7 ina -THIRD! SERffiS SALISBURY. N. C i jj i inn in n n i lie oaroi ifm . B Va I Mm Mm mm m : - nritiTna " AUGUST 27 1885. vq Ak g 5 c i s M a ' 9 P88 03 5' O sn -v 5" O I - 2 I 1?: IJ - 3 HE 5 v. 1 3 S3 3 O CD 7T a t era fa 5 o 0 s at p ft O " P ai & o P Hi Z- 0 t ft f . p a 0G rui itic i. utuiuuu. Never Surrender. BY LUTHER. W o 41 SB on 3 P 13 z -I p 5H P 3 73 o h m c" Ji 5 5 m I 2. s.- rt t to it O c-1 O 2 P Gl CO a s td "i - CO go 22 bd d 21 Say, Khali 1 now despond And ditvrn my nrinor lay ; When dnrknpfts gnHicr 'nand, And foes obstruct my wsy ! o CO W O CO td GQ No, ni-ver will I yield, Nor ftltall I cower down. But bravely keep tin field, Though all the world mny frown. But by the trnth and right I'll atuud at every cnt, And ever for theni fight fill all is won or Inst. And while the conflict's wnged To virtue I'll prove true - Wherever Vm engaged, And to the end endure ! Yes, on 111 go in faith, Hope in, and trust try Lord, -Who pled with his last breath, And for me shed his blond. He loved me in my sin, And for ie deigned to die, That I might reign with Him Forever more on high. He's paid for me my debt, And freedom for me bought, Ami Him I'll ne'er forget However hard uty lot. Aad now do 1 implore, Tliat 1 with zeal each day May lahor inure and more For Him iu every way. Lord! free me from uiy sin, And from it keep me free, That I at lat may win A home iu heaven with thee ! Where all who've gone before Will join wiih me to praise Our Lord forever more, In sweet angelic lays. present year, cotton, corn, tobacco, House shall hereafter elect itscommit ; the cereals,-fruits, &c. This exhibit tees by ballot, which it sms was I would be representative, and it would ottce the practice, and thus relieve the be compact; not costly-in transjmrta- Speaker of a trust which is often . tion, not expensive in management. ' abused, and which even so fuir a man but so comprehensive and so perfect as Spsuker firlisle found it impossi as to tell its own impressive story. tie to admiin)fter without sorlivtdi g UKn only one point of agricultti- his ow.i party iu the House as to crip al interest do we propose to speak at ! pie it m the last Congress. TIk e present. Tlie tobacco interests of this who reuiem1)er what Speaktjr Kifer State have very much to gain bv nro- 1 did in makiivtr up the com mil tees wilt .... -mr -mm 1 - I T"5 - i . . certainly aerree that it w mm he beitei per representation on a foreign field. j. in niieicsis now involve nearly the whole State; for tobacco, even in the cotton couuti;, is contending very stoutly fur prominence. At present, and throughout all past time,t hat inter est abroad is represented through other States, in fact, it has no representa tion at ail; and Virginia enjoys, if to let the House select them by bal- ht. It is pleasant to hear that Demo cratic Congress uen are thinking of something besides offices. The party has a great deal to do to justify its election to power, and if it means to nrove its possession of statesmansliiD le does not claim, ail the reuutation t to the country, it mav very uronerlv I of which North Carolina is entitled give serious consideration to those ior superiority in the most profitable ; plans tor improving the machinery ot qualities or tobacco. An exhibit at legislation. London, made tinder such namlitin I as to dispel all doubt, would give North Carolina at the London Exposition. 5 o 0 new direction to thoughtand also to trade. This State would become the recogiiiZed source of supply; would secure the orders now given to the Virginia market ; woodd establish wealthy agencies here for purchase and supply, and would bring our dealers in the field ot competition for participation in the immense and val uable out tacts annually entered into by several of the European govern ments in the maintenance of their vast mon polies for the control of to bacco. The tobacco planters they are found all. over the State are more especially interested than any other classes of producers, because the bene- ( fits can be mure immediate; and con nected with them, and on their be half, the dealers and manufacturers should act. The Agricultural De pa rime nt is authorized by the act which created it to make exhibits f the State Industries at home or a broad, this power wisely given that the funnels may have their interests w miuhii Luierpriw. feeble fire, at length pasSe4 away, and , j with the dawn the Mnjorwarted out Nashville Union. , to regain his path. Only4 few steps f - i - j ! , ... 