' w '? ii :i-!7?7i '7r7 -I-j .iv. .-'.!''' ' 'X '-" I-'--'"-'-. ' :i K i ' 7 ": P'F ".-'V 7 Tj .-V .-. ', :'Vj.';':7 Lv-ivv ';-"-7f .'.-.jf.-;- 7! : J --'i' Pair U ' : .fl n ' vA c-; Avw - i I I HV - -7 - :; -m- - s 7:7 g.EraB: sbries: SALISBURY. H..C... HAY 28 .1885. 7T082 ii- -7 : ' " " 1 ' ' . i-j c ; : ; , - ., ' - 1 - ; - - ' ' - , i- ' ".- 'I - ' ' .. 'j - ;-vt Ufeif -7 - - ...;7.747li. ".T.v- 17 J" v., I H -7 P ; , . - - : : . , ; 1 H 1 7' f ' i -.7;:l'iUff, ft r- -. 7r-" -" '-i. ' III ic lixtnre. .1 n.c- L- . CP"' y A!-D i;u:itiA-EXT CURE U' aidilndistion. D5t3?'.! u- W. (lilEGORY, CliurlotUv X- C ' r.N. C Nov. 29, 1834. r-.lf-nrv : I liey certify lini vcrv'ilatncfit to myself Kkicu(l it pothers, Mcml.o.rN. C. Lesiatare. i7 ! ClIAFXOTTE, N. C. -M I take great pleasure v3fTlv. I'bavensed it with creat " 7-.i l Unnmmn( io any M1C lvinv - . - , asrd -.-:.rr Unbelief. Tlier is no tinbclief J Wlnever plants And watts to e He trusts in h seed beneath the sod it push away the clod, God. , There is no jnn belief; Whoever says, then clouds are in thosky, 'Be pat ient, heart tight break cth by and by,' Trusts the Most High. There is nolicbelief : Whoever sees 'nteatti winter's field of snow The silent harvest of tlie fature grow, CI 'a nrnvnl fnnaf lr t-i r tt ji v vs o vf -. uv a u w , Jsulwcr. tactile grave' and 'the in, prose TKt2e3 pit witli j'sheol' in tlte margin. tliese t renderu)rs. 'hell says the pre- - . r i i . l adaresstheLr face, Ijf it cou a be taken in its ongi- . 7 YOUNG Xj ABIES' COIiXJMN. All contribntor3 to this column will communications jto "Yocxa Ladies Column," Watcjimam, Salisbury, rHiC Jit - r 1 for T. C, State Treasurer. j IJ McAt'en and Hi omun c and T. Jf'..lviuiixyo-f 49:ly , THE REVISED OLD TESTAMENT. 1 The Americans who toot Part in the Translation and Revision. t-ml cnnfco -i irsrwl in I lis r-rrP(s- wnuld be K fairly inadequate equivalent for ' - . . . the Hebrew wlord. but it is;so com- ' - ' " ' - " : " monly understood as the place lor tor- ( , me arc 01 uooKing, says ; a ropectu rrient that to j employ Jt frequently ble authority, slwuld rank with painting, lead to iricvitaUle-misanderstanciins.' 'mnnnd smilhhire. If thlnirs beesti- T CJ value to the human lead to inevitable misunderstanding.' music and sculpture In Isaiah XIF, where 'hell' Jsj usedr ted hy iheir real in more of it si visers have lc orismai sense, the re ' Collector Dowd's Dcpu ties . - .7 .'' " S So far as we know or know ''of Maj. Dowd's deputy collectorshehas select ed them with a good deal of discrimina tion and appointed Capable and honest men. Mr. J as. Af King, of this county, is as farmer, a man of fine sense, and alway a faithful and zealous Democratic work er. Mr. Isaac A. Roberts, of Davie, is likewise a farmer, is a magistrate, has served his county in the Legislature, is liis First Mirror. Chattanooga Times. f. I 'hell' in the text pn C" family then the art of cooking should said to have good business qualifications l" ; . 7ii t ' and to be a trood man. Mr. John H. ting the heo in the marginj 1 ;.purunK u mcij uiucuju Jenk; of Yadkin, is a tobacco man- "The'severil" days of the creation as ine suosiance aya)8uiajM:uc ufacturer and a reputable citizen. Mr. e made' mor prominent by breaks shadow. Good cooking is evidence of M, 0. Sherrill, of Catawba, was for The ex -r refinement, and a young lady is not many years clerk of the Superior Court are mailer morp p of a line bet ween the verses. pedieht has enabled the revisers to readv to be a housekeeper, although of his county, has been twice a member make-use of the dialogue form, and to fipipf iT1 mnsi, and uaintinir if she of the Legislature, is a man of superior K1 nrT.''- C- il 1 li ti a 1 is a k y;.v e.. nnnmrot ton n r 1,0 1 - 1 nea utnorized irsaim cxvi.. v UlCllLUo JJ.-- Ui?.,rh irvits ktinnhmpnt. fr thf lan- U. 