... J -. r- s The Carolina Watchman. XVI.-THIBD SERIES. NO. 51. C STTODTTDV fl drivTYm n mn. '-'...- BOUSMIUni! . V., VUXVMAO, MOD. MASS SfaSttASBBfltfA The Great American Adulerant. From the Philadelphia Koeord. Gottou-seed oil mav be described in A New Departure in Insurance. The State of New Hampshire has taken a new departure in legislation era general terms as a universal carbonac- concerning insurance, it naa i enacted cous substitute and fatty adulterant, a law compelling companies that issue It serves on occasions as butter, lard, pohcies of insurance against fire to pay lubricating oil, soap grease, pomade, the SSSASSF- ' ointment oJ illuminant With it the cas? th tal desfaructio of the pro baker mixes his pistry, the artist his ft The law S-ftSf i. r. j ii 1 ' u- 4.i. tlc: has been the same as it is in North Sin the West use it for lighting al- Carolma and her Sates-, ms?" most to the exclusion of all other oils. . vwtu"Vl rTf ,V E AfWwl it i iwommended bv the an action on the policy by the insurer purveyor of tne lintisn army, ma,,, , .1 at. noiaer ior The Scottish Timber and Land Company, Limited. The Citizen has before had nauch to say of the above firm and their extensive en terprise. Their headquarteaare establish ed Newport, Cocke county, Tenn. They rarchased a very boundary of the . finest ands in Madison and Haywood counties, securing an immense quantity of the finest timbers in the world, and toe lands are not surpassed anywhere,. The company have erected at Newport the finest lumber mills in the State, if not in the1 South, to which point they float logs aid prepare tne timber tor marKet, snipping to JNew what his actual loss was, and only for j York, Boston and England, In addition to their lumber interests, tne company are tt. ! nti h in'.r th'ir Innna i :X fl p.lpnrfri. nnrl , , , i nfmr Tins ( n m m imw ii in i hi --. - -l I" r rench, , i have crone extensivelv into the culture of Latin Tm mTl tTu i ? J tobacco and other crops, introducing a Smithprn Kurone. use it larsrelv w th 1U U-1HUU UJ t" good class of lalxrers and tenants tor this p1 M a snbtitnte for meats. Tn the a .certal.n amount of insurance, refuse, purpose. They not only are cultivating m m uennan servants. , --Tir, JnA f ii jmvSr ff hH ' X, In Germany a servant has one Sun day out every two weeks. There is an understood hour for her to romt home and if she stays out later she loses her next Sunday holiday. Her pay is never more than $20 a year, and in some families is only $12. When there is a dispute between mis tress and maid, it is settled bv the police. But one servant is usually kept, and the work is hard., but the washing is done outside, and pies cakes, bread, etc., are bought. per cent, of nutriment as well as all the other Knst Fay. Getting into debt in Mexico is a serious business. If a debtor is unable to Dav on ct-icix uf ";T.: t Trz when the property is burned, to pay the tobacco largelv on their own lands, but the day his debt is due he is arrested and t iiuuiiri ! rm ifiniiw 11 11 1.11 111 iii iiimi s m. & v . w & . - a. . . h " i ;yr:i: .C 1" full amount insured, claiming that are errpourafinncr its cultivation bv the far- chained to a post for five days. Then an regular ration, and even m far Siberia L ' rrujA mers of Cocke county, and this year the officer looks at him to see if his punish- it appears as part of every hunter s sup- n , , , i , 1 " A . Ii f crops are of sufficient importaice to iusti- nient has enabled him to pay his debt nlies Its use as food in Germany and ,llco V Vt ' iJ j -l I Tr v y the company m the ciectiea of a mom- Pn- iu! L 11 rrl compels the companies to do what they math ov for th m rmgianu p.u.y Paid for doing- f the opMhe first sale to take place ok fJ On the -other hand the insurance the 13th o?6ctober, and to continue- every demand for the Oil trom every quarter , . , . , . , Tufisdav therpaftpr. Messrs. Arthur nnd where it has been introduced. I K ' , . , , u , , McCallum, representing the company, and The American public, whose squea- """" "7 ..i i backel by large capital, are enterprising, i '. x.