mhe Carolina Watchman. -1 '! rot xyi, THIRD! SEBUS SALISBURY. N. C, SEPTEMBER 24 1885. t2 - HO 49 4-" - HZ i kill watchman, i view, Indeed this is Strange. Sam Jonee' Sayings- iw . d mm 0 n n ii new. H Excursion . from China Orcve to Aihe-, wiT ' viue, Ang. 2U, iocs. Glad we, she enjoys her honored good by z ell. t name ; - u A I or tier goodness and gentleness aie nnk- W Away to the mountains we swiftlv did co. ed with her fame. Y As the mountains once around Jerusalem 5Jj t 3 3 5 9 B Where the laurel and pines and chestnut trees grow ; Our great iron-horse did well keep the rail, With a string of fine parlors tied to his tall. At six in the morning we left China Grove, And up the railway we quickly did move, With a ride of nine miles we plainly could see The noble old town of Salisbury.- Here Westward we turned for the "Land of t lie Skies ff With the wings of the morning oar engiue now flies, O'er river and rill, o'er mountain and plain, As swift as a bird it went with the train. The distance to Statesville, our engine soon makes, The home of the Robbing, and the nest of the Drakes ; And here dwell seme lords of the jug and the flask To fill up the kegs, and sit on the cask. , I - - i m y The sparkling Catawba we met on his way From mountain's clear rill to ocean's blue bay ; As i ifli as Paetnlas, in Libia's fair land, It quietly glides on its rich golden sand. The great Hickory ciry seon came to our View, y And hit to westward, the mountains in bale. This city is built on a high table land, V. inch makes the surrouudings impress ive ant) grand. Thei onward By BtnkeV Morgatitou, and next MarUm. . Like lightning and thunder we -harried-, along, , , While Carolina's fair maids were singing a song. "Carolina ! Carolina ! the land of t he tree ! W hat Measures ol weal in and Oeanty in thee ! From vour surf beaten beach to vour UQ I mountains iu blue. 3 0 No land has more grandeur and glory than r-4 yowl , 4 i Xo volcanic thunder from Ball did we S M hear; 2 f! No smoke did arise to kindle a fear I lint ti ili.l rn AnliiliiinifflllllV 111 uloirt Till some one who knew called out "Old Fort !" To hold the "Old Fort," we made bo de tail : - . For ail of ui "Tars" did stick to the rail, W here all now sat as mute as a Quaker, q Q I Till suddenly aroused by the first baby- wakcr. Our engine, its signal, for Round Knob did give; And soon at that station we safe did ar- So may the Lord iu his kinduess be near unto them ! And back to oar homes we safely did go. And left the blue mountains for plains far below. With recollections pleasant our minds will ever fill, As we think of the people who dwell at Asheville. Our kiitd-haerted Captains did well fill their place, Did wait on their patrons with' Chester field grace. To go on an excursion for pleasure most fine, Take A, W. Wiuecoff and Matthew P. - Cline. A Jonesboko, Georgia, correspon dent of the Atlanta "Constitution" has recently been fumbling over a lot of old papers that he found in a pine box iu a lawyer's office, ami among them he has discovert 1 a letter from Z. B. Vance. It was written iu 1868 Indeed this is Strange. A very strange race has been found on Yukon river, in Alaska. The men have three arms. An account that appears in the Butte (M. T.) Lite-mountain thus describes one of the specimens who weighed 180 pounds, was 35 years old and was five feet ten inches' tall, and was dressed in a drab colored business suit : "But the most singular thing about the man is the appearance of a third arm, which, starting out from between the lower points of the shoulder blades, extends outward at least-three feet from the body. The arm is of extraordinary sise and strength, has an easy working elbow and ends witii a hand of unusa! proportions, provid ed with a thumb and four fingers. When not in use it is carried over the right shoulder, the hand restin? over the pit of the stomach, "Jumping from the lower step to the- ground with the ease and grace of a well-trained athlete, the singular- looking 8t ranger went to the baggage Sam Jones' Sayings- m . i - . i , car, irom wneiice mere was suoveti out by the baggage master first a huge trunk, weighing at least loU pounds, then a to the New York "World " and is so V im. rv. rr,. , : , ... - nunc ro ing the trunk by the back hand, the we go, and course with Bet :jmarji.