f rEKMAET CURE I': --s i ron ' ! , - ; i Ud Indigestion- IPJ W. NVi GREGORY, 7 ii'k' ! . .-. oft iQfli .nrTE. N ' ' uv Beyond the4Jlars. Bsyond tile, stars there breaks a morn That never iears to evLfor1or-n, - y That never nee? ita happy fire ' In darkness' chilling gloom expire, Nor hears the uight wiud's mockiug scorn. ; '! - jJe'er droops the lily there, once4iornf Nor rose, nor golden tnsseled com, Nor U there any funeral pyre, Beyond the stars. , , Wlmt thoiicrh our feet bo brniaed and torn By jugged Rtone and rending thorn, We Khali not Wx. we aiiau not me, But chet lull more the tonu neaire. Hpvoiut the stars. 4 - New Orleans Tunes: t iift'fthv certify I -f.ulrt . v ...... i fm t I - . I' i r..l..t ii iwl nfiii-tl LW- ,iiv uset vonr i uiuo nt ii wii.cn nrrfreat benefit fc myself iToiuuieudn toothers. - ; R. P -Wauiko, -mVcrNC. Legwlatare. ; CriABLOTtE, N. C. . n r Hard it Willi rea u rfenwr v' mii.n it to an one NC. State Treasurer. YOUNG LADIES' COLUMN.- dex "Pa, what do ditto nn?" , - -i AH contributors to fin's colnmn trill don't know; my son, as I can teU jon ok irnn nart rmdArafcafld but this IS about address their commun cations -to "Yocua ... .v " J cjibbaW and N.C. For the Ladies Column."!. Mischievous Habits. there is ditto" pointu?gto another. "Gosh!" said the young man, half to himself, "she called me The Ins and Outs. Birds and. Beasts Fight for Place MBBBBBBBiaaBB Herald Washington Letter. There vrus a regular pitched Iwltle on the walks leading frpm the White House, in which one of the partici pants was killed. The battle was witnessed bv a number of nersnns. They have no eagerness j for new wrin- but for good and sufficient reason no enorts were nuiie io prevent the mar- Iorer to me ? ClTFlfsrcAtlen nd TO Smith &Jh: 1 V c and T, F.TCltittz & eov-Car-fillv conilie h nU i 49.,y l That liahtly li linOUAH I EHi run A1 ...... -rr.vtfESSEE FARM WAGONS. ies &! Spring Wagons. 1 Somebody's Dude. Ti.frt n fhilf with fmir bleak walls. TJiat blazed with a glare 1 jko midday light y ' ' wtioi-M iwrAr n ithnflnvr nf sorrow fallfl. Ki.imIumIv diitl stmtltnt in' one nichtr . - . "oincWtvVdude so voung nnti so wnue Wi-ai iiiir ii lion hi innocent lace Never a ign of inaiihoiMpH might,. But his: scaifpiu showed a suspicion of paste ii nre his raven cnrli. ie on his delicate braim , A nrt 111 lii liii-ei8 he laiiirniilly twiiU In ce.iseles.s inutiou ji gold headed cane; Somebody carelully coinled hii hair; Was it his mother, whose sight now fades ; ' " Was it a blushing maiden fair, Or a barber as black as the ace of spades! There's never a doubt lie iomcbody's pet; Somebody's heart has enshrined him Women are not inrentiTe;as a rule. Tn snlvr rpvpprie ithouo-bt. the ever i Thei present monitor of jconscience, is our , kles. . 1 1 k 1 I f L J. ill.- . , wisest counselor u we dm listen lo.iis , i wW, nAf. : 1 .1 !. :i- I i ' "J warnmcsorcive neeui-oiuspiuiuuiUKo. ! - . . ? m.i I do not find faultfor fault-finding I (wails apwtess mamcagopaper. len 'ggygjjtg,,,, yejrs locust9 a))eared in l i . i. j i.-i i. cncn : nno h, ofthA airn.tnTif? nns with, an- ! .1 i i aeiesw-atiu iuiajxiu uuuci ocu i vv - o un worthiness and incapability, r mtist beg pardon for .venturing a little advice V3. -r i 1 ' . Lit : 1 . i. cler. luileed. tne lookers-on seemed to ay m pat ire with the murderer. The which I hope may be as "bread cast up- on! the waters. VVe ffiris. especially, should seriously consider : certain per- other girl. A man is always wanting some one to tell him how handsome he IiMiks. A woman will, just standi before the J II " " the public parks here by the thou sands yesterday and to-div. , One of these locusts started for the White House door on a kind of tour of in spection, .probably to see the changes "1 .' i. Urs-KMAS I Bicekmuu - , Mav bo the Uinle lias a tatner yer, - jn iiTlH GuailO DrillS.