. . , - .-"V. ';' vf :' , : :.. ' - . " ' -: ' . - . . .... . : ' , ! r - i,j f. . s,. - - ' . i ' :' " ' , f . .. .,.. .. , ; ' . - . - ... ' '' V ' ;. - .-, . . -4 -:- :. t i 1' , i 11. 1 i 1 I - 11 1 1 . 1 , 1 g 1 1 . I .. fi lir 11H 11 mm 1 11 ' ..ill i'i I. ' ' " 1 f r ' " -w .... I .: 841IBBTOT. H. C. JTJ1Y 16. 1885. BliESOBY'S VrbSirlVE AND PF.HMASENT CURE FOB Lspepsia and Indigestion. IXUO iTrtXW v. bowfll ft Oo' Newspaper ' AdTerttslng Bureau (10 Spruce St A wher adTrrtisin; coatracu may be made lor It IN NEW YOltK. !'.f ' v. Not a True Bill.. . Wflmingtbn Star, ; J . "Thft Atiffti'sta Chronicle conies from a correspondent of the Nashyille Amur irnn. n. njimcrrimli Tpflppiin rr nrvnn "nT4fi wvwmw a MQ VK w- j-j . v M Carolina and snowmglup its Mnon-pro- DTPJiRivPTiAaa.Vi 'Tt la a mistalfft tn snn. po3et that the mother is notas progress ive as the' dansrhter. We believe that i there is its much of the spmt of pro- viifutTy ufeil ymiKDytipeiitic i gressiveness in North Carolina as there is in - I ptinpjwp - i hfi tinft pxnosinona at Boston, at New Orleans, at Atlanta, atid at Ralpitrh showed "wliat thft "Old Nofth State could do when she had a mind tn nnt forth hpr hfst pfforts. In another: artwle we refer to the want of I recommend it t others, f u,w " u. P. wariso,: i Member N. C. LegUlatare Cha"blotte, N, C. xv w.G'rezory: i rrrw in a nortion of the State ow- ilW''"1-' m(W I heused il Willi reai tug w uuwiuuow auu uwwmis pvWfoiii recommend it 10 any one f thods pursued by.the farmers. But-in Lreuv :, Hviuiwm. andigenson ana a i two-thirda of the counties there is uro- cress, and in the otate at large mere is, .1 T 1 11 on. the whole, as comparea witn me production of ten or fifteen years ago, J : u bv J II McAn nn6 T C .Smith & a weat advance. Fprie y J " j t f Kfutt ACoC iTorth Carolina is eminently conser- r'lSitf lott.. N- and T. F. Klutta Co , thTashvillP. Ui f WM7 !,""'v-. " V T . , i -it fViaf. sNorrn flnrnlina is Ktill UTu nnil ft flTERC . Still aslppn. She awoke in 1861. from her tHUyUHfil I It BlV WM "Rip Van Winkle" nap of twenty years, $tUI)EBAKEU A5D TENNESSEE ?r rhen.the stern alarums of war called r . . pftDM UJAfinflS. til kerlmpn frofh the mountains and the . .'( r V. .r ui.arw a CiscnnjATii nlains With a votiner white TXt)ula- CfLC? ' i o: o.-WaconS tion of but ll2,500 Jn -I860, she sent BttffgieS &! bprillg W agOUb. more tlian' i2l,000 men to the armies L . 3 n., TImIIo nf Iipr "Home Gnard." y Urain ana "" Carolina ta3 never Wn ileeP rrunQ H A Y llAJi.JtO UWp although "whitlinsr" in 1885 At ER 8 Ki("QS ana ' B1R,,1o some uuicB ucidmc uci jtorojd coaa- D A; JENKINS, . ; N. U. Slate Treasurer. . ' 4- . TUlwln DI. Stanton. 1 i . - f MrsKerr Cralte Raleigh1 News-Observer. Iri the death of this lovely woman wc find one of those mysteries so ter rime iu luiiiiy u viiiiiiug iu me mvMefv that makes hearts sick with wonder ami faint with awe. Only 1 THE END Off THE MAN THAT HANG ED MRS. SURttATT. i ilEdwin M; Stanton was his tiame. 4 He! was" Secretary: ot 4 War under R W riilpiaud such - was his than 8Hbury, unt witn awe. v"'y irr";"T , fr ' i.i.