1 - .tflTI ,IUU . Mprt of the Carolina rifJ,?irtaavance,$1.50 f . .is.n nn matters ad- r4U;:S,pS'W-alverUsel 1 jjiUth oar Warehouses Neave 1ms issued 15 i firnr V'Tl-n the town within the 'jf- rns should ied th (fkconcerul all. ( ft had little frost Sunday . , iit.,iHRt en'ouch ljef plants, damage cotton, and IIOIiTICULTUBiLAsSOCIATION. l-Tlte members of this association are re quested to meet at the 1 Mayor's Office in Salisbury ,von Saturday tho 30th of May, instnut. The business to be attended to is important, and prompt attendance at o'clock, M., is requested, i . ;. : Persons wishing to become members of this Asssociatipn are invited to attend 'at abore time and place. "--.' Wm.. Murdoch. Pres't. ) J. J. Bruser, Sec. i , l- Land owner i desirous of renting , their lands on shares, furnishing the stock aud tools j of for la, money f rent, the renter famishing everything, can be placed in commonicatloi with desirable tenautfar- iners, who hav S je sorHe means and a thor V Henry Williams is preparing Ir.A town with Ice at very low f. P. Hie town wuu ice - fid clerk of the weaiuer ... ficJtiat Williams is ready for tj j ; Hankin. who claims a long If !.'!T. tohnrco business, has ' ..Min i"" Klattz Warehouse, and is xjjjy sales, iie- . ...'.' rooil accommodations to (Mi Fu , r . -t powers aim uuja i !t of patronage. Jplpfns.-The files of this paper, r missinir for the years isj 1355 i wo years iu one bound doubt bor fejime friend who has probably iiere it oeiongs. -s. - j iixvrwTiSK MEKTS. It wUl be ill a" -" : the Polly IJartman lands have jlild. J; T. Wyatt, sir miles Berclifttitlis r SalisUitryatipn- t akEjliiWt Tor the Jast quarter. C gtetfari's 'hwt or stolen dog.- , f alley Woolen Mills Ivluttz & !eain, agents. Pensions, by q.- -Uicli KnoD copper ao., UjHett.iuwtiiig. -ocfifH white nuui of Wilkes conn- sileen bionpl't down an d lodged in iKttfjSMlie charge of having souiq Lsui;;iitl tlie car robbers who were ifcut Wek. It is believed he was i. . ' 1; ..:....' .... .1... ............ gTd in Ijlllllli'i; ul " umiiiiij tlie cars bv the ough knowled;eof the bse of improved agricultural implements, by addressiug Jno. T. Pati ick Commissioner of I uj mi gration, Haleigh, N. C. These farmers are not idle, thriftless persons oat of work at home, but are intelligent, working men and are slow t leave homes in Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York and., other Northern StaU s, where ihey have to pay Very high rents. They have o hopes of ever owning farms where they noware, for land is vejry high ranging-in prices from $75 to Si 00 per acrel- The Commis sioner has freq uent inquiries from persons North desiring to learn of small farms of from 20 to 100j acres for sale. miS tU- fM'llI ;liiifn that he M very conti dfliei!!" al)leirhow . his innocence. Tsfery Ut Mwl. e:sgrjjin"g11ie atteiir iflkijiim iii','i t" leir-t t ut I he per-- INFEKIOn COUUT. The May term of tlH8 Court, held last week, was more interesting and had a fuller docket than usoal.r The members of the bar were kept pretty bnsy nearly 1 the vfeek. While in the bar Thursday afternoon' the case of State v$ Lewis Scales was called. The bill of indictment charged Lewis with stealinglwo kegs of gun powder from the powder house of Mr. Victor Wiillace, a merchant of; this, place, on or about the 7th! of March last. That quantity of the lot stolen was found In hi possession on Monday the 9th. There were 82 kegs and cans taken. Lewis hiniseljf was put upon the stand and swore that when the officer. Mr. Johu Beard, came to arrest him and read the warrant to him, he told Mr. Beard that he would answer before the Mayor. Mr. Beard, previously on the stand, testi fied that Lewjis at that time denid all knowledge of the powder; and. that this denial was several times repeated as they traveled back te town, a distance of two miles, until they reached the. Mayor's office. When the prisoner came before the Mayor and found himself confronted by testimony cans' of the r Lktt li' H' VAfy i inaiiii in the Post among ton ml Meiniiey's foup 6th of M:nch)J his 8l them i ;ir tht w'eek. I-VII. ill),- i d'uiuick I 'stilmr, 3M i I! ) ia; i i- J F.P.4!k, J C I'-iWi. Auhni P v v, Man Puller, Alice Peck, J G'hkIui hi, J iHui, LA Ittuia, J li CMpf r, John Dmiliain, . M Do.ity, E E Powell, , M S Gi otreg, A J Golden. he t -ok theiii tiieui yt llif tl he .aitl mtlii (il ;iliV b:Hi Ibrfirr. &UllUU. l tk t ! p mm, AM, i iiewy adveitiscd when the above aecauu lor. l'l J. II. Ramsay. P. M. a aselesa for us to review the in.mv I'.ynd outrages that were perpetra iiltf tlie new charter at the recent jfN election in this town, for they jjMfa to all of our citizens; and as ) act itself, it will become a cain- wcnaiBiii-hereafter that will cou tonfountl its authors and eu---Salisburii Examiner. : ! ' cdu?lusion in i;espect joiny prongs and outrages' &e., Iaeil of jaUve, i - certainly crfo- They are not known to all our Soris it useless to expose wrong Wtoitu governments. It in nnt ff.WyMpdse outrages-on the nnbli. the Examiner no tn toins: out all thi r-Ait uie charter, and show by whom C W1 the commuuity at large effwtrflged. This U due to good . ,r-r especially due to citizens fwpe mental ;-r...,ns..