i- i I 1111 I-1H. ff- ii r UL4 1 If I if. HI" S J m l m Hi . i SI:' m mi Carolina Watcbmai). IHUKSlMY, SEP I'. 24, 1665. 'im&BATZDtt. Tne attitude of some of the papers off IK Jr:lT in r...T.-7IIV III lrMItMill I 1 1 1 III 1 gratipn, and to th- Scate Department of immigration, is surprising ro say me least.. Does North Carolina need immigration ? Thero can surely be no room for doubt in that question. Otherwise how could the people s rep iresentativea have made a law creating a department of immigration, f author ities in the interest of immigration, to Memploy aa agent, or agents at such "points, in this or any foreign country, 'aSTmiy deem expedient and -advisable." The fact that such a law was passed by the Legislature is proof enough that the people desire an in crease of population from the skilled labor of adjoining States, and that they wish an influx of well to do people, with money enough to buy a small farm, or an interest in some business. Any other immigration is not desirable, and has not, so far as the writer's knowledge goes, been invited. There is neither sense nor policy in inviting pauper labor here, for it has been pro ven a failure by experiment. Pauper labor, mean and undesirable as it is, is too proud to come into competition with the negro; so that were such labor introduced and encouraged, it could not be made available. The scattering of the Dutch ami Polish paupers intro duced here a few years ago i3 proof of that, while Miss McLeods humanita rian scheme, with the Scotch Crofters, only a few months ago, has proven a 17 e mi i ii ft Za -i. V ed person will hold the Department of t: i- , a.i. ' I -, . ., most signal raiiure. surety no lniorm- ' '111 1 TV j - - n. 2aSlSETKSS5-5L SUCn "R i , A ures! The class of immkrration sought lias been of a higher grade ; intelligent working people of small means; skilled labor of all kinds; capitalists and inves tors : these have been sought, and have come in jind settled among our people. When Mr. Patrick, Commissioner of Immigration, returns to the State, he will give figures, names and locations, enough to till a book, if need be, to show what has been done. This attack on matters of immigra tion may have the good effect of edu cating the people, and some of the press, as to the magnitude and impor- Lance oi ine wont uone in ine mate. By all means keep it up! Our peo ple need to come in contact with new men and new ide:is; to learn to eeono mie labor; to learn a proper apprecia tion of improved methods, and to have broad, cosmopolitan views introduced. This is best done by practical example: by new men, trained in special work. Some of the South Carolina press have boasted that they wanted no im migration in that State it is bearly possible that th recent expression of views of like character in this State. . are memories of that old fogyism and yet n State is more diligent in search of proper immigration than South Car olina. Thoir Sbate Hoard of Agricul ture sent a corpTof young, observant men, to 11 eigh last fall to study this State's resources as shown in the'State Exposition. They did their work well. and went to New Orleans and set up ah exhibit which was more attractive than our own Department displayed at Raleigh, (but nothing equal to that shown by our Department at New Or leans) and in addition, haVe issued a Hand Book of the State, containing pages devoted to telling of its ''re sources and population, institutions and industries." Besides this, they are go ing to London in '86 ; will take their State collection, revised and improved. All this from a State that does not wish immigration ! Virginia is also going to London, distant Montana, California, and others of the Western States and Territories are going. If it is not to invite capital and to stimulate a healthy immigration; the Watchman would be exceedingly obliged to know what they are going for. North Carolina has taken the lead in the new industrial era ; is regarded as the most progressive State of the new South, and is the most conspicu ous and refulgent star in the galaxy of States! Guard well her interests. Halt .not her progress ! Ths Davio EaUroad. Davie wants a Railroad, an$ has this to say to the people of Rowan : Of course we mean business. We must