. .1 j- 8Vck board of NeW York 44 CCO of or i - In nohemer the curious and lmnor- .-v. V AVrKv r ? ? , H - ' ''tant part the figura' pliin this "f 'P cent bond,, tfiOi - j 'J? jf.fft of a age, the following conclusions have - -:. , 1 1 . -Ml;-I Unintended Joke on Geu. Sliennan. 1 Anl - ,-m . . . i . , . , . , i,wot. ue also note sa es of 15.000 -D3en arnvea as dv a carerui ooserver: ; .-. . , . k t , im , . 7 xr u-n n.ij .' ? .. :". .i . :nL peviai uix oonas ai , ana-mat is-verv 1 . . . -i Clever iici. ii win urn v suurun vciur yfiiii ixnnra invnnn 111 v insi n iisivs. pi. - . . . ' i . . . t x: .pmniiimv ni iiisr I ' - - r j - w ' - .w v. . i I i . or oeaiii. aiio ? 77- I - -- - , . i a & lur uc puuer mey arepnntea on. Wd,MWI.alf8B,br .. fc cessireheat penods 3. days. A severe otJ. 1 S pains throagh the head. She did not give bosom friend. ; T ' ; after 3 days. Intense panics Jare of 3 The war newsT0n Friday seiltf flour np, however, oiitil October oCUiat year, Never reply;to the epithet of a fool, days duration, and immediately after a up barrel at MmneanOlisl C A wncn she took to her w or a lowfeUow. " ; 3 days wonder. Depression inusiness Pilsbury & Co. raad3 a deal of i 2.500. it. She ate small qnanuuestHjow um NeversDeak in a contemptuous man- after a name is mvarahlv Drolonsred 3 nrwk u i i .0-v ner of womankind. years. I Time money is now 3 per cent, wfll,W b c,v m.,A aXko because it dis Brtunf-M usually, kapt in Flrsr Class Rli? iad fiupleinent Stores. 1 Have on hand A; Thn tnev have ever ltfBUK-inr .!::: " urr.Oct.USl.'-W. 5mil?iUtMt. - i ... v. r-lrr ''ill mire raoDPy uiuntvi.v " vi ii;. '.. ... I ainrCIl II. lOO-t. IICIll , . I vaw nf nrnmnnlr.nH y" ! The wasninston corresnonaenv ox . ,, , ti..x fmm iNk v T. rr ' the Clereland (Ohio) . Leader makes 1. Nem .anticipate, too much; disap- ( thus showing that the figure enters 600,000 barrels, wUh a profit of!$100 A 1-1 Al n-i-lrlonrl ffMtrtAnSI nlP TOr I y. " " i . . I nAintniont ta nlaAcant inin o mAof nil mnUnnl nffnin nf humnn rv--v ITi ii i mi nAnAM1 tunic. For a few months niter she vouia r , , ... ....... - , uw we iw owwu awry. , ""r ,V; .1 5m i. and elect it I iever taste an atom wnen you are life, wmcn itself comprises 6 scpre year fiWmanVftrmv was at lioldsboro ( is; r-" - i t - r 7rrvr -wi.nf .wAilrtwinff anv. bat. trom. An- not nunOTy: " m suiciaai. - ana ren. U.) tten. Dnerman muue n w.u i . i . n i f xr j i headquirtew bf Gen. Howard. While gust to November it 'u. assorted by the I Never spend many of your evenmgs there: lien: snerman ieic cne npeu oa a i iami wiio uumhvuiij ,.v, . HWUj uum juur wuiuj. drauffhtfWLiiskey to drive off the ma-1 tok neither food worllotids. , From I "Never speakof your parents aa"the ianai enecis ,qi ine cumai uu ma bjj- j Miircu io a iianKsgivinK u-, tv i man Qr e woman. tem. JNow, all tne omcers oi tne army gne ate nothing, various pnysicians i lmnn vf tlnn! UAnrnvJ-'a vimrl nm1tTlf IPS. I . ' .- 1 . Q.nA nmnmi niil it I - Tne prominence ( Genernl Gjrant nn the natnre; of-he ! malady affedting a I, -- ii , . --r -1 - ': i ; --Youni? man. if vou are amhiticmji 1 i j don't try for a clerkship at Washmgton. ' ,n . Take warning from the careerjof tne 1 the ! i u ijr.,".. j Jf x . Laws That Need Re-adjust ment. For forging an order for $1 a poor fellow named Rowan has been I sentenced to the Rhode Island State Prison for five years, although on his first trial the defense of insanity was so strong that the jury disagreed. Yet the theft of millions by stock- watering operations, or by frauds and breaches of trust more wicked and dangerous than forgery, goes on i '-r- Z--A o-rT- r-, Neverseek to create a laugh at the i , 4- fV,0Tn . .. . . i ...... 