; ; - h p : o pCK H 11 - ' vV n d m o 'n : .. Virr THIRD! SJSKUSS . j . : . i 8ALISBUB.Y; N. U., JUIIE 25 1885.K j : , . ; ; - J 3o;s(r rj'"" 7 DID TOU h'atp. i fifton TiHEt - v Ha w'fi's 1nAlr!n' for : olher ikinerals comes' tb.lic writteri, will tell ,uo such 1 'irriidis is tdiieitni:u- jivka;.-!---.': J -hi? DID TOU II AYE X GOOD TIMET i Hewas looking for other minerals, coraes to wnen ne louna some or inese ncn green woiy. mm w k i 1 1 u . i j v t- i v . m.i , Bi ; i v , ht- t - xms quesuon nas Deen asReu me su crystals, ana sending inem M) ,a Bcien- ;ine ioriurrn imw m aiwaji bu f lTltin r'l VVtlTPP ' en s"icerdj return from New Or-tistJ they were tliose of the 8iuth at the lOlllj llll A I 111 Ui leans that I am constrained to give my ed so rare as to deserve a distinguishing Wilderness, during the Seven - "Days ir ' - r friends a little taste s ot ijusttheland;-'iame;'he called aNI PEUMANENT CURE of a good j time I had, and allow the , Whyil that is very intersting--I w.en they came ilito conflict, atit is if1 ,. generou reader to'.'saV. if litiras a. good :.did'ndi!KnowN6rth'Car6lina produced : ii.l nlAasure f iiielNonuern war h!a. pyj?2pua aid Indlitipn. men not jn ; ".tory excedinglyisctfHUtable to the .t r,v W. W. c;ilD(50nY, ! quarters, at the head of the exhibit I "Yes." ! ... .i.TJ.W W i,a r teit C. : was most 'always toA be; found in the r Bv.this time I was beednnintr to feel -1.. . ..J:iJi W r,j.. . - m . r . . - fii inpir 11:11 rim isiii i.ui it i.t a biui a 1 large mineral lyiRion, which ws a ve-;tireand ann, my moutlrwas t:cai anlf ai,ritrl!to that the po-: ry attractive mace assure jou as we rearury, Dut mere was no escape vyip- , rfh Wts 1oub -t)at n myi iace 1 0 . -u f .. J7 rMociwith hom the sme.- Voahare more Sn;nee mVgk: the conTemiiona, walk' tfii Voui think. Tate Wffli We,HpTe compb-Vadvicef nnd schW good LS "v-"" vj. vu micueciuai aavance- vou can be uicufc ix propeny airectea. We should CllABr-OTTK, N. C, Nr, 29. 1884. . riiiiiriil't' '! tu're'VV Cfi'tlfV :tn4 mnnvr vinh nn -rxtt-a an' 1 h'aa fTtAVOT Utin avCwi4Cv fwvmnivl h . U ieo-utly. us, yonr Dy.pei.tic part o my duty was to explain thce stSod resiiel f or what was to follow. was j,omogene. Lm,Vt ,:Lt Vm:ht n! n,y8elf i ml? U JhtUvJ foundll WUU9 lar Jllnw tone?'v:- ous while that of the Smtli was part 4f t r . il Iv rwiiiiiueuu ir t inner. ; ! H. P. Waking, jileiuin r C Legislature, Charlotte,. N. C. A I'ttfovoot oUt. IT c-rViiViit I T'VvnM u nfKf free and part Iave; tnat the Hortli imuress on him the Advantages that 'the labels. Great care had been taken was united wtfilej A her Bot.tli oT-Hm North" Carolina- offered to'Mntelligent J to hive every thihg labeled' m labor. and capital. This was eryren elaltoate manner, and infa lare, lldii1tot-ysolilier .' t-A-Zi rlr aenAAinllv TOhon TOU ihonH ' Shn oumw1 r tnl'O'lIrt 'ITltoTOSr at urinv fl In tlltlSA'Ot IIIO &OU111.1 A I..i. wril (1 leantt re w;ivttu.iiei Trvjxa., wiA.umiM j-' ; iuuu. v 01.111 v vunv --- . ....... had an interested intelligent listener . m tne laDeis, so l leaned over tne snow i tie wnoie nuinoer 01 irnup in me who was enquiring ior a purpose, uui case and oegan reading vtne iauei ior ieaerjii army may De omciauy accu the great mass of visitors were mere en- her: " rately st:tetl at 12,500,000. It is put riosity hunters people who were look-1 "The large yellow stone is 4the Hen- down iy official authority as greater D A. JENKINS, lng tor sometmng to amuse mem ana anCKS gem. . . than this. N. C. State Treasurer, t from that class 1 snail draw out a sm- W'i1'' tl.e whieAf your Ji- .HcVerfull? recommend U to any one be thankful for the infinite means fpr impressions and excitement which the world provides to keep our faculties Did jyou.e ver hive a period in .