- - it V.: i I -, . ' - t T t i 1 i - . v i-. h "t. i . - : - - V " I- :'J -i -a. . ' v .: . x- - - a W 'IX -4i 1 . f. :; - Carolina Watchman. 1S35? -'t-it.M Xewton cor- OTUE ItlSVJSXUE OF fan th sf atment of a f'nf the Cliarlotti Observer, fcaMr Via ; located at Newton GoU Vance and Senator Rinsom bothUod the men whose pajitioni ex the claims of Maj. Dowd Lnd A . H. Uollector- Williams, candidates for tho Collectoi hjj. J ye lfaye no objection to urge - Newton. Bob Bost keeps a ood a Hjtl therea whole-sou good fel low as erer rung a dinner j bell. But jiehas no telephones, gongs, br foolish-, nes4 pf i that sort to tickle tiny body's yaityt though everything olse neces parjf for real comfort. . i Kewton is j nst a3 accessit le by rail rqads and good- country roads as any point yet named tor the office. And we are sure there is not a county in the district more' political! or physi cally ; healthy ! Democracy spreads it- gelf in Catawba like a great tree, by the .rivers of water, whose leaves are fori ithe healing of the natic ns and in whcLe branches the birds of heaven have their habitation. Let the oflice go Catawba by at means. - vr -9' " POST OFFICE CHANGES, Hon. John-. Henderson has been no- tifle4 of two changes in thab county to wit: j v ; At WooodKif P. O. J. Hi Rice lias baenl appointed Postmaster.- . At Heilig's Mills, Uriah E Miller has een restored to the office of Post- master, vice thnstopher ball removed. vye must conress some gatihcation at this last appointment for the reason that prominent republicans of the coun ty took a very active part in securing the removal of Mr. Miller for party purposes. - Mr. Miller refused to vote- iththem, and they forthwith got up a petition in October last for his. re moval. The names of the s.igners to this petition haVe been publisl ed, among hem, we are sorry to say, I was the nam4 of our clever P. M. iu Salisbury, ; I B. Rinisay, and our. other clever townsmen, John A. Boyden, G..- A. Uingijam, John J. Stewart, ic. They were jecessiyely hot against Ihp 'bour l?onH ticket about that time,, and thought, perhaps, that they could co erce political favor at Heilig's jMijls for $eL republicans, where thens' was, in act, 0nly one or two white iaen,at all f; (disposed to show that party" ,hy favor whatever.; It was a bad Uck iat a bad . time I that did them no goodL and the .restoration under the circumstances - ft just what might Jiave been expected. Wh tirns:nVi nt nffii fic&kers - at IT. I Wwrrpfi a vrilRT.Anrs- ,T? ATra nv Tv- Washingtpn'ig Inscribed af awful and crease. The 2Jew , York Timks ' Very on the' increase.. Thev are pouring in from all directions and f especially from the South Korth; Carolina' and Virginia conspicuously. 1 The President an4 xis Cabinet can do nothing but spa fiTid hpttr ttnnlianta for office have done little else since theUth of March., pose tneni to sucn a terriDie strain. Fifty millions of the people quietly following their usual business pursuits at home,; may have then highest inter ests jeopardized by a crowd of hungry office, seekers besetting,; worrying and hindering an officer whose; time is precious, and who onlyasks"to be let alone to work out the great reform the people demand. Is there no remedy for such an evil! 1 " - - j Ex-Auditor of the U. S. Treasury, R. M. Reynolds, was killed at St: Louis, June 2d, at the Southern Hotel. It is iii doubt whether, he committed suicide or came to his, death by ac cident.. There is. an .air, shaft . in. the hotel which -cut3 through the several floors. Mr. Reynolds was rooming on the 3d floor, and defter a careful oilet in the morning, either jumped orfell down the air shaft. He j was picked up dead. It is alledged that there was no cause for suicide and that the fata) plunge must have . been the result of some acccident, iasa fit 'of vertigo, to which he was subject. . - V t - -Cyclone. The Charlotte Observer le porU quita a. destructive" cvcloue in Mecklenburg county, .Wednesday of last week, it be&ttn in JTieel township, and prossed ho Carolina Central K, B. near Matthew's