The Ociroliiici Watchman. ,i J J -THIRD SERIES SALISBURY. H. C, OCTOBER 1. 1885. -- v KO 50 I r II lima) 11 H v For the Watchman. Midnight Thoughts. BY STAR-GAZEB. - Guy Cyril's Talk to the Farmers-What to Eat and How to Eat, Special Cor. of The News and Observer. a . -vr n a a to OALlSBtKl, il. l.. OeUt. JLO. 1 : ' - - 1 2 W 'Tis twelve, and midnight enthroned sits H-t Jj in full view, G M Arrayed in royal robes of a dark and som- 2 Bedecked all o'er with sparkling gems of O purest light, 5 J As ever yet hath flashed a beam on mor- M3 tal sight: fc" 2 And their brilliant, sparkling rays doth Q ra -n hearts cheer. Expelling therefrom every torturing grief and fear ; Fti 1" R t 5 a a , "Pass the hot biscuit and a slice of fat pork to Mr Cyril, my dear," ejacu lated one of our substantial, good-hearted old farmers up in the Piedmont sec tion while at supper the other day. "Not any, I thank you, I perfer stale bread and a mug of fresh milk," replied Mr. Cyril courteously. And this is what constitutes many of our farmers' bill of fare through the While their alluring beauty awakens eve- whole year. Hot biscuit and fresh pork! ry soul and tongue ttood Lord, deliver us! In praise of Him, who first in heaven these After supper Guy Cyril and a half orbs hung. dozen farmers assembled together under Oh ! what a feast of soul at this midnight the refreshing branches of a huge oak hour- and began conversation on the dietetic Reverently to contemplate God's great laws of life. skill and power "Do you not know," replied Guy in calling wt to view such a vast and Cyrij that there is no why you Ofworfdftoslaever with suchaapeed gentlemen JollowW so healthful a call. and sweep, m& 88 agriculture should not live to be Through the 'unfathomable depths of lOOvears old" boundless space: - , "Too long to sweat and moan under Each sailing with lightning speed, m its the burden Gf this life replied one ' ?fL5rl,, u "Stomach too weak to last that num- RmvpIv breastine the storms thev mav her of years, replied another. meet anywhere. I "Got to take too much medicine in T J that time to keep well," ejaculated a Yes, tnus xney ever guue vnruugii vu lean and hungry dyspeptic; and so on pounaiess aeep, , . QnamaraA nm-atn aanYi mvnirr a Ait Swifter than tender thoughts to beauty TZli Z I k! ii V6 a a e'er did leap ; ferent reason for the ills he endured. Or. as fleet as love, and aspiration's spring Til tell you what s the matter with at night I all you farmers, ' said Mr. Cyril in his To that liod wno, in creation nas snown pleasing tone of voice. ; uwiovettuuuugm, You don't know how to eat, and ea, ror awn auug uu . . , , . , .hmmn am o-nnd forth His praise Plain, if hot louder than the sun's efful gent rays ; Or a convoy of comets in their wild errat ic KWIMVn. tW regardless where they go, or time they keep. simplicity of diet, which Pliny tells us consisted of the fruit of the palm-tree. Herodotus, a celebrated ancient his torian; Hippocrates, the father of me dicine; Diodorus Sicculus, the historian; Ovid, the poet: and Pliny, the Roman naturalist, all testify that the primitive . - J A kl 1 j jr. a . . inhabitants ot the eartn suosistea on a vegetable diet alone. k Look at the peasantry of Ln gland. Scotland, Ireland, Italy, Turkey, Greece, Germany, Switzerland, r ranee, bpain, Is orway, Denmark and many parts of Russia, who subsist on vegetable food. The greater portion of t e inhabitants of Asia and Africa use but an insignifi cant trifle of animal foot. 1 he mill ions of Hindostan and China use so lit tle of animal food that it mav be re- erarded as a seasoning ruther than a substantial nart of their diet. The Greek and Russian laborers and the lazzaroni of Naple,' Jbsist on a diet principally of coarse farinaceous food, and thv are as athletic and powerful a race as can be found The Irish immi grants, whose brawny arms and power ful sinews perform the hard work of excavating our canals and constructing our