Carolina Watchman. TUOKajUAY, OCT. J, I6b5. Charlotte Fair, The annual Fair at Charlotte, open? this year on the 27th of October, and will last three days. The officers lbve-jssued a large and attractive show bill, announcing the main features of the proposed oc Ian M n Chinese must go. A mob of mask ed whites went for the Chinese at New Castle Mines, Wyoming Territory, Sat urday night last, and compelled them to leave in 24 hours or be riddled with ballets. A snecial train carried them Thjs Newspapers report a personal fficultv of no serious charatier be tween Cant. John S. AVisoepubiican candidate for Governor of Virginia, and Dr. Temple, of Danville. Conflicting reports leave the whole matter in a fog to those at a distance, to whom accu rate information would be of small consequence. The N. Y. Stt n says that the bogus butter makers commenced business by using only the clean! fat of lx.'ef cattle, but that they have gone away from that, tep by step, until now they have got to using all kinds of grease, cotton seed oil, and gelatine, which is made of the boofs of neat cattle and horses. : FlBE. A prairie fire broke out in Dakota on the 18th, when the wind from the south was blowing at th& rate of 60. miles an hour. The fire was driven with terrible fury, consuming everything in its track for miles. The loss in buildings and jfarm implements W88 heavy. The Carthage Bulletin gives the par ticulars, of the narrow escape from death of a three year old child which was playing in one of the streets of that town. It was attacked by a sow, which caught the child by the arm, and evidently intended to eat it. A negro woman happening to be near ran w ine rescue or tne cnua. ine sow also ran, dragging the child as she held it by the arm; but the pursuit oecommg warm sue aroppeu it. me child was bruised and cut by the teeth of the animal, but not seriously hurt. The "Smith'1 well fixture is probablv the strongest and most durable of all the patent well fixtures extant; but this is 'insufficient tor use on nublie wells. The one recently placed in front of the Holmes block was badly abused on Monday by people attempting to draw water from that well. The old fash ioned windless, if the frame eould be mode ornamental, is the only device that will accomplish the work satisfac torily ; punish the careless, and be in place when -Ch rist mas conic f 1 It that TU3 NEW Y02K STATE DEMO YADKIN BTVEB IMPROVEMENT. CSATIC CONVENTION. . Brown md Engineer The New York State Democratic iiajjott are pushing the government Convention concluded, its labors at work on the Yadkin river with all the Saratoga on the 24th. David B. Hill haste possible under the circumstances. received the nomination for re-election or several years great activity has r-. mt . . 1 . I 1 LI 1 1 1 1L as wovernor. l ne platform aaopteu "wsu uiuueu ui u measure oy tne sup- by this Convention, opens with con- posed insurmountable obstacle of Swice- rrtfiilitinnci of Hia "npnnln nf f hr Urood s mill dam. In the meantime whole union on the election of (i rover "e work was completed up to that Cleveland to be President of the Uni- point The Government refused to ted ' States." Next, they endorse the pay for the destruction of mill dams State government bv Gov. David B. on the ground that right of way Hill. And next, they re-affirm the de- should be given to a great public work clarations-of the Democratic National of that nature; dam owners, on the Conventions of 1876,-1880, and 1884 other hand, claimed that the destruc- in regard to the necessity of reforming tioa of their dams and water powers the civil service, but condemn the ac- was too much of a sacrifice for indi- ttial administration of the existing yiduals to make, who were no more civil service law as the same as has interested in the benefits to accrue to been executed by the Republican party, the whole people than any other indi who abused its provisions for the pur- vidual. So matters stood as the force pose of keeping Republicans in office, approached Swicegood s dam, and it The platform condemns the further looked as if the work must stop, as no coinage of silver as likely to injure the j effort was being made to buy Swice- business interests of the country, and good out, and no inclination on his demands the repeal of the act under part to concede the right of way. But iL. ki -m m r w v. s r i wiuen me compulsory coinage oi p mi.uiuwus ingenuity proven equal ver goes on. They call for a revision to the emergency. He formulated a of the tariff noon the principles of plan which he considered perfectly fairness to all interests, and an