--r o Wl,om the WUN of her a- WlW.Xl wire au utoi rrveuitu ur wwmai . iV . . - .A iniercourse couia appreciate me r; " 7 . t : .,;;,o lni. r hir ri(cter . with neV be ki led durwthe war. us nnu uusis 01 iruunuuifw, auumg strentfth to Ioveline8S.,!l,lc world ... .... ..... , . ...... otily paw the shapely temple with us glowing traits and brilliant beauty, littlejdieaming that -within were vir tues j rare and " noble, from which sprang a manner 60 courteous,-so -win-ningi and wilhal sosincerie. In child hood, girlhood and womanhood, truth fulness and kindness were the springs from whish flowed those graces which made her such an ornament to socie4 ty. j That gracefulness of manner was .1 t:.,l...l l..t. ton) IliUQrn ueiievoieiie, jwhsiiw u; !-. andj sweetened by Kymp4lhy Why should we wonder, then, that the Giver of all this, loveliness-wished for it a' more rapid growth! in a richer soil? A growth withoutsthe pain ot CP 'a -I - Jk life without the imin'of 1 ' ? m -n T i I l.iJ. 13. Glass and Its Components. 4 . llt-ca i Jiti iTTAmilnr aniKtanm. hard an4 linMp fr hrpak 'at ordinarv temrpr-f ature, transparent or translucent;, wmce oreolored, having a peculiar brilliant anrl - aTTinrif h f raotnrp: AJillprl "virrpotis'' It is composed bf silica with some of the following bases r potash, soda, lime,' magnesia lead, iron and alumina. : SpvpraV kinds - of class , -are . known. snnTi as window and nl ate class. flint. ' ' "iwrrtilfo atA Krtfflo rl oca fnflia TiT in rtif . He was ! also the brutal, cowardly i fprpnt nronortions of 'sand, soda notash. L'.::.ii-.'ri If finrrnl ' 1 a woman li: . J lJ x - iftainstwhqm there was not sne particle 1 Colored glasses are produced by using q trUlllilll CVlticiivw . ... . ,aituua uictaiiu uaiuco, wiuuvutu ui r , manner connect her with 'the death of phur. , Oxide of manganese is introduc- Lincoln. f t r ' " ; f : M .l cofre. " fl u 11 Toco Beast Butlef one better, and glass bj-giving a purpie tint, m .-j ti .1 I,;,. I, of in in. Ilarfrpr nronortions it nroduces various " - i r ii .ImwAyl jt1 " ;AEB,1U,U,U6 " . ----- --- - . Uvrr r nr A TAP Q Judge Gaston s day. North Carolina is GlULTIV A 1 steadily pushing to the front. But two r THOMAS' I1A.UUUVKO, ! . a 'c il.. Go Tflleeraph StraW OUtterS, for - education lhan North Conversation 1 -uu4uii.H ',U"i:v.nl' t. J'jaaa'i' 'Aa ready, easy and discreet talker is in sociclv. . aiiu vci lucre 8sveii a6ingle ixtherlacnplfsh nientthat ca'n'renderpne 80 charmiugi AS tfiJft tliiaC! Ve are filled witU-adihiration living. j Draining State Lands. Vpsfprdav afternoon the! State board mpt There were present all the State officers save '.the sujierin- - .! . . ... i 1 1 i ii na Aonfemv . . hiirher in i .iti th mnrdr of .this most .Glass at a white heat becomes almost iilivt uiutim ... excel leut "Chri She was hun- to tue eniernai ins- , t it iV . one wja wuiip, iftt!f. anA mallpahlp This nroner- grace or, the M ministration that, per- 1 mitted it to be ever said. y. . fn fi: At the cherrv. red heat Then Edwin M. btanton sawsignts . . . . , . . -M . that made his midnight hours torture 1 f , snjini wuh tools: unendurable!! Night after night lui When it becomes rigid by coolil it the spirit of Mrs. Surratt, pale, and may 0, and WOrked until the with agonized features appear, at his proper shape is obtained. Glass rolled bedside, and point to the rope marks 011 a metallic table is made into plates; I. aiAr :X - J ' .1 v ' - Vv Wowino-it into a mold all kinds of ic I".." 