- v..!.-.. -'---.--k- -.,.;-.. ;..V.-:...-,-. , ..7 It1 . 1 - '1: :. I. - - 4 V IP- ' -' taking1 both riidsXectClosost Tcono- ' , j IW -lutl'luc make -i enU. U ' U :l'S(,,i()lt; question m inanv I 1 i economy, but it i not so easy0 wo,k I rt lw i n -1 On r forefathers Kent but one n : m 6 lit "im j m ( il- 1 I il I " A(kmilv ". VsatlK-retli -i lie back ,lg 1" ' ; the ample firc.lace Wnrrnsrthfcc r.,m, , which served, iorx kuchwh, ...... HXroooi, pantry, and willra recess 10 -it . ! .- 1 lr flip ', 1IIID v VVM'1") - run,.- TSTi.w fivfi 11'r -more fire; ,0 or -more jcessary. Tfie UiuJi- i lept gng, nndllien C. ' icousidereil as necessary f ri Ktnve in ust be kept 01 Iflin" most larrat rk' families there is a Ififf.liviW Tooro I) t a . sil P ctmibine. dining and sitting room, which must U warmed. Stoves rare lequired for both and perhaps coal must be pur-j chaseil. piteu where mere y "uu loathe kitchen fire is made from wood Ji takes a hundrctlhMd more- capital to now than warm a farmer's dwelling Well, what of Jt? We are trying to make both ends meet. The cost and repair of thtj Stoves is a considerable item wJicr there is a short income. Carefulhes must be practiced to save exiense; j - , , lake the itdvea last as long as possir ble. Then we must cut our own wood and bum it where we can. In more than three fourths of the State of Ney York the farmer can buy his coal for Jess money than ;he could hire his wood cut and drawn to his hou.ee and made ready for the sto' e. To save piunev, he must 5I0 the work without liirinpr. and if oossible. sell , wood enough to pay for the coal, which ha became suca "necessiiy ami luxury, i Our; forefathers lighted their dwell: jugs with fallow dips, and later on the candle moulds were invented, anf' a tet did for the neighborliood, the thrifty housewives taking turns in making np the caudles, otter the far row' cow was killed and the tallow had been tried vut. In very economi cal famiIies,'or where poverty hami Jed the fireside, the chimiiey bl.2f lighted thejioom, or a beittr ligljt Afas had froor pine 'kuots. One of llje ablest statesmen New York ever pro duced, Col. Samuel Young, eiluentQd himself by the aid of syeh a ligoU The bri?s candlesticks Were nn;x ments of tlieparjor when .not in u?je, and on public oeaisions they viil with the whale oil lamjis aseviden- i jesf luxurious- comforts. Ourliglji ing, thanks to the -.' boiintiful earth and its keroEcnce, is tl-.c Itast of ejs pene, so we eannoi cut ,jlovyn .umth on thi., except we buy our oil by tju . barrel rtheu tlnre may oe a sa.viifm of eight or ten cents on ngH I L" ou.rit ; we purchase I he better k iiidsirhd w"U J h on 1 d tj e ver get a ny ot hers. Tlie 4kjs t are the safest. Tlune will "be some loss wheu we buy 1i barrel by ' evub oration and leakage,5 but iHs atriU, and not ecjaal tOithe bother ami li ne spent in getting it by the little., Caii dies shouldVnol be entirely . d.iscaided, as they arc best to carry about. Gjdss t.? i.'i- 1 ' 1 f cuiinuevs ureaK tasiiV'. ami- wnere tliere is careless use, are juite antitem ! of expense. The maple trees used,' to ; .lurnish . the most of the sweets, but now money, has to do it except with a few praiseworthy . farmers, who jire w;restling -wfthr the ; probicm. of sor ghum at lioniiayin odds, so far as! an income is concerned. Our les njer vous ancestors enjoyed a drink of hot jiea or barrey,collee, and -'suffered Jess than we do with sleepless nig4ui and poor digestion." -There was a savmTJuig about. Sometimes the fi ns well as health in thtir dnnlisaml the bouglttetr$ea .was by for ; v Uitlrs. How true it. is, that comfort aud happiness are womlerfully of iUc imagination. Tlf Jf as a farmer, could only think so, when; my, hun ger is appeased with plaiu and tel- i come food,"and I have a warm fire1 to 6tt hy ai:d a comfortable bed to sleep in", 1 am just as well off; and should I be as happy as Win. H. Vanderbilt or any other money king. Why riot? If I imagine that Wj Hon -carpet is i ' 1 . I .-. . I of fraud v strnll aVn ul mVi.i.sfc I cannot nave, theu 1 can be so far tin Jiapny and a fool. Many are so no doubt; hut the vast inajori ty of . 