'I said in mv haste all men 1 ivbrs Riaing anajRiK" . r :nn. Aii.tte Fluirs.' is revised. 'I said when I PTJL T I V A 1 VJ IX O. 0f translation r however, have bex?u re- baste to escape, all men are a lie. HI j'TWA IJAUROVVS moved, and tie revision will be pro. EiiDQOABtERC FOR show the draimatic character of the V a ..,-,, fo mUrood bread n1186'-hlgil c"! a,dlarFe b(.u,e,ss o. i.To V .1 n . . ja doe3 not knpw how to makq gooa oreaa, -ir u nfWilW- . - o 1 rrnrui rnlTop nnd nrpnnrfi a nice Dili at R- I -.-. V. or. eT.iff -T V,Cn w.hichv for examn e. is divided into r ,00 m UUkJr.u I The Revised version of the Old Testament was placed in the hands of the London) publishers last Saturday. In a review of the work thet 'London Times says oC4his close of the labor fourteen years T "This revision is the most imnotaut event in the hislorv of "ixamiuauon ot the more laminar garded as a stgne-gtia-: the Bible 1 since the publication of the passages; and phrases discloses; the fact ; raaie candidate for matrimony. King James, translation in 1611. The iai care was tauen 111 preserving uie success of the iOld Testament mav not intact household words of the Old f Testament. The old literary form has , ble steak. The health and happiness made one of the best officers it ever had. of ment is the printing of all poetical , ot a tamily is so largely aepenaenx, on r Tw UM - I - . . . ..... . i 1 -i 1 rpilp.Tir. hnsinpss rnnnrifv. Mr. . H. passngcsjn poet.cform. ; L i ; good cooking that tne art snouia oe re- r a : f" I - - - - 1 ' - - non ; in every good, intelligent man. Mr. E. Fi Lovill, of Watauga, is a member of the Legis lature and got license in February to Some of our town3 are laying claim parctice law. He is a very bright man to the m-ettiest eirls in the country, and very popular in his county. Mr. A- ' . . . a ml rrr r -r -v -r a r -w-v 1 1 1 Y7o TV.XNTvSSEEv- .... uitnriHO r FAttKl HAUUItu. which more thjan a million copies were been held sacied and the revisers can we have to say is, that if any of W. McD.Burgin, of McDowell, is clerk sold on the day of publication and not be charged with any pedantic i them will come up to our place and take of the Superior Court of his county and more than three nyllions of copies be- ptraming arte? me original icxi ; out, a stroll over our town ana Keep meir is no aouoi compeienc apu au rigni fore the I close bf the vear But it will lnot ' t,ie (fumiliar features of the ' eyes open, and do not confess thot we He applied for the collectorship. Mr.W probably be nWe favorably received f scripture have escaped untouched. and less severelv criticised. For it -1 lie 'apples ot gold,' ot rroveros iSir4TlT0WN C"CIN7ATI involves no Changes of the Hebrew xxv. 11, are snow encased in 'figured iJisffi SDrillS: WagOnS.: textno oldr manuscripts than the work' of silver, not in'pictures.' 4 Van-'W'-T. T! ;L avV x Masoretichavangbeendiscovered-and ity and vexation of spirit,' (Eccl. 11. 7 ' FX -ii- the idiom of tihe authorized version is 17,) has keconie 'vanity and striving nna (jliailO -UrillS. ; m0st carefuijJ preserved, out of regard after wind.' are made fpjecrrapli Straw Cutters A.vcry a'11 ' hor' x jrr- - Ensines ana souers, nounced bv neverv competent Bible reader to be a very great improve ment. "Tt presents the results of the corn- are the " Arjex" in that line, then they 1 R. Young, of Buncombe, is an ex-sheriff must certainly be poor judges of beauty. I of that county and is highly endorsed Winsfnn Dadu. by tne. Asnevnie papers. . Jir.. j. o . - - . 1 . . . . "Winsfon is more tabacco in exuberance otj growtn; dui Qne of the best men in it. Mr Jeff when it comes to SDeak 01 pretty fnrls Hvams. of Mitchell, is a son of Prof. itisapresumDtionatwhicnoldertowns- M. E. Hyams, of this place, formerly people can Wle with assured com- Where, was a member of the late firm r, r m . .,-! i of Hyams Bros., 15akersville,is of excel- niacencv. ine lwm-cuv man uetua -, .