i f I - -'! i C 4 ; ' : . . . i JS I J- oi- SALISBURY. H. C, JULY 30. 1885. So .xaiaD! SERIES 110 m - 4f . - t T ! . " ' i . - " - -a.,... . ' - ...... . - i . .i ;.. i . " - 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - . ' ' ! ....-i. .... .- . i ., , .-. - " -1 ' " ' if : 1' . 3 ' W Ho 50 Captivated the President, mAiro fa Inaf Kv . iKp In up- continuance of men in office than ia generally to be gained by their experience. I. sub mit; therefore, to your f consideration whether the efficiency of the Goyerq- iuYci(uiciciou - " r tnent vroniu not ' ue proiumeu, uuu for a crazy quilt, to be made and sold official industry and integrity better for the benefit of the poor., In reply ari. bv ceneral extension of the - Alexandrta (Va.) Gazette. ? (Miss Lucy Buck, a young lady of Front Royal. Va., recently wrote to 9. a-- I h 1 inn nnnointment Willioul hafig lied liabte-for tuition, tc. 18S1, 141.8.3. 1 .1. ;W imrAnn fihall be SoDOinteJ A, v - , 1 . . i t . f. TT..II enfi c, Tlie King: of the English Language. Dr. Henry E. Shennard. Prpsidpnt of the CharlestouCoJlege has beeu in rxr i J r.. . . t J .1 ' . ' At the l4rircail CUty Riulniod ilect- mr. Mr Jaiaea A. Brvan after a aiiet?ch rarraisiwug thettate administratiuu, hod tlic.Legtslainje, in very veliemeut terpis, sajius Uut tUo ieoplo of Easteru North Carolina-were eufifeiing under oppression aKin to 1110 ways 01 uuver-uroiuwcii, yras reminded Uiat tlio Democrats :of the eu tire State Iwtd submitted to the County government jjystera lor mo saKc 01 uc East; "Mrarynti replied that wiiiiej.ue EastcrncoauUc4d been given asvAtcm of Coiiu'ty Govern men t wherebjiihe Dc- roocrato couia control tueir nnanciai jit-iafrstheyji-ilt Eastern Democrats, l!d not propose- to be stabbed in tlie noose ot their fi lends, niWUhout the Democratic vote of these? Eastern counties the party con Ul not elect & single Mate oinciai. lie would shake th e - red flag in their faces and dare them Jo repeal the Couuty Gpv ernmeiii System." We notice that! a number of:.or Easteni .ercaoges tafee this view. -r-State ClirgnieU'. cnicho twaivpH a nlpa.sant antosrracn. let-1 . , !.'...? .i i zz 1 r Trr . ; 1 R - i I law - trnicii limits appoininienis w thef from the President enclosing an el- - k . i ! H O rronf fir far thft numose named. - Miss lour 7eara i. , J a 3 JX lin wtf W In a country where omcqs are crea- It has nevet been published be- tea .o.e.y ?J7.L Sta.t: Dor his imar.Vian, or .trct. fore, and is asffollows: . . nV'?'?n -SJff',!..!. nkU the ' rcquisiu mean, to my his Sf ZSZZ other - Offices re riot established To bother vou iiov, but Vta not to blame, At least, not so mucli, ior Jacx is iue one Who first put me up to the thing I have done. - - i He told me last niht if I'd make for the stiulnnt in the (University of Wilson for several days, and of course North Carolina unless it shall bo everybody has een charmed and d- of Commissioners of said countjr, by elegant gentleman. He delivered a the oaths of tlie applicant and ine or number ot lectures and all his uis more credible witnesses, .whiclj sliall courses were broad in the scope of vi liA li Affidavit, to be tent in the of- sion. accurate and graphic in their nee of said Board, that'neUhcij said paintings of times and men, keen and true in tueir portrayals ot me tlie con duct to motive, noble in their ethiral teachings and grandly magnificent in -r..- ri:I' aauresses came to us noary with the -1 . rat HlO IStlVfOr Oilier ' UUlCeS HCrB4lli caiauiiQiivu ; i . 