- 0 1 a n.otl r. who waits at the head of PS Yr l I TZ'W the Ktairs; MtMiA I i- lAiO. May he a maiden, with cheek of rose, rir i .i- ml Walkin" I Is widlv aw aiting this missing link, fTiei e : Mav bo the dude has a father yet, 'k& ih,iiii!r and Walking OLTIVA 1 UK-s. "pWrapli Straw Cutters, and Boilers, f - fafamm mills, 3 SttiS, Cartridges. Wls .md Cap Sliovl and 5jaies, onu'o TClaii.KOits at.d VarnisJiea iT'im eLasuilly kopt in first Class iief me. Z oner tmoa u g-ifc.MOrirw bi"ucj -"-w :tdln.tUlacdurffry. M. Ami iIu-Vh he .xtands in a beaulitill pose, Iii the glamor and glareiof the skating link. i nhnntable beiners we should learn I in tbeearly; day of M3Ced time how; to guard our actions "soithat we may hot fall into habits whicn cannot bear the scrutiny of refine natures, ind which are vulgar, degrading; and unbecoming to our sex. ' It we desire tne esteem and respect of the truly good and noble we should always keep in view the gold en rule: "Do unto others as you would that others should do unto you; re membering that j ( "Sweet lips whereon perpetually reigns The summer calm of golden charity," v can never utter words that cause hearts burnings nor self-condemning regrets. Lpfc its never carrv ill news for mere malice sake, nor retail uncharitable gossip for want of better amusement. There are those j who are called "thoughtless" who deliberately-elaborate upon some harmless I fact until it as sumes proportions 4anSerous the peace and comfoVt of others. A writer ndvisps all who"wuld! be wise to ''avoid 4. The trntch-dog grqwla , . .A maiden ia awed As one more bean Ha panties chawed ; Old man up atair Warm blankets fueath, Sav, "Glad I filed Old Tovrser'a teeth." "Never go back," advises a writer. "What you attempt, dp with all your strength." This may te gotnl advice, but it wouldn't work; satisfactorily. When a young man, tor instance, at- seventeen years. A sparrow assault ed hitn. It nmiAara that the r narrow 1 T- -T supMised he might get the wrst of it, so he called several other sparrows. Hi en a half dozen sparrows went for the locust en masse, but the locust moved away from them, though the sparrows managed to pick one of his win irs off and liearlv took off the otli- mf er. All of a sudden one of jt lie spar rows flew away. The other sparrows surrounded the locust and kept him from niovinu- verv far. In a short O J ---- while the sparrow messenger returned, 1 ' B. i urn J -j'- . -- -- - - - - tempts to court a girl, he may do it; and with him one of the robins tha with all his strenirth, but he goes back, all the same. JHe goes back aboui six nights a week. The Presideut'4 Visitors. must once more be contemplated after J y the ordmary manner of the world, once more with subdued f eelmgs spoken of, j considered and settled. For the first! time husband fand wife see each other! as they actually are. Each brings cer- In E,,W STORE! si 'A VINO, bought oat' the Grocery De- . IJSl II1ICIIL UI ml . U. AMTilBrlT. infMlfl conducting a First Uss y ' '.. ,. as xney actually are. Jacn or.ngs cer- l ."u"uguog a r im tain peculiarities into the marriei state tJL GROCERY i STORE .U-U i.1 .1L.. I J A 