Or ft iv "fcousrh in Eats " -' ' Bitti t tfce Tcncuei CbalbuQiuj ;uOU la Storm at Sea. ; - Cleyclanrt3 Boyhood. TUo Mohey Value of aianurc PttOFESSldXAt CARDS. -'Clears oat rat Bounce, roacuci, flifcs, at, A k j v sms"PV.J ... ...ft. l-.t "j-The following low ; rales hare 2-a- wrim. differefat railroads 1 rerr mam uicrcnsctt iu ? IS ti the kind o( fukl a8td.Strar bpipitation, projwi-nI riwellinDizi- ti II; CLEMKXT. tins csUqb: V - UiUC I .w ---- ... ijlt TWWa Assetobiyr-wnien f.ltuli t nuraat : lit f:irf llTHl I GRA1GE & CLEtlEHTf IWUIIl MIB TT'-T . t UKXJm "'r'".w" T ' ' . I M - - - at Black .Mountain iais dwb aii fiivt9uforthfrouiia.t on eirar. jeave-ucuiuu Wci ww , l.Z 1 nu I Mi l T II K IruftTw and are good Jor 459 from! tU,char-e4Vy dealers in AHD. SV2 -iit-" ft-AivtUllQK. BHu vmv., From th ttr., It ftbrjk'i;.Sew.hifiiM. : u u Thesn-eat Specinc Eemedy tor th s 1 ,n ' 1 l. iatemsl remedy. CI,iU,Se ofai 15 if9 . 5 V. It- : '- ' i 1 - -i i ' ! -) HM' 1 1 t; - : f' : ' 'i. I'!vi" 11 A, j I '- I Ml t ' ."':':l f : . V.4 CI i ; '.- ;- - - - Ito lfcn Sanger! o ifcrdicr or 6hild uia, c. i ni8 remedy is u i7t ,V"aes, H'i Knotty. Wormy, tc.P?Mfcrv'titul. ectS" I - directions ar'fnii fwa TarffiT I piratioh U truly a trt umiii 01 KitniiQCKiu, and no more meilinva- blc bttlefl t a eVer b Mowvd oo the "mothers qfthe orW; ! blt not nly $mirt ebfthetirtieofUbbraOd .i :.A..r t iVeiUr' ainilalkbes the dsnger lo Hfe oi both mother jtod f h nu, soa jesve me moiner d a condition high;y jirorable to nveedr re- coTerx'.'knd fatlej.iili' bfeto flooding , cdntol- niona and ether alnrm d clrthe money f I per too IDs under nnJ.r? r Kicointon;0;Monn)e;Sa55; Wad Yx, iiltaortiile rtiuiiuiMg Vefbre a Utmbr of jcars wli esboro, S8.70; Lanrinburg, oaw ieavjKriwwvgu'e was uuaru. .v Alr. aprague still Heel $OiJOftyetteTille, 89.00. r llremetulims ea. 1 he "captain lookhtg man.s. He-r ou Hats. Wells FTcatth Ijc:ieAr" restores hcnltli .1 r-v . ; . . o 881jllie ftearrishiii horn and bratiuht mi in Favetteville. 1 nunnm. Tli r mnnm Wuiil.i fmm a ton nan iqjt ritiroiw wlcre LUrover Cleveland lived for a fcloter baj Is valued at ortr $13.00; hen he was a bmv. I Mm a votiiH active I . n f nii mixil wf"y recalls in the ear- trutrTn rrm t nf mttmi i- ! iwugn on rain. 5. .."S'..r"?"" Pounds, rlffitr liberal -....f Tr.7! ounce of preyentaUTe la better than Uowed- Ai cure." Usetne-Vtetory"in nl S11 Pow-d?,:- v. V FTOO fit s. u-i --rn r - I tbe trees, and yoii trill tetro7aMcT nrtn 8I4: lliailu, v.. -i an..uaiin-juu iruil flJJI nmtiw.1 "'"-W U ' f. to the trees, Ttoes, plants ant ;eewbeaeii5 . Address -w. c. wpTt ' I ,Tkt Dread off ' ;3(Iotlierfi6ol JraasfWaiedtQ -aodj I v Uzhty,,isA Ease Late of Wilson Nurseries, WiKlx r"9' ft ' 1 ISTFOR 1L at NN,SS-D ; i MILIi STONES7? , o , ,kn0wn ROWAN COCMT? I STOXB QUARRY of E. E. Ptuin!ML iL: H -r f t lo,)g a ie. 9J1 Tr U!JLM- I? one r thr Strongest liepubli. way, wlth it. This can bo done most weak spots. perfectly by the vtry itvut impluieuU I uitide) especially to pnlvnijdthe soil to a i. ' i I V.- Artri-nrr tViA loiln (llS- I -1. ... .i.iAl. rUaof nttxlern science, was suuiujxi(; - vj es - . me luanuvi eioiw. . Tm iuriortlte cussion, and, thopgh no one supposed , Captain - Hhchieof the English case it will ofcoijrtvbe the creature understood the Words iaU , : Feril Holme, while ou his understood that . tean tered, the resttlt Was remarkable, k lhel a8t voyag tVom Baltimore to Shilda ,ru.wr.r sndriPniv lata noiaoi a ihtkb iw.r . . "1 V.,VW iha Hinn torm mund his 1 ..rP , . . . ilijen, of the !- A prominent the proprietor, FrieotT would outsell anything jon the fa jjghts; N. I SchctiL Joumtll. 