enlarge- feasible, but the engineer then in ment of the free lists that American charge did not so regard it and refused labor shall not be deprived of the to send plans forward for approval. ability to eomnete sneeessf nil v with for-1 another eign labor, &c. - placed on the work who thought The Convention was harmonious favorably of Mr. Brown s plan. Specific and adjourned with bouyant spirits to cations, and plans r were sent to and enter upon the campaign. approved by the proper autorities, and now. bravo, the work goes Three Men and a Woman Lynchad. I reSlarly on. Mr. Brown's plan r i m j . ., ,. ivvvijr iuc uui. uumage ine owice- iast luesday morninir the bodies of Urood four negroes: Jerry t inch, his wife eio-hfc inoUmA k-i tL,; Harriet, Lee lyson and John Path- hnnVwniT wofQt. ; i i shall, were found banging to the limbs the government is making is a foot or a tree about one mile from Pitts- kin-V,- aon ; i j al. j C7 I m.v v. tin. UWUlt running all through the business of the Interior Department: a conservative dread of hurting the feelings of the old ring of ficials. The same spirit which dictated the recent dodging around the corner ap pointments in the Patent Office is found in many of the bureaus of this department. There is nddoub: that the service here would be greatly improved if as clean a sweep of the chiefs of bureaus were made as has been made m the Treasury Department. Cincinnati is, by a kind of tradition tnat nas outlived its dav. called the hog packing city of the west. It used to be familialy known as "Porkopolis." But it is now at the bottom of a list of eight great packing cities. Chicago packs two thirds of the hogs treated in this way. and Cincinnati less than 3 per cent, of the whole number. Ex. Fading Summer. is now very generally known send in ix written messages on fh " ... TP margins ot. hewspapers through the mails IS against the P. 0. hiws, and subjects the offender to the penalty of a fine of $5- proritled, the person re- ceiviug the package refuses to pav iener passage on it. liut is that all? Avery-citizen is under an implied oath uwci "Fi ncu ne aisooevs a law does he iot disregard! the oath? Or when he breaks the law does, he not break the oath., and perjure himself! In this view of the case the offense cannet be regarded as a peccadillo, but a crime to Ijc repented of, ! - i- FABIUS H. BrSBEE. Esq.. that Rrl- public-spirited vounir democrat of ivareign, has bten made United States :t Distnct Attorney for th Eastern Dis tnet of this State. lie is a lawyer of abil ity; a fine speaker, and has never been afraid to put his shoulder to! the wheel audjwork for the best interests of the State when opportunity offered. Let the workers have office and not those wno are content to lean quietly back in ine easy arni chair of indolence, pillowing their heads on the downy fghan of Vwhat I have been," and fly in and out of the oartv at will ) Office and honors are not poured at their . limes nave changed. The toilers must reap the rewards 1 ' n . m. I Q2 " ijuiu, m naiuam vyouniv. inev were Th will .j.i f,. tne perpetrators or tne two l hat ham thp mon ft wnrt ; i -n fi t. . ii .i i I y m, sv iuav tuciv Will uuuy uauruers ine mosE neansicK- be a iapse until next summer. The ening, coia-oiooaea crimes that have season for doing this work, which keeps blackened the fair name of the State th mn in fno TOo n ,i : ZZZ n nil . , i an UUI, io VCi y TOr VParS ' hp f-inntAl mnniar - -uiw v,u, - suon,, consequently it becomes neces- eu iu tec. on: Airs, unve linntpr. v,,,u u a juot uauc uuuwjf uyia 8Eea PeOOle (r is nrrmimrma Tln'o 1,.,,. 1 A uu Tr y BuSb'l but working in water is a slow business i "u , me victims at best. The clearing of the Swice- k r men muruer occurred the night crood ohstarU is nnndrl ifo u ica j; . - ml 1 1 k-'iiW i f 111. ll 1 I l (' I'lH I w.u. uiso a in i) pie muruer. The vie- is di Mv w. v,- g"iiL- TA ,AV rmcn' iss energy and devotion to the work ooiue nncn V iv anu 01 years respect- which will ultimatelv result in mvin veiyjanaa negro boy named Elimg- the people of the mat Yadkin vhIW I -, . (j j After careful investigation, aided by to the creat marts of th wnrld Thn SRSS! rtained crops in the Yadkin valley, from its uuu. rt uVu"i' inai cne parties wno source on the Bin R,rW f.A fh stuf . JV- co. x ne i mense ann thorn w nn . ,.UU J 1 l I . r - Ul 'tuuic, nuiw:s anu neifroes nave oeen tmnnnWn , n,- u ,iiC ut Huuug tse law in tneir JNorth Carolina division of the K. & D uouun ccr auiee busuicion pom w tn u ln ;i j i. i xl f : - - wiu umj laiuuau wnicu crosses tne n.v. iuui llctUirea. DUt