railroads, which our flesh-bred American laborers have not the strength to do, have generally acquired good, vigorous constitutions on the coarse, vegetable potato diet of the old country. Therefore it becomes quite evident that if, during the summer, one well-to-do family would only use a little com mon sense letting go the fried meat and taking up the fruits and vegetable they would seldom get sick in the early fall, but be enabled to continue their hard work through all the seasons and through alllife for that matter. Do vou know that half of our im migration to this State become dissatis- Death of 8olidtor Jos. Dobson. This week we are called upon to chronicle the death of Mr. Jotenh Dobson, a citizen of Winston, and So licitor for the present 9th Judicial District, which occurred at hit for mer home in Surry county, on Tues day of last week, the 15th inst., in his 60th year. Solicitor Dobson was a native of Surry county and for many How Salisbury Belles Travel. A few days ago three young ladies of Salisbury took the wrong train at Hicko ry and started Sou t h instead of coming to Lenoir as they intended. The conductor mistook Lenoir written on their .tickets for Lancaster. At Newton, they? recog nized Lovelady. but improved so much since they came down the narrow? gauge last, and they failed to remember when years practiced law in the counties of they crossed the bridge although they unites, Aiiegnanj, Asne, laaain, were looking -out for the pretty view, ai Surry, Stokes and Forsyth, gaining Maiden they missed the benign cunten t he high esteem of all who knew him anCe of Mayor Hudson but supposed that by Ins excellent qualities in private, he most have been infused with the spirit social and business relations of life, of the age and was out pushing; on the At the time of his death, Mr. Dobson WOrk which was so fast turning Hudson was serving the closing portion of his ville into a brisk town. At Liucolnton third term as Solicitor, serving a pe- they could scarcely believe their eyes for riod of twelve years to the satisfaction here had sprung up, as if by magic a of all who desire to see the law of the (beautiful town on the spot where erstwhile land justly and ably defend-d . True the wood station of Shakeragdid vegetate to his friends and party, and faithful On, on they went it did seem tha Lenoir to his business : a good lawyer, an ex- was more than 20 miles from Hibkory eel lent citizen and ail affectionate fa- "Mr. Conductor when will we reach Le- ther and husband. We speak the nob??" "Lenoir!" and the denouement sentiments of all in deploring his came. They were nearly to Qastonia. death and extending our sincerest Here they stopped and spent the 4y and, sympathies to the bereaved, for Jo- at 12 o'clock that night steamed into Le seph Dobson fwught his battle of life noir to meet the chaffing of their anxious nobly. Peace to his ashes. Winston friends who had got hold ofthe joKe, HARDWARE. - - ; ; WHEN YOU WANT J HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES Hi1 food there are only a very few who know how to prepare it before it is served. To begin, man is made great or little wjth our mode of cooking, the by what he eats. Hot biscuit, fried pork, marjner in which the food of our far- grease and bad coffee superinduce half ;s nrpnared and served Quicker This is the hour the best and worst of of the sickness among our people in this than anything else? men employ healthful State. "Just as the twig is jf the' fact be known I would not be As do savage beasts: with alacrity and joy nt the tree is inclined," physiological- surDrised if the crofters did not become TheHonWd ly as well as morally. 'Those mothers SESfcd S ?pvt instead of Among the upper worlds, to make their who force their little children, even be- teing unable to get work. movements plain, fore th;y are capable of masticating a jf we would be well and prosperous And show the laws that they are each particle of it, to swallow flesh during we muSt nrst know how to live. coverned by. lb snmmpr months, arm little aware ovl i. e i; Umrinn knnr o - . - . . . j. , . . w , ' i lit; arii yjl lixe lo jvuuniuc trv As on through the depths of space they h 0 thev are injuring the or- 1iM Mau n ,JfaVp . 