1 j - 0 r - t ,..,:. F. 1 ward M. Stanton Wiles are made. Bv Dressmsr the nlas- Jkli , 7 J g. U I implore her to be gone and apiear no tic mass bv means of a press, plunger more.1' In vain did he turn his face and metallic mold, glass can be shaped .! j -ti ; 1 ...ri. Ii!iil info nil kinds of waresf Bv means of 10 the wan.! u . , 77 , x. i 1 i - Lilti 1. a wntt lthe frla?s mowers lamn this material cuncnect over ins wu,-uik v'-tj - , , for her toftebart. But she went not can oe urawa iuiuyj uuuiuuu - X . . j j -..:!. n I mllpVl nn like ordinarv thread. Glass tendent of public instruc ion, .who is t,U he would I00K ." can aibe reduced to almost impalpa absent GeiL W. G. Lewis, engineer to cryof anguish bury Ins wardly toce filaments of cot- tne Doara, was preseuu xuu -yjz again anuL .igam. , , uon. hv means of a steam or air bla3t tionof Mr. B. L. Perry, toni-ainl,uw he slept, she came to his bedside anu a very fine stream of mbl- na n lflnJ ii Pnrtirpt Prtlintv. KllOWn tl, nmo marks Oil Itet , Y r nKsi to icnAVi i v. w j 1 . i mm iu liiw v.- - i ten ffiass as me - oueu lauus, v"ic v tlirpat. ? ! l JA tin 'fn ho nfhprl i LJi il 1. 1 1 i? 1! for hnnj atnce, aaoUt lie be aerson asuearorJ WheatUantirhcii Wvi of fair jcharacter,Iwe findL ourselves Mry werrprins feats firstle.wV-IS life craving his friendship,'-- that we .may ter oatshad. TIiq farmers are wor4J1 U-W revel in ihe Wxnrf.of'tlwordstliat !Verr lmr(Knier IraVe encOTraif W I T ! M 1 fitllj from Jiis .fiGoot(. con versa- hiSit tosoihe tlonal powers give, a mat an influence are cjean H -iWttutfnitf & -laVJ among Jus lellowsthatJiewould ney; crn.:t Providence tfathu foritol. mS m r er wieIdwithout, and lvrlio would uyh&m.uwIhWonV Hiimijf jy f? heptIevateiacjcand bhislcropCf ihc.scaslsMt tertian j.to, cultivate thisre gift. c.wiinwveunfutt.yei U'fe 4 If W W,e alsalare in sorry.ueed pf4t laur Gotl smiles on iU menWdig prSif 'Pf - l liomcsM There is !great;and -lasting perlytJbut,pf.tlie jrrvuadi eHf iMT: ' t - . -kocd tot bd accomplished by the pa- 1 - -- , i r 1 1 i la ill - until iii ii j ' inn , i.uaiaLL(.ia w a t -r States vine Landnxmrkz One; ca ,-p'-; fefj nnt crn nnw ,lislmna nt li& ;innnii J r. v. i without .reniarjcui lire, expel leiicel W4 ever known i n this section at thM . seKiHMt OUIIi I ,A VIMVU' l -llUb -UUIU rtl T . .Tilt, i r lipir cliildren and,? develouuiff their young mfuds, to say nothing ofs the important work ot pcrlectmg tneir conversational novlers. by simply con- versing well in tile lamiiv circle. - !; 'It Children arc gooil listeners and ad- mirable lmitatorsj they wilt near what you say and uote how yon say it. If vou allow vour table and fire side talks to be gravel fng in their na- MB ii,'. . il . - .w ; - . i ture, or gossip tn aity way unwortny . Cracker' &cmtoXin of you as cultivated mcu and women,! t6ad- keeping everything usuaH kept 1 L . ...1,1 . . n ...l.t.w KnO.v Ilia I . t. ..jl T. 1S . w.A ti . .1 ! I..... ...Til n 1 1- mo 1 plnin nltpntimt- I A VTVfl Krntt tmt ha-flrftrMTiiV fitment of JLDi-McNedyIJoiirtifl GROCERY "STORE. 'u My1 rtockr will dbnaikt of SUGAR, dOTFEfilf a ilIl TT ' at : iT J : T ... nticion Hnii 'inH I'tfM- :. z l ii P- Ppnita -Mllta 0ltM - Irt'ifilf fr T 111. ' 1 L t. Kn I.iiint anrTa!!nrr ' U.i .t - mMiinJ j ir 'vii iii- for cash, I h(n to merit At leasts porti ; 4i lather and mother! do. If j oti it - of tfce f;ade Come and see me ftXawki& dulge in 'expressive slang, 0 will Neely-8 store. 