-.j , . mii r wuo nave Li WRovisiou iu the new lien Pi tnt tHfi hst JM'wdri I he c-iiKei Was Mr. Cna.H. Piil-e lc n da lit, that a charged in Mr. Wallace the Supreme no doubt but exception Mn this case and lay oh Noah Dedmondan unusual bond. ;n v' l The Justices put their heads together and after a little whispering, Mr.IIedrick, the , Chairman, .announced '$500 as, the aaionnt of the bond requiredr -X ' Bat before Noah had a chanco to move iu hi seat, the Solicitot, Mauuey,. handed the Sheriff a capias against him) and he was arrested on another charge of . the same nature robbing a ; car and carrying off a valuable trunk therefrom the pro perty ui ; nr. mvnara r;oii8, in xeoruary last. For this he was offered! the privil-X ege of bailiug in a bond of S200. But there was not much gmce in an offer of terms witir which Noah lonld not comply, and so he went back to prison, . : We hear of j the arret of, several of Noah'a confederates in cfime. One only of he "old issue," whom we know Jim Horah whose name aud fame was smirch ed years ago, aud failed to against crooked ways of life. warn him T. JU BKCKX&. . MANAGERS. ThfrSani Christian Mine, Jo Montgum erv ountv. is onshins work j vigoronalr. Mr. 'Armstrong, --the Supi. is! sinking- a sltaft in search of one of t lie numerous I , j a petrified-baby was recently ducov- " 1 Jonr nejgbbor's dog injures one of 5"e in Texas, and our lately married yur cuitctts, youJ;Tcan collect damages. n??,n? ? r I editor - is. wondering "how the blamed If te inj urea" one pf yoar children, yod """S, HlS long enough to 1 get I' ium.. amiiso iiickciis. peirinea. ' SALISBURY MARKET. Ma. M, 1835. HARRIED.: In Steele township, this county, iki vein, on the prbiiertr. and hi says, ith very flattering prospects of snccess. Not fS bolk meat810 Lard; much- work is ;beiog done on the placer JXI? - U ; n ll,e hoof dUtruofthepUpertyjust now. ter 20a25; Eggs, 09; Hay, 00 uucrr uiw; anocK8, 45; liran. r...'. .? ... Corn freely, at Meal, 90(95 ; May 5th. 1833, byJ. K. Davis, Eq., Mr. Wheat," 00a90Flour per sack t2J25a CuArle White to Miss Maltha J. Fifo $5l35;.Westeitfbalk meats. 8ai0 : Lard: of Kowan. j f DIED. i - ' I The Supsriutemlent of - the Rnssell w"8j iortaoie 75S0; for At the home of her parents; in Iredell Gold mine in letter to the Li. don Stock- P,ant";fiif5i Sweet potatoes 0t)tJ; "nrN-bJ February 20d, IggS, v i . . . . ,i . . T - PeasOlOO; Osits. 4550-Tnllr 7- tw Mrs. M. L. Pope, Aged 23 yeaK During holders which are publishotlia the Lon. id . 'a"ow7' Dr the iastyear and especially dm ing her doiMinihg Journal seems t be feeding "?ia8? rV11 fUr$ 20a03 cU per last few weeks, ph I impressed TluUe thero: on assays Ithatrun $20, $25nud ' uulfc 8t,,I U(ffl4U' . around her as having a peace which ' . - I t;ntrnn. t-(flv loa nt- ini j I nlll pnn ri ilntnrh " au to tue tou.y-rriiese figures may look I . " " vw lwr KTOU : " ;- 1 ni.,Hw WI.pJ, H.k, mill i tt. I miau"n5"UIglie8t, lUf. a a . . w vv - -" 9 j Commissioner's Sleeting. Mat Ob's Office, Salisbury, N., lay $th, 1885. - :- ' is ,j - i .The first meeting of the new Board oft Commissioners of the town of Salisbury was Iieuriast rnday . After being quali fied the full board composed of Edward B.Nejive, Mayor, P. P.lMeroney, Di A. Atwell, G. W. Gates, C.J. Miller, R. J. Holmes, Kerr Craige, Jaa. A. Barrett and D, 1L Julian, Commissioners, procedd to elect the following officers: I D. 1L Julian, Clerk ; I. H. Fpust, Treas urer j G. U. Shaver, Tar Collector j Kerr Craige, Attorney ; Ja. Plumnier, weigh er; C. )V. Poole and R. ML Barringer,! po licemen j J. J. Bell, sextoti Commission er P. P. Meroney was elected to act as Mayor pro tern iu the absence of the reg ular Mayor. ' I j - j MessrsFoust and Bel were elected to their respective positions without oppo sition. Editor. ! - It was ordered that the Mayor look to aoy-oecessary work that may be needed on, the streets aud have full power to act in the matter until next regular meeting or the-board. i , .