1 " I -LiA-""' Sentinel. Lenoir Topic. Strest Manners. and sub- -6 - forever fly : A fleet so very great, majestic lime;-- They evermore proclaim : He that made us is divine. ionization and corrupting the whole nature of the future men and women. Let us eat more vegetables and fruits in the summer months, and abstain from meat and fried food. Here asked one of the lean and hung- I j l: r. ...t i 1 J l -1 in Mtu MM nnt tA TV UVSIKUUV 1I WUU lUvACU Uttt number The passing time; others watch at the Guy Cyril. g In these still hours when most good men slumber, r. rauch of uain. And labor to relieve e'en when their la-J bor's vain. Whil more brutish men. like savage beasts of prey, That skulk from the light go forth at close To prowl in the dark, that; they by fraud to his raCe or iorce I por four good reasons. First, physio- MayTLd,Sp0,lftU th8y " 1WCU fnSummeryo don't want much heat in the body there is gen- So the sublime teachings of the stars fail j erally enough outside therefore you one of Pharoah's kine: 44 Why so? Me and my wifeallers eats fried pork and hot biscuit." Yes, I should judge so by the looks of your children as well as by the ap pearance of yourself and wife. Well, I'll tell you why, remarked Cyril, assuming the position of a bene- to dart Liseases of Wine- The cryptogam, Mycoderma aceti, makes wine into vinegar j its conge nor, Mycoderma vini, which lives on new young wine, fades and withers in old and does no harm. Wlienhow ever, wie "spurts!' in the barrel, is turbid to the eye, and flat to the taste 1 when poured iot a ijlass a crown of round bubbles rises t the top, and when slightly hjiken, silky little waves mnve about in all directions, then a minute filament about a thonsandth nart iif a millimeter in diameter, of a variable length and extreme tenaci ty, has made its appearance. In large The want of any uniform rule in passing persons on the sidewalks, is a cause of great awkwardness and much embarrassment to every gentleman It 1 IITl . I L 11 -l ami 1 any. vtnat can ne oeiier cal culated to make ene feel and look more ludicrous than meeting a party and neither know on which side the other wishes to pass, while both turn first to one side and then to the other to avoid each other, but ending in a collision, or in being brought to a lead halt face to face with each other both perhaps being strangers? Who las not labored under such embar rassment? And yet how easy all this sort of thing mav be avoided if the . public will only agree that it shall be. How easy for every one always Jor everyone tobeartotlie right iu parsing. Will not every one do ibis? ISo diff erence who it uay be, white, colored, young or old; let ail do it, aud theiT the stream of human life will now along our streets as gently as the breuk flows along its grassy bunks. This is no new rule, but it is a most uecessary one. FayeUcville Observer. Call on the undersigned at NO. a. Granite Row. D. A. AT WELL. Agant for the JCardwcl!Tnresher.M Salisbury, N. C, Juno 8th-tf. , NEW STORE! 8 V ( mil" it Allt hi' l.lnroTV IM. part m en t of J. DTiHcXeely, I intend - J .2 . . . GROCERY STORE. .ti v P m IV E AND PERMANENT CURE don.t want so much meat. If you eat quant tti8 this organism forms a glu i.Ll..:.i J 3 Is. .. . .1 1 . 