- ' ;j J ; , . Tho Carolina WatpVimn i, N. C, OCTOBER 15, 1886. JYX. III I "-1J VJUXjJLJUkJ V , i? I - HO. 52. T Ai 11 1 - : ! ' -l-UJt- - is i t . l.r . ' lj ! Allen G. Thurman, Ohio's Great Ez- s 0 0 G H IP D SB D .8 o o c o f s g I r on o 5 .2 fa H 0 CD I B P IT -a X 'J pr 5 3. O 73 H I Q h3 CO w o i H ffl i i P h3 55 2 o td o if jaS to en p f a P A O a p a 3 p - o o o BP, p -f B K if If o "1 3 o 1 , ft S p 3 !jh J. 5" o n b to p 8 3 9B 3 5 3 en fid i pa O b s D ft Senator. Takes a Hand in the Ohio Election Campaign, and Talks Like a Pa triot He Defends the South, and Hurls Sherman's Base Insinuations back into his Teeth. Toledo, O., Oct. 6. Ex-Senator Alien G. Thurmau made a speech here tonight, and gave a great nor tion of Ui.s time in reply to recent speeches of Senator Sherman. Judge Thurman, at the beginuiojr of his speech, said the Mouut GUead speech of Senator Sherman made at the open ing of the campaign, was an indict ment of the South and a revival of the charges of crime and ' outrages made in years gone by. He quoted Spi words of President Garfield in opposition "to a revival of sectional hatred. The fast Presidential cam paign was opened by Republican candidates on the tariff as the chief issue, but before the campaign closed this was decapitated and the "bloody shirl" raised as the banner of certain Republican victory, but when the votes were counted the banner was found to be trailing in the dust. Par- ticuiar stress was laid upon the sen timents of Gen. Grant, that the pas sions of the war were at an end, and hmiazcment was expressed that a man speaking over his tomb should be so audacious as to say there is no recon ciliation, that rebellion is not at an cud; that the only effective way toUced upon their minds by these false THE GREAT EXTERNAL REMEDY! KLUTTZ'S in FOR . ..i.j n i i l iji I I I I I w mi mi, nuLum n l a m . ui ui. mow nHI h I it X H K a I lu H MUX hX ' w r 1 1 1 1 t j j v i e v v w j PAINS, ACHES, &C. mumd? tho wonrtorful duratlvo virtues of To- v, i. ii.il uvuri yunnt'ii rum larifiii!. iuhkiuk wiwus compound ror tae roller or Human sui- WRELIEF GUARANTEED. f-Z Wits action is wonderful. WW nO lODPPr Hp hllmltllfrrtorl wtH nnnrV . oil nailer it.iu- trn i nu n nnfl w.irlr. . . uim ' 1 1 p 1 1 7 ire i 1 1 1 i i'i ii I rti -j n A' a rii. Mb ' - t ""111 1 L . u ' uxirocii'n. inm imm with nt nor nsenis, ana couimentlr offered to K. DOl as a ifiri-iill Hi.r .u cnt. mSu hUlge bftttlcg at onlv 25 Rents. For If. .1 I P1IH,, I.. . 1 X ' A J ? -r imvin" u. uon t be nut orf with M88 SUbstitutea Trn thuilrf..! -tLA'ii. .5 ... J 1 ",UI Jiavinir hatl it tirnno-nt tn itfn.,1 : .. !! w ti THEO. P. KLUTTZ & CO., ne&ile Druists, Proprietors, ). Sausbcbt, N. C. SOUTH RIVER ACADEMY PI Sowan County, IT. C. ilfflPP locateil in a health v Vil n mil r . . - - etu 1 r irVra lwlHiiy. Term enm iJ 1885, and cou tin - HUM; 52? Oncluding AlKebhv) tanfflit tffor SSX M l"ivate families at low that feeds or clothes the negro in that State is within hi reach to a degree, that he never knew before now. Once more, I put it to you: Could this be the case if South Carolina is in the lawless condition that the radical speakers represent it to be. Not much, fellow citizens. This con tinued stream of prosperity under Democratic role proves that the rule is beneficent, and the qaiet that pre vails in that State proves that the people of all classes there are conten ted under their government. Judge Thurman denies the assumption of Senator Sherman that all the colored votes in the South are Republicans, would vote that ticket if not terror ized. He said: "If it were true, it would be a serious question whether a peop&o servile and cowardly are nt to