-j. - xj. " UKJii lU UUliUU msurauix uy ucoeiuui n-ahpiri men. of sn pid n i 8? -3 03 DO i- .c " ffnJ i men 10 ODiaia insurance uv ucuciixui fra-nhead men. of tenlendM liiis nes mm - IIHhll lastt; liiiu- uuniuw vmcuushc iii I , i ii i o ,rT T . . . i "hiKri" came or beef and pork tainted BF'ui "T? : . 7, "7,7 uauu8auum Fua4 me iuu r"IA 1 1Tl fuQ Ti-rTMvfv nH AhfrnniTitr fliA full tprnrisps for all thpv arc woi-th urpatlv to .. L - i . I L' llLi Lfl W kJKs A. U 1 U11U UWliiill m I t ' ' ' ' ' ' " - 7 " " ' omnnnf nsnrJ TViav anv t.Upv Pan. the benefit of the wholi section. Weal- and wish the company jfreat and contin- Of course it hasn't, and so the debtor's labor is sold to the government for forty cents a day until the obligation is dis charged. The government sends him with a gang of felons to a silver mine, and he does not see the light again until the debt is discharged. Shotgun and Pistol in Virginia. 1 ;ti 1 I Mxv4- 1 ItMnmAAn . .-i r. UfntA whAM PIT Art ,1 .rk.l.iA. J T UMN UU ULUM11CBB 111 a kJLtLC auvu ilJlU. W 11U1CBUII1C til blVi-tC Ul iUUU. i.V 15 r i . -il rfindilv lwncrht as an annlfprant of lard a iaw. prevaiw, auu cc itiiuxaixig UQU3 8UCces8. Asheville Citizen and butterine. It masauerades on our agencies, cancelling their policies and live oil. Bakers who winning up ousmess m mew namp- use it generally conceal the f act, al- though three pounds of the il will mon " sins TiTi Lynchburo, Va., Sept 28. o.,l,r 4-1.0, lo lJ 1 uiay ue me svate or ine law, nic comiw 0,1,. n7-., AAnrifo arterial frftm Ahinir. ouuuiy viit" unite ui j vi ui uuunua vjl iaiu I . . , i i v.-... j V - . . x 'I mae nrIl fin1 enma nlnn Tnr fnn Tl n lllTlCf I t i l. j. t j rt r nr 1 and produce tetter results at consider- r, , ; r ,f T a?n uai uue LIU 11 HOHlVOkJ lllLUVIiiu v.av I CAllLWI VI iUC JAIHIIH liC I , VUIU11IV1J- wealth s Attorney for W ashington county, while about to enter the Colonade Hotel . Fair Warning. The Concord Times say the new postal law which goes into effect on and after Wednesday, July 1st, makes taking of a newspaper and the refusal to pay for the same, theft ; and any person guilty of such action is liable to criminal proceedings, the same as if guilty of stealing goods to the amount of the subscription. The post master or the letter carrier can testify in all such cases. I A horticultural authority savs "there j O A TTT? A TTft re 1,600 kind of pears," ft is the green 1 --tlO oic x,wv JWlliU UI Dears . It id tn (rrnan pw, wiuup, mai is tne aoctors' lavorite. This is one of the thinos that not alter. A Bargain- in farm lands, with dwell ing and out-houses. Becker & McCub bins. j v fl 8ple3Jpid Fa&m for Sale. -Terms rea sonable good neighborhood splendid tobacco lan ds. Br i- x er & McCvbbins. Vajluabwb Mikkral Land for sale on easy terms. Bruker & McCubbins. Splendid Water Power for sale. Pow er enough to run several factories. Bruner McCubbins. DEBILITY IN ADULTS IS oft caused by worms. The chance from child io inmiuooa is not sufficient to rid the system ot this; awfnl plague. SiirinerV Indian ermiliige wilt expel them and restore health and a bright complexion. IIS ITT 7Zi:7.i :-o-: PftrtlcnUr anpntloe paM to frcom? and Indoor ' aeooratlve minting-, in oil, wax or watpr-colors.