Jl ' 'I - n.7fLv 'i-d .'CSV TpOv H TlT; 31 v .' WAV Ql fc il flint Ol ffi. ' I I V jyl.-THISB ! SERIES SALISBURY, it. C.I I JUHE 4 1885. 'iianiic Mixtnre. FOB n.i Indieestion- T), W.hV. liKEGORY, .'". X.Ci. Nov.29,1884. r'rt? ': r'nnr DvRnentic l5rWeat benefit to myself ktlivtij o , . toothers, - Mri?co,:i;:jvA,usG, For the Watcbmaiu- A Twilight Reverie. BT AEDEAU Sweet twilight hour When dav sius to dawn,- And ieverv shrub and fragrant flower. vanm, arM with the Allegliariy 50 uars per capua ,F - 9 . . -m 1 1 ... tfn I O fill It AtAlt 1 ns as far South as north iieor v r f the treeiis to be found, but it on- looks as 11 some; peopie u-u i kj,,, inn In the re? ohs warm m tne wimer iu ivi - j HO 33 mountai 1 ir oflqihi Ifa -or(Vr i -.ji ,i r- i: i,f TIia forpsti fires are verr v destrnct- economic vstiue. ami is usw ui is. r, . I A, i 1 mnnnrntnre of lumber, shineles, &b.t ive,; and the State sustain losses in Hails witlr delight the coining of the morn- aml is the osl common and valuable this way without any possible return. j How peasant then - ; ...j n mbiteT 0f thc; Northern j The. amount ot wonclianu so uesiroyea To walk forth! firom the haunts of men Where balmy epbyrs lisping round us Big: J ) Human Nature. fNewspaper Wall. - Two little children five jcara ohl, ' ' Sweet and bright and quaintly wise, Angela both in- their mother's eyea. Tlllt mil . If TOn fnllntv mv rorjn j J r- ' j viov, BU.III J-a - p i : That they were as human aa human can be, commercial tra veler, and new billiard age.y- We found the people of the ntriTTi Bnn i ? ttit ti nnnTrift i . . . - . .1 Nil' UMU V H r.l Ml -IT . I IIUI U V" ,e- urntu juu cmiiiua uuiixu .--46 " '. v ; - - town lltthlv nlpncrnl With the iirnnriA --V t "JIT"" J g-.j-.. -r ; tors and spoke to its in highest praise 1 of their superier tact and enterprise j I TIIEY COST XOTHINO a ! HSSyrccomm,natrtoanyone ! r C. State Treasurer. -3 'i j II McAden and T 0 Smith & 1 4y:iy I -v.flotte, Lkii A OT EES FOB ? fiRH WAGONS. - l:s & Spring Wagons. il Guano J Oh i. prejcious hour t - i Ana sacreu iu evcijr i'i : - ; , . . , . i Whose mildVeductiVe charms have power grow on the mountain sides as to ue From mind anjd soul all sorrow to efface I practically of no value. i ; . And fill the heart . It must not, therefore, be confound- . .Withsfieh exubera with the! tJees that make np the It dotn exnuaraie,-anu lujpnii. s i - t ' . Therein a power thatnotbing can destroy ! wealth of 0ur4 forests yellow pine, pmU8 inillBjj) utuueiu pine, yymuo dnt) or lon-leaf pine, (ptniw austra i's). This last is-of great . economic value,and ias been the source of fill ing many coffers in the State. - Ifeis also responsible for the descriptive So briquet, "tar, pitch and -4crpnU.iib" State, which has been handed down to us from the pleonastic geographers of the earlier days. f , Tlioca rtitioa o ra Inrrrolv mnnilf:lPtnr Houna us irom iore&i, uu ' b J Si nginga requiem todeathasthey whirl past 1 ej into umber, and are used in con- T. k In of- - , . - ! II I ! 1 ,1 auiv "-v, - istructions oi an sons iorsmii uumr There jto be troden soon 4;fta rnlltirace .m. . H i 1 . - A. I I IIL . irill.l III' K I VS A J & A w W r ww v vww " Down to rotias monais must i - & . Soon like thlm here all find a dusty tomb 1 The exudation of this species, (pinus - ff; Then, it ebb tide,K . V : When twiliijht, as at morn, Comes on hisjgray and sober steed, Noiselessly stealing cvejr slowly on, : Whethfer hot or cold, : As day's last shadows fall, Sobering the Iminds of young and old ; When memories to them like echoes, from a -! distance call. These have a power, . Wknn Ipjivps