4ar do enjoy thcit sintpleratid jess ; botheriug su rroundiugsj We should S e the happiest people in this world. ? jW hen jve make our wants less! w i Will have lessjirotible. Ati old New j JYork -merchant said to tue not long 5 go: V How nice it must be to mcV? J cou id.'f Con t rast Ihis iiifiiSp J I lit? UIIIIIH 1 rf Wll VflllP JiUMl t Iw I ui . . inus4im Euiiiiiuc . auur-greeu .field 'pleasures we have, more than city folks, aud -let us be content and happy, K ! D. Cartit, U : American JigrietdiurisL -t lJ t Plowing Coru. ;J. VandiTer ia Asheillajcau; lj Our brawney armed farmers hhvc very little to donvith the government of the country, but a good deal to do witl its supporc!lAuy tbiugexpldi tiug their djrajions js a public filnc lit. Con beih adtng crop' for these hMIstJI, want to. give my iancv and - cx)erjeibout its culttyidiml. lliese lauusre aetiveenongh to make better yields than : farniers.generall v 'Meu: firsf ; lo lea v 1 ng th e p la uf s too tliick oti the ground! and,- sec6iur,"to excessi v 0 5 plo w i ugl fRn fi ve feet Af id e, a il d one fi la u t e v ery. 'l wo, fee t j 11 the row is sufliuiently crowded, : The iriost;i successful continen t Jn tcrlscrse; i h e "jita.i t. still ra re. Tiic soil should he well: bt ok jiccwsary lor my nanpiuess. and a otTrn ...:..i.i :.. -...1 ... : - t !ei, p. lveriiv'd and, cleaned, like men rloT- f ir in hacco S.!.-'. - - 7 . ...... . . . V . , vfrv " warrow plow Ts VsuRicien.t. TwelvjeJiLrrA; aOeiy .the plowing ;a . irtoihf i ftMi' lioise harroWshfynfd niMI V "T 7 - - t lc ni tlmwgw the Tows, and twel ve r fifteen d ays t herder a light on? horse cultivator run jtwice along eacf ia nlfiwinrr. liisteaq of "stirrin" nots,? as some say ought i o lie d.ne. the delicate i root!etsvhos I impoHant fiinciton. it is tu absorb the nutriment- that develojw theMJantj !s!ioiild'bot1e1iiterrii:ile71TfMirf. . .. . . . i-as Lis should, be Uet clean ani per?ouiuanyj "atfrredKso tUatcrnstjioM ,reVcnt the. iiirwlationb. tlteiwts of prevent herrciilfltion to ineroois 01 triainatroospherjlc jp.yojerti.es...iMany of the very -b&t'plaiifers now Jn the cottotbeIt, fumih sto'ck to" theif tetuits juntj their fields are well 'plowed and ! planted, and then-with-draw them audi allow said tenants to Mhe cuItLvatioii with 'the i have seen men plowing corn for the fourth time 111 this country, when the ilautfwarrasriifOTVdvrarnie end of the ro cJoff jhidova bunch of white, CQni ro 13; as large as a uiir vear oi com. iow 11 ... inai cuu be done -without Jnjury io "tlie-fortii coming yield of corn, nature varies in her general operations, f , ; j I once heitrd a wealthy farmer tell ing of his experience in hiring a boy. He said .while working in hislarn ine morning, a boy of " about fifteefi years came to him enquiring for work. He wasm lichen need of a boy, aud lie liked this one's appearance, but being an entire-stranger. he was much in doubt about hiring him. He said what he wanted to know most was, if the boy would be faithful in the lit tle d ut ies. I'The-'nirnier"" sl?bwed"8the boy through his larire commodious barn, leaving him to pass last through the door'. He stopped and carefully closed every door after him. Two or three tools that some one had care lcssly left on the barn floor, the boy picked up and laid to 6m sidej The farmer said that as uneonscioU9 as the boy was that lie. was doing anything in his fa vor, these little acts decided the question of doubt in his mind. The boy was hired He proved to be a carelul, faithful workman, winch fact was so appreciated by his em ployer 1 hat he ussis'lcd the boy in ob taining an education, ami remetubei-ed- hiui;tubstantially when he started id life ;Tue Good Old imks, When Gas and Kekosene m'eue 24ot. UjAfilftJJfcl v v Was uivitisr the! buys 40 uie ad, vice in their love-making af- rfaTr.-, and one of them asked him how the yqung people did when-he'vrns sparking. "Them was the great timeaboys,' he said-in reply. 