1 p .11 Q. to gfve .unport to particular .eH - f, the nubl c exneuse. JNo lndiviuuai " w... - . , , rr,.r . wrlSris'the by removal, that he is of good moral character aud gray hairs of laborious research and wrong 13 uiereiufv uuuc j , i Mno.v f nes3j he sad ap- persistant application, and were learn- 8lnTOneiti Sr 3nV shall be revocable if at ed and scholarly, and opnleu wlth A rate,. uiU and put i It t.nc. is 0fr Krten" SrSorn j.r.n.e.or ,1,, tomps ,f the .fe Were areitnau uie,aipmui, . - ---rr -r.r - "v -: ''- . a vicwr;to public benefits, a"n,d,.j matter low high t,je8 requireMirs" removal, they d so don't yon see . -rl'ifi ft Wrlmia in Tle thine fo himself, no 1 he -price i '"'gseanu bouuuj. Q . toubcrlficed to private inter It 1 nianaue tuis pran now nice it i . . ,i , , - , t 11 1 , ,i ,.:...InAia T is'llia nannla nnll lliav (linn 9 -K - ft? Jack gives a neat sum towards the fair for . the poor, Receiving instead, what he values far more, , f . - And then, when I marry dear Jack, it is ; plain - . Til mini i.ili f lie nuilt and memento acain: Now, dear Mr. Cleveland, please won't you just ask Your feister tosend me, 'tis not ranch of task, ft i p- o 8?' 'A CO ' - - i who have the right to complain when a bad officer issubsituted for a good one. He who is removed has the same means otyobtaining a living that are enjoyeu uy tue minions wuu uevp held office. The proposed limitation would destroy the idea of property now so generally connected with orti' An old silken necktie, or handkerchief, cbl station, aithough individual,; it eay, iwonid, uy proraoung mai roianuu on Some fragment of what you've worn any dav. a1 inh to mv handiwork diffnitv dnet; And then may tlie rates most Kiuaiy ueip To piece at the patchwork you've taken in hand, -lis intricate patterns, at once- small and grand May each square that'sfastened with in- finte art, Glow with the tints truth and wisdom impart, i Till the national crazy-patch, crazy no more, Grows into symmetry ne'er known before ! And still Bomethiug better I wish you may win Somo true, earnest woman, who, through thick and thin, Will follow your fortunes as I'll follow - Jack's. And not any further your patience to tax, I will close,' jost adding this P. S. to say, If your own secretary be out of the way. Or too much engaged this petition to read, Because it is 'small, just tell uini toeea This admonition it never is wise j The day of small things to neglect cf dis pise, For sometime, perhaps in years not. re mote, . We women may have a legal right Jto vote, Then if he wished to be be President, he Might have some aid from e'eu poor little me, 'iVerbum mp" is the cue adieu mar you be As happv as good, prays your friend Lucy B. which constitutes a leading -principle in the republican creed, giving healthful aUiou to the system. Charlotte Democrat : Some North ern papers are now beginning to see how the South and Southern peopl have beeu slandered by paid hirelin newsnaner reporters and thieving cai pet-baggers. A paper published at Cleveland, Ohio, though Republican, Iras this to say: j" "In every Southern btate Blaine received more votes than Garfield re ceived in 1880, and there was no at tempt anywhere to 'bulldoze colored or other voters in the interests of the Democratic party. There may have been in tlie past scenes of bloodshed and not in the South, but when it is understood that debased and deprav ed negroes of that section were led by Northern, seal la wags and carpet-baggers, who were urging them to over awe and oppress resident white men, it is not to be wondered that some lawless men resisted the rule of igno rance, brutality and kuavery byjev- trv m p.i us in their nower. lut