StiJtion, destroriug houses, fences, and trees, making a clean swept track. Jolrn McDowell, John Poiter, Cyrns Wolfe, K. B. Hunter, John Kan doljh, Walter Pharr, Edgnr. Walker, Mr. M. Wolfe, Elam Bryce, and others, were all sufferers, - some. hear jly and others not so much. No lives were lost. Trees not blown down were peeled and torn; and timber, and household articles blown nwpy, were found a mile, away from the place from whence' they started. The general direction of the storm was about the same ns. those of last year, effectually explodes .the Rev. R.i H. AI- leri'a figures . in 'respect to the - extraor- diiiary and raid increase of the negroes th is country," by whicjb?Yt ' Was esti mated that inj 100 years from n?w fhe relative numhers6f the two races would stand-slacks 192,006,000,whites dG,000,pOarhe' Times tries thi ques tion by several rules, but this, we.think, is conclusive, to wit: " r "It is not difficult to find out just what the rate of iijici ease for each nice has lieen since our first census was taken. The average decennial rate of increase for the white people for the five decennial periods beginning iu J790 and endi'ig in 1840 was very nearly tJa per cent., while the "corresponding Hverage rate for Ithe colored race, was only 30J per cent. The white rato for each of the two following decades was more, than 27 petO cent.,, vvlule the rate for the blacks was 26 for xie of the decades and only 22 for the other; The inter for thedouble decade ending in 18SCJ have alreadjr been gryen --wbite, 6J; co!ored,48. The Siime gener al teudtnicr can be shown in auotlier wav. In 1790 the colored people were 19.27 per txtiit vi ihc hiuhc ; jKipuinuon, aim Hie whites were 80.73 per cent. This proper lion was substantial v maintaired until 1820, when tile colored people legan to steadily advauce. In J,8(?0 the whiter wefe viuv yi inn . iiuio uuu nit) tui" tired peonle oilv 14.13 Der cent. Omit- ting the uutrustwui thy census of 1870, we coiuo to the tyst census, which slews' that tne whites were theu bb.54 per cent, and the .colored people only 13. 12 per cent, i These figures effectuajy dispose if sen r satioiial statements like those made by Dr. Allcu. ' AVusbingrtou .IiCttcr j TM riitsbbro Home having ventured some suggestjous with refereute to. the copo,;deiigns and end of the Agricultur- al department, with jei haps some allu sion to failures on the part of the Coiu- mbioaer, received notice shorl ly after wards thsit his paper was no lou ;er wan fed at ilie depiirtment. ' - ' ' , Th Fariiicr and Mechanic was also dis continued but for alledged lack f funds, o ls was the Carolina Wahman, for the sa me reason, Which, it Innt be 4mjtfed. is creditable under al! iircum Unce8i We never hesitate about stop- wueu me subscriber says ' ois to"liard tip'Vto iay for it. i If the land -of theAgticultural Department aie exnausttu, (and Commissioner McGheo . pal?tt know,) then it should cme un der tjje same com mop 8ense r ile and irurtaU xpensesi We have helped the De- :: artnait to cftrrynt the public krork to which if 4s devoted by publishing various articles issued by it, selecting such of Jhra paj seenied ke)y to inte rest or benefit our readers j and shall iontiuue iu uo mas jusi as heretofore, fop the same -f-easou Another great fa6t comes out to be given practical force in the commer cial progress and prosperity of the world, in the discovery- that petroleum is far preferable to coal for the, propulsion of d;ean steamers, the difference being as six to one. Coal is superior to wood, and petroleum, with the difference. as indicated above, must tend to increase its value, notwithstanding its great abundance, The Ocean House, at Morehead City, C, with Dr. Wm. H. HoVerton as manager, will contest for pleasure and Khealth seekers' this Summer. Persons who have never looked out on the broad ocean tnever felt a sea breeze- nor glided over the water in a boat- never pulled w big fish out of the water, nor walked on shores paved with shells would, enjoy a season at the Ocean Home, Jone s Trumpet. Infinite viriAtv