1 Nashville is fast becoming the cen- naa lcn taken before a near sprung tre of the railroad system of the South. I up from his lair, but shufBfed off pro Her natural and patent advantages for bably as much startled a$ the cause the position are beginning to be reali- of his terror ; for the Major had no ed, and surely and steadily she is gain- weapon of any kind. Ar I arge flock ing her proper place as the great South- . of wild turkeys got up a fleasaut re era distributing point. The opening aciiou in feeling; and theffajor was of the Henderson bridge is of inesti- , heered to renewed exertion, and at mable value to her grow-th and pros- lHift g0f out of the wttdefbeae" after penty The Chesapeake & Nashville aneutanglementoftwcntyRur hours, line has now become a certainty, g giving her a direct outlet to the sea- board of her own. There is one more! Qamm Vint..ri im. m, f.-rpo,! iu HARDWARE. Imp whiph ia crroof.lv noadfvl nnri wKib TT: t .i i ... u . r t-v . li , , mr?mr0 " xvuifctuuoou upon MT, d. U. iintnii win oe wortn more toner merchants tl.oj . k....i;.i Row - Mm. - " I I l WHEN YOU WANTg HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES Call on the undersigned at NO. 2. Granite 1 Me; come if each centre f the tobacco business, Durham, Winston, Reids vi lie, ami others, will con tri bate iu the same proportion wiih tlie Depart inenL If the tobacco houses in Dur haut will coutrioute one thousand dollars t tie Depart jneut will do the same. So on thruigh the State, un til the means tor a creditable anil profit ;ble presentation wdl be 'provi ded. The very fact tout such pre sentation will turn the eyes of the tobacco world direct upn Norm Carolina and make it the immediate source of supply will bo co.npeusa tiou immediate and nun. Stable, if M. wiii t i v l v n ul' ii i T i.' A' ' i 1 i i i y 4 -Ml FOR Byipjpiia aad Indigestion- iii bv Da. V. V. UKEliGRY, Cluivlottf, X. C CsARLOfTK, N. C.Nov. 29, 1884. W. W. Gregorv : I hereby certift 1 Inive O'TtMit v iiso vnnr Iivsiteiitii- itl very ereat benefit to mvselt j: -1tL. - ... 1 ! a. . tUIUUlllV 1 I (! 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 f I i M It Til (kTM&M'H. K. P. Waking, - 7 Member K. C. Asheville Citizen. The fact that the exhibit of the products of North Carolina at the mm lviiftuiriiom nt. Atlnnfn Rmlnn nml Hrt I uii' ( li'luo nc Kua lifian nf' iiiimanBii C..J..I .1 I I .. . 1 q f I : no ... iiivmvv. i laiijj unit v;iiiji,uutMi. y repre&eiiien. . -j ' II 17 . a I k.' i . I 1 I.. I I Th 1 I . . .... oeneni to me oiaie win jioi oe g nu- jm ir anroad, the cost will be more said. There was made known an-in- than funds of the Department will finity of productions and resources justify. ThodfJicultv will be over unknown almost absolutely to the outer world, and in a large degree degree concealed from ourselves. Each repeated exhibit tended to an expansion of these latent power, un til oouuueuce has been gained and tort i tied by the opinion of judiciott and intelligent observer to claim foi this State a wider varietyuf product than any other State can d , an abun dance of store that iu some particu- 1 m I 111 I lars has not been equallel, and an exc.lieuce of qualitv that has not been surpassed. The elfect has been to engage aud fix the attention of investors and capitalists, and en terprises based upon the intorinatiim Carolina can be made to have direct -tcquiied in those expositions have 1 relations with Great Britain instead been set on fot in every part of the of retaining its dependency upon Vtr- State, literally from Currituck to gmia ir other Staie, no cost would Cherokee; for each section of the be too large to attain thcresu it. And .tate has its-peculiarity of produc- it can be attaiued by giving the otate tious each, promising