now "J 3 . parents shall have becclmc able to pay. .nnii tmtion finci room rem. ii niu Fsimltv of the University shall be come satisried that said; student is not really entitled to the appointment, thev shall, after ten days' notice giv en to the said student,jbring the facts to the attention of the Board, and ask that his appointment be revoked, , it film II be the (liitv ot the RAirrl to do. if satisfied with the truth of the allegations. If any stu dent shall obtain the county appoint- i . . . . . ment as aforesaid without being en titled thereto, he shall be liable to pay tuition and room rent to the same extent as if the appointment had not been made, and if lie is a minor, his father or guardian shall be liable to pay the same. Clieraw and Salisbury Railroad. A" directors" meetiusr. which vas large ly attended, was held at Salibury last Wednesday. I learn from Capt. D. N. Bennette, who attended, that the ut most harmony prevailed, and that the prospects for the early completion of the road are gooa. The business men of Salisbury, aware of the benefits their town would derive from, this road, are making ear nest efforts to secure its completion, and will contribute a large amount of to that end. A stockholders1 meeting is called for August 19, at Sal isbury, when more definite action will be taken. Thflreovde of Stanlv have loner been anxious for! this road, and will do their - . a . V rad ia nt i nterest . " H ta themes ' lia ve been brought nnder uerfect subiectfon to his finely cultivated powers and he rules them with that quiet power and ' m j . a. - .as . easy grace wnicn snows ins pcriect and undisputed majesty, lie reigns over the; realm of the English'" lan guage a; king, with his sovereignty undoubted aud. undisputed. His thoughts are draped in the luxuriant foliage of the most copirus diction, and his sentences, well rounded and symmetrical are models of beauty and culture, and show a finish most ex quisite aud flawless. Every word seemed created for the office he asked it to fill, and consequently they fitted in his sentences with admirable and skillful precision and made the dis courses smooth and harmonious and stripped; of every f obstruct ion which could impede its now.fae never heard a more fluent speaker or one who exercised a more felicitous con trol over the English landguage. And yet there is one thing remarkable. Learned and cultivated as. he is, and having drunk as he has done so often from the Pierian sprinsr. and vAA &aajwr u w jrm, ami a i v. I - i WHEN YOU WANT HAiR DWARF AT LOW FIGURES Oall on the nndersigned at Row. r D. Agent for tha 'CrdwUTliresl.r, Salisbdry , K. C, June Stb 1 fti:, . ii-iii.-4 ...;''' ';-:.kjrT 1 iftOXJ T AO. a. urtnitiU. trsciT IA. ATWEL r NEWSTORE! 1S : mn mat '-il U'3 An ' "Anomaly ?' in. Bakersville, which disturbs a renublic;in. A republican. friend in Bakersville writes us the fol lowing itenju apiivato letter: "Perhaps I should state as ui item of interest that on yesterday iu ou.r town was presented the anomalous spectacle of a democratic magistrate arraigning a democratic rev enue official for shooting a republican Verily the world doove.' " This was no doubt aud anomaly to our friend, for tlie time was when republican magistrates would fail to arraign, certain ly to punish, a republican reveuuo official for shootiug democrats. But, as our friend snccests. tlie world do move in Sthe l ight direction In this iiutance. Aihevilh Citizen. t , ' - - . i PAVING bought out the Giocery Del conducting a First Class ' i! GROCERY STORE. Irt V.