'We dlii't have no gas nor kerosene. We done our sparkin' by a plain 6taIIov dij); but most frequently just by the firelight. Firelight is warmin', boys, and flickers just enough to make a girl's eyes shine. It's mighty soft andhptuty, too, and kinder in a way none; of your gas lights Knows any- ire shined jipa little too powerful in pjaccs, and the young man would git up without sayiu' anything and put a shovelful of ashes on- it. Then he would cuddle tip to the girl in the shadows, and she would cuddle some, too, and it really didn't seem like there was 8nyHi1'ngsefir1 h(T whole big ronndeartli tobewishe4xfor. Purty soon. t he.fi re,, wou Id get obstrep- - ,7. 0 1 . iinis uamvo emus aram and,tli4itt to fl.. ... ' oui, as 11; iney wanted to sec , what was goin' on. or Thad seen and was .lam?hif antriiitl - 1 o -...... in' about it and haviu' some fdn. too. and the you n fellow would rnnrh for the shovel and the ashes and cover the bright blaz.-s all up. And some-times-rremember, now, only some- nhies the girl would get up and put . I li if t 1 . . 1 - uii aiiu iiien wen, ooys, When sl,rl nSt and the fiIun' worms crawletl out of . the ground, and the boys set obi the banks of the little creek waitin for a bile, and - the johuny-jtimp-up nestled in the sunny places; there was a weddin' in the old house, and when the win ter, come again they set by their own4 fire am theshoveljtnd the ashes was out 4if a job.' Merchant Traveler. 7 An exchange say.'iThe American boy of today who learns a trade, and is not ashamed of it, has an houorablc futureeKire him which will grandly revvai;d his application aud zeal. In a great indiisti ious country like this, the man yho lives by his own energy and skill in productive ? employineits' is one of nature' noblemen, anil the development of Amertcau intelligence icwani mm. iet tne f boys learu trader and le r yuoM of them, lor the field of: opportunities in this country expands avKIi eacirA JWar of our growth ami progrogres3. . - MOTtlEliS DO NOrUt .iiiri be destroyed by wot m.' Do your dm, for you are rrspcnWe.TNo child, will iieYrpra worms U Sbrmer' Iavlian .Vcrm'.fuc'e h used rtn All VAUtb. I m lima - tSocidy in Buyon Grani1,'Iv0uisana; was recently startletV-at the appear nnceitf Al'rX Col. .Tlianrpson " VuU short liair Mm. Thompsoa had long been a leader of fashion, and' her Wealth of yellow hair-was the admir ation of all who saw it. WIrat had induced her to cut her hair sliort and thus destroy one; 01 ner prtnciiai at tractions was a mystery until she kindly cafe the .solution of it in strict confidence to seven of her most Tnti- male friends C ; ' -. f 'v -1 NIf ipcaH that on the night of the 2J of May,f Col stiul tMrs. Thompson were awakened by the Dersisteiit cry ing of one of th cliildren in the nur scrv which wasvon! 'therncxt floor above. V'Mrsi Tjiomn-oiV, like a good rmothcr, promptly arose and went to ,uie nursery 10 sec wuui was me m:u- lei; dud gliding thai. JefTersqn P;ivis Lee Jackson ThonipSon, aged 3 years, was-suflVriur frOnV a!n excess of pea nuts, she undertook, to calni' him with kindness and paregoric; ! Menu while Col. Thompson could not go to. sleep again. 'The nnwn was shining into the room, and he finally decided that he must get up and shut the blinds. He .remained; in bed some five or six minutes to impress this de cision upon his'miuJ, and then, with a' sigh, slowly arosel He hal made uui a Miigic sieii wueu ue liihi iiijwu somctmng round aud son, ana siunii tiueouly. felt a .sharp prick on the sid e of his foot. ' He k n e w a t o u t e that, he. had been bitten by a inoc casin, and was a dead man. . i As soon as he was bitten the Col ouel sprang half way across the room, seized a suck, and proceeded to at tack the enemy k In the dim nioon light he saw the snake lying v near the bedpost, its dull yellow tint contrasting with the black oak of the bedstead. Half a dozen ferocious blows dispatched ,thc Jotruder, which was then slung to the furthest corner of the noni. This done the Colonel staggered to the bed and threw himself down. s 1 He did not call his wife, for already he; felt too faint to