&x-fliayor Kamsny asKeu and was given permission to finish the work of getting up all claims that have been pass ed by the differeut boards si uce 1877.1 Regular monthly meetings will be held on the last Iriday in each ; mouth at '5$ o'clock p. in. Action regarding salaries of officers was postponediuhtil the next meeting. , No further business the board adjourn ed subject to the call of the Mayor. D. R. Julian, C. B. C. operation; the stockholders need not look ; Tobacco, sales everyday aud prices May 12. 1835. lor any sucu results.; . j . .... . Poultry, in steady deraaud, but prices Some verv ernod Oi-nnhite deno.MtR Imvn I moderate. been opened in Burke conntyj showing that two keg.s or powder had been ioiiud iff, ho declared that he ear a' ceitaih part, of Mr. dry, on Fi il;. night, (the about ten o'clock nt night, when tlie nutqiTwa jnsi ning; and that t his bed-;ioom and et oi; aod (to qaei us) that uir ai)'ii! it in me lainiiv se, iiutii after his arreM liirtt he WHS' Jim wailing. aii. 1 llMt siug-t They are. sinking the Briols shaft be low "the 230 foot- level at lloover Hill. v . - . j j The 20 stamps make regular time and Salistoy ToMccfl Mariet with the usual good results.. CORRECTED WEEKLT BY J. J. HANKIKS, ; PKOPBIETOH KLCTTZ'8 WAREHOUSE. Lugs,' common dark - medium red Mr. Truskett of Cleveland Ohio, one of L"f: cornn?on green. i - i. I , r ironri rti f a. . - i a . . . I o v mo proprietors oi uarriner goiu mine in I mH fii'er Stanly county, is at .the mine; where it is reported they will begin milling in n short time. Some of the ore is reported i i as being worth $25 per bushel. Business or Party Cardsj j Circulars or Peters, j Letter or Note Heads, H Bill Heads, Monthly iotatrnents, Books or Pamphlets, Labels, Tags, &c, l , Neatly! printed at office, and at as low rates as elsewhere. Business men of Salisbury are invited fine Smokers, common to medium good fine Wrappers, common medium " fine 1 fancy Market active. Oar Philadelphia, markets are corrected every 'week. - $-r - -j i PniLADELPniA Market. Evans Bros., large Produce Commission Merchants, 56 North Water street, Philadelphia, report the following city markets: Eggs, Vir ginia and Southern! 001 4. Live poul try 1213 cts. er pound; dressed 151G; 4 to 6 turkeys 00 1G, according to quality; 5 to 81 ducks 00ai2 : ireeae 03ai0. Live eatth, Hill 055i; hogs, live 6. Potatoes: Ealy 8 to 12 1 ose choice, per bush., 5360; Bin banks, 10 to 16 1 choice C063 ; Peerless, 5355 ; Pearl o to 10 Mammoth, 5553. Cheese: Ni Y. Facto- V: lf?; vU'v; ':' ' ? lMpl; Frightful Catarrh. i 1 ? ry, choice 1212; fair to good, 11 to il; 15 to 20 Pennsylvania full cream, 111I2 ; pah 20 to 80 Rkims, fancy 500i full skimol 0102. 30 to 50 1 Dried Fruits : Apples, evaporated, I in w iu mm,. i7. d;.wwi i m n.,.i;..A i 4tj good sliced 3; blackberries 1(9J; cherries, pitted, primo dry 1212i peaches, pared, evaporated 17(22 ; NL C. sliced 79; uu pared halves, new, 83J; quarters 66; evaporated 1014; pers, 1018; plums, 9;rispberiies, 222:i per Absolutely Pure; "Thla powder neTer varies. ! A marTel or pcf?, strenjftb, nd wholeaoaieneaa. More eeoDotnlcst, Uian me orainarr kinds, and caunoxJoe, sotd ia compeUUoa with the multitude or low tfstJ iiot weigni, atura or poo&pnaie powaers. oja o caas. Koyal Bakg 1'owbke Co.. iu$ ull V. " - ... - . ' ljr 1 WASUED OUT IIAtit. There U assort of . pallid, chalk; complexion which tlie Ing v- elist call a "washed out complexiou." It ghastly enough, and no j mistake. VAhe ; out, faded, discolored, or part colored kaitr is almost ns repulsive; and melanehoir;.; ; Parkers Hair Balsam will - restore Ijipcl : hair to its original color, whatever itwi0 brown, auboru or b!ack. .Why ear mb:4" on your head, when you may easily hav lively, shining hair. " Pieces of Bone. For four years I have been afflicted with I pound. Feathers, choice geese 52(3 5. R Vftrw trnnlllptnmn pntarrh nf tha UoaA I 1 1 ! .1 .1 tiit it . i- . rt noil t r,rm,rrb fh P i?. "T .Vw.v.' . ",u? Jl lOVJfl M .-liOUey IU COlUU, IU v"i""&" v icuiuic niu us nature ueen mat wnen beeawiv 2fl'fi abroad. u i I irequentiy come out or my mouth ana nose. The discharge was copious, and at times Y 1 at . at . riOTI G E! OF 1 1 i t THE FIRST NATIONAL 'BANK I 1 ! At Salisbury, in th9 State of N. C, ! The Salisbury Graced School Committee will meet at the Mayors office on Friday, REPOET OP the CONDITION USS!SSJL?L a Cf O ly impaired, with poor appetite and worse disestion. Numerous medicines were used without May 8th at 4 o clock P. M. to hear ofejee relief, until I began the use of B. B. B., and Uom t0 tne proposed location ot the Color- three bottli-a aotiul almost HWi mnip eU UraUed beliool House. 