rorac fallinff fast 'Round us frcim forest, field and bower, lessness of laud owners, who do not pro- hibit the wanton wastetuiness ot tim ber in tlm clearing of landa for agri cultural purposes. Generally the trees are felled, rolled into heaps and burn- ed. Tliink of it ! Une liunureuVancl Oh. cnin it,be " That aUiSiust thus descend nf n fhi Trravfi. both bond and free?. And there, their lives in such dishonor end ? How short and sad Is lifcJ till it is o'erl prove the time we ve had 7 a '7 4 I ttAJJV '"WTR.VnW ftnk Walking Ull.tIVA-TO.RS: 'VHikv nT.m)VS. IaphStrawCutters, i-l ' ! i Mines ana uuuci D, , MD GRIST MILLS, ? A?i? !:i KoiUii Fittinos--Guns, Cartridges i Wads and Caps. v?.c "rVk i .rnftmito Fuse and Pn- ,4CS. "lnadcs . Building mur.Ra SEU ULUVttl OLtU ?R la mUW tuq- have ever SSSr W.tMTHOEAL ulie iwraer than atanythlnffelse tW?S H W9 Ta" 7 " r r iw , , I ,, l :i inf. . ' ; UALLKTT DUU. w,i in the nroduction of tar, pitch, rosin j m aud spirits bf turpentine, manufactur ed in the State. ' S " f V It may riot prove entirely devoid of interest to jnsert some statistical tacts E'en it we improve the time we ve nau ... ..fl. . , . tr; w,.rriventi4.:ifaftcr death we live no morel wiucu kuu w w...,.. An r li i.ir.liirt nf flio vnriniia 7)11-1 V X j' lllVf I. tUUHVV vx iv . . v u But is this all t What av von risin? stars. WhnfiR new tornravs on earth now fall In floods of glory from long streaming spark- ling bars, y That shining speak nlain and clear! The clouds ajnd storms that oVr earth sweep -J - . -m . . Are confined to time, ana cartit s sm-sincK- Then let none fear That lieMl forever die. - CSr tliPTf. i liothinsr bevond the bier But silence and darkness of the deepest dye. If this were true Whv do human hearts so yearn x After the lost, and them pursue In dreams, f njr way to tnem uo incy reiuins Wha ; though all be Herel 'iound us dark and drear, -And death Vith our friends away all flee They only jfromarth awhile have passed away To a brighter sphere, . And ja much purer clime ; Or nnr. moria dismal far. and drear, - There to sufferror in glory forever shine I Q.uelil then your fears! JSorihere be longer driven, -- - ... i i . 3 i.i . --. TTTFiv i Oppreesea viinaouuis, aim uainvu SUNOS AT THE HEAD But up, and improve all time and talents And you'll receive Whit earth can never give Eternal lift, a throne and crown in heaven, A home with saints, in God's great love to live ! - Southern States. The production of naval stores, for the last census year, n criven liv the latest report, is as 5 - V ' follows : . I " And had not learned the inaturer art Ar I ! 1!.. l 1 . t . vi inning me sen oi tne nmte heart. One day they fonrid in their romp and play Two litle rabits, soft aud gray Soft and gray, aud just of a size, As like each other as jour two eyes. "All the day long the children made love To the dear little pets,their treasure trove; They kiss'd and hug'd them until the night Brought' to the couies a brief respite. Too much fondling doesn't agree THE HEWS & OBSERVER';. Tliev have Iartre itnmnl rooms find nv. j o 1 AAmiMAla.iMH-S !I!m .