(your Not Vauted. awafe and in action, while it is bur im. 1 VPU 83 no one winted 1 1 nau - that experience for two and it nearly broke my heart. I happy. Iutemperance In Cats. r sie hy J IT McAHen nd T O Smith & The da v was" warm, excessiv "?hilotte, Si C, and T. F. Klutti & Co-, f that vast building where there v ( ' 49: ly jtically no ventilation, and I i -. i : I mrraH in q irrn n m n rr thn crr 1 rt tTEIDOUA RTIRS FOR STCDfilUKEll asd TENNESSEE. . FARM WAG UN or LBUS, Wateutown & Cincinnati Biggies & Spring Wagons. arain and Guano Drills. tkcm'as HAY RAKES. i 4 Averi'b Ui'Jini- and Walking CULTIVATORS. th?V Telegraph! Straw Cutters, . r Avery and Dixie PLOWS, Dbxtor corn bx. i Engines and Boilers, SAWIAHD GRIST HILLS, ,in', Engine and Boilvr Fittings Guns, !.n! Shells. Cart fidiics. Wads and Caps. Pbwder ami ShotDynamite Fuseaad Pri-siers-ix Shovela and Spades, Buildipg Hir.karci lainti. Oils aiul Yanuslies, iOMErRAlSED CLOYitn ottu. m ererytUtiW elseiusually kapt in Flt-st Class brlwre and Implement Stores. I liave on hand iha stock pf the above. & offer them for the next etfiyda.s, for less money than they have ever teiwlJ in tuis country. ... ikryjoct 23, V. SffllTHDEAL. i crle sample. The day was warm, excessively so in was prac- am en- ' ii ii - i gaged in arranging, the goia nuggets and gems in show cases, trying to pro duce pleasing effects. A voice near says: "Where are the gems?" I look up and bow to a stylishly dressed lady of (Well rounded propor tions; in fact, she might be considered stout, by some--a mere matter of taste, you know and replied: " "I am just removing them from the safe, they will be ready for inspection in a moment:? . "They tell ine you have some very large diamonds here, I wish to see No, we have no diamonds on exhi bition, though our State has produced some very pretty: diamonds." "What State is yours?" ' - "North Carolina." ; "Tell me, please, what is that curious looking stone with red hair in it?" "That is Venus hair, or arrows of love stone; the mineral name is sagenite." "Where is that from?'! "Several localities Iredell and Alex ander counties, produce choice speci mens' "Are those counties in North Car olina?": ' ."Yes." "It's real curious, isn't it?" "Yes." "What are those long, green glass things?" ' "Those are emeralds." "What! do you mean real emeralds?" "Yes, they are -real emeralds, and I am proud to say that our State furnish es the finest specimens found in this country." - "Are they from North Carolina?" "Yes, everything in this collection is from North Carolina.- - "Do tell me what they are made of? "They are not manufactured they are real crystals. "It can't be that they are real emer alds, because emeralds are more valua- blethan diamonds; I know, hecause my sister Jane, who married last fall, had a little bit of an emerald which cost forty-five dollars. Those are too large to. be real emeralds. "They are real emeralds, and while they are fine, specimens, they are not suitable tor cutting gems, rertectiy pure emeralds are both rare and valuable You will observe that those have feath ery flaws, and also that the crystal has - 1 i i "1 at very snort intervals, cleavage marKs llll! more money than at anything else by taktrfg 1 11 au asrericy for the best selling book out. Be eaerjsuciteed granair. None fall. Terms free. -m)u Uallett Uuok oo Portland,' Mala. Sor.SV&l.