exercise the elective franchise. But ior one, I do not believe that they are so, utterly debased. I be lieve that, having a good reason for not voting the Republican ticket, they abstain from doing so in great numbers, or vote the Democratic ticket. I kuow very well that under the manipulation of the freedmens' bureau soon after the war, the color ed people of the South were to a great extent drawn . into the Republican (so called) Union League, and were taught to believe that if the Demo cratic party succeed they would be once more reduced to slavery. I do not deny that a great effect was produ- A Boy Should have a Trade. Hbat abot UNITY HI&H. A Great Political Gstiering. New York Rnn. I What about the hnv vKn An f . ... UU ;a :i An Enffhh and Classical School for hov ihiyc 11 w " ilil a 1,1 ouc ur ucuioniuii r I i , , . .... .. r " j md vou. the ant iHRne.1 " wooaieaU mite. "11112 tl, .-"''"vnuu giauni for iati.,i. , ,u luJ county. feK.2.ij.-i,2'-1"LL' pi":ia, iSE 0F LAND ! ' of Hn..jJlccrco of t,,c Soperir suppress it is to again send the ''Roys ii Riue to the oouth. Qiiotinsr rom Senator Sherman's speech the speaker-said; .Now, it is impossible, as it seems to me. to misunderstand these utterances. They are either vain and empty declarations, or dis- ;usting bravado, such as no man of he ability of Senator Sherman or one occupying his high station could in dulge in without disgrace; or they are his real sentiments, and mean. when thoroughly analyzed, that if the Republican party cannot obtain tower in any other way, it shall ob ain and hold it by the sword. I Uiow that such an idea, it you do not reflect upon it, is calculated to excite your derision. Rut stoi and reflect. If the great State of Ohio can be carried by such appeal to passion and prejudice as Sherman is making; if his weapons shall be suihcient to thrust from office the man whom two years ago, you elected; if they shall hew the way to the fifth term in the Senate for their author. they will become the creed of the Republican party in '88, and the doctrine of hate will be strongly ii not permanently established in the land." . '. Judge Thurman said the issue rais ed by Sherman is a dangerous one to the business and prosperity ot the American people, aud the effort to blow into a name the dying embers of civil strife should be frowned down by all loyal people. The speaker next proceeded to an swer the arguments of Sherman con cerning the grievous condition of the colored race in the South, claiming that they were now iu the enjoyment of greater prosperity and greater civil rights than were ever enjoyed on this elode by an equal number of their raoe. He dated the -urosueritv of - - a .- m m thafc section from 1875. when the Democrats came into control, and radical rule and carpet bag govern ments were-closed. At the end of ten years it can be safeljr affirmed that there is not an industry iu the South but which fe more prosperous than it ever was in that region be fore, until now they have, in many lines f manufacture, become the ri vals of mills of the Eastern States. The speaker sketched briefly many enterprises in the development of Hie Smith, the free schools for the color ed vouth. the contentment which ex ists among the colored people, and the fact that they have not migrated to anv of the old free bt ile. Al this, it was argued, proves that they were not discontented nor murdered 4ior deprived of their rights, as de picted by Senator blierman ana otner Renublican orators. The colored man oaoumI to nrpf'er livim? with the white men of the South, even JLhough thev be Democrats, to dwelling m thejtents of radicals, even though they be saiuts. It was argued that all thn