-! A 1 . wiijiuuuAiiuusieucvtaiijr suncu w me ? i - " ' a ' commercial traveler, ana new oiiiiam room for th nnvimmrulfitinn nf mirl I'ns.5PnfTPra finrl lio rrrr frn am vm vev aI I Z" ' " ' . -"- , so-o- - , nuwishcd in the State. Telesrraphic ae to ana irom tne depot tree ot charge, counts of all interesting events from every Ml 1 I I 1 1 IV KM t A L A i WHO lJIVx y I a I . -" W V eighty thousand dollars worth of With the rabbit nature.ii xve shall see ; i ii ' it .!. -- ! Htr.. For er the light,of another day wood worse than thrown awa! More lUA chage(1 shldovfS of n jht than enough to build a haudsomc momiment ; to the.a-timJmieca- une little net liad gone to the shades, r i i i Or, letTns hopei to perennial gladeu nious Iand-ownr l - t Rtr Ai . ii..L Hunters and malicious people are A iilTeu wheie good little rabbits go. responsible or: three-fonrths ofthe . I e i.;s ck.Uftfi.l wc(n f J.rh. T,,e "'mg aDd dead lay side hv side, rest of this shameful waste. Light- AnJ gtil, ike m one ning, .locomotives, camp nres anu Aud it cmnccti the children came singly Now take into consideration the The pets they had dreamed of all the night - .,nA.l ... Ka v II1IUU"I1. travagant methods in nsein the man- Don't fail to ktop at the Boyden. V2 i ;'n.r.i?' I: i '!; " 4 ". A Terrible Disease. Des Motxtsi! Tn "fav 21. Thin. U a terrible disease prevailing at Lang- iu.. t i i:i noiiuv, uonesii couuvvj . wiucu causes l it m ii " mi , The largest, best and cheapest 'paper, aJ ' rnKIichrrt in K ft T)Mnlt . . S iv- part of the World. . Full Market Reports. A paper for erer ' family. Established 1873 and gets better every year. . ; , . ! I Send your name, Postoffice address mn4 ' $2.00 for one year; ft.OO for 6 moathv -' J M V.IVIIH.U II1. f. The livest, most progressive paper in thox I. county, wmcn causes death m a fewi; minutes. The patient Ucn tt.i.;k -n- n i is taken with at f?li?Kt sore throat. The I J ! ' soreness then I goes to the lungs, and from there to the spine, when death follows, ffc ntirplv hsifflftsi th. nhvsi- Acn -n n: . 4. I'i.-i.:. e i j tuv t? . .-i nnM.i:n4 ..... . ' 1- 1 L . -. - '1 rl irL ln. fi PanaT-t'tia- tin-Tm. Ai Arl ver, causea oy impure. waier. i r? . -...-.w. PEHSIOtJS! i . .- Mills Stopped. Fat.t Rttttr. TVfasa.. Mav 25. The following mills are stopped this week; ltooeson, mcnara, uoraeii, oeaconnex, iNarragansett, brieve (JN03. 1 and f I ' - j j Tliis must be manifest to all.- The fact that we have an ever-growing popu lation and with it the consequent and necessarily increasing demands on the foresty is ' a sufficient reason for husbanding such valuable resources. Be assured,vevery tree will be in de mand ! j Shn kissHil niul r;iro.ssf..l it. hut. at lust - - - - - - - - - T " Found voice to say, while her young heart ititfi. . j 'I'm so sorry for Charlie 7iis raVbWa dead!" Rowan Court Salisbury Her Tobacco Interest? &c. States, j Alabama. Florida.... U Georgia. . . .1 . Louisiana. . i . Mississippi.; Turpentine Gallons. ;.2,005,000; ,. 250,000 250,900; Rosin, Barrels. 158,482 68,281 277,500 20,000 Vice President Heudricks. Wliat he Things About President Cleue lanirs Policy. spending some time in Florida, and writes to his paper thus: .xv i..i 'i......, n uTt miht as well be added that the lie nuu iiu uicasmc m .luririnii; i o- - . .t ? . !. o t rv avprnrrp rpw i rn manner, u livmtr m me spring leriu oi iue oupenur vuun -7? , P, 1 ".1 for Rowan county on Monday and no!? governea oy tne . 1 . 1 1 1. . r blacks of that locality : for alone, ra my luesuav, nciu in tne Historic iowii 01 . . - ,a-i;.i.Vi fti.'nl.lnf.PUl :n opinion, Jheyt are no more capable of the General Assembly of the State MCortb Carolina, ratiGed the 1 1th day of 3Iarchi, lf8o, will meet in the Court noose in Sjpilisbury, on i , y . f - I londaf The Slh D.jf J0SE ISSI, j EVERY soldier who lost a le?. an eve or i H Wl I arn1' or w'u '8 now otherwise incapact- r; -DOmer I tnto.1 frr moniMl llnp l rMann tT wound received while in the dischargo of ; his duty as a soldier or sailor of North.; Carolina in the service of t he Confederate Sates of America, during the war between -the States: And all widows (remaining ui married) of any soldier or sailor who -loM his life while aTtizcn of this Stated arid in military service of the State lor The Negro as a Voter. I Confederate States, Provided, such soldier. ftn vi en. r it ir i o? widow shall own less than $500 worth The editor of the Brockton. Mass.. j .. ,.. .. Eagle, a Republican paper, Eas been to' pensions under said Act. -II of the Superior Court at any time bcloro ' the Sth of June. 1885. . . f JOHN 31. HORAH, Clerk 30:1 m. Sujcrior Court, f North Carolina. . . . 