tnfV Yarltin wiaeij waiceo ior tne tacts to come out Wilson Mirror. Summer is fast gathering up her dust sprinkled robes for departure, while soft as a dream of beauty , gliding Atumn, wet with golden mist, steps upon the russet lawn, and tints with gorgeous coloring the variegated scene of nature's faithful studio. Yes, summer time is almost gone; the bloom and beauty of its realm will soon fade away, and even autumn winds, sighing through leafless trees, will, in a little while from now, whisper in its chil ly breatn of its owa short reign, and tell of the icy kiss and frozen embrace of hoary winter. The fall if the leaf is indeed a whisper to the living, and in the sad tran sition from bloom to decay, from life and beauty to death and gloom, we learn the mournful lesson of our own mortality, and are brought face to face with the solemn, awful truth that we, too must die; that like the leaves, we, too, must loose our hold upon the stem of existence and drop into the hush and silence of the grave. And being thus so forcibly and so touch ingly reminded of the certainty of death, how necessary it is for us to strive to make the closing act in liiV's sad drama a scene pailia nt with the recollections of contracts all fulfilled, and finished, and the calm of dissolution unbroken by not a single whis per of conscience. And now, while the cotton is coming into market, we hope those who are in arrears will remember us, and then the gloom of the melancholy days will fall upon us sprinkled in warm rays of sunshine, and will be like the ashes of rosemary for remembrance. Then, come up, friends, and pay for the Mirror, ana let us all be ready to die in peace. An effort is being made to get the Yan cey commissioners to put in force the act of the Legislature 'empowering them to build a turnpike from Marion, via Burns ville, to Ashevil le. They are empowered to get 50 convicts from the Penitentiary and all criminals sentenced for less than year in Watauga, Mitchell, Yancey and jucisoweu counties. Lenoir Topic. List of Letters remaining in the Post Office at Saiisbnry, N. C, for the week ending Sept. 26, 1885: Albert Biddens, Sarah Barber, Lee Carr, Tartee Crawford, (2), Samuel J. Hinder, Samuel McCorkle, Obie Parker, D A Miller, EmnmWilliams. Please say advertised when the abeve letters are called for. A. H. Botpkx, P. M. A young man of Granville county, named Hunt, sold the tobacco he rais ed on three acres of land last year for $1,700 over $566 to the acre. IF PARENTS KNO W that convulsions, fits, etc., were caused by worms gnaning at the vitals of the child they would cek a remedy at once. Shritter'n Indian Ver mifuge is just the thing. Price 25 cents a bottle. The HolmstroiD Piano, ADMINISTRATORS Having qualified as ad NOTICE, "unistrator IS THE BEST in these concrete of qualities purity, vol ume, continuity and congrnity of tone : and for durability and beauty of construction, none are better, while few are nearly so good. The prices are f 225, $250 and 275 CASH. estate of Sarah Cooper on tlJ V , lll)t Ullt I , 1 Uw)- . AWtU TMHW'r ooa, -notice is herein all persons indebted t ,i ' ssiid Sarah rv. . . Fwaitfuf WM .estate will present tbem Z -J w thin one year from date hereotKvmt will be plead in NroJS SOUTH RIVER ACADEMY The Schnbert Piano-Uiright- Sroth ' IS THE ONLV SUBSTANTIAL WJMty, H Q A good school located in a healtlir :t lage, 8 miles furni Salbbury. Term 7' truly musical "Cheap" Piano price and $175.00, The reasons work can be obtained at the low. but lee-it- w rr- i m a mm aarBB m. m m a n lmate rates will be fullv iven in a hidrngtm u7" J, ... 'T 'V" . .V Eheu-J, . . r f i uiauriiHK iinr lniiiir a a vH.. " 11 w. h. nbave. m,,,K. v-; : t tzttx"" why such honest, artistic " ''aZlT' i 1 rr cobh I 1,.t lVJW anu ncs imiM miint aii At- '"tin- conference with Sept: 17, 1685, tf Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator cum UKamtntc annexo, upon the estate of Rob ert Knox, dee'd, I hereby notify all .-persons , naming ciaims against said estate to ore-! sent them to me for payment on or lw.wv the 17th day of Si ptember. 1886.1 or this notice will tie plead in bar of theirirecovc- rj. This Sept. 17th, 1885. JOHN S. KNOX, Adiii'r, Tho. P. Kluttz, Atty. 8:6w Good boaid cord in in nrivatn faniu. ... rates. Tuition iiHMler:it- , ow rHMIIf8 UDI-AllfMl 1 1 mr- uursiieil : it,.... Dished scluMd-buildiiigin the coniitv Jt or pai i ciiht i s address, ' J. M. HILL. Pi inn' iv.l Septv8.l838.3ui ' "'cipal. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF Pensions. WasMngton Letter. Prom Oar Regular Correspondent. Washington, Sept. 25, 1885. The most interesting events of the week ve peen tne resignation of Civil g Oinini-iSlOTiPr TCatnn orA tl. .v.. President accepting the resignation. before the execution took place. There is no doubt but that thev Wrd , . v-. death; but does not every Judge and lawyer in the State tremble at this state of things! Will the people's res pect for cinrl I Till fllln Of 111 f w AAliUa ever return? How lon? is it t W? ave P? the resignation of Civil Service -.v. iiiimiii inn im wj li it i r own oiinR mnsr intm-oeiinr. x ... lva,t0 WU ;j. 1 . - " - r-" w"""8veuis will uuuua. ucu it is ascertained tnat " l appomiment ot a new set of Coin murder, race or arson has )wn Mmin.4. 1 missioners. Who will thev lu what r;n ' A vuiuujiii I .1 at. v. V : ) " mmmmv " 'H ted, and there is no doubt as to th tueJ W .? 18 pertain that the new De- guilt of the party, there is a lvnchinr SSEES AaJnin,f ratlon been much Whv so? TLJl !Vi?? 5SSP! embarased by the Civil Ser- T-J - - '-w-W L11L1L JO 1 1 1 f I I M I V 'I' I I 17 IQ in- juA I T 1 1 dence in the administration of fhJCivil srvW tT? ,lea!1 ..v. . . . xi ii ciean laws tnrouan lecral channels. This is sweep couia bave nreceeded th terrible! riow Ion a can t be knf im w tne law, it would have been t- ; T' - f I on I 1 1 t . T a u bounds? Will nAtiZ W , Inc attempt to soir t soon snrond nfil if Lw"' mw. uP.n an unspeakbly .4. r t: , "J c'ev uaa ciyn se'ice, that rotten heritatrR institution and lnva VrlH -U-l LftU i lii ' . . u "VruaSO r jt "J: o m, v kmc tium "w.e1mouwin any, nas resulted in toundations of society? There seems to negation of much for which patriots lll. . v 12 -A. tflJll I VlOA imi i XL 1 . . - w uu limit, v tnat tne laws wprp art- ewiveu inrougn ail tne dark nfl minLstered in righteousness that people might be saved from crime! the fertilizing Fruits. It has been demonstrated that the quality (and it is believed thp . also) of fruits maybe very materially unproved' by a proper selection of the fertilizers employed for the trees. Ve ry acid fruits may be made sweeter by fertilizers calculated to neutralize the acdity in the soils in which they grow. Lime, ashes end bone nieal. ajiplfed in the fall and again in the spring, will be found useful agents to improve the quality and quantity. Honors to' Fits Lee, The people of Roanoke count v, Va. propose a grand ovation and procession in honor of Gen. Fitz Lee, the distin guished Democraticandidate for Gov ernor of Virginia, to take place at the county seat, Salem, Oct 1st. A very large gathering is expected, and the preparations for accommodating and marshalling the people are thorough and exact to a minute. Gen. Lee will address the people at 11 o'clock, a, m. At night it is arranged for him to ad dress the citizens of Roanoke City, and raitmg cluos that may be present D. Armstrong, in command for the oc- aasion. seems to be the right man in lie right place, and hss planned a very brilliant day for the distinguished can didate. - - A reporter for the Raleigh NetcsA Oustnerm iiEt be; i "da i he objects to ffecso and wood chopping on the streets f t'ae cunit.-l citr. Stato Fair. The North Carolina State Fair, will be held this year from the 12th to the 17th of October. It offers $6,000 and upwards in premiums, Lists of which may be obtained by addressing John lchoTds, Esq., Raleigh. Ladies should know that a premium of 2."i is nflferod on tne best 10 pounds of Butter. $50 is offered for the largest yield per acre of cotton, from five acres; largest yield of one acre, $25; and for the best bale $50, second best, $25. For the best 25 lbs. bright lemon wrappers, (tobacco), $50 is offered; for the best to lbs. mahogany, $50; best 25 lbs. cutters, $25, &c. For the largest yield of wheat from 25 acres, $50; largest yield of oats from five acres, $50. Send tor a premium list if vonentw fh contests. The present indications prom ise an interesting week at Raleigh this year. Virginia State Faip-.t w s.