-tliJ1t!.t':T.tHx My stock will consist of SUGAR, COFPEKl i- :d :mgX BACON, LAltD, FISH, Molasses, FU)UIi ' ,r Butter, Chickens, Eggs, &c. Also, Candlei--?-t-tfer j Fruits, Nuts, Crackers, &d in fact, I in I ' lrit, 1 ,cJ.MLle ,. "1 i - U'-m - i -i a -it negro. tend keeping everything usually kept i tlx; Grocery and Provision line: and b- j r - . close attention to business and selling low r for t-flrih, I hope to merit ai least a portion' Come and see me at J.D.Mc ? of the trade. Neelv's Store. June 4, 188.x fill i i J. M. HADEN. 2ra. "A patriotic citizen of Vacavilli Cal., who detests the Chinese, reefcnt lv refused to sell a native of theiCe- lestial Empire a lot for 1,000, ! but sold it to an -esteemed 1 ankee Jr$end for S500. With an eve to business, the Yankee sold it to the heathen, and pocketed a nroht or oOU.jar.d the original owner now has a "Chin ese washee"'sign floating next dosur. .,11 friTirord if Tll.lf it will SOme I.., .,iof mrl t5nf nrr rpstored. iand time be built is a certainty. It has been U1A uuib - r : I . , , " , n ni the riehts ot the ireecimen are every- ior several yeuracuuipicicu ." mm iitir, ixtire. '5ITIVE AND PEldlANENT CUBE V, FOR - Dyspipna and Indigestion Pwidred iiTjR. W. Nf. GKEGOIi otte, C. "CnXRiottE.-N. C, Nov. 29. 1834. Dr. VV. V'. Onxrorv ; I horbv certifv I have recently used your Dyspeptic 'itnre with vprv prp.afr. benefit to mvself itorjially reepmmend it to others. i I i i - R. r. Wakixg, Member N. C. Legislature. it km Chablotte, N. C. W. Gre?orv: I take creat pleasure i!ing ray leMimony to the value of your ptic Bemly. I USve used it with reat cheerfully recommend it to any one 'fine Front d vh nros i n . indiirestson anu a "piftcnditioii of liver and bowels. i D. A. JENKINS, ! N. C. Stale Treasurer. .a. ,r : ... I - 'Mtoleby J II McAden and T C Smith & CKarlqtte, N. C, and T. F. Kluttz & Co-, ,N.C. ' i i 49:ly UDQUARTEB S FOR axd TENNESSEE For the Watchman. Look Up aud Hope. y BY ARDENT. When foes are 6trong, And frieuds ar few, And all the wrong . In haste pursue; Ah, then, 'tis this That makes me sigh, . And long for bliss Beyond the sky. 'Where dwelleth light And veigneth peace, Aud all is bright, And joys ne'er cease, But like a river , Will sweetly flow' Onward forever A'ud ever more. Then up my sonl And strive to win Tlie fartherest goal , Away from sin, Ami every paiu And earthly horror, Anguish and shame, Grief and sorrow. Oh, strive to win That liome above, Where there's no sin, But all is love I Yea, give, here give, v All else beside - In heaven to live And there abide ! where respected, and both races are getting along harmoniously, it is the i lowest and basest of demagoguery to . t .1 ' ! C ..4 ! , . . uinarae tne passions oi une swuuu agaiueb iiic uLiici. Serious Charge Against Connty Officers. Raleigh Register. A very serious charjre is made by the Wilmington Star in relation to I county students at the University. The matter needs looking into. , ine Rtotstkr is verv sure that the dtar would make 4io such statement affect- ing the personal official characters of to.Wadesboro, leaving only sixty miles between Wadesboro ; and Si.lisburj to be built. At the latter place it will with the Richmond & Danville and Western North Carolina Roads, and onen up a direct line to Charleston E.R.Wood to the Raleigh Register, A Philadelphia View of Cranberry. rm erian sprinsr. and so ta- 4-? miliar with all the fields of Prosy, yet his train of thought did not lead us for one moment by the enchanted. Hertnus with its colden stream ; or the beautiful Helicon with its flowery slopes or the fragrant Pindus with its laurel shade, lie avoided