'ket. . . It. . . ' 1 ; ' m.m - : .. Hod Cholera. Mr. J rode cput fa'y J ilu,A"'e3?""ui I fpreatHnfd over theurface prevented the wavesfrom breaking, a tut thesuip pled witli low jenireaiy "T V i liee Daley, oneot tne niosi success- ance wi iue gu nr. during a long ooweir cai P""'V,";;v; furfarhiers itl the country, has used Coptaiti Jones, ot the tJrilisit stcani JaVafcMeH. prodt,Cf Mfe oil or nasbfra, -with tl f provender er Chicago, while rescuing the crew i- U. J. HOLMES.M.D., Atlanta, Ga. v-t, his hoirs with excellent success of the Fedore. ti!ed oil with best ie- when he.was iu Fayetteville. It was not until he went to Buffalo that he mana ior mu stones rrora. tlih cmu orit-so well known ihrotijhoBt tku coi,m lor its superiority for Mill srnn n...rm 'sRougll OH PilCS." I for Ornamental purposes. Monuments. I Cores Piles , or Hemorrhoids, Itching, J also be bad at this quarry. Address, sufficidut depth aiul ta mix the tunnnr. crn; inW h padk- T ' ! T! a2e. Sure cure, 50i-. DrujiUts. . rYrntfTAD'O VATtrm ' 1 irttvWomn. J iiaiivuivHuituul, Ladies trim woulil n-tain fresh ncs? and eveuly and thoroughly with the tiuc mel low e:irth. A Shower of Terrapins. About was this city. 1 linrsoa-moi tun'! uder storui uui t!i- riieie were pai tieu ; Send ror onr 4 reauw on u - -r- (0 cure wine anecteu witn cnoijra. i wiin very uign eu. xn- vmvu.F peace Ml leiow l eversaw. lie woum ici, and perliapit tlm teitapma were taken n- 0Wofrl,?ril!?oft Atlanta Ga He uses two ouncesF sassafras oil to ran to windwanlol the Fetlore, and do auythintr in tlie world lo keep otilup by a waterspout from pohda ami i BaADriixo Rcoulitor Co., Atianii.ua. Li..-: -4i..n '!..'.;.... u-.. ....d ' Aim i.: ' . . 1 , ', -i laDUsnei Oi corn, wen aiwuucu a a uuimg rim, vii iiB wv.i w.v ot a low. iiiubu wiiu Hiiew uiui us dropped here, oo many queer iuihk as a preventative of cholera, and also suits. It was blowing a heavy gale, get mul lo right. He was th Hip" to cure awine affected witlrcliolera. 1 witlrverv high seas. The Chicago peaceful fe low I ever saw. He took the side of any. political party He never has been at any time a par- Raieih News and observer. .-- r k a tisan: liis tamiiy and all lus reia lives have always been Republicans. "What kind of a boy was Cleve land 'at school?" I asked Mr iipragiie. I larly, turn crashing peals t,f thunder "He was a very tJhVr-boyT He nev-1 wliieli shook to their louudatiuiift every i f i' it e ..... I i.. .1 :.. 1: .1... Cr WaS HIUCJI-OI a ICIIOW ior IHJUKS. vunuiug in uio ihj , suiiuuiHg iuc mic Hp wrt iihubbv: triitul until red fel I broadsides tired by a man of war. The ow. He was very fond in the winter J rain which followed this storm was ex time of drawing the girls of the schooi J ceediugly .heavy, iu fact the "bottom fell a roti ml on sleds. Why, 1 can re-lout." After tlio ralti dozens, iu fact liiiu- tnemberjhiin now just as well as can Idreds of terrapius were picked up in all be "'mulling wiih my sister on his red J parts ot the city. A reporter was given sled through the snow. His round, lone of the pretty aud petite pels, which fresh luce fairly lighted Up with ra il- at once made itself quite at home iu the - a I . . .... tut goi.d nature. 1 'news aud Uoserver otnee. the iMiys tie "W us he a ng itcr in those day. "7 Iciare that the terrapins tell fioiu the sky Ito ltfia ii.it iktl O.kll ll ta I I ilmiuip tlsu 1'iiii 1 r a md tin i iifYawt tw. Notice is hereby given to all persoiir ivaeity, don't fail to try "Wells' Health having claims against the esfaTe of teuewer." i" ' . Sechlev, deed. to present the same fotlii fRongh on Itch " Vfnde,l ? ,r fo," ttie "ilay f .nnnnk nR Tt..i. hnmnra rrnntinna. Match, loco: and all persons iiidchil -1 rinsrworm, tetter, salt rluium, froste,d feet .! dc d are ittifil tocall chillblains. i - ou "8 flK,,f -Mm fgVvi .t he uiO!l (Hcurreuce for lisli to fall in these kIiow- Wolllil lcin. and