i the law, of the universe, there being no f wo places or things alike. W. : nt,a "urnpet ; Jones delights in one. never cqul4 blow tlje thing j Jones blows With ease, He is fond of it; yveare no it pays him; it mi-ht V..P5 li W8 Charlotte, ii mignt rum Salisbury. JJut jdid blowmmake,Charlotte or ! Char lotte make the blowimr! Tbeimrm, U 4 her prosperity are -not 1 jo-eval. charlotte had the start - bv several was in vigorous hpaH.b sSflBSWre'giant before Jones ijl --commenced tnnf in v i ii . . : - i nayp neara PJ the ny on the wheel. And viifK , - - " rcattuse tor flies, and the! i wuulHi ue incomplete without inei buzzing none the lesj. Jones, blow. - V ' N-"" years, fehe en. mm. R. Terry, fatherly the ypnng; man who. recently shot and frginia, world them, Blow, Kiughts of the f5 ; killed Thomas A. Jeten in' -&:--..y:JL.i nV , - ro"jr,""- '5umcii nuie, wiio mar ; W .:iangea ior it by a moi havJ Ponynit suicide, his heir , .... money n paia the 6oCltty' in but not the sum provided n tfir a m case no had died m tome other way. i: ng beenjfor some time in a precarious v- jjouuiuoa ox ueaiKn,-nas Been kept in : C.J Jgnoriiiceof t the trouble in respect to i ; hia son but Tbis condition U now spoken o aa hopeful, and great care is . i taken not' to burden him with -i President Cleveland has written to President Battle tljat the exacting duties of his office -will prevent his ac ceptance of the invitation to attejjdthe Commencement at Chapil Hilt; Poor man, he cannot escape f rom the army of office seekers who i swaraj about Wynmgton like sp rnanv tormenting flies.- ' A l lie work of removing partizab office holdouts and superuumerarie goes On steadily but firmly. Cleveland is pick ing efr his gaine with a j-ifle takes 'era one at a time ; but it takes all the ruemr bei s of his Cabinet and a few members of Congress besides to keen Lis cuns loaded and ready. He will not use a Catling gunj for rea'sons all his own war, so there U no use in talkingabout it. ,Tiie Greensboro, Patriot says; "Whv not esblish a cucumber pickle faetorv ip Greensboro?" Sure enotio-b. Tht small industries t are tlje sources of wealth and prosperity elsewhere. Whv not mnke theni so here ! They require no great amount of capital dnly in telligence and industry. i A PHosrHORESCEXT Worm. Mr. John D.;Moorexofi Capo Fear township, has 8e nt Xo tue liccords museum a phospho rescent wonn, that is somewhat like the ordinary grub-worm, but when placed in the daik it is covered with circles that glitter briglitly, and is beautiful to bc held. Chatljam lit cord. Jqst such a worm was found in this vicinity iu 1833 or '39 and giveu to Dr. Pleasant Henderson, who kept it for some time in a small glass globe on his mantle, aud used it to find his match box. jit may not be generally known that wo havetheglow worm in this part ofthe State a small dark colored worn emitting a single spark of light a constant glow. ItUH not seen every year uor at all times of tho summer in any year: but only un der pertain conditions of tho weather aud M places thought to bo peculiarly favor able1 for it. Watchman. :!-- I iMr, Malloy who has traveled cousider-aUIef-during tho past week over the northern part of the county reports fine prospects for a tobacco crop. Ho also iujforms us that the peach aud apple crop iu the vicinityj of Crab Tree will be large notwithstanding the lato frost. Way nesvUo AVirs. j iMr l. L. Sinathers is erecting a .fine Dlfclc building at Pigeou Valley to be used for merchantilo purposes. A num ber of other buildingsivill be put up this season and the little villasro seems to hayei caught the spirit ot enterprise which is now jarousiug all of Western North Carolina. 