" f 4 -fa -MmWl TTD M - ' VV i) 1P n TO 31 V ' v ' I i , .1 II ' I ' - . i: . I ; ' - 1 . I 1...!. KMria Cnillllll If? CI II 1 1 III I- 1HPT. .1- T I I I I IV I I. IB 1 V VWWV I . I' . - m. m . ' W I . "1 -J : ." ! i , - 1 i.l ' ,tiie ulu mill. worked tcwlav. in ttanaoinn county "- . . . ' I -kj vuuuioxi, one ol the ladies of his hnrpm tiholi iiie. iihii AND PEUMANEN'T CURE i;. .. . .von .. , ; ...jia and Indigestion-. :MTv. W- iV 'JKEOOBY, bv JCharlottc, iRuttE,X.C.,Nov.-1884 II 'vv sreat blefit myself h-commen.1 it to othem. I Mciuv)er v- e-- li jiJ : Charlotte, N C. .".-'r. I takeereat pleasure 1 V' ,Tm, ltv to the .talue of your. JiD?m71- - - ased u with treat l-WSffJllY recommend it lo any one aibAa. indigeutson nU ,a arpto D.A.JENKINS, N. C. State Treasurer. I Jly J II McAden and t C Smith & .Crana?;.K.KImCo, Here frqatt the brow 'of the hill I Ibok Through a lattice of boughs and leares On the fld gray mill, with its gambrel roof . And ihe mosi on ita rottiag eaves. I hear tlie clatter that jars its waits, l And ihe rnshing water's sound," And I sfee the black floats rise and fall ' . ' As tbje wheel goes slowly round, I rode t iere often when I wa young, Witmy 'grist on the hor3e before, And talked with Nelly, the miller's girl, As I waited my tarn at the door. And while stieiossed her ringlets brown, And flirted andr chatted, so free, , The.whfeel might atopor the wheel might go It wajs all the samc'to tae. - ' , I ! FIRM VACOHS. worked to-lay. In Randolph county I point yon to the Hoover HiU mines. Theare ownSSO :"feet in a tneta morpliic slate, and are avcragiog from $7 to $3 pen ton, while occasionally it runs - very high in freegoldj The mine is producing now and has an output of $150,000r -i - The Ore Knob Cppper mine, in Ashe county, has j produced over two millions of dollars. The mine has been worked to a deph of 460 feet and is equipped with smelters and re- liners, rne ore,: cuaicopynie, win average about 8 per cent., but! occas ionally lias very rich bunches! in the lode. ' ' At the Phcenii mine, in Cabarrus couutyi a depth of 300 feet has lysen attained. The ores, auriferous sulphi des, will average $15 per ton, and is reduced with ordinary battery and treated ?: hy the Meares chl or! nation process. The output, is about 40.000, The : Big Russell, in" Montgomery county, has been worked in an open Since the first breaking out of the cut to the depth 0f 100 feet, and from ' n M a., t Ua ri;rnvr of. thfr ;1S to C(Y feet in wultli. It is a low 'Tis twenty years since last I stood y On the spot where I stand to-day; And Ne'lly is wed and the miller b dead, And the mill aad I are eray. 'J' .-a Bat both, till we fall into ruin and wreck, ' To or fortunes or tou are oouna, And thie man goes and the stream flows: Ana pe w ucw mu ww ij Thoina$ Dunn JungbsA. The Gbld Ores of Xortlt Carolina. "trnld fever on the discover. ot.; the precious metal in California in 1848, the golf! mines of the .Rocky. Moun tains and the Pacific slope have con tinued to attract attention to theneg 15 to GO' feet in width. It is a low grade lal co-slate, and there is in sight more than one hundred thousand tons. The production has been a little more than $50,000. An English syndicate has purchased the property and their superintendent is erecting a 30 stamp Ippt of what is much nearer home if Tfot so icreat in extent .or. rich in-ex ternal indications. Few persons who battery. This property, if carefully did not! have actual knowledge of the handled, must turn out gold iu pay- iranortance of the gold mines of North mg quantities trind fr flnrinff WaffOIlS. Carolina could have formed any con- J HggieS opriUg V dBuu de ionoftheir Yalne. The magnifi- the Iwn flnd (riiano Drills iti no Tl AY RAKES- proved a revelation to many. These only been prospected to the depth o JiiCWlup i . ores are so "numerous, massive and 40 feet. Assays run from $4 upward J N Averts iaumg,anuja i.. and are so fovishlv displayed Some New England capitalists bough YjZY IV A 1 ! vi xv O. that they rival the miueral exhibits this property lasjt spring and are mak- .TI MAD iuimwcw, Telegraph Straw Cutters, !j Avery ana i;i.m i At the Bright