climb the stairs to the nursery. A clammy perspiration covered his brow. Sharp, stinging pains made themselves felt in his foot and lower leg, and a gh'ze seemed creeping over ids foot aud fouud lliai it i wa-j swelling rajiidly. His heari was growing feebler In its action, and a deathly nausu nearly overpowered him. There is n remedy for theJiite if the Bayou Grand iiuk casin, and Col.l hoiupsuu U new that he was djV inr and lliat in.W wi.'e mi reiurniu ' to the: room would probab y find him a corpse. . Freseully Mrs. Thuin jis.tn made her ipp!ear.ioce wiiit a liglned 'an,dle. aiurally she was tided with 'horror at the cmuliiioii of her husbajid. To her I frenzied 1uq11ir.es; he replied feeb ly that he had ticcn billed by a moe easi'u and was dying. Ti:e s take he managed to add, had been killed and 1vay lying in toe comer. To his un speakable amazement Mrs. Thomp son went to the corner, picked up the dead snake, and, bringing it to the bedside, said in a; sole. on tone: "Thomas Jefferson Thompson, what have you been drinking: Any other foolj-would know that this is my back hair." She spokeihe truth. Her back hair had dropped from a chair to the floor, and the Colonel, having trodden on it and having been slight ly pricked by a hairpin, had mistaken it for a moccasin aud destroyed its jusehilness by beating it with a cane. Ijt is neeulcssto say that Colonel mps.)ii 1 nsta nil v recovered from his alarming ? symptom-, but he did not attempt to sleep until he had made Mrs. lhompxod promise that she would never' again wear back hair unless the Colonel should be a"poin ted Consul at an Irish port, where snakes are totally unknown. W. Y. The amou nt of Water Trees A b- sorli.7 Dr. J. MJ Anders, in a treo- logical survey report gives l lie result of his inquiry as to, the quantity of water , juiinped j from the earth by trees. -He finds ilhat the average ex halation from softj thin-leaved plants in clear weather amounts to about one ; aud a quarter ounces trov orr day 'of twelve Injurs for every square foot of surface, i Hence a moderate sized ,elm tree raises aud throws tf seveirand tlirec quarter tons of water per day. In lite -report the facts are applied to wliat is going on w Ameri ca, where certailn inland fertile dis tricts" are- becoming converted into deserts by wholesale clearings; and in other places,'such as the plains of Colorado, where ouly five or six years of irrigation and planting have already produced i measurable in crease of rainfall. It is maintained lliat; the deserts pyria; and Africa are the results of cutting down trees, and that, original luxuriance may be re stored by skillful plautiug. Detroit Free. 'Vestui U$ ' h r - r f ' ! Pay as you go, if you want to be prosperous and happy, - , "If man wants to own the earth, Kvhat does woman want ?" inouired Mr. Grab of his better half, after a fijjoily. matinee a','few:r-days f ago. " Well,., my dear," respond ed that lady, in a gentle, smothering tone, "to own the uian, I suppose.." . . HkTE,nEATE3T ENEMYr to children as worms, i Shriners Indian Vermifuge will sive tkcm from rain if. used according to the direction . : : b "'"v ruitjuake 1111110 Vale of , - a uiJsoatrn trntn hpnnnsmr-! India, says, that the city ;was visited by I a frightful earthnnaVft! laat' Siinav rrK nuu 1 x 1 . feuuflf wxuca occurred at intervals of W mPiinf t -iii- ;Ftr ffrt ofhe ifity 4. troyea ana;, tne cavalry barracks yis a , - 1 "tic VA Kicaii. JVJiCHV-C. mass of ruins, t if t y persons are known to have been killed, and hundreds of injiired onjes have already : Been taken from the general wreck. The total loss ollifeVor the numbsr of naitnedust reiojiiin nhknown for some days, as many of the inhabitants, still lie buried in the When the shoeks were first feltand people redlized that hey were being subjected to- the awful possibilities of uu eaxwiiiuaite, ine wiiaest panic seized them, iij-eryone able to" do. so rushed from the tumbling houses and fled to the boats on the river and on the lakes, or .sought the open country. . The terrified mhabitants are now en camped oi