and will have proper communication with the commercial world and if Salisbury don't think it to her interest to assist in the enterprise, then we will turn, our at tention elsewhere. We have the trade to back up the con- structionof the link and if Salisbury1 is noi totally mma to ner mterst she can see the beneBts at a glance. The outlay would be small to Salisbury and northern Rowan, compared to the benefits. The cost is small, the results large. Will Salisbury meet us at the river' That's the question. Let the ball be put in motion and the iron horse will roll ere long. Yes, we will meet you at the river, brother! Meet you with a determination to do; with words of encouragement 4ind with purse strings loose; with young men the hope of the country whose sleeves are rolled high ; who fear no toil, no discouragement, no adversity; but with might and? main, brave all to accom plish whatsoever will tend. to the up building of the State. The glory of a young man is his fsfrength. It is his glory that he will lavish, in the accompiihnient of this work. It is necessary that he should since it is his only wealth. This road mnst be built by the young men of t. e two Counties. Let them organize, formulate a leasible and reasonable i '.. - . i man ana set aoout its accomplishment. VdI the young men of Davie take the : wa load? Will they organize and make a definite proposition ? The young men of Rowan, of Franklin Township, and of Salisbury will meet von; yea, beyond the rivers turbid tide will they greet you: Courage then, and to the work. WHAT SHAT'T' THEY DO ? The Statesville landmark, commenting upon the statement in the Raleigh New- Obsrrrcr that 10,600 pair- of penitentiary made shoes were shipped last month and 15,000 to 20,000 pairs will be shipped this month, fays: ".This is all wrong. This convict labor should not be brought into competition with free skilled labor. It is right it should be made to build railroads and public roads, and dig ditches and canals, but we do not think it is right that honorable mechanics, and firms employing such, should be made to compete with convicts, whose labor returns them no, profit and whose manufactures can, therefore, be sold cheaper than the work of free men who must support themselves and their families." Our cotemporary evidently overlooks the fact that these convicts who make the siioes and other articles of manufac ture are of the class who cannot be taken outside the walls of the penitentiary, and therefore cannot be worked on public works of any character. They are those convicted of higher crimes. There are about three hundred of these. Now what would our contemporary have them do? The people who pay taxes in North Caro lina will scarcely be willing to pay money for these vicious characters to be main tained in idleness: and will ' dmihtlrow nm. fer, if they can be made do some work by wnicn 10 assist m tneir support, they should be required to do it. Besides, as a reformatory, a feature we take little interest in however, what effect will close confinement without any labor have upon the moral to say nothing of the physical condition of the convict? Jf not worked what must be done with them? They must work! It would be sheer IOI1y to maintain rncm in idleness, Hut lJL a u i J i they should be engaged in seme: work tony to maintain them in idleness. But where skilled labor is not required, and where they-will not come in competi tion with free labor. The Citizen thinks those who are convicted of higher crimes should not be taken from prison and engaged in public work. Why not? They have to be carefully guard ed anyway; the expense would be no more and the jieople would be heir to the work. In reply to the Citizeus querry: ? What shall they do?" The Watch man suggests that they be put to work oil the public roads of the State. In central, piedmont and Western North Carolina the public roads are next to impassable in the rainv and winter Lmonths. What greater' thiner could be done for the State than the thor ough macadamizing of her public roads? What greater relief to the farmer than the repeal of the unjust and burden some road law? With thoroughly good roads the development of the State would go on more rapidly; a more prosperous and progressive