Inline, same county, eeption ot their value, me magnin- tne ore lies in a mass, anu i cent exhibit made by rsortn uaroiina, tne itusseu ore nere tne mass is of fro Id ores in the Exposition, lias, several hundred feet in width and has a high grade snlphldej vein four feet WlUe, Willi MlUUWUVi .IU Blglllt. Output $35,000. ; j i ':v-'iT At tbe tloneycutt mine, same coun ty, the depth reached ys 300 leet. They find a tine graue ore siate which is oworked iii aj Howland pul verizer mill. Outputs $25,000. At the Dunn's Mountain mine. same j county, they ore hoisting ores from the 200 foot ieveJ. luey have a small vein of brown and snlphide ores, but of good grade.! fhemme is well equinned. .Production 20,000. The l?avis chionnation works are at the Yadkin minel also in Rowaq couuty. The ores at this locality have not naid because they are mucli be- low the averaee in va4ue. Tho TTntnn Hold and Conner mine. on the dividing line: rpetween Kowan anu vauarrus counues, iworKea in an oiiecnt; Js 75l-eei deep by from 15 to 45 feet in width.; The ores are auriferous chalcopyrite, green carbo nate of copper and red oxide. Anoth er part of the property has a shaft of. no great depth worked tor an argen tiferous blende. Thd output amounts to $30,000. ! From this showing you perceive that there is considerable activity iu the d tell you the oldest discoveries, as you know, were of this character. It is impos sible to estimate, except approxi mately, the output of the State in placer gold. Reed mine, in Cabarrus county, has produced largely, and it was here that the .28 pound nugget the largest of the Eastern nuggets was found. - j ' j ' The Parker, another noted placer deposit in Stanly county, has added a YOUNG IiADIES" COLTTUK. All contributors to this column will address their communications to Youno Ladies' Coujiur," WaTCHMXii, Salisbury, -1 . '. I. m- . ; one of the ladies of his harem to be brought out, and to be presented to this aide-decamp. This unfortunate bfiicer, who was as much an Englishman as an Egyptian and whose dream had been to marry a European, had no escape. I For the Young LadWColumn,9, Mr. Editor: Beantifui are. the fields of Carolina: powdered over with "Daisies," those emDiems or innocence, the first hearings of the awakening bosom of spring; they u&uig juyuua uuuis oi ongnter days and the return of-singing . birds and the whispers of long leaves and - pleasant walks remmding ns that nature has awoke from her slumber and is shak ing open the unblown buds which have gathered .. around her during her long winter's sleep. Nature has crowned Carolina with her richest jewels flowers and the glittering minerals upon her brow at tack many of the fair sex to her soil, of which they will always be proud to speak of as "Our Carolina' Littleton's Sewing Machine Belief Spring does one half the labor io sew lag. It makes heavy macliiaesi ran light. It makes light machines ran lighter. The spring enables any lone to run a machine without becoming fatigued. Use the spring aud no injury will re salt from jrauuing tbe sewing luachiue. ; New Orleans, May 6th. At -a meeting of prominent citizens to con sider the feasibility of continuing the exposition for another year, there was much debate, and it was finally determined- to send a committee to Washington to. ascertain if the gov ernment . will permit the exhibits to remain another season, and to asjt the eep mining districts, but let me but write often. Truly fou about those I placer deposits ; ilxvi I was a little disappointed last week, War, Department to 'garrison the Mr. Editor, at finding us crowded out, grounds with troops'to save the ex- but you had excellent reading matter, ri i- e c .i .11 j ' ' peuse of i a police force. On the re in your paper, nevertheless, and it was f -r . to m a wplpnmA vi'dfr port of this committee will rest the I hope the girk will not be disappoint- question of reopcuing or not There ; Expialln-Th eTr Sins. f 4T ' U f4id by Bire Harrison, fresh "writer :l en the stibiect, Wnumber' 20,0Q0H AJ i statue of the blessed nrcm,Va lalv;iiH placed in the centre of a church, and the floor in front bf it strewn knee . 