-im- mmk the rive, we GREGORY'S tic Mixture. A POSITIVE AND PERMANENT CURE And there we got dinner, and when liad ate. We rounded up circles aud made the fig ure eight. At Round Knob hotel a fountain displays A scene of great beauty, with the suu's shining rays. With a loud crackling it loftily will rise, Aud fall in great drops from its hight iu the skies. FOB Dyspepsia and Indigestion Prepared by Dr. W. W. GREGORY, Charlotte, N, C Charlotte, N. C, Nov. 29, 1884. Dr. W. W. Gregorv : I hereby certify thst I have recently used your Dyspeptic Mixture with very great benefit to myself sad cordially recommend it to others. K. r. WARING, Member N. C. Legislature. Here the telegraph wires will leave the railway j -To S wanna n oa tunnel now one mile away. Eight miles with its circles, the the train Will ascend, And meet at the tuunel its electrical . friend. Quite slowly up the mountain wecreoked did ste r, like "Our Zeb," that we reproduce it: Charlotte, N. C, 13 Oct., 1868 Editor of the "World; I see by the public prints that Gen. KitpatiR'k has decorated me with his disappro bation before the people of Pennsyl vania. He informs them, substantial ly, that he tamed me by capturing n if aud riding me two hundred miles on a bare-back mule. I will do the gf-ntleuiaii the justice to say (hat he knew toat it was a lie when he titter- , ed-it. 1 surrendered to Gen Sciiofietd, at Greeusb n, N. C, on the 3d of May, 1865, who told me to go to my heme ami remain there, saying if he got any orders to arrest me he would send there for me. Accordingly, I was arrested on the 13(h ol May, at home, by a detach ment ol 300 cavalry, under Maj. Porter, of Harrisburg, of whom I re ceived nothing but kindness aud cour tesy. 1 came in a buggy to Salisbury, where we took the cars. 1 saw no mule on the trip, though I thought I saw an ass at the general's headquar ters. This impression has been since confirmed. The geueral, no doubt, remembers among other incidents of the war the dressim; up of a woman who assis ted him iu putting down the rebel lion in the uniform of an orderly and introducing her into a respecta ble family of ladies in a rertaiu vil lage of .North .Carolina. 1 his and oth er "feats of arms" and strategy so creditable to the uniform he wore and the flag under which he served would no doubt, have been quite as amusing as the m n la story to his hearers. 1 wotider if he forgot it. Respectfully yours. Z. B. Vance. It is said that Kilpatrick was ef fectually killed off as a Grant cam- paign orator by tne publication oi the above letter and never a her ward Ifyou sow whiskey you reap drunk ards. God will never quit drinking whisk ey for a roan. The devil enjoys the way many preachers preach. A pretty woman has ruined more than one church. This three mile an hour lick in re ligion ain't no good. Alfonso. "Uneasy lies the head that wears crown'1 may came home to more than one potentate in Europe. The Czar is not the only man who totes an "an- . HARDWARE. easy' bead. Just at this time A 1 hu so is in trouble. He is litterally be tween Scylla and Charybdis. If he makes terms with Germay he renders himself unpopular at home and fn- ! vitM a revolution that will nrolt.ihl v A man who would swear before his I en" in ",8 overthow, and if he throws ! himself on the side of the war party he arrays Germany, his friend, against im and brings on a conflict of a ve V serious character. It is believed ii France that-a revolution will break ut in Spain whatever King Alfonso nay do. The fact that he is the friend f Kaiser William will make him un coeptable to the Spaniards, who are I most as much given to revolutions nd a change of rulers as Mexico. WiL Star. r --wi t (.fpvtt1 -a. children is a brute. A man who gets drunk will stea' if he is not afraid of the jail. I have a contempt for a man win has the lime to play cards. You needn't turn up your nose at God, for He knows you. A good man is like a city set upon a hill, you can't hide him. Some of you men have sowed enough seed to damn the world. Ifyou don't like my style of preach ing, you know the way out. Christ and whiskey don't stay in the same hide at the same time. Grocery stores with barroom at tachment are moral hell holes. The cambler is invariablv the son well 8111 valise, and lastly, a Uf a Christian family. Why is this? ill of blankets and furs. Tak- Live so your children may put their teet in heard a mule "nyaw haw er haw er haw!" with any pleasure whatever. In fact, Judsou Kilpatrick was a very ai ti. erownimr work of its great fresh "military man" Irom VV est foiut nnin.r. urhoii the war beai). and his career Ko mountain too high, no valley too low, wftg M rf as it was debauched.