The Carolina Watchman. v Ht fU XVI. THIRB1 SERIES SALISBURY. V. C, SEPTEMBER 17. 1885. i o 1 t 51 w g g i fill- - i -a 3 52 Empire of Force and Empire of Love. From the N. Y Journal 66mnictn New York, Aug. 15,1885. We have lately been reading a good deal about the greatest heroes, greatest generals, &c., that ever lived. I remember when a youth reading that somebody once asked Napoleon who was the greatest general and he made the" noble reply, uThe Saviour," whose constantly in- wishes the wife to live on This sum the wife thinks inadequate, and certainly it is very little. Put then it appears that the wife's mother and sisters are 'inmates of the house hold, and it is very likely that he is determined not to encourage thera to remain by spreading before them a bountiful table. They have been jmar ried only a few months, and they have not yet given married life a fair trial. The husband cannot be com- ereasmsr armies tor l.ouu years naa pel led to maintain his wife's relatives. wu The husband has not refused on the uinivucu vtci mt nvira. ' ' vi- I 1 t fir , . , ... , contrary ne expresses ins willingness aairnig yuu mutu W F1"1" rn nrnwu a foi his wiTp Tt a mv ini- words, or can you say where they can I bre8Slon that instead of havine fur- be found? E. P. I ther litigation the nartics had better ifrp7y.The following is found at meet and try to make the best of each page 171 of Arvine's Clydopcadia of ier- nere is no aouot mere is TUT 1 A -Di; A Aa. uT UHaupwinwcui uu uuin aiuco. auu o K M T K T 1 that. (hA wifo'a nn hninn inm havA Ul.i.V.M.JVIiVI .... v but aid know men, said Napoleon at St Hele- provcd fco fee Deaa Sea apples, bu na to Count de Montholon, lI know gue naa no case that entitles her to ai men, and I tell you that Jesus is not a from the courts." man! The Religion of Christ is a mys tery which subsists by its own force, and proceeds from a mind which is not a human mind. We find in it a mark- mi m m m - . - . ed mdiviaualitv, wnicn ongmated a train of words and actions unknown Murder of the Chinese. Says the Charleston News and Courier: "The wholesale murder of Chinese laborers in the Northwest eroes far beyond anything that has I AtTAH I A A r AlllllliVA1 ttTlf ll f 11 I t u. urau0 jpuu, r the gn ,e in their dealillgs his proofs are miracles, and from the witn the negroes, and is without the first disciples adored him. Alexander, excuse that might have been made for Caesar, Charlemagne, and myself found- race collisions in the South. The ed empires; but on what foundation did Chinamen were not making a distur we rest the creatures of our genius? bance of any kind, were violating no tJpon force. But Jesus Christ founded ,aw were narmd and, we Peace T it;., ably at work. Iheir sole ofiense was anwupu uyuu thafc were working for a ow nU millions of men wouW.die rotJUftrs 1 of WJgeg and for this crime their die before my time, and my body will white neighbors turned out in a body be given back to the earth to: become and chased them and shot them down food for worms. Such is the fate of like wild beasts. We shall look with him who has been calledUe GreatNa- interest to see whether there is going uc i v.T I to be the same amount ot tear shed- IT an caw too mvtajl poleon. deep misery and the eternal kingdom of Christ, which is proclaimed, loved, adored, and still extending over the whole earth? Then, turning to Gen. ding over the massacre of these men as over the hypothetical slanders in regard to the riots in the South. The colored people undoubtedly stand on a lower plane, in many respects, than Bertrand, the Emperor added, 'If you the