- Agricultural Societv of Virn-ii wen hold its 2tth annual UVWTkiA.. Kicnmond. commpniimr nu. oti. . "o wvwu" Xl, ana continuing f hrM a ti. i O r w vn.j o. x IS ill- ways an occasion of muchinterest, and those North Carolina mt.ina kn m mm mmmm T XJ may attend it, wdl doubdtless see much to please and trr& w iVi , , o 'j "mwu. f ;ire indebted to the president of the Society, Roht. Beverly, and fko aJ . Mayo for a coninrimpnfar j . - I J 1 WV,lkC, ""gu"w w yisit ine r air. " " The State Fair is offering very liberal premiums this year, for farm products, cattle &c., wheat, oats, corn Peas, rye, grasses,cowsheep, goateogsi horses mules, &c&c. Persons wishingto exhibit stock or contest for premiums shouM .send to John Nicholas, Esq., Raleigh, for Premium Lists for accu rate information. , The AewfhObserper also notes the fact that thousands of pounds of sumac g ?, every year in Wake; we would add that millions of to waste in tlje State. It is k valnardA dye, as our country people generally know. It is very valuable as a tan, also, and in Va. a large business is done in rpenac lesve. corrupt era of the ascendency of the par ty of spoils. No one with "the leat ne qua nit a nee with the history of politics since the war can deny that'the Republi can fturty has been the party of spoils. And it has appropriated the spoils in such . f onwiuus ay, irom tne in significant plaees of serub-women and towel-washers up to the highest judicial places, that its professions of friend li to proposed reforms in the distribution of omce, smen so strong of hypocracy as to make One siek. When Mr. Cleveland waC rl.rwi iresident s chair it was supposed that he would turn out many of the corrupt men who never were appointed on civil ser vice rides, or for and service except such as they rendered in the bad cause of fix ing elections, buying votes, stuffing ballot f?! and stealing the Presidency as in 186. But, the President has been em banissed by the knowledge that a paeked Republican jury in the sMin to will ; judgement upon all his appointments. It m out not probable that the Sen ate wm be Democratic before the lapse of icmmi ierm. unless this shall come about, there can be no hope of com plete and thorough civil service reform during the present administration. Ke formis impossible while the offices are niled with the corrupt and corrupting r utxu piacea m office by a long lme of Republican presddents, cab inet officers, senators and members vuange ana purification is a crying de mand m all the Departments. The oft used metaphor of the Angean Stables is not exaggeration when applied to them. Democrats, well selected and good men, have been gien the prominent offices. In other words new commanders have been placed over an alien army, a hostofser vile mutineers, whose study, day and night, is to assassinate the cause under the-hanner of which they are marching. The new commanders sincerely desire to regain the land of political honesty and economy once held by their lathers, and tby have given the command "about march" m healthy tones. The Colonels repeat the command hut with l nop lAnt! ence, for they are nearer the army, while r " , u "cuienants imitate it wivu a winK wen understood by the trechepous host, There will never by any serious reform 1 2?e pepartments until at least one-half of the light fingered expert subordinates are put oUL and at least ope half of the army of civil service employes is compos ed of men m hearty accord with the sen tmient and principles which placed a De- SH'S S the te House. There is to day m the Interior Depart ment nearly every one of the officials who have been responsible for the ring rule which has so long dominated this depart ment. Some of them are kept to-diyin 7T iu.-M5 oi scanaal in the naxt cause of scandal in th COME QUICK! DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS! J. S. McCUBBINS has just returned from the Northern cities with the LARGEST & BEST SELECTED Stock of Goods that he has ever offi-red to the public ; consisting of Drv Oood, Gro ceries. Hats, Bipts and Shoes. Sole Leather. Crockery and Queens-ware, Clothing, Pro vision, Wood ad Willow ware, fcc. Also a full lide of FERTILIZERS of the very best brands, viz: BAKER'S Veil Tried FOR WHEAT. MERRYMAX'S A. D. Bone " " WALKER'S Ground Borite " 14 NATURAL Guano just from Orchilla, and supposed the only Natural Guano on the market. Go and get Testimonials and if jou want to save money, don't foret to call on him before buying either Goods or Fertilizers. Salisbury, Oct. 1, 1885. 25:tf THE GREAT EXTERNAL REMEDY I KLUTTZ'8 TOBACCO LINIMENT FOR RHEUMATISM, BOUT. NEU RALGIA, SPRAINS, BRUISES, PAINS, ACHES, &C. Combining the wonderful curative virtue ot To bacco, with other anoroved rubefarifnta. mv-inr a marvelous compound for the relief of human sui-fertDir BELIEF GUARANTEED. "1TS ACTION IS WONDERFUL. Suffer no loneer. Be humhuc0i with ni, cure-alls no lorsrer. Tobacco is Krnnta j. Remedy. It has been used in a crni the d-iysot sir Walter Raleigh down, and has work ed man? a marvelous cure, and saved many a valu able life. In the "Tobaceo Liniment" its virtues are aclentlllcally extracted, combined wit.h mh valuable medical agents, and confidently offered io iuc puuiic, uoi as a cure-au out as a aafe, powerful