6,279,200 South Carolina .... 4,593.200 Total..!.... .17,505,250 TvT.AKAPOLk.S Ixd.. Mav 23. Vice 20.00 PrPsidPTit Hendricks arrived at his home 603,967 at noon to-day. He is in excellent .-f.Qlni. .., 1 :l I 1-Li. il T- ""r"" health, ana 1S 10oKing oetw;r wauw; , . - . i"IoT has for years. He said "I have been pecauy u . . - - .ua i uu. 1,542,1 0 J . or..! verv robust heslth sutfurine from .-v.' .111 ?i aaIiI AVi r-niiti-'iftoil o-irlipr in tho the State. We found the affable Judge A. A. . a mm 1 McCoy premiums:, and not at all sor- . . . . i . . i . . . . i ry that tins closed Ins district, anu X 7 -A acting as intelligent rulers than are the for working people. Send 10 cents post tfige, and we will mall you ret, a royaV valuable sample box of roods that wilt nut vnn tn t h wuv nf mfiklTvc. mnm mnn. ey In a" rev days than you ever thouglit possible at; hiiilni (Mnif-il nnl. rfwmlrp Y nil fit n lira at- Held . i . - i i j r i exceedingly nusy m vvasn Besides this, eighty thousand barrels am kd y get ick home; of tar were manulactured in .North Durino-the conversation . - 1 amit hiiilnou rvinltil not rAnnlro Vnn ntt n llvii at children of a primary school m iNew 5 . win spare timeoTbr ngianu. ii-iiu x y una . axw .cr SSTerj' Republican. A he ballot as yet 111 rlon- want work may test the business, we m&ktthteUQ- j u , .!-:.,.. 1 n.fi fori .bo piralleletl offer: To all who are not well satisfied da has not, m my opinion, benented tne ,n for tne tTOMe ot wntmr-itt. I irtill rnrt I.ii1i-k .lirfH-llnns Mr. apnt f r luHtifthsa piy absolutely sure for all who start at once. Don 1 delay. Address Stixsou Co., Portland, XalneJ: Sov si.'Sl.-ly j , negro Let each southern reader make his own comments. ouite full, and under the calendar the . . . . term will continue the greater part ot I the two weeks allotted to it. lne at tpntlnnfo irom the countrv was re- !H-4ai&sg -, t-P v .ii?. ,4.:. .a! snnnir wlnln hfivoiul the mountains. ui ii.v ...w --- i jjunn" luc coiiveiocitiuu ?i iiivii iv i t .itl!nn iliirincr 1 llP Rfl ITIft PoriOO. While I 1 J 4 1. txi-oo l.ir nr TYioan in 1 lip State or criminal docket is v - XJ ff V4 .a.a.v-. " in all the Other Southern States only nature of ai interview, Mr. Hend- ten thousajid barrels were produced. 3SL&: "I think the Administration While a larger proportion of thepine js getting along very well. A great r.fc ,r Kiirtli r!niv.l.nn have been monv rnlp ln nnf, nndfrstand that it destnyed than in' any other State, it is necessarv for a new Administration, ir I .a nlmosfi. totallv unacouainted nroduction, as shown above : and then with the details of the Government, to aUcn(l . a ,good sign, and one, too, 1 many women since I have been in the L ! 1 i.m. fltic Slfofo rra nnirfl s mw V UI1U Cilliuuusiv, unu vino , it must ue;iciiieniuv.-ici mttip .mo ,,v, n : ,v r . - 1 i j 1 . 1 cof r IVfr f! pvplnnd end his tabmet are do- 1 1. A,r.,)!,m. i Unl. insr.- There is a teelmg, however, that n n t f - SMWribersr was hands and dealt him a dozen blows over III., il.. . .r. . 