Mongolians, but as the latter can 3 hh do not perceive that Jesus Christ is God, I did wrong in appointing you a gene ral." In-Growing Toe Kails. not vote, and as the Republican party does not claim to have a proprietary right in them, it is not likely that the bloody blouse will be shaken to any extent. Earthquake in the X. C. Mountains. Lenoir Topic We learn from a reliable boo roe of a very remarkable occurrence which, took place near Blowing Bock and on the Grandfather mountain , on Thursday even ing of week before last. About eandown, Mrs.Heid, who lives on Capt. Fancett's farm, about 2i miles from Blowing Bock, was sitting in the house and was surpris ed to hear a very load clap of thander, although the sky was perfectly clear, and immediately the house began to shake, dishes to rattle and a noise was heard as though a "six horse team was being driv en rapidly through the house." It lasted but a few moments, but during the time of it there was a perceptible and violent rocking. Mrs. Beid says she was "shock ed" and could scarcely stand. Mr. Joseph B. Clarke reports very much the same state of affairs at his house. It is report ed also to have been heard and felt in Boone. A man named Pat Coffey, who lives at the foot of the Grandfather, and several other people, were ou top of the Grand father at the time, were very mnch fright ened. Coffey was sitting on the large hanging rock, on the Watauga side of the view, which has such precipitous sides and which is so famous for the beauty of the view to be obtained from it. He says it shook and quivered and trembled so that he scrambled from it in such haste and in such a fright as to appear more dead than alive. He and his party at once descended the inoantain in a state of great alarm Mr. Joseph B. Clarke, who has taken some pains to investigate the strange af fair, says that as far as he can discover, the shock or whatever it was, came in a " wave" that was deflected near his house and went down St. John's Biver. Poes any one else in any other section remem ber to have noticed a like phenomenon. sghoolTcommittee-men. - am Tlje following named School Committee-men were appoint ed by the Board of Education at a meeting held Sept 7, 1885, for the several school districts of Rowan county said Com mittee-men to hold their places for two years from the first Monday in October, 1885. The said Committee-men will please qualify on or before the 1st day of October, next. "3ff W" Townships. Salisbury, No. 1. Henry M. Brown, Chas. S. Pattern, Adam iu.. crown. I is 'it 2. Jas. M. Trexler, S. C. Ketchy, Monroe Peeler. 27. S. H. Wiley, P. N. Heilig, WZ Murdoch , 4. R. A. Gobble. PhiliD Sowers. J. (1 Riishr Franklix, No. h H. C. Bost, D. A. Swink, G. W. Fowler. 2. Jas. Monroe, H. A. Fisher. J. L. Cauhl. 3. A. M. Cruse, John Eagle, Julius Earnhardt. 4. W. A. Lentz, George Thomason, H. C. Cranford. 5. A. L. Hall. T. P. Thomason. W. T. fthm JJrlL A. Agner, C. A. Waggoner, James Colly. it u u u Scotch Irish, u u u li This most painful of the diseases of the nails, is caused by the improper manner of cutting the nail (generally of thereat toej and then wearmg a h narrow, badly made shoe. The nail be r I crinnin fr to PTOW too lone, and rather W IB O O - Nearly as Bad as the Murder. The Chatham Record says: We hear that on last Tuesday night a party of disguised men arrested the wife and sister of Jerry Finch, who is confined in jail on suspicion of be ing one of the Finch murderers, and tJ I wide at the corners, is trimmed around attempted to extort information about GREGORY'S Bvsjejtic Mixture. the corner, which gives