1 A 1 il ii 111 1 io wnicn tne otner naa to grow accas- - f , i , 4 m i i i 1 Mr stock wHlronawtof 8UGA.R1 COFFilE. I t )med. Tney have now to live no long-J BXCON. LARD. FISH. MolaaFLfSSfe f 11 1 l 1 i1 1 . . .. . . "! ;" er lor xnemjiives, duu ior eacn oiner,i uuiter, vnicKcns, r.gg,c. Atao.uandtea, j '.1 A.j. i j . : ''I Fruits. Nut. Craeken. vin I In. 4 4. ' 4 I i ujv i aa Come and see me at J.D.lIo Keely a Store. v J. M. HADEX. June 4, 1885. tma. themdves thomrht. Self must be sac- rificed in order thereby to gain the help of another beloved existence. A lady ones asked Dr. Johnson how in his Dictionary he came to define pastern the knee of .jL horse; he immediately answered, "Ignorance, madam, pure ig-r rnii' i i ' uurujice. u.vs is iue smipie eApiaua- i ut xuuvs wjjjjxa,iJ Wf finn nf mitiv an neeidpnf fhnf. fnVpfl I Will rnntiiinp thn htiainoa t thm OU place at the commencement of the ma-;i nd' ,mvjB7 c; J1 W J trimonial journey. The young couple! ; if . ALL ENTIRELY! : ' , i! nut , FwAc Kl MS J.S.-McOUBBINS, More Colored Biblical Astronomy. setter. But there comes a man full of honeyed guile,4 ! 4 And fastens the cruel skates to his feet; Then stjinds aside with a cvulnil smile, And waits for his head and his heels to meet. ! . .. I . ' . ' . Kiss him oice forbis giandmothei'ssake; 'ItUilonhtfu it ever she kisses nun more; The skatesifiom his feet so tenderly take, Sweep out the tteUiis and close the iiitnr. or erusli" these thousrhtless" ones. Rut. above all thinss, we should make such pretty music on the Whit" House lawns these spring mornings. The robin stabbed the locust once, and all was over. The sparrows then divided him up and took the remains away in pieces. That particular lo cust will hardly appear again in sev enteen years. There are enough lo custs in the Smithsonian, agricultural and botanical tr rounds to stinity the MDS 1.1 1 . lLaL L n a nvtiii nr pise lor taking 1 w?LiKZ XZii 5 book out. he- i i AT THE HEAD! N. Y. Herald 8on after she iwssed out a middle fio-inl colnrefl man. who tarried an im XJ lit, auuic uu iuuigo, iw i 0 , , i,v0uv,Q v.oVif rf iwollino- nn 1 meii:e num. or chart, under his arm. the shortcominsrs and faults of those paid his repects to the President. He i -P Tl I ! - C ! I i Vt ..I .....1 with whom we live, sit eueeis our cur- eave ins name as o. s a. uijici, .nm dialitv and manners; insensibly lessens bis prest nt resilience Elizabeth, N. J., our conhdence, and mterteres witn me where he w the pastor ot tne outiou ease -and freedom ot our intercourse Colored Baptist Church. Mr. My let's wibh them. It is said of the virturous s,)ecialiy is biblical astronomy, which woman, whose price is above rubies, i wawi tu demonstrate with his that the law of! kindne3 is in her tongue. riiart i,llt ti,e President wasso press- Rnt to be in our tonsue3 it must first l.n tii litilnti tit 1Tr. Me- be in our hearts, and the habit of dwell- . , jomon-tration. I Mr. Mvier ex- incr on the lmpertectipns ot our tnenas ,...la how- 7 . m- j . 'L C I IJIalUCli v" wiiwiimvi"! . --- - - o and associates will soon drive it from P y contended and believed with the leading business men of the us. rejection is not nf u t . planet, moving in its Northwest. He said today: "The Pre- lite, out tne nearer we apuxuocu , ..c ; other nlanets. He said mirohmi vfnT.fvm irom me '"" . i . r ; It:-, ii .wt..u.uT,0 V .3 I that he had biblical rtnd scientific an- l a is.oune ii. it luitis, iu mi; nnnfe ana coou. ' - . .. . .. - i . . . . M......l o.. .i r nrrrirp i boritv for bis beltet t ihaijie nua e- tieparinieiii. i iiy j.mnnri i ? j - i r , , i. . L -nmnsirated it to the professors of t tit i 1 1 i c -4 1 lop ii . ill iuutn t 1 1 1 1 n ) iir i k mm f aw i v.... ..... .