-Ex. But engiue ana tram seen re i mj m On the Mill Creek tunnel we make a half Charlotte, N. (X Tim ftr f a tumble the timid do feel Dr.W. W. Gregory: I take great P,enre But on goes our engin quite slow with a i adding my telimonr to the tahie of your j ll(1Hi. Dynpeptic Remedy. I have used iVmth treat relief, and cheerfully recommend it to any one BAILEOAD WAS. Dtferincr frnm dvfineDi. mdisreslson ana a terpid condition of liver and bowel. D. A. JENKINS, N. C. State Treasurer. Rnneiik. As if it did fear that something break. might Per sale by J H McAden and T C Smith & ittz & 49:ly Co.Xharlotte. N. C and T. F. Klutta & Co-, Near the Salisbury, N. C. HEADQUARTERS FO oTUDEBAKER and TENNESSEE FARM WAGONS. COLIMBLS. WaTBBTOWN CINCINNATI ies & Spring Wagons. Bickford Huffman warn and Guano Drills Ihmas HAY RAKES. Avery's Riding and Walking CULTIVATORS. Tlinuifl' niDDnnra .1 Telegraph Straw Cutters, Avery n! Dixie PLOWS. Dxtcr Corn Sliellcrs, 'Engines aud Boilers, SAW AND GRIST MILLS, ffytos. Engine and Boiler Fittings Guns, "Wots, Shells, Cartridges, Wads and Caps, rowder and Shot, Dynimite Fuse and Pri mereAxea, Shovels and Spades, Building Hardware, Paints. Oils and Varnishes, HOME-RAISED CLOVER SEED. everything else usually kapt In First Class re.and "nplemfcot Store. I have on hand uiIh k 01 tne above, a offer them for the. next R&lS5Pf tkan w ever o.i2 W. 8MITHDEAL Bitter Fight between the Competing lines in Tennessee Heavy Keauciton m Bates All Southern Lines Becom ing Involved. Telegram to the Wilmington Star. Chattanooga. Tenn., Sept. 9. : Tt.. i.ittprpst rate war that has ever ai "".rr.r?"Snhet occurred between the Southern r.,1- ""' . ? . ha nor ro:i s IS IIOW 111 iin'itieoo. kLn iwn wppks airo bv the Through six hundred yards of rock un- Wegtenl & Atlantic roal, which made uer gi-ouim, . .. . a i r IhR n.r cent, in the eastern Lim lUUIJOl I i V V va ww I i s ri'i - nut nf ( ; hflttanootra. mis cut IUIVO WW w O valise in the rural, ami the blankets - T ; W iu the left hand, this freak of nature made his way to the nearest saloon across the, street. "Are three-armed men common in your country?" inquired the listener. uThey are not uncommon, sir re plied Kainatiski. I know a great many on the upper Yukon with three arms, among them several females. The extra hand comes in good play with tii ! die; i.uiiXMllv i II OOIII l)i HIT X ' - ' g " " J O and r'ssiiig their back hair, and in buttoning their dress-, s and other things. A lady with three arms is very much sought after by the Yukon bea us, and they can generally have their pick among the wealthiest dudes of the laudi That extra arm and hand are very handy about a house." It all reads like a lie, but it may be true. The Caroline Island Affair. Madrid, Sept. 11. It is stated that the Spanish com mander at Manilla telegraphs that when it was found that the German flair had heeu ! hoisted at Yap, the Governor of the Carolines, benior R:li rill ps visited the commander ut the German gunboat and accused him of breach of a international law. The German commander replied that he had simnlv obeyed orders; a hot ar ffument ensued, ending in a scuffle, when the German commander retired to his ship. The Governor then board ed the Spanish man of war, San jQuentin, and requested the Captain to fire into tne snip: tne uapisui re used, the Governor of the Plullippi- 1. I I I. ! I A nes naying oruereu nun t conflict. Babn lies ordered the crew to tire, whereupon the "Capiat ii drew lis revolver, and threatened to snoot the first mail who obeyed or repeated the order, Babrilles again ordered tlie men to fire when the Captain shot Babrilles in the shoulder. Babrilles was afterwards taken as prisoner to Manilla, where his trial is proceeding. The government lormally deny mat there was an altercation on shore, but ara silent in regard to what occurred on the ship. They admit that UaU- rilles ordered that the snip oe attacked. Quite