temporary re lief. But it then begins to grow wider in the sidewhere it was cutoff; and as the shoe presses the flesh against the corner, the nail cuts more and more in to the raw flesh, which becomes excess ively tender and irritable. If this state POSITIVE AND PERMANENT CURE continue long the toe becomes more and more painful and ulcerated, and fungus (proud flesh) sprouts up from the sorest points. Walking greatly in creases the suffering, till positive rest becomes indispensable. Treatment; we omit all modes of cutting out the nail FOR Dyspepsia and Indigestion Prepared by Dr. W. V. GREGORY, Charlotte, N. C Charlotte, N. C, Nov. 29, 1884. rv W W ripnimri' T hAPAhV f!firtltV that I Uave recentTv vised your Dyspeptic bv the root, and all other cutting or Mixture with very great sow ro myscix li operations. JKegin tbe ettort nu wiuia..,, 4Vw.. I . - 1 To, nnn .ahnil tf) ttiP. li. If. WARING. I at CUre UV Biiuuic "fj-" Member N. C. Legislature. tender nart of a small quantity of per- pVilnrkl of iron. It is found in drug CHARiiOTTK, N. C. , a - q aniA thouch some- Dr. W. W. (iresorv: 1 taice great pleasure , , . . in adding ray testimony to the value of your times in powder, mere is imui Dyxpeplic Remedy. I have used it witn reai moderate sensation 01 pain, con iL Md cheerily oM - or , . Iq ft few minutes, torpid condition of liver and bowem. ne tender surface IS ieit w oe uricu up, W"A.KaSU tanned or mnmmined, ces to ;.nf vchn. before r I oe paiuiui. xiic o-"t " For Bale Hr J H McAden and T 0 Smith & ij not put his foot to the floor, now Co.,Charlotte, N. C and T. F. Klnltz & Co-, fi , j , . . can walk upon it without Salisbury, N . C. 49:ly HEADQUARTERS FO STUDEBAKER ajId TENNESSEE FARM WAGONS. CoLCMBL'8, WATEBtOWN ClKCIKNATI Buggies & Spring Wagons. Bickford a Huffman . i t li-i.:., horrlonpfl pain. rjy permiiwu v ' J 1 !, flnoh tn remain tot iwu ui WUUU-lIftC llMBtm. three weeks, it can be easily removed by naVino' the foot in hot water. A new o . m. , ...... and healthy structure is found nrm anu solid below. If thereafter the nails be no more cut around the corners or sides, hnt alwavs curved in across the front end, they will in future grow only for- .wla. aA Viv weanne a snoe oi rea- the murder from them by hanging them up. It is said that eaeh of the women was hung up twice, out both persisted in declaring that they knew nothing about the murder to tell. We much regret this occurrence, as it did no good and is calculated to do harm. Destructive Hail Storm. Port Tobacco, Md., September 7. The most destructive hail Btorm ever known in this Section of Maryland occur red Saturday eveniuc. Entire fields of corn and tobacco were destroyed, in many not a leaf of tobacco having been left on the stalk, and ears of corn broken from the stalks, while little more than half ripe. The bail stones were as large as pullet eggs, and the destruction was general where the storm touched. The damage in Charles county is estimated at 100, 000. A Warehouse Falls. 8 Hickory Press: The warehouse o Messrs. Hall Bros, in the rear ef the store now occupied by Messrs. Flaum Bros, gave way from the pressure of its contents and was crashed off its pillars to the ground lasi Wednesday night, making considerable noise. There was a large quantity of goods in the warehouse, among other things about three car loads f salt and dried fruit and a large quanti ty ef store hardware, &c, to which but little damage was done. Grain and Guano Drills. ihemOS HAY RAKES, sonable good size and shape, f W H Avery's Ridiner and Walking trouble will P TT T TTTf A T r D C Journal. wjuiivn. a