-.e... r ; n.llor. kv-II t,. a 1 the V . . ... .... I , I otmnlifin I net 1 1 II I inns der and the exc till!? incidents ot the ,uu.r,.uHC.w,u..u T - Cjrushed to Death x 1 Horrible : Occurrence in Thiers, r i iVancc. world when theyare needed to ap pear again in seventeen year.-).- Business Men Like Him. President Cleveland's Methods Satisfac tory to People of Both Parties. Judge Lambert Tree, of Chicago, is in Washington. The Judge is one of the mo3t prominent men in Chicago, and through his large property inter ests there is brought into close relation . . a Ail tier aim me eAcuing niuurmB m ic y . z . T r . trial have! engrossed the attention of Neatness can never detract but will in New York. Jerry, one ot the col ored messengers at the White House, . - - m i a, ; a 1 told Mr. Myler that jbe Had always in; ' i i . . . rnn . i inTtT.BtTWTvn r DOMESTIC "ltisjhe atknowlerlged Leader is a cibnluv tin hist dsiv nil nlnrmrn a'AA f r wrrtmari,s lovflv CTaceS. the trial, the court house was crowiled perhap3 some good mother is the author w ith men and women, anxious to wit- q the foiling wholesome advice: ness the closing scene. W lien the peo- eiri's everv dav Wlet is a part of ? c Vte!"?' r" J her character. The maiden who is Hie atiP'MrillUeilt Ul wuu, -niiu "cc .... j. x U I - tf . i . i .. ............... i ... i i c nviin v iii i iir i i - aivw : w i n. lammea upon llie sioue Mun way iriiu- o -i . ! . . ... i - L...uj eVio rnatr lnnV in I Mr. Mvler exnlatned that his theo- 02 to the street, me- louy stairway irusLeu, uucci iu, , rf -- ., . r? mi .i Iii xt nhvc Komblo rv contradicteil the Jaspertan theory tell, i ne sceue inai ioinmiu woo ujj- tne evening. xu ma.ncj. - .i tl- x c f. . . ,i vcrv considerably, the particular por- , a",,,g: ts7, "vrr! .r .. rr ; yh"rn,y inere areeu . .r ,i, f whw. w. explain. ry ps .....,,,. . ,t should contain: onurronasnsrauu, , .I.Mirvwhicli I call the Bib i- 8trUggm.g people below gnn.l.ng nail and tooth jf '.JJ1";, Ura," x- tbrougl, tbe-r 8es Lons .ml brnsll'e, Vse are just as eential as Xi,d Mr. Myler,! "will be 'recog- h S ? lll the slnir: yo.r breakfast, beforwhich you should Btad ,ou,e ,io.e by i the entire reH "uinu,V . , i i.. oa fbptn Parents who er ous and sctentitio world. He said rlrd'.. -i fi;. ndrPTi with snch he had called to ask the President s in lieiPiess in ioe i iim wuuavvi i"-i iaii w uwuuv i . . , i.:a "e " . . . 1 I -r . t , i . I normicainn tn ldncfi Ilia lUCture Oil 1118 appliances, not onlrpma mistake - -f r , r but commit a sin ot omission l,ook , . . , hurried that tidy in the morning, and after the dm- jjj not uave tim jerTV advised ner work is over, improve your toilet. ,(n to again. Jerry said he was sident is giving great satisfaction to the business people Of-Chicago and the Northwest. His conservative course was one which alone could have given this feeling of confidence." He thought the President was just right in going ahead as slowly as he had in making . X W ' ml t r 111 have not yet . learned the dangerous places of the road, and, as a consequence, they drive carelessly over them. The Quiver for June. j i - Trying to Please. f :i Nothing contributas more certainly to the animal spirits than benevolence! Servants and common people are always about you; make