i liincrs eon Id not be so if the s a vuw wmffm mirPfUM emit It were in a state of wretnhed now: which has been so of- .. . r fen asserted. Judge Thurman quoted at length from the tenth census of 1880, stntis- lie in nroof of the assertion winch he had made, the principal point be- inw that the colored people are in a ...nmiitv in but two of the southern preteuces, but we have good cause to believe that year by year these false impressions have growu weaker and the negroes have, to a great de gree, learned the truth. bn lying in , Cl.icg.m.nt for a2TKiJ -ZtSRSL E? 'V- H n years or more waa OmUxl off the -. . " j I. C t.o.. um .t other evening and placet on a table fah M J ht He fc desiri to M m ine miasior a select gatiienng ot of a tramp, fle may work in a Ier the instruction of an exerienced politicians. o sooner did the crank brickyard to-day, and in the harvest f Mrs. R. W. Boyd, begin to turn than a vefce from the Held tomorrow He does the drudge- JSSSt ItA phonograph shouted: j rj and gets the pay of the drudge. G. B. WETMOHE, JrM PriiSp.1. nave roooea inujeopie, piun- nis wages are so small that he hnds it Woodleaf. N C uerea tne i reasury. anu sougai uv l inipossibie to lay up a dollar, and a fort- l w:eew-ior4w everv nossible means to overthrow I night of illness will see him dead broke. our uystem ef govern meu !" I The other evening I saw a man drag-1 INTERNAL RE VENXJE rue politicians looked at one an- ju5 """"o weaniy aiong, ana carry other in a sad, sad wat, and the a J1,011 "T" crank ground out: r gg n lJ"r On Saturday, the 10th dat of October. deceived the p--le in every t7, a. uu uu ? J?f 1885 there " he aoldto the highest bid- SALE OF STILL, &r. . . ...w i' vi v ... I i.ff J j-! j 11 "... in. ofiv4 iu lilt IllvqcSI U1U" promise for the hist ftr years, and 1 m a dl88?r' Some times I work for der, at the Court House door in ftaliabury, betrayed every frmt --yiosed in it! Honest government Can convicted grayed every in it! W-"-. 2.23 iT LJL i i .1 i v.w kwu ti u w i fcvr euiiu i i ... w. vm. . a; imvcj anu incii iiii a i i -n.i unn i- vr m i ,, il. i . 7l i Y i I Jitrnh FnlAff Unman T,iu n.i.; - i i.b.u. mv I '.I ill 1 1 1 niivur n iu unii urn r(i i w.. M..r.Ku.a t Usui I. 1 1 1 1 n jn I thieves be trusted with the keys of Ty? alone Wm7 dent cmthes 3 lodged to be rfdt- the Treasury?" Su let al?n-e buvmg . ff"5 fTr"- ed to the use of the United 8tates. Teastartetl to the eyes of every va 'feft d Ch,ldren' n- VANDERPoDt x tars star in i to uic t es 01 every j u W18h for street car to run over Deoutv Collator . i . ... man in the room, and Keverul hp:ids I " Whv didn't vou learn a trade?" were bowed as the machine splutter- "Because nobody had interest enough ed away: precipitated a bloody to argue and reason with me. I might war wood anu treasure party ot have had a good trade and good wages, assassins hung for treasons solid J but here I am, working harder for $8 Sept. 2tst, 1885. 3w South -land of traitors saved this glorious republic !" Silently the politicians reached out and grasped another's hands, while their tears flowed some more, and the ends of their noses grew red. "The bloated 'bondholders," con- tinned the phonograph. "life blood of the people sapping the or $9 a week than many a man does to earn $18." And now, my boy, if men tell yon that the trades are crowded, and that so many carpenters, blacksmiths, and painters, and shoemakers, and other trades keen wasres down, nav no atten- tiff above named has commenced a civil tion to such talk. Compare the wages &cilon, aaiust ?r .divorce, and has r o,l J.L-r. Tut caU8ed summons to be issued, returnable North Carolina, Rowan County. la Superior Court. CIVIL ACTION FOR DIVORCfE. Joseph O. Hoffner, Plaintiff, I r . Again tt f Laura B. Hoffner, Defendant. To Laura B. Hoffner, Non-resident .