-ly . i STANDS AT THE HEAD! THE UGIIT-RUNNINO DOMI tiartant dnfv fn the action fn s. nnblA m1 ;,'n mdi l V Nature, the master teacherreveals Wa mblthought no lessons of idleness, butppeals to Us i P ted me. : I was a stran- all to "V nn a Ant. :t i f a strange city .locsr ir . woiua .do t 'Jt r H Ii - -Ljrciiw xxuiii ijiHi- r uu ly a gruff answerNo, sir.7 No. one wtM mer It seemed as if the Son of God "must have had something of that feeling when he was down here ; no one Granted him. The world did not want him ; it put him to death. "His locks were wet with the dews of night" He looked toward heaven and sighed. He saw sickness and disase and death all around him, and no one want ed him, so he looked toward home. I can imagine he was home-sick. ) There he was loved by all. Won't yqu have Won't yqu do a.4 I 1 i ! I .. . .. . I rVlnrrnnH MnUk.J L. J. respeetea ior uiainy cannor. xi is no other dav on the charge of habitual LttI ' aww -UAUA U wu receive im into "I presume it was a fancy of the disgrace to be beaten by brave men, and disorderly cat keeping was a mel-1 ?our an4 home Moody. nor wouiu oe any reuran'ii un I u..i i nL. """" Northern valurjto admit that it matle . J . e, - , . Xowed by a Soa Monster. . ! i I -.r i i temperance m cats, one confessed that . ticonr2tiiMiir tut m lv-rs anil itK ni:illl tiild I " w-vu .nv - uovuioui.vi . 111,.... . .... ,1 rwtt m. .... . . - .. advantages to attain its ultimate ends, SDe habitually kept eighteen cats and iic inruiing Adventure of borne Fish roc.lfc n,,t hn ilpiihinxl pxrpiit in con- their kittens in her rooms, and her atv ermen in a If rail Lanoe. nection with the great loss of life and pearance showed that she was wholly nrotiprtv pnfailiid. : A trilthftll IlisLo AM r- " .. r - Tl....,l ' A 1 1 .1 i xuucuipciaiiwc mw i3 xcuiiuiiie !,... five hum red v:ir s from i I.p vice, and it is very seldom that a man h)oatj .-a shark. I bhoiild guess it Was at becomes addicted to it. 'Ihe Countess least sixty loot. It didn't seem to no We have known instances where young ladies have made us feel a sense of discomfort and annoyance at their Yes, I see, but what is it?" - Our forces were wut down at 600.- disDlav of an unbecoming fnndnp for i conimuea reaains: -tuts i"ot fMiO hi KPrv et duritiir the who e war. af k ii,rtWV i . nmeito ntntio frnw?' "it 19 ft mnai -. i i . ... V bv' vvr r-"' ."rrr" - .it.: it mav nave neen larirer. uui nm ua ut.a i Where was it found?'' rL .i.L .i. 5,tu UUm WUuig m wve mm Still reading-found in!8J9 in Burke L , !. " Z . : , J cats, we copy the following horrible county,N.C. . .... . .,tlM;n than :i Ah picture from the New York Times as a Usee the New York exhibit has the 7"-V" ' :"'2 r," ... hint aWt aVnlcrar n, ni i j - m j. nese son oil crjuiroveaics uic uu- i -o o vieveiuxiu kcixi. . . , , ... . l,k;. . i i . s ' iiaa aiiiw na i i iiiiliiiiii a,. a. a - . I es. y ' !''.',--- - j o I -1 U" il X?' o WlVw .nllwl tP RprtalripV to utTsettle our bpipn of men we had "The woman who was arrested the r reJecte(l JV.mg r respected for manly candor. It is no o - tll ATTNG bousht ont the tJrfy partwent of J. I McNeeiyr! intend conducting a FiTft Class GROCERY; STORED Mt Hock will ronsiist oflTGAiT.C(lTrFt,pi uapav turn vt.vi, ,. . nutWff'-tA Butter. Ciru-L.nrt x,n a ine umccry aful Prov,siu ir,, close nttemiou to bnsinofis nnA tun t. for cash. I houe to inrit t i.v ' . . w w iih,il fm inn lIIU of the trade. Come and see mavt J TrtfiJ Ncely'ti Store. uuc 103a. J. "M. JUDEX. 