people would come among us, and our own people would be enabled to develop broader views and introduce improved methods. Let the people demand a change. It is due them. SOUND SENSE From the Lenoir Tapic, which will prove good reading for Salisburv rww pie, if they will heed it. Public Spirit, an enlighted public spirit, a spirit of enterprise which reaches out beyond self and seeks the common weal, does not come naturally. It is an exoctic and has to be nurtered and cher ished to make it grow and bear fruit. The natural inclination is to be careful only of personal interests, to be selfish and narrow. The communal spirit js 'of mod ern growth or, rather its general dissemi nation is modern, for in the dark ages common interests were forced by ne cessity to seek bonds of union for protec tion against grinding and tyrannical mo nopolies. In these days, 'however, the spirit of co-operation has been found to de velop strength out of weakness. Our very government and institutions and the struggle that made them we their exis tence to the combined energies of thirteen weak unities. E pluribm unum is ' the watchword not only of the Confederation but of all co-operative action. Co-operation put the frugal savings of individuals together and rich stock companies sprun into existence and made the rocky and barren hills of New England to be more valuable than the black loam of our Southern swamps. Tq do this the indi vidual must merge himself and his inter ests into the community with itsyfhter ests. Self must not be obliterated but put aside whenever any matter affecting the common interest is concerned. We have not-far to look to see the great re sults that flow from this new power. All towns that have "snap and go" and that are said to be "growing" are built upon this principle. On the other hand a "dead" town is where everybody is for self, where the common good is not con sidered and where a new public enter prise is not heartily supported. In a growing town and county there are, of course, bickerings and jealousies for man is human the world over but they are all downed the moment they in interfere with the common welfare. Lenoir has her record to make and she must not become a "dead" town. Re member, one man, by being himself full of the new spirit, can diffuse it around him. You must not sav, "Ah! well, Frogtown is a "dead" town and what is the use for me to try to do any thing when Jones and Smith, who are rich men and ought to lead, are old fogies and hold back and refuse to take a hand in all good public works?" That will not do. Let Jones and Smith hold back if they Willso much the worse for them. It is your business to move first. Rev. Mr. Crkeby, pastor of the Con cord Methodist church, fainted in the pulpit there last week. The Gretn&oro Pairiot, always en terprising, gives its readers a mammoth edition this week devoted to growing uu progressive ureensDoro. - - ' Brother CiiowsoxJbas whetted up the Burke Blade, buckled on his har ness and entered the journalistic field once more. Fight well your battle, Brother: you have the good wishes of tne watchman. '.-. 0, A MILLION of worms gnawing day and niaht is quite enough, wa think, to throw a ( hud into snasms Shrirw.-v, i t viil - ; r.t(ir the child. 1 mem ana j Wachingtsn Latter. From Our Regular CorwpcwJenl. - WASHiXGTOjr, Sent. 18, 1885. At the first Cabinet meeting since the President's return there were but four members. The Secretary of State, Secre tary of War, and the Attorney General were absent. Mr. Bayard has taken a ten days leave and it is said he will be a looker on at the Democratic gubernato rial nominating convention in New York. The Cabinet session lasted until nearly three o'clock. There is no truth in the , recent gossip relative to the resignation of the secre tary of the Treasury. The Quid Kunct had it that Mr. Manning would soon go out of the Cabinet and that Mr. Vilas would take his place, and that Mr. Steven son would be made Post Master General. This story was probably based upon the frequent declaration upon the part of Mr.; Manning that he was heartily tired of the duties of the place. He hates ex cessive labor, and if he had his own way he would never come to Washington at all. But when he consented to come