--U You arc hereby notified, that the plain- C. A.. KRAUS, :h-: .. Partlenlar attention paid to f rpscolnp and tndarr decorative painting, In oil, wax or wter-r-lor Win auke olds on Cburclu, public buildings amd Ptvate realdeaoea. Work truaranu-cd. Iffrrrrtiin desired. Post office address, T HARDWARE. WHEN YOU WANT HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES Call on the undersigned at NO. 2. Granite Row. I. A. AT WELL. Agrent far tae ' CardwcllThresher. Salisbury, N. C, June 8th tf. v it foundations of liberty the uimrer the J . . day mBeptemter, 1885, before the Judc , - . ,i-i oegin witn a determination to learn it of said Court, when and where you are re on the eleventh Monday after the first Mon- The American Craze in London. Charleston News & Courier. I was surprised to find everywhere in London the American craze so prev alent. The Yankee is much more re spected in England than he may ira- magme, and by "Yankee the Jiing- ishman means all citizens of the Uni ted States, for he knows no antiquat ed distinction between the North and South. The Englishman shaved him self at home until the craze for the American barbar shop struck London, but now no Londoner is fashionable unless he patronizes the American barbers. Yet even now such a tonso- rial palace as may be seen in New York would astonish all London. The barbers' chairs here are little, cramped things, in which it is impos sible to stretch out at one s ease. American bars, too, are fashionable, alas! and mixed American drinks take the place of the Englishman's 'alf-aml- alf among the fashionables. American ice cream, American con fectionery, American restaurants, American trunks and satchels, Amer ican watches, clocks, cutlery and sew ing machines are sold in great quan tities all over London. Iu fact, there is scarcely an article of distinctly American manufacture that is not sold extensively in London not even excepting the American himself and v i a a 1 1 many a lankee thinks ne is siriaiug an English bargain when he pays five or six shillings for what he could have bought at home for a dollar. eqiia oi me wnite manoasi ues in thoroughly, and to become the best quired to appear and answer or demar to " "fc,'tl 5""" " workman in the shop. Don t be satis- "e coaipiaiut ; : r ii .1... I . . r . I ta . i 1.1.1.. . rasy jnrgury uauii can UIkmi me fied skin along trom one week to freemen of A meaica liberty or death other without being discharged, but coming campaign or uecoine slaves raake your services valuable by being such a thorough workman that your employer cannot afford to let you go. Yadkin Mineral Springs Academy, PALWIERSVILLE, -t i ) N.C. C. It. MARTINI'aiat'irAk, iGradaate ot Wake Fon-st College, and also at tne University of Virginia. W 1 i'itmn, 15 to $15 pot session ol 5 months. The only school In ihlsseeUon thai tea rhes ihe llnlversltv ot Va. methods. Vtoorotn ex- I tensive, thorough. The sheaprst- school in the tu. . wnere tnese wona-renowea meuioaa are t:iught. Jood Boattl only $6 per month. tt ly Address, v 11. Martin, Prln. Prte wittrt tl L .. 1 7S.1I o. .. 1. 13 . r r A ir r-" I'uunc auction ai louse rl .. . , theSHi Anr 1,1 caiisuwry on f lttuflV 7af ot wtobcr, 1885, a fctnfttong the lands of .So. 4 in Tn,:art an(l others tie- Pw 'iffiti -Vl . ?f ihe lands g. I.- 1 nia,nu,K Ms wres. r. (;USl). (ineMiirrl in uiv 1 "tlrom 1 t,nwnt,i9i Mr,th bt,l:d . , . - . 1 ii . :.. States, South Uarolina anu ixisisip pi, aud he confined his argument to I he census of these two States, lhe lelWr .Ue f "8ald at uiht I w ln'l PavmentB. pnyments. FOIll); Guardian. 