1 7 New .5 ' & Fr6sh!! J. S. McOUBBINS, Sr., owner. "Whthe owner?" "Mr. Hidden." . "Whenulid he get it?" . "Found ibin Burke county in 1879." " "It is sad that the Cleveland gem was offered to Mr. Cleveland and he de clined it. Was this ever offered to Mr. Hendricks?" J "I think not." "Will it be?" "Not that I know of." "Don.t you think he would take it?" "I do not know." "We werefishing near the Scyclielle ry of the war Will bring discredit up on neither Southern nor Norrhern courage. An nueaudid one will go fr to harm th) personal character of htm who writes it.- Asheville Citizen. Shakespeare Versus Hash. Delia Torre, who is frequently brought tice uh, but kept right along, and fin before the London police courts, some- a,,y the old canoe ran right alongside, times keeps as many as sixty or seventy Thpn whv is it called the Hendricks gem? "i tell you, sir, " said an eloquent " um uiucu iuiui, um "I m sure I do not know unless it is boarder, referrintri to Shakespeare, are trom time to time mentioned m the a wild freak of the half crazed owner." , tlitit man Ikis his impress noon Enrliah nolice renorts. In some of these the thought of the. world, and his in- cases the thirst for cats is probably in- herited, and in others intemperance in J i I aoto la rlna ta iviai.iI wao Iryi acq nnH o K nueuce ,oi uisigeiuus we no longer . . TT , , rrravel n the dust. ! thinking only of wuce OA 8eroi- usuany, nowever, "0. is he crazy? "No, but he has gone home to rest. flOI.f.A ...jn rfti tn tlm rpmniPt nna tt: l i - .I iv. i . 1:1 T i : ' ry- rie expiainea mese minerals uuui ne t-ttr ilon we M,iA,i,JAr t ip m was taken sick. . "Do you find this climate trying?' "Yes. very. 1 suffer erreatlv wiping ? , , . j. ' , . i t it. ; muorv w; ilrawg wnmon i a qf , y i s . ; - L i ureaa anu uuiier, out we - 01131-""" v tneoeattS 01 perspiration irom my iace . , I, ',, !in,i i,p f.ll Thev seek in th soeietv of t W AtC . j illiTII lilt l IIIIIV V "Mvj9 w wa I y - - J all this jewelry is from ' Vr a cna'r 'M u18 n,a" haste to get moralizing animals forgetfulness of the ina?'V j ut the provender, and at the next miseries of daily life and a temporary moment ne was eating sjup at me excitement, the subsidence of which rate 01 a quart a miuuie. uacao a f am afill Attt r m- v a;am. "And so North Carolina "Yes." "Weil, if I find sister Jane, it's like looking for a needle in a hay stack, to find anybody here 4 11 bring her by this I evening, I know : she will be glad I to have you tell her-about these thiners. Good morning." "Good morning." Don't Whine, Bo j's. Don't be whining about not hav ing a fair chance. Throw a seiisible man out of a window, and he'll fall on l.ts feet, and ask the nearest way to his work. The more-you have to !egii with, the less you will have in the end. Money you earn your.elf is much.. brighter than any ou get out of dead men's bags. A scant break- these reduce th value of the specimens TbtHUthcaf'knftiipdwfi T.PAder Ts a because trems cannot be made from fUctiliateaiiiiM l.tTdianuted. flawed stories. That loncst one is llXY nilT TT worth four hundred dollars as a cabinet i M ( VT v K n TT A T . T T specimen. - (rm i "Is that all? I am sure it can t be Li,htvst Rutan'i.K.- " real for that pnee. 