here it was with the determination that he would stay as long as the President wished him to. He has recently leased a house for three years, and this does not indicate any intention to leave Washing ton during Mr. Cleveland's Presidential term. Mr. McConville sixth Auditor at the Treasury a staunch Democrat and a bona fide Civil Service reformer is much an noyed at having his efforts thwarted by the bad and bungling Civil Service Com mission. He has made certain changes iu the weeding out of incompetent men and has made room for ten new appoint ments. As a matter of course he wanted Democrats who would be in hearty sym pathy with his efforts to reorganize his office and reduce it to a practical business like basis. He found that he would not be able to make any independent appoint ments except through the Civil Service Commission. He made a requisition upon the commission for a list of candidates who had passed its examinations. The commission sent him the names of forty candidates, from whom he will be com pelled to make his selections. He found that there was not a single Democrat in the lot. He will be obliged to appoint Republicans or make no ap pointments. There is a very general compaint against the commission, based upon the ground that they unduly favor Republican ap plicants. As between a Republican and Democrat they will always pass a Re publican, if he is anywhere near the mark. A Democrat has to pass what is called a premium examination, 'and even then he is not put in as good a position as if he was a Republican. This Board has, in a number of localities, examined enough Republican applicants to fill va cancies in the various bureaus of the Gov ernment for some time to come. It is one most unfair and partisan of machines. The chief of one of the largest Govern ment offices who has charge of nearly three hundred clerks was talking about appointments, discharges and Civil Ser vice examinations. He remarked that a radical and phenomenal change had taken place among the employes of his bureau since the Fourth of March, that since then nearly all of his three hundred clerks have been laboring to prove that they are Democrats of the purest and most ancient political pedigree and practice. When called upon to explain how they were appointed and had held office under the Republican spoils and machine sys tem, they explained that their cases were exceptions to the general rule. They all have a plausible way of showing that they and their forefathers and mothers-in-law arc Democrats. He says also that he finds it difficult to disc harge a clerk for bad habits, incapacity, or for any of the many causes that would render him unfit for the important work of his office. Just as soon as be gets ready to remove a clerk and make room for a l)pm comes a Democratic Congressman and in sists that the clerk shall be retained. The Congressman will, at the same time, urge the appointment of his particular friend, but when an attempt is made to remove some one to make a vacancy a protest is entered at once. This is the way it goes every day, the official says, and he adds that in three cases when he ordered the removal of worthless Republicans, he had to recant owing to the pressure of Demo cratic Congressmen who insist on the re tention of Republicans. A Prophet's Voica. One of the great intellectual fopc'es of the nineteenth century was Thomas Car lyle. He said some things doubtless that are absurd, but he said a good many that have been potential in shaping the thought of two generations and will con tinue to influence the reflecting men of unborn generations. Harper's Monthly has published two letters by Cariyle to Hon. Beverly Tucker, of Virginia. They were written in 1846 and 1850. They relate to slavery and have never before been published. His views of course will shock all Yankeedoodledom. But he gave out thoughts that will make men think even at this late day. For Instance he said: "Alas; the question te as deep as the foundation of society, and will not be set tled this long while! For theory about Emancipation, so well pleased with itself on Humanitarian Platforms, but the key note of that huge anarchic roar now ris ing from all nations, for good reasons, too which tend to aboluk U aoMterthip