such rich reward the same opportunities in Loudon co capital and industry, that no part that it had enjoyed iu Atlanta, Bos- nas escaped investigation; and every ton aud New Orleans, only restrict ion-! has drawn to it some new veu- ing the exhibit in the former to the ture of enterprise, only limited or re- raw or crude material. tardea by a financial condition which Mooted Changes ha Congressional Procedure. Legislature. p. n . it irfltTArv' Charlotte, N. C. I take grie:it pleasure is abnormal, and therefore but tern porary. Profiting so much in the present and in prospective by what uas already been effected, it won id be eminently unwise in North Caro lina to slop short iu the steps already iliIo'n for advancement. H wnai nas 131 J tv.-nniuu t fj tw ami vwui . w cneerfoilv rerommt-nd n to anv one I .:. :.f annli mu bm.-ih p oond. what - im. i live- ill Biii.il rm iiTi nini i, llll I ttfirtu UW U MtlllltlAn" If l!n mm mm A - ! D.A.JENKINS, N. C. State Treasurer. may be doue abroad will be the more brilliant in results. We propose to J H McAden and T C Smith A ii I ' m. -l ,, ...I nmiuloi1 t lui eXn Oil Oil m lUlgc uum acre to specUlors who must have the mmmLm mwrmmA before their OWU eVCS, JM , - I .LVIIV r . : 1 lL LlUlOV T " O Mll.lM I . Al. . - ...... m.. m " w? ni ost interested among inem cuuuoi We IQUAHTEBS FQ TUDERA i.' 1 Uil AliJiJUliU FARM WAGONS. .CMBr ViTf r 1 170-1 ao jR. o : xxt , BtCKFouD & Huffman ' utaill anfl ftnaan "HinlTo iAlw rm MM M T7" W" a -TV w r4 vmux ; r t r i a f;v go abroad to see. We propose to beard the British Lion in his den. The London exposition gives the op nortuiiitv we want. In such exposition, all that we would propose to present won hi be the raw material, it would be folly British public the New York Herald. Our Washington correspondent re ports that Democrats are considering too advisability of maUiug some im portant changes iu the rules of the House of Representatives. They are: First. To unite the Appropriations committee with the Ways and Means committee, and re-impose on the lat ter the duties it was charged with un til 1865, when the Appropriations committee was created. That seems to us a very sound return to the old practice. It is certainly business like to let the same committee which con siders the expenditures consider also the taxes by which they are to be met. in that way the books can be balanc ed, and no such oppressive and need- less taxation Would be Jam upon me rs i. . . . . . . " L T" Lr" "iSi UkS neoHtc . XM , j " iitilic coileotiom.l an enormous sur ..i.i. ....ilnnfn mti nur looms in Con-I IU on iuiitn trast with the finished works of Bir mingham or Manchester. But we could open the eyes of manufacturers TV A TOP Q of those centres of skill to anew or W IV O. I . i u-hiob toob- I I 111 M I H MIUII.XO 4 XTIMU Hit THrtWi-o. tt I a t "VJliiJ uauuuws. graph straw Cutters, yt"J an,i Dixie PLOWS, tr', Sliollcrs, Allies and "RmloiHi S D GR'rST BILLS, rSKJJM Fittings-Guns, ranrt Shot, Dynamite nA pV: MlOVota r..l C j t. J,; . uuu o ia ihn imii i nir k -.ra.nts, ()is and V.rniUhn. GLOVER SEED. elSO iwii. .ii.. .-'L . J- m Implement Yn. vv t11 'lTSl c,a88 tuc iho ?tA?tofrres- 1 ave on band Villus - . UOe. A" lirrprrhcm trtm .h . j-'tuascoaatry ue ever rmmTfi V ft i loin ihpir snniilte-: or we could otter to the mercautile world iniluceiuents .i,..;n (mm lis direct, suoniies Ullul 11 M 9 to IT VTfTt-thl which they now obtain at sec ond hand; or we could sliow to the agriculturist what he might gain by . ..f hi PMoital and .induvtry to a country where he could largely iucrease bis profits uuder the same conditions of health, social relation, aud the security of laws as he enjoys t Imrno. These would be the im- i to tMosfpr the store of are esllJ w plus revenue, which led naturally to wasteful aud eveti corrupt legislation. Second. It is proposed, according to our correspondent, that in making up its schedules f expenditure and taxation the Ways ami Means com. mtttee Spall balance each of the great heads of expense by a special lax, and he gives a sample of such schedule. There would remain always a consid erable variety of