4eep with cactus, whose poisonousspines fill sometimes pierce the heaviest soll shoes. "Through this bed of thornsjpie v j Penitentesf march; with naked feefeor " wwl along on bare knees, calling pit-. eousiy me wane to the V irgin tor for--giveness of their sins. As if this were ttot spflacient, they scourge themselves with . ; CTeat bunches of cactus tied toget her on a thong and slashthiemselves with knivW If TJhe natural result of these orrible ex--' ercises is a death now and then, andl j many maimed and pitiable creatures ! who drag out a miserable existence for : the remainder of their days. i Hawthorn. Selected for the young ladies Coulmn. Modes of Courtship. appears to be no trouble m raising the necessary funds to meet the ex penses. riktox: for i lEnffines ana Rq7 AND unlb I MILLo, R&Eninc ahdBoilsr Fittings-Ouns, EloUs Shelly Cartridges, AVmls and Caps. Ponder m snoii wjiiaiHiw ? sri-Axcs; biioveis nuu ouw, o Hirfare, Paints, Oil and Varnishes UflME-RAlSED CLUVtK 5ttU. Ijereiytwwf usually kept In First -Class ilJdMreand implement Stores. I have on hand VErZZSrt ti.. nhnvft, A offer them tor the next dars. tor less money than they have ever ysbury.bct W. SMITHDEAt. 1 1 S I I V r-vv a . .1 ' 1.1 . I 11 made liy Colorado, Montana, Nevada ing preparations to work it on a more to tne wealth ol tne world. and other mining regions of the West, extensive scale. I A fort is mine, in JNasii county, andthiy fairly astonish the observer The Little Lead mine, in the same goesa bowshot ahead, having increas- who only knew in a general way that county, ha3 been worked to the depth ed our wealth more; than a million some gold existed in North Carolina, 75 feet and has produced $10,000. dollars. The Shu ford, in Catawba, Georcia and Virginia. There are more than a thousand tons nas a spienuiu prouuemg reuoru auu Kift vpnrs n rn. and lefore Uie dis- oi ore. worth Irom 4 to l in snrlit prouucniK covervi ot eokl in uamornia. ine ore nee mining. iuui6wu; wuu,; -f' mines pf North Carolina and Ueorgia Un the Morns Mountain property tauon oi uemg; uw giwicsi attracted much attention, and they work is progressing finely at the newly gold producing county in the State. in the discovered locality. The ore is in a le oam vjurisijan i mine uikcs me lead, with a record oi two nunureu thousand dollars. Some eiht or nine Seuator Warner Miller, of New York, wlio has lust returned from The shoemaker lays his all at her feet. New Orleansjand a tour through the The blacksmith strikes the iron when South, speaks quite hopeful of the it is hot. busiuess prosperity of that section, The carpenter says her society adz joy "The South," he said, "owes incalcu- to his existence. lably more to the New Orleans Ex- The woodchopper offers himself as position than anything else that has her feller. occurred durin the last fifty years. The mason believed his chances rest A great change for the better has been on a good foundation when he informs made in the sanitary arrangements of her that her refusal! would be mortar- MomtihU . aiuI-yp! low fnvpr therein 1 7 J " . I According to feWaskingtoa eorrespon- dent of the New Vork World, Mr, Clero lnd proposes to go eren slower in the matter of appointments to office. lie is qaotad as aj ing in teplj to.au Illluois Jpdge who called upon him to ask about change in the federal offices ia that State: "When I assumed the duties of this office I resolred to go slow iu mak iig changes,believing that if auy nilstalss were mauo uiey wouui nataraiij resnic from bnity and inconsiuYrnte action rom certain receut occurrences I km more than erer of I the opinion that nv drigiual determination was right. In the future I intend to ; go even slower than were ul U mow money than at anything else by taking I B u ntW tor the hest selling book out. Be wwdifrlandlr. None tall.rerms free n i . i wii i,ktt book co.. Fortland, Maine. ! ' f 1 4- STANDS LI- AT THE HEAD! such important factors gold stjpply of the United States that free milling state, and they use the the goyernment was induced to estab- simplest anialgainatiug process. The lish mints in the South to coin the production, at the depth of 25 feet, precious metals taken out