and obedience vhattocKT in. this world, and to render Society impossible among the sons of Adam." Are there not many signs on earth that theae words were in the main true? An other greater writer of half Scotch blood, Lord Macaulay, wrote one or more let ters to another Virginian lousr bpfnr fK war between the States that almost nre-' aaared that eonfliM .n F gers that lie alOHg our repUUllcan pain- way. It is a good thing to know history. . Southern statesmen before the war knew history and were noth ashamed to live often among their books. Wil. Star. ITct Ccllegs Ered. Wilmington Star. It is quite not iceable that so many of the most disguished living American authors should not have been educa ted in the colleges of the country. Among living novelists there are Bret Uni te. Ed ward Eggleston, Howells, James, Lathrop, Cable, Crawford, Fawcett, Joel Chandles Harris and possibly Miss Murfree. These are the most famous. Harte, Howells and Fawcett are also poets of decided cleverness. Then there arc also poets who never went to college, namely, Whit tier, Whitman, Aldrich, Gilder (editor of The Century). f Piatt, Carl eton and Stod dard. Among the dead, we believe that William Gullen Bryant had no college training, and perhaps others of the more distinguished bards. Whipple, the essay ist, Trowbridge, James T. Field, James Parton, Bayard Taylor, Stockton, Mark Twain, Burroughs and other famous American writes' were not college Ired. THE BIG ELEPHANT HOLIDAY. For many years elephants have played a prominent part in the Circus world. There have been big elephants, but W. W. Cole still maintains his position , at the front as the owner of Samson, the largest Asiatic elephant known to be in captivity, which, with the herd accompanying him of the most intelligent specimens of their kind ever imported, form a salient feature of W. W.I Cole's New Collossal Shows, which besides contains almost everything that curious humanity cares to see. The circus is so large that it takes several rings and an elevated stage to give all the per formers an opportunity to display their accomplishments, and the only fault to be found with this truly enormous show is that it is too big. Sixty -distinct acts are given, combining the Circus, the Menag eries, Theatre, Roller Skating Rink, Gal lery of Wax Statuary, Mexico and the Mexicans, the Living Twc-Headed Cow, and other distinctive features, all in one pleasing and harmonious exhibition. Per formances are given in the Menagerie tents as well as in the Circus rings. The troupe of real Bedouin Arab are a pronunced novelty, as are also the Human Flv, or aerial ceilihg walker, the serial Bicyclists, the artistic and grotesque Roller Skaters, the RomanXrladiutors, wrestlers, leapers, gymnasts and rival bareback riders, all of whom enter into spirited competition for supremacy. All kinds of trained ani mals, among them that rarest of animals, the white hippopotamus, a two-horned rhinoseros, and the wonderful horse Blon- din, in his tight-rope act. A side-splitting act is that performed by the educated : . i t racing pig, riaaen oy a monkey jockey who ''makes nice of no vile hold:' when there is a possibility of the Darwinian Dude's losing his balance or being "un horsed." Take the show all in all. it nre- sents such an array of novelties as to iust- iy enmiea n o tne title of a "Big Ele phant Holiday." The day of exhibition in Salisbury is set for Monday. Sept. 28th, when every feature above named and ma ny others M ill be presented, furnishing a feast of amusements outranking anv thrpp shows that have heretofore existed. INTERNAL REVENUE SALE OF STILL, &c. On Saturday, the 10th day of October, 1885, there will be sold to the highest bid der, at the Court House door in Salisbury one Sixty Gallon Still, Cap and Worm to' match ; seized from J. Calvin Fraley and Jacob Fraley, Morgan Township, Rowan County, N. C, nnl adjudged to be forfeit ed to the use of the United States. T. H. VANDEUFORD. Deputy Collector. Sept. 21st, 1885. 