- , . ,. j 1 il I 1 1 .- " 1 ient biauuLug in 111s scttiuu uiiu. utvs tiio imm out, TroTTi nome oeiore ue uura fin.Knno 1 .,,.. c u umuiuitiuus. AAmumu any more bragging in tms line ; .In ihe raftsmen, who are now ir riving in our city by scores, is seea the type of the East fTennessec moun-J laineer wun an ineir green cnaracier istics, their courage- integrity, igno rance and crudeness.i Saturday last, a raftsman, fresh from the mountains, was coming up Market street at a rap id rate. He wore the typical yellow eans of his locality and carricd a huge mountain staff". Asjhe passed Plick- er's jewelry house he happened .to glance into the 6tore and saw bis oodjyi reflected 111 the large mirror m the rear of the store room.' , He had lief er seen a rairrorbefore, and recogniz ed a familiar object in the figure arid snpposedit was i ope of his friends. He glanced a second time, his features broadened into a smiles of rccoguitiop, and straightening up he gazed intenl- iy ai ine renecuon in tue mirror aqu exclaimed: "Wait a minute, I'll be tbar, Bill," and the? same instant He hurried around the'store to meet his suppesed friend. He found no onlf, and looked rather perplexed. He re turned to the door and looked back, and on seeing the! figure again tle frown left his face, and shaking has fist at the figure he exclaimed : "Waft for me, Bill ; I'll come right away " and ran around the corner a gam as quickly as he could. He searched for several minutes, ana on iaiung 10 niu his friend returned: to the street, look - incr more perplexed than ever. He SfflD FOR SUHIIlHgliaSSI ? THEY' COST NOTHING The Rnlned BibleA Jewish Opinion. More Civil Service Examinations. eipjif&n fiil!RT FtllLLS. lined labor of a large number of the gymen jn this counti H Svr Fittlns-Guns, best Hebraistt and biblical scholars of lglaii(1 have been ,ia?!fvlnA- w.i. nrinaiw. England and the Unite'd States, niast ihp 111 Jewish Advocate. A lare compapy of Christian clcr- ..." 1 - . try ami another in engraved for nf- Dcar Watchman; Of all the fair contributors to our Cant. R. D. Graham informs us that column,. I wonder whether or not any the dyil commission giving medicine at the proper time, kg for a series of examinations of : per- preparing palatable little meals tor sick sons to mi piaces as assistant, tsamiura, looking alter tne room so as mechanical draftsmen, copyists or draw seminaries, i na, . ur sult ot their joiut labors. 1 tie onjeci , but ifc geems to me that Th(e examinatiolls win be held SEISED CLOVER SEED. 1 : . ?I..maf,nS cl!'""T, "r?' the greatest number of the young tolks ear y m June, in Washington and sey- nu..i.M-"-T - xr.t nioca vuuwca ii yw.- ... v.r.. iniion. ailears iu ue m uuwm 4 uiwoci rt HoCiro fnrt hr thnn flrpas ana arn n appa thrmiorhnnt. thp roimtrv. in E&pfet store-i y e on ha&d tal plnUWogyl biblical -geography, bus- ami more. exact rendei tug of the orig- ph nfhpr'a conietv. I think this is a the vicinitv of scientific and technical . AfFor ijpm inr 1 ii nfit 1 - j a 1 1 1 .. 1 v ,j - 1 j SrS?ry nave ever tory and antsquities, all ot wiiicn were ina 9a ,UCidentally to modernize sad mistake, because if we live it will schools, the object being to offer oppor- c-iijii in rTrri iiiiili. iif-rr 1 tii j ufri iv iiiiiii r;,.V:.;. .;.!.. wa and Cans, -bnirland and the umtea otates, uiast ,pn V1,nwf ,1 the nrenaration ot this i-"i"o 1 .luS-SlipiiNvH"1""-' ' " , W. . m ' tt 1 ... . 7 1 1 .. neon e fin fl W .1; nem roi,I&.ul 1 " I ook, and we are now 10 nave mere- i it look acheerful possible. W and nroof readersin the patent of- ,it shdvtisiuui Dpauw, u'"d si iPsnnH seminaries. j.l nas. more e..i nriUr iiitnrs. i he nhipet , .... : , 1.1.. j. ' - -a i.. i..u &TOm rrn: over, the KAlatU utuatn wbkwi ,.,., nf fl'r,.:rL..11..