all the adorning graces of rhetoric, and no gems ot metaphor could be seen spark ling iu the stainless current ot histL.ii izlish. and no flowers of fancy, blnshr ing with roseate tinlings ot beauty, (Oa.) Constitution a:. i . i.. .... ...:(. !,.i,i;J N ' uui lie weave iu cuctri u mu imkvh- . t tit ' t 1 ness. And notwithstanding the fact A pair of the finest black eyes did that his delivery is stripped of all the not satisiy Miss Casey oi Iowt, am facinating embelishments of oratory, his style is by no means sluggish, but is like a mountain. streamlet, whose stoinless current goes rippling along, radicut in the kisses of cun beams ot purity and without one dreg in its sparkling wavelets. Wilson Mirror. An Ohio farmer, the other, day! met in a lonely country locality a ypung woman attired in a night gown, j Na turally, he asked her who she was, when she replied: "Nobody, I died this morn ing." The farmer waited to he4r no more, but made tracks for the nearest settlement at a pace rivaling the speed of Bonner's -fastest trotter. Atlanta ALL ENTIRELY New & Fresh! J. S. McOUBBINS, Sr., ; Will continue the busineM at the Old Stand, having closed out all the old stock; His present stock h Entirely New, and wip be offered on reasonable terms for Casll. llai ter, or ui st-cla83 Mortgages. - Those who could not pay all their morv gagc last year may rencv, if paper AH' satisfactory and appliance is. made at once.. 1IIS STOCK CONSISTS OF j Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots 1 and Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Con- fectioneris, Crw kery, Drugs, llacon, Iiiird Corn, Flour, Feed ami ProvUions of all kinds, with a full line of ; High Grade Fertilizers.) as cheap as'thc cheapest. Yon will i well to ee linn oeloie nur:H;8in elv y1icrc. . " Palibury, ApriLlit, !Sf5.25:tf f ' f ' , - i ?v i Ml". - ridr' Hi " L ' i K 'it. Mi in trying to -turn them to bljie by means of chemicals she lws riiincd both .their usefulness and beautyi rnTTTO T A 'Dr'D maylo founl on file 4t Geo. rll & Co" a NcvenaPt f HvfrtlRln; nitrnanMO Soruce Sl.. wlre advrrtiwnir cuatracts may bo madu fur It IN NEW VOU1L. Chas. Dudley Moore in the August Atlantic. XJranberry Forge is the tmt wedge of civilization fairly driven into the Northwest mountains of North Caro liona. A narrow-gauge railway, stra- :nr fnm .T.diiicnii Cilv fnllnWS 1111 the Boards, of Commissioners of forty the narraw gorge of the l);e river and North Carolina counties, without as pushes into the heart of the iron mine's p'tDEBAKElt ii FARM WAGONS. tXBCsiWATERTOWN ft ClSCIKKATI teiegp 'gis ;& Spnne: Was-ons. llrj'BlikFORpXllCFFMAN . ' anl Guano Drills. at HAY RAKES. ! -Avery's Ttirlina wiv?nT PllLTT V A TOT? S TH0MAS' HARROWS, Straw Gutters. IT. tl - . i ' , Avery and Dixie .PLOWS, 'if Wr -TIT ! ANll RRIQT Mil I Q ; i"- u,,iyi iiiii-E-w- . 5f,nne and Bo5l Fittings Guns, 'm&L Cartridges, Wads and Caps. tnj!!10t Pajnite Fuse and Pri- MiyrFTei3:aif Spades, Building Kara? else imuaUy kaDt in First Class nWockni h pment 'res. I Lave on hand Saara. fcJ r bove Atter theialor the next TWlaMsSnf iran they ever vh. V. SMITH DEAL. tceea s t, ! liK, . f-2?i.r Xonc IaU- Terms free. T -BlCT ! ErrCoocUof, eoniana, Maine. Sound Ideas on the Civil Service. From President Andrew Jackson's First Annual Message, xeucuiucr own, . There ' are perhaps, few men who can for any great length of time en joy office aud power without being more or less under the influeuce of feelings unfavorable to a faithful dis charge of their public duties, lhe integrity maybe proof ugainst im proper considerations