the elds that surround the town. Serinagur is the centre of the Vale of Cashmere, and that whole ter ritory Has experienced terrible earth quake shocks. ;; f The damage caused throughout the j valley , is enormous. The loss in cattle alone is very great. The affrighted -people seem to be utter ly helpless, and succor is being sent them as riapidly ashey Indian authori ties can organize i .relief." ' x Many of ' the houses yet standing show large rents in the walls, and must be razed to the ground. The shocks have not ceased," and this fact greatly retards the work of rescuing the people pinned down in the debris, and it is feared many of these must perish be fore they can be reached by the relief parties. An Amehican Venice. A citi zen of' Jacksonville, Forida, has hit upon a wonderful idea, aud he has done it, too, upon very slight provo cation. The correspondent of, one of the newspapers chanced to Remark that traffic in Bjy street, Jackson ville, was well nigh as noiseless on account of the saud as are the pictur esque waterways of Venice; and straightway it-flashed into the quick and imjrcuious brain of a reader of this remrrk -vthat it would be very easy fr Jacksonville to. have streets not only as quiet as thoe of Venice, but watery. The sand is easily dig ged; why not excavate the streets to a dep h of a dozen feet, and let the river into thet improved canals, thus establishing water wavs through the city 3 thei etirreot wuuhl keep these streets cjeao, lie argue., while the iMvelty of the p'an tit' this improvis eil Venice could 'not fail to draw to Ja.ui!toti vjllo many of those winter traveler." who are the delight of the enterprise! of the plac. J he suggestion seems to us a very happy on('. There is no reason what ever that Europe should continue to exult in an old, worn out Veoiei when we are perfectly well able t. have a brand new one any day wc choose to lake the trouble. Pithy Sayings of Itev. Sam. Jones. Here ar some of they pithy sayings of the Rey. Samuel Jones, of Georgia, who i3 contacting an extraordinary re vival at ashville, Tenn.r "What is culture wqrth if it's nothin' but white wash on aj rascal?" "Td rather be in heaven learnin' my A B C's than in hell reading (ireek. Some preachers are so elegant that they speak of hell as the 'burnt district,1 but this sort of dignity is! the starch of a shroud." "Heaven is on dead level with every good man,' and every good man will be provided f0rin some way." "Will hon est men starve? God will feed an honest man if he has to put the angels on half rations." i"Be honest and pay your debts. There's too many men in the church bearding with their wives." "Pull up your doubts by the roots and you'll final a seed at the bottom, and that seed s shu", "A lie is always on the down grade, but the truth you have to hitch an engine 0." .The nuserahle Internal Revenue system (wj still' call it miserable if it is now in the hands of Democrats) should be abolished as iniquitous and unjust in every respect. The poor, destitute women aiid children of the country pay the tax on whiskey and tobacco, because their poor husbauds and fathers use those articles exten sively. IjL was very unfortunate for the Democratic party that thei odious and unjust tax was not abolished be fore the Government went into Demo cratic hands. The Democrats of North Carolina, in Siate Convention, have frequently denounced the internal revenue tstx and the whole iniquitous system, and they must continue to de nounce il, no matter who fills the revenue offices. Every Democratic stump speaker, last year, denounced the odious tax and corrupting system, and if they now refuse to denounce it, because Democrats hold the offices, they are unworthy of trust, and in consistent from selfish motives. Home Democrat. In Michigan they assess! a dog $1 tor being a dog. In Tennessee they assess a tnan 50 cents to become a doctor. It costs half a dollar more to be a log in Michigan tnan a doc tor in Tennessee. Don't be a dog. Battle Creek (JicA:) Moon. Til UcntlrniAn . nn.r -r.