moderate attempts: to please everybody and the effort wilt insensibly lead you to a more happy state of mind. Pleasure is very reflect tive, and if you give it you will feel iti The pleasure you give by kindness of manner returns fo vou, and often with compound interest. The receipt forJ cheerfulness is not to have one motive only in the day for living, but a num ber of little motives; a man who from the time he rises till bedtime conducts himself like a gentleman, who throws some little condescension into his man-ii ner to inferiors, and who is always con triving to soften the distance between himself and the poor and ignorant, is always improving his animal spirits, and adding to his happiness. Sydney Smith Hia n resent stock is Enttrelv New. and will Ihj offered on reasonable terms for Cash, Barter, or first-class lortgagea. ' Those wlrb could not pay all their tnort-; gages last year may renew, it papers are satisfactory and appliance is made at once. HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF j Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots ' and Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Con- feetioneris, Crockery, Drugs. Baron, Lard, Corn, Flour. Feed . and Provisions of all kinds, with n full line of High Grade Fertilizers, as cheap as the cheapest. You will do . well to see him before purchasing else where. 1 Salisbury, April 1st, 1885. 25:tf j Notice to Settle: All persons indebted to the estate of Mrs. Julia L. Smyth, deceased, arc requested to make immediate settlement : and nil per-; sons having rlaiu.s against her estate are notified that they must present them to the undersigned on or before the 22ud of April, 1886, or this notice will be plead ia bar of their recovery. ROBERT MURPHY. ANDREW MURPHY, Ex'rs of Julia Smyth April 21sU1885.-Cw - I .'irv.i. 1 i. .1-,- ; r .. it -If - ill '- - M' 'i'R- i- Jr. ' E Tit, 1 .'V Cultivate a smairquantity of land and cultivate it well, rai.se your uwp. supplies nntl keep out of debt. This is the truest secret ot successful lariu- Yaflkia Mineral Sprincs Academy, PALMERSVILLE,(Stani7CO.) w.c. : CH. MARTIN. PmiucirJiL. 1 Graduate of Wake Forest College, aal also at j . toe University of Vlrytnta, W i rmoK. 5 to Ii 5 Der session of montns, i Tbe only school lo ibis section tbat teaches : tne University ot V. methods. VlRorocs M tenslve, thoroajrh. The ckeapeat school tu the v. s. wnsre i teB worwreuuneu mcuivua tiujUt. Good uoatl only t per month. lllg. Mr. Hendricks, in an interview in ORGANIZED 1869 'Y mi 'I Chicago vestertlav, said he looked up on the Vice-Presidency as a position r.hani?e. He wanted at first to be sure J i a. been a believer in Brotlier Jaspers fuf v, waa rHo-bt ' He thought the theory that the sun (jo move. prggiaent was building for the far fu- of dignified laziness. Chicago Times "You should say said Mr. Myler,' . , , nfinn.n in nower iUr tiA aim ilnM mnve UOt uO 1 ti...:. Trri rr the court room, atul there was a rush for the now wrecked exit. Those who were in front were unable to -e t i,r Business or Party Cards, vl uie vemw . AUC J Circulars or Posters, trouble with tbe Democratic party in l Tetter or Note Heads, the past had been in securing the con- - Bill Heads, fidence of the commercial class of the Monthly statements, country. It had been charged with Books or Pamphlets, . . . .1 i i T.aboU Tn.ora. fee... being extreme upon many tmngs wmcn o-t printed at this were dangerous to business interests. , nt lo -tes as ei3ewhere. It had been called the party of wild Business men of Salisbury are invited I - . 