1 exnense of reliaon or the bible. anu were 111 tueir itcvu mi vu.. ny8tenat otners oi. vuusuaucv, u wu i - a o MCU. uuciuwu au5i "" . pj-o pnllAd It CllOreii. - A 116 ftllCUUIIIK I'"J key in: (ien. Howard s quarters, ana . ian Dr Zoner, has been overwhelmed MSfK.TZwift letters of inquiry about tho case. wsu. AAOwaiu. x icacunj """" mwi;.;... liftv. Iwtoi. RP.nt from - . . I 1 nMn.,il tlbn tilllKO 111 I IPl'P 111 - l.:. mi-nh- qtiii ci id I a ciinnue "ci 'ulu w rM. Doctor, have you a seidlitz powder in ber last, when the constant motion of your quarters' The doctor answered uie ouu -v.... that he had. Uen. Howara spoKe up smuisey s nesn uegnu w nf. nil fur the nast week itllU Baltl. vicix. uutiuuuf w v - i isvv..'w j ; . cessary to go to the doctors quarters, I Was uuconscious most of the time. eVTL She w RO e,ursu" . " ,lL:!:rt:: n.uiished by the courts, and al ana guoa ones. w. A.v.1 &cx.J"" i, I only sso pounos. imu muSC I " ttnttt ' :.1nrii;nt. Th- ii mere was anyinmi; ui ueu. uuuoiu D t hroDced to-uav oy people anxious m wx . e . . . t. V. j; f c,uo fc . 1 o truth is that most of our criminal uuaxiCTs Liiai ucu. ouciuiuuui. rlift remains. UUly persons not nciuaieu i , . , - .... ..... . -i n I m iriiii"""' -v" t , I I,,.,, ...... m.irln t. n cimn ap ct'ito nt wQt if.woa t uiH. ltr -nnwripr. ana tnere- . . . c ,1 .,1... 7 .t. v. . TV U1AV AW. ; UO K kJVit'' r v-v fore he said to Oen. Howard f "Never mind. General! Give yourself no trouble. . . 1 1 ii j i uving soldier give rue to uiscnsions of . . . . , - I T -. , , j Appointed in 1847 at a salary of ciincer. In a recent address deli vcrwl be- . . J were ait come -hsick agiu ; 1 7r v Ti J I- j.l j My heart beats thick with happy dreams I Howard was then getting the powder the remains. Ouly persons not actuated lir rnriositv were aumitted. feeverai pay-1 . . , uycmiosH) we cauu i .l society and human activity than pre- siciaus will hold an autopsy probaHj , M(1 r to-morrow. Miss bmuisey wasijeaia Mi lie eves with tears run o'er': Thon art with me, mother 1 Oh it seems Like home! Our home no more! , Oil home and mother, can -yon not Give hack my heart's glad youth ? The vision which my soul forgot, Or learn t-to doubt their truth I Give back my childhood's jeaceful sleep. Ats aimless nopes vtiij Ye cannot ! Mother let me weep- For: this is home not more ! Thou mourner for departed dreams ! On eat tli there is no rest When grief halh troubl'd the pure streams Of mvmory.il. the breast I A sluidow on the path shall lie Where sunshine laughed before; Look upward to the happy sky ! Earth is thy home bo more ! I - HiLLtn UUJl --V " t. , I A PA n !the best smith in THE COUNTY ! iliiitlerslgiPd Is prepared to do all kinds of rc- lni to all kinds oi wau'nes, cpji-k?, t.,uuau Few North Carolinians realize the extent and importance of the country to which Minister Jarvis goes as our renresentativc the? empire of Brazil. It very nearly equals in area the Uni ted States, and has a population o 10.000.000, It stretches from abou Hih fifth narallel mirth latitude, to the iiaiuioalkinasoi waune, cim-K9, v-.tuu4 ... . . rwiblf prices. Leavo andgetJ your wattbes at 'thirty-fifth parallel SOUtll. ailCl.OCCU ZVU .iehaieman- Store. Salisoury; and try lne V;,.,v-" . r . . . '.:.-. i IT I llttnWV 1 mi.no n unit rtTl O-l 1 1 1 11 1 I MM TI 1 II I 1 1 1 f. 1 1 L III Pf. I:NX -I ' ' Sou tlr America. Its1 Emperor Dom --ti XL- '. "" Pp.lro. is one of tfie most enlightened Ifmi tta&M-.OT fv. II n IIP TN 7 . . V . )IANUb A I Int nLALI : and nhxgressive rulers ot the day, and It DoastS OI a consiliuiiuu uauug uuiu March. 1824. ITJiis constitution es tablishes four noivers in the State the legislative, the, executive, the ju dicial and the "moderating" power or I ( I old, of German descent, aud previous to her illness a dressmaker. : and glasses of water ready. 