expenses, lo balance which minor taxes would be laid. But undoubtedly such a system would wave the advantage of enabling the people at, large to detect easily and quickly any tendency to extravagance L W!itetul use of money by their . " . , . ....lt Llepreseuiatives. presem, 1 ' t latlWU ia "The prejudice against opals may be dying out, but a great many peo ple still hold to the belief that they bring bad luck," said a jeweler. "I could tell you of a little incident that occurred here last Tuesday that may make you wonder whether some peo ple do not manage to get themselves horn three centuries too late. A man came here with a ring that had a beau tiful opal set in it, and told me to take out the stone and iet him see some! other gem to take its place. I asked him if he was going to get rid of tlie opal altogether, and he said that he was going to distroy it. I was rather surprised, and said : "Don't do that; I'll give you $50 for it. "He declared that he didn't want money for it; that it had brought him nothing but bad luck since he bought it; that he failed in business and lost two of his children, and all, of course, on account of a little piece of stone. I went over to that bench and took the opal out of its setting, and while looking at the ring I laid the gem on the bench beside me. As quick as a flash that man picked up a hammer that was lying among the tools and mf O w y hit that stone a whack that smashed it into a thousand pieces. There was nothing left. Theii he said : There!' in a satisfied manner. It's too bad, lor the opal is one of the prettiest of gems in the worlds" AT. Y. JSun. ii i irmnfT" Tasnm Mexico's National Drink. What the Napa valley is to San Francisco, the W extern reservoir to Ohio, or the Orange county dairy re m.m V T I W mon to iNew lock cilv. are ios Llanos tie A pain to the city of Mexi co the principal difference being that maguey is milked in lieu of cows and pulque is the product. Sme idea of . I I'll ! I 1 1 I the magnitude ot inis Kimi oi agricul ture may be derived from the fact that two special pulque trains run daily into the capital city with the same regularity that milk trains come into our metroDolitun cities, yielding the - j ' railroad a revenue of 01,000 a day freightage. The legend runs that somewhere about the year 990 a Tol- lec Indian, -whose name was Fa pan t- zin, was first to discover that the juice f the agave Americana might be dis tilled info a beverage fit for the gods Desiriug to bring the new blessing into royal favor, he commissioned his only daughter, Xoabiti (signifying "the flower of Anahua ), as cup hear pr to the kiiiy. This ancient Hebe we are told, was young and beautffu aud the mouarch not only drank ant praised the pulque, but married the maiden. And to this day tne oever age of old "Pap" as no doubt his dutiful descendants call him for short is the nuiver-ai drink of the lower classes of Mexico, and no doubt it is one of the most healthful beverages in the world. VVhen just right it is milk while, thick and ropy, much re sembling buttermilk in color, taste ami consistency.! The Indiaus are passionately fond of it the one solace . i. . n . -1 i and comfort in tbeir lives oi ton ami penury as uraturia has placed exhaust less fountains of it by the waysides and in the desert?. I raveling Amer- eans turn up their noses at the first taste of it. but generally end by be coming as diligent pulque drinkers as was old Puuttwjtain himself. Vin Ftancisoo, and manufacturers than any other, and that is an east line over the Cum berland plateau. W hile we do not wish to dictate in any particular, we will point out the advantage of this line and indicate our idea of its direction. Taking the line already built to Lsba non as a start, continue on to Sparta or Livingston, over coal beds four or five feet thick, the only true sub-conglomerate coal known of a workable thickness, lying within sixty feet or less of the surface, and sixty miles, wide, over thi plateau of the Cumber land, with all of its posibilities down Daddy's creek, bv very easy grades. crossing the Cincinnati bouthern at or near Wartburg, reaching the .Last lennessee valley through Winters gap, crossing in its descent seven ty-ffve miles of fine coal of good thickness, passing along under the eastern b.nse of the Cumberland mountains, strik ing inexhaustible veins of fossiliferous red hem itite iron ore, such as is used at Birmingham, Gadsden, Chattanooga, Dayton and Rock wood;- then up the northwest side of the Tennessee val- ey, following its beds of coal and iron to Coal Creek, on the Knoxville & Ohio Railroad, passing up Powell's Valley, reaching the valuable and practically undeveloped zinc mines, still through coal fields and iron beds; hen turning east across the valley to Johnson City or Bristol, giving Nash ville the shortest possible line to the seaboard at Norfolk, and competing with Knoxville and Baltimore for the trade of upper East Tennessee and the ower Virginia valley. At Johnsons or Kingsport it will cross the projected me from Charleston to the Uhio at the mouth of the Big Sandy, by means of which it would form intimate connec tion with the rich interior system of Western North Carolina, and by its northern line will he enabled to reach with all its wealth of eoal and ore the heart of the great Hanging Rock iron district, where now seventy-three blast furnaces are idle for want ot this ma terial which that line of road would Poultices made of snails ire said to J be of great value in the cure of cer- ! ... . Aid. ' k. - 1 nun uiseases, cczewra among them. Ml There is to be a new stamp. It is for immediate delivery. Letters hav ing that stamp will be sent to the proper person at once. 16. - Dr. Deems in his lecture about D. A. ATWELL. A;aat for the "CardweltThresher." S.ilMhiirv X. C. June 8th tf. - i j - NEW STORE! m 11 R A VINO bonsrht out the Grocery Ie partment of J. D.: MeNeely, I intend i conducting a First" CI ass S.1 Altb... ri........ i.,.. lay stock wnt consist or tLiiAH,uurr'JtE. v ....... .wv. v viiauioiiuiia iwicnujj t i rtxr t tn VTuxr mm-t rr vrrn I.: .1.. l...ll rri . : Li uaW."ftM'. aiuii 1 1 : ....... PI rTTO it.the bnll s eye. The doctrine may Butler, Chickens, Eggs, &c. Also, Candies. be true, but nobody knows whether Fruits, Nuts, Crackers, fcc. in fact, I in- ' it is not, and lots ui people who have tend keeping everything usually kept in no predilections Ar or prejudices i ' V 7, . ru.v,WUH "nc ,.aDU, u for cash, I liope to merit at least a portion of the trade. Come and see me at j D.Mc- Neely s Store. ; J. M. II ADEN. June 4, 1885. 2ms. against the theory of man's deriva tion from the potlywog will agree with Dr. Deems in his conclusion that it is not pi oven. Phil. Times. Joaquin Miller says that no man ever wrote anything good ou an empty stomach. There is no clamor for Consul Ma- sons omce at Marseilles. In this place cholera is offensive; uot Mason's politics. Quiet and dignified mourners. Hayes and Arthur, who rode iu the same carriage at General Grant's funeral, aud did uot tpeak. Mr. Jtftis's threatened defection is not viewed with serious alarm in Louisiana, where heTives. It is only a splinter, uot a split. Indiana has a Kit Klux organiza tion called the "Knights of the Hick ory Switch." It has matle war on young and old women. A Republican politician from North Vyil I l'll.'C, .'II M . .(7. V ... ii iiMiiig.i ' ? ...... . . . . remarked that so long as the negro vote was solid Republican, so long would North Carolina be Democratic But Democratic office seekers are now sti pandering to the negro vote that . t will be uncertain how the vote of ALL ENTIRELY New & Fresh ! J. S. McCUBBINS, Sr., Will continue the business at the 014. Stand, having closed out all. t he old stock; His present stock is Entirely New, and will he offered on reasonable terms Tor Cash, Barter, or tirstelss Mortgages. Those who could not pay all their mort gages last year may renew, if papers are satisfactory anfl appliance is made at once. HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Clothing-, Con fectibneris, Crockery, Drugs, Bacon, Lard. Cora, Flour. Feed and Provisions of all kinds with a full line of High Grade Fertilizers, as cheap as the cheapest. You will do welfi to see him betbro