-,nt .in First, ciasa v ances 01 intent Moresx 1 nac uuuu llu uinuiuiiv bove; & offer tera lor tbe eext j rfmnnpv t hftn tey Have ever tory and anil iuh(pptry. f J birt irnperfecfly understood by the the book by the substitution of mod- inevitably fall to our lot to care for tunities to young men graduating from ryv(t.,B- Y. dl.ll lRUtHi.. fortyi.sevcn thinslators of King James, I ern WOrds for. some which have be- some one, perhaps some one very dear these institutions of entering the gov- ;S0ljt mm although it ' "' 7' j. V ' .v..it.nKtroMniT i iI.ai. A'.A ! i-nri? .ha;f 1 1 tlmil l':v. -LsiucTeVa craoillr. None fall. Terms tree, f ttlS ioot co Portland, Maine. Stands at the head! THE NEWS OBSERVER. - ' - . - The largest, best and cheanest published in the State. Telegraphic ac counts of all interesting eventsjrqra rerj Full Market Reports. A paper for every family. Established 1872 and gets better- every year. . bnd your name, Postoffice address and $2.00 for one yean $1.00 for 6 months. . Every North Carolinan should takai. The livest; most progressive paper in the VER, Raleigh N. a f- - P E H J3 10 H S! THE Board appointed to pass upon ap- plications for Pensions, under7 An Act oCy the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, ratified the 11th day of, March, . 18S5, will meet in the Court House i& ' Salisbury, on : - . ' Monday The 8th Day of JUSE. ! A EVERY soldier who lost a leg, an eye or an arm, or who is now otherwise incapaci- tated for manual labor by -reason of a ; wound received while in the discharge of his duty as a soldier or sailor of Nortlv. Carolina in the service of the Confederate ' ' States of America, during the war between ' the States : And all widows (remaining unmarried) of any soldier or sailor who lost his life while a citizen of this State, "' and in military service of the State or (Jontederate States, Provided, such soldier 1 . or widow shall own less than 1 500 worth ,fe . . i . ot property luted for taxation, are entitled glanced furtively into the store, shook to pensions under said Act. , ins neaa ana conunuea up sireei, Applications may oe filed with the Clerk completely nonplused and evidently of the Superior Court at any time before deeply disgusted with the queer an- tnc sth ot JUTnf;T8? tics of his imaginary friend. JOHN M. 1IORAH. Clerk SO.-lni. Suocrior CourtT a 117 for working people. Send 10 cents post tage, and we will mall you v a royal, valuable sample box of goods that will put you in the way of maUnsr more mon- in alew days than you ever thought possible at anyousines8. Capital not require. You can live at home ami work in spare time only, or all the tlmtt. AU of both se.vrefaU ages, grandly successful. 60 cts. tr d aoaUtf b'l fiiad AOAnlmv That aTI w w a astmor fnenuSUip, I want work may test&e business, we make this ut paiaitnqu uuti a. ail m uu ai O UUt well aaUallvU- ble of writing s. is freely admitted that co-ine obsolete since the version now to us, during sickness, and if we do not enrment service. In these examina- in use was prepared, some two bun- know how, or take the trouble to learn tions considerable knowledge otpbys dred and fifty years ago. It is stated how to take care of the afflicted, we ics, chemistryrand other practical sci- that the revisers have examined care- will then necome aesponaent. uemg ences is necessary v) success. xusiliuu .n..7...' r iU lwv.lr triili' nble to dress fashionably, perform on Us examiners in the patent office are a I i.1 ,1 nnJ linT-nlci o-nrl rliTT-. I n-..mt. fnnrfhf n Hor nrd fivo rorrjirrlfvl SI'S ..rrroolinir PlTlir nt trflllS- tUt? UiailM, UUUIX, icou I owiu .