-Will make buls on Cburcbes, pabllc buildings and Srlvate resltlences. Work eu.irantecd. KefereLcei. desired. Post fflce address rv HARDJ rS ably less cost. Our people are willing to u?e the high grade fancy soaps made from cotton seed oil, but they will not, save in rare instances, install it into their kitchens as a part of the daily food supply. This prejudice, it may be observed, is gradually becoming dislodg ed trom the public mind. The market T"or the oir is steadily widening, and as it? good qualities become better known the supply, which is necessarily limited, risks which thev claim they will be subjected to under the new law. Char. Democart. at for a fertilizer house, riding on the Car- must fall below the demand, and the ohna Central Railroad, went into the mills of the South, which now complain sleeping car without paymg the extra overproduction, will then find eon- tare, ana was sent iorwara oy ine con- stant and remunerative occupation. uucior into uw rcguxa Throughout, the South, wherever cot- It was divided into two parts, one di- ton is raised, there has been displayed vision being the smoking car, and the within the past few years an almost smoke coming through the open door feverish hate to build mills for manu- offended the nostrils and racked the facturing oil from the seed. Statistics nerves of this f aidious dmmmer to the Rnnwi amount of $10,000. At least this is tne inn rii if. i ii .11 ii u ii i ii' mim i i . 11 m. x ' . . T 1 Ail !! show that! tl has increased fn 1 JA iwk--1L;no;. toon moM orJi Am. flv five miles to get around a guano 4.v.nt. Le iuli a ;iio i QQK ;0 m warehouse, it is a little remarkable that oiKr the odor of burnt tobacco. Even when occupy that position in the national nijxed with garlic and whisky it smells tJL- r. ; k letter than sruano. If Mr. Holmes had iiiiiiiiiki ii i i -t kill fill v i i ii i ii .i i rn iiii iii 1 1 j crnlfino rt Tvrlnf Inn nnrl jiTif.irmnf (h I been SUlIlg Strong Men Say No! The ablest and most trustworthy De mocratic leaders in the Senate voted against the Blair Pedagogic bill, with the exception of tiarland ana uunar wnose nosition was a surprise to us. Beck, Bay ard, Butler, Coke, Harris, Morgan, Pend leton, Gorman, Voorhees and others of ' - A -.1 .1 the strong men say no 10 xnis uangerous bill that will make the South a pensioner into court. Some time ago a drummer drew his pistol and fired three shots at a upon Federal bounty and will violate ' Considering that a Buzzard V yesterday, about 4 p. m., was fired upon oy Dr. William White, Independent can didate for State Senator, who had been secreted in a store room nearly opposite the hotel. White stepped out of the door i i , i i . l i r i a . Say what you please, the railroads faJ 1 11? , I 1UUUCU Willi UUIH OHUl, CV .11 'i, lave pretty hard times when they get face forem0st,but recovering on his knees, vouncr relative of White's, who was on the opposite side of the street behind a tree. White in the mean time had step ped inside the store, and hearing firing, came out again, and tired the second bar rel at Ward, who fell. White he was lying on the around, two of White's relatives, one of whom Ward had already shot at, and whom he thought had shot at him, walked up and fired seven shots at him (Ward) all of which took efiect. Judge Ward is now in a very critical condition, and it is thought he can't live. Dr. White UNITYHIGH. An English and Classical School for boys ana giru, located at Woodleaf, 11 miles west of Salisbury. Students prepared for business or college. Desireable board ai reasonable rates. Students desiring to studv music will be under the instruction of an experienced mcuer, jurs. n. w . isojd. lerm opens the BBth ot Sentcmber. 