slowly up mud cut, we the steep did ascend, And through the Ave tunnels our wj wo AiA -ml ; Then curving around our eagine-did blow Swanuauoa. And dark as old found builder who lives in Egypt But quickly again the sunlight we meet. Aud darkness, you Know, mm? uunK..v more sweet. Near the center of tunnel a shaft will give Behind aud before are shades of deep night So damn and so com it iu Lile walking in the "valley and shadow of death." What scenes of high graudeur now loom in tint view A vrti.r and southwest is the region that's blue Around and afar the peaks will ariae, And point to their the skies. Here htm from the tunaels now fast gees r,oagh!tSennr fertile fields of clover nd raiu ; r''C: "V; eitvTwe then heard the gong. Here kind-hearted people in happiness .,,we,!.L..- ... f.-ipifthin their honest Their cawu a1 to the hotels the wayfaring comes. To revive the friendship and freedom of home. catcher Mountain we ha py did your tracks and be honorable. Most of yon don't care if your neigh bor goes hungry so you have enough. It so, rank me out one. 1 want to see him powerful bad. There's about forty men in this con gregation who are going to hell on a blooded horse. How many men in this congrega tion arc pay rug the rent for women who are not their wive? It you want to know what your neighbors think of you disguise your self and go among them. luersoll does no harm. The real nfidels are iu the churches. They elieve but doti't practice. The man who don't laugh needs a liver medscine. The ruoper and growl er never gets to heaven. Show me the man who was a sol dier in the late war who says he didn't steal and I will show you a liar. I never knew a first class billiard player who was worth the powder and lead it woul take to hill him. The most beautiful sighs in this world is to see a man leading his wife aud children into the gates of heaven. Preachers know a good deal more about their flocks than they dare tell. It might endanger their saleries. 'Whatsoever a man soweth he shall reap,' is true both iu the Bible and the almanac, whether God said it or - , not. Your daughter may be beautiful and lovely, but fiwt thing you know the devil may pack off" a drunkeu son-iu-law on you. There are woiueu here who haveti't struck a lick of work in years. They do nothing but shop, shop, shop. Hell is full oi such women. Head The Cow This Way. A simple-hearted and truly devout -oantry preacher, who had tasted but lew if the drinks of the world, took dinner vith a hightoned family, where a ghtss f milk punch was quietly set down by ach plate. In silence aud happiness this lew Vicar of Wakefield quaffed kis gob let, and then added: ''Madame, yon should daily thank God for such a good WHEN YOU WANT J HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES Call on the undersigned at NO. 2. Granite Row. D. A. ATWBLL. Asreat for the "CardwellThresher," Salisbury, N. C, Jane 8th tf. NEW STOR 'AVIXG bought out the Grocery De partment ot J, D. .MOeely, I intend conducting a First Class GROCERY STORE We advise persons having one and two dollar bills not to pass them sb that they will get out of circulation, but keep them going among the peo ple if they Can. It is said that the sm all bills now command a premium in New York, Newspaper men should be particularly anxious to keep them in circulation, for if they are permit ted to fall back into the Treasury at My stock will eonsist of SUGAR, CO BACON, LARD, FISH, Molasses, FLOUR, Butter, Chickens, Eggs,4rc. Also, Candies, Fruits, Nuts, Crackers, &c. in fact, I in tend keeping everything usually kept in the Grocery aud Provision line; and by close attention to business and selling low for cash, I hope to merit at least a portion of the trade. Come and see me at J. D.Mc Neely's Store, J. M. 1 1 ADEN. June 4, 1885. 2ms. ALL ENTIRELY New & Fresh ! J. S. McOUBBINS, Sr., N Will continue the business at the Old Stand, having closed put all the old stock. His preseut stock is Entirely New, and will Washington there will-be but few. 3 he offered on reasonable terms for Cash. any, remittances by letter for subscripr BaJjcr, or first-class Mortgages tions to papers. Char. Democrat. 