-o 1 f 7" THE LfGnT-ltUXXIXO "DOMESTIC." That The new version is not a good version in ih nlaeekif a bad one. but a crood improvement, of a good version. "The first meeting of the New Tes tament Company in .Lngland was held J f lion voteu tomvue ,inq co-operawoii copies ULUCJII. V""'!'"" " lailOU, ailU tllal, 111 uiuci ij ii lune 22d, 1870. On the 7th of July perfect accuracy, they have diligc bllowiiig tl6 two houses of convoca- compared several of the most an ion voted tovinvite . the co-operation CQpies in existence. Emphasis .i ' i i .1 1. J T I . it. 1 L J i. 1. .-...... , I . . . i . tiTi-h thn hars rrn rn rn in1 siiiu iiiivc i nmnncr infi imsl ii iifr liik iiuvciiiiiitiiL Iat.on, and that, in order to insure 1 or:";-; bW?op. fnr thP perfect accuracy they have "t 7 teisticg 0bf a true, noble, high-toned future which they offer. Nearly all compared several of the most ancient j in for aR the thcse wbo have passed examinations for copies in existence. Emphasis lias ...,.. t pnr nnd like to: have others fhPse nlaces dunns the last years have of some American divines, -ana to fjeen ; clVen to the fact that the revis- .n . fuolT nnn miK ftf7i;ffi. short rivpd nmmintments. Charlotte Ob- t. r:ik- r..- 1 U n r nlmn.i fe'"u I. . 7, , , v ri Disuop mi pcjwiiiu '." v ers are not uu ui 141 at best but at the same time, we snouia server. was assigned soon alerwarcls tne uu- evcry section of the i'rotestant wing i Qt fortyet tjiat sometime in the future, ty of securing this resuK. iney au- 0f t,e christian Church being repre- SQme one wiU have to care for us, tor Qs His Bridal Tour. That is a thonzed Dt. Angus, wito was coniem- senteJ. Ihat provision was wise, ior it not to be expected that we can re- , i t a reiow on board an plating: a ' Visit to Aineridato open a creed very. stubbornly held, is lianle maiu young and healthy through our ' j sat off to himself correspondence .with the Hev. JJr. to afi.ct the impartiality of judges in entire life. We will need the tender! gcemet to be generally sore in his mind about. something. He present ed such a very forlorn appearance that Gratitude. Between man and man gratitude is one of those gentle virtues that increase bur fondness for each other. Gratitude is a short ctt to sincere and Some people complain that they have we m send $i to pay for the 1 1 t. I Pull rtnrtJnul;irs. dlrwllons. ft rInnla llnvo iliovnftvpr had la. Dayabsolutly sure for all who suit atbi ..VA..vMd. -j r delay. Address Stixson & Co., Portland, Shrine favour done iheni V W hy, every one of us has had a score of favours done him every day of his life. Those who bear it in mind, who say a word of hearty thanks, who watch a chance to do a favour in rettiou., never lack friends.- - Doat NOV 2T, "81. ly To plow deep is one of the Eng lish rules for good farming. If we had relied more entirely on maxims Yafllii Mineral Springs Acaieiy.i PALMERSVILLE, (Stanly Co.) N.O. C. II. MARTIN, PKINCirAIs j Graduate of Wake Torest College, and also at tne university oi Virginia. 7" TurrioM, $3 to $15 per session of S months. I The only school In hls section that teaches I the University of Va. methods. Vigorous-ex- i tensive, inurouzn. 'i ne cneapest scnooi in tne : U. 8. where these world-renowed methods are. i; taujnt. uoou uoard only f per month. igua, nnuuj v.ui.itnj- senieu. xnat iiuviiuu ya iv it is not to oe e to Amer.ida.-to open a creed very. stubbornly held, is liable mai vounsr ai with the Kev. Dr. t0 affect the impartiality of judges in entire" life. We will need the tender Schaff'. ami other American scholars, a matter vitally affecting the basis oi solicitude and care of some one too, while in tlie united States, in regard t,e creeds. i5ut it is strange tnat u should we grow oia ana amicteu tothiswofk. In August, 1870, I-. accuracy was the object chiefly desir- I trust the reader will not tninK me some adics 'ol1 dcck thought Uiey Angus senUetters to various Ameri p.l, no representative of the Roman very