1885 and continues nine months. Ail dress G. B. WETMORE, Jr., Principal. Woodleaf. N. C. ou:eow-toi4w INTERNAL REVENUE OP STILIi, &c. On Saturday, the 10th day of Octobers looo, mere win De sold to the highest bid der. at the Court Hnnec drrr 5n AaKaKmJ ' j - - wa m k loif UI J one feixty i.ailon Still, (;ap and Worm td match ; seued trom J. Calvin Fraley and Jacob Fraley. Morean Townshin. Rowai County, N. C, and adjudged to be forfeit-f ed to the use of the-tnited States. T. II. VANDERFORD, Deputy Collector. Sept. 21st, 1885 3w In France there is hardly any growth NOFtll C afolilia. , 1 . 1 1. , V. 1 J OI popuiiinoii: aiiu. iiiu r i cinu, su joi from appreciating this condition, are doinsr their best to alter it. They in fact nut a 4 'bounty' ' on large families by caus . 1 " 1 1 . l - -3 1 ing seventh children to De supported Dy the State. re; & " If' I ' t 1 WHEN YOU WANT3 HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES - Call on the undersigned at NO. 3, Granite Row. D. A. ATWELL. Agent for the C ard wellThresher," A. TadJun Mineral Springs Academy, P A LWl ERS VI LLE, ' i ' Co.) N. C. C. H. MARTIN. PkIxcipal, Oraduate of Wake Forest College, and also at tne University of Virginia. W iciTMK, $5 to per sesalon ot 5 months. The only school In Ihta B-ctloB that teacht'Sfj tne university oi a. metnoaa. lg-orous ex tensive, thorough. The cheapest school tn the: U.S. where these world-renowed methods are taught. Good board only $6 ptr month. 27 ly Address, c U. M aktin, Trln. SEND YOUR WOOL TO THE both spirit and letter of the Constitution. Salisbury Woolen Mills Bounty on th9 Seventh. I mom ho ciiAfi fr nnd a I nnd hia two relatives have been arresiea ie number ot these mills "7 T T I i- "5 KoSIaH hv the mim of 000 each from forty in the year jury -at Charlotte Wje Jjj him JJL m i sr. Th ennitnl of $47o. Considering that a buzzard will . hn, n JT f ftlrther vToienc is entertained. Even when The Tailed Ken of Paraguay. From the Pall Mall Gazette. If the Ensavo Medico of Caracas, r i. i- - t-i.i i it tne n.nsayo iuetuen - 0- , - imirnal unearthed dv tne iarcet, may ie :r association or muiviuuai, pi ved the seeming im bv students of hvsrenic scifence, these or any oiner asaocmwuit ui muiwuua., rbelievcd the seeming impossibility ot a Southern manufacturers will rank as anything else. than a raiiroac ,ne wouiu tailed man need no longer prove a . stum have Deen laugneu out. ui court. Statesville Landmark. THE 6REAT EXTERNAL REMEDY I ZtZ KLUTTZ'S liCCO LIIIEIT siimmatirm. unfortunately its present wholesale use as an adulterant inter poses a formidable ohstacle. FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEW mm, SPRAIN St BRUISES, PAINS, ACHES, &GK Combining the wonderfui-ruratlvo virtues ot To lft. H Jtn other approved rubefacients, making orvelou8 compound ior the relief of humaa suf terifig ty RELIEF GUARANTEED. Tokay Vineyard. At this beautiful place of our Con gressman, Wharton J. Green, all is life. Men. women and children are bling block to the faith of would be evo lutionists. In the last issue to hand of this print the following paragraph occurs: "There has just been an interesting dis covery in Paraguay of a tribe of Indians furnished with tails. One day a number of workmen belonging to Tacura Tayu were engaged in cutting grass, when their mules were attacked by Guayacugan In dians, and some of them killed. The Raleigh hopes to see a great many peo nle at the State fair next mounth. There is reason for believing that it will be real ly the best exhibition made within recent vears. Most of the departments will be nnusallv full and certain features which have been sriven special attention should and doubtless will attract lovers of what AYllfnt in erreat numbers. The lair is not onlv an exhibition of our progress, - . 