Delimits tlm tei taoins were taken n rS send six cents pbstaffe, ani preventive. The oil should bc sprink- ou the water, the port lifeboat was i,0y weie very much surprised to tee l Ir l?l 7 wffi wtTbSpTou S led over tire corn and as general Micccssfully launchetl and started. A him develop so much backbone when liJlIT I latUmore can of oil was taken in the boat, and ne bcwime Governor. He ued to iw3fromuretVo fetl as usual. As a remedy for the by using this the seas were kept down oe su e.jsv aiK yielding that any ik' i?S!ffl-n!i7S cure of cholera; after the hog has be- in- the immediate vicinity, though collll tlo wial i,e picased wiilij liiui." ' f j coiuc so sick that he refuses to eat , he they broke iu masses of? loam a short Mr. prai;iie continued : "Jlivcu in TuPE vom ;i.i uses a tcaspoonful of sassafras oil to a I distance away. As the boat approach- t,ose days he showed great taste for pint of waler and drenches j the hog ed the letlore, the crew ot that ves- UIISm.s Although he was consider twice a day with it. lie says he lias I gel poured oil ou the wafer, which m ed very dull at school lie was one ol I 1.1,1 . I. t(.. A l.n..llliu I l...J it. no.. tl..i tin. I.iwit ilmr-l.t I I - .11 I ! . UI ....... An eminent German scientiit hasrccen "ever oau iure iWijr . I ...v ine naitiest woruers in u. xc ty discbTered from a root extract in abio- lot oi nogs on his piaiwnuou,auu mai tsiue aim reseueu uieuiiwicvKcii we never very tonti oi piay. ne scemeo uta $ptetfU for Tape orm. j t ne oeiieves ne wouja nave, losv over j wiinoni. sobiaiuiog :uiy injury, auwu to tj,ke ,uore pleasure m worn, ai m pieasnni. urias pwi, halt oi tnem nan tie not, iruti mis i nail a canon or o i was tiea uy me ,,r us luivs thought lie was cutout boat dun ii v her trip. for ' a uierohant. Cleveland used t The brig V. M. Tenker, Captain Couie over to our house a great deal. Ununcs xaruarti. iew iorK 10 lyuna, Alv mother used to call liiur urove iu 1872, encountered a northeast gale Cleveland. She still calls him that. when totir days out. fceveral heavy (Jlevelaud used to be very loud ol jeas came on board, doing great dam-1 t.,,miM.r over to our house about The Language Club, taking for a age. Asmall bag, with lu.les punch-J breakfast lime. x My mther was -a L ' 'Am. - - 1 1 - lni? to the batieut. but is pccoiwriypicKen-1 if i: i.-..ii... ni andtstapefying to, the TarjWona; Z? ' which loosens its: hold of. its victim and sasKtfnfa will nut njure thetn. Troy f,aasc& away in a nnturarand easy manner, I Annua?: entirely wnoie, wuu uiu, auu w uy on alive. : One physician has uscdJ this specific in oyer 400 cases, without a BinpJe failure to Void woniLentire. Success guaranttjed. No pay required until removed witli head. Bend atamp fot circular and tcnn.i I : , nUYWOOD A CO., M ' -f !.'?,-; 19 Park Place, New York. s May SO; 84. ly Superfluous Words Expensive. 19 rtXTP! AQTT AT.T. Interested iailT3es, Furs, ! Wool, Feathert, Beeswax, Butter, Cheese Dried Fruit, Poultry, Hay and Produce The Dead Sea-of the West. "Dead St a of the! ' . -MVf i vv f i, - 1- ,L. T !.; l.l Wp!.' ; 1 r t: r, i inc wuihs niai. uic i ieitieiib ouwuni pm.Plll IUBUIU IUI UUI - . 1 . ' I I V 1 Prompt returns on all Consignments. Trial Shipments Solicited. B. I4. WILLIA.MS & CO. f V: - General CostMtssioK MERBDASts, : Office, 169, William 8t., New I 1:1 J f a t . ' I T ,jreat hand lor bucKwneai caKes in the morning. Cleveland would coje in and take a scalt alid cast a wisttul ... ... eye Upon tne pan caKe Alien my mother would say, "Urove, won tyou have some of the cakes? Do sit up I" Ami, all hough he had previously breakfasted at home he would eat nearly his weight in buck w heat cakesiu - . . a a a I. .... r text "Thou hast Damnable Item leu m tne uottoin, was niieu