3.11. HADEN, ; p t they, and much aho;that Js neither jUUe 4, 1885. r T-,. Sm; expressive nor fit for "ears polite." ' - ' : ' ""T,;, ;; TU-L-j- mi a M mWM i. f Avorv anl Dixie fJ-U t ! Bagines ana Bouere, &W AND GRIST MILLS, Pioia-, Engine and Boilvr Fittings--Gun8, P & Shells, Cartridges, Wads and Caps. pays. -rr 1 ' t ! - r .1- o fTL - T) I i .. . . ' , i i Hr T -naw apont tnose ngnresr xne xvo mentaUy. lanas, saymreriy, , tmWmpnt airainst him. ter ot iortn uaroiina troops oniy gives are adopted to tne cultivation oi ncc, j- b. . - f JSianton vas a worker with Dem writer has -x -- . I " 1.1. 1 u mlgment nga.nst . W-n. , , I VSCr R Ki,f of G:,l.Isb.,ro, Donall r v i wpi.. w - - t-. i-Q..iriiio irt lip war. wnen- x w u Meets wiien siui uui tu u s icwm mi ji.iv., , , . (. r-t itr us a total of 104 thousand and a rac- m.natatoes.&c.. af ter thorough drain- . I revious to tne war, v e j L a iow c-her- McRae ot Wilmington. Cha. Ms ... . . vm, a : j i ma a' a ....... nva.w- w a v i. ill 11 -. liil. ivi v. a aa v. , v w t 4 . 11 - rii !iiiiiiii jl r i r 1 j .. unfic.QAiFn RLOVER SEED ;J"h ? feiM usually leapt m First Class an liJeS 121,000 the Confea service. If thenar Husses store, in Dapli Pender fmj Tn unpleasant experience of can give- the exact figures, it will prove countes, a distance of about eight miles er, at onetime Secretary of t ne oiaie j o r in house ' fii.. -; TV.O cav Ar n t ., a incfmofml tn at f : Now Ydi-t. and ever a trutniui, , , . ,r , III liSl LI II II 1 xm- . ""J " I liren. V I . J. JJCllO lioo ,uovv. Should the 3,150 North Car- oru;e begin the construction of this road. &Syd2W Union army be L-Xetc-Obserrer. heealdintuis country. ... ...-.linr. a olrlpn tn the Star's ficure to show the . Salisbury, 0ct.J3,'S4. WQMITUnPAL added to the Star's figure to show the more money than at anythln? else Dy taking Jrl..tSa vsr. setuns boot out. Be- III.T.K;,7 ane till. Terms free. pntterssuB- PorUand, Maine ;." Sv. ii, '8i.-iy ' . 1 " Trrv T.vxptttko Bcsikess. Since the 1st of January, according to the Chica- ocrats though iiever a Democrat at ry red, and gradaallyand slowly cooien. lieartL one oirms poimcui 1 . -r ' - -, i asToc atcsiwas Hon. Gideon J. Tnek-M out, exposes the gb to break sud- f Npw York, and ever a trutiitui, r A.r"- r" i i- .Kicrl.v noias wnen a tamp cuiiuuey, wnaum fearless gentleman, living tot his day, apparent cause, suddenly flies to and still a man ot commanding in- z ' . also a bad conductor i ' VT..I I ....... t.sXira liia -fleatll. . . . nuencp. iin mus N.' C. RailroUd. The annual meeting of the stockholders of this i ..-jn. i.- i.i.i Ti......i.. Toad Will Uc IHMU wii iiuisuajr iu Orppnsboro. Governor Scales reap pointed the follopiftg Directors on the lart of the State : John L. Morehead and A. Burwell of Chkrlotte Kerr Craigej of Salisbury R. W. Thomas of Thomasville, Duncan Cameron- of ' -m a ft tlT Durham, K. F. Hokeot Kale;h, w. a 1 i -v I .1 McR.ie of Wilmington. Cha. Ms Bu.-bee of Ralegli, State Proxy. Char, Dem. ' New 4 a Stain ou said to Judge TiriKimp the npr?ons ivnched in the "THE SOUTH, despitellS wuuuenuj b i r--- .lr .IWrinn. has never various parts of the country number JSethadama iier,N ar day at odd times KiiT. M -T.i. m ortJnfJmjiflsland three females, nfty-eight . i-r, . t . mv K . der STANDS AT THE HEADlES ' i -k Smith rvn tn T.no riiiixii uim uic vkk. --- i - . i i.a. i i mmmsfA A M ' haVbeen apparent. He- Alabama3, Arkansas l,Flimda2 "T-inUftn jll(,,eTucU 1111 almn" this fiot. a company has been m Iowa ' or ' ' ' .. 1 1 1 11 1E1L I A.1 nOTTlnnrf II IVLSi ISNI I II ll lk illlOOUUll V, I t Glass is also a bad conductor of electricity. N.iinrp has nrovided this country with an abundance of sand suitable for glass making. Americ an Bottler. -,;H : Mmm ;U. i . 