1 J 1 A however, it should be rememoereu, uuv an onnortunitv for social reunions and as such it is as valuable perhaps as in any other respect. Everybody who comes to ; will hnt.h henefiteh and pleased. Let everybody therefore who can do so come. iVcu'8--Observer. A little sulnhate of notassa added to preserves prevents fermentation. gathering grapes ready for the press, workmen pursued them, and succeeded Wine making is now the order of the in capturing a little hoy of 8 years of age. ! Sn ,1 r j TTa was taken to Senor Francisco Golro- A Bad Practice. It is little use to remonstrate with I . .a ..iJ I Afl nlflT 11 M17I IIIIIT I IIUV ! I - I HWUrewu I ... , ip - - - I iTa nro a the habit of following their own sweet aay. ine yieia wis jyj D choe at Posedas, and it was then discover I ....... . - Aofimnrrv OT rAflV I ' - mi wills: but nevertheless strained lo tell them that it is a very lad practice He is a strongman who can down his opinion. Emerson. hold au the bottom crust of fruit pies with white of egg, and they will not be soggy Awful floods, covering an era of 3,- nrm ennpr milps in nritish India, have dreds of casks of old wine are strung tribe have tails. ' lliere are cieany no man Uveg and yast quant,. uuuut luesc itviin, uuu . i . . ,r , we are con- any previous year estimated at lour , . t h h d ft t n 10 in hes lon The . - - . . y I T 11 ' . . I . w in tne wine- gyg tnat he has a brother who has a 'J It .1 iJ n 1 1 1, . 1 . .1 "i a.; .ill tli i' . i i c i noiis inp mwer nuoi . ui ociiai , a uu- i Tan as umtr u ui aim v....v .... rr i 1 1 o m no rr i . ' - - - . .. .. . . . - tn t . - . t I nrPI S fT Ui U1U sencline ioriii ior umiusi mmmug . . y i , nmti rAnni half meiisuies i . .s. . .'i ill iiiii . ill . v niiu ui v- . ..-.' - - " home them 10 inches long there ties ot property. n v no nhnvn a Ki.no ot I vror 1 , .j, , f ,1 hnvuntshave tnei uier wa. ... ' 1- " 1IUto oast? are fi led WltU tne neWlV irr - v iTrfli f ttflTU irfinv WAni?DllTI -Ad .1 1 .T, I ou nviwf mm ... 1 . I 13 HO saying wuaiumv uetueivug v UOAVU to v.e2B uiieuu. w ... -t' ."- 1 avl1wcoa ineA of the erraoe unaersoiniz ..r au mnn ArVl -kjJv -w- O C I tUC lull UI 1UU 15 v " merchant !er no loncer. Be hunibuirged with quack wt-ulH no longer. Tobacco is Nature's lireat Mffledr. It lias been used in a crude wtiv Iroiu the dtysot Sir Walter Ralelgb down, anl has work auu.y a marvelous cure, and saved many a valu Melife. lathe "Tobuceo Liniment" its virtues n scientifically extracted, corniblued with other Uwble medical agents, and confidently offered to tt public.'' not a;- ;i cure-all but as a safe. ixvverful Mtffecuye Extenial aemedy, applicable wher tliere is pain to be relieved. In large bottles at only 25 cents. For Itbjall Druirists. - Ask . for it. and in- Ustupon bavin" it. Don't be put off with orthlesa substitutes. Try it and you will thankful for having had it brought to Jour attention. THEO. k KLUTTZ & CO., Wholesale DrugKlfctP, Proprleu)rs, SOtSQiQ j i; a:jsbuky. N. C. SOUTH RIVER ACADEMY. South Sivsr, Eowan County, 17. C. groods anb to live when they buy their ferFmentaon. The crop of in Baltimore, Philadelphia and Concord, etc. was not as cooc Xew York 7 fetatesville merchants anA innA nf shinninar th keep goods which hi quality and style verted into wine. Tokay is a magnifi- should satisly me desires oi piaies- cent place. An uninterruptea sea or ville women, and even if articles vines not only gives beauty to the place, shown ib the numerous catalogues hot makes the very air at this season which crowd the mails appear to be a redolent with the delightful perfume of little cheaper than the same articles the fruit. tayetteville vts. can be bought r here (and alter pos tage, exprcssage, fec., are paid it is doubtful if they are really cheaper), It would Gloves are not worn so soiled this Iii.