1 uc location is I Sinee their nso tint a avmntnm hc rntnrtif.fi iast ot the-.National Cemetery and about At the Close Of business. May 0, 1885. and I feel in every way quite restored to 300 leet South of the N. CRailroad. say Monielhiiig ;nout tin- io that ne could till U It over iugeiiiouly. argued by u CoUurvl lr tlie ie- l he State had tailed to prove the bill. That the .witness. escribed it a rifle powder, whereas tho bill charged ''gun powdtr." And several analagotis cases decided by Court, which ho cited, lett hat tlie Court must charge the jury to acquit the prisoner at the bar as iu the case of a man charged with stealiug a stver, and it wns proven iu Court that t,he animal stoleu was a bull. J A On this point the witness, Wallace, was allowed to explaiulhat when he said "rifle powdeil' he uieaut common "gun powder" as ordinarily kuowu to the trade, as iu coutra-dlstiuction from cannon and blasting powder. And so with a short 8peechfrom Mr. Mauney, the prosecutor, the case was submitted by the Court to the jury, who in af short lime brought in a verdict of gtjilty. " The prisoner is a young man of dark complexion, tall and active in appearance. He wore at the time of trial one of Mr. Mayor's Office, May 12, 1885. This, a called meeting, at which all the members ef the Town Board were present, Dr. J. J. bummerell nppearl and stated that he had been -re-electeil President of Board of Health of Kowhii County 'nod wanted the assistance of the Mavor ami Commissioners of S.ilUUurv in the dis charge id' his official dutis. si that the Hard of Health iniht jirove of inu; benetit to the citizens ot the town and comity than heretotou; aitil t aid liim in getting (he ital lalfslic f both white ami eo!ored i i thef tmvu tiiid the cause of dratli. 11m bwhiuiu oilici-rs jji esmtetl their luuals, all of whieli were iv-i iv ed : Geo. ii rSiiavt-r, eit.v tax ifliecti j 1. H. Foiist, treasuiet, atiil Jas. Pltimaiev, city weilur. y OidiMcd (hut the bumls ui the eily oili ci'is if. ilciusiU'd with 11. 'J. Holuies for sale keeping. On motion, li. J. Holme was elected city auditor. . . j 0i motion, D. li. Jisli.ut was elected city tax-li!ter, ami ouli ivtt-Ho have notice isucd at once to all parties; to have their taxes listed. Ordered, that the Mavorind Coinmis- sioner Craige. look over the Town Ordi nances and report any changes they may think necessjiiy. I ; , 'lhe Mayjir was ordered to issue notices at once to all citizens to put their lots in good sanitary condition. ; Moved that the levying of the taxes be postponed until the regular mwetiiig on the last Friday iu May. j i ; Mayor Neave and Commissioner;?. P. Meroney, were appointed a coniniitteo to have a rinal .settlement with the old city officers.' There being no further business the board adjourned. d. It. Julian, C. B. C. f RESOURCES. Loans and discounts ...... j. 1. Overdrafts . U. S. Bonds to secure circulation. Due from approved reserve agents.. i Due from other National Banks Due from State Banks aal bankers, j. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures Current expecses and taxes paid Premiums paid.....;. j. ..j..... Checks and other casa items... J.. ;j Btl.8 of other Banks . .. . j..... Fractional paper currency, nickels! and pennies...... j.... j Specie.. ., Legal tender notes. ... .. j Redemption fund -rith D. S. Treasurer O percent. of circulation)!.... j S T5.1C 13 37 M 50.000 00 6.S0T W 2,593 73 921 94 1,120 34 health. I am an old citizen of Atlanta, and refer to almost anv oue living on Butler street, and more particularly to Dr. L. M Uillam, who knows my case. Mns. ELIZABETH KNOTT. A LITTLE GOLD. 28:2t. F. J. MURDOCH, Sec. Mr. Z. A. Clark, of Atlanta, Ga., in speak 660 si I ing of 4480.00 in gold, desires to sav to the 1.000 oo I readers ot this paper, that the whole of the 132 35 1 above amount was spent in a fruitless effort i.ooo ooi in undine relict from a terrible Blood Pol son affecting his body,' limbs and nose 880 10 1 presenting uscl v running ulcers. He is now ,938 so I jjoundl and well, having been cured bv the 4,00(1 00 I nt i .at sriPeflv ftnrl wnnilprt'nl rcnwilv pvpr I . . CANCER CURED. ! Mrs. Oliver Hardman, an old resident of Walton county, and a lady of culturciand prominence, lias tins to sav ot the treat ment of cancer with Swift's Specific: ! Over fifteen years ago-a cancer made its appearance on my: lace, it was created with piasters, and the core