'I his one m the J. .Tbe Most Beautiful Wood Work, ring looks better it s about the size ot sister Jane s her s is very pretty. x "The stone set in the ring- is not an emerald; itis the new xgem hiddenite, and is worth two hundred and twenty five dollars." v . But it is green, it looks like emerald and it must be emerald. I never heard of hiddenite, where is it from?" "Hiddenite is an entirely new gem, iound only in North Carolina, and in only one county Alexander and is entuely different from the emerald.' "Well, that is stranger! never heard of it before. You sayit is from North Carolina?'' "Yes." " uWhat is the difference between em erald and hiddenite?" "They differ in almost every particu lar: in crvstaline form and in their ba sic elements." . -."What does that mean ?" "It 'means &at one is a. hexagonal prysm and the other monoclinic in crys- taline form, and that one, the emeraju, has glucina as a basiclement while the hiddenite has lithia." t4T don't understand vet. they are both n A'D IS WARRANTED i ' l -"'I ' ..X ! Itiado nf thr Knot mofprlnl m -w, . v v. a tut v v. fo ao auy and all kinds of work. Tu 'e jjoniplete ijn every respect. ?enu wauted in iuuoccupied territory. toSWTic SEWING MACHINE CO., p , i uiciimona,-va. KLUfTZ & RENDLEMAN Salisbury, N. C. fast ifl te tnorniiig of life whets the appetite for feast later in the-day. lie who has tasted a sour apple will have ilie more relish for a sweet one. Youripresent want will make future prosperity all the sweeter. Eighteen pence; has. -set up many; a peddler in business, and he has turned it over until he has kept his carriage. As for the place voti are cast in, don't find fatilt with that; you need nbt be a horse because you were, born-111 a stable. If a bull tossed a man of mettle, sk -high, he would dropdown in a good place. A ban!-working young; man witn ins : wits aooui mm will utake money while others will do nothing but lose it. 1 Good Test. "In my opinion, animals are color blind." 1 "I don't believe it." "I do. I have been trying some experiments which convinced me that none ot our domestic animals can dis .: :-i.-i..- h - lllllllSil VUIWJ3. The passion for cats, whatever may be its origin in any individual case, is the sure ruin of the wretched woman who yields to it. Under the fatal fas cination of cats she loses all interest in high and noble things. She neglects hissing rope. -Iv'e been foul of some her proper occupation and forgets her lively old whales in my tune, but it friends. She cares for nothintr but to wasu t nothing to th.s. 1 be line lair- shut herself up in her room and there ,v, l).,1ed tu,,es and hissed and smok- and haulitig off the man let him have belli nil the side tins, and at the same minute the men dusr their paddles into the water and away the canoe went, and I tell you, my boy, it wasjut 111 tune to save my bacon, as the moment the iron struck, the Hsli seetneu to rise nue a uig island rignl into the air. I never siw sm h a sight and when it came down you'd have thought the bottom hud fallen out of the ocean hum the whirlpool it made and a -"Wave-struck us that would have knocked an American boat all; to pieces, but as it was we seemed for a moment to shoot into the a 1 r, Jell back with a crash, and then canie the yell of the man for the rest to look out for- line; but in the confusion it took alurn about a paddle and jerk ed it and the man overboard quicker than lean think of it, and talk about Will continue the business at the 0M Stand,! having clostd out all the oh! stock. His present etock is Entirely New, And will he offered on reasonable, terms for Cash, Barter, or first class'ilortsagca. 4 Those who could not pay all their n)(irt gaeslast year may renew, if papers ire satisfactory and appliance is made at 'once: HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF ' Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots'! and Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Coi- fectioncris, Crockery, Dru-rs, Bacon, Lard. Corn, Flour. Feed and Provisions of fall kinds, with a lull line of High Grade Fertilizers as cheap as the cheapest. You will ?do well to see him before purchasing else-' where, j Salisbury, April 1st, 18S5. 