wim on linn " diariiKAfxl the aiimtrfltinha worils and hung over the stern. The oil used in JSuelisb- Rhetoric iri Hamil- prevented the seas from combing, and ton HalL ot? Columbia Collete. New the vessel ran for several hours with York, Monday evening, David Dud-1 dry decks. ley Field began With the Conslitu- r. It ion of the United Slates, which, he Feathert, Beeswax, Butter. Cheese; Egs, -g the famous " Mono Lake, situated in Mono appoint "by and with the advice and County California, is thus describetl consent oU he Senate. If , the.Seu- by n writer iu the Sail Francisco ate advjsed an appointment; Mr. CAron. d t it. i Th other inslanr i wan tho lts Watcr 18 strongly I m pregna- J New Orleans Times Democrat TranslaUon. .1 ' iaa .a..i i iiiil ' . Tork. clause concerning the power of Con- leU wlUfc alkalies timt tne nana ncni Col.;Ivatibtt-uue ot the lngii litis cress to uass all Vuecessarv and nro- tor a few minutes in it will crack open sian omcers wno coiKiucieu me a.ui ner" laws, for if the laws were neerc-L,t tl,0WLiii h mIph ift'.i Ni living van cainpaign is still a young man, 1 U . M .... .... .- . - t ttldrrn !irv IKwwpm nf mim itnti.r .. i VCTV tall Utld haUtlSOIIie. Willi a lair ja worms. Shriner'a Indian Vcnniftice will Mr. Field dwelt, rptrretfnllv iin.in the I . .b , g . . . cini)lexion and a full thick beard. ay, themfrom ruin if used according to fairure of the Legislature to pass his ttplten al let- strong; winds have Thia l)eart has won hiin lhe appella- A Russian Officer's Coolness. TUB GREATEST ENEMY to c K - V - 4 Ara you failing, try Weias HealItt a asuxa, a pure, cican, wnoiecome v aXTOEO: Fr ISrtJn. rrr. FTomixcH, IJrer. EtdMiyi." Uuig An fpfruuW lariyoraat. Cufw. rjeadaebfv Ferer, Arm, Chills, f DEBILITY & WEAKNESS: '' Ktea to talca, truo merit, uncqur.lcd for TORPIDLIVER .aoT Wight nervous weakness. c tors.' f wests, I Malaria, ttw per-a., rr-h.4 ft forSAOJL nt Drrcrrlct. B. & uxa, Jersey City. W. ILiL A. ;T- r really do h;ippen thai it is nowadays a litfictilt ni.it'.er to draw a linn of demarca tion between belief aud unbelief. Any- way there was si great rain, many terra ins, small boys to pick them up, aud the ubiquitous reporter to chronicle the mat ter for what it is worth. The scientific iiersou win De tne next ou icck. J wo a a i yearn atro tliere was a rain ol oioou uoi far from Raleigh. Terrapins fell in a thunderstorm and rain here iu the year 1327. Watchman Rough on Catarrh. Corrects offensive wlors at once. Com- nSete cure of worst chrome cases, also une qualed as g4r,e hirdiptheria, sore throat, foul breath: i sui ts Thg Hope of the XTation. "-' : Children. slow in development, puny, scrawny and delicate, use "Wells' Health Ucnewer." Catarrh of the Bladder. S' inainu irritation, inflamatioc, all Kid ney and Urinarv complaints, cuietl by Bu-ch'u-Paibaf' $1. "Water Bugs, Beaches." ' "Rnujrh on Rata" clears them put, also Beetles, Arjts. . TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for one or one ! dollar fr rtivu Imttksot bhnner' Indian Vcrmilttiiel The In pt warm inedh-ine now before ther public. Every bottle guaran teed. A. V. SecHLEU. Secliler: H'J 1 March 19th, 165 2:6i:pd. "I Buchu-Paibat -1 Remarkable Cwree or Catxrrb of tbe Bladder, lanamtaatioQ, IrrlUtloa otXid- mtyn and Inkier, Stone or Grrcl Di Hues ot th rrmtata Ulutd. Propeical SiroUmn, Fetn.Ve IMseascn, Iacontin- eae ot Urfaeall Piieuacsol tbo Genital lirlnAry Or.-aujt la eitaer sec .ForVn brtalthr or Unn.thiral JXscbarrea u also x1rfa Inject wn ilet,wadli $1. - tor MruiMS t . r eonimcica ce berodUary taius vtr "ptn'i Conatitn- tfrxi Bitter brrrTV St.0))r bottle, and C'bapin'a fimhihikJ PilU.f2.00; andCba pta'a SrplUlltfo SAlri; $l,0a 6 botUM Fmm. s ot 1 hair. hr FrDtea oo reernntftf flO.rtKeratDrazrfsts. - V El 8. Wifti Jemey City, N. T7. 