1 nai ii'A Alan, out the Administration has not been decid- I... p., farv Knit pi lim wp intu.i- flip hetd and shoulders. The flesh was ir. .1 111' 1 ih 111111. 11 r.- 1 1 iii.iii c ciLiiiwiit 1 - 1 ni isi uliLui . wvnv . - -' our nintorcsu is in the manUfac- enough m yanous ways rf - A Boston fellow named Michael E. Wall af ?ot a verv sound thrash ine from a Wadesbpro clerk because of in- snltincr remarks about bouthern ladies. j .11 i mi ll lut tu ci sai . it; uavu . markably small in fact, like 'here are yoVLf Southern ladies I would like in Forsyth, none but litigants seem to j to see oneof them. I have seen a good ;111S I rln..;nr inllimfrv rind thrift fenerullv slrtntli l.nf. T rinvpn't seen smv ladies." . 1 v , n , . j o --r- o r : . : , i .. . ;. . time the seat ot Mr. iieveiana pu iub wumc. UV amon' the people. The clerk snatcned, ms sticic iromiii3 TT,: Jfatltmilineral Sprinp Acadeij, PALMERSVILLE.(Stanl Co ) M. C. C. II. MARTIN. Pkikcifal. li graduate" t Wak Forest College, and also at if " vac i uiicibiv vi iii(uiu f... rirmos, $5 toi5 per session ot S month!. I The only school In inU AflcUon that teaches raic -J ill i r I -j vi i ii. vw . . .onclv-i. thufrincrh Th chAmvPSf. hOAl In the 'U. s. where tneso worlrt-renowwl tarthotU are !ta'i?'at. Good Board only f per montb. Si S .7 lyl Address, c H..MRTiw,rrtn. t ' - - - --- ture of natal store, lfiol. i..L2iiSS 7u Salary l, grown to be a con- :.. t, mwet ( ir.M.nt rsa nm wnste- r-o - " .. i i sw pi .t h n toinicco muruei. ana uu in me iumov - - iJi-nU ,r,n rkttmo in nprs tnroiiirnout v"",k ' fill manner, by careless, cheap labor, ftf c' the sales are not on the sam f.r : 7 4...ii I .i moirac t lifini VP. I . - XMJAlllli lIIw lit" uttinutw- . . while mc livelv la:.d open to the skull and Michael K. W allace was kicked out into me street. Tip nicked himself ut and hobbled off to the depot, a "moving mount of gore." When he irets hack to tne nuo, ne win Organized 1859 pVJOl IJ VWii v ' Nnr. h (Carolina and beat without a cau.se. mid this affair mav furnish material for "Another bouthern Uutrage. In The Wrong: Cabin. THE LIGUT-r.UXXIKQ DOMESTIC me acKnowicospd liCaocr iwctliiat cannot lw rtisinitfil. IlIITAfK IT. - t vnvi? vnit.it. tt XlUUilU -i is a Wariest Armml . : . itfl).htfst I.twniBCf. i ine Most Ceautiful Wood Work. fSD IS WARRANTED . Ta.be Aittdc of the best material. - Wdo aav ami all kinds ot work". . J' be con. plete in every respect. iAJcntiwaati!d iu unoccqnlcd'teritbrr. L'At'iress,! ' '- ' I. q SEWING MACHINE CO., F m-m.w -J IT j' i , t it - s Kicnoiojio, va. WWUJTTZ ! 11ENDLKMAN : SiHsbury,if. C. Thus vespers spoke ' Fori all tho hosts above;' Wlien frojn heaven's heights aa anthem Krotp Whose -rabid music filled all hearts with" T J IX. joy anu iovc. . Mail'? immortal Thev sans-i and he shall rise, Though lie bvideath may seem to fall lall She live ana rei i . nil then no more -iioirft inonm in twiliirht dav's TJiou&h they may deeper and darker grow But they my hope oi lieaven snau nigiici raise A i.d lonf the more Farthatrunbroken rest , ions in tne airec- -that is, that the Ijen consumed, but wilh the building President has been possibly a little too ?i i ...k:4. ... rriinir I pnns!prva.tive in certain respeeu. oi new rainuaus, wmwi i - forests before inaccessibkyiiid with, the . . . imnrovod iniDlenients recently intro- ilnppd into the section by Walter jWat- son, Esq., Of FayettvUle, in. y.. it is Insanity in the United States Dr W. E. Sylvester, in the Alienist, Twenty years ago the number of in- wrrn not of as fiue crades as we found on the Winston market, nor prices as l.itrh. vet thev were close up, and con- ewUiMnr. iho otirinL' and the crude o""-' )-. o manner of