came; out. I lie place healed up after some time, land seemingly my face was well. However, in a tew years it returned again with more violence than ever. It iiave die areat 8,250 00 Potts' shirts. t tW that the CommiRRioir r r. iOuVof the State ipft the purpose d can li.r ,es' Cities and nthr fu- a .i m should not nnv L,1B.iI v. .Owner' a . - : ' iieseni our mer- tlii; AUI,e P' Teaches , State, it ia K:,i,l ..uii "ItMii- " l,',li W 111 9tn ;r '? would like to seto cESiM pa,tof our Pple to ck in inducing a cannery iriAf?rr,"eu al fruit-fais. vS:Usindveetesthat 'I ould 1 "esiutjg, sucl fcLi , mS to our nlaei i - i i HI Mil... ' i C.m UmaS ovfler by the iMtil.Stedcan ri&, Com wveif we desire to mis from a box car that came down xfrom Statesville. T taken, and it stoleu in February last, te trunk and contents were is only recently that any trace of it was discovered.,; Since the above was written, to wit, on Saturday thej Court passed Reutence on this man and, condemned him to fotir years in the! penitentiary; which will be his second term in that retreat. There is another matter against him which will come np in he Superior Court, which necessitates; las retention in the County prison until lifter that body shall have met. - j - -"iA a '. " The State' against Noab Dedmond came up Friday afternoon. , Noah is believed to be the ing! leader of the clan who have been robbing railroad cars. 'The counsel jbr the prisoner, Mr. Thee. F.JKlnttz, was unprepared for trial aud asked a continu ance of the cane until the Superior Court and that the prisoner be allowed to give bail. The prosecu ting officer, Sir. Mauney, hoped the Court would not overlook the enormity of tine prisoner's offeuse (break- in to a car m the dead hours of night and carrying off part of its contents) and re quire ; a boud in due proportion to his ciimei Mr. K.luttz protested against ex traordinary bail,' asserting that the record did not show that his client; was guilty of killing- any body j or that be had broken into a dwelling house, or did any thing to justify an unusual boi.d. Crimes of the grade charged agaiust his client had beeuconlmitted by somebody every day since Adam aud Eve were banished from the garden of eden down! to this day: i , -it and he hoped the. Court would iiot make For the Watchman. I would respectfnllv call themttention of the Town Authorities to: the stagnant water on the Railroad track -from the Mt. Vernon Hotel towards Charlotte. 'This matter has been frequently! brought to the notice of the former Miiyor aud his board but they were put on j oy tue reply that it would entail the expense of taking up a rock culvert to properly drain it admit it. What is this to tlie sacrifice of the lives of our citizens to anv uothiug of breeding of millions of mosquitoes T I believe our new Authorities are made of sterner stuff than to put off ; with such a trifling excuse and trust it will have their immediate attention. , Tax Payer. , Mav J3th, 1335. . - 1 ' For the Watchman. Third Creek items. Mr. fiditor: . ! I You have reported the mnnicipal elec tiouR of ihe Large towns, now report from the smaller. . ' i..' Third Creek elected George Wetmore, Mayor, without opposition. We had two ssts of candidates lor Commissioners, and thev divided on wet and imthe drv he- ing elected by two or three majority. We have been electing commissioners for three years. TheXfirst year they did al most uothing. They second; yearjthev built a calaboos; aim the; third, they de nned the boundaries of the town and laid off streets set up stakes but the streets have not been made. But. notwithstand ing delay iuisuch matters, the town is luinroviuff. We have had au accession of four families, and lost buef during the la&t year; and several new residences are building or are to be built qme by Ezra Laton aud another by Abel COwan. ' There is a pretty good ' trade here in roots for inediciual purposes: Poke root, 2 cents per pound; dock 3 cts.; briar, 2i : the bark, of sassafras root, aud many other . kinds of roots for which-the price is from 5 to 10 cents per pound.l The first sessiou of Third Creek Acad emy will close this week. Third Creek. iNererwasfe corncobs.. They make excellent f del, and the ashes : are I especially valuable for the J proportion of potash contained. .- Total 1 ... ... . LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In ..... . surplus fund art nmflto National B.ink notes outstanding Dividends unpaid j i... Individual deposits subject to check.... Time certificates ot deposit . . . j Caviller's caesks outstan Jinj .......... , Due to State Banks and hankers. . ...... beiore known, and any interested party who may need a Blood runner will learn from .