and effective Rxternal Remedy. annitMbfa wi.r. ctci lurrr ia puin 10 oe reiH vta. in laire lxttles at only 25 cents. For sale bv all DruiLMSts. Ask for if unit in. sist upon havinir it. Don't be put off with worthless substitutes. Trv it and von will le thankhil lir havinjr had it brought to your attention. TJJEO. P. KLUTTZ & CO., Wholesale Druggists. Proprietors, 5:3m Salmbcbv. N C AX IMPORTANT DECISION BY THE BOARD OF INQUIRY.. The State board of inquiry, whose duty it is to pass upon the validity of pensions, &c, has decided that widows whose hus bands died from natural causes or disease, and soldiers who were otherwise disabled by reason of wounds received, do not come within the meaning of the pension act. This makes the number of pension ers allowed about 2,400, of which about half are widows. This will give each a g:nsion this year approximating $12,50. ad the other classes been allowed there would nave been 4,000 pensioners and they would each have received $7.50. Netcs- Observer. Particular attention paid to frescoing and Indoor wax or water-eolors wm mauo olds on Churches, nubile buiiri pnyate reslJences. Work guaranteed. KefrrLnr T. A ISTTw On Saturday the IM dav of October next, at 12 o'clock, ,, at the late idei.ce of J U1 Lyckey, dec'd,a Inali lowiish,,,, thiM .eout.ty, we will offer tor sale a tiaet of- 127 .km..- .,r . iSli to U.e estate of John Laekev ad Ju,gH,e laniUof a. L. MU;i4B W .1 unier and other, fhe sale will U. If desired i7:.-m Poat omce address. C the SallSmrwiPc. PGWO Sale of Land. isy virture of a decree of the Superior iourt or Kowan County, m the cise of jx. v . ivi ii t ts and others against Qeop'e TT . ' i .t ... .. i - 1 nn ana orucis, l will sell at public "u "" " uiun notise ionr in Salis bury on Monday the 5th day of October, 1H5. a tract ot land adjoining the lands of Henry Husher, Alfred Husher, W. Kind ml anu others, known as ih;- Pollv Hartman land and containing about 154 icres.;Bid- airgs to open at VG71. Terms one half cash, balanee in six months with interest from day ot sale at -i;l;t per cent j J. VV. MAUNEY, Com'r. iept. 4th, o. 47 :4w. SHERIFFS SALE UNDER EXECUTION! By virtue of an Execution duly issued tlHMie by order ot Cmii i be ooencd til A:r .Ml 1 V--MM. Tkrms v Salk : (),. tbb.i ....... Ik.. .1 .... .1 IIHUHIII M lift) ;,f. and a eiedit of six mionlis rr the other i w o thirds o i:ei eent. tr -iii ibu ..i .i. --' ' - - be Kiiieet to ilmvi i W. A. Ll CKKV J. (i. Fl.KMiXO HI Uh Wildings w ill Aug. 28, l?do. .tih will i" tiimeil, ill be ' ; with. i;it.-(t Nt 1(t S.le .liil of the witloiv' ntoiM of ) Kx ei $ Joi.ii Ur. North Carolhm, Rowan County. In Superior Court SUMMONS FOR HELIEf. James Ilellard, Adin'r of Sarah Kite Againtt Scott Gales, and others. Upon the affidavit of plaint ifTit U nr,i... ed that publication le made in the -Caro lina Watchman1 for six successive u.i. notifying Sarah Gales, Pinknev Gales John Kice, Henry Hice, Lizzie itice. Ellen Hi,-. Sam'l Rie, John G. Rice. Crawfml M.J t. i:.. l v.i i .. : . ' aciiBwi iuic hiiu vuaiies luce, who non-resiuents oi this state. t are appear at upon a judgment, docketed in the Superior the office of the Clerk of the SuperjorConrL Court ot Rowan county, in favor of J. G. for the county of Rowan, on the 17tl, dav Cajible- to whom said judgment ha been of October, 185, and answer the ciomnlttint ER Absolutely Pure. TM.I,. i . lUHHnran never vanes, a marvpi nf nnr it strength, and wbolesoraeness. More economical than tae ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In uumpeuuonwi utile multitude of low test, snort ei-m, unim or puosunate nowders. 8old onlv In i-itllS. KOTifa OAKIKQ l'OWDKR CO.. 10ft Wull vt V Executor's Notice. Q1RIIPU and must be the fiittm. Tb5e 10 Count them 10 NO LONGER A PUZZLE! f 11 i nun uni w ul CH ARLOATE, N. C, hare solved it, and here is their solu tion, which will, no doubt, be read bv all economical purchasers, in fact, bv n .u I - j . 