3w SQUARE UPRIGHT- IS THE BEST in these concietc of qualities purity, vol ume, continuity and congroity of tone : ad for durability and lieauty of construction, none are better, while few are nearly go good. The prices are $225, $250 and 275 CASH. The Schubert Piano-Upright- IS THE ONLY SUBSTANTIAL and truly musical "Cheap" Piano nrice $175.00. p The reasons why jsuch honest, artistic worK can oe obtained at the low, but lei imate rates will be fully given in a butine line)8 conference with W. H. NEAVE Sept. 17, 1885, tf Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator cum tettamento annexo, upon the estate of Rob ert Knox, dee'd, I hereby notify all persons havm-; claims against said estate to pre sent them to me for payment on or before the 17th day of September, 1886, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recove ry.. This Sept. 17th, 1885. ' JOHN L. KNOX, Adm'r, 1 no. F. Ki.rTTz, Atty. 48:Cw ADMINISTRATOR'S HOTICL Having qualified as administrator on the estate of Sarah Cooper on the 10th day of September, 1885, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the estate of the said Sarah Cooper to make immediate pav ZZ ' all.rson8 living claims against said estate will present them for payment uithin one year from date hereof V this notice will be plead in bar of their recov ery. I)Vin Vf rnADri. . 48:6 vv SALE OF LAND! r virtue of a denroo f u a Bv S'Oord, Guardian of Harv C Miller MndIvUr,h II?1Use0r' in lisburv on Monday the oth day of October 18&S 1 tract of land adjoinfng the lands' of Morr Leah C. Bernhart and other-be- of Chaa. MiUer, dee'd, containing 54 acres Temis-one-third cash, one-third in -vi.u iii iweive months, with bond and interest from iu ..r . . : . . nu cent on t,,c defurd pamient. S J- U SlFFOIin e .1.. j , " . egt Deri Toe Holmstr n 1 Piano, IPFOUD, Guardian. i ue rt;w or, niiuiu uj oimuu; , mit-r interview of many of the Jtfew York merchants, by an experienced reporter "Good Times Ahead- Hopeful Outlook ip'all Branches of Baai- mi T v i. Tr. u c j A ness A Great Demand for Goods and a ixea Kise in rrices. P Absolutely Pure. Tbis powder never varies. A marvel ot- par.ty, strength, and wholesomeness. More economical than Hie ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold la compeuueu wit h the mulUlude ol low i cSr , ahoi i weigat, aiura or phospuute powders. 3,1 i"1 r cans. ItOYAL Baking Powubr Co.. 10G x O. A.. KRAUS, LB2WOS0 oiU2r .OLEi OMTAMaiwAiPAnreRi :-o-:- Particular attontJon paid to frescoing and indoor uewfauve puiiuio, in on, wax or water-colors v in mane nioa on Cburches, public UuiliilngH and i pi If desired matt- iwrmra. nvrK ifuarauiuca. neiertnces. IOst offing nriiin-vi C. A. KRAUS. Sale of Land. By virture of a lerrec of the Superior Court of Kownn Count v, in the ease of! A. W. Klut ! HUIAI J W & ROYAL KSifif ;i ,,:;ly".G-::iThe Greatest La dv Rider Hart man auction ut the Court House door in Salis bury on Monday the 5th day of October, 1885, ft tract of land adjoining; the lands of Henry Rusher, Alfred ltusher, W. Kimball and others, known as the Polly Hartman land and containing about 154 acres. Bid dings to open at $671. Terms one half cash, balance in six months with interest from day of sale at eight per cent J. W. MA U KEY. Confr. Sept. 4th, '85. 47:4u Sheriffs sale UNDER EXl-X'UTIOIV By virtue of an Execution duly issued upon a judgment, docketed in the Superior Court of Rowan county, in favor of J. G. Caublc, to whom said judgment has lietii duly assigned again.-t Michael Earnhart for the sum of Thirty-nine Dollars and twenty nine cents with interest and cost of execu tion, and due levy having been made to satisfy said judgment, I will sell to the higliest bidder for cash, at the Court lliis door in Salisbury, on Monday the 7th dav l of September, 1885, the following described property, to wit : About ten acnes of land : situated in Salisbury towrpdiin, Rowari county, adjoining the lands i f Polly Mover, Albert Thomas, Crusoe Earnhart. "and 'the lands of the New Discovery Gold Mine 1 C C. KR1DER, Sheriff. 