76. Wo are pained to loarn that Miss Florence, second daughter of Col, Irby is seriously ill with what is believed to be diphtheria. Bakersville Democrat. Mr. i Austin Parker, brotheHH-law ot Mrl KM. Payne, ofour city, died this moiuing. at 2 'o'clock, of consumption. He; had been sick for somo time. His funeral will take place at Mr. Payne's residence 'tomorrow evening at 2 o'clock. Services j;ouel tided at the grave Tictn Au Old Axe.Mr. Thomas Brewer, of I sence sua1 1)2 subtracted from the'thir- i. -1- i' a i i i i ? tFTooa Oar ReguUr Correspondent. WAniXuTox,i. C; May 30, 1883. : Sincel last wrote you a change has eomeoyer the bright illusion of official security, in tie breasts of a large num ber of Republican office holders. There have been numerous dismissals during the past week, and nine tenths'of those who remain see ever before them the Damocles sword l iaised uy our turn next." The dismissals have been chief ly for offensive partizanship and also for dishonesty, insobriety, and general unfitness, fh I . , , i p-M.IVU JO beginning to know tts ground, get its naauin, ana to, overcome jts native bashfulness. It will fearn more day by day, and the rascals will go. and . go with accelerated velocity). 4 - The recensly appointed chiefs of Bu reau to whose attention cases of suspect ed wrong doing has been brought, feel themselves handicapped by the Rep ub lican clerks who are subordinate to them, but upon whom they cannot depend for co-operation. ,When papers are refer red to these clerks for investigation and report, they.e place iii possession of the movements' of the enemy, and they are quick to take advantage of their cbnfidehtiarpsition and to play the traitor by Informing interested parties outside the departments that an inves tigation threaten s.1 It is not difficult to see how -valuable arid important such information is to the old rings and ring-sters- that have had and still have this underground wire and back stairs con nection with the Treasury and other Government departments Clerks who have been in collusion, and actually in guilty partnership with claimants and others dealing with the Government, obtain the earliest information of pro- J.J.:. l:. l' - -f v - nri , yuseu mvesugauons, ana are enaoiea to cuvcr up suspicious, appearances ana forewarn their outside accomplices. .. Ths disal vantage of Democratic of ficials is that - thev stand solitnrv and helpless - nt the heads of! their depart ments with no subordinate whom thev can trust. They are in the condition of a General whose armv is treachemnslv servile and whose sentinels are collea gues of the nemy. The new Admin istration will never recover tho Hnlv Cross of political purity at the head of a nost ot itepubncan mndels. The discharges for offensive partizan- snip during tne past week have been chiefly from Post Offices, and a majori ty of them have been in Virginia, but every day witnesses a number of dis- 1 n i -w-v cnarges irom tae departments here in this city. Thev consist chieflv of rhos clerks who were absent from their desks during the late campaign, making speeches for Blaine, organizing Repub lican ciuds, ana aoing other campaign work while drawing nav as clerks. This rule of offensive partizanship, if impar tially applied, will slay its thousands. A Government clerk has no more busi ness to be an active partizan, than a bank clerk, or a hod carrier. He is em ployed to do certain clerical work, and he should do that work not as a Re publican or Democrat. 'but as a rWV. r When he neglects to do the work he should be as peremptorily discharged. us uo wouia De ii ne were a cierK m any private business house. Apart from diseharcres anrl rumors nf aiscnarges, clerical lite m the immense Counting House of. Uncle Sam is not what it used to be. There is morn work. less play, and better health. The Re publican employe has a gloomy, care worn face, but he is keeinc better honre. and bringing forth fruit meet for repen tance. Officers that have been for vpars in arrears with their work are now up to date. Since It has bften ?ivfn ont that protracted absence from sir.knpas shall be without pay, and that any ab- 'NOTICE f GO. to 3Irs.x James M. Furcron's to get Gentleinenand Ladies clothing made. Satisfaction- guaranteed, Will also keep boarding house, .. ltesidence southeast end of Inniss Street. . . - I Salbbury, Xi.C4 June 2d 1883. j 33:p.4t. Take' ItoiiceillS ot j. i. liaslall, and will take orders for