8. Av f1 a , r i . .i .. i . . . . v . code doinff awav with superfluous blown across its sttnace, tticre is a u,, ot .. Sara-Sakal-Turn. "lhe lel- werds Jiq legal documents.; Iu 'the layer of worms several feet -wide on low bearded Chief," aud thejiatives ordinary 'deed of transfer, lie said, itl Ueward shore. It cleanses clothes of Turkestan never speak of him, nor there were nine huudred and fifty dippel jn it amost itlstantiVj am if address him by any other name not words, of whieheigbt hundred and,.!1 - . .i:i . a i M even at official meetings. ai.tv i,Vfln- T tho r. th not as Sedily removed does .... foow:ni, inf.idet affords a di nary mortgage form there were one worse,:,. Its shores are barren, bleak example ol his faculty of keep thousand five hundred, of which one and lonely iu the extreme, bordered ing cool and calculating in the midst thousayd two huudred aud forty were by a soil that till grow nothing but of I danger. Ouce, when accompan- uperfloaus. ; - r le scrnboie8t of sagcbrUsh. In the M .. llircd Csacks, an iiiter- -For recording deeds a nd mortgages en i- ' preter aud a lew natives (Lyighites;, i -j A: -i-, ?? ? prosperous times of Bodie a steamer kv r. i . i.: u- m..:Jr......iJA ur. fieiti saicr. leu rents tier Jiumirvii.i , i ivuuuu iuuiiu m.uoc. tv. wu. w6rda rtf erepaid;1 There Were recor- l),,ecI on the iakebut it is now laid alla attackea 'by a baud ol at leat ded In KewllTbrk' during;', one; moiitli bp and: uuused. The length of the 100 Turkomans. The Russians iu six i hundred and eghty-eigb deeds lake is about tl irty miles and its mediately grouped themselves clo. e and seveir hundred ami eiglity-eiglit greatest width about eighteen miles, together, and opeueu uie. ivauou mortgages ;If my cwle J had been L-ri ..... ... .r1 :. - had a six chambered revolver; le adopted," wid MrField. the peo-m" Si . l" ? l"J fc C""' ,r fired five shots, and reserved the sixth ule would. havftvjHl ftMl oi, th. rounded by tlio great wall ot liloody :.. ' 8Hite of the desnefate attack ol the deeds:! and 8944 on ; the morttraees. -a canyon, u is one 01 tne nouiesi views enemv. When reiniorcements arnv savinsr of over 81.500 Dcr mouth to Ion earth, but at the same time it ed. when this hauuiui 01 js.ussiau . " . At . ' ' I ' . 1 r 1 the leoDle. r The neoDleof the Statelr,l,, wun i,a .. k troons was saved, auu tne ueuerai, il rtt i,-i .. I I I . 1.. l.l I.Mrl liouii irnoti pay o cr per year ior super- hs sh(ires an(J loiIea across the f' wuu"" 7.1. . " iT' iiuous worus. v , . , , . , ,110 camp, Boiueuoviy lv The Eev. Robert Goltyer said that dc9erte and sandy interval to wel-hlm Svhat hc Uail regerved that shot he thanked God4hat :thfere was-no coraL Ipt of the Sicrrawilh even no for. Why, lor myself' replied Ivan auch Taslo firordsln the utiloit as I better wav across than the Bloodv off. "Vcrv coolly. "I kept watchinj characterized tbe Jeeal. profession ' If UnVmi it t...i n;Q..,, i.,;,u I to see it the lurkoraans naa lassoes. .1... 1 A i ' ..1.1 I "l y I I f fJ '...l' r.l. .I. f...w.lv ol !t hlKSlt. tllP 7C "1 thesnynans might have bad my SeaWimr men sav there never was out never a living pnsouer Chrbtianity is either the most daring of impostures or the truth of God. It presents imperative claims to every mind and heart. It admits of no equivoca tion, tolerates no denials. Its trumpet mo . T call, through nineteen centuries, has never abated m the least its tone of di vine command, rull acceptance or complete rejection are the only possible alternatives. litchmond Advocate. Lord Radstock, an earnest English Christian, now on an evangelical visit to India, writes to the London Christ ian that prejudice against Christianity seems to be dying out all over that country. There are