1 , 7 J " i - (raws last vfiar mnv renew. iF niiners ara satisfactory and appliance is made at once. at tve HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF for a Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Con fectioneris, Crockery, Drugs, Bacon, Lard, Corn, Flour, Feed and Provisions of all kinds, with a full fine of High G-rade Fertilizers, as cheap as the cheapest. You will da well to see him before pure Im sing else where Salisbury, April 1st, 1885. 25:tf Speech is certainly silver telegraph office. Ten words quarter. SomervtUe Journal. It is hard to tell at what age a main loses faith iu circus bills. Whitehall Times. The belles of Saratoga bave a sub stitute for kissing;, and it consists in rubbing cheeks. Daily Saratogian. The story that the site of Chicago was bought for a pair of boots is not surprising when we consider the size of the accepted boot in that locality. This probably gave rise to the remark that corporations have no soles.- Life. "Did not the sight of the boundless blue sea, bearing in its bosom the whitjp- winged fleets of commerce, fill yu with emotion?" "Yes," replied the traveler, uf or a while it did, but after" a while it didn't fill me with anything. It sorter emptied me." Siftings. If Senator Sherman would only stop talking about the bloody shirt and tell his audiencies in Ohio how he became a millionaire upon a salary of 85.000 a Carolina upon the booka owned by year he would have a much livelier top- private individuals. This is to place and one that would not fail to wake up the dullest of audiences to an inter- .Yaukia Mineral Springs Acafiemy, PALMER3VILLE,(Staalv Co.) N. C. C. H. MARTIN, Princifal, : Graduate of Wake Forest College, and also at toe Lnlversny or Virginia.. . tuition, is to $15 per session of r months. The only echool In this section that teaches the University of Va. methods. Vigorous ex pensive, thorough. The cheapest school in the iu. s. where tuese worm-rcnowea inetuoas are I .taught. Good Board only fs per monlf. ST lyj AO'iress, i; u. n aktin, ran. ORGANIZED 1859 True, Every Word. It is not creditable to the gence of legislators that from intelli- year to year a tax should be levied in North ' Trinity Colleere has onened its fall ..... 1 1. a vi volru made on account ui t fviKiuiir between mat mre East Tennessee, Virginia oz ueorgia roatls. The cut was not met, and therefore the Western & Atlantic of ficials announced that their low rates would be permanent. At once tne East Tennessee made a cut of 60 per m pastern business out of At- , . r il lanta. and the .Richmond & Lttnviue was brouzbt into the fight. It is now ail that the officials ot the u estem & Atlantic Railroad will pen a tick et office in Knoxville ami uegin an imlivriminate cut -to all owiiern ,oints. The Louisville & Nashvtlle is beiug drawn into the fight, and threatene to make the rate from Chat tanooga to Memphis $2 instead of $8, as now. In the blow against the East Tenuessee system all Southern lines are becoming involved. fW IX H. HiU will deliver the an nual address before the Virginia Divis- inn of the Confederate Association ox of Northern Virginia, at IiIIC Richmond on the 22d of next montn. Eew Insects Fignrs. Professor Riley states that "insects probably but number in specses all other animals comuineu, anu mai some three hundred aud htty thou sand siecies have already been de scribed, and full as many more re main to be characterized. it lias often beeii nsserted by naturalists that the proportion of sjwei-s of in sects to plants is about five to one, sndL as c(insiilerabl more than one hundred thousand plants have been described, it is quite probable that Prdiessor Riley' estimate is not lar utlf the way. It must not, hw evei be sUpp'wetl that the insect enemies of plants are equally distrib uted, and that each has just five aud no more, for Professor Litner, State entouiologwt of New York, records no less than one hundred and seven ty-six different species of injects af fect iog thei apple. Cultivated plants useful to man appear to nave more ...w.i Momies thau those of little or I l(7VV - no economic value. . . y i an enibar&ro on knowledtre. V hen a State is so hard up that it taxes old clothes and the few books in the pri vate families it is indeed exceedingly hard up. If the proper laxables were made to bear what they ought to bear there would be plenty of money in the State Treasury. Let the listing of taxes become what it ought to be a matter of honor, and let taxes be equalised and there will be no short terms in the common schools anu no taxing of scant wardrobes and small collections of books. It is a reproach mid a shinne that this condition of thiugs exists. A tax un books is a wrong. It is a positive bid lor ig- u trance. Wilmington Star. est of the most thrilling character.