there. As has been about $5000. a matter of fact, the mint at Charlotte, The development at Silver Hill, in Ni C. was established in 1837,, and Davidson county, has reached a depth one at Dahlonega, Ua., was started m pounds of the yellow metal may be seen in our show case. The Beaver fying to him: The sailor first ascertains how the land lies, then approaches her when she's in stays, and informs her that he is in need of a first mate. The dairyman declares that he is bound to heifer and can love no udder. The furniture dealer is so mnch in iter.' if Offering as iNDyeEXExx. I don't ; know about going 4)ail for ' you, am,; You are a bad nigger, and ought to ! be . locked up. You re a disgrace to the community." , J .: I ul know it sah.- I'm a4jad nigger ebery way. But if you'll go my nail lis time, boss, I'll jump the country to morrow mawnin' and nebber come baek. iDeed I won't." X. Y. Tiniez. ,;, j THE LIGHT -RUN jilSQ l "DOMESTIC." : : . , i ; i Dam mine . follows close on the heels love with her that he is willing to ac of the, Sain Christian, while Bunnel Cept her affection on instalments, one- of about 700 feet. This is one of the Mountain with twenty thousand dol- nth down. very few mines! worked during the lars the-Werth with htteen thousand Confederate war.; Lead was scarce, dollars land the Kron with ten thou and this argentiferous galenite and sand dollars brinjg u the rear of this blend was smelted and run into bul- procession ot gold producing placers. It is said that the Montgomery discoveries to the year 1835 the mines per ton: Gold $10;-silver-$25, lead people never tail to make a crop. OliOUHl urougm uesirur uieir growing crops, tliey havei but to repair to the all probability effectually banished. Atlanta now more resembles one of our large Eastern towns than any city iu the South, and there is an energy about the people that promises much in the future." diets that Orlando county, Fla., will become one of the richest Countries in I the United States. " 1838. Official statistics show that gold was disco vered in korth Carolina in 1824, in Virginia in 182a and m ueorgia in 1830. and from the time of these of these States had sent altogether to 20 per cent, and zinc ,10 per cent the mint 84.377.500. This mine has produced more than t : .1-- . Desiring to gain some definite aud 200,000. specify information on the gold mines of North Carolina a representative of Picavune called on Mr. T. K. The poet wooes her with a sonnet, and her big brother starts out in search of him with a shotgun. The "funny man" approaches her with jokes and puns, and has the dog set on him and loses the skirts of his swallowtail coat. I No machine of jtravel that man ever , invented can equal the speed of wild fowl. The canvas-hack duck flies two les a minute. The broad-bill goes Senator Miller pre- slightly slower. Teal can fly at the fate of 100 miles . an hour, the wild goose iabout ninety. j i ' : The bad man, diffusing the hue of his own spirit over the. world, sees it full of treachery selfishness and de ceit. The good man is continually looking for and sees noble qualities. At the Rudisif mine, in Mecklen- the Bruuer, who has cliarge of the exteu- sive and well arrauged mineral de partment. of that State amrrequested some particulars. These Mr. Bruner kindly ga ye, entering into interesting . - i t 1 1 1 then dry beds ot tne urancnes auu Finally, the champion roller-skater smaner creeKs, auu wuu suuvci auu i . , i , 0i . i with and marries him. Boston Courier. tlutjt ishe acknowledged Leader is a j ,1 tact that cannot be disputed. WNY IMITATE IT. I: I .a' 11 t . f 280 fppt has pan, gather the golden harvest irom been attained in the workings. The g"t deposiu. An expert can make Ps ore, a dense sulphide, is of very high from one to three dollars a day minis grade, and the yield amounts to a way. The country stores take "dust' million dollars. nugget gold in exchange for ' Capps Hill mine, same county, has goo Is, allowing 85 to 85 cents per been worked a little more than a bun- dwt. for it. j details! which were brought out by dred feet in depth, and has produced A he estimated product oi iorin ,,oc;Ar.0 Hta .intpmpnf. ia o-ivpn nnd ftoii non: Work ; is hpiiio' vitrorouslv Carolina cold is thirty million dol- i . . I ' .ft .1 1 I 1 LJ . . I.. AHnAy A ;a cnhdtaiit o v n Fn llmvR? nrnspnntpcl. with mnw t inn a Lhousamt iars. now buaii we iuuieusc mm WH mmmmm m j vtumr - - I y - - - - AlidW mc to remark in the outset tons of good ore in sight. that the first gold found in America The St. Catherine mine, also in was discovered in North Carolina, and Mecklenburg county, has reached the years before that humble Georgia wo- depth of 200 feetj From this level man, Mrs. Peter Xi. Wimmer found they are hoisting a fair grade of sul- the firiit nugget in Californiaahd star- phide, ore, but the yield has been tpXwestward the adventurous pioneers small, only reaching a few thousand . "T! i. .... 1...' . T ? who have since made that land bios- dollars. A practical process tor work Selected for the Ladies' Column. News aud Notes for women. Washington Grltlc, May 4th, (AnU-Cleveland be fore election.) Two months ago today Mr. Cleve land took the oath of officc and .be- caiuej.resiucui.ui ni uuucm uuuw. pTjp A TT7CF i QKQ No doubt the time will have seemed KLl A IN lblJ lOOy like a space of two years to many of fice seekers who have hung on the outskirts of the Administration. But, after ail there has been a steady, con tinuous change in the personnel of fhfi Departments, and rresident g , Cleveland is accomplishing gradual progress that which injudicious per sons hoped would be attained by wholesale removals. Thus far the President and the country are to be new Admiuis- figures. question Under the name of beri galine, Irish poplins are revived. those I ahradof concratulated on the -m B&a.BBU BA JMA. V B M -V - S Just liere hinges the great I nair wmch is five feet ten inches long, tration. The nrohloni to be unrav-1 . mklii.. i r r 1 1 j-w. IJ.WAAAA io ooin Tfl I0 111 CM eled is a nractical. chean method for i i "1 An Accommodating JuDGE.-Une mnninulnl iW thVi .'dlnhie ores of the m0Sl woman uuw uu a .u.. , h. evcr 0) t,,e Ivp Lace bonnets will be much worn as unu ia niiributed to Judse Walton. exception concentrated high grade soon as the weather will permit their Uyuile holding a term of the Supreme ores. Metallurgical works are need- l us9- Court at Augusta he sentenced a man Mrs Frank Leslie, it is said, boasts ot to seven years in prison ior a grave ' CAPITAL & ASSETS, S750.000.J: . RnODcS BUOWNR. I WM. i rest. i c. CO ART, secretary kr . 1- i i i" .i i i i. i :.. .i.t enm i inrin unroiiua- uau muuiiau i in? sumuiue urea ta uccueu iu iuuig thousands of dollars' worth of native the output at this and many other lo- ed, where the ores may be treated for all they are worth. Twenty-sixth Annual Statement. JAXCAKT 1, 18$5. LIABILITIES. having the smallest foot of any lady crime. The respondent's counsel ask-) fcaau capital ed for a mitigatiou of the sentence on 0 . . ft. ft ' NONE LULAL IT. gold, and some mining work was be- calities available. ; ftarjrest Armed. , ing conducted in a crude way. Since In Stanly county there is some lit- f jue LihtMtltunniBsr; that time, work has been going on in tie activity. At the Croweli mine they . r ; The Most Beautiful Wood Work. many localities almost constantly are working in the 150 foot level. AXD IS WARRANTED excepting, of course, the time spent in The ore is a talc slate and the little t -fkii . x... , " . L . - war. In '61 almost all the mines were seams of quartz permeating the lode Greensboro Workman: Ground was broken today for the new mammoth 2as-h61der for the Greensboro Gas Com- pany uot. ieitwicn arnvea in ine ciiy 0 do any and all kinds of work. y 18 he complete in every respect. Agenlj wanted in unoccupied territory, -Marcfes, f !' . WMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., :5ftl?y"KLUTT2 & RENDLEMAN TTly. Salisbury, N..C. 1 . - abandoned and but little activity was 1 are sometimes exceedingly rich in free known In the region uutil a few years gold, lhey are using Chilian mills. ago. This fact accounts in a measure The Biles mine, same county, is for the tardiness in development; out down 00 ieef. 1 he ore is 01 nign let m4 go on with the main idea of