'THE LIOHT-RUKNINO : "DOMESTIC' Edwin M. Tucker aforesaid: "That woman 'Mr Surratt isdnv intr me insane! Niiiht after night I " "I W . Ill III I 1 I I I t' I ' . ! LAKE OF THE TEET. uany aiu rnrp1p;K in ihe keenililT of the feet. If they wash them once a Aveek they are doing well. Thev do not consid- iIip l:iir(st iiors are located ODDS AND ENDS. ALL ENTIRELY t o TirrrrTO"DTKrcJ o H Will continue the busincM ftt fi the"- Ol3uf'f Stand, havinprfclosed oat all theiolustoM !-4i lis present stock is Entirely Netr, asd wiI r. offer d on reasonable terms fur Cait.. i i - : . . . - , -,- . . j, , Barter, pr ursi-eiass niujii'agca. i ' , . K i nose who coma not day an ineir mon- cases lust year rnay renew, if papers' iIkk saiisiacinrj nun n,ii.Tiivc is niiiuc nt vnvi Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats, CIothirig.'CoiH Siilnhnr matches! placet! in flower pots, the sulphur ends down, have Iippii foiiiul to destroy tne worms which are so fatal tp house plants. IIave vou." a skied the Judge of a reppiitlv convicted mail, "anything to oflvr the court befoie sentence is pass- ed ? ' 4o, your honor, replied- me ..ric.nr ((mv lawver took mv last l .....v. , j . m cent." f. "There is a preat deal of true reli er that the largest pores are located in ' :nn : l1attlle.', soleiunjy remarked the bottom of the foot, and that the . a votmg clergyman iwhile calling npr mot oflviisive matter is discharged oir radv member of his congregation the pore?. 'Huy wear stock t Wxe oti,er day. I a Ln!nn!.ui r lliu Otlfl lift .c'll ?- !. JAAJ " tfa t riA ftlliof m "l 1 - I a I . ..... l.a l ' C7 w I -av"'"'-" m m rUriodiSwni b7aWy eduW, and iiiits ritories: New Mexico 55, Indian lern: wlp is m no nurry one Kws l. . , - xvithoiTt change, which be- ,fj hSco I iVcred her to f flJ"" coie perfectly saturated with ofien; We should never forget that th.re list ot special coniriuuu. i . x . J . n mav also be of interest to c amor, when I had full power to ij tii i.o.ifl, ; trpnemted ; i J uTip crra. J , - . . ' I 1 I Al V i: IlllLIVI .at BVa - IIK TI MPI 111(111 III IT V K T ' WSMaaw "W m O M W T-- 0 : mmt !:1 fectioneris, Crwrkeryrugs, BafeonvlAif Uorn, Flour, reea ani rrovuipns oi i kinds, with ;i lull line of ' : High GradoTPertilzers,' as clieao as the clica nest. Yob will ... . I. . - ' f well to see ntat-tMiiorc purciiQsuigti ; wnere. i ' Salisbury, April 1st, 18S5. 2?:tf - -. ' s . in" IUOIitlliy HlctQUfcUXa, vr Js Resources, its Development of it! I see her! I feel mv nemesis ! She comes me in presence palpable, as one Yaiio Ineral SplpMeii PAUWlERSVILl.Estaay co.J N.O.' C. H. MARTIN. Patscirxil, . ! !3raduate of Wake Forest College, "and also a . rt i i . ... Tl . l . I a' - I i rrrwM, $j to $15 per sesblonjof S months. Tuo only school la mi 1 &?ccioa mat teacn i taa-ve, tli voazii. Tuc cheapest, Hdhocl la tit . . . " . 1 . . . 1 . . tiuxut. aool Board only 6 per monttr. : ! i iTiy " Adir.ft;-H. MAmKfrPrlrt That it is the acknowledged Leader j is a J' ijact that cannot be disputed. ; ... MANY IMITATE IT. J NONE EUUAli il- The Largest Armed. .The biihtest Hunnin?. 