-ifllrc'- nt hinrr made. SatiniK:tioii Vguarnnteed.VWill aTsokeep Warding house. Residence southeast end lot Inmost root . 1 ; m v n i t o i qq lalisbury. C. June 2d4585 p.4t. Take -Notice! 1X1: ot J n. askui, ana wm take orders for n an offlce in rear reDalrtne stove la the United States. Paichiujr and mendinjr, all wort done in ue neatest style. So matter bow uituijr uur drove is oroken or worn, i can maK n as good as new Work done at your Lome. Dont worry Over that stove but send for friS find have It fixed at on;e. JOUN A. 3HI HPI1Y. , aaiiioury, w une tn, 33:im Administrator's Notice h- t Ifaving, qualified nsy Administrator iof the estate ot C. J. Jailer deceased, ;I hereby giv notice to all persons wlio have claims against me estate oi saia J. j, jjiuier to present the .same to me prcperly nut hentji eated withia one year from t his date, Jtr this notice will be plrad in bar of thir recovery. Ail persons indebted to "the estate of said CVJ. Miller, are requested to make immediate pavment to me. S. II. VILEY, AdmV. of C. J. Miller decM.t- Salisbary,'K. C. June 1st, '85. . oJ:Gt. armers. '. liare tm sale at prices and terms to suit the times, viz : The celebrated Morgan " New Clipper' SEYMOUR MOWERS guaranteed to give satisfaction or no sale. -The Newark Machine Company's Improved Horse Rakes, Straw Cutters and Grain Drills, superior to any ever brought to Rowan. PIEDMONT WAGONS, BUGGIES, of the very best makers at-surprisinglylow prices. The Wairons, Mowers, Rakes, and Grnin Drills can be. sold on long tinnMn pnrchasers so desire. Triumph Reapers and Self-Binders, sold this year only on orders, but at prices astonishingly low. J. A. iiOYDJA. -J Salisburyu-June 4th, 1885. A 0 HOUEY HADE! $ Goodc can bsiIm C.0O U $1.00 par ttf at raulnj for tin "BIVOUAC (tba "tnla" Soeibcrm moatUy 20 Per Cent x Profit. MIif -SM per year; wUl Sampl. CoptM, SO eau ac2. "SOUTHERN BIVDUAC," B. F. Avery & Sons Louisville, Ky. Mr. T. C. A., of Atlanta, desires to say liat '"I have boon a custa.it' sufferer with Q. and G. for iv-r two yens; have laik-d to secure relief from any S:).irje until I oit-j tained Kinth, two lmti.cs of wltkli e'feet t?d st si cutir cure without any loss of time, .han jc of diet or tin) ,'iue. of any iatcruai mtdieine." One bottle of tt. Ii. B. will purify your blood. SEND YOUR WOOL TO THE SalislinryWoolen lis THIS NEW FACTORY ' Is now in operation, and facilities for mnn ufa turin;.' Woolen Goods such as have nev er before been offered to our neonle, are within the reach of the entire Wool grow ing community. We manufacture JEANS, CASSIMERS, FLANNELS, LINSEYS, BLANKETS, YARNS, ROLLS, &c. Soliciting a liberal patronage of our peo ple, we are respectfully, Salisbury Woolen Mills. JSlT'OSicc at o!d Express Office. May 28th; 1883. S2tf V PEG!AL NOTSG I have sold my Retail Gro cery Department to Mr. Iladen, but will continue the Commissioa Grocery Bnsiness at my old stand. Will also buy and sell all kinds of Country Produce, bpecial atten tion given to consignments of Fruits,Chick- ens. Eggs, Butter, &c, assuring to farmers tlfe highest cash prices. "- All those indebted to me are earnestly requested to come forward ami settle with out delay and save cost. May 28, '85. (32:4t) J. D. McNEELY. SALE OF TOWN LOT! :: Br virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Rowan County, in the case of Jos, Ilorah, Adm'r of Daniel Chambers, dece'd. against Daniel Chambers and others, I will sell at public auction at the Court House door in Salisbury, on Monday the 0th day of July, 1885, One Lot in the town cf Salis bury, South VVard,on the North Carolina Railroad, adjoining the hands of Oscar Sum uer, Nancy Wiseman and Joseph Ilorah, containing one half acre. Terms One-half cash, and the remain der in six months with interest Irora day of sale at eight per cent. JOSEPH IIORAII, Adm'r. May 23, 1SS5. 