w iv vj. be avoided. BosttcicVs Br n it THOMAS' HARROWS. Telegraph Straw Cutters, Avery and Dixie PLOWS, 3ctox Corn Shellor h . Engines and Boilers, SAW AND GRIST MILLS, jping, Engine and Boiler Fittings Guns, Pistols, Shells, Cartridges, Wads and Caps. Powder and Shot, Dynamite Fuse and Pri mers A.xes, Shovels and Spades, Building fdware. Paints, Oils and Varnishes, HOME-RAISED CLOVER SEED. Aad everything else usually leapt In First Class! i XS and implement Stores. I have on hand ri" wock oi tne above, & offer themior tne ne ;2w (lays, tor leas money than tney nave ever a sold in this country. ur7)0ct.2V8i. W. 8MITHDEAL ore money than at anything else by taking agency tor the best selling boo' out, Be eceed graadlr. None f allTerms Iree. Hlmtt Biok. oo Portland, Malne, -17 A Little Warning. Here is story printed for the ben efit of the girls: "A young woman . ar VorW married December last Aara hr senior, one"! a man many j - jr now wants a divorce on the . groand of cruelty, the one act specified being Sher husband violently squeezed her hand. The judge, inlawing the case, says: 'ne main gnevaoe of the plaintiff appears to be that the defendant is pa Jmouious and jealous There is a difference in theage of the parties that is unfortunate tor them both. The wife does not find hei slderly husband a congenial compan ?: Vr this the law can afford 110 . urU nnd a reroerty. The husband remedy for parsiony. ! iHiaoaiia After the Soiree. Dusenberry "Charming woman, old boy! I congratulate you." Judge (languidly) "Thanks." Dusenberry "Such grace! Such wit!" v J nd o-e fas before) "Y-a-a-s. Dusenberry 'Such conversational f powers! I couW JUten to fter lor hours." ...... Judge (gloomily) "1 ottea do Call. N. Y. Times, Rep. Of the loyalty of the South to the Union Mr. Warner speaks at length. He finds that aentimeut a very positive eue aud a very growiog one. JLouiaiaiia "was never in ita wlible history so consciously loyal as it is to-day The feeling is not in any sense a political movement for unworthy purposes, he says, but "a genuine devel opment of attachment to the Uuion." He puts the situation strongly by an anecdote or two: "When a woman, who enlisted by the consent of Jeff Davis, whose name ap peared fer four years upon the rolls, aud who endured all the perils aud hardships of the conflict as a field nurse, speaks of President' Davis what does it meant It is only a sentiment. This heroine of the war on the wrong side had in the Expo sition a tent where the veterans of the Confederacy recorded their names. On one side, at the back of the tentr was a table piled with touching relics of the war, aud above it a portrait of Robert E. Lee; wreathed with immortelles. It was surely a harmless shrine. Ou the other side was also a table, piled with frait and cereals not relics, but signs of prosperi ty and peaceand above it a portrait of Ulysses S. Grant. Here was the senti ment, cherished with an aching heart. maybe, and here was the fact of the Union and the future." Mr. Warner was in New Orleans on Decoration Day and visited the cemetery while the oTiservaBces were taking place around the soldiers7 monument; t atnnr hAsiiiA ft ladv whose name, if I mentioned it, would be recognized as representative of a family which was as nn a r inn nil S. and did as much, and lost as much, as any other in the war a fami ly that would be popularly supposed to W - - A A KA..i1 nnralpntiniT IBellHkfS. AS LUC vii ci sou f o fiterans. some, of them on crutchers, many of thetn with empty sleeves, group h tiiATMRftlvca about the monument we "remarked upon the sight as a touciung one. aud I said, 'I see you have no ad dress on Decoration Day; at the North we still keep up the custom.' 