more students in the Chris tian College in Madras than in the gov ernment and Hindoo College lhxMadras together. Christians in India are con vinced that a great preparatory work is going on, to, be soon followed by large results. The Representatives of "Northern! Civilization'1 who delight to sneer at Southern Lawlessness, ' had better put up shutters over their own glass win dows. The telegrams within the past week told of the capture of four mem bers of the Pennsylvania Legislature in I alow gambling house; the arrest' of several members of the Illinois Legisla ture for rowdyism and assault, while on the excursion to New Orleans; the arrest of a son of the New York Secre tary of State for shooting another; the breaking open of two jails by mobs of lynchers; the murder of two express messengers by train robbers; the outrag ing of a young girl at a public ball in New York by a police officer, four suicides in one city m a single day. i Raleigh rarmer & Meciantc. Toltha M'-eonj of ..i-s uj..:i.-J tomrr-rctiu travel r and new r-uWr, lliotter' ?.t".ti-ct-1) fUif? rs is peculiar!- Htlap!', since it 1 irrirJ,i'ri:i !ie diti'e'-or5aR, ai.J lv:f.s tlio i)livscl"tnerie3 t- u..hta!'as fal f'.iflt'.inctd." It n movi'S anl l rwvi a ir.:rt;fvi:i1 feu-r, coiibtiimticn, dyt-pipsir. licnUtifuUv stimul-ifrs the L'uim-ys nr.1 L'.aiilli r. "and nuiehcs r.s well ns pnritiet the ;biood. AVhcn overcome bv fatigue, vbcthor mental or physical, the Wi-arj and 'debilitated find it a reliable source renewed Btrenpfh and comfort. For sale by all Xru?-siti cud Dealers generally. DABEYS PROPHYLACTIC fluid; A Ilousebold Article for Universal Family I'm. 'Eradicatss- . MALARIA. For Scarlet and Typhoid Fevers, Diphtheria, SaU Tation, L'lceraUd Sore Throat, SinaU j For, Meales, and sil Contagious Diseases. Persons waiting on th Sick should use it freely. Scarlet Fever has Beyer ben known to tprcad where the Fluid was used. . Yellow Fever has beerucured with h after black vomit had taken place. The won ; ot JJiphlherta yield to it. TOW IPO ILL there were the churchca i would, be empty.iPreacblne bad bceii reduced 110 science, anaiue scientino lengin of a sermon was thirty minutes. A man who had anything worth saviucr could 'say it in that time Mr. Col Iyer concluded with the statement that ihmlTiLvtrifWi-fM Fti? the . WUiMit fSU1.-;&i tyfs '?... i-. .... ... rhiladelphia Record ; So glad to Jill .i .111,1 II -mi' .1 Im. H" T.'l C7I te - yT" ' jng South in the liV'UiaVbeTmaybe! '-.:,.,. a a . a a - sa dosuw. and o remove sectional : preiuuice. '? j 11 rise for inforination." said an Lbn- ' n m fl 1 !? Send six cents for Uar&il i receive free, a cosily box of joorts He?taway toaa,D?etntotew member. "I'm glad you . of either aex succeed from flrei hour. fThebroirll 1 , , - ,, . . . fciwrwcie opcnn oeiure ine woncer aosotute-1 icuhcti uia tuiieaiiuc; :nu uu Rev. Mr. Chaney has tackled Rev. the like of the icebergs so far from the Northern seas uow floating in the Atlantic. Thes steamer Critic, arriv-J Sam Jones on the subject of liell and ed in New York from England, Wed-: and the Prince of the Powers of the Air. hesdar. ran for sixtv hours alonir a We have no doubtvin his own lasnion, field f nackfKl iee trvW to find an the Georgia uson of thunder" will knew. openings The ice extended as far as How to take.care of himself. Thee the.eye, could reach in a Northwest cadence of morals always carries along ith .lin!.;,! with it a double effort to argue God out &rmil6S! t Iceberg J r nnrma OMllS universe oy me puusxesa, j- - . rz r O w w US YEARS IN USE- I tU Oraataet'Sadical Triamph cf tltt Age! SYMPTOMS OP A TORPID LIVE! Lom of appetite BowelaceatWc, Fuia la the head with a dall cessation in tbo back part. Pala nndcr tbe aliouldcr blade, Follacas after