-- itil1M)l. I 1 1 A I A 1. isttuciia, i nave aaaeti 10 me mteresL ui mi reason as they were last, anu inere ia I as usual, tion if we had been further told how the Q revcrt(o French kid, ev were con- tails are worn-wiiether prouaij aio t - ... , I K1, xt n r.nllfv fir in T lift (lOWncabl I 511 tfl U ClUliac v.i-v. v.. to I JlkCAl, VA . v-w.v j v. ... I manner oi a cow. Giving Narcotics. it is still better to buy the goods here a man was lately tried in England and let the home merchant get his for giving a five-weeks-old child four profit out of t hem. If some things drops of laudanum, thereby causing its Enterprise in the West- We were rather surprised to learn the other day, of the extensive wool business hv ftwvnl Haroer & o., at Patter- son factory. They receive wool irom au sections of the east and west Asheville, Shelby, Wilson, Gastonia, Bndgewater, Wilmintrton. Chester. Norfolk and other " CJ 7 T the shades of fawn so popular now the former look well. No game bird of any country has a wider range than the wild turkey. Tu native ranee is from the Atlantic (A th Rockv Mountains, from the forty-third parallel of north latitude to Central America. Rowan County. In Superior Court. CIVIL ACTION FOR DIVORCE. Joseph G. Hoftner, Plaintiff, AgainU Laura B. lloffner, Defendant. To Laura B. Hoffiier lion-resident : You are hereby notified, that the plain tiff above named has commenced a civil action against you for divorce, and has caused a summons to be issued, returnable on the eleventh Monday after the first Mon4 day in beptember, lsbo, before the Judge of said Court, when and whore you are re-- quired to appear and answer or denlar to: the complaint. - - Dated this the oth of beptembcr, ldso. J. M. HO UAH, C. S. C. Craige & Clement, Attys. 4T:6w COME QUICK! DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS! I J. S. McCUBBINS has just returned from the Nor: L era cities witn tne LARGEST & BEST SELECTED Stock of Goods that he has ever offered tq the public; consisting of Dry Goods, Gro ccries, Hats, Boots and Shoes. Sore Leather Crockerv and Queens-ware, Clothing, Pro vitsion. Wood and Willow ware, &c. Also a full line ot FERTILIZERS of the very best brands, viz: BAKER'S Well Tried FOR WHEAr MERRVMAN'8 A. D. Bone " WALKER'S Ground Bone " l ) NATURAL Guano jiist from ' Ore hd 15, and supposed the only Natural Guino the market. Go anl get Testimonials and if yo 1 want to save money, don't forget to call on hiit before buying either Goocia or jpeni izers ibbiu'r iipr. i- mot. j THIS NEW FACTORY 1 is now in operation, and facilities for man ufacturing Woolen Goods suctras have not er before been offered to our people, aic within the reach ot the entire Wool grow ing community. j We manufacture JEANS, CASSIMERS, FLANNELS, LISSEYS, BLANKET, YARNS, ROLLS, &o. Soliciting a liberal patronage of our pebx pie, weare-pespict fully, Salisbury Woolen MiiXJI. 1 . "Office at old Express Office. May 28th, 1885. 32tf .HOPKINS 18 !?OW AT THE Corner of Kerr & Lee Streets, with a full line of DRY GOODS njd GROCERIES. Also keeps a Firt Class BOARDING HOUSE. Call and see biiD. 28:ply. ORGANIZED 18 I CAPITAL & ASSETS, 750.000. nnonts buowne. Pi est. vm. c. coABTi r; Secretary Twenty-sixth Annual Statement, .A good school loeati-d In a healthy vil lage, 8 miles fi'om Salisbury, Term com-. i0ces September 7th, 1885, and contin Qt nine mouths. All the English branches (including Algebra) taught thor wglilyw Latiu and Greek optional. Good boaul in private families at low 'ate. Tuition moderate, and giaded ac cording to studies pursued. Best fur- uUed schooj-huildiiig in the county. For paticulars address, L J. M. HILL. Principal. 8ept. 2,1888.-3iu Gov. Scales has appointed James W. State Senator for the Cherokee laudanum, tuereuj u-fuig , Carolina and Y.v "nV '"" t tk- Knnrd of direct- r ii , -i mi.,, nvntntnotinn ixt w ri csshs itiinLiiu, v K..t c f.. u-iiUm nnnnot 1G toll tut Here, aeaill. xuc cmuuiu...v.. - r . r I tr: :: i,!i, 1,- Cnin anil woave into n . cjj.i.