'I will be going by Moore s quarers alter a wnue., f)r. Moore was a great wag, and quick- v tnnk in the situation, and becJime a party to the ioke on GeneraLSherman. it ".i.i t oi . . iDlU. tie saia to wen. onerman : Ay me w aj , funeral. T don't think I have a seidlitz powder in my quarters, and you had bet- j8 Fi ench rather than English, for it con ter take the one lienerai nowaru nas. 8ts 0f A r0iilctte table a reanceti copy Bv this time Gen. Howard had the pow- nt uinA nst.,i ;n ,ramblin" hells. Ve al 1 1 w der all ready for use, and handed the veftd wf pari8iUl loons where games of two tr asses to wen. nherman. itatner , than offend Howard by saying nemeani . , ; lU!licslte aense of mm no- stuff I l" "iv- Kouletto in Fifth Avenue. An exchange says that j the new folly for the Fifth avenue, New York, parlor vails at present, and. while nearly all of our legislators are lawyers, the conservatism of the profession is arrayed like a "wall of rock against a more logical aaiiistment; oi our code to the requirements of the times. whiskey, he drank the foaming stuff down.' much to his own disgust, to the satis faction of Geh. Howard, and to the amusement of the staff omcers. Killing by the Faith Cure. The most astonishing case of faith that has yet come to the surface was developed in the coroners office of St. Louis recently. The death of a child named j. B. Durham was being inves tigated, and the evidence showed that ii- . ... iiromietv. Exactly the same thing can not be said of the innovation there and it is not expected that the roll of the roulette marble will become a naual noise in fash- mimhlti cHtheriiiirsHNevertheless there are two of these wheels of misfortune re ml v in if nearly every crenin" in two of the otherwise respectable and very costly boarding houses in fifth avenue aud oth ers are heard of. The game is plaxed precisely as in professional hands, except that a bauker Is chost?u for such an occa- fore tho Manchester, Eng., medical socie ty, Dr. Whitehead quoted somecststrtliug statistics from the report of thegregistrar general. During tho past ten years the death rate fi o n cancer has increased ten per cent. It' this continues at the same rate cancer will constitute in a few 3-cars the only disense the -medical profession will have to contend with. It has been nrted in England that caucerf prevails chiefly iu damp, flat and low Ulistiiets. Well-to-do, healthy people, past middle age, are its favorite victims. The disease affects the entire system, and the change of tissues called "cancer" is merely - the lneal immifeKratinii. It is of nowise, to re move the ulcerated part, as it gives at best only temporary relief. Tlje disease goes on all the same and at last kills.. Neither the knife nor the piaster can ef- - m feet a cure. Of course we hear every day of the cure of cancers,' but what ftre cured are not cancers. They are tumors of va rious kind?, bad enough in theii way. but not cancers. We may: as well decent the uuwelcome truth that therelMt present no known remedy for caucer. Theoulv thing the victim can do is to settle hisfJ fairs and accept temporary relief. Actcs Observer. " ' oldest clerk in thejtreasury department, -i he is now cettincr 1.400 a $200 in thirtv-eight vears. rise of PniLADELPniA, April 12. Augustus Singleton, an ex-clergyman, and at one time a prominent and wealthy citizen, died from want and exposure in a barn in the suburbs last night. His wife was with him whenJie died and both were tramps. Until a months ago few It is wisdom to thinks and foBy te sit without thinking. ORGANIZED 1859 5 m mi 5fe A POLYGAMIST PLEADS GUILTY. A dispatch from Salt Lake city, Utah, of the 14th inst., says that Orson P. Arnold, a