1 111. I 11 I J I r i free trade. Kank monev Heresies naa been charged to it. The Southern wing of the party had been charged with a desire to gain con trol of the government to again destroy it. Now that the party was in power DUSlUesS 1UCU Ul uauowmj v. ... . to call through the P. 0. before giving p x prm a T c iOJO nrnjJ their orders to agents or sending them bArllAii CL AOOJilO, S750.000- i 4 w abroad. tarirest Armpfi ue2ite9tiuuniBg. vvMtlietiind tbo nresstire from behind "V , i , i ? ner woris is over, improve vuui wicv. , ,n to i again. Jerry saia ne ws . - , , and were hurled down mpon t he n en q your daily life to 'dress Horrv to ieaA,iy one cleny Brother j the business people saw that the ad nnd women who were crushed iu the Mlllte 11 dl.c J ; J , - , . a.m i.A ministration was coini: ahead m an fall of the staircase, and whom the bi tihat cannot biTdisputed. fa t ' . . - Ivavi l?mtiT TT people in the street were already stri ! iNUAL Mli AL 11. , MOrno WliPn at leimlhi the MaKe it aruieoi your'uuiy mc iu sorry io near any uue iicn w""' i . . - - up for the afternoon: Your dress may, Jasper' theory even in part, for he j ministration was goin tfkfcjr; KLUTT2. SalislVuTf C: fSpDWAEE. iMjmm?:: y- ving to rescue. When, at lengin, tne nanio had exhausted itself and; the j. The Most BeautffdBYood WorkTl immense stone steps of the fallen stair- ih Iii Tvi$nATEn case had been removed, twenty per WRRAITED na -..ViT fmm fbrunisilead. To bo made of the best material. The injured numbered not less than irt.jj " w. i.w.. sixtv, ami -many oi mese -wm . t"' complete in every respect. ,L , . .. - int W.K..u : ,l siv- t their tniurie. Mre... A later dispatch from Thiers Rays fTJOSEtVINQ MACniNE CO., that iu addition to twenty jiereons -RichmoniUAw kiile,! in the court Jiottse -iira4r yem- ENDL1LMAN i . " V. A. 1 1 ..uu Ii fiinl rl iifrmiK-wel't Ifl tlil V , U I IJ WIIV iriimiivji injuretl. Many t the lnjureti wue women aml their wounds are of a se rious character. When the massive stone 5taireae fell the scene was fear ful to witness. The immense- stone steps above with the people upon them were preejtated upon the dead ami dying below, milling to Use horrors ol the awful spectacle. A still laterr dispatch frni Thiers makes the couit house calamity Jiere 1.. fill til..1a liv-wt mils in lis consequences than earlier tlispaiclcs indicated. The dead already mini her twpntv-fuifr. Thetotal number oi liil II full l4 HflW nhiL-etl at 163. Of these or- vprtf Kneionlv iniured and 4fVF tasX.aa. - - j -- even more conservative fashion than or need not be, anything better tnan wM wrawnronw .- -a-. calico- but with a ribbon or flower, or "If t- ? moye sa"J .f fr' cancor dui wnu a x j ' ry W y did Joshua command it to some bit of ornament, you can have an l J ? air of self-respect ahd satisfaction that No one was able to explain the riablv inmps with beiner dressed. I A girl with sensibilities cannot help Jerry also said that even if Broth feeling embarrassediirl awkward ill a er Jasper was riot correct on the "sun . . n -ii 1 l.? A .....," KiiHiiKMia ! it fwiiilil lint lit ragged, amy are", wita r "-;7j ,TV;i ir. I ,u hr believed -hen the last kempt,if arranger-ne.gnDor8nm.a r ;Lin l worl.1. 1 " reached there come in. Moreover,; your 8-t , - . 