dull and stupid tor ngoS,U4 ongUt to inquire what was the matter, can scholars, in which he -explained aboiichurch was invited to assist, letter, I know it Pnf; Soone-bld lady approached and ask- the plan If the7English work, and anj 8ti more remarkable that in ably pe nned Jl ed the lonely one why he was so dis- suggUtedkhc formation of an Anieri- traiting a book, the original ol it. Hoe consolate. "The fact is," said he, "I carcomm Uee of twelve or eighteen, whcbai writteh in Hebrew by Jew- JJ Tm on m - bridal tourbut I didn't Aurevoir. Hazel Eyes have enough money to bring my wiic - with mo." N. O. Times-Democrat. ; it is the acknowledged Leader is a littt tluvt cannbt be disputed. MY IMITATE IT. : N'OXE-EQUAL lr The Unrest Armed.- 'hej Lightest lltmnin'r. I -The .Most Beautiful Wood Work VXD IS W A RRAiTED ro bc nijtdc of the ljcst -material, roo auv and alf kinds of work. ' Ti hc crihipTeta ia every rspcct. Ajrcnts wanted in unoccupied territory. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO.. : 77,:-i'17 Richmond. Va to wlijch -i he work of the English re- ish poctsind seers, no invitation was visers could be submitted for criticism extended to a Jewish scholar, who nnrl sMo-irrlstions; ' surelv ' miirluV have been expected to list of the American commit- bave -suncriorxnual.ificalioiis'for th? y -, , x tee is as follows . rhilip bciia.lt, u.u., Work. L. 17. D., of American manufacture in farmipg ORGANIZED 1859 it is pretty safe to say. that this would not be among them. For the great American staple, Indian cord, deep plowing is almost always injurious. The soil can scarcely be too warm for corn, and shallow plowing. --keeps.. warmth near the surface It dso keeps an amount of vegetable mold where corn roots can reach it easily and early. , Selected for the Ladies' Column. Olive Logan's Advice to Girls. Raleigh Ncic-Observer : Friday last, at 2:30, the Exposition building, two tjow-ci-8 nntl timbers of the floors in tho court yard, were sold at, tho comthonsoi.door. Among the bidders were T. S. Morgau and Col.Hngeiro Morchead, of Dui hhm, nnd Mr. M. T. Leach, of Raleigh. There worp other bidders from Raleiffh. The Mr. Lench se- CAPITAL & ASSETS, S75o.ooo:a J. KHODL.S BROWNE, 1 Prest . ( fWM. C. CO ART, -1 Secretaiy president ; Geo. E. Day, r ti D. secretary; Prof. Wm. H. Qreen, I 'V . D. D., L L. I).,- 1 heologieal semina ry, Princjeton, N. J.; Prof. Geoge E. n T) . Divinitv School of Yale " vt Il-ivPii. t.onn 1 rot. I t .111 IHU I' . 11 C VW A. j -m...v7 A AiL-pn Ti. D.. Theolocical Seniinarjj Princeton, N. J ; Rev. I. W. Chambers, D. D. Collegiate, Re- form Dutch Church, iNew lork; rrof. Thos. J.IConant, D. D., Brooklyn, N V. Prnfi John DeWitt, Theological Seminary, New Brunswick, N J Prof Persoival. ii ai l. r mw i-M The Democrat 0ffictfd3uildmg was assistance in v -u, c ""1 ncres in Swain county is rather a sen- biild i n 2 was fa i rl ri i vely. ii. i-:: lOO 'I'Iip fund i . . l i illicit inw i - A e are sorry to see announcements . f . nuiti,.ise wa8 rai8ed by the trus- need his m -ortn Carolina oy an muiwuuu. u. corporation, une man buying ou,iiuv 6t.ock. ... Twent7-sixth Annual Statement JANCABT 1k 18S5. LIABILITIES. . . . :, , . fVp nrr hasp of laife tracts of land i tecs appointed at the recent meeting of cash Capital . '. $300,00000' A woman s safeguard is to Keep a 1 ,, " j;v:4nni ora I the stockholders. The sura real i zed is Unadjusted Losses ,oto 00 man's hands off her. Ifyou need his TVZ" m om I RboVl 18 ler ceut' ou lUo out6lauDS K Mffiiie.. Net Surylu, , 255,iej It our i ih ,ppp. will do iust what the women lartftj irot;i a tcao ini 1 , .... 