47. ft. object of these figures Ls to show the depression iu all valuer in periods covered by Republican' rule and the advance of all matenar liiieresis mmm .....i.. i..en i i froveriimeiit. Af- tcr disposing of a wilileriiess ot hg .o ; iwsint to the conuitioii ol Soirtb Carolina, lhe sjieaker summed j up by saying: In short, everything fore vei l The heads of six politicians fell upon the shoulders of six others, aud the rumble of the grip cars ou the street below was drowned by sobs and sighs. It was s-a-d. " condemned from their own mouths!" howled the phonograph as the crank was turned again. "Let us analyze a single administration a thousand sincures rebellion consti tution under foot those arch-traitors fire iu tha rear resistance Dated this the 8th of September, 188-. J. M. HORAH, C. a C. Craiob & Clement, Attys. I 47:6w SEND YOUR WOOL laws of the country i disgrace with infamy!" "Liar!" "Villian!" "Thief!" "Assassin!" "Robber!" "Cmaar!" "Indian ring !" "Whiskey ring!" "Carpet-baggei!" "Copperhead!" "Rebel !" "Bulldozer!" Then there was silence. By and by, while the tears trickled down his nose, and his throat was choked with emotion, a gray headed politician arose, and said: "Gentlemen, our object in meeting here this evening was to originate some new lies and invest new issues for the next campaign. We can't do ii! Eatables on Ocean Steamers. Few persons are aware of the exten sive nature of the victualing on board the great ocean steamers. Such a ves sel is provisioned as follows for the pas sengers and crew : 3,500 lbs. of butter, 3,000 hams, 1,600 lbs. of biscuits, ex clusive of those supplied for the crew, ,, 8,000 lbs. of grapes, almonds, figs, and ? other dessert fruits; 1,500 lbs. of jams COME QUICK! DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS!! J. S. McCUBBINS : has just returned from the Northern cities with the LARGEST ft BEST SELECTED Stock of Good that he has ever offered to the public ; consisting of Dry Good, Gro ceries, I ats, Boots and Shoes, Sole Leather, Crockery and Queens-ware, Clothing, Pro- TO THE . SalislJiiriff oolen lis ; fver uuneti ia nnA wi a nm il . UUU JClIlCa . UUUCU IGtlf, W,VW .UI7., wmo.vu, iiiiu r uiv., mmrmm dried beans, 3,000 lbs.; rice, 3,UUU Ins.; 1 aiso a iuii une oi av j-v-.r 11 a a A jf A onion, o,hju lbs.; potatoes, 4U tons; FEKTILIXIiKK flour, 300 barrels; and egg, 1,200 dozen. I of tne very teut brands, via : Fresh vegetables., dead meat and live bullocks, sheep, pigs, geese, turkeys, ducks, fowls, fish, and casual game are generally supplied at each port, so that it is difficult to estimate them. Proba- 1 1 1 J l 11 1 1 ftA nliAAn Oiy wo uon ouiiuca ctxiu w Qo Rnd . Tc8timonial9 aml jf yoa Wftllt ,HM"U " i". .. i to gay,, money, don't iorget to can on nim voyage, ana tne rest may oe mrerreu in before baying either Goods or Fer4tfizcfs. proportion. During the summer months Salisbury, Oct. 1, 1885. 23:tf when traveling is heavy, Zo fowls are BAKER'S Well Tried FOR WHAT. ME KR Y MAN'S A. D. Bone 4 44 WALKER'S Ground Bone M u NATURAL Guano just from Orcbflla, and supposed the only Natural Guano on the market. THIS NEW FACTORY ls nov in operation, and facilities for man ufacturing Woolen Goods such. as have nev- I er before been offered to our people, are j within the reach of the entire Wool grow- j ing community. We manufacture JEANS, CASSIMERS, FLANNELS, LINSEYS, BLANKETS),! YARNS, ROLLS, &c. . Soliciting a lileral patrouac of ourpco pie, we arc rci)eetfiilly, Salisbury Woolen Mills. ISOfficc at old Express Office. May 28th, 1885. 