immediately ad dressed to themselves; but they are apt to acquire a habit of looking with indifference upon the public interests, nf1 nftnUratin? conduct from which on unnrnct ised man would revolt. U.. ....j . f. Office is considered as a species wt nrooertv: and Government rather as a .oanc iirnmntincr individual interest dian BB.flir instrument created solely Hit" ha cprvire of' the people. Cor- jty t iii - - " fiit inn in some, and iu others a per vi.mn nf correct feeliues and princi- T M V w VaT - . nle divert -government from its le- o-itimate ends, ana raaue it an egic ia Kimnort of the few at the ex- r.nncn of the many. The duties of all I'VII.JV m, . ...iidin .officers are. or at least admit of being made, so- plain and simple that men of intelligence may readily ..oi;rv themselves for their perforra- auce, aud 1 cannot but believe that thorough examination as the nature of the case would permit. It is equally sure that the morals of so large a num- ber of the most reputable citizens oi the State cannot be so lax as the Star has been led to believe. The question should be settled one way or tne otner, and the first step to a settlement is to I name the counties and the cases. : ... 1 It O . U .4--. Annexea is tne otab s uaragrapu, w . which the IRegisteb append? tile law quality of the Swedish iron. about the matter as set lortn in sections 1 2633 and 2634 of The Code. . From the Wilmington Star. j The free schoolarshio law has been terribly abused. There are 96 counties in the State. The law gave one free schol arship to each county. But it is well known that there were more than 100 students sent to Chapel Hill under the free scholarship law, and that these were from but little over f ortv caunties. How was ,that? Was that not a very shameful violation of the law? JSot only this, it but many well-to-do men r . - a 1 I If took advantage ot tne law ana got iree tuition for their sons. THE LAW, ABOUT THE MATTER. The Code, Section 2633 and 2634. See. 2633a! Board of Commissioners of each County to select annuauy one native resident for Gratuitous instruc tion in lhe University. 1866- c. 2, (9 a w - It shall be the privilege of the w Board of Commissioners in each boun ty in this State, forever to select an- nuallronc native ot the State, resi a m dent in said county, of eood moral character and capacity for usefulness. m, w ., - a Jft a. without requistte means to detray the necessary expenses f -educationj-who hall be admitted to any classes in the University, for which he may be prepared, free of all charges, for tuition knd room rent, so that each county may always have one repre sentative at the institution. i Sec. 2634. IFAo s eligible to appoint ment as County student ; revocable by at Pmnbcrrv. where there is a blast j j furnace, and where a big company store, rows of tenement houses, heaps of slag and refuse ore, interlacing tracks, raw embankments,- denuded hillsides and a blackened landscape are the signs of a 'great devastating enterprise. The Cranberry iron is the ereat esteem, as it has the peculiar mere are remains oi oiu iurnaces lower down thestreara, which we passed on our wav. The present "plant" is that a. of a Philadelpia company ,whoee enter prise has intused new lite into all tins region, made it accessible and spoiled some pretty scenery. There is this to be said about rlul- adelphia and it will go far in plead ing for it in the Jjast JLay against us a - monotonous rectangularity and Ine Uii.pl. Hk-f nmbitioii ot its I'tibllC Ruildiucr that what wherever its in flueuce extends there will be found comfortable