repairing Stoves, Fire backs. Grates, Dampers, euI for every Stove In tne United States. Patching ana mendlnfr, aU work done in the neatest style. No matter bow badly your Store is broken or worn, I can make it as good as new Work done at your home. -1 Boat worry over that stove but .send for me hud have it fixed at once. . JOHN A. MUKFUY. Salisbury, June ilh, 1SS5. t 33:ln Administrator's Notice Haying qualified MAdmimstrator of the estate of C. J. Miller deceased, I hereby give notice to all persons who have claims against the estate of said C. J, Wilier to present the same to me property authenti cated within one year from this; date, or this! notice will be plead in bar pf their recovery. All persons indebted ji to the estate of said C. JMiller, are requested to make immediate payment to me. , S. H. WILEY. Adm'r. of , - C. J. Miller dee'd. Salisbury, N. C. June 1st, 'S5., - 83:6t. To Tie farmers W-1 Pook' founder of the Deaf. Dumb and Blind institution in Raleigh. and of which he was for sixteen years wie pnncipal, is dead. He wo5 74 years old. i Hislife. with the excftntion few of his latter vears. was dvnt fr. the -relief of" the unfortunate eaf, dumb and blind. . According to a recent deHinn' Pity Court of Savaunah. Gal. a .hp.. of a bencficiarjr societ j, as tor 'instance the Rule, who mar Ihe Balsam fir tree of , OI inis tate is said to be spiers did material for the . mannfacture cf knowledge, of that most .unfp lunate UTalp nW T ' "f f ?- . : , . ' . I - - ' ' - . , - - - x - Oakland township, has nn old broad nxe that was left at Lockvillo during the Bevolutiouary war by the army of Lord Cornwall's. ItJuis stamped on it the royal aifiis of Kini Ci Offll Tt' O A filial I Mr.I3rcwoi's grandfather. It will bo re- meinbered that after tho battle of Guil ford; Court House the Irtish armv was encamped for two or three days," in the alter part of, March, 1781, at the nlace then known as iRamsey' Mill, but now called Lockville.f-CAnrtrtw Record. TJiey are liavjng a livelv time over iu Danville Tho iefibrt is Im urnj Mr. Wheeler, their present Post master, out and nut some oue else in. Mr. Wheeler says lio wmi't and those opposed say he sliall. He has been. Post master for 18 years' mid wr iliha- it 4a time! Rome one: tIad tlwmlil 1.,r plac if there is anyone else there who dould fill the place aud we, belie vq there is. Twin- City, I c . A j Valtiablo .Paten(,-Mcssrs. James K. Hard wick and E. J5. Welles, of Madi- 80l, j "ve obtained letters patent for a tobacco drier whiclMs donbtless destined to pipve of immense benefit to the tobue co growers of this and other sections. It is a iheat legnlating attachment for the flues and iu the curing of tobacco. The object of ; tljis iuyeution is not only Jo save; tjme, labor ami expense iu curing tobacjeo, but to insure- uniform coloi thereto aud to prevent sweating and spottiug as well as to cure out stalls and stems. Ashtville Citizen. i A ' ' v - ' o A Prize Worth! Winning.Div Robert 5, lqniis of this town carried off the prize, at the Medical Convention, which met n Dnrluvn last week for the best professional essay read before the Con vention. ; The prize was a case of Surgi cal Instrupieuta jwhich, cost 50 dollars, n e cmugratu)te our young friend on his Ruccejs8r the result bf hard study, and closoippbeation ,tp professional dutv. Concord EtgUtaf, r - Tlie CongTegaiiqnal Meeting. Last Friday... night the Cqpgregation of tlie Presbjrteriau church heht their annual tongM-satioual meeting. The Reports of thtv tldeihip, board of Deacons, and oi. Dcnuiii. .hupenncejifleut, weie tv days vacation allowed each clerk, mere nas Deen a remarkable decline of sham sickness. fcilr'I have on sale at prices and terms to suit the times, viz : l The celebrated Morgan " New Clipper" SEYMOUR MOWERS j-narantced to give satisfaction or no sale. ! The Newark Machine Company's! Improved Horse Rakes,1 Straw Cutters and Grain Drills, superior to any ever brought"to Rowan. PIEDMONT WAGONS, BUGGIES, of the very best makers at surprisingly low prices. f" The Wagons, Mowers, Rakes, and