- r ;v,orr ttio Hrtn MaaSM wMl order them sHowcd-that ft. ides o J1 d shares. Mr. J.nnamn.l Faucette, the agent-of the C. & L. R. R., ,rice and still get Ins little prott. It JT TJTlbf tu nf lauda- tells ns that a train scarcely ever comes up without having a lot of wool invoiced ortmriin5r comoanv. Lenoir . . . -.to afro' u I il ill in iiiv .u tt J x not be a tlry goods house in U . fth week A physician tes- Topic. hever SOlU( soon Statesville. Men do not do this thing 1 , . t soothine syrups were -men of anv tliouebttulness. 1 "e LAn,nAcej nninm. aaid fatal results husbands, fathers, brothers, of tkee 0ften attend their use. He thought ladies know that they must get their they were unsafe at any age under one living in Statesville, not in New York year, and that even homcepathic pre- ur Philadelphia; and hence they buy parations were unsafe for infants. at .home and try to tieip noine ioiks along. Whenever all the men do- iiior I tuft! nMM ill n towu adopt the Little Ehody. SALE OF LAND! Bt Tlrtueof a decree ! of the Superior Court of Rowan Couutv. in the i:sa uf L Sifford. Gu "'o yourt iiouse door, in Salisburv du Monday the 5th day of October, 1885, a "act ot land adjoining the lands of - Morris, Leah C. Bern hart And others lie "tNo. 4in the division of the lands w Chas. Miller, dee'd. containing 54i acres. ...1Ui,uc.imru casi one-timd m six i a one-third in twehe months, with bond interest from date of sale at eight per Tfift thejleferred navnients. Ui vi - i OI TTs nr t practice of seudintr elsewhere tor ev- Rhode Island still ... .!.;.. .10a thav mav nrpiiare I move out very soon, for that town ber of inhabitants to the scjuare mile will not afford them a living long.- shown hy tje new f nsus ring 2 as Thrh azainst 240 for Massachusetts, wh ch "Told a Lb with Bis Pingsr." A little boyj for a trick pointed his fin ger to the wrong road when a man asked him which way the doctor went. As a result the man missed the doctor, and his little boy died because the doctor came too late to take a fish bone from his throat At the funeral the minister said w tA little bov was killed with a lie has the densest which another boy told with his finger. T mn.cA that hftY (11(1 UUl RUUW tuc A jelly fish stranded at Leyianu iwrte, I will sail at nuhlic an'ntionJ weighed over two tous, and at night vave out a liirhvstitucieiit to read by. In ten days it liad evaporated so that it weighed only two pounds. Some ingenious soul finds that the discolored brown sjiots on tobacco leaves are caused by sho'wers.' The Uiir dniits left act as leuses when the o 1 01UI comes out, a enough toAjiirn has ranked second in the list since the foundation of the Union, ine popu lation of Rhode Island is now 304,410, an increase of 25,SS3 in nve years. i Five out of the twenty-one rresi- dents of the United owaes were GV.-Trish lmeaee JacKson, roiK, n..nWon',n .Tnhnson and Arthur ; two JJUVUOlluu, " n m t tt-rtfnbftrnnt and Haves; one of UI. " " t " m Welsh,- Of course, nobody thinks" he meant to kill a little boy when he .inioA iHa wroncr wav. He only wanted to have a litUe fun. "Ut it was fun that cost somebody a grea ueai; anu u uc ever heard the result of it , he mttst have felt guiltv of doing a mean and wicked thing. We ought never to tnfle with the truth. Children's Friend. The Secretary of the Treasury has re ceived a conscience contribution of $lo2 in an envelope post-marked New ork. iii, . 