4 ' - fou Dyspp;ia and Indigestion Prared ti3 Ua. VV. W. (4REGORY, imt-late, N. C. Charlottk, N. C Nov. 29,1864. Dr. W. W. Greorv : 1 hereby certify thttl Uavle -recently used your Dyspeptic Miittirslvrlitii very great lieneftt to myself tad cordially reeomuiend itlto others. K. v. wahing, Member N. C. Legislature. Humanity, or love into a savage nean vegetables instead, you can endure heat, Such care not for God, nor life, nor fear o ; J,n in9 But go alone for self, and will while they of strength. Your digestion will be bet fmvfi breath. . I ter and will be unattended with that They flee away from all life's soft and ge-1 disturbance, heat, irritation, oppression nial rays j - tA f.Vi sfnmnnli and dullness or drowsi- To their kvdens; and caves and unfre- nes rf which tters JfotAfoped generally experience after dinner, and of crime, . which some physiologists, on the mis- So long as darkness Demenus mem or taken supposition tnat it was natural, lends tnem time. have called the "fever of digestion. You can toil better, your mental pas- . . 1 !. . tiiwma Himsil UL l e uolioui ni the cask. producing carbonic Moid, which sDoils the wine. The disease of turbid, spurted and spoiled win i fermentation, caused by an organism a ferment originally ex isting ou the surface of the grape wliorA mIka exists the organism which T a w a mm-mr - causes the orderly and vinous fermen- M 1 1 I. tation. All red wines, especially me finest of the Cote d' Or, are subject to To iCesp Tomatoes for Winter. A Child Osd b7 a Train. The Air Line passenger train wiich ar rived in this city from Atlanta,; Sunday afternoon, killed a little white girl near Gaston ia. The child was four years old and was the daughter of a Mr. Mayo, who lives one quarter of a mile from the rail road track. The unfortunate little girl, with an older sister were in a field near the road, and saw the train coming. They attempted to run across the trck, the elder sister leading and getting cross in safety. The younger one, however, was not quick enough, and when atjout nan way across the track was strucl by the engine and hurled 'into the air. She fell aT few feet from the track and Was dead before any one could reach her. Qharlotle Observer. f "Shall Bruise Thy Head.'' A few weeks ago Miss Fanny Jones, of Cilley, went into the orchard 4nd was standing beneath a tree when shej heard a peculiar noise and felt the wriggling of something beneath her feet. Looking down she was horror-stricken to see the tail of a rattlesnake in agitation before her. She screamed and jumped 4nd turn ing round, discovered that she had been standine on the snake's head. With great My stock will consist of SUGAR, COFFEE, iiACON, LAUD, FISH Molasseb, FLOUR, Butter, phickens, Eggs, &c. Also, Candies, Fruits, Nuts, Crackers, &c. in factI la tent! keeping everythimusually kept in the Grocery and JProvi&iou linej aad by close attention to business and selling low for cash, I hope to merit at least a portion of the trade. Come and see. me at J.D.He Neely V Store. J. M. HA DEN. June 4, 1885. 2ms. ALL ENTIRELY New & Fresh ! J. S. McCTJBBINS, Sr., Will continue the business at the OM Stand, having closed out all Hie old stock. His present stock is Entirely New, and will be oifcred on reasonable terms for Cash, Bartcr,4r first-class Mortgages. Those who could not pay all their inort-i gages 4st y ear may renew, if papers are satisfactory and appliance ia made at once. HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF I Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Clothing, 0on- feetioneris, Crockery, Drugs, Bacon, Lard. Corn, Flour, Feed ami Provisions Of all kinds, with a full line of High Grade Fertilizers, as cheap as the cheapest. You wilL do well to see him before purchasing elsewhere. Salisbury, April 1st, I8S5. 2u:tf mm, 1 - . 1 1 1 .nr cVxa. AiuT(flYfA thp. A correspondent sends the following cooiness aim u.a, T r r 1 xxi .... t-t . c'tiOL- mm v iiiMi in- mcao rlittier W1DU a ouv " -7 ured it found it to be 2 feet in jength. Lenoir Topic. to the Rural New Yorker: "As the tomato season is here I can Contribute one way to keep them for winter use that may be new to some of your readers. I ate them in February, sliced and seasoned with sugar and a little vinegar, that seemed in every way as nice as vines. "Dissolve a teacupful of salt in a fallon of water. Pick ripe tomatoes, ut not over-ripe, leaving a little stem on. The tomatoes must be kept well covered with brine, and they will keep till spring or longer. Yafltin Mineral Sprisrrs Academy, PALMERS VI LLE.'Hi -amy Co.) H. 6. U. II. MART IN, Pkixcipai., Clraduate of WfUce'Ferest college, and also at tiie University ot Virginia. 