$153,234 32 him that three bottles of B. B. B. 'restored his appetite, healed all ulcers, relieved his kidney, and a-ldcd twenty -one pounds to his weight in thirty days, pain. The former remedy seemed Two Druggists. Total Slate of North Carolina, Count; of Rowan, ss: I, L n. Foust, cashier of the above-named bink, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. . I. Hi FOfiST, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this nth day of uay, 1385. WLuLUTTZ, J.P. Cobksct Attest t ! I 8. W. COLE, I ") R. J.HOLMES. V Directors. to do it no good. Knowing the disease to run in the family,: having had one sistci to die with cancer,! I became seriously ap prehensive ot my condition. It continued to increase in size and virulence. I almost save up all hope of beins cured. The physicians advised the use of the knife I and caustic. Thisiwas more than I eould We have been handling B B. B. only a bear, and refused to have it operated upon few months, and take pleasure in savins it in that way. All other remedies were vised, 51.T79 3 hs superceding all other Blood Remedies, but the cancer continued to prow wknse. V1-TTA.I 7. . I 1 l?i I 8c s we "ivi-a our customers entire sat- i lie nam was cicruciaituir. anu mv- me isfaction, and we cheerfully recoinmend it was a burden. In this extremity my soji, in preference to any other Blood Purifier. Dr. Hardimn, recommended me to try ASHiSli & MOOKK, UruirKists, Atlanta, Ga. .$ 50,000 00 . 8,100 Oo . 1,874 58 . 41.600 0J 80 00 A Little Gold was Spent. MrJZ. A Clark,.'of Atlanta, (Ja., in speaking oi in gold, desires to say to the readers of t hit paper, that the whole of above amount wr. t! spent in a fruitless effort iu Undin; reliefi; 2 from a terrible Blood poison allectinjr f.il body, limbs aud nose presenting liyly-rnnl nin ulcers. He is now sound and wellf . having ; been cured by the most fpeedy an(f ; wonderful remedy ever be fore knownaiid - any interested party who may need a BTo'.f"" ' Purifier will leam-fVem him that flireebui tics oLB. B. B. restored his appeti'e. hralt all ulcers, relieved bis kidneys, and adde twenty-one pounds to h!is weight in thirl; ;. days. ."T" Go to ENNISS and'bny Kerosene an Maj'hinc oils. . PATEiyTS -1 . fi r Obtained, and nil PA TEX7 BU$IXi!SS dtUBdec! : lor MdOh'HA TE Our oul-jelsoniHwiiP Hip V. S. Eatrnt OIKw, a,--- ' we can obtain Paieiits In lss lime than those 1 mole from Wii.siilnq-ton. Sond Modt vr Jh-aw " W"5lv ( r f-to patentability tn:f-of cliargo,-aai 1;.T '. btirtj' uiiUhm patent i$ nwilift, '.' t-iy : . i to the Postmaster, the Supt :., Money order llv., and to oiticlaLs of the L.. : tentOttlce. For Ircul.nr, advice, temis and rU'. . .. ...... ... . . . . WE write to C. A. SNOW & CO. Nov. Opposit? Patent onlce. v asUlngton V. C ? ', 27, l.-i-liu s 0 most nonnljr Wak Iw newtDa" devoted to ecienee. maeh&iiics. m ineeiinir. o eoveries, inventions and patent evefpublishod- -t- anraocr iiius'rieu wua apienata engzavin ftablieatipn. fnrnisbea a most valuable encyc number illustrated with aplendin engxavinm. i:. pnblieation, fnrnisbea a most valuable encyclopedia i tniortnatioa wnicn no person Biiouia be witnout. 'j popularitr of the ScffisTino Aubbkak I, inch t ita circulation nearly eqaala that of all other paper Ha claaa combined. Price, $3.20 a. rear. IMscour t? Clubs. Sold by aU nevadealers. MUNN A CO, 1 . lishera. No. 3SI Broadway. JJ. ; V. AvpRi v a Mann it uo. ntre a AT fcfi3 I hd ' Thlrty-Sev . fore the Patent Offii; - than One Hur 624 89 91 00 i...$i53,2Sl 32 M. L. BOLMtwd, BUSINESS LOCALS. J. T. WYATT, The Mill Stone man, has a fine Breeding Sow he desires to trade for a young colt. Swift's Specific. It was the last resott, but I was so prejudiced against the use of patent medicines. and especially tins one, that I hesitated some time. At last reave my consent, not believing there was; any virtue in it. The first bottle ouly increased the size of the sor and the dischargejfrcm it, and hence did not inspire me wit(i any hope. On taking: the second bottle there were signs ot improvement, and mv.iawn strengthened just in proportion to that improvement. I he spot on my face began to decrease, as well as discharge, andMiope sprang up in Heart, uouia it ue, l asKta myself, that I was at last to be relieved of this disease? It Jias,.