25:tf . : ; . Notice to Settle i All persons indebted to the estate of jfrs. Julia L. Smyth, dtceuscd, arc requested; to make immediate settlement ; and alt jter- sons hAvingclaimsjtgainst her estate are notified that they must present them to tho undersigned on .or before the52nd of'Aoril, ISSb, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. v i ROBERT MURPHY, V ANDREW MURPHY,' Ex'i s of Julia Sin vtli' April 21st, 1885: 0v -7 i stage "'Try another, and you'll change 1 indulge in reckless and prolonged in- your mind. I What's that?!' "Robe yourself in a red shawl und walk through a! field where a bull is grazing. Chicago Ledger. temperance in cats. At a later in her career she loses all sense of shame, and does not hesitate to show herself surrounded by cats. She reduces her- V ed like a steam engine, we a-pulliug after it as fast as we could, and it was a good thing we did, as in a few sec onds the fish had taken all the slack, and there came a jerk that sent every man to the bottom of the boat and 1 The Way j with Her. Miss her money on cats, and if she escapes Miggs I hope, my dear, that you imprisonment as a disorderly cat keeper doll t tro to theltheatie alone. Rhp is final! v found dend in the midst coif fr. aV.iMf TwiroT-fTr htr fimmnrharini I nearly overboard, and 1 thought the DianKS nau ueen torn twean out, 01 ou't go to the hheutre alone. Estelle No.tindeetl. I nev of iroinsr unless I think of her cats. The possibility of such II Ullil UCI llCt. I , 11" 1 J 1 Jl "1 J. J L I I rlaianHntiAn nAiill hovHIn rnll rf rl rT Miss MiirsstUnless you are what? b . - vvTtw i -- WHEN YOU WT3 HARD AT LOW mm e FIGURES VU On t1.;-j . ' ' - 8iw.Ji:" u" ue rs,SHd at NO. 2, Granite U. A. Al WiSLU 11sVr,N.C...IuTie8thf- doable W royal. PUtyouin ,TTL,i01 ?oW tbat wlU to tewdaytsthiTn:." Wl taxing more mon- rftfllllro VriM Jli a- - . -I' WT VV3 iS.WhtfM'iL?!.8ltt.-- Ttoat all who to wwto?f?.Ve "ot well satlsaed creen. "The rich crreen color in each is due to the presence of the oxide of chromi um that much they have m common." "Then I can't see why one is called emerald and the other hiddenite, they have the same color!" . ! , uThe emerald belongs to the family of beryls, while the hiddenite is a varei tv of sDodutflene. and is called hidden ite after the . gentleman who. first i i i i . ...... i brought it into prominence. 44 Who was he?M ' ; wMr.-Hidden." . :"How did he first find it? Estelle Citaiierbned. Miss Miggs-4 That's the way with me. I ulwnysllike to have a chap arouud. Drake 8 Magazine. Who loves his work, and knows how to spare i - - - May live and flourish anywhere. As to a little trouble,' who expects to find cherries without stones or ros es without thorns? W ho would win must learn-to bear. Idleness lies in bed sick with. the mulligrubs, wierc industry fitnU health and wealth. The dog in the kennel barks at fleas, the hutnling dog does not eveu know t hat tlley are there.! Laziness Waits till the fiver is dry, and never gets to market; 'Trv"swims it and makes all the trade. "Can't do it" would not eat the bread cut for him, but "Try"l maNde meat out of mushrooms. John flovghman' 8 Talks. The Wilmington Star comments with hist severity upou-a recent arti cle in the Century contributions to the history of the war between theotates. The leadintr idea - is. to demonstrate that in all the battles the Southern fo'rees always outnutnbered theii op ponents; and that