1 SB" iTino.v, $5 tof 15 per session of 5 months. The only school In iMsstvUon that teaches I tne university or a. inctno-in. v iovtt bkh tensive. I horouKh.'l lie cliwiiicst scl.ool Hi the iJ. 8. where tin-sc wortd-rcf.owed methods are 'tiimrht r;nrwl Ho.inl onlv oit liiorith. j iy Address, c 11. aktin. Prln. j n Qnizotic Cable. Georce W. Cable, having lined his nest r, that seemed in every way . his id slandera against the Southern nDr AMTynn iQKQ tomatoes fresh from the I . nnw tnrnin his attention to J KU A IN J L tL U loOy aAvnmov of women sunraee. It Dr.W But sweet, indeed, to the betUr mm of " SjIT i EL Ms diase. which makes them bitter . s- a-avv w - ! I lift Beasts and birds, are such genial hours to ter balanced. Your body will become and unfit to drinU. White wines on them; more vigorous, in proof ot which I need the contrary, are exempt lrm this, While slumber's soft dominion o'er them only refer you to the. toiling millions but are subject to another disease call gently apreaefe, o kurope and the Eastern nations, ed maladie de la graisse. Tliey, too, Giving new strento all both m tneir Youcanendure the exposures to atmos- become turbid ; but where the red are Aairinr to them all more vitality and phenc vicissitudes much better and in bitter, these are flat, insipid, and vis iifo l fact endure all 01 tne Duruens 01 mis mrnw ' ' " ' a - . . 11 DwoeDtic RemwU. I have used it with ureal echini? their sorrows and healing every Ufa ualf the nam and torture should Mtie(, and cheerfully recommend It to any one strife, , . . ' ( VOU give up the tried meat system. . CSHWW 4W, indigestion snd.a And by sUence profundi enclosing them J d fp he medicai evidence is that Nfidwpduionof liver and bawelM. . around- . . . . ai L i.eo K-W.f dpminnl and D. A. J bMifto, Make them feel they to anoiner worm muu """V ,11 :KaZ T'a ' C N. U. otate Treasurer. 1 hound a I lniecuous aiseases ui. an uuub, muui . k--. J more easily cured of them, either by the sals by J H McAden and T C Smith A Yes, oh yes! the stillness of tne mianign 1 cfforts 0f nature or ordinary remedial W. Grejory Charlotte, N. C. I take great pleasure JMieTe is a gorge in Yellowstone park where no sound can be heard L not a bad place to keep house. Chi cago Ledger. Thr are 240 bones in a man. Man . '- the advocacy of women suttrage. it is cruel in him to first try to degrade the South and then to degrade the jivomen of the whole land. George is a sort of nine teenth century Don Quixote, with the ex ecution that he has not half the ; knightly monlinpcH and honor of tne itnumt 01 HHP M - - m. . LaMancha. Wil. Star nadding my testimony to the value of your Charlotte. N. C. and T. F. KlutU & Co-, hWulwry.N.C. 49:ly rf to eveughtfcl U.d .nd n . New heart with power, . ; oq 1 00 ,t j 1 qoq nor- ClU -' nn whose habits of livine approximate affects the most delicate boq.iet of the When they look to heaven they feel there the fruit and vegetable diet died of most delicate vintages, and though is a God; . . disease. Take the tourists who visit experts at first proteased to detect a For this strong lesson ever doth nature on Florid fj who Hve8 on a vegetable shade of difference in the flavor be- whiSathenwping heavens in silence o'er and citrus diet-they never get sick, tween the heated and the unhealed Whiletne weepmK missionaries and teachers who w;nes. when thev had detected a like As if fearing, at last some mortal may not I ?0 to Africa and who abstain from meat 8Uade between two glasses poured out make sure . Of eternal life, and a home MM f- I Third reason: ine cnemicai evmence orification was just i lhomasHA Y RAKES. Sweet indeed, is the mgst rXVlh! W I - - m . . A H J I O T T . . . ..... A-n:j: j nr.ii.:.fl 4 ,1 hottpr tor QeeD lUOURUU auu , 11 ro ,ie nf f ,w 5 strict V IV o mum" auu hmmus i vim """ . . 