116 ,,,,,,1,, 9ixty. u naanimity of senti should demand decent apparehng for ",':. iii' ! B revi.iu r0"" t,..u,:..,-. Ya Tw. menx oeiweeu itcuy.oiij crats in favor of his re election. its best friends could have expected, thoroughly The Judre said: "T oomo fn fbis ritv in comnanv with X l I w ' --J X one of the leading bankera of Chicago. He is a R-nublican. He said to me on the train that Cleveland's administra tion wa3 giving such satisfaction to the Dress Makinq! MISS M. 0. TAFFE the Old Photocraph Galleiv. She has learned Uress aiaKing aud the most accurate system ot cutun J. BHOD&S BEOWVK, rresx. your body. You should make it Ldby tirtv-niiie. j Another col- point to look as well as yon can, even ore .Japenan believer who stooii if you know no ooay win see you out war ny ami usimw iuiuc misvmwivi. yourself.' A WHEN YOU WANTJ R fl R F AT LO W FIGURES HA til 'ill D.A. ATWELL. t for tli a n.iiri i i '. SS3cijqne:8tl-:tf.- I. I:- - r some of them will die. Suffering for FooD.-Lynehburg, AT. - .lima l.--ifTriat distress for V " food threatens the people ot tne oor- "Diltb. It was about his I forty-third visit. He sat near her on a hig box in the cor- saiil Brother JaaHMi culd have even beaten this record if life had' tried ve ry hard; that the day he made this wonderful rec rd Ii0 was feeling very unwell, and did notwork as hard as he could. He said that tip to the time Advice to Yoiinar Married People. m, - v o I evil iu, . iic o" T ner. They were all alone. Now was 1 that Jasper hail uiacle tjiis wonderful 1 l- l. i- t.. UnJ tAainnmail I .....l.'.. ,a n a a! Il.lltt Jiff. .Tllllll ma r i tt i I 1 1 "t v 1 1 . i. ii iitr iiiui ucici uiuicu i iiri ii.i iiiuiilc mm mm-, - , tsvmty tim23 to soyibut failed. His Brooks, of this city, now dead, liad J . . . . . I l 1 . . I ..f .. itnmh.ili. i.ta 1 iV Jill; y ulu;j ,,lJ i u " " .u.w. j - , I . . .. heart waa right up in his throat, chok- 'he W recr.l of ay Preacher . th .r. . . . r.;...! i.nviiiu b:nitiaetl on a cold dav ing him hke a cold potato, e-sweat ie Uttrly milint stood m beads on his face. But you .-. tl' hv from a fellow minW lich had been w no interest in the 4ala-f-Cou.uiea in mm hwest Virginia. feWJlSpport, I. .Wort exhausteJ and is KlSi'Siredfl"?',!. fi t S2 ner" bushel, andthe piiiiytthebU3inftRL w.M!rthnn. "i- li it will nflord but little 5WS u,.:iv rmm drought and scourge r.Wjw fico.. Portland, ilatos. lB r stood in oeaas on u ux. . ..yuu . -5 tWel ff) V 1 X ' . J -X WmVVW lAf AMI I JL.. wno nave ineu it uuw m wu tef jjj amj a jj,bie yon who have not vpuld not know if pUt ln a8 a wager. to tell vou. ! Pinallv he said: I r Mvler took h . , ff . " i j , x T?.. - T " Qlia rlirl nrtf caam I Lllnr .itf nf 1 11 IS UlSCUSSlOU. Xle -l Anron Knrrv1risrd. Tiirninc ft I ciirl h wna exceed in el V UnxioilS to SMUCt vt f- f o I w: ' . . I . . . Ml I 1 A '1 . I I. I. . . smiling face to himjshe said: "Ditto, see Miss uieveiana ioj maun ny ur . A i.: u- ; I hpr lptter on temnerance, aud, if pos- I I 113 was LOU IUUCU li Uiui maw is, iii I . i ( .- -.- . . TfaJkin- out of Ms sight He left her, PU le,,ler to was.ituitui0 uui ui "a "c v w I k MinrM.l nonnle nn the tern oe ranee rtalUgno. s.gny. n m e wired people on the temperance without knowing its meanmg.buthe tioI1 il,.r Myler saul lie had 1-1 1. Vsa T1 MMrv alt L J aw bou iwigc vuo juuiu.. made manv ftouresses pu temperance his ears as he rode hcjme. "Ditto, ditto. at dd times when not engaged iu Whatf do it mean, anyhow?" j He de- working ont his Biblical tun-moving "Drive eentlv over the stones fThis piece of advice, which is frequently given to inexperienced wnips, may be resnectfullv suggested to the newly