4No,' she replied, 'W have given it up. So many in...iatit thiixra were said that we 1 UI I' t uuvu v w-- - thoucht best to discontinue the address And then, after a pause, she added, thouffhtfully, 'Each side did the best it ia. i km all aver and done with, and let's have an end of it.'Jfct the mouth o the lady who uttered it the remark was rerv sicnificarit, but it expresses, I am fi,..,iv nnvinAud. the feelins of the South." I 3. H. G. Lippard. J. P. Marlin. A. A Harf. ) 1. George E. Hughey, Thos. Niblock, White Fraley. f 2. W. L. Steele, J. W. Phifer, John Wilhelm. 3. H. F. Rudisill, Geo. Moore, Martin Phifer. 4. Geo. Misenheimer, Jay Moore, W. A. Luckey, sr. 5. W. L. Carson, L. A. Wilhelm, D. Fleming. 6. M. A. Plylerr John A. Davis, J. M. Cowan. 7. A. D. Moore, W. A. Barber. Vi. A. RhmnW Mt Ulla, No. 1. J. H. Gray, Monroe Barger, J. S. E. Hart. 2. C. A. McConnell, Thos. SherriU, J. W. White. " 3. J. F. Miller, M. A. Goodman, G. M. Morrow. " 5. G. A. Masters, Jno. S. Knox, Joseph Cowan. -Steele, No. 1. W. L. Kistler, J. F. Stansill, Chas. S. Shoaf. 2. H. N. Goodnight, S.T. Baker, 0. H. Deal. 3. D. M. Barrier, H. S. Peatre. Calvin Hyde. Atwell No. 1. P C Goodman, E A Proost. J A Line. 6. tios mciiean, u Morrison, It L W eddington. 3. C A Sloop, Ellis Shoaf, J m Harrison. 4. Jno P Silliman, C L Shuping, William Deal. 5. Henry C Corriher, R A Corriher, William Boyd. 6. Levi Deal, William Caven, James Bostian, 6$. D M Uooper, G C Smith, M A BostLan. u 11 u u u u Ghina Grove 7. A F Goodman, P R Albright, G H Basinger. 8. C J Deal, E P Deaton, M E McNight. u u r 1 I I ai m o H r 1 w HARDWARES i I WHEN YOU W, H A R D W A ft jEftat mum AT LOW PIQUl I fl II on tho nn, on L KTk r r .. kow. . D. A. AT WE I T Agent for the J t'lThf Salisbury, N. C.,une 8thtft&fT753t NEW ST ORE x - a t ... 'AVIXG bought out the Groccrv Bet cond uctmg a First Class - jTZ GROCERY STORE. My stock will consist of SUGAR. COF BACON, LARD, FISH, Molasses. FL( Butter. Chickens. F.o-cra & r War, f - T OO I " vl ..MV, VWiU Fruits, Nuts, Crackers. &c in fact. I i tend keeping everything usually kept the Grocery and Provision liner and close attention to business and seflinir It for cash, I hope to merit at least a portion of the trade. Come and see me at J.D.Mo Neely's Store. J. M, HADEN- i Locke, 14 u u u u No. 1. J C Bernhardt. A S Correll J P! " 2. Peter Weaver, Jas Rice, Adolphus Pethel. 3. G A J Sechler, J A Thorn, I F Patterson. 4. J L Graeber, Jos A Shank, M A Stirewalt 5. Henry Fink, Milas Ketchy, W C Kluttz. 6. Martin Blackwelder, Levi Deal. Henrv Pechel No. 1. J C Bernhardt, Geo Albright, Beuben Cress. 2. Dr R L Cowan, W A Brandon, P R Cress. 3. J A Fesperman, W J Brown, J Gaskey. 4. W E Dunhani, H M Cauble, C H McKxnzie. 5. Otha Cauble, W H Bost, Ed Sifford. 0. S B Collv, John Linele. L. M. LioDard. Litaker, No. 1. Geo A Barger, Jas 6 Ludewick, P A Sloop. 2. J W Frick, Jho D A Brown, EdmM Fesperman. l 3. A H Heilis:, John Graeber, G fl Koon. GoldHill, No. 1. David Beaver, Allison, Bost, Jacob Barger. 6. jas a miner, Alex Trexler, Jas McUombs. 3. B A Miller, J R Fisher, U E. Miller. " 4. F H Mauney, John Snuggs, J W Jenkins. " 5. Luther C Miller4 Jos Beaver, Moses G Bradv. Morgans, No. T. D A Lemly, Alex Frick, W R Reid. If. John Buchanon, Dan'l Eagle, John Bringle. 2. Reams Basinger, William Stoner. Levi Trexler. 3. Dan'l P Morgan, Jesse A Morgan, Jas L Morgan. 4. John W Miller, Thos Parker, Cain Morsran. 6. Abram A Hodge, Abram A Morgan A K Miller. 