eatlrj, witb adls lBellBation to exertion of body or mind, IrritobUity of temper Ior spirits, xrltU afeellBof haTlnirneclectcd scrse doty, Wearineoa, Dizziness, FlettsflszattLc Heart, Dots before tbo eyes, HcadnrL-o ercr tbo rlebt eye, Best!eaores9 vrith fltfal dreams, Illshly coleret Urlce, aad CONSTIPATION. TCTT'M aro earecfexlly adapted to such eases one dso c'Jccu 1 cban of fee! Ing n a to aston ish the stiCt-: C i Tbey Increase the J ppette,acd es,ur c Cr body tt Taas ou Vlets,t.ir4 lUu tf:J BMrahM.rrn rytnear -j onto Arumiiu the tiastitreOrcrais.lteeriartooltt. Fevered and Sick Per. Sons refreshed and Ped Sores prevent ed by bathins with parbys Fluid. Itnpare Air made harmless and purified. F?r Sore Throat it is a lure care. Contagion destroyed. For Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Piles, Chafing, etc. KheumaUsm cured. Soft White Complex ions secured by its use. Ship Fever prevented. To purify the lireath, Cleanse the Teeth, It can't be surpassed. " Catarrh relieved and cured. Krvsipelas cured. Ilarns relieved instantly. Sears prevented. Dysentery coved. Woonds hea'.ed rapidly. Senrvy cured. As AnUdote for ArimM ior Vegetable Foisons, ;Stinst,etc . 1 used the Fluid dtirinz our present rfQictton with Scarlet Fever with de cided advantage. It is indispensable to the tick room. W. FV. Sad rosD, Eyrie, Ala. gMALIPOX and PITTING of SmaU Pox PREVENTED A .member of my iaav i!y was taken with Small-pox. I used the Fluid ; the patient was not delirious, was not pitted, and was about the house again in three weeks, and no others had it.-J. W. PaK ucsoif, Philadelphia. ForDysp eostlfea!' sick Ucauache, Chronic Liu, the?, JaBailltSj ! 1 Impurity a Uw r,looti,VtTtryi AcneiMalanV aud all riiu... 1 caused by I). ranpemettt of Id vcr, liowei -nJ Xdaerj, ST51TT01IIS OF A DlSTItSED trTTJU Bad Breath: Tain in t!te Si.k. sum.-n.i it. pain is felt tinder the Shouldcr-bbdc, mUukn y Rheumatism; general lu-s of rppctite; Eowtfc i generally cpsuvc. s ;metimes airtiniiuig with bi; the head is troubled with pnm, is dull fend bury' with considerable foss cf me v. accainnaniJ - e . r 1 . ' . . . wiin a painiuiscnsau nu I' av.ii: u . innctoacliutf which oucht to havw beta docc ; a xlight, dry c.t : and flushed lace is so::ie:inics ai. aiiemUnt, Met 1 -mtstaken lot consumption; the p. iKnt cosplau of weariness and debility ; nervous, t ..liy itrtrt, (cct cold (r bum nc. sometimes a prlcklv ttm.iia of the skin, exists; fpints are low .ti Wcjnwukaj : ana, aitnougn saiisiicti n.ai exorcise would &c .ficialtyet one can hardly surmr.on t:p,fjf.iiui; try it in feet, t)istrt;sts every rcn.ei y. Sctes ol the above symptoms attend tHe d;.i-a.'icj have occurred u-hen but f. w .1 :lic 1 f f4, js ; csaaiination alter aeatn nj siiuwa uic Uicr h have been extensively ckrauid. ' t'-:.-It should.be used by nil person, M ul yonn, whenever tny of thu aUt . ; symptoms appear.1 Persona Traveling or I.ivinj; In r " healthy LtcaliUea; by taking a r!i cbh. ally to keeo the Liver in ncahhy acioti, iUmil all Malaria, IUUoos at tacks. Miiiinea, sea, Drowsinesi-lI)epression T ijiiriu, c. k ' wilt invigorate like a glass of ir.c, UulUBis . tuxlcatina;- beverage. If You have eatrn anything fear! d digestion, or feJ heavy after nieak, or If less at night, take a (lusc and yuu will be rtfcwi Time' and Doctors' Bills will b arel by always keeping The Regulalof ; In the llouspl I - H 7oril whatever the ailment may be, toroli4y j safe purgaUve, altrralive and tonie tat never be oat of place. - The remedy U liarnl . and does not interfere with baiBe pleasure. 