Grain Drills can be sold on long! time if purchasers so desire. I gSTTrlumph Reapers and Self-Bindera, sold this year only on orders, but at prices astonishingly low. J. A. BOYDEN. Salisbury, June 4th, 1885. Good taarusm emn nab (G.C8 to $3.00 per dny m. Tasiinj (or th (ti "oomln j" SodEeni monthly 20 Per Cent Prsfit. HcuUr pric, J.00prr j-ear; will esd I jjcoplc li tnosilu 'a rveeipt ' at fS.CflL . c s- t - SO cuU nd. Aadm. "SOUTHERN BIVOUAC," B. F. Arery & 9ons, Louisville, Ky. Mr. T. C. A., of Atlanta, desires to sav that "I have been a constant sufferer with G. andG. for over two vcars: have! failed to secure relief from any source until I ob- tamed ivincii, two bottles of which effect ed an entire cure without any loss of time, change of diet or the use of any internal medicine." . ' KLTTZ- & v Bwliich gtrarrantee satisfaction toal! h.L- -firing ia joWWool ekrlj aril have it made into Codsr, :Ui - A- -M I , . My 12y 1885. 30:2m f Jni ! i . - j i U Mm h im 11 - r t t ............ ; ; . i- v , THE SENIOR MEMBER OP OUR FlRv lias for fburtden years made thnl npnLir:" pleofPMna-speoW&SrgS he has not. sonn nr lioor.l f o :i: for Tobacco, that has given as general ff0odr S and satisfaction in all respects as the YeiloS Brand: It is prepared after our own fbrmu by the m0st reliable manufacturers in Baltiffl ttLJ S4ujtuu ujcj stanaara tnis yeafin) onnnl ir nlnT k. I i t J ' .1 ?ai1 V. Huai tw "b uus ever ceen 'prepared lif , juut ii; speaii ior liseil. - indViriS aSGntS 8eeCCrtifiCatC8fr0m tToWcogrowil Salisbury, N. C. ( 25:2m . ' Li - I vai ma u : ATTENTION, GOOD ATTENTION, Of Steeled and! surrounding townships! HayMg been witji and among you for the past two years, ilbave stnddied your intei csts and necessities and can assure you that mv General Stock of Merchandise is always i - . ' ? compieic ana up 10 your wauis in every particular, and uiy ROCK BOTTOM PRICES will compare favorably with Salisbury, Con cord or Mdbrcsv511e, and respectfully asU your favors to convince you that I mean business. My stock consists in i v ' Ladies' Dress Goocb and Trimmings, Cloaks, Shawls, Hats, &c. Beady Made Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes for lLadies,-Gnts, Misses, Boys and children, and wan anted to oive satis faction. Also a line of Pure Family Gro ceries, such as pure Sugar, the best Coffee. the best- Chewing ana omening tobacco, Snuff, and (as our Representative said) the best Cigar outshje of Salisbury. 3 V BLACKMER, ;N. C. m Mv Hardware I in? Plow.i,nv4.ic iv-:-. : "rrw Wto points, Nai Is; 6od?, VJi Mule shoes. Well kd w Z ?t&'K Also a Sood Hnp of ;Sadd!w BridpSfi und Gearing. st receiveCTfS Clocks,. Stone, Glass and Th wEf factl keep everything usably fedn.1 sEEl 1-lllCO ctnrn :...:n . . . - ..-- ....uu Bm make it to vourdttt tage to come and seft hfe I take great pleasure in riiowL' and in crivinir a I fi. :x...l. -V'-SPS to my customers. Mr s mi ...J ot fin and Glasjj warerecompleu4n mg out rapidly? 1 5 " rJ Remember I rerpivA nr,i LJ..C cvr y man irom, tne best housoaW will pav tire highest mark ft. rL u... - - . ... i.im nil ti.1 iiung jou nave lor eak- bom a ihidats u oaie oi coit RpunwffnH-: iri rj.mwm iuiiitu.10, JOiSO -o'U TIT A "rVT'Ti'S'T ? Active aivd iWTEtr.iGEarT agents ia wtin W AtlJLj? nud oonuty to sell oar PUi'ULAU NEW BOOKS tad IkXlLl Bli.LE-i. .Imioters. tcaeueT't ivn-l o'.Leis, whose time i not fully occupid, find itto.tbeiruitntir " to c.jvresponil viJ us. Tofiiimvrs'iionBtinl other youii xn-n just corainn'tbe fltlJ of Mtiop, thil i bn:noM Q$et mtriv ;u! viiact . both nn ineum of mnWrnar money and of -lf coltnre. WritfoTail " vfermato B. Y. JOrJIVSOX b CO., 1,013 Main Street, BlclUBMd, T. One bottle of B.B. blood. B. will purify, yonr SEND YOUR WOOL TO THE i Saftiry Woolen Ills THIS NEWr FACTORY Is now in operation and facilities for man- and Shoes, ikats, Clothing, Con- ALL ENTIRELY New & Fresh ! J. S. McOUBBINS, Sr., Will continue (he business at the Old Stand, having clytd out all the old stock. His present stoc is Entirely New, and will be offered on reasonable terms for