7. Jos ifiagle, Geo A Can up, C W Misenheirmer . PbovideItce, No. 1. G WLong, Jas A Reid, Geo (Corhelison. 2. r A Hartman, Geo Boger, John BlackwelL 3. W A Cauble, Henry Peeler, David Eller. 4 Alex Peeler, Paul Peeler, Lawson R Lingle, 5. Paul M Phillips John Morgan, Fred Waller. 6. S A Earnhardt, Cornelius Kesler, H R Kesler. 7. Monroe Casper Sr. W H Boggs, 0 V Poole. By order of the Board of Education. T. 0. LINN. Secretary. Dated September, 7th, 1885. " Jfarmsr Boys Look Here. TT.ifn this time there have been about 120,000 pounds of sumac ship ped from this place. The leaves are stripped from the bushes and dried and bring from 60 to 65 cento a pound.; Oue unusual thing is that the bushea are not injured by the stripping but grow more luxuriantly the next year. There are quantities of it and the money it brings is that mnnh extra. Over $700 have been paid out here for it and put into cir- I 1 .. . T , V , cuiaiion. xwtiwc u u (I (4 u Q 1 1 esni Is ' ! : 'I .( ti: Old ALL ENTIREL New & Fr J. S. McCTJBBINS. Sr., Will continue the husinewi ' mt f h Stand, having closed oat all t lie old stock. mis present stock is Entirely Netr, and will be offered on reasonable terms for Cash Barter, or first-class Mortgages. Those who could not pay all their mort gages last year may renew, if papers are satisfactory and appliance is made at once. 1S HTOL'K CONSISTS; OF Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Con- fectioneris, Crockery, Drugs, Baton, Lard, Corn, Flour, Feed and Provisions of all kinds, with a full line of V High Grade Fertilizers. as cheap as the cheapest. You will 4 weu to see him before purchasing elsewhere. Salisbury, April 1st, 1885. -25:tf t-JL Yadkin Mineral Mm Mm PALMER8VILLE,(SUuly ro.) ti. C. C. U. MARTIN, Principal, graduate of Wale Forest College, and also at mo i- uiv uraiij oi Virginia, rromos, S3 to $15 per session oi .5 months. too oniv scnooi in intnspn im tii.. taoiiM the University ot Va; methods. VlirnrniiR ex. Avntave, inorongn x ne cheapest school In the u. o. wnere cnese worid-renowed methods art taught. Good Hoard only $6 per month. 777 AUUreSH, U li. MARTIN, rllU. Showing WUat Deteriniiiation Can The forty days allowed by President Cleveland to the cattlemen who had been illegally occupying land in Indian Terri tory have expired and it speaks volumes for the 4onwg of the President tliat it inspired tpse cattlemen with so much reapect that they hare moved right ont without calling jtfce arm to expedite their moHng. Omaha Herald. a sort of pantry for the old "mansion," but their plan were thwarted by a angry colony of bumble-bees, which "held be fort" and reacnted all attempts at dia- There are always new things to be learned. Saturday the workmen at the cr-hnnl wished to tear ueoieniii 8"v" - ne aau acteu unuc piviuumj. uwc away an old brick outbuilding, formeriy t;wo met by chance at a New Orleans lodgement. The workmen were iu des pair and the contractors were in the same fix. Finally Mr. Len. Royster bethought him to ask advice on thesubject. He was told to place an open mouth jug half full of water near the bees' headquarters and to stir up the bees, who, fiyhig out, would see the open mouth of the jug and (like a good many people) at once experiment to see what the Jug contained. This they do by crawling into the mouth of the jug, and so perish miserably in the water. Mr. Royster tried the scheme yesterday morning and to his great joy it worked like r charm. In half an hour he had every bee in the jug and then, and not until then, coald the house be demolish ed. Necn$ -Observer. A German writes to an English paper that celery is a specific for rheu matism. In order to be effectual, however, it must be cooked. His mat hod is to make a soup of the stalks and roots. Generally celery is eaten raw, which prevents its therapeutic Qualities being: known. Another me thod of using it is to have the celery cut iuto bits, boiled in water until soft, ami the water drank by the pa- . . . . 