purchasing else where. Salisbury, April 1st, 1 88o. 2u:tf The man Julius Luck, who shot aud killed two men aud weunded two others in Moore comity recently, is in iail at Carthago. It is said that i " i i i a lew aay ago ne nearly escaped bring it, and, besides, it will build up, m . mm m X' m i 1 oiasi- 1 urn aces, anu luuiiutactuiira iv . e , ,, line the whole extent of the road after lhc btate reafier. it reached the Cumberland mountains This road would open to the trade of Nashville a large extent ot last grow ing country now occupied by Knox- ville. Unattanoocra and by Baltimore ..nA Ktt il-o nnn-tiaft- inn a fbo 1" i itVi bnnl ..... . i l I (mm l-l I I Ho 11 lit mi tho P n H'S 111 thv and rich timber and mineral re- j -;r v- nf WAWn Nnrf.h (irolina. East- woman wlio came to see hi in, and em Kentucky and West Virginia Ids disguise was detected only at the irivinff her merchants and manuractur- "ast moment, as ne was nimosi out 01 ers double the territory they now pos- the jail. He is a dangerous character. sess. and on the return giving to her an unlimited supply of cheap tuel, ores Administrator's Notice I and timber which her rapidly grow- ing manufactures need, and, with a All persons indebted to the estate of direct and easy connection With tne William Townaly, dee d, are hereby notiueu seaboard, will give cheap transportation to make immediate payment, and all those i A .l- .n'fkA.if having claims a-'ainst said estate arc noti- . , " ., o ,i x 1 bed to present them to me on or before tlie a rival m tne ooiun. a whs 50 51- fl . . f Au,ruat 1S86. ... th;3 notice wiu 1 v. :n . .. Nn.ikir. 1 ' . . ' prise ana pusu win ic "y" n,c pjead in bar ot their recovery. this line of road witn all its weann 01 This the Cth dav of August, ies-3. 1 1 1 -1 I t-v 1 v tttt r at XT 4 increasins material ana commercial it. i. juuaa, auui r. prosperity. 42:6w mrrTfi T a HUB may be found on file at Geo. X U.IO raXUlJOi p. ftowell & Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce St.V where advernsliw o&tracu may be made for It IN XW YOBa. Tauio Mineral Sprinp Acaieiad PAtWIER3VILLE.(taab Co.) N.C. ij C 11. MARTIN, I'BISCIPAL, iGraduate of Wake Forest Collrge. and also at j toe university or Virginia, i uitiom, $3 to $15 per session ot 5 months. .1 The only school In ilits section that teaches! IhejUulverslty ol Va. methods. Vigorous e- J tensive, thorongh. The cheapest school Ui the J J. $ . where tuese world-renowcd melhoda a,j tatht . Oood Board only $6 per month. 11 5i lyj Auaress, ii. maktjn, itul t i : v ii"" t" , - aastel ORGANIZED 1859 t i v- ure l:i ill - m I I . ms AH UI I V .11 .V .Z Cr I ' T V to transfer the store ox t " . J . i i -k;,o with no reierenw? --iprA mineral speciinena airew.y - . rue reIatitm ot taxa in preceding expositions to is concealed fi-om rr -1 .D tlio vvoofht which haVO l" rfl IU HICHl , I np0l)le. ,tn,ctl mnoh tte.,tlo. Add tothe jta.. ..g .1 uiggested that the great worm re- The Tlie wire-worm bas done Mi ibiniiiirn tins season, ine semldes wire, hence its name. - r i ... a . bet method of ridding' a held ot them is by late fall and early spring plow ing, as is done tor cm worms. Wee Fanny bit her tongue one day and came in crying bitterly, "VV'hal is it?" Rsktd her mother. K)h, matn- f she sa d, ,4my teeth stepped on Too Much for One Night. CAPITAL & ASSETS, j 750,000. Lost in the Mountains. Asheville Citizen. Mai. Stringficld recently had some w . . t adventures in the mountains wnicn go to nrove that the romance of the wil derness has not all gone, and that the Ai tourist mav find occasion of ex- J.RaODuS BROWNE, I l'rest. s I WM. C. Co ART, T secretary Davenport College, LcBoirx.c. A High Grade Home School FOR GIRLS. Best Climate. Surroundings, and Advan- tajfs in the South. Delightful Home. dm ail i j a' I ... . i . a a. .1 TJ1 ...!... citetnent or variety ior a nun tne n turner jungusn, atusie, ah, ubi.uu A n ...r.i Snecialtles. 