victory, Under all t lie adverse conditions-, inclined to the Northern army. Vc confess surprise that a man like Gen. jMcCIellan, al- wavs csteeme! - fair and truthful, 6hnuldihave represented 'the, Seven A rich Georgia land owner sent for a neighbvr and proposed that if he wouldsupporthim wnile alive, furnish him .medical attendance, and bury him decently, he would make him a deed to bis laud. ihe trade was closed, the papers drawn, and a doc tor at once seut jtor. I he resttlt was that the fortunate1 neighbor of the her. "At first her bow went under, and : a a. t J . when the man c imbed att she was half full of water and going along at ... .ii..- f a rate that almost lore me uuuons ou af 9 your coat trom the Inchon. It was a luckv thinir tor us that there was no sea on, or we should have , , i i . in no tune but as it was, we got her leave no means untried to promote to- . . . . j r ' . , , .. - i it. "eid up in the air, and oil v.e went, tai aosuuence irom cuis among wiuae asui,lg 0 favors of anyone. We head Of the weaker Sex." e.l rltrhf nut to sen. a matter of four miles, and then it changed again and A Talk With the Girls. struck inshore, and when about a mile otf the beach we took in the any woman rrom indulging m cats were it placed fairly before her, and it is the duty of philanthropic women to Mineral SpriQis Acinf, i KAUIVIERSVILl,E,tanlrCo.) H.C. 1 ' C. II. MAUT1N. Fhincipal. ! Graduate of Wake Forest College, and also at ! j tae University ol VlrjftnU. i j -BP'iriTios, $5 to si 5 per session of shiontHai. j - The onlyscliool la thbspctioa that teacKes; the Lolverslty of Va. methods. Vigorous ex-i Iteaslre. Lhtironh. Thpciipnoovt uinvr.i i.. timi ! where ti-'se world-reDoweiOaf-ihoda are it Uu jat . Oooi tfoiird only $6 per month. j ! y Address, v 11. Makti.v, Prin. i ORGANIZED 1859 CAPITAL & ASSETS, S75Q.OOO. HnOD.S BIlOW.E, I fVM c. coAtt. seercwiy I'rcsu f Twrentj-sixth Annual Statement, Jakcakt 1, lSi. Tl ABILITIES. Cash Capital Unadjusted Losses Reserve for l.e-lnsurance and ill other llibllUleii, i Net Surplus,..... SCHEDULE OF ASSETS: Cash la National Bank J 7.91 W Come, girls, let me tell you some- slack, so we got a lance into him, and j cash lanaoJa oi Agents .umo thing. You all look so nice m your pretty home dresses, with your busy n from omnlnrd in tn ncf wnrL" ' Rnt UU.kWAa3 CUllaUlU . LA. laUAV 1 VVV.U. M a. M. a rich man was hi possession of his es- some day a change will come in your fa.r Tiwiy sure to ,T m. w:uiirev' immense lb SmKtllUot?tatonce. Don't 1 I "'i-rly ' f- rtUnd, Maine-. - Pays Fight before Richmond as a se ries of iFederal vfctorjek against : su- iieiior ;nu tubers. History,- i ' - ' ' "-"II,' tate within a Week; 'Doctors are in dispensable in some emergencies. f i "He ruined h'imself fully and for ever ly the way; he rebuked a mother tbrher child's drying," said a country pastor, in telling of a complete fail ure of a proiniueut miuUter who had come to help hid in a protracted meeting. Or.e ought never to show the least worry, even! though a dozen babies may be crying. If the preach er is calm and serene and shows that he is not worried,! he can. hold his coutrrezation ; but to turn upon the poor distresed mother with savage' thrust is a crime which country peo ple will be slow to Ibrgive. lu the present slate of ju flairs in the country, mothers must often take their chil dren with themjor remain at home. Religious Heratd. . "We encourage the interchange of visits with patrons of other resorts," said the proprietor bf a leading hotel. "When our people are an ay for the day they pay