1 n . s . - , ; .1 I i. j foTi will nnt do to trust. Give sarv repairs couia De mnue tu tuc um- falcbv KLUTTZ & RENDLEMAN Geo. E Hare, D. D., mL. U., ir SC:iyJt; . Salisbury, N. C. ty School, Phila. ; Prof. Charles P 7i---' :-fiK j 9 iKrauth.iD. D.V L. L.V., vice-provost oMhe University ot I'enuspvania, Pl,;ia. ? Prof. Taylor Lewis, L. L. D., Union School, Schenectady, N. Y. ; X ilO'll'li IW mm, '-7'! - "vTHEN YOU "WANT! AT LOW FIGURES V fi on thcThaaersigned at NO. 2, Granite j ; - j i Jj:, D,. A? AT WELL. ; Ajaat ffliy tho CardwellThresher. urY N.C, Juue 8th tf. Notice to Creditors ! -ate of Dayiel Chambers, deceased, are riy notiti(l tv .vtiiu;f i z a a 4 llvi . r" v. vAiuinv laic? pfiiiii. ur iiiv IWlLor this notice will be pleaded ;i55(flf tloir recovery. 'This Apiil 1st, JOSEni 110RAIT, Aura r. Ram;nnrv. Alexandria, Va.., rrot, Ellis Btbwe,. D. D., Hartford Conn ; Prof. Jimes Strong; S. 1. P.ilheolo-RpLninarv.-Madison, N J : I'rot. . kr t-i..u r n w Rev. U V Ji va .luiv, Theological Seminary, lieyrutt, oyria. t Uro-r nortion of -the suggestions oif the American committee were adop ts! aniembodieil in the revised ver sion, ilany others, not adopted in .1..:. J.n words; were; inserteI in a .i;fipH f.irm. which satisfactorily ex pressed the American views. The oorlTthG revised version will dis- r . ; . - 1 . , x .- J the aiiDendix only a sma the result of the work of the Ariiin rnmmittee.7lThese results are fajuhd everywhere throughout the book.iM . , : T llA noetical- books 'sheol re wlacei flieU' which has been changed au-uo ""V J I. .,, , t3 Mon 3 ol P!' ? WOTk "lr," S A:7 T: W Unians to become "hewer, of wood and """" 1 . 1 . m : , '. long for many native North Caro- 0 Income uhewers of wood and .... . - drawers of water to toreigners. c nar. as: 1 . .. :nj v.;, Democrat id side wall; and, fact, the printers a man jour arm ana you -.....!. a u;i,i;t,V vpof conUdentiai, anu ue win - ,, .1Q ti,r fnr.;ni... were unwilling 10 worii. iu rti,i rvf Macon, ua., maj jo. for the first three or four days after the great many privileges he wo aid not explosion occun.ed lcre early this . . - ., . j: inlrp if he was not permitted to do so. Whil atartine up tho cn- . . n.-. yi t- t r . . 1111 1111 ri 1 nw 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 . v.. - . iiiin liiujbt .. . MPkl I lll.l.IIJII II. . iv... r - I . . 1 w think 01 iu-, tillonjIr ti,js iace today, enroute lor the at rate it will not Yadkin Valley R. R. The parties sen tenced nt our Irtst court acconipanien them thither (together with tho guard of course.) Their appearance on our streets caused quite a stir aud a large crowd collected to see them off. They will be stationed at Muddy Creek stock SCHEDULE OF ASSETeS : Cash in National Bank 7,904 M Cash in bands of Agents . , 11,993 29 $141,330 8 United States Registered Bonds. . . State and Municipal Bonds National XianK Slocks Cotton Manufacturing shocks .... . Other Local Stocks . . . -I 19 .81 IS . 179,800 00 . (1,097 94 . 158,400 CO . 114,735 00 39,770 00 ade until quarters can be provided tor KeaiE3tate (unincumbered cltf property) 97497 IT He will give your arm many loving sly the cotton mill of the Bibb of tf. m, ... L f nub rh a he will owe your unu mj i-b-; nne at inereiific.ua c r- . . , : a.i i 1 1,0, to I ". r ... . 11 X Cirt1lO07PSl Tlllli, IltrT I.UUIU UdlV I I 11 tlllTrilM Ilrlllt' I Ulll Willi V. whole sheet thisweek Xpo of do ng, and opportani- p.d. wi.ing -F,.nk Gibs "Sthiheisafter. Afewmore ,g.r. and .H . "f cuseusiuiua,,w. ' . jTw:iiic TTn Wesley Johnson, who wju .r, them at , Mt. Any, where they, will; ue carried to couinsence work on that end of the road. Twin City Daily. Loans, secured by first mortgages . Total Assets, ... S0,4184 $741,380 32 J. ALLEN BEOWN, Agt. Salisbury, N. C, Marcb 6. 18S5. . The brick engine iey win ex 1 1 . . - - v i wiiniK ui 1 itL un - f - 1 .1 narv Circumstances. " ., , . 1 i I innns three ouiers. xx n - Inui aLuiMano r.i nnWerimr Your girls oil. tlie street, except wucn - w,ocked but the main building A US LllUUiiii'Jii'' o- I - ..