5t "RALE1GHREGISTER." By P. M. HALE, Printsr to the State. SatscrlUe to your Horn, Paper and par for It, and una jrtun w W pij I8r J'OUf Stats Democratic Paper, tlie RALKian Kkgistxu. Each new suu.sf rihpr. r. YJ' t- V"''"i- 10. m r mlttlns fi rtlrect. I entitled to tlie Rkgisteb for one year and td WEBSTER s PRACTICAL DICTION ARY, wtit'ju uaui Aajrast t, t85, is oar.cd as a pretiiiuia. Sample copies ot tae Kezlsttr matted oa application. AudresH, RALEIGH ItEGISTER, 31 .., . Au::Gm,N.c. . fHough on Jratt? C!enrs ut ratPj mice; rlache?,1 file?: antjf. hedbas. Heart Pains. 7 .Palpitation, Dropsical Swellings, Di?i, ness Ind i geRtiou IIcadacie, Sleeplessness cared by "p Wells' Health Beuewer. . i ! ''Kouffh oa Corns.n Ask foij Wells' 'Rongh bnCorns.,1 15cts. Qoick complete care.- Hffrd or soft cams, warts, bunions. ; . - i f , - f 'Buchtx-Paiba" - 1 i . '!' Quick, complete cure otallJvidnej, Blad der and tfrinarv diseases: Seal dins; Irrira! lion. Stone, Grarel, Catarrh ql the Illadder. ttVrugts. . j , u ; . -. t Bed-BngvIJies.., ! i Flies, roaches, ants, bebups, rats, mice, cophershipmuhks, cleared out by -Rough on RaU2n. 13c-.-- I'r,; ::j . '. it Thin People. , i "Wells Health Renewed" restores health and Tijror; cures"Dyspepsi4, Impotence, Sex ual Debility, ft. f ; I "Hoaglren Sain." : ' ;Li Cures cholera, colic, cramps, diarrhoea, aches, pains, sprains. hca$ai he, neuralgia, rheumatism. 20c. Uouylv oaJPaLn Plaster, 15 ctg- 1; .. . -I -. !, Mothsrsi . 1 If you arc failing, broken, worn ont and nervous, use "Wells1 Health Renewer. $1. Druggists. 1 ': ; ! ! Life Preserver. ! If you are losing ytuirigrip on life, trv "Wells' Health Renewcr.'J Goes direct to weak spots: ' - f lBonghonPlei.M li Cures! Piles .tor Hemorrhoids. Itching, Protruding, -"BJeeding, Internal .or other. ! Internal and external remedy m each pack age. Sure cure, 50c. Druggists, Pretty WomenV Ladies who would retain' freshness and vivacity, don't fail to tryWell' Health Rencwer." t I . f "Bough on Itch " "Rough on Itch" cares humors, eruptions, rinsworm, tettersalt rheum, frosted feet chillblains. y. '., j "Boigh on Catirrh;' Corrects offensi re odors'at once Com plete cure of worst chronic cases, alsoune qualed as gargle lor dipthpria, sore throat, toul breath. 50cts. J The Hops of the Nation. Children, slow in development, party, Bcrnwuj ana aciicate, use " wells llenltn Renewer." - . . . Catarrh of the Bladder. Slinging, irritation, intlamutioD, all Kid ney and Urinary complaints, cuied by "Bu- chu-Paiba " $1. "Water Bngs, Bpaches." 'Rongrron Rats" clearK them out. also Beetles. Ants. PROFESSION CARDS. iKUii CUAlt.E. f L. 11. CLEMKNT. CRAIGE & CtEMEKT, v Attomoyis J.t Xj,T7e-f" Sai.isuukv, X C. - . Feb. 3rd, 1831. I N'j Hot 3 Torror ! 1 Hj in v.t iii ,h,e pfC,. ratfiii ii irv a iri- luchrifniiiK skill, n.Hio more iuetiruu lf bfiu tit wa'over Its- No Idcra'PainU 'lowtawn tlie luothers ot llic world. No Hcr3 Dangi Ql". i H&Tl l not on 1 v pliort eiisthetliiieoil.rborand leenlitli-e ii,ten4iv of iiaifi.LtJt better ihanall it yrei.lly uMniinUhes .ne danger to lift? f otli mother and , UU,1 TO TothororOhila and leave the niolher a condition hij-h.y lavoraible to xpecdv re over and(arIe.-H lia Je to flooding, convul ions and oilier alartn-n-4 vmptoms incident to inj,'erinand painful lab .r. It truly wonder ful eflicacy in thio re spnrl entitles the Motli er'8 Friendto bi rank d ax ope of the life nav r,o applianitB given to ie world by the diocor. .ries of modern science. Fronrtlie natiirof the c:is it will of t our be nnderK(fiod lliat we can not publish ceitincate The Dread of Mpfciierhood Transformed to HOPE md;i '' I JOY. Safety and Easo TO- Sufferhg Woman. conceridnthiH Itf nudy wiinoiil wounding live d-rie:iev of the wrilrr!. Yet have hundreds of mit-lf testimonials en file. mwl no mother who h.is once iwed. it will everagain he wiihont it in her time of trouble. A prominent physician lately rtmaiLtd to the proprietor, that if it wtie adniiHlde o make public the letter we receive, ihe "Moth. cr Friend" would outsell anything on tht market. I I most earnestly entreat every-female ex pecting to he confined to ubj Mother's Relief. Cooided with thi entreaty1 I will ndd thai during a long obstetrical practice (44years),l have never known it to fail to produce a safe and quick