32tf often used in soup for a single voyage. He Was Just Too AwfaL "Your beau seems very bashful," said a Dayton avenue mamma to her daughter. "Bashful!" echoed the daughter; "bash ful's uo name for it." "Why don't you encourage him a little more? Some men have to be taught how to do their courting. He's a good catch." "Encourage him!" taid the daugh ter; "heeannot take the must palpable hint. Why, only last n:ght, when I sat all alone on the sofa and he perch ed up in a chair as far away as he could get, I asked him if he didn't think it strange that a man's arm and a woman's waist seemed always to be the same length; and what do you ! think lie did?" "Why, just what any sensible man would have done tried if." "He asked meif I could find a piece of string" "so we could measure aud see if it was so. Ain't lie horrid?" -,Sf Paul Herald. The Croat an Indians. On lhe 20th inst., Fayetteville will be visited by a party of exeur- .i.itikiH fmm Robeson, consisting of CJSVawA - i -J a large number of CroaLm Indians under the superintendence of Prof. Hamilton McMfllian. They say they are coming to enjoy a day iu Fayette ville, bring their families and buy some goods. It is to be strictly an excursion of "Ii! the oor Indiau," without any admixture of the Cauea hian or African element. We will welcome them cordially and give them 'the best we have ju all our shops.' C. S. Adams, the cashier of a Bos ton savings bank, stole $228,000 aud then killed himcJ& Fooling Hurried. Probably nothing tires one so much as feeling hurried. Then, in the early morninc the dav's affairs press on one s attention beforehand, and there comes the wonder how in the world every- t.hincr is to be acconn)lished when any There is nothing to be iuvented! hntprrunntion is received impatiently. There is no new form of abuse. Tliere an the clock Is watched in distress as will be no need of orators or oratory, its moments flit past then the mind These machines cuss the inventor tires the bodv. We are wrong to drive will tell it all! We are out of a ourselves with whip and spur in this iob and a hard wiuter comiuc wav. Each of us is promisea strengtn I - . 1 - A. for the day, ana we musi noi wear uur- Thcn they kicked the phonograph selves out. If only we can Keep cooi down stairs, smanshed tho motto and calm, we sna i oe ,.rnr P.i..r;,.,.. f.trv V .J or. we have reached the evenuoe. HARMS' A Radical Cure for" rflina tho skilled phy. McUas. wait boat youthful indiscretion. 'too free indulgence, or ' over brnin work. Aroid R.T.HOPKiNS 18 NOW AT THIS Corner of Kerr & Lee Streets, with a fall lino of DUV GOODS ami GROCERIES. Also keeps a First UU BOARDING HOUSE. Call and sec hiio, 28:ply. ORGANIZED 1859 Organic Weakness, 2 PHYSICAL DECAY, In Young APSIddU TCSTTD FOR OVERl Years bv usEiNt Thousand for thtf. fM our Free I am, and lean importnl IfiMM 2SE3. V thial m PACKAGE ISITRE IBBH that HAS CURED thoutandi. dexse I not interfere with at ten- j ti to bww. or mom pain or incon ven ienca tm any war. Founded on lf Mttc ntdfcali Iplef-Bydiretta tn the mt of I without deUy. The nat- I unction or me cu- The TRjsATAunrr. Ono Month. - 93 and ranUly tain b4k nana as ried a resolution to adjourn indefi nitely. Sherman's Threat John Sherman snys that so far rom cha using his position iu the mat ter of the hloody-shirt that he fueau to keep shaking it as long as there is children may be fractious, the servants trying, the fnend we love may ian us, the letter we expect may not arrive; hut if we can preserve our tranquiuty of soul and demeanor, we shall get through everything creditably. ' An Upright Judge. "I'll allow no man to call me a liar HARRIS REMEDY CO D I MOTUREP PE r v r Ax for RMInnEi RaOM8!loaTru. CAPITAL & ASSETS, S750.000. a a rt .1 - I I an nnrepented rebel in t ie aoutttj or i d o nished," said a Judge to