handling, were, as they de- sorvpd to be. satisfactory to the lar i - Rn-lisburv has two tobacco lltv.10. warehouses; besides the one bctore named there is the Kluttz house, run jliPjfcv - lrSI?llUi''U,1 Tiro Colored Preachers Bring Suit for Damages. Afnr 27 Rev. P. H. A. Braxton and Harvey Johnston, two J j ; A i I I A 1 1 yesterday, instructed their counsel to bring shit against the IS orf oik r erry Company, of Norfolk, Va., for infringe ment on their rights as citizens. The S750.0OO. RUODfcS BUOWNE, I I'rest, HA n v frit. nils pnioved who've none beforo Where sOon with them I. hope to be ever blessed. -Where thrives no pain. SiJi-rmv. fiicknes8 or death. ftiif iLiiil neaee and health remain. And life in eternal beauty doth bloom forth; Aad where forever The heavenly host in white VM1 rntK the elvsian fields tosether. 'With ever increasing joy awl new uejigui r y 1 a. i L-arolina is tauen : r Cquxties. Feet Board Measure. 283,000.000 , 141,000,000 448,000,000 North Carolina Pines. -If BDWiAR u. rf 'Mk Aft -- i. -v IWrttten for the Manufacturers' Record. In vbur issue of May 9th you fe " I - a J r v . I print a paragraph Jroni the Chathamr (N WHEN YOU WANT! IllARnwIfiRS. 'p LOW FtGTJRES .Nj . .j - li. Al ATWfELL. nW..fw;tlia sSa.risrellThresh Ulinrr . n j .. ... ' J ..' i , -19 v., 4 uue ni.n it. Bladen .. Brunswkk. . Chatham. . . Columbns. . Cumbeijand Duplin. U. Itaraet., Johnson Moore..5.. .. ..... New IlanoTer., . . Onslow.;. . Kobeson . . Sampson. . Wake "Wayne . . . ss onn nno ..h06,000,000 21,000,000 .480,000,000 ; 063,000,000 ..504,000,000 06,000,000 .A OOA OftO ...1 8tfl, 000,000 ,...,GO2,000,000 48,000,000 ... 40,000,000 suit grew out of a difficulty which oc purred last Sunday. The two divines nffndinor the conference at or- neaiiy 150 per cent., while that ot the president, and I. H . Foust, f0lk, and were both engaged to preach : j..!-..! r.Annl-.inn wns about lb. lliese I " 1 , . .. .1 . . mi i.i ai wwl "'"rr t wish er, and jjavw aim i-- ...... f n .i iiPivsnnners the I . i . 1 increase, but during tins jenod targe v - " - j. B- .7 "".r..J. nmUr n. msanfi nersons previously .. . ,, eave tne cauiu, mtu II L1JJLX I - A . "I V" . .. , I llO ail. I OCT 111 f lMI'-i I . wprp brought to vjublic no- uer as. en nor, n. . 1 :. nnlv " Refusinir. thev were LIIULCatLU ...- O -'I . I . . r,. . I T ... I . I 111 I . V I HUIkV - U' tice by more thorough investa, , tUo f.r 7l . ntdU pat ashore and arrested. TI WM. C. COABT, T t SecrCUiir Twenty-sixth Annual Statement Januabt 11SS5. ! 1 ' " $300,0000 , S4,(HN0 1U7 W . IT41.3H0 39 SCHEDULE OF ASSETS: i arked ufor Casli in XaUonal Bank.... 104 0 i; . j UasU In hands of Agents . ., 11, j f lt,84 M LIABILITIES, t'aBh CaplUl - ..... tlnad ju.sted 1ishcs Iteserve for Ke-lnsurance and all outer I I, Uablllllett, 1 yet Surplu-s-... ordered to United States Registered Bonds. State and Municipal Bonds oiaie, uci i.s - . , arr. The sheriff li 1 1 , t W 1 f 2-J - I - . . I L 1 l.n a kMrAll I Al 1 I T IT I I. TLX I II II XZ IA1VL C a V. wr v T. a m.arf frnm several lartre n n er the control i u..; u - r T ;, , i. PWttM,tt",,V 111 .iiicivcM .i""- Vi. Ci xl loon A A vp us iicil' V ha i walked them tWO miles inrougu viie raiu i xaUonal Bans stocks county asylums, there are eighty State tor since I80J 4b jeaia, ne.u ly nan waiKea in j, ? Manufacturing cuuumt . ' . ... ... .. iiii .,,1,1 t ip hhtftmincr. MrJ ti1 miid-tn a maffistrate, who dLsmiss w,u. ., - i i uuu i uini r K;ai 1 has some UUllliKT iwj """1 - - o . , . I stttntions tor the -i i-pnturv : and ami J-wii'j' f"'" I - nil .. L. . nvnnn. tlH1- IT T LJ . n BY T. K. BRUNEI. Total. tion