Cash, Barter, or first-clnss Mortgages. Those who could not pay" all their mort ?aiic8 last year may renew, if papers are satisfactory and lippliance is made at once. HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF Dry Goodd, Groceries, Boots NOT STRANGE BU T TuUE. Worms do exist in the human body ud are often the cause of disease and death. Shriner's Indian Vermifuge will destroy and expel them from the system. , - NEW ST0R 1 - .lt;J bo report vcre x:rdinsb' grati fying i'),o HiVdi U to H . rrv luMViv l-utuiu' co.rdiiiut.. lb. j " - AVirsu U0U2ht oui the Urocerv Ilo- partment of J. D. McNecly, I intend conducting a First .Class I u GROCERY STORE. My stock will consist of SUGAR, COFFEE, BACON, LARDj : FISH, Molasses, FLOUR, Butter, Chickens, Eggs, &c. Also, Candies, Fruits, Nuts, Craykers ifcc,- in fact, I in tend keeping everything usually kept in the Grocery. &nd provision line; and by (dose attention" to . business and Rellfn Inw for cash, I hope to merit at least a portion of the trade. 'Come and see me at J.D.Mc-Neely-s Store. J, M. HA DEN. June 4, 1885. 2ms. Jf -M, HADEN, '.' Real Eslate Agent, Office in J. D. McNesIy's Store, HAS FOR SALE the following real estate on terms to suit purchasers : No. 1 Eijjht buildincr lota, four of them fronting on Main str. These lots are near Car Shops.! No. 2 Has eight building lots and four small farms. This property is situated on the Brlngle ferry road mile from car shops No, 3 Ten small farms, containing each from JO to 12 acres, situated. on theBringle ferry road 1 miles from Salisburv. No. -4 -Has seven buildinr lots, two nn Main street and five on Church street, situ ated on same square with Joe Burl?. No. 5 Has eleven small lots, situated on Lony street,: neat Gas house, Woolen Mills, freight and passenger depots. This proper ty is valuable for tenement bouses. No. 6- Has einlit small farm a. cnnr.-itninrr four to six acres, situated about 1 miles of Salisbury tn the N. C, R. R. No. 7 Has almut 25 of 30 small form- containing 5 to 10 ncres each. .-Also, -several other valuable farms, containing frpm 30 to 110 acres; With buildingsali within two to three miles of town. I will take pleasure in showiqg the property to any one, ufa during Woolen Goods such as have nev er before been offered to our people, are within the reach of the entire Wool "row ing community. We manufacture JEANS, CASSIMERS, FLANNELS, LINSEYS, BLANKETS, YARNS, ROLLS, &c. jj Soliciting a liberal patronage of our peo ple, we are respectfully, j Salisbury Woolex Mills. 2F"Officc at old Express Office. 'ji May 28th, 18S5. 32tf fecial mm warning to on v. M. HADEN. . f -...-(; -.. fr- - I have sold my Retail Gro cery Department to Mr. Haden, out win continue the Commission Grocery Bnsinesi at my old stand. Will also buy and sell all kinds of Country Produce. Special atten tion given to consignments of Fruifs.Chick ens, Eggs, Butter, &c, assuring to farmers the highest cash prices. All those indebted to me are earnestly requested to come forward and settle with out delay and save cost. ; May 28, '83.32:41) J. D. McNEELY. SALE OF TOWN LOT! By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Rowan County, in thc case of Jos. Horah, AdmVof Daniel Chambers, dece'd, against Daniel Chambers and others, I will sell at public auction at the Court House door in Salisbury, on Monday the 6thi day of July, 1885, One Lot in the towncf Salis bury, South Ward, on the North Carolina Railroad, adjoining the lands of Oscar Sum ner, Nancy Wisemau and Joseph Hprah, containingne-half acre, " ' Terms One-half cash, and the remain der in six months with interest Jromlj day of sale at eight per cent. I " ' JOSEPH HORAH, AdmV, May 28, 1885. 5t "RALEJGH REGISTER." ! i 9 By P. M. HALE, Printer to the State. Subscribe to your Home Paper and pay tor tit, and ; then remit $2 to pay tor 3 our . State Democratic Paper, the Raleioh Kkgister Each- new subscriber, re mttUi)? $2 direct, is entitled to the Eegistir tor one year and to WEBSTER s Practical mcrinM. AYt-whlcli untU-Aonut -1. lV is offered as a tM V1U1 UQi appucat fectioneris, Crockery, Drugs, Bacon, Lard. uorn, f lour, Feed anl Provisions of all kinds, with a full line of High Gr4de Fertilizers, as cheap as thef cheapest. You will do well to see him before purchasing else where. Salisbury, April 1st, 1835. 