1 tieut. It can be served warm, witn toasted bread. This, it is said, will subdue the worst cases of rheumatism. AFTEE MANY YEARS. A student at Yale, twenty years ago, wrote a letter to a New Haven girl pro posing marriage, and in reply received ner wedding cards, showing that his wooing was too late, but giving no in timation of what might nave been if he had acted more promptly. Ihese R.T.HOPKINS 18 NOW AT THE Corner of Kerr 4k Lee Streets, with a full line of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES. Also keeps a First Class BOARDING HOUSE. Call and see him. 28:ply. t Administrator's Notice 1 All persons indebted to the estate of William Townsly, dee'd, are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and all those i : 1 7. uaviug uitiuis against saiu esiace are noti fied to present them to me oil or before the 6th day of August, 188, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This the 6th day of August, 1885. ! D. R. JLLIAX, AdmV. 42:6w Davenport College, tgg it hotel table, the other day. He had be come a Louisiana Judge, and she a widow. Their betrothal immediately ensued. A High Grade Home School FOR GIRLS. Best Climate, Surrounding!, and Advan tages -in the South. Delightful Home. Higher English, Music, Art. and Elocution Specialties. Two Teachers from the Royal Leipzig Conservatory. Complete new out fit for physical training. Send for circulars. WILL H. SANBORN, Pres. Aug. 13, 1885. 8t I UiM States Mental Rererae. SPECIAL DEPUTY OFFICER 6th District, N. C. J SALISBURY, AUGUST 1, 1885. The following property having been seiz ed in Morgan Township, Rowan O'ounty, N. C, for violation ef the Internal Revenue Law, the owner thereof will appear be fore me within thirty days from date hereof and make elaim thereto, according to pro- visions oi sec. JJ40U k. a., or the same wti be forfeited to the United States, to wit; One 60 gallon Still, cap and worm to match. T. H. VANDEHFOUD, Special Deputy Collector. 44:1m. - ORGANIZED 859 CAPITAL & ASSETS S75Q.OOO jWM. C J. RHQDaS BROWSE. 1 FresUJ - 1 COART. 3 eoreUiT .Twenty-sixth Annufcl Statement Jancart 1, 1883. Cash Capital 3, M uaadjuutea Losses 21,000 Reserve for Ke-lnsur.iuce and all other I -iL liabilities, ....i. T, Net .surplu-,.. SISJMS i m "41,380- arttimri v nv teavrl. Cash In National Bank $ 7,904 os Cash in hands ot Agents ..11,962 29 $ 19 944 t United States Registered Bonds.......... 179,800 State and Mualcl pal Bonds KLSfT as National Bank Stocks 153,400 m Cotton Manuiacturlng stocks 114,788 eo Other Local Stocks ......... 29.770 m Real Estate (unincumbered city property) 97.997 17 uoans, securea by nrsi mongaies . . i SOIS Total Assets, - $741 J. ALLEN BROWN Salisbury, n. v., Marcn a, Itxs5. SOMETHING NEW !! i . i 94 U. 80 4W Art. L LAMP CHIMNEYS 1 that will not break by heat, tor sals at ENN18S. DIAMOND DYES All wish at colors job ENNISS' DON'T FORGET to call for Seeds of all kinds at ENNISS', TO THE LADIESs Call and -sec the Flower Pots at ENKIS8V NOT STRANGE BUT TiiUiL Worn do? exist in the hum,. B body and are ofi n the cause of disease and death, till fine " Indian Vermifuge wiH destroy and ei-po! them from the sj stem. . ..'-. - i-a , -" 1- v '.- 1 li te 14 J B'; ! hK mm ',1 1 tffl it !- ! i