it-- , y , married. There are stony places on me road to happiness which if not careful lv driven over, may upset the domestic coach. Thernr3t rock anead wnicn should be marked dangerous" is the first vear of married life. Here, espe cially, it i3 the first step that C03ts; as arule, the first year eitner mars or makes a marriage. During this period errors may be committed which will cast a shadow over every year tnai follows. On awakening suddenly from sleep we feel nut out and rather cross. May m Fit Giiaiautoccl! Will be pleased to reeeive calls from the ladies of -Salisbury. ! Mar. h 5, lS8o. iy . NOTICE 1 Ga to Mr?. James M. Furcron's to jret Gent h men and Luulea' ciouunjc maur. Sniisfai-tion gunranteeil. win aiso Keep lK):irlii' house. Kesidence southeast end of Innia Street. m 1 Salisbury, N. C Juie 5id lo. :p.u J. M. HADEN, ! Real Estate Apt Office in J. D. McNesly's Storey l JWM. C CO ART, f "1 Secreiarx Twenty-abxtb Aasoal Statement JAKTART 1, 18SJ. LiAgiLrrrES. Casu capital ... 4o,aoa to Uaadjusted Losses . ...... I4.9W w Reserve for Ke-lasuraface and all otlier t 1C2 M llauuues, Ket Surplus...... Ciab IttSanoaalBanX Jf4Mt Caauinliaiii3aotAxeiits.....liNS ft nt. K - & .: jr. ! Coital States Registered Bosda.. ........ KMot sute and Municipal Bonds.. .............. S2.WTW National Bank Stocks MttOO W Cotton Manatactorfni' atocts ............ tl4,t Other Local Stocks... i T0 Real Estate foDlnctunoered ttxj prepeity) fTittT IT Loons, secured tor first mortgages., Wtt Total Asaets, $7414JS0 52 J. ALL1S BS0W2f, Ajt. SaUsturr, JJ. CM Marcn is, i5. tm ; IIS -.4 Pi'ni'Yi hi HAS FOR SALE ihe following real estate on terms to suit pqren isers : . N 1 Ei'dit 1 uiildi g lots, four of them fronting on Main r. These lots are near 3 1. s. wrr ! i No 2-Has ei-lit building lots and four small firms. This; property is situated on the Brings ferry road mile from ear shops o t,. amnll furms. containioz each from 10 to 12 aerei. situated on theBriCKlo ferrv road. It miiea irom o"." No 4 - Has seven building lots, tw on Main'street and fije on Clmrch street, situ- ated on same squape . Vo 5--Has eleven small lots, situated on T o'street near Oas house, Woolen 3ills, freWM and'passenSer depots. This proper. tv is valuaole ior eiiciucuw w 5 o 6 Has eiglit smalt farms, contain SOMETHINGr HiiWl - 5-LAMP CHnLNitSal that will not bwdty beat, Ml at. DIAMOND DYES All colors ivott WiTh at ; DOXT FORGET to call for Seed of all kind, at r C lSS', TO TB E I AOTES l Gall and tee tbe Flower PoU a Adminislrator,s;Koticbl All ptFWm hin cli!aist h - . . n:J. .m lth? r v w . .fi-.-t i m rfi! iL: fo' naV bii twrpn wVion b en1:ir HVstem. He got home. He fouid them in the gar- Cleveland to-day did not see Miss ! a r v w . . f tiWl to nresent tft same w i iit f.,ur to x cr, Ju. T --- r M.,;18 ; : iO. 7 ;rtS uf . -I tliMV-MonirMT. - 1 ' M : " . rnnrmnin" j v . . - t. . n m MAiuuMt. aiuu " r i not the young husband and wit ex- - bthcr Valuablo farms, containing m , . - ; i fr ? S- "pience LlhTgs not enti gh." whenthey awake toreal.ty from the et.i3tb'PJ' aiIIiI.i!lit : - fc; dreams of cDarUhip and the fasc.na-1 , tmr. I J. 5!- HADE.. ,;a, boiutif, j lb. , l- Uon of the honeymoon? Everything . . Jum 4, 1583. j , . ;. j i'-. ,1,.- I 'Y'M?M ' ' . -i: j , ' i - : . . ;.-f - ;; i 3. , - : i. : i ' - - 11' : : I ! ' " ; . ; ' i -i ; ! r : ',"i?t--H J - ' ; . j . " - - ! , - :- 1. ."'M ' . ' f . - n . - I ' - !-,': ; VV ;p'j:r;;V - x I . ' r- i I- f t JhkfRil "4 St- I,' .Hi: - T 11 1. f i, -