prominent Mormon, has pleaded truiltv to an indictment char- ging him with unlawful polygamy. He t:eclarea in open eotirt 11 is inten tion to abandon polygamy and obey the laws and live with his lawful wife onlv. not iiefflectinr to suinirt his second family. Judge Scane said these declartions had great weight with the court, and therefore imposed only a fine of $3000 without imprisonment. The court then began aud empanelled the grand jury for the April term, polygamisls ami upholders of polyga- Farmer fathers, yuur ba . s are given to you to fashiou iuto men. 0 e full grown, honest intelligent man is w rth more to the country, and hoahl be 1 to the father, tl.nn tliM lir.l firm Yon - wlinle Ktlldv" I iiltii a v avv m w t should he not how to squeeze a few more P A PTT AT & " A SS f' dollars out of the boys, and tojthis end Ufl-f 1 Z U U lOOL lO, dwarf them mentally and destroy tlteii ambition ; hut, how can yon make them my b :iiij exc lude', as heretofore. H )W CLEVELAND KEEPS CLEAR nv KXTREMES U.u poral linjHi Liew- i.m nnd there is presumed to be a free ZJ 1 1 - he died at a faith-cure hospital on Pop- dom from cheating oii his part, but it is lar street. The hospital was founded called "revolution," which word may oe rQm NVas,,in t,)n on a two months ago by a faith minister, taken as descriptive of tho numbered , f absenCe, tells a story in the i n Ansbano-h. It was sup- 1 nni-.u, ... r . vP j, aiiiruaffe explanatory of the ported by charity, and took in paKenU ItV&JT:" 'Z of Cleveland's a,,(.oi,,1,,etS for faith cure. No medical attendance aud juid nm.o;;1.8ive cnciro have was allowed. At certam penoas oi ine .,cctlgtouiea them to a stake in card play- day the matron, Mrs. Cadwalter, called iulI jUt w,eJ1 ir conies to introducing tho all the attendants and the minister to apparatus of roulette, with its placing of mnra t Imn li t fill . more ambitions, and more intelligent than yo r-elvcf. Noth ing pays better than to eneouiage 1110 boys except lo teach them honesty and thfs you can't do by defrauding them, and nothing so encourages one to thought and care in his work as a pecuniary interest. Don't fail, therefore to uive the boys a direct interest in something on lie farm, and then see to it, as you wof Id ivize their integrity, that yon deal hot)estly by . . . . iii-.i i. .... them in jlivnliug the pronts. yhh now much more complacency will you leave, when you come to die, a lull grown, hon est, prosperous man-ryour soil than a paltry bank account. Deal justly, tieai lilterally, encouragingly with the) hoys. Neics-Observcr. i fc'.' SiTffii.fr the sick wards, when aU prayed fervent- cMt o a .av-out, ,f,e diveiou i. a Ut royal prerogative. 1 lhere is a goner .ifi ,.e , cos. for the most of them to THE LIRHT-RCNXIKO "DOMESTIC." I tacttlikt cannot be disnuted. al assembly composed of two houses: ' , i l .1 , an upier anu a iower.oue, me iuci bcrs oft the former- being chosen for life, and those of ihe latter for four years, and both by indirect vote of the in thejEmperor, ot coqrse, assisteu uy his miiristers and ja council of State. Fmm Portujral. the oritrinal patron i of the country, is derived certain priii- cinles of -hereditary succession to tne ' ! ... ill .1 ! I crown which exclude tne oauc iaw females being pernlilted to occupy the throne!. The established religion of the empire is theJ Roman Catholic, I ' - . . im .1 though all other religions are tolerat ed, and educationl while still back ward, is gratuitous and "will be made coinpujlsiny as soouas the government 1 v fnr thp' recovery of the patients. tie too gross -r, . i . j i. stand. JKiXpressions neany ainea iu uiupuc- mv were uttered by the taitnrui ana i,.r f mm Atlanta. Ga.. savs the wf I A A. j t mr ftnd was invoked