1 itri uiuic . vr j -j 1 . , m ... Iff I TTW A THD Q L, c"""irrrC; look into the to- WWWpWTB - -r T V i x I V JtX 1 vivu. lorecuuuvt-v, to the Liebiat school, we snau nna inai; . i,Ml:n cMt ,Ke - . . -mJ- 1 ' . 1 1 . 1 I I II (I r 1 I U V 1 . I I lU .Jl l-'ll J w v V Tst we bv recklessness, our peace may good wheaten bread, rice and lennis Kntehir contain four times as much nutritive .i .1 fViP atArs. aud Stillness 1 !. Q U kxf flocVi-inpaf wlnlo no- v w -JF . . I . . . . i j. 1 ! i. ot eacn mui. . . , le us all to Keep in sn tA i. i ir wfl huiluii uciyiu o tui:"i t "" I o . -..-.-.- r . Tbe works of Woa, ana j r,al-nn nf MrUntn sustain the animal both the ministers and lay men m me created tor. . . . w. I , . v...n ka K,inr.0 .. .Ti.a!!mt p!nrch miners, the Ad --i-ri AiTtJ t 1 1 raJ i l ; i i iimi n iiiiiiicaiive iivvu v. 4 v v. i i v- i i r,t rhnn and the best kind of carbonlteence and Advocate. Those who op- cous. ine maiaaie ae ia yr to a filamentous organism like that which makes' red wine spurt but the two differ in structure and physiolog ical action. The remedy in either case ib te kill the organism by heat. One minute's beatine at the proper temperature ie enough to preserve the wine from all the diseases caused by fermentation. Ihe heating in nowise SEND YOUR WOOL uu may uov, Q Africa and who abstain rrom meat shade between two glasses ptnireu um the anJ grease they never become a prey Qf tue 8amc bottle tliey confessed their g to disease. defeat, and Pasteur's remedy for cal- Third reason: The chemical evidence ftr;fiMlt:on wa9 justified. The Fort- HEADQUARTERS FOh 8TUDEBAKEU ako TENNESSEE FARM WAGONS. Coixmrcs, Watkktowx Cincinnati Buggies & Spring Wagons. BicKroun Huffman drain and Guano Drills. The Georgia Senate has passetl a bill material lv amendinir the railroad com mission act, and sent it to the House for concurrence. The bill repeals the arbi- rl with a shad Bos- trarv oowers of the commission J and gives rc 1 t 7 J - - V M a - -w.r i i nnmiuiii I'M luc aak.uv v lUiiivavt - their own rates. The commissioners are P.nnn Farrflr. the distinguished A hr cnmnlaints onlv. inis is ine re- veiivi M " " j o i vv uvwi i g- English prelate, will deliver the ad-1 suit of experience dress at the reopening exercises of the Jidm Hopkins University, on October 6th. "Pa," eaid the little boy. "what ie n atwirdiite monarchy V I can t ex plain it, my son, so that yon can com- renenn it. wait uhlm j a WT ried and then you'll know.' jxew man Independent. "He's a mau of big calibre," re- marken jonrs io "i" "s .i w i or . I an nMiraiutance. "inueei r wa -mr - - - - rtdv. "hew do vou I J . ' A t He's a great txire. -vn, murmur- Am a m If" ed Brown, and tainted away. ier- chant Traveler. CAPITAL & ASSETS, 750.000. KHODfcS BROWXE, WBf. Prest. f t C COART. SccrrtaiT Vr Li THOMAS' HARROWS, graph Straw Cntters, Avery and Dixie PLOWS, :ter Corn Shollcrs, lEjigines and Boilers, MM GRIST MILLS, J)piog,EhRine and Boiler Fittings Guns, ruteU, Sbells, Cartridges, Wads and Caps, rowder and Shot, Dynamite Fuse and Pri " Axes, Shovels and Spades, Building wdtrar Paints, Oils and Varnishes, HOME-RAISED CLOVER SEED. everything else usuaUy leapt ln First Class rr?.ware am fmolement stores. I nave on hand KS?P above, a offer tUem lor tne next aaysj tor less money man tliey nave ever sold ia this country . Usbury , Oct. 13, 'Si. W. SWIITHDEAL. The biearest question North Carolina Conference is the di- ision of its territory into two confer Mt . V A f s. Eastern and Western, it l Tf, mil Colletre has opened its fall To with favorable cheol prospects love them all, end Him i cm adore. 