1 . . ' it ia riTTirtT.Y xt.k rTABlt I Ti And has all the power and effiocy of Ctcader : Quinine, without any of -the injurioia aliattos.: ; A Governor's Testimony, i Simmons Liver Regulator has Ute a mt Sf family for some time, and I m taiisfiedist valuable addition to tne medical science. " ' J.'Git-L SHoRTSK.GorenwofA Hon. Alexander II. ' Stephens, at Cs. says : Have derived sortie benefit rr t a Simmons Liver Regulator, and wiih l p further- trial. ; -Tito only Tiling .'that never W! KeUeTe." I have used many remediet fcr Dj pepsia. Liver Affection and Debility, have found anything to benefit met - iimmons Liver Regulator has. -mrl,?';J ' eesota to Georgia fotjt. and World sewlmrrtcrif such a medicine, and would advise ail o 'rj ilarly affected to give it a tnsi as it setmUfltW thine that never fails to reliee. ' L;J i. P. M. Jannet, MinnespoEijW' - Dr. T.: TV. Mason sayss Fromf pcrience in the use of Simmons-Liver Rt!"" Sy practice I have leen and aa satnWa and prescribe it aa purgative medicine. ' JtTake only the Genuine, which has on the Wrapper the red Z Tnde-W aad Signature of J. II. ZEIUN C FORI SALE ny AU. DRUCCKTS i le VaUey llil Lift Assoc OF VIRCINIA, ? nOME OKFICK, SI AL.NION-J jjjjj, The Cheapest, Safest, and Most Keiuueu"". surance now offered the puoue is iuu- - ley Mutual, -which enables you to p llcy at an actual average cost ol tstp" r For further lDtorroation, call on or aoate- . ' i J. W. MCKENZIE.!"1- - May 20. IS83.I! Diphtheria PreysntecL ScarbtFere? . Cured, f The pbysicians here use Darbvs Fluid very successfully in the treat ment of Diphtheria. A. STOf.LENWKKCK, Greensboro, Ala. Tetter dried up. ;noiera preventea. Ulcers purified and healed. In eases of Death it should be used about the corpse h . wilt prevent any unpleas ant smell. The eminent Phr 1 slcian, J. MARI DN sisw, ai. u., new York, sap: "I am convinced Prof. Darby Prophylactic Fluid is a valuable cisirdccta&t." TU1T8 IIAIR BYE, GsaT XIatr or TvniKT2S charged to a Gzosst lJLACt by n. single application et this Dts. It imparts a nntarai color, as: lnstantaseossly. fcoM by D?RSf;ists,:c? ent by express on receipt Of C 1. OtTlce.44 Murray St., flow Yrk T11 -v'Tmi -I 6 ,i r:r.?'v.u 11v1 anA WDevil out of his itirisdic- AllThb Familt cau bo relievetl from dor 1 . x OhI sailors say there , is no re- called, and toe lJevii out oi ms Ju"" the honihle pTagoe of worill9 hy one e is j cord pr trailitiou of such quantities of tion, hyliy and clerical pnnscs.w- cenfc 0rsiiriufVa Ititliau Vermifirj". " JJ IWsilir Jfrom tr , It is meritorious. Try itv j 1 randerbllt University, KashrfUe, Tenn. tl testily to the mosr exceUent qualities of Prof. Parbys Prophylactic Flui 1. As a dlsinfecUnt and detergent it is both theoretically and practically superior to any preparation with hich I am ac uainted.N. 1. Ltiioif, Prof. Chemistry, j Darbys Fluid Is Recommended by I Hon. ALexAMosa If. Stbphsks, ol Georgia; Rev. Chas. F. Deems, D.D.; Cburchlf the Strangers, N. Y.; . I jo. LfCojrre. Columbia. Prof.. University. S.C. t er' J- i?"1-' Pro-- alercer University; i Kev. blM. F. PlEac Otsnon At. F. fKnrrh TO EVERT n03X. j . enetuy narmiess. Used internally or I ' eaternally for Itart or Beast. . ine nutd bas been thoroughly tested, and ws fav aounaan? jv:dence that tt has done everything bere clatmed. ; For tiilh-r infennanen get of your I-" SS a pamphlet cr scad lo the prupriet s t ' I m, m m. m - gtannctwrtng chi-nis. MlILAPELPflTA ' :YM1 S66 a week solutely at home, "jffiffii qutreo. tteaaer. u J,whl.h ..rftnns Ot either V'l or old, can make jfrvat pay Snutt U. UlLLtlT & CO.. roriwB s 13:ly n.ttft VECETABUrjw Wrights Indian rOBTOS Anrl oil Rillnitct Compl3lnt5 .f v;tih niirv vecetsbU?; TlScctt. Art lruK HORS& AND CATlUt and rrem t rniy per .cent, w nd sweet. L - -vent tfrZf. Foul lotfflr will rrre 7 ,.rV nw"7 Font's -phwmrs wju civ Sold everywhere- .-. J yrepr" ncnviKii " TTI TTT LAN il Ai am Prlrr. low rtntt terms l , 353 j ,rSlris.4dl ,tiii. AA.l'. a"1- -