1T fiorr xrir( Hon ors OI lUe OLULC i CUltcuuai;, ' " J. L. Robinson, resigned. Recent investigations have brought Kirltt several remarkable deep sea fishes living in depths of upwards of a mile. These dpep sea fishes fre quently provided with eyes at differ ent parts of their bodies for exam ple along the sides and back as well in ibp head : and such eyes also produce light, acting the part of bull s eye lanters. When In The Wrong Channel. rr-u irronks rrievous iniurv. Head- ache constipation, pain in the liver and stomach, jaundice nausea ensue A few looses of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters will reform these evils and prevent further in iurv It is a pleasant aperient, its action iinon the bowels being unaccompanied by The liver is both regulated and stimulated by it, and as it is very impolitic to disregard disorder of that organ, which through neglect may culminate in danger otis congestion and hepatic abscess, the Bitters should be resorted to at an early eta"e Failure to do this renders a contest .Si. ".h maladv more protracted. Fever '""" r r.!j j ui-j-i... Sale of Land! By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Rowan County, in the case o W F Lackey, Administrator of It. J. bloan .,inct II CI Sloan and others, I will fell h rLurt Huuse door in Salisbury on Monday, the .r.th day of O. tobcr 18S5, public auctiou,"a tract of land adjoining the lands of J. L. Cowan, James Fearsof, the John Graham lands and otlurs; conj tainin? 48 acres. Biddings to open o 19 Torma one-third cash, one-thirU Ts, J. . ...., in six months and onc imni ju i months with interest on the ferreg j payment, from day of sale at tne rie 01 o ncr ceni per annum JAXUART I, 1SS5. LIABILITIES. Casta Capttal L'nadi'Wed lAjKHtn ' Reserve (or Kc-luaurancc and all oiuer 1 K2 w 1 . $300,00 0 ... 24,00 M Uabtllttea, Xct SarpUiN SCHEDULE OF ASSETS: Casta In Rational Bauk t -04 w Cit'ili tn liand cl Agents .......11 Mt i 855,ei 11 t: ii..- 1 j Sept. 4th, 1885. W. F. LA.CKEi, A.dn r. j 47. . .ops are remedied by this tine medicine, The President has, through the Secre- the i,,creasing lmttrmities 01 ae mui- iKa ' rpflviirv. nsKtu 1 mi. -v. . . ,. r mav oe aiso uw m k 1 v - - mf T . I II LL I T - fT . m- . - 1 - 1 .rt KFAT . . a a. mrxV t hA I rrSAUrV. il-fva x v. 1 ..rtH tt 1 L Tffftraon. and one of Dutch 1 11 to take the office of Superinten-1. ..'e wifh ndrant-et as it hastens l,"a; l,;,t ! VBun the gaining tweWe ba-g S 5 of fte - Cefc j the the leaves. ! oi Engbsn descent. - , - of vior. A rad. cal Cure for' HERVOU8 Omnic Weakness, PHYSICAL InYOun , Middle I en. m. I Testeo fob over a YEARS CV USE If MANY T HOUSAND UASfcg. K TRIAL v PACKAOS One Month. - O0 lfnvL.a. 7.00 OMAKIOWEAKWKfa i I .i iii.llilM r - i? Fflin the killed ; youthful ludiicrrtioji. loo free indulgence. ..- orer brain work. Arofa IticM rcmeOii ior thf troobtea- V f ICirrt.:r erxl Tml rac t.rJ lcrn uortMt ficXA befef Ukinrt-et- SURE HEX CUBED thoutandi, net intertbrt with ttfn- tion to OH'' "Sf" pin or incsS'tiSlS r&ntific medic ljpnei- neeiae tnraeacc i jet The eaiawt'wt. elemctt men the p! ien t become i imieMi United States UeK'l'i,or,?d fi"l8 SUUani Maatelyal booUrt National B-nk Stf k -..T... CoU-"nManufACtudng ftoc:s ntitfr lx;al Hto'ks Real fout (uniDutnbewl city property)- ".t 1 Loans, secui ed by first mortgages. . .... 60,4l S $ l,fe fS 179 90 I14,7i 00 39,170 00 . S741.380 38 Total Assets, J. ALLKX BROWN, Agt. ilartmo, 15. n j Salisbury, N. C. SOMETHING- NEW J T LAMP fIHMN'EY33 f tbat will not break by heat, lor sale; at ENNlSfij. DIAMOND DYES ALL rnlors yon wish at ENNISS'; DOXT FOltGET to call all kinds at for Sedi of ENNISSf, ted rer wen tnm pet lent ueeoraei eprrr TO THE LADIES: Call and sec the Flower Pott at ENNISS. a 1 rusa. CONVULSION. FITS, cct. are freqotot h caused by an army of worms gnaw tnr o'nauing. gnawing nipht nnd day atin the vitals aav. Bhriajt wttlH Vumi- fn'-e is sale ana cneay umru,-. --is IB m i A I- - : J m - i'l- him' r. I ft m ;1 t

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