lodgings and the luxury of an undeniably excellent cuisine. The visible seal that Philadelphia sets on iU enterprise al j through the South is a good hotel. This cottage beautiful lias on two sides a wide verandah, set about with easy chair; cheerful parlors and pret ty chambers, fiuishcdJn native wood, among which are conspicous tlie satin strines of the cucumber tree: luxuri ous beds and an inviting table, order ed by a Philadelphia landlady, who knows a beefsteak trom a boot-top. Is it "low" to dwell upou these things of the senses, when one is on a tour iu search of the picturesque? Let the reader ride from Abington through a wilderness of coropone aud rusty ba con, and then judge. "A beautiful young lady," accom panied bv Senator Beck, called upon Mr. Aleck Botelcr of West Virginia, pardon clerk in the Department of J us tice. a dav or two affo, to urge the par don of a brother of the young lady re ferred to, who had been convicted of the infraction of one ot the united States statutes. Mr. Bofceler did all it was possible for him to do in the matter, and gave n nrinted form of recommendation for pardon to the Senator to take to the Attorney uenerai ior ms-siguuiuic -he woula approve ii. whpn the blank returned it was found duly signed, whieh caused the beautiful young lady to faint. She ral lied soon, and with outstretched arras made for Mr. JJoteier, wao nea. one then turned upon the Senator in the same aetnonsirauye uuimiei , uu iic uhgallantly took to Ins heels. Uh, for a Gen Sherman, to teach these fellows their duty. Indiampoeis Journm. SISIIlIll! Yaflkin Mineral Srais Academy, r a m r n c w f i p Ct .uh' rxn AJ ws . t t 11. M AUTlN. Pfivcuai., j Graduate or V:ik Furwl Coiirge. and also at . ta I'm varsity or Vlrsfinla j X57 i rtTioy, f i to $15 por session of 5 months... Tl otvIt school In thin soctlon thattfaebci ta.- I'nursUv or V-t. nuthod3. Vfcrorousex t nlviv th irvitv Tiio cheapest s"bool In tb J. s. wii"rr 1 1 vorH-rennwel mcthocLaan; : luiit. o-jii-Baml onlv fG pt!r mouth. r iv Address, v H. Martiw, Frto. 'i r '!:'.!' .1 ORGANIZED 185U E shall keep on hand. Summer and Winter a fun Hiimiiv nf ivf ini'h ,e 1pp. and will be pleased to supply orders at OXB CENT per iu. Silt. Urgent orders ailwl any hour ot nlht. Uaiwsity of North Carolina. - Six new ProfessniH have reocntlv bcon o,i,Kwl t, tli. Piinillv. makiiiir a ttal of si'venteeii iiistnu'tniM. All tlie Cwrw.a ot Study have bc n enlarged and stivuth iicd.' Post irradnato insti nctiou is ilter- t'.il' in cverv deuai t ment. The next ses sion begins August 27. Entrance exami nations August iI7, 28, 29, j For catalogue containing information in regard to tuil ion, board, terms rf ad be. aoolv to IIOX. KEMP P. liATTLE. LL. D.. President; Chapel Hill, N. C, CAPITAL & ASSETB, 750,000. i til "Whv. Timmiris. who are vou in mmirninc fnr?1" asked Meddle, uoon seeincr crane on his friend's hat. Tini- mins UW hv. voa see. mv wife's first 1 , 1 '"'l. - M J Board i when trustees to ash Board is just dead, and X can't do less out of xuui v. " . is just ueau, auu j, vou ii uy it as uui to revoke appointment ! student obtain- reipect to her feelings."b-cAa;itf Running for the Train. More H...M nno mndical authority has ad- , tA a ' wv monished people of the danger of run ning to catch the train, especially for those who are subject to heart disease, f tho most, common of ailments 111 these latter days. The following, from an Euelish paper, may serve to emphasize the warning : A few days 1 a.. t since, a railway clerk, ageu lueniy, was found dead in a sitting posture a snpimd -p.hiR.4 railway