'mmMBLWSL That we may love tnem - I W" r . . V - . - m voirotah a toon. - nosfl niVISlUil itiuo nii : Oh. ve orbs sphere f - . . I :jftrlc. which is the best reason after! vor ;t sav. "divide and develop. HyBc?ear! Sj aW- We have no account that Adam ti4n wi betaken Dpon i this question mu.i ,.. mns r. mav watt our souw irum ,,n4 u vp ever aenartea rrom tne com-1 mt tji 1 inference wnicii meeis 11 V . A. . ICV m,ww -mm -w earth afor: mandment of tfod m their dietetic Habits, That we awhile may forget our sorrow -rj g absence of all evidence to the Wfeel to ohearts that Ufe is not the contrary we are bound to beUeve that end they te largely o vegetables. But after death, above the stars we shall JosephuS testifies that the Essenes, a ascend; , ... ... . sect of the ancient Jews, numbering TvHnz behind us for awhile this mn- , thousand. were louK-lived be- atjnokAn sod. ..... 1 . e il.: ..-. t :t ,A ' tli i.ihIy art of leli-rcl . . v , . -. i - .a - r..ncn ot r iihii icvuihi ciitif bc ui iiil iiiiu. - - nuu vui "" w y m i r union ho fa in be fi rnrlnti0. Nov. 25th. It will nnllv dccidecl bv the General Confer nee. which meets in Richmond, Va., next May. Con cord Junes. Children should always be taught TO THB Salisbury Woolen Mills - THIS NEW FACTORY la nnr in operation, and facilities for man ufacturing Woolen Goods such is have ney i.r,M. luixn nffHred to our neoole. are within the reach of the entire Wool grow- make that out ?" ing community f ttm. i.Hiitr. Wf manutacture jaAno, FLANNELS, LINSEYS. BLAMvtilS, YARNS, ROLLS, Ac. Solicitins a liberal patronage' of our peo- . ..-..n- All good tbii of thU world .r. Pi.. w. . -p, Twenty-sixth Annual Statement JANXAKT 1, 165. LIABILITIES. Cash Capital . . pw.mi te Unadjusted Losses Iteserve tof He-Insurance and all other llaWOtles. I Net Surpltt?, 2,1K M . 25$,i3 If fTiuiaw SCHEDULE OF ASSETS : Cash In NaUonal Bank $ T.sol o Cash In haudsot Ajrcut3 ll.s2 5 United States Regtered Bonds...., State and MonTctpal Bonds National B.mlt Stocks Cotton Manufacturing Mtocks Other Local Stocks Real Estate (unincumbered city property) flJtT If Loans, secured by flret nortgacs;. 0,413 f f $ it.seiH . m,Ms . ii.oeTM . w,m o . 1 1 1,755 3,"0 , f r .1. . . .a An v u mm m n wm , noliiriiier goou umu -nffife at old Express Office; use : and whatever we may heap up - .,ft ... XmU J ' s- Total Assets, $741,880 89 only 82tf to irive to otners, we may .a wnttnh s wo can use. and no more. Defoe. Lieut. H. R. Letnly, U. S. A., noliv nf this nlace. has accepted position on Gen. Hancock's staff, with I he 1MI1K OI Cantain. Headquarters, Governor's Island, New York. Con gratulations. Salem Prest A South Carolinia justice of the peace has decided that a watermelon being attached to the freehold, the stealing of th same from the vines is no larceny. It k needless to say that this dispenaer or Best climate, Salisbury, N. C J. ALLEN BROWN, Aft March 2, 15. Cm R.T.HOPKINS IS NOW AT THB Corner of Kerr Lee streets, with a foil line of DRY GOODSand GROCERIES. Also keeps a Fust Class BOARDING HOUSE. Call and Rte 28:ply. ! SOMETHING- NEW! LAMP CHIMNEYS that will not break 1jy heat, lor sale DIAMOND DYES wish at All DON'T FORGET to all kinds at call ENNtSS. colors yon ENNI8S for Seeds 4 ENNISS'. A High Grade Home School FOR (ilKLS. Snrroundin-'s, and Advan- Uome. TO TKK LADIES: Call and sec the Flower Pots at ENNISS. To dwell forever in heaven . . .,1 j-.J-t f Mam nri nlMt .rM in the SOUtll. LCllllllui tne law is a T . ?ZZ " iu, f .win Art and Elocution an emigrant from oneof Viirgtoia's water- Two Teacl.ers fromthe Royal 1.- L AAllntlM Hit lAW. AS I " . . f .1 ..... rw.,.- nllt. meion-grow"6. w.aaw.a. , I Leiozia Uonservatory.''? wu ni tramins Aug 12, If. , . . i Zi i i A.m ihA hAtinh. accords with I A.- fmininc Send forcirculars. tne nw u!&. thouniuersal enstom everywhere in the WILL H. SANBORN, Pres. j southern State. -Richmond State. T TkCS Wv-n-n b dv and are often NOT STRA SGM An pUt in the hum ann death, bhuni i Indian Vennituo will destroy and ez hea fro.n the system. 3 1 U: 11 H -f 1 hi mm L m I I 4

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