12, 1885, 4t Auir. Dissolution Notice. The copartnership heretofore existing be tween J. M. Wineooffand J. M. Eddleman lomg business at China Grove, Rowan county, N. C, was dissolve! bv mutual con sent on the 29th day of June,1885. A. W. Winecoff taikes the place of J. M. Winecoff with Eddicman, and assumes the payment of all debts of J. M. Winecoff as a tirm partner with Eddleman, and is enti tled to receive all that is due him in that rdatln J. M. WINECOFF, J. M. EDDLEMaN. A. V. WIKECOFF. Aug. 9,1885. lm for working people. Send 10 cents poet- l,f e we vvm mm free, a royal aluable sample box or goods i bat will put you tn the w:iv r.r nw-iLI2" ey la a le. days Uian you ever tbouarlit possioie ai .ess CMpttal not require. You can live at I work I n s na re t.l m o nn iv o 1 1 . k ; . " c . , any business home and . ' wca, sntuury successriil so ets to IS .easily earned every eveolug. That all who want work ray test tbe bustnefis, we make this an paralleled oarer: To all who are no? well Battened we will send $i to pay for tile trouble ot writ k us Pul1 PT1 ,lculcilons,ete..sen tlree. Immense Nov nrSZS11 Co- Portl. Suine. 1 Administrator's ICTotice. Having qualified a AJmSf.M; Joseph Mahaley, dee'd, I herehv ffivc no- ticetoall persons having ni.imo . persons lin i n-r Ilia nrvi-tmot- is estate to exhibit the same to me on or Ijcfore the 3d day ot September, 1880. This September 2nd, 1885 ak ?AVID AfiALEY. Adm'r 4b: of Joseph Mahaley. SaleofLand! By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Rowan County, in ti e case of rJ: Adm,ntorof r. j. sioan against R. G. Sloan and others, I will seM at the Court House dotr in Salisburv on Monday, the 5th day of October 1885, at Vi tUt H i L- Cowan' James l4rson the John Graham lands and others; con- S"1 4T8 acre8- BMding. to o,;,n at f c"1 T"?-ol-tWrd ca.h, one-third m six months and one-third in twelve months with interest on the deferred payment, from day of sale at the rate of 8 per cenj per annum. North CarolhiaT wm "maty In Superior Court. CIVIL ACTION FOR DIVORCE. Joseph G. Hoffner, Plaintiff Against ' Laura B. Hoffner, Defendant. To Laura B. Uoffner, Non resident day in 8eitemb.r Ia3 i"5!.'h' hr".Mn- the JuUffc or demar ""to- me eoinpiai lit J L J-M.HOHAH f Hen SAffiBlY, - ---- ii y v eiuss m eacii uvy&i uuicixu 1 cest m i if. m j 4 CIRCUSES. 2 MEXAGERTES. ATRE STAGE, 1 BICYCLE 1 ARAB TROVl 1 MEXICAN SHOW, i MOST NOVEL SHOW ON gARTH! A TIME Willi a fartaMe Stage ! ALL THE PflESIBStfTS W WAK ! BepseataliTcS ef ill Nations Citrlisii9 French, dermiin, Ita lian, Mexican, Arabian and American Pcrfrmcrr in Friendiy iSivairy. Every Kind of Exhibition Ex tant that will Amuse, this Generation. MEXICO and He 'Represented by Real Idols, Jewels, 3VeaJon Costumes, Ston Antwjaities, Vadquero Biders and Eassoer, Mustang M BronciKfs,Men, fiii, ?SF PlfTf A 0 n j tns. bcsi Ulnuuo m THE WORLD' Q1 uauy xmrjrs, muy l umoiers, A Lady stssR 4 MSSSJ& A i uvuuuu k.-v.iirti iiii!, IVI MN WILL FIDE BICYCLES ALONG ELEVATED WIRES Lady Skating Ckmpiona. Gentlemen Skati flk.n,. THE BUCKING BRONCHO 22 .mil JLf Ji mm' B-J ii Jk JL M. XW MUKS mWX I'aiUl ! Two Xifrnianeosj Daily : 1 atid 7 P. M. Tickets 75 fts-., Children un der 9 yea is 50 ecu's. - 4d. 9, SOOTH RIVER ACADEMY. Scnth Eivsr, Eowan County, N, & A good school lora'tediin a beaUhy vil lasJ inMes IVoiii S.di.slfury. 'IViui com meiices Seprf nihi l ami contin ues nine month. All the" E;iilish UianchKs (inelnding Al;lrn) taught thor oughly. Latin and Gitlk ontional. Good boa nl in uiva& lamilies at low rates. Tuition moderate, mid graded ac cording to studies pursued. lU-t fur ni.sUeil school-building in the county. For paliculars a()res., J. M. HILL, Principnl. Sent . 2,I33S, -3 ,, EXESUTOR'S SALE OF LAND. On Saturday the v day of October, next, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the late res- 'l4,f,'"f "" Lnckevl dee'd. in Scotch ! I ,rowusl'l county, we will offer lr wile a tract of 127 tires of hind. Iw. I loii"iutf to the joining the lands of G; L. Mmn. John . . f - X -yt -if ...... uinnuj . ri W. I iirner and others. The sale will be made by order of Com t, the biddings will be opened- at 2.5J. Tekm f Sale : Ofte third cash w ill be required when tho ibj is contirmed, and a credit of six mouth w ill l... for the other two third, with intcrestt o per cent. ti,in day ot sale. Sale will lai snject to dower of the widow. W. A. Luckkv, ) Executors of ? Flemin. H John Lnckev, Aug. 28, 1885. .tdofs! JM ortJa Uarolina, Rowan County.Iu Superior Court. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. James Hellard, Adm'r of Sarah Rice Agatmt cott Gales, and others. Upon the affidavit of plaintiff it is order ed that publication be made in the -Carolina Y atehman" for six successive weeks nifying Sarah G.le. Pinkney Gales, John Rice Henry Rice, Lizzie Rice,. Ellen Rice, ml Rn-e, John G. Rice, Crawfafd RicS are -ii-icnu;iii8 oi lOm state, to the ofhee ot the Clerk ol the Superior Court for -the county of Rowan, on the 17th day of October, . lotto, and answ er the complaint filed in this action ia the office of theC'lerk ot the iuPcrior Court, and let thorn take appear at complaint within tlfat time, the plaint ff will apply to the Cfurt for the relief d 5 uinimcu in me complaint. : . V" uivct under inv hand tt.to 1- j t ! September, 1885. ' OI i J -HORAH, C. 8. C. t 46:Gw ot Rowan County. Vm I." Min-. dinner s T. Monday, epteite m ma V -"iiW' i a an in lain i i b Hill r lWAX ST A VARY EXHlRir , 1! w and 8KATIXQ EXPERTs'Zzm MSRTSW WSECM " ! MEXICANS Women and Children A sn a .ra OOM . Laay trymnasts, Lady fiaceis wU Twenty Feet inthe kr Living, HLL3. ELI2E AGUZZL The Austin Sisters, R . i m ( . . ' . - -"'"ma Lose ninl ' nn.., Miss Lizzie Harvie, the Misses Mclntl Kiniie Montcomerv. VT... son, Kimball, and nianv others I The iABDALLAH BEN SATD TrouneTf TWELVE BEDOUIN ARABS. James Leon, Mons. Van Zundt, the Four Livingstons, Robt. AustHit, Eariie8t Cooke, John Worland, Chas. Rencli.Geo Dtintiar, FitiHk Vernon, Gil lei le Bros., Eddie Evans, John Murtz, Wm. Hur-' vey, Messrs, McliHyre, Qook, Williams, Milton, G.mmI, Green, Marion, P,jt,te Nubar, Little Manrace Campbell, (Jo$k. Lin, and 40 otlien. Two Mammoth Menageiies ia 1M HippopoUmi SAMSON, Giantll ephant. Elands, Ibex, Two-Horned Rhino6 Kiwg. iviihioi Rie.nanis.hanz;ir,Ks Emues. etd BATS WITH Both Mouths. J..M. HADEN. Real Estate Apt, Office in J. D. McNeely's Store HAS FOR SALE the following real estate on terms to suit purchasers: No. lEi;ht building lots, four of them fronting on .Main btr. These lots are uetr Car Sho is. No. 2-Has eight building lots and four small farms. This property is situated on the Brlnle ferry road mile from ear shop No. 3 Ten small farms, eontainin: each from 10 to 12 acres, situated on the Bringte ferry road, 1J miles from Salisbury. No. 4 - Has seven building lots, two on Main street andffve ou Clitm Ii street. No. 5 Has eleven small lots, situated on Long street, near Gas house, Woolen Milh, freight and passenger depots. This proper ty is valuable for tenement houses. No. 0 Has eight small farms, containing four to six acres, situated about H mile of Salisbury on the N. C. R. B. No. 7 Has about 25 or 30 small fanM, containing 5 to 10 acres each. Also, set- ral other valuable farms, containing from 50 to j 10 acres, with buildings all within two-to three miles of town. I will tiki pleasure in showing the property to anyone wishing to boy. J. M. HADE!; June 4, 1885 33:tf ace wme in ail ktr Uept, Beatm i br Or eye, j So appeared Mother Eve, and so miy jidiinc her fair descen.lanti.with tbeex jercwe of cothmon sense, tare and pro I per treatment. An enorpious numker of femalfe complaints are directly cau :ed by disturbances or suppression ol l he Menstral Function, in every ioch !caertiat Hterlingand unfilingF,faV J liKADPiKLD's Female Ktcf lat g will effect relief and cure, Jd ' fi ! It in from the recipe of a most dUJ m W -uinhed pbvsieian. It is ompodorTg 5;-trictIy orTi iiul ingredients, mboyt p ; happy combination hasnerer beensiiH . a uawed. It is prenared with seient'lg 3 lri!l from the finest mateciald. It W g Ga lihe nabn for constancy of strengin,;jj certainty of effect, eleganie of H"l,,r4 P., ation. beauty of appearenre ai d ive eheapnexs. The testimony m - ! tavor is ge nuine. It never fad wne I feirly tried. .1 . PnriersvilleOa. tl! sii member .fm.i i:... v..;ir Mt'ier having m PQ -offering for many yeari from menstro-j ' iii i iiai in ri a irfir ifliiin ' i il irroul riiv mil having been hI oiiUm iJn'oiit hv various medical I oclors, were at 'length completely cure bv nnt.lu.itU. nt Pr Bradtitrld'" r f'n " Regulator. In effect in ucl can truly wonderfnl. and well may d,eTt"; edy be called "Woman Best rncy Yonre Respeci fully, Jas. W. Stbako. Send for our book on the 'Hallh IInninoi nf Wnman." Mi!el lre. mm ii ii I UJ J H I v ...... lAiiiuixi out nn. 1 1 V xr. t.AT, r Attv. BBiwriKLD KEorMTOirtto. ' 9 vuii; Ul tlie. s - 7 i jr a