grade, ami the yield has reached vour duestion. Within the last six or szu.UUU. rueynave a stamp mm. eight jyears a pew and more deterratn- Une other property in oianiy coun ed effort has been made to develop ty is worthy of inentiou. It is the Barringer mine. The property was onened before! the war. but was abau- He Took the Wager. i "Poor John was so fond of gambling," said a bereaved Widow. "His last bet the iiiklultry, aud I must say with the most flattering prospects -of success. This hewimpetus has been felt in sev- doned before any depth was attained. eral j ways, but most prbmiuently in j It was reopened two years since and glVipg rise IO ou uinuiiivu iur uiavuv-1 uisuuvercu iu ue u vvijr iwh ciu. ery. A natural result of this exploi-lThey have not reachetl a depth of tntmtV wnrk is the addition ot uianv hllv tpet. la nu est ion ot title had to DC . 1' .ir. i. i 1.. i:l .i : 1... ,.:lil I . - Vo pnnlfl pat snct clams in UeW ipcailliea IO lUC uiikuvj iuug iiai 1 iieuiufu 111 mc jiu uut ui jrici-ai niu gt;v; hv.w- twenty minutes. I "Did he win the bet?" "Yes, he won the bet," sighed the widow, "but the money didn't do us any good. It took every cent of it to bury him." X Y. Sim. i in the United States Stockings are in black and plain dark the ground that the; prisoner's healtl MrM;Mwl W ftlnakinos was very poor. "Your Honor, sau .JL- TO:n tmn, . he. "I am satifieil that my client can . ... , not ve out half that term, and I beg Uf." nicrht nnn bmnkrht with him Mr. AUZ tlco S of vou to chance the sentence." "Well, McGcerwho will take charge of the ex- V S "nder those circumstances," nid the ovation and build the tank, which will "w uruwu, -u - a j a ttI wiIl change the sentence, cover an area of 48 feet. Twenty- A Corean woman has no name, bhe aud make it for life instead of seven nine nersons loineu me itietuuuisu is aiways sumcwuj o p..v., , . vc:.rg " ; i is neeiiess u uu mai wife,motner. ineirmuivwiwicAu resnondent agreed to abide ty tne original sentence, which the Judge per- TT 1 T . Iff Mrs. Johnson, the once radiant nar- fI1itted him to elect. Lewuttown Jic.) riet Lane of White House memory, now journaU a widow, is described as "still a glorious looking woman, despite the sorrow ex pressed in the stricken face and the drooping ngure. Jjnadjutel Los.scs tesen-e for liMnsonuice and nil other nauuiucK, i Jfet Surplu , - .1300,000 00 S4.000 00 1$2,117 M . 255,2C3 It fiil,3s0 82 - SCHEDULE OF ASSETS: Cash la National Bank f 1.904 W bash In hands of Agents 11,962 29 S X -- j " pVinrph. in this citv. vesterdav after the mqrning sermon i twenty-two on pro- is not recognized even by name. f ession of faith and seven by letter, it is encoraging to 1 see! so many uniting with the Churcli Of Christ. The wheat about Gibsonville and in ;he edge of northwestern Alamance is im proving a good deal,; United States Registered Bonds State and Municipal Boads ........ National Bank Stocks Cotton Manufacturing Mocks . . . . other Local Stocks . . . .j. . . Uteal Estate (unincumbered cltpropertj) 7JJ7 TT : Loans, secured by first mortgages ........ 60,413 84 S i.P6C,35 . lti,609 00 . 51,097 90 . 15,400 00 . 114,735 00) 39,770 00 Total Assets. $741380 33 iu Rowan in North Carolina. The area of gold has been profitable, producing districts now extends over I More activity prevails 30oointie3.-' Tlie deepest and rich- county. The Gold Hill mines, dis est of these deposits are situated a lit- covered in 1842, have been developed lie wst ef the centre, and on a grani- to the depth of 75Q feet, with drifts or tic axis which runs iu a northeasterly tunuels at this deptluof 900 feet in direction across the State. -The prom i- lateral extent, pearly 4,000,000 nent cold nroducing counties are have been taken from these i mines. j H WHEN YOU WANTJ AT LOW T?TaTTT?T?!Q y: "" T s oDeaat 'NO; 2, Granite viuiuoru, xuviusou, wiuuuini, an, btanly, Montgomery Cabarrus, Gaston, Mecklenburg and Union. The ores embrace almost every va riety and combination of auriferous sulphides, galenitcs, blendes and chal- ' I IJ Z.. iL. I pyrnes, auu nee gom in mu uruw esilTheseoccurin veins. In "drift" TV) ' n A ATWVT T Pjt for th3 .CdwfllThi.lW !C.,Juiie8tU-.tf P,aira gainst the nurr: lo ef wt the same to tlie ! ?T "float" -quartz, -gravel' oeas anu on the surface "dust" and "nugget" goia iMK" Vefore the 3d day ol of mic willbe lded i 1jt ' leir reeiivoi-. 