1 J i wuv wish to secure a. bargain. They are offering 10 Count them 10 BARGAINS, which hold good for a limited time on ly. Look out! Buy now, as we shall countermand them at some early day through the columns of your paper. No. L Black gr. gr. Silk worth 80c for 65c per yard. No. II. Black all wool Cashmeres worth 60c for 45c per yard. No. III. Ladies black and solid col ored Hose worth 20c for 15c a pair. No. IV. Ladies solid colored and black Hose, regular made, worth 40c for 25c a pair. No. V. 56 inch Bleached Table Dam ask worth 60c for 45c. No. VI. 18x38 all Linen Hack Tow els worth 20c for 15c each. No. VII. 24 inch heary Dress Suit ings in oxford grey and brown, worth 25c for 18c per yard. No. VI1L 21x48 Bleached Damask Towels, worth 40c for 35c; TheH snr- No. IX. 12J cents will buy a beauti ful Hemstitched eolored bordered Hand kerchief worth 20c. . No. X. 75 dozen of Ladies' white Linen Standing Collars with Cape, worth 20c for 10c each. WTTTKOWSKY BARUCH. Havinjr qualified as Executor of the last will and testament of .Tames R il wnn deceased, all persons holding claims against the said James B. Gibson, are herebv noti fied to preseut, them to the undersigned for payment on or before the 25th day of Sep- tcmuer, iooo. or tins notice will be plead as a bar to their recovery., This Septem ber the 25th, 1885. JAS. C. GIBSON, Ext'r. 50:6 w UNITY HIGH. An English and Classical S.-hool for boys amf girls, located at Wood leaf, 11 miles west of Salisbury. Students prepared for business or college. Desireable board at reasonable rates. Students desiring to study music will be under the instruction of an experienced teacher. Mrs. R. W. Boyd. Term opens the 28th of September, 1885, and continues nine months. Address G. B. WETMOItE, Jr., Principal, Woodleaf, N. C. 50:eow-for4w Administrator's Notice. Having taken out letters of administra tion upon the estate of John C. Brown, de. ceased, all persons baring claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to me on or before the 30th dav of ept. l86else this notice will be plead in oar or men n-e. very. All persons indelit. j a ... . - . . - eu io tne sain estate ,vi ii'puu prompt settlement. HENRY PEELER, Adm'r. Sept. 30th. 1885. Cw INTERNAL REVENUE SALE OP STILL, On Saturday, the 10th day of October 18BS, there will be sold to the hiohesi Wu. j ... ... . . ucr, ac rue t.ourt House door in Sa shnrv one Sixty Gallon Still, fJap and Wrm to match ; seized from J. Calvin Fraley and Jacob Fraley, Morgan Township, Rowan County, N. C, and adjudged to be forfeit ed to the use of the United States. T. II. VANDERFORD, ' . . Deputy Collector. Sept 21st, 1885. fcw SALE OF LAND! Bv virtue of a decree of the SnneiW Court of Rowan County, in the case of J. L. Sifibrd, Guardian of Mary C. Miller ex parte, I will soli at nubile unrtmn the Court House door, in Salisbury nn Monday the 5th day of October, 1885. a I A . C 1 1 ! ' . . ' ' iret ui irnnu aujoining me lands of V T L. ft I) 1 . , -a ucma j. uki unari anu orncra be ing lot No. 4 in the division of the lands ot Unas. Miller, dec d, containing 54 acres terms one-iniru casu, one-third i i i v huv iriinrr Qooin.i i L' j . i: l : . i - . i . ..jivhuci x.Hiniiqrt lor uieu in mis action in the office of the Clerk the sum of Fhirtj-nine Dollars and twenty- of the Superior Court, and let them fake nine cents with interest and cost of execu- notice that if they fail to answer the said tion, and due levy having been made to complaint within that time the nlnintiff t!ltl.h W.lld lll.l. ...... T ...111 ..II .. .. - ..-; r ........ j u.. luciii . x ujii sen rsrk rhe ivi :inn v in ini I'nnrt i ... r i ... ..... rt..j ... ..... iui uic icuci tie- Illcrlifttt- Ki.lili.i- I, .f ......1. . . I. . it -"- ' vusii, m i ne v. ou ri nouse uoor in balishufy, on Monday the 7t!h dv of September, 1883, the following described liipuny, io wu : AiMut ten acres of. land suuatcu in batisbury township, Rowan county, aojoining the lands 1 Polly Mover, Albert Thomas, Crusoe Earn hart, "arid thc lawns ol the JNew Discovery Gold Mine C C. KRIDER, Sheriff. Aug, 12, 1885.--4t Dissolution Notice. The copartnership heretofore existii be tween J. M. Winecoff and J. M. F.d.lli..un doing business at China Grove. Rown county, N. C, was dissolved bv mutual eon. sent on the 29th day of June, 1885. a. w. winecoff takes the place of J. M. Winecoff wh Eddleman, and assumes the payment of all debts of J. M. Wi neeflr firm partner with Eddleman, and is enti tled to receive all that is due him in that relation J. M. wlNFmiv J. m. eddlemW A. W. WINECOFF. Aug. 9, 1885. Im I manded in plaint. Given under my hand, this 1st day of September, 1885. J. M. HORAH, CjS.C. fr6w3 -"of Rowan County. DO NOT ALLOW worms to cheat your children out of their living, gliriner's In dian Vermifuge will destory these misera ble pests, and give the Jittle fellows new rmors for the battle of life. Ben for wortcrnif people. Send io cents post tage. a act we win mall i oh fr. e. k rXvai valuable sample box ot goods that win DUl YOU In the war of m ?ir..r TaU-L- ey In atew days than von pvr t.hntf rJiVTiV any business. Capital not require. You cVallve at homo and worklnsnarp Ltmenniv nruihQHL. . of both sex, ot all ages, grandly successful. Wets, to easily earned every evening. That all who r.S3SX we make i8 Un- K , m" wuo are ot wen satlsfled i w pay ior tue trouble of wrltine us tars, ( ; ions. ete unt. trot i,.,. pay absolutely sure for all who sum at once! Don! fe Afidress STI.NSOH Co., PortUnd, Maine. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as AdminUfrn i .-. . . . ... josepn aianaiey, dee'd, I hereby gie no tice to all persons having his estate to exhibit the same to me: on or before the 3d day of Sentemlier 1AW This September 2nd, 1885. t DAVID U. MAHALEY, AditTf 46:6w of Jsepb Mahsjey. Sale of Land! By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court if Rowan County, in the of W. F. Lackey. AdminiMrafor of R. J. Sloan against R. G Sloan and others, I will sell at the Court House dooT in Salisbury on Monday, the 5th day of October tf85, at public auction, a tract of land adjoining the lands of J. L. Cowan, James 1'eaioiT, the John Graham lands and ot hers i con taining 48 acres. Biddings to oen at $2G8.12. Terms one-third cash, one third in six months and one-third in twelve months with 7 interest on the deferred payment, from day of sale at the rati of 8 per cenj per annum. W. P. LACKEY, Adin'r. ocpi. 4tn, 1005. 47:4t. J. M. HADEN, Real Estate Apnt, Office in J. D. McNeely's Store HAS FOR SALE the following real estate on terms to suit purchasers : No. 1 Eirht building lots four of them fronting on Main str. These lots are near Car Shops. No. 2 Has eight building lots and four small farms. This property situated on the Brlngle ferry road I mile from car shops No. 3 Ten small farms, containing each from 10 to 12 acres, situated on theBringle ferry road, 1$ miles from Salisbury. , No. 4 Has seven building lots, two on Main street and five on Church street. No. 5 Has eleven small lots, situated on Long street, near Gas house, Woolen: Mills, freight and passenger dcots. This proper ty is valuable for tenement houses. No. 6 Has eight small farms, containing four to six acres, situated about 1 miles of Salisbury on the N. C. R. R. No. 7 Has about 25 or 30 small farms, containing 5 to 10 acres-each. Also seve raLother valuable farms, containing from 50 to 110 acres, with buildings all within two to three miles of town. I will tsks pleasure iu showing the property to sst oss wishing to buy. J. if. HA DEN. June 4, 1885 33:tf 3" North Carolina, wowaji County. In Superior Court. CIVIL ACTION FOR DIVORCp. Joseph G. Woffner, Pfnintiff, 1 AgainU Laura B. Huffner, Defendant. J To Laura B. Uoffner, Non resident .--f-You arc hereby notified, that tl t.:. tiff above named has commenced la fin 1 action against yu for divorce LA k caused a summons to be on tbe eleventh Monday after the first Mon day id -SerHember, K5f before the Judcre : - mm, w ncre von Sr r m k. and one-third in twelvemonths, with hiiXTL-l IaT "Mwer ar to . . r. ' t-t. w IUC wuiuii ni. ..11.. w . v.. umvmm unit VI HIV Mb Clgllt per cent, on the deferred pavments. J. L. 3IFFORD, Quardian. fet. th, iJ:4t Dated tbia the 8th of September, 885. """AH, C. 8. C. rat was t' all her Uejm, Litaven in her Jt. every gesture dign Uy and love f I appeared Mother Eve. and oms shin her fair descendauto.wiih tfir ex 1 ercir of common sense, cre and ro per Ireiitinenl. An enormous nunifcer of feru! . omplainls are direct!) cuV ed by c .tiirbaiicea or vunureiuioo 01 1 . . . . . ... . . iiiu aisiitftral riinclion. lu evety tmch 'case that tcrling and iinfaiiins; uptcifie, BRAuriEi.D'n Fkhal Rtoui.AToii, will e&Vel relief and cure. P ll i froto the recipe of a moct cJimin pi) kuixhed physician. It is composed 01 strictly ofti imi Ingredients, whose ' !i'.v combination hasstever been stir pq piiied. It in prepared with HcienfiBc QQ jskill from the fineat matei . ii bears Pq 1 tit- ptlm for constancy of sirengtb. 0 certaini of effet t, elegance of prepar pL. xtion, btauty of appearence slid rehW Itive cheapness. The testimony in its Ifavnr is genuine. It never fails when (tairly tried. CartersvilleGy This willcertify that two meiphers of my immediate family, after having suffering for many years from menstru al irregularity, and having been treat ed without benefit by various medical doctors, were at length completely cured by one bottle ot Dr. Brad he Id's Female Regulator, Its effect-in such cases is truly wonderful, and well may the resa edy be called "Woman's Best Friend." lours Respect fully, J as. W. Sthaxge. 8end for our bock on l he "Health sad Happiness of Woman." Mailed free. IjR A DFIEI.D Ki.GLX.ATOK ( O. Allan's, (in. . 1 I tohn attmidnpirit : 1 HEALTH RSSTOESS! i t) s rILtt , iCHtJ b.

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