of insane is greatest in INew Eng land, while the increase has been most rapid'in the Western States. In the State of New York there are thirty five institutions for the care of these unfor- ,eBU,.u.u . ...i-: : r-- tnte rjoeple, accommodating ll,. gomery and other coiint.es. J it is said that there are The statistics of the lumber nidus- n3"f nr llt home. 5.229.000,000 This estimate may; be increased by the addition of the J forests of Mout- . iu - Tcohq wifh n nrnrver earn- t T Sipwnrt cIitor. one care ul tiic iuou., .".v i';r -- io. - 1 . tn 1V11 Knf iniifninuicr nc I... I.iot. linncS. stores. SllOPS, J.C 53 102, thus leaving probably 45,000 to abrogating a population ot about i ' j - ,.l,.-..Kr- TIia nrnr.nr-1 r .i-v l-- "orf i f i it ui .. -' .-'--' -r '-vi ii UC t-clitvi v..v--- x . OiUW. r I 1 Salisbury is by no means a iinisnu., town, there being talk oi son wu ' a aft I . .. I..i It", i ! .i.uiir i .finer, ueniucs 171,400 00 51,097 M uMooeo 114,73S00 ... . - M unu iiiu w 1 I pthof Local siocks ,vw it. l,nr,r0 nfflienrderlv conduct nerfer- I hfial Estate .unincumbered city property) ttTIT b . ,i m :i ,1, Loans. secured by ftn.tniqrtjaje........ red iitTiiiii.1' Liivin. j ntocks J tu llT x ages, and will be triedT3efore the U. S. I court; Total Assets, $741,340 32 '""i"!'" r r . I . "T - rs.1 . i ..:. I 1 4- tHHl nroviaea xur uu uviuc. -l r .1 ...i.:t, etni.c in iio i f i v nt t iu; rotate, as snown in me vcu- i l. K.ILllCVUI I, IllliVU ouiiw mav inv, y- : . ... . - ' I . I . ' .If ... ........ 1. vt . rr r.. -rest of Avhite pines in JNortlf sus, wiiuouii uimiucu.mi u.tw araaa A It A 1. i.. iJt . t n .mo m Nnrtlr it. without-; Utsiineiuui ueiwecii mt- Carolii a.east of the Blue Ridge moun- various kinds of woods, develops some i ' . - . - . 1 1 n I . . f xr .. ., v IV a n ri In n I h II i. -ir. I'l.ntiiim ..nimttr." tr.t. i inieresiiiiir mui ra. : an, Premier Gladstone's Wife. - . . .1 f i : .1 lams. IS . in vuamaui vwwi.ij, w o - o . . , . i -r (j nHstnne IS accuseuui wiui; jwi- This ,Xrarranh has been called to my Ihere are 736 establishments )v.tla M- , t .fc is not al. attentiSn Several times, and it seems, capital of 1,743 217 invested. Un that on all festivals- from carelessness m reading, or irom au ayrragu yc i wnether at an artists DreaKiast a genefar ignorance of the species of d red and odd persons are employed ca. Mrs; Gladstone is pine, the article has been misuuder- annually. The value of materials, in- always at his side, as was the case with stood and perverted into meaning that eluding logs anr mil supplies MrsDisraeli. and her lord. Though - I - . . -- . i. i- OI R 7 7 1K1 ti-In In i t m tn- . i. Ann L-mH I r pine was exceedingly scarce in ine ainnuius m I w ,i not handsome, sueuma ""h o.-i. TI - ? tfil vnlne of ail uroducU-assresatcs-'l n 1 i.m of mn presence, and has exer- we A finnn T i.t.ttstr atio n . -The Evant e lie. S.m .Tf.nes. who is how stirring up Ik tin" a lull i y P',iM-' i hok --. .,, , , r imiiii y i . .itpmnla- rV,.. nnle nf Nashville, and who recent- 7to sum ly he t w w h water d same thing for Knoxville, tion to suPly" " nilMM,, A -1 tKe latter place made the fol- hv a system oi www n"... : . . Mountain, 6, i. -- f -.7 !who had been tattling went range extending nun. , ; , f .md do penance. Davidson counties. , b:,sketful of thistle down," said ..a iin in ii i :i i i. . Uiun ii.nfc " , J. ALLEN BUOWNi Agt. Salisbury, N. C. Marcti i, I8f5.. s. !