to cure. The appeals ,i...ti. r,i in tUnt. Atv nt mesent irives had only the effect of making the cases bl,t tx vague idea of the amount of 6ick- worse. Those who naa menas were taken away and have since died. The Durham child was there about two weeks, and all the prayings could not save him. He suffered and died with- ness to be fouud iu every quarter where inquiry is made. While almost every class of sickness is prevalent, most of it ecms to have for its origin iu severe cold. It's a candid story aud he witnessed the scene in the city of Langollen, Wales. A boy was griming a Huge stick of candy (regular brown taffy,) when a little fellow came up witn one eve cocked and said: "I say, Ted, fr'inime a bite ?" The sharp reply was: "Naw, 1 won t cause you axed me! Another boy stepped up and saul : "Ted, Idid'tax you." Ted's reply was quick : "iNaw, 1 know you clidn t cause you didn't want any." 75O.0OO: ;' J. RHODfcS BltOWNE, I l(TM. C. COART, Prest. s secreuuy : Twenty-sixth Annual Statement JASCAUT 1, 15. LtABILITIES. Cash Capital $300,000 0 Unljusted Losses 84)00 OS Reserve for l.e-insurance and all other I 1T M liabilities, . f 2;llTW Net Surplu , It SCHEDULE OF ASSETS: Cash In National Banlr $ 7,904 06 Casli la hanls of Agents 1 1 .902 5fl 1741,380 IS ppirr tv r?F.vTrri. America. La LiUcrtail, Via Galveston, April 14. I.LOAas, secured by nrst martguge. United States Registered Bouds...-.;. State and Municipal I'.ou:s NaUonal Bank Stocks Cotton Manirfactuiliij; Mocks .7. other Local Stocks Real Estate (unlneuiiibered tlty property) T.S7 IT ... - r . n a. , ... bU,l M -f lt.BM 85 . 179,800 00 . 51,037 M . 15S.4 K) 0CI . 114,725 C0 3,770 00 i The ba!?es of peace were tolay ac ceptetl by Salvador and Guatalema. Hostilities have ceased. A general mm': 1 -amnesty has been proclaimed aim awaits the approval ol the allies, j ne plenipotentiaries will meet in Qcopul- definite treat v of peace. i . Fort Worth, Texas, April 12. One of the largest land and cattle trades i.. in iritis still holds its swav. and in ever made in America was closed here save him. He suffered and (lied with- mMt mnit fatiiij. The physicians yesterday. The property of the Esquela out medical attendance, the matron to Iiave their hands full and aro d and company, embracing 50,000 head of cattle and 20,000 acres iiLlrfI i . i l illl'U.' ReilL'htcst Ittinninfr - ......... .Wfm WARRAiYTED : t - be made of the best material ..j uini an IVIUM3 Ml tfllk. iM MIT VTP. T'lV rTH r ATT I T Tm ........ ,Uki t . mmnrtlinA ' Iviili liUUAli ll o,iwj.jii.w. oeiieve tuuv vunsi m tuic C3iavery,wiucii iiaa u.wbys u wants and if he don t it is of no use in IlKizil. is vieMms under the be- , . ; , . rm. i TK-. t . r i w i -nr I. 1 . 1.1 ? i tO Call in a aocior. iue eoruuei uiuci- The Mast Beaut iluHNood Work. n (M1 nfluence ot Pedro's reign loa " " ; ., -. , - , . . sysWofgradud emancipation now ed the hospitaun cnarge oi pnysicians. considerably advipcea u not neany complete. . 0 i . - .1 4pcjmplete in every respect. Strengin oiiue siaua.ug army Agents wantcdn unoccupied territory, on a peace iootiug ps d0,g00 and on a war looting 60,000, and the navy r?lc DEWING MACHINE CO.. MUX&tL cf sixtv meiuofVwar, includ- Jbchmpnd. Vs. . 1 :4l.la .:tK nrowe aggregating i,iiuiueu. Kioide Janeira,Uhccapital emiiire and hence: the place 1 '.ll.. !:...An a n O wl ! I tie lice Ol Hie uimiatci ia a ojichui" v.. j. of 40Q,000 people beautifully situat- -.1 :. .. .n.iir.il .1 tvtiit lt'jtm furmp.l 1. 