don't have, atid return the call way of living. You will goto make another home, and when that time comes you will not forget the home high and dry. . rw : 1 let Him have lour or Dve OUIieiS United States Registered Donds. about the head, and, to make a long state aud Municipal Bonds i . r. ii ..... , : National Bank Stocks ... story short, after a flurry that bejit j MauufiCtu:1ng 6tocfcs ... auvthing I ever saw, the shark gave other Local stocks... up and rolled over, and we got lines Keal E3tate (uaiacumbered city properU) on, and after an hour's hard pulling Loans, secured br nm mortgagw ......... 60,i?i si got it around, aud at ebb tide it was .fsoo.noo oo . 81,06lLCi 162,111 SO . ... r .fi I 19.6IC SJ . 179.S00 00 , 51,(1 M T . 132,400 00 r ll,7i5 04 39,;to 00 "Talk about fish it looked more like a big whale than anything I ever saw. It was auout iweive iooi uigu and about-seventy foot long. Tlije moutlvnvasn't on the underside, and itJind teeth hartllv larger lhau a cod- 'i. i . .i . .. : when - it ners they do havej M - V.I I l ior the dinner?, they when their frieuds they pay for the din- Total Assets, $741,380 32 and friends of your girlhood. They will ever be fresh in your memory Faces will come to you in your day dreams that are ever young. Your thoughts will go back todays spent without care. Yes, when you have- g8j, anj jp ns throat a curious whal been married a few vea'rs you wilLwon- hnne like ai raniremei.t. I believe der how mother kept the buttons on, they call 'em 'gill-rakers,' but they holes darned and Datchedl and was so were used just about as a whale uses mall food is taken into cneenui an tne time. . . i e mi. i i i the motttn anu kiuu 01 buuiucu Then you w 11 know how she sat by , irakcn am m iuto the midnight fare and mended that her tl The natives cut it up and children might be comfortable; notun-l ot abott ten barrels of oil, eo tlut til then will you know how dear your the fish paid about 200. ' Fhila mother was. x J delphia Times. V . ' 1 i I ' ll jnow lay -aside your tancy worK, pamt ,mr'weaeea fashionable femafc less, play less on the pino. but go m- j ? TQQnd a pug dog, we feel .a to the kitchen and help your careworn g00 deal of sympathy for the dog mother, jno one win tmnK less 01 you mmm for it. That youngjnahwho pretends NOTICE! . 4 1 , "" to thmfc SO mucjroi you does not want . qq to3Irs. James M. FurcronV to pet a wife who knows nothing of woman's arntit,mi.n and Ladies clothing made- wort ' - ISarifaetion cuaranteed. Will also kt J. ALLEN UEOWN, Ajrt. . Salisbury, K. C, March i, i3. Cm: SOMETHING NEW!! IW LAMP CHIMNEYS 3 I that will not break-bVhe.it. hr a!e at DIAMOND DYES All colors jou wish at ENNISS? DON'T FOUGET to call for Seed of allkiodsat ENNIS&V i TO THE LAD IDS : Call and see the Flower Pots t - , ENNISS, Adminislrator's Notice! Alii persons havbig Hadms agJntk:th estate of John S. Hide deed,, r bJrely notified to present the sauiu to tluruader si.med on or before the 8th of May 13S6, orthis iiMthc noti:e will Wp.eaJgU ia bar of their 'recovery Mav 61 h. 133.5. I, 31. BARHIEK, Adai'r, so we gain both ! Hcidtncc southeast eujjl the back seat at church, and laugh and Salisbury N. C.; June 201 1885. 33:p.tt. t i . - j ; .r. u..v oonrun-- uouc luu ayuau, bHo, wjo ' ofihniss Street. IT WII L P VY TO GIVE BhrlaerV I dian Vermifualiial. IlmuSfctiyt; r. :fl- . 1 Z i 1 . 1' .ft A m 'IT it" ' i t:i! .:-A t .'-Ht.: jf 4'yytAl : 1 .j- t t -4 m . 1' V is - fa Hi ;- -i-r i. :-.-s hi': . !y ,M M-J If. r-.i 1 . .... .. -, - i " ; " "" V "f

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