- . . m 1. ii Zl. 1 iiv"- life and property which indced the dig- theyhave Mmness idlnr lmt withma small unnecessary to go to the postoince every liiiiti vi- v -r - . ... .. ,1 L l. V.,-. mr : Pnn crn ..t -r A 'oH,tnrr ini d- time tnev iro ouu i"i o"- o- SOMETHING NEW ! f5" LAMP CHIMNEYS that will not break by heat, ttr sale at ' 1 space 01 ur-iyicii. k nl:i . w as well as your boys. I il . . . .-,rmrra TnW UK lira 1 lllim- . v. . ing, tor ine u. - - . n ... y . into their very nature wider cellar, caused an me .uu Hthey are safer in their own hands and loss which has occurred. , ... ' in the nands of any man The repairs to the Democrat Ohice reacherslnot excepted. building will soon be completed, and Dr. - McAden will erect a new building as Y1V i3 a Whisper forbidden in polite ; A ... in n.,xa r-W Roansp it isn t aloud. sooa as possible, ana tneii me vjuui m sucicj v- be! as.ked to say what amount ot aama- An oW mai(j jjeepj a parrot wmcn ecs shall be paid by those .vho had the lwear8 aI1d almonkey which chews to- cellar dng.-q. t oT ' I We are pleased to see 1 that the N. C when a yonng man walks with a girl State Educational yBoardlhaS; had the a3 though he W afraid some one would .Ul to adont Webster's Diction- see him, the gin .is i wai her elrtc'p sister. . , 1 , i i - ,. xi,. .u-c rlosei to her as to nearly crowd ary as one of the scnooi ooo i- fenCe, she some one State, ttet the old fogies stand aside j , . . 7 . . Cjtgr. democrat. escaped injury. The damage to maenm- 1 ia ocrim:ifpd At ery anu eugmo uwu - $10,000. , The boiler had been inspected recently and was pronounced all right, bnt was evidently defective. Ons hundred ard fifteen peisous are thrown out oi employ ment. Blooinington, Intl., May 17. Chcsley Chambers, charged with the robbery of the express safe on the Louisville, New Albany and Chicago railway on the night of April 29, ami the dangerous wounding of Davis and Webber, was again placed in jail this afternoon. A seach warrant revealed the preseucc of $ 1 40 i n Chamber's rnnk. and tho bills bore marks made by the passage of the express needle. These facts becomi tliev surren w thoritics DIAMOND DYES wish at All colors von ENNISS' New Organs, May 18.-Justice Ppche read a lengthy opinion in the Ford Case, iu which every exception presented by the defence was overruled, and the judg ment of the lower court affirmed. The lower couit seutenced Pat Ford j and Murphy to be hanged, and Judge ford, Caulfied and Buckly to tweuty year im prisonment at hard labor. 1 According to Secretary McCullpch's annual report to Congress there will; be a r.ii:ffiAf tlm rrnvprimieut lerenues ZCo enrn-t TeaV,edio Ja.y JW.of TO THE LADIES? $17,500,000 ; rendering an ccouoniicjd ad ministration imperative. I On a recent trial a cedar log 20 GIVEN AWAY ! leet long was taken to a Califruia Uijggg QBNTJIUE Garden SeedsH match lactory ana in exactly piu- DON'T FORGET to call for Scedf of all kinds at " i ' " ' ENNISSV Call and see the Flower Pots at ENNISSV ntes was sawed, split, glued, dipped iZS2& u sulphak labeled, ande majches be iW boxed reaay ior suipmciu. ., - j . Cleveland is not hafd of G rover Persons bavins One Dollar's worth -of sny Kinu wU'. erf seeds AtXENNISS' Drng& Seed Store. 17:tf . hoirinsr, tint when anybody asks? hij ing known to his bondsmen, I who his first assistant postmasteren odeTed Chambers to the- eral i?, he says J'Har'JfeT giant ' Trcv icr. t MY CHILDREN DO. NOT THRIVE. 7 They have nch a changeable color .It: now occurs io me that worms are-thecaufe: of all this tribuble. I jvtlt try Shrinfx rlfir - dian Vcrnwfijgf. ii :J;7rfc;7i 7 ;-v,: ; - it if7 i; -1. t 7, m 4' m '.ti--. i if ' -J-.SJUI :7'i' . ,...! .H7 . - 1. 1 i E I f J. 711 J.7 - 7 " - 4 . 177-17 1;7 K r- t " ' 77 7',: ; -:;:-' ! - v v- -' -i Tif r; ; .7 ;; 7 J.