delivery. ! ' H.J. HOLMES, M. D, Atlanta, Ga. Send for onr Treat! on "Health and Hap piness of Woman," mailed free. Bbadkielo Regulator. Co., Atlanta, Ga. 7 TAPE WOP. An eminent German scientist Jias recent ly discovered from a root extract, an abao lute tpeeifie for Tape Worm It is pleasant to take and is not distress ing to the patient, but is peculiarly sickea iua; and stupefying to the Tape Worm, which loosens its hold of ts victim and passes away in a natural and easy manner, entirely whole, with Head, and while still alive. . . . One physician has used this specific in over 400 cases, without a si iule failure to void worm entire. Success guaranteed. No pay required until removed with head. Send stamp for circular and terms. ' HBYWOOD Cl CO., 19 Park Place, New York.' Mav 30, '34. ly "W2 ASK ALL" ' InTerested in Hides, Fur Wool, Roots, Feathers, Beeswax, Bnttei Cheese, Eg.qp, )ried Fruity Poultry, Hay and Produce gene ally-to send for our Price Current?. Prompt returns on fl,M Consignments. . Trial Shipments Solicited. ' R. L. WILLLVMS & CO. I f Geseral Commission 3Ieueiiants, -OSce, ICD.JWiliiam 5t., New YoikV Oct. '84 l:ty i , AL ? UW m Vnr 2n!n ISmti, . " R 11 f i Mulder. : C i! ro?s o : Cuiarr1!. of nc . i 5 mailer, r-tou- Ui..Cl. -r Or'.vcl Lis. i brinru-y Oivrnsiv. t-itVr -x. - For Tt. ! hrJt:i7 ori UnnaMflrsl l LSar?e , : also "Cftnnms In-e-- riou-.'; c-.ch i I v for SirtilMS. i coa.rt:dCT i k. . w-n i. .it-rsfcj-at. N. J., n r, To t'ie nocds of tha tonwif, cw ? traveler andliew spf tier, K--i'.-'trr' -r,'u. ach r.iticid is peculiarly Rilnpieii sih'-elt EtrinilictiS the rligrptive. orin?. "H- i' tul influences. It nraovts uu-.l x.i'-tt mjrtam! Jcvcr, .eoutitipan'on, lvsi.i-Li', healthurtly f tirnnlatc3 t!.c t.ldc" ' s;. bladder, untkt'nrichea ' as will ai'nurlS the blood. Wlwa. -ovcrcon:--' !:v .-.Usx:. wht!iir mental orpiivsic:ff, tko T.oa:j and di'li!itntcd find it ali;iij!e scinvc 'a reacwctl ctrcnth and comiort. For sals oy au J-nrugiibt9 ana yi-alwra gcc MILL STOHES. IT1 HE UNnE,srf;NEi-h:i3 bought tie wfil I S I known Kovtani roi'-xtv mil STOXF. QUAUHV of E. E. rinliirs. arcea&al, and will continue to supply "the pnb:ic dt mand ror'Mlll Stones rromlUs tEBKT9 gkit so well known turoutrhout th;$ cennirr tor Its superioilty tor Mill Stoscff. .i;.r.t.t i m.i '-or Ornami-nial purpes s,;Moi.uueji;s, ici ic, ua alsio be bad at tills qu.u ry. Adrlross, . ' - J. T. YtATT, ha'lliluryTx r. It 0 in rim Tlie Cacapf-st, Safest, and Most irwiitjjlJfeti suranee now offered tlie public is found ia tbrVtl Icy Mutual, which enables you to carry a il.CMUfr p licy at at) actualavtvragfe cost ot j.eo pciiancnts : ForfuitliefUifoiniatlon.'callon orsdclreSs ! 3. w. Mckenzie, Agent, May 80. 1SSS.1 j ' SaliecckV. N. Ci WEIGHTS IHDIAHVECETABLETIILS FOB T3E And all Bilious Complaint9 Kale to take, bcin? partly vfcfab!': no jrii Ins. lYice Z3 cts. All Unix. ; r n 0,'S4. ly. ' POUT23S i HOfTSE MD CAT t Li. POWCCRS - .1 'A rnrrr?- JS K H-Rgji wfll die of fouc. R..t or Lris f TEB. If Koiiut'ii l'owvirrs afe vv1 in Vmt. Voixtr l'r iet will rare an-l pr-rven' uaCtiiru. Kwitz rnwdw wiTI fyvpnt (:r- i' rtr'tr.-- Frrricri will InTra-p tii- firanlrrr of mt3 Wl nrnrn tvent) per cent uml mako t!:e buMtrW n-l wcrt. i ! Knnrx PnwdpM win rnn nr pn-vrt a!n tnMl D:rA Utwufflj Hor'- nml i atttcsre Mtni ForT'i l'nitr.i wiixieifit SATurfjioi. Sold everywhere. SAVir r. tOUTZ. rreprleto. fiALr:"-:r.:.MS. I Li 25 VEAnSJfH tCC .j Tlie Greater HaTxrieia cf ihsJjl ovrnpTorir: a -.la tuc crr.C, vyiia a dell r: : it : Irrltt-bilit cf icTf..-, F.svr t Lie&rs, Dctfl-toforot:-! eye-, : TUT' a. S-.jafer.ttrfii:-.::' iio'-'-'--' 7Lyi-vce t:i Avr-ct- fray t IWUc Olt J It-'";. ' nourish e i . . I y ' ' a ITr-l I. 'T H t ' - C3.T JI-.: i- 7,.:tir.?. Jns'art-::" r-. :f- 'l;''!h"' '. " " Dec. 20, "84. Iy, roii SALL Pr! loiv and terms'-easy;--Frj furthf particular,, nddpB wnnnE:ril. i 3 a- i rVvr m. 2 rf riL's, 1 Hsln r-Drcon 0 lp1 u "J 111. TT 11 IT . , -r . r iiiu r anaif muiuai luo iii ! 1- - i 1 I', I -y. :" .V . C 1 '

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