1 1 The Most Beautiful .Wood Work. Tabe made ot the best material. UOMESTTP RPWTN'O ACIITNE CO.. ti ' i : - RiekmGjrid. Va. For sale bv KLUTTZ & TiENDLEMAN ?8136:1t. .... Salisbury. of nearly ail the Southern ton 1. It mf alsobe dt tereto cI,mor, jwben i nan i,,,, - sivtJ ratte), i health is .generated AW Hvincr." The tableCon- know that Ot tnese vv uepari save i.er.j owe F - ."' bv snfch treatment of the feet. The teXfot number " l-es are notrepellants but absorb- attractive. Mn lJonaid Ajieswoirn rT2rir, wreck- T i l" "7i" ai i, tl,,s lena niauer, io a g. , tjx w;lifp nnmif. the "Moonshin- ior .inceuuuuiu, ; no more rest " j'"0 L. ia .Tint tnken hack into the SfflWail'TO !? : t0 "' . , I sratm. The feet .l.onl.l be washe.1 anlbartick willtoeWfllnstratei L .hJ ar foF '?er' ,s eVery day will,' Pre Water only, a5 Vr. . . i,o0 o npm I for six montns the Virginia numwiws,. r tt I -ii .rrt 2 r j ri;; " oA Mr Chaa. H. 1 Will txt ii flrsf nf a seneS I the .vv-eiis wuuiuuvc0uv-.rr: .vt in' ,u:ii .Wo nn .nerease of nearly : . tutfs of articles on the Crests of the Boutm j, "'n Mnocrat. " that Edwin M. Stanton, the once im - - Jme Th m he There will be arfine portravto perious, heartless Secretary ot uar, j . o aml ten aire, am, gun. 5- 4 2S RTaAu2u3tusW. Graham, Esq., aeHberate Mrs ftml J, ailolIier day if necessa- CK. ii r- t acK 8 his :fu mil IPMiliiKr a hiru-e cur dotr. Af- Uf trnitur libotit one mile Jut, v. no snid the minister. "Quite true. We; should also re- tr.ptn lier while we are about it that grass is cut short atlthis season of the year, i ) At an annual conference in 1877, : 1 1.. ,i pTtimimnfr cnruruuiee aaacu mi. class if they had studied grammar. fTTasa "Yes. sir." The examiner said ,v n, lirotlipr sitting at the head ot l U r--, "If voin IiAd ninety-nine j,;i,lro wliMt would vou do with VISS' m ------ x j thpf,i.r Candidate-!-" Why, I would rb tl.p hpst I could with them." The VIV v w L ov .ninipp snid to the tallyman. i'Uive Vrfai-- 0 him two, that's a good answer iu gram mar. hx. ' i ORGANIZED :l,85t 4 BR,., CAPITAL & ISSET i ( WM.?C, COAST I . RHODiLS BROWNE,' ' r Twenty-sixth Annual Statement JAKCABT 1, 18SS. LIABILITIES. Sacreti "is" P M.0I.N4S ti "1 - R. . I i1- i i . i ;.. . j - Ii "i-t. ; i " i. TKa Tnnonne Will tPJidered DV oenaior xuui?um r4 inlTOinTlIIIHII i B. llli aa- " I -w . 1 1 I fc7 - m4 . . LlCi.x v , , . WemenUoned last wees r, .u ,1.. uoil ihat ran elegantly iuuu. "v-rr vvi xr- av:m won d de- "T"r r r 7, , rei, , Koi-i rit.i nn nrice nas tnaL orooauiy mi. --r , 1 , u,..,ni not. j. ne raits huc vincv. SffiSM lioiise7 His throat was oTvWAli brdera and? commnnica- sensible, althoununan bQHml IM, when his body was he addressed to "The Dixie men would giaaiycep tu.F. , n forburiaL the throat was Constitution Buitdmg, At- Home-Democrat. v ' ,,fflpd Ictllechin. Cloths werewrap- lanta.Ga." .Inasmuch as the magazine U . . petl tilit about it to help keenthe L ffpn nn entirely as a poutnmipi Train Uockisq. a wnou, aw fcrW, ii Seseryeslthe encouragement : f lraig rocking, occur r wv.n Pan afford to subsenbe. Ur- prppi.. ,. the Western . . . . - i . iv!.. i.ni-i-ii wm in viii mill lg lockin&occurre near J Jnrjl .j jven to ,louest public servants. ihe Western Is. 1.., Iwii ;5 - h..i ntu,i t,; r.ni:iiiw a a m-r rv m, a a - w ii rrvmrw .mf i h iii a uj va a. iiid aw lt in at once as the , ;T,lt bcforc last. ITI.ree rocks tJlTJ: N"re. a Sidux chief, who has joined the Cheyennes, and been engag ed in l-aidin the cattle of companies i.xv, v,itp lpaspd cTraiini? land from fill, .f,ic v . i wuiVil ot o . I l l . I. .1 ..U 4n l.a l.n.i I I A-AnnM linn AniKUinei. LI11IIH.M ! .u. Heed Wliat lie iinugui iu w me vucimv. -r i casn uapiui . . - . I . a - l i i initnti va i" qni i . J..a. t irteka When" the doir got see ut 01 u tnere win De a geueru iuu.uU -a. unaxjji .............. --i. r ' - . . I . a TT AAaai 1 naHAi.a ivlBBIIMnM TWf All At Tift I '-f i i 1 il !; he cavo.tel s. that Mr. Curtice could gives! his reasons xie sajs ,r7usKJr.:. 