car- liage when it arrived, at Woolwich. At inquest, it was stated that deceas ed had been suffering from heart dis ease for two or three years, and it was supposed that he had hurried to catch the traiu that morning. Someliody has said, what every ho le has observed, that thewe persons who have attained to eminence in any vacation of life have followed a uiii form course, that of earnest work: and unwearied application iNone are a - . - - - truly happy but those that arc busy; lor the only real happiness lies in useful work of some kiud, either of the "band or the head, so long as overexertion of either is avoided. It should be the aim of every one to be employed. If all men and women were kept at some useful employment there would be less sorrow and wick edness in the world. FOR RENT ! I will rent my flouse and Lands, situated in the Northern suburb of the town of Sal l!nrv. There are 5J5' aneaof ood tillable land spledid for cotton, tobacco, of for truck tarrning. All necessary outbuilding in good repair. A well, a spring aild a branch furnish-an abundance of good wa ter. The dwelling has bix rooms, andfis in snlenid renair. Between 500 and TOOTruit trees arc on the place-just beginning to bear. For terms aud particulars address, W.M. BAKKEiq 39:tm Salisbury, N.tC. J. UlIODfcS BROWNE, I (WM. C. COABT, , Prest. 1 socreujf Twaty-sixth Annual Statement. i JANUAHT 1, 1S3J. . ; ' LIABILITIES. Cash Capital Unadjusted Losses , t Reserve Ior i.'e-tnsurance and allotncr I uauiuiea, f Xet Surplu.-, v SCHEDULE OF ASSETS : Casn la Natloaal Bnt t T.8W M Caaa in hand3 ot AKenW ll,6i S .S3; . J4,0W .v lttjlll i"' . t55,t It, I lMei . 17,800 United Sutes UezUiercd Bonds Stateao l Municipal Bonds.... 51.0" National Bank Stocks UMM Cotton Manufacturln? stocks Hl,t5t Otbor Local Stvcki S9,tf M Ileal EMite ( inlncumbercd city property) IT4 V Loans, secured by first mortaCJ S0,13 NOTICE! Rpld nronosals frr building a frame h..M. at the Countv Poor Hoasc, 31 miles .ith of Salisbury: Siz; -10x18 fect with L p.nvis fWt. PronosaU will be receive un til ihP first Monday in August. ISS't. The plns and specifications can be found at the stores of J. S. McCubbins, and Klut(7. & Hendlcman. The right is reserved to re ject any and all proposals. ) THOMAS J. 6UMNEU,Ch'ri B. of C. of KoTvan County. July 13, ISS5.-3 A'. Total Assets, $741,380 Cil J. ALLEX BROWN, Aft. SAlisburT. y . C Marcu 26. ibis. . On- SOMETHING NEW! ttr LAMP CHIMNEYS i that will not break by het, tr sals r DIAMOND DYES All colors fvov wish at ENTNISS' Uoln 111111 tor working people. Send 18 cenujj poatr ttge, and we will mail you Jrtt, a foysl. ,.i.l.lna.imnlAlnlTnf trnndl til Hi will .( " nn vnn in i do Mav of matin? more mon- nv buala3S. Ctpltat not re lutre. You can Uveal home and worfcln spare tlmeonly, or all the tlujo. All I . . w ., 1, ... nt an ac-ei. irranlly successful, to ew. Ul ovAnfn-r That all who want work nuy test the business, we mak e tftls un nfrAlleled oiler : TO all who are not well sallstled 1 L- .ii ci tn kit for the trouble of wrlUotr s. 11 lna rlr- vnrfrp Immense ! nir absolutely sure tor all wlio start at once.; Oont Tncli an ViTmifu-.' 1 5?ur. Adimsa STivsos & Co.. rortland, Matae. t f 1 Ue 8, Nov 2;, 'St. ly lHl DON'T FORGET To call for Seed i all kinds at ENKISSV j v TO THE XADiESi Call and sec the Flower Potf At I ? 5 -xnr STRAKGE BUT TuUE.Wh dodist ia the human body and tireuiliVVf the cause of disease and death. Shfiii J" ? win uitrv ana :exi-ti , sicui.. - i v- it is 4 S'.i 1 1 ii Ml j; IS Si! m f jii; m 1. ; .4 'is : 4 41- fNjf'. 2 1. A' v S s. t'- 1.- A vi- f z