-given me so n an Aar Kmn-a in tlir nacT thai thr iilf'H ill If o. to you we bring tidings oT comfort and . j almost overpowered me. i Vf.n pin x I " .... . A 32 page Book of wonderful B. B. B. testimony mailed to any address, BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Oa. ARE YOU With any di iar to your gentle sex? w is JffiL J& Mi 111UU VUUUH All Rinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN exchange for Goods at J. T. VYyatt's Store, (ii miles from Salisbury,- on the Mount Pleasant lioad. 1 ! Cash or Goods given in exchange for Bone at y J. T. W YATT'S. ereatjoy. xou can CURED and restored to perfect health by nting Braafield's Female There was a contest between hope: and fear for a -long time. It was a long night of weeping, but Joy came to me witb the morning. There is nothing left to mark the' place but a small scar, and I feel that it is impossible lor me to express my grati tude for this great deliverance. Ip is a wonderful medicine RHEUMATIC. I Buffered with rheumatism for manv months, at times unable about only on crutches. ties of Swift s Specific, and have been en tirely relieved. I T. BARTIfUM, I LMacon, (ia, iVeff UlabOr l Jan. 9. 1S84. Monroe, Ga. I 'front i&A mi Ttlood aud Skiu ,niiWawR It is a ipecial remedy for aw diseases per- .a:itwl fi Mining to " wuujw, uu ... ... Tlie SWltt SnecitlC VJO., Ulano aI man can cure nemen yj "" lflnti P.a 'r.i . . : ? ,k:. to walk or tret suppressed or pamful menstruation, in whites I took eirrht bot- nd Partial P1?- U nfford9 i""edial Ji-f ?" relief and permanently restores the menstrual function. Asa remedy to be used dmin; that I critical period known an ''Change of Life," this lnvaluauie preparation tiasnonvai. FROM TUE MOUNTAIKS. For many years I havfc been troubled with a scrofulous affectioh. I My'jight leg was covered with sores from the hip to the ankle some of th;m large and painful, running a great deal, ikried everything I could think of or mends could suggest. The physicians did what they could, but Saved Her Life ! - Ridge, McIntosh Co.,Ga. Dr. J. Bradfield Dear Sir: I have lak en several bottles of your Female Regulator for fallingof the womb and ottwr dueases cora KJnot nfairtMn Years standine. tnd I really brought no permanent relief. I ilycase waslki;p I m cured entirelV. for which please well known in this community, as well as accept my heartfelt thanks and most profound matism. My 1 the fearful suflerings I endured. : Last fallj gratitude. I know your medicine saved my swollen, so that at the suggestion ot a mend, 1 began the Cancers Conquered. j The Swift Specific Company ' have the most endubitablc! evidence as to the cure of Cancer by their famous medicine, S.S.S Amous others, jolm . JUorrow, an old and highly esteemed citizen of -Florence, Ala., makes tlie following statcment as to the merits of this remedy: I have been suffering with a Cancer in mv ri"bt ear, for about three year. I tried various remedies and was treated fwith Iodide of Potash, which produced rheu- feet and legs were greatly I could not walk.. About use of Swift's Specific. It j produced a change so apparent that it astonished everybody, as one ulcer after another dis appeared, and none were: more astonished than myself. Six bottles produced an en tire cure. My restoration is due entirely to tlie use of this medicine. It is the best blood purifier in the world, and will come nearer doing what is claimed for it than any medicine I have ever tried. ! J. at. WATKINS. Jasper, Ga., March 11, '85. j Swift's Specific is entirely; vegetable. Treatise on Blood and Skin diseases mailed free. j 1 I The Swift Specific Co., Drawer. 3, At lanta, Ga. Rich Knob Copper Co. Tire Annual meeting of the Rich Knob Copper Corn pan v," will be held at its Ex ecutive Office 163 Broadway New York, Wednesday;- June 3d, 18S5,(at T o'clock P. M, for the Election of Trustees and oth er boinessi New; York, May tltb, 18S5. JOHNjE. HALL, Sec 80:3t. life, so you see I cannot speak too highly in one year ago I was induced to try Swift's ;. r.mr I h&re reaommenuea ii 10 several i sneumc. wnitn bodd rtuiuveu uic iiuuuic -- - . y , i oflmy friend who are sunenng as i wan a . . r. . 