1 wo leacners noni iuu iwii Twenty-sixth Annual Statement, Jam-art 1, 18M. LIABILITIES. ! - CashCapttal W0a M Unadjusted Losses 24,000 4 Kesef ve tor He-Insurance and all other t . ... :m- uamuuea, - Net Surplus...... v. 455.M3 n ma my touuguel ' - A Minnesota fanner circumvents the cut worms by bnilding boxes for wrens to nest in his garden. He says a pair of wrens with a nest full of young will carry an insect of some kind to their young every three to four minutes from dawn to dark, and the cut worm is their choicest article of food.-br. he will seek it. was'out among the Smoky Mountains, riiuning out land, surveying, or some than' of the kind which makes in duceraent strong enough to penetrate thw wilds. Anv one woo has been there will recall the height and mag uitttde of the timber, the denily l tin iioder rruwth. the depth of the trorires. and the difficulty ot keeping itov lived landmark iu view. In the course of the afternoon, a Ireavy thun .ier storm came on. The clouds set a . i Ip down to tlie ir round, the raio ooured in cataracte,the ligntning blaz ed in blinding sheets ami the thunder crashed and reverberated with terrihe ... m I. II v.ilinon 1 he Maior was lost. Me V w - - J could not keep his course; the dark ness of night came on ; and cold anil 4et with rain and wadiug creeks ami torrents he halted for the night. He was too experienced a woodsman to be alarmed. let he nnnht be startled $741,380 tt Leipzig Conservatory. Complete new out- tit for physical training. Send tor circulars. WILL 11. SA.MJUiw, rres. Aug. 12, 18S3 6t FOR RENT ! SCHEDULE OF ASSETS t C.ish 10 National Bank ... T.904 06 Cash In hands ot Agents ...... 1 l,9d United States Registered Bonds. St at;' and Municipal Bonds. . N atlonil Bank Stocks . , Cotton Manufacturing stocks ... I U.8M M . m.soo 0: . 51,097 S . 18,400 . 1 14,785 C T will rent mv FTotise anfl Lands, situated 1 Other Local stocks ST0 n in Hit Northern suburb ol the town ot Sat A U ksuiic iuaincumue3u profjenj) mow i. ;.nrW Tl,,r,, r 85 juM-esof cmul tillable Lostos. secured by first mortgages.,. MAI i-J""lJ --w- w - . tzv -If soled id tor cotton, tooacco, or ior i truck larming. All necessary outbuildings in inifi.1 ronnir. A well, a soring and a branch famish an abundance of good wa - ii , I -1 kakh&a . . i . . 1 e mm ter. rue dwelling uas six wuw, io m snlenid reoair. Between 500 and 700 fruit . . i . j.... i : : trees are on tne pi ace just wum m liear. For terms and particu tars address, W. l. BAUKEK, 1 39:1m Salisbury, N. C. tor working people. Send 10 cents posfc tge, and we wih mall you M a royal, valuable sample box ot goods that will nut. vnu in tlie way ot maklntr more mon- v m n"rer days lainyou evci .uuuxui uwnwic ai any bu-ilue8s. Capital not re mire, oucan live at home and work In spare time only, or all th time. All h.Mh vr of aU iiares. firranlly succeasTal. 60 cts. muouiiv eirnel every evening. T&at all who Total Assets, $741,380 T i. ALLEN BROWN, Aft. Salisbury, N. C. March 2, isss. L tm SOMETHING- NEW! LAMP CHIMNEYS tliat will not break by heat, tor sale . ENNISBV Hula DIAMOND DYES All colors tow tiistt at ENNI88' DONT FORGET to call for Seeds all kinds at ENNI8S1. when, in gathering an armful ot xticks ofSlieSdoier: To ail who are not weu satisned TO THE LADIES s '! Jul. wl.wli tn build him a fire he I we wiuwadti u pay tor the trouble ot writing m p Call and see the Flower Pots at with WlllCtl IO onnu iiiui a urc, uc i ,. -..-.(...i directions, etc., sent tree. Immense! tv roused a rattlesnake which pi ung hi ahirni wit Ii Ri'uiticant terror.-: aid at . i i i mmm . the same time a wolf set up a doleful howl, and gave the Major warning that no sleep was in store for him. d vr absolutely sure lorall who start at once. Dont ty a i irTf 1 i.w.i sv v-v., a uituuiu, .i au-. not tr, "St. ly ENNISS. NOT STRANGE BUT TnUE, Worara The long weary night pa; sed Uy the rjnly 28 cents a bottle. k nr rnupi.ciioi is freonentlv ransed I fta exist in the human body ard are ofte-' u. urMr.ni. Shrinci's Indian Vrmifnre I the cause of disease and Heal h. Shriaer- " . . . . I I r. 9.. I 1 . m? . t i 1 rlLAH otij4 jmw t mM u-ili remetv me wnoie irwuoie. i rv n. : inoiun mmuus Nhem from the system. i 0 1 H m 1 "tOo.. Portland, MUw. them the frts ot ine crops o ; . . . . - k r . . . !-aWmf

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