- World. rin Bean ua Twrw both boondlets and i WiS gabiect will be "The Confederate nicATHbp Mb. Geo. B. Guion. Last night, at Salisbury, Mr. George B. Guion: of New Berne, died on u- .Uninff rar. on his wav Home from Asheville. He was a victim of .....mntion. The disease attacked him about a year ago, and lie tried it. mniinlaio .lunate as a cure, ois l II V lunuutfi" " hndv was taken to New Berne today nn.l wu met here by relatives. Mr Guion ' age was about 27. News & Observer, DEBILITY IN ADULTS IS often caused by worms. The change from child to manhood is not sufficient to nd the system of this awful plague. Shriuer's Indian Vermifuw will expel thein aud restore health aud a bright complexion. SEND YOUR WOOL TO THE CAPITAL & ASSETS. 750.000. RftODn.8 BROWNE, I Wlfi C. COABT, 1 Frest. SeoKUiT Twenty-sixth Annual Statement. JiM'AKT I, 1885. ' ' Salisbury Woolen Hills LIABILITIES. Cash Capital , Unadjusted Losses Reserve for He-Insurance and all other j MablllUes, Net Surplu--, another. THIS NEW FACTORY is nov in operation, and facilities for man ufacturing Woolen Goods such as have. nev er before been offered to our popfe. are within the reach of the entire Wool grow ing community. We manufacture JEANS, CASSIMERS, FLANNELS, LINSEYS, BLANKETS, YARNS. ROLLS, &c. Soliciting a liberal patronage of our peo ple, we are respectfully, Salisbury woolek mills. "Office at old Express Office. Mav 28th. 1885. 32tf R.T.HOPKINS 18 NOW AT THE Corner of Kerr Lee Streets, with a fall line of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES. Also keeps a First Class BOARDING HOUSE. Call and see him. 28:ply. f A High Grade Home School William D. Howells has been engag- FOR Ulil L. oA tn write exclusivelv for Harper's Best Climate, Surroundings, and Ad van w I . - a ii. T i r i-a. c. l tt Magazine hereafter, the consideration fgher Engrish, Music, Art, tnd Elocution being $10,000 a year, it is said, and his Specialties. Two Teachers from the Royal whidi is soon io hwrin in the Leipzig Conservatory. Complete new out- ZTV nxTT T V" 7 . fit for physical training t ' i . ! 1 ILamIam. I . r-. Kits Iflflt AAr- 1 - www 9 WW A century, wui wciciuic uc uu- i wu- trib ntion to that publication. The Nation's Bird. On Monday, before uoon, a large ea- irl hovered hifirli in the air over the e town for several hours and attracteu some attention, tie was aiienaeu in his aerial reconnaissance by a buzzard ami the eagle s bright plumage was in sharp cootrast with the black ha- . ... ... bilinieuls ol his companion. .ueaoir Sad Picture. Near Rome, Ga., Capt. Can! kin, Haw two of his children drowndeu in the Coosa river and could not rescu? them. He and tour of his children were in a batteau. The eldest girl fell into the river carrying with her a little sister. The other two so clung to the father as to render him power less to rescue the others. Wil. Star, SCHEDULE OF. ASSETS'. Cash In National Bank S 7.904 o Cash In hands of Agents 11.M 29 .300,000 M J4.000 1,11T . 255,3 II f74L,3B U United States Relred Bonds. State and Municipal Bonds National Bank stocks . . . . Cotton Manufacturing stocks other Local Stocks Real Estate (unincumbered city property) ?JST H Loans, secured by Brat mortgages........ S0,4il ti -f U.SM n . 17,SO0 00 . 11,097 '. C . 158,460 t . 114,735 00 Total $74 1,380 32 J. ALLEN BROWN, Agt. Salisbury, N. C, March 2, 1885. Cm SOMETHING NEW! LAMP CHIMNEYS that will not hreak by heat, tor sals at ENNI8S'. DIAMOND DYES All wish at DON'T FORGET to eafl all kinds at colors you ENNISS for Seeds of ENNISS Send for circulars. TO THE LADIES : Call and see the Flower Pots at ' i ENNISS!. NOT STRANGE ' l.l'E Won a do exist in the hum n hody aad are of n the cause of disease and death. Shrii:r WILL H. SANBORN, Prea. Indian Vermifui e ill 4tnv aud tx, o ham from thv- fsU v It fit H fly, m : i i H i II it f f - i. S100 witn favorable prospects for a And me.c . p.-Ua w RaMmm Sum. I 8rAttl-willr.fireitr.abaHa "W-rff" T line oi t ' I ! 2m .