1 1. lours very revciiiiii7, MRS. W. E. STEBBINS. Our Treatise on the ' Healtk tnd Happi ness" mailed free. BaAFiELD Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. What You Want to Know. Everybody wants an honest answer to this simple ques tion: What is the best medicine to regu late the bowels, cure costivencss and bil- in mv limns, anu mv rucuiunusm isuon entirely cone and my Cancer is steadily imDroving, beinrf better now than at anv tim within two vcars. This medicine has done me more good than anything ilse have taken, and I feel that I am on theroad to a speedy cure. Undoubtedly Swift's Specific is the best blood purifier ip the world i dum o. jiuuiiuji Florence, Ala., Sept. 22, '84. I have had a cancer on my face for ijbany years. I have tried a great many remedies l 1 V 1 nd hare nrenarcd more i dred Thousand appUcatlona tor p-v in lae UDiiea oiaiea ana lorei conntriee. Caveats Trade-Marks. Oo riirhta. AsKlcnmenta. and all other tar for aeenrina to inventors their rienta in:. unitea Ktatea. uanaaa. tnciana. rt : UiVCU kJVtt.COf vyn rfe imu '-- Gerroanjr and other foreign ooantries, prepsrJ at 6hort notice and on reasonable terms. Information aa to obtaining natenta cherfu'. v irea without charge. Hand-books of inf -r - , pi Hon sent free. Patents obtaiaed tbronfrh Mura A Cck. nra noticed in the Kcientifie American ir The adrantat-e of such notice ia well understood- by ' Li naranna who wish to dixnoae of theirvatents. Addrtms MUSS A CO., Offico bCLUmrXC AMKBir. .' r Kl Broadway, Kew fork. 0 fl fl fl n ln "' $'ren avay. J-'ct? I 1 1 1 I 1 1 f 1 1 us 5 cent8 I ta?' ac ; ' .Iff I I if tl I na11 3n Pt A" 1 At 4riu s; .ru 7 l i l wnrk tsiat v',!l tt ontv t i ii u i :. f is iii.ia -aa.vthlij'i cl!o la A;: 'It i ) r. c'l ; !V In pres -nis' wit:i f i a .' n I i y .vherof ejuier o( r. r -ui ' -i ti a :. Oi- s ).irs tlm? o:jtv. to work mir n !n-nvi. lon.unea tor wiiKPi tru- i-. u.- e l. D u'i iU'Uy. o. i:, i ly If Ai.i.KTr t: I'onlaaJ, J "I Don't Fkf.l L;ki; Vo:k."' it ma- ynti are rn;v prenrm-r. a , i a no iMLicrtnc- w'ifit punid' sl ed in : v. lictltcr ynu are a elianir. a hr.vver or a c run in cm laborer. can't do your work well white vu arc ! . t ick. Tlimisiimls trv t.o, 1nt in How much Ii'ltT to koen , a our rM: ':, good order -by taking Pnr-kA'rV Timuc wl- t, vou-ftel "a little out of' sorts.'' It v. .. be money in your pocket. One hour ;, gool. rtjoicinir bruit h is worth tmlf a tl. .. n hours iull i 'lngufr and pain. h g gilinRth akUlodih-- fslcierxi, reiHilt frt t 5Jioofrooindcl.7euoe, p. ovorirainvur. tr.s inincisition ct pfc Jl trouble . Gt our I ' 1 Circular irnd Trial ? - -am. and learn imr-orti $ ilucf befare ta)drtr. ? mmt clwherc. Tif' MfKE RtmriiT that I Ct'KED thoutand c not intrrfers wiih IU tirm ro b'tinM, or on A Radical Cure foh IJERVOUS , CrganiG mmi PHYSXGAZf DECAY, IrYouns A Middle Ac 3d Man. YEA33 EV USE UI MAr!Y&tfflsefca'.i6c rmoiraltincl- 1 HOUSANOUASJUm Tk'AX THEATJUJETTT. Oao Koatb, - $3.00, 1. Kr d.rttai n.iCl;C to tn! seat ef ontsie v., specific Influence I ft:' wjUinut dflay. Thet.i.-. urol fimetioriof the h,i- 3 man orsanirm iiIhiwv, 7 I he auimarmg en't r a cruse. nicn iiavsi ; wasted are fivm tack ' tb patintteronesch1i'r liousness, help the digestion and give U,ut wjthout relief. I almost ;ave up jiope j ladies of Salisbury. Two Kon'bs, - S.OC.JVgfufan'l rtpWlly (tain b -.. HARRIS REMEDY CO., M'FCCkesscts ZOOH ZS. Tcnti. tt, $T. Z.0TJI3. MO. ESllBTURcO PCRSGHS! Wc Trute. ftUr" Afk frrr trmatof onr - TTlisnc-. Dress Makina? MISS M. C. TAFFE Has opened rooms in ihe-pId.PhotfTxrv-.. Gallery. She has learbc-i Dress Mki 7 and the most accurate system of ca-.j; thoroughly. ! - JPi t G uara t ced I Will be pleased to receive calls lrr-n. -. - ..rencrth to the whole system I People ask 1 f hp:n cured. Dr. Hardman. mv us this every aay. i reconimenciea swm s ojecinc, wnitti i Ti. It is nleasant to the taste. Air the childrea like it. Mothers all praise it. It will save a thousand times its cost in every fAmilv. Editor Western Argut. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for one or one dollar for five bottles of Shriner's Indian Vermilu". The lieat worm medicine now before tlTc public. Every bottle guaranteed. have taken witli jrreat results. My ftfee is almost well, and it is impossible tor me to express ray thank3 in words for what this medicine has done for me. MUS. OLIVE HAIlDMApJ". Monroe, G a., Sept. 1884. f Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. ' - Swift Specific C0.7 Drawer 8, Atlanta, Ga. March 5f 1S85. ly A CHANGEABLE COaiPLEXION i J dicatcs the existence !of t worn. A ! v doses of -Shriner's Indian; Veruiitne1 ; '. destroy them and make jour contplv-xioii j bright and healthy. ' . All The Family can jbc? iclieyv-a li u tlie horrible plague of woi ms liy'oiiJ. cent bottle of Shriner'4 IiidiarrVern-.ig?. It israeiitoiious. Try if. - ' Si--, - . - 1 r i i . ( 4 r.i . ri-?: 4 Ml " i '.' . Y j ' - , .. .1- . '-mm .f jia: r-; i , it ! V-fV. :( : '- P. m :ypi am ;.if f'fc - it,. y,-- . i f .." t" i.. .. y I - ly:it y X. t -; ;. ;-: N. 4- - : ..! - - V 'ft , - v- .t :- - -IVVCV-c-i -