1 1 111 llUkllia. Ulll HU(VM . by surrounding mountains and look- J tucky has 4,461 saloons, and Uiiio, mil otit upon the Otmtn-t-Atlantic, 15 yo. startling as the statement stating that God wanted the little one COM8tantly on the go. Impure water, a or he would have made him wnoie. bad system of drainage and ciiaugeaoie - was sold to an English syndi- The investigation shows that a number weather all contributed to the preseut ' nAn rr.. i ne nvef , ..;.,...,.,. .. r !' h. ,;k- Nn cate incorporated in London. I he con- lot other cwioren nave oeen ' J . ' " , 1 XT. .! " 1 dd.ration is not vet known, hut the the hrinkof the grave, and notwith- 01 w weu Willcl CU""V " ' . , ,.Vimftm Th(k r .. .. " ., b . 1 tui. of the citv is safe to drink, and im- property is valued at isS.oOO.OOO. Ihe standing this the matron ana minister - n,,hkilr nanv w:n hr known as the DeiUJWMUIrVUlB. wviu " w . .iMnl.-t-rffrlnw ninlcM I III necessity a costly one. Total Assets, ) $741,380 S2 J. ALLEN BROWN, AgU : Salisbury, N- C.. March 16. i v.7i. SOMETHING NEW ! 5-LAMP CIIIMNEYSJ 1 that will imt lrvk lv L.-ut, lor sale ftt " . - ENNISS'. DIAMOND -DYES All colors jm wish at ENNISS' DONT FORGET t. ta! all kinds at f( r Seeds of ESNISS', The vottiitr man who skated in th Madison Square Garden 1,092 mile in six days, scoring in one diy 201 miles, has since died in consfquenc :.,...,..nn Avnrisiirn lipfnre Ihe ha I Ol 111! ll Ii' .i .,.-". , i , . 1 '.i i:.:k T TA TIIK I.ilill ' recovered ins normal euimmvu. . l.l .. . ..J o li ii in an I Pull tinrl s" the Flower Pots at was a miserame sjumhic m i - EWISS life ottered on the altar or tieiesiaoie uotonty. , GIVEN AWAY! By royal order it is ordained that cap- pZSH and GENUINE Gardan Seeds!! tains of vessels entering the cuban pons 11 "Esquela land (limited) and cattle company W KLITTTZ Xr. T RENDLEMAN Salisbury, N. llpWAREi Sativiks tv the South and in THE NORTH. Gov. St. John, since I iVM been handed inlat the request of At- his return I from the South, confesses toruey General Garland, Instead of fol- thatthe temperance work is further lowing the usual course and commun'ci advanced in 'the South than in the his wishes to Mr. Chesley through l lKMlll, i.iJLinsirripi iii uw oaiutiuo tllO attorney geiiei ai, . Vicvvuiuu 1 of the! Minnesota, with about the same pop- down and -wrote a kindly noto to the of resi- J nlation, has over 3,000 saloons ; Ar- solicitor, sealed and addressed it and sent 11.. s 1 . . i . . . - rf-s. Kansas has l,d44. saloons, Calitornia, J jt uv a messenger direct to Mr. Chesley. with about the same population, has u Rtmihtforward way of doing . ; . . . -tv I O Tl . . . ... . St.. . ....... I y.dOiJ saioous. vi(i Aouroon Aveu Treasury department! officers are tdk- While plowing, Tobias ; Roth rock ing about the characteristic 'manner m of Broadbay lownslnp, JJoreyttiLO, tl. IPrMdeut rennested-Solicitor found a curiosity one day last week. Chesly to withdraw his resignation, which It is a large dish weighing about are no more to be made responsible for fod bv thp intprnreter. LUC C11U13 V"luiinv- J I in the translation of their mainifesU This concession was obtained through the exertions of the American repri se 1 tative at Madrid. the across! a -bay that Ijxves its feet. . It is j may be, in proportion to the popula- ml - . (ionthe Jiorth has twice as many sa loons as the South. And yet .the c ni..... ...i ii. xt.k ill., UIW JSUI luuini, OOlllH 19 ACIIIUU1UVIU Ullll me xunii i and customs pre-1 Uepublican, and striving to be prohi the better classes of tiou also. St. Louis Republican. in a latitude , correspond ing to that of Huvh.isi And conseauentlv has a cli- - 51 i mate not unpleasant the year round. ' European manner vnil there ainonir nixinlp. and. otherwise than socially. lhe ci!ty also has many of the charac teristics of a European capital The vast extent oi tne empire ai- ! folds male Whatever the number of a man's friends there will be times in his life business at the White iouse is, old gov ernmeut officers say, a reiresiiuij elty.