1 .. . . 8 recovery. Tliia An,! I lf ci uoiUIIj AUl uur. The ores are rich free milling slates His Quiver too Fdix. William Now the maiden is returning From her trip across the sea, And she wants to air her learning In the language ol Paree. Now, of course, it is improper, So tbey told her over there, To say either "pa" or "popper," And she greets him with "mon pere. Then she turns toward the other. Who can naught but stand and stare, As she hears no longer "mother," 'Give vou a kiss," indeed said he, 'Give you a kiss? my goodnes! Sick Mule. An Arkansas citizen had a sick mule. He said to his color ed man: M "You know Dr. don t you, Sam?M u Yes, but I dont fink nuffin of 'im, boss. He I used to 'scribe fo' me wen I war sick las' week'. Sed he did't 'scribe for niggahs." "That's all right. He doctors hors es, doesnt he?" kI believe he do, boss." "WelL,you go down and tell him I ve a sick mule and want him at once." "Taint no vuse, he won't cum. Dat puck doctor 'scribes fo' white folks an' hors- ... . . i i es, boss, but he draws ae line at niggans an' mules." SaUsbury. 3. C J. ALLEN BROWH, Agt. March ie, SOMETHING NEW ! F-LAMP CHIMNEYS that will not break by heat, tor sale at IkNNISSV DIAMOND DYES All wish at DONT FORGET to call all kinds at 'cnlorii tou' ENNISS' ' for J5eel of ENNISS', Tis strange that you should be soiree, on the surface, but! change ihto sul- Green, now ins Auburn rnsou ,or x couia not such a thing endure;" phides of iron and copper as depth is bignmy, in conyersation with a reiwr- j And tben wlth manner nervous lnv. ffave the followine ri.p ndded. "For I'm very sure - - ; I r. i I. ; f I rri. ... nna trnillll OlMUTTC OS. Aiiaii ovuv " of machinery, which is idle'now. The as an excuse for leaving his Uswego tvater is being kept; in fbrt, while the county wile: "When l marrieu uer x owners are seleetihg a new siiperin- believed her to be alone in the world, tendent. I We moved to Watertown, aud while Tho Rirner mine, in" lite samt ihpre she visited Hannibal. When she returned to me she brought with is foutid. : Suppose I r- I is down 175 feet. Thev have I " J J - , T J " two working shafts, 400 feet a vinntT. w""vi - . 'V i .v: . i 7 . i ii c ...1 ii -li nfj n sp nameiv ipart, on her six youngsters, an oi wuuin van- signi, sue "Jr r ,r enumerate some of thethesams vein, and they are connec- ed me Mad Ut iwas more man x Aran marria. th diir The one is cuuld stand. ft Boston Courier. The ex-Khedive of Egypt, while in the height of his power, was visited by the ex-Empress Eugenie. He showed her all the sights, but there was one nted to see, nameiy, an sit, ma- he said, and forthwith directed dam, He Thought So. One of tbe pro fessors at the University of Texas is; one of the most absent-minded men in the State. Not long since a gen tleman, who was only slightly ac-( attainted with him, asked him : rJ oi. "f rwssor, are you marrieu i The Professor was absorbed iij thought for a lew moments and then replied : Ym. I think so. if I am not niis taken." 7Vft Silings. TO THE LADIES: Call and see tue-FlowcfTot at ENNISS'. GIVEN AWAY! PEESH and GENUINE Garden Seeds 1 1 v . - ; . Persons buying One Dollar's worth oV Garden Seeds or Medicines of any kind will be "iven 10 papers of fresh garden eedv At ENNISS' Drug & Seed Stores wanted tor Tbe Live of all the presidents ot tbe U.S. The larj esc, handsoaiest. beat book ever u-Md tor less Uian twice our price. Tb -"-asteat selUDK book la America. Immense prouia lo azenta. All IatellU,-ent peoplf want It Any um f!anDecome a succerlairnf. Terms tree. - : UiiX-TT Oook Co. ortLuul Maine. . AGENTS i K , 'Si" I 4 ;-. s 1 n i-iiii, l i-j.' i :rvir..j 11 i ! UV: . 1W i: fit si A r -rt hi-- 'i- Mi Mid Fl: 5 i 1 m. 'MY I -It -!4J in iM J' .tor m f t- ' t IV! if ;i J-"l .11 i r- "Ki'fc 11 vein mines that . are being actively ' ted at the 150 feet level. i ' ' r 1 1 .-! - ; . : .! T v," M1- I -, t if .i -A , - x-v. - ' ., : - yty . '. y . - w ; - ;!---