25:tf SHERIFF'S SALE 0 LAIYD! By virtue of executions, issued from tlu; Superior Court of Iredell County, against the lands of - James -B. Woods in favor of Trenton Rubber; Works, J. W. Card well & Co., E. L. Tunis & Co., Bickford & HulT man, Watkins, Cattrell & Co., Sam'l G. B. Cook & Co., andjMalin Plow Co., I will gcll at the Court House door in the town of Salisbury, on the First Monday in June. ft be-ins the 1st Iday of June next, tho fol lowing tract of land, situated in the Coun ty of Rowan and described as follows : One tract containing Twollundred Acres of land, more orf less, adjoining the linds of John Leazer, Wii. Smith, James Corrier and others, and knwn as the "D. K. Woods tract of land." (Terms of sale cash. ( C. C. K RIDER, Sheriff. April 30, 1885. Im - - i ; Administrator's Notice! -All persons having claims against the estate of John S. Hide deed., are hereby notified to present the s-ime to the under signed on or before the 8th of 3Iay 188G, or this notice notice will be pleaded in bar ot their recovery. D. 31. BARRIER, AdraY. May 6th. 1835. i .1 MILLED, IS STILL AT THE j f : Corner of Kerr & Lee trwU wtfh a full line of DRY goods and ekoctEtt Also, keeps a First Class BOARDING HOUSE. J Call and see him. :p7 n AND! SALE OF L ; :c: On Monday-thc 6th da) of July, Ml will sell to the highest bidder, at tbeCeT. House door in the town of Salisburt.UW bourof 12 o'clock, a tract of land. kctw as the Polly Hajiuian Lnnd.H 'being." same devised bvthe said Polly Hartroan Solomon Kctchey and others, contyttK 154 acres more or less, l rng aad it in the township of Litaker: . 1 "This is a valuable tract of 1WJ located and within a few milts of SU burv. t Jj. TERMS of sale One-half cash, the cr within six month from "date of mI deforced payment to -be secured ty f an d good sccu ri ty. By order uf the p lior Court of Rowan county. ki KEim CKAlGE,CoX May 12, 1885.-430:tds RED Cr OIL-, Cheap- lltfl AtlENXI? "Grace was in all Her lep, IJtatetiti eyet ' . , ; , . In every gesture dignity andlort. So appeared Mothw Kve,andir'f ; Khinc her fair descendant, ercise of common .ense, care a r - j n.r tro.lmonl i Id pnfinUOBi i of femAle complaintB ure dirttiHf cai ed kj diaturbanceB or 8lPre! Aj : Wtlut sterling and unfihn.P Braofield's Female IIzuvim will effect relief and cure. It U from ihe reeioeof a rood , j feuihed phvsiciin. It i.coroPS:fl Mricuv onicinaj iiijiv- fij-mfcit u - l:.; k, never beenWfiC Notipa to Settle: " . All persons iiidebted to the estate of Mrs. Jnlia L. Smyth deceased, are requested to make immediate settlement; and ad per sons having clajims against her estate are notified that thjpy must present them to the undersigned onf or before the 22nd of April, 1880, or this nqtice will be plead in bar of their recoverv.f : ROBERT MURPHY, ANDREW MURPHY, I Ex'rs of Julia Smvtb. April 21st, 1885. 6 w I 5!'hapPy co'rabinatton has never been .6 S paJS. Iti, prepared w.i h g: skill' from the firrent matemN- Ii the pal,,, for constancy oi- .prf-inlv nf Pftect. elegance v r;.. a ation.beaurof;ppearenc,nJ r . : i. .mi i . .ia;uiic 1,-uurs w me Ke;isi.rmaiia on i trwn r Art1mai- 5 I s l . " w . . w m . ; 1 111 111 1 IT WILL PAY TO GIVE Bhriner's In- ... 1 ft T .1 "errnifugft a tnai. It wui-iU,inoy ann tive chearnenB. Tne faror is genuine.; Itinever . i - t fairly tried. j ; - ! j J Cartevil!e&M This willcertify that two m oi ray irnioeaiaie ;iuu'j; , al irregularity; artd I ed wiihout benent doctor8. were at in?in "Tr .mit adfiei Affiant in st bv one bottle of Dt. jjrati"-- -' .j, ir Rf.ulalor, Its x,.tv trTv wonderful. hd wen mJ , j edybecaVed-W1'"-" 1 . ... Health! Send for our booa f.;vd fre HaP,.i.esofomn rC , '-i: iji4t18S5- uns an'J iK-nutitv the coqipiexioo. '-. " A' ' . ' v - J - v. - - - " .

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