-iJVVic York Time. IIOV- A Pooe Field for Doctors. Block Is laud, uearlv fifteen miles off the Rhode Is land shot c,is couside.red oue.of the qnaint- est ocean resorU on the American coast. It is a Tuiuiature world, in which the hab it ami customs are those of 150 yea is ago The iucome of a resident physician in WHEN YOU WANT! pRDWARE i lTiT.fi TTT T7TrLTTT3nia i ii vauaiuo Lnthc "aaersigned t ' NO. arOranite 7v ii" -. . . , i m ...... i tin ttf(triiirr m ilia nAiinirv 'vuti vv , " . . muiiu m. . iiiifr tfti-iL . IT" .'.-., -t- 1 Lr,, nf .at richaess and value to the he has not one too many -i9t..rfr- told an islander that he hawl lost his own :rN.C jnne sthf i I worW. de has uecn neretotore ai- uynon. forty pounds, and from all opj)ear ances is of ancient date. It was kjv- ei-al inches beneath the surface. It h no doubt some kind of Indian pot- . .1 i tery ; but as it has two holes uoreu j through the bottom ot it, its use can- j not be coiiiecturctl. Indian arrows , and other implements have been found ( in the same vicinity. Ltavulson ms-. . i . - paicn. Persons buying One . Dollar's worth f Garden Seeds or Medic ines of any kind will be "iven 10 pajers nf fn-sh garden seeds - At EN N13S' Drug i Seed Store. 17.lt" ' A. C. HARIS - STILL BOOMING! Having purclias.IJt. raiercw in the Jinn of Harris & Heid, 1 will contin ue business at mv old stand on Main street. Thanking my friends and the public for tiw.r lilx-ml natrorgro heretofore given, I he would -hall endeavor to insure their continued 1 U- people never are suited. Te.e wvrTibNS. Tine Cigars and Tobaecol and everyt ling usually k-pt in my Uae. . Call and see me. 'l'l'yTo - A. C. HARRIS.. Jan. 21, lSS5.-3m - n "An American who was arreslel in Palestine and rccciveil the Li-tina-doon his bare feet, said he j would .Arnt in Iip skinned nllVC. It h bid lipen skinned alive "Papa, did -mamma say yes to yon right off when you asked her to mar ry you?" "Certainly she did." f'WIiy dont she say yes now just asj quick ! vhen you ask her to do tntngs . "Mamma's hearing; is not as? goo i i . . . i .... ii " ! uow, darling mat nes in his life fQa, m n,ui:l.ai nttendance oil the 1.- e vast exieiitui uie empire ai-, , i i , r , . ... , iioo. hv.miu.v.v..., i - r , .. when he his one too few: but if he has ' vn ...i...i.t.-..- M w fri zz. . Rnfnre ouit- a great variety ,01 sou auu en- . , ' , . , , -iw " , . n ' silks and and the products of the country only ? enemy he 18 lucky indeed if tiug the island at thecud of the year ho . . j Z -;-l...iM ...! ...I... . 4l.' Tna n nftf. nn Inr. mnrtv ""R7j- I .u :ol.r lit hie hail lost his own tOgeuie . ! health in trying to work up a practice. sain? way. Mr. Singleton had been preaching fie eospel at Waterford. One night he Unnrvvirpd; and when he came to his n ,nv state robes, exceptm senses found himself recovering from a on at hor coronation, when she goes drunken debauch in this city. He af- to Westminster Abby in crimso, an terwards became a tramp, and as stated, ( Jr : tired in reu. s Pretty sofa cushions are made of light j colored selvages cut from i the euge or , -'f Sia t villk at tbc residence of sUks and knitted in very thick and close n Margaret E. Mitchelt. Mi.. igs can be made in the l0lK Evelyn Ah in the u .tn ear wantecUor TUe Ut ot ull tue Prwldenu oitUeX.S. TBelarg .fct. biindsonieit. wesv TheQnccn of E.glaml never penr, U.g eSS& fiENTS 13;ly ilAti-iriTnoofc- Notice to Creditors! AU person ha ving claims against th estate of Daniel Chambers deceased ni Jt j hereby noli neu TOr nf i , undesigned on m H nit . of consumnu in. io ....;i ihhk. or un uwk,.?." v. t v l Mt in bar of their recovv5-?" " " " - Utl .,24:0. rl - nm ' . 'is1'' . " ' ' . if--!.; . i : i n I- -r- n