- I SOMETHING NEW! i I jc-LAMP CIIIMXEV3gEl ' that will not break by heat, lor nale at ENNISS'- DIAMOND DYES All color ym xer. to Creditors ! jgPaiuel Cl.aiabers.decd, aie QfltitiKil t. vl;i.: .i.V. .j- . K'd Oa or .lofnrfi t!. same to the. lil iTb ri 4;if ?r Ooti " illbo pleaded jtmhjii 1st, ' 24 fi ' vyat-i t wouaii. au ta:r. Of course, the Record only meant to remar!; on the existence ot ajorest oi white pine,, pinus s.ro6u,) on tho banks of the llockv river, in Chatham county lit is an interesting fact to know that this species, wiucn peiongs to flie colder clitnales of the North, is to be found in that locality. New foundland, the north shores of the Gnlf of St. Iawrence, and southward throujli the Northern States iu liinUeiavc;thery ow aWage of six m 2,G72,796. cis5 great influence over him all HMio pwt;n;i.pd ftmistinintion of wood I i;fe 4iLet me ask Lathan- for domestic purposes in the State is ue" was a constant saying of his betore 7,434,690 cords', which is worth $9,- deciding on important political ques- 019,569. j y I tion. She has great sagacity and dis- These look! like enormous figures cretioh. Many -ladies and gentlemen for thesingleiicmpf woml, but iaking 0f remarkable astuteness m tlieir own the population at a million and a half, estimation have endeavored in vain to u 1 .... . !-.... :. i i frm her the faintest inkling of ami tne woou coiisHiuiiuiuu m iv.nnu -lcuJl nv... . - . - - I:-! L.:n:. r ?i;.ii.. nvents and her aplomb is as re- . . .. - i J. r -.lrnlda ns her discretion. The young ineti nave a w-. - - d Q ttejf them she did a. exactly oi. the order of the lw.n-C. ty returnedi tlling him Club of this city, .with reception, jne whftt else she must do. reading and billiard ajartnieiits, num them all up ag-am, was hw berin about fifty members. 1 lirough Thij ghe tol(1 ium was jmpossir the "ourtesyof Postmaster lla.nsay ble aid he, "so is it imnossible f or you ,w . I . .1... 'li.K Kill . , if IL. r, .1 .1 I DON'T FORGET to call for Seed of all kind, at " " ENNISS TO THE LADIES: f Call anl see the Flower Pt at 1 ; enxiss:. .i A .. ln f!Iiih and nun iiiii:ii iu v-. found tlC rooms splendidly Wtednp . .. iw..., vo mpL verv au and tne m"'0 y , . , . . i :...iir iinind oi. their club. uie aim uai v i t. i I n (he wav oi iioicic-, .v. v i uiuutijc - " , T o..Se -r tl.. .l.w. V. K. Ab- then-no good and m.y do others are- hot late oi IJoston, aiass., Piw.wW.. parage ..j- This House, miner mc m.. , mcnt, ha. teccdly been refitted, and WJ in the center of town, ay a f- ... a r I w-w an ii ii Lfrom the din or raunwu v-, new furniture and excellent dations in every department is re-ct-iving, as it Reserves, a large patrou- GIVEN AWAY! Die. OUIU ir, sjv r . - u nnipmls for the scandal you U maivc . ' . -iU ! 1 r IT I U U.II ri M-IIHI.il have sown 7iuu i n . vjava-a m. generally. ; How then can any one, w u a GE1nJlNErGardea Seeds M his any respect for himself or herself, IXm u f; ; n. , tn i.ii: .,1,;1. .n lnl . -- Tn-.'. vhrih hff indulge m wue . "'r.rT persons Jr :rv: i U .riven 10 -papers of fnsh jzarden teeda r i At ' Drug & Sced$tore.r fy ' y 1 y -i MY CU1LDKEK DO KOIIIV; Thev have sw h a changrnble cnjoi- Jt j f inw nrcurs to me :r- . niovplnnd annlied to several of Mahone's: postmasters, yesterday, tbe , i rpn. that can be recommend- nesb nxrrtviA"-"- . . . m. : n.i4i.ni! nrirt lamp nore ji VLi-mifufye. y il U-a 1 O . 1 I': .- . ' : . .. l i . . ' - .H-y-r . -:y. - -..Sr. St y-y!- U if t: li-sJi-Uj-:; ! , VM S -, y..--- - . - . r . - 5: : , - y,;.j-. r . - - :: . . . - - - ' . ----,.:y. - I i - y- - .! .--. y -ty-l-rt:,y:-l;.t i ry.;y - .:r...-;:W;f:-v:- :' :: -iv - r ' 1 iV:'; Mj' :'yy'-y yV, Vi'A riy -yv, . v. yn : -y." -.-r-y- I ;y: f.: '-y- -.1 .:- -,y y . -.1 1 . ' !.:-,.; v .;-.' i ; -V-,y -A . :- v. '-.' . y , ic '- -y-.r