1 not untie him. and had to cut the paniestencemtnerptinunungKruuu:, Net surplus. i l .n Al.--- hn isnwnriVK tfi. ui una. anu oiivvw m rone. 1 he dff men rusueu auer v.- j - v, , m rujjc. i ..v. ... i u:.dl Vaiwmd. nnii the red men mav .,,r ami caugut ;.. urmn aim "" i ta fcd i, brought him to bay wuhm about one las iiell die n nt . Thi, OblUIbv. i . . . - A Indian speaks truth, whether he is a n -. XT., o Purr Xfi-irjDhsMer. nompu i.uc uioa ai - if. A good story is told of the appoint Elders should rjesentm "" road night Oeire lass. . lylng inlate. 1 firstreditiort of 25,000 win prbably be struck he lrain one f wljicli he U . -1-1 WHEN YOU WANTJ iiAiiDwan;E AT LOW FIGURES i -i.;i w Tn fnrmation concern-1 , .. . if .i.a -wfUidwdrkrotind a exnauMAM,cM . . ea uwu ... - - - window under wlncli a passenger iay of any kind is tK - epp,.nd struck the encine iVUcfiUhment of new mills, . ii i.Mncaa'1 nf nnv i ' -i earnestly solicited fy the editors. 7 tall bn the undersigned tWwkxrr""-x"' .1 -y 1 AWat f or lha CfcrdwellTKresner 8aisbury, N. C.Jane IthtC. ?', t j X tor working people. Send 10 cents ppst i Uge, and we will mall jou frit, a royal, VAlnahlA mmnlo hni nf rrw-kHl .tlifll Will Inn, vm In .Via wavjkf HiaHnir mnrA mf)TI y ni atewdirBtlianyou evertaouehtposslblea ajr badness. Gapiut not require. You catr Uve at x ootn set. ot all ages, KraudJy successful. '60 cts. Me wily earned every evening. T&at all wlio m " "wfciMij! fctrsb bite uuoiuroa, ni;iuv 'Piralleledo ler: To all who are not well satisfied e ,MU send $i to pay tor the.trouble of writing -8: - i4,nrucuiara,airecuona,eK5.,Beni iree. iiuum-uot . PT itbsolut-ly sure lor all woo start at once. Don't Uy. Address 8TtNso ft Co.i Portland. Mala. : the ipecoiid struck the engine cab and the third struck; the sleeper, riscks were apparently thrown 2.: nt olt Mitchell with crcat forceeither one with.suf- e;08irimp-- to have kil ed,a person LdUstnes tne oc r-;::Zm Zl lu- .rht nrevious to Indtts w the -nt and hunr from On .he SfdSori o ese dose tws Vcs.ero,U. Car imia v to tlu.. tne . - M rolina traurwas A hor he lied. As a hog he died, arnt that llOPTS do Hot CUt their OWU throats iior have their blool by bpirit i.u...ia iimnvn iii) in their faces as went the spatters up into his face iu the attendants could not un- dprQtand. Pomcrow's CT. S. . Demo- II V .smmmym, : .! i I i 'i cmi,, mi ' . at ISOrS, liranitej the aooxa yf - - i , x, IArATWELm- tthairof Tgathenng0 . W. 1 I . i . i a wMiphPrt immense tf vrY 4 1 ' i, orfn whole season 8 re- more IDiUiaa..- Winir ceipts. . When we see .pw." r'.' ' ui, fif tppn-cents won ?pi. fit-hU trade to our mer- rocked neanGJeUwAlpi. station, mi : ltiBiat cfeurrenCe-ol the kind im Ihirroatf for a loug -time, -...i vHitpnt ffoitrare bciirg made to ferret out the guHy parties. It is to be hopeil tbat ltcy will be caught and punished with the greatest severity allowed uy ie ia.v.. ;j Concord lRegitteri Tlie watets of . . t mil I I It t lo. (JMldle,i JllM a""- 'g aim wuK w... f.J.. rpp(;s. in. this count v. were so 'lime, i -f -- - . -, .-.. . a.Ie to h!glHt.ek,m Wed.day .at ii.-,, (Mntnren tne .cnaiiiici-v "v river. iri.'vjiiumeotwateVtlieydis chargetl iiito the river, was so large fUti ;t rml the water im itream. wiipnt that was carried into rr7TTX7lT". v l,v tlie waters "of Cotldlc creel Theearthwould be a eomparan W i-i fi.ream foi.: two orftl i j ;rt nidPA if if. were not ir t . , , a liundred yards ot ta: iiug point. C. hurried liTTand 'succeeded in a W T t tie was a nnc Mr. kill one. iinr the animal. and Mr. Curtice is correspoiidjngly happy. Senator Z. B. Vance who lives near by, got in at me wa.e.- Asheviuy Citizen. 'trnvyA ifUtlMUJ 'li 1 J f Cash In N'auonal Bans T,4 e rci lhnrf9ftf Aavntk ..... .ll.Orti ! I- ' v - r. - ' . . .. f . ii. i . mm jf.ci) jfj. i United SUtes Registered Bonds....i.i... t7,W in state and Municipal Bonds.... .... National Bant Stocks .. v.;. Couon Jlaaulactiulng blocks ... ment of ex-Senator Bos of Kansas, other Lncal stocks-- ,1 - m 1 . tra .. KA-ainlaAiitv iaiIm ti.weruroeut J rHeiv Mexico. Pnfl for the nast three years has been working at the printer's case in his npcii:iter ' office5 ati Albuquerque. WIipu 1is atmointment was being con- a Il Kiderrd bv the Cabinet attention was S9,i,ri. a a Ueal Estate tttianciimbe red city property) Vt& Loans, secured ly nrot laong-affea. . WaV Lemons for Malaria: Dr. Cru- ilelli. of Rome, gives the lollowing - 'w . i .? ....av.i if. l amixlV lur tlireCllOlIM I'll jirj'4. it. S , .?. . . . I .i . malaria which may be worm trying, called 10a ieer .iu. - i. , ...... , l r 1. l.. TT a..ul KialP Spn. as it is said to have proveu emcacious I a when quinine has given no reiiei. Cut up a lemon, peel and pulp, in thin slices, and boil it in a-piot and a imlf of water until it i : reduced to Total Asssts. ; V $74 80f r - - . . J. ALLEN 3B0WN.A! Sollt)urjv.c., jiarcuse. lass. , ,n half "a pint. ' Strain through.a linen cloth, squeezing the remains of the boiled leiion, and fctt. itaside until cold. "Tlie entire Irqiiid is taken fasting. " SOMBTHINGr NEW I that will at break by heat, lr aletn . . ... . - . . r.witoi'1 Rnss left the United States Sen ate he hai no more ambition than to fro to Svork as a printer. Hie eQect 1 " l.m. ! . , mm.l.m fl... I . i i ! ! -u '-'Jil-.--1:. It! ..I'lhta tt-na IIITTPreill UIUIU ill.! iiir., u- -i , ' ! ' - ' iu iui - r r. '. . I r - ,n . r i k. u writer expected. xAorney uenerai -pa,f;f . ix: i .5m . tUriTntf " Thji wish at . - Etyh.fo Uananu-tai'i ""v - :r,i t fc - . i.i T. beiiig thecase, 1 am. Rf ;nim. ; 5-l .tOJTP FORGET t caMlnr 8eertfl.i rpt.,rv Iamar exciairaeu, ro am x. i fc kind at - sr VJ f Jswwwi r. - a-?" a. - 1 I " .... k J retary Iiamar exclaimed, am I. alj President Clevelahdr4'nil4 af, ' WelL that .settled it'.! 1 It is almost nn- Ti uececary to say thatlus u an illus- tration of ptirenocraey; The earth wouia oe u wiupi-u.vv ' iilf dwelline Place if. it were not .carried .i ti'mn-whon MlCa IS mat' .pie . :: ii0WfolWnrrahont mUCS. j i a rrlutted .market. for tncmau -frtitrket. . carrent IVffci ii iifl. x Western Ikmo-rat. nni stream lor two or.uine iw wuuiw r Ww tiow trrur n mo wm, I!P Was a singular ".i2hi; the TW-''1? tr 'or the river ruuningnbstreain. pmgwooa "J";" " r-. .7- to rn E X AD11SS J - Hi Call ap4 sce theowcr l? ' " .. ' - ' a ' 1 ; .4ai - exit io tite uumsa oooT7Ba 'l1 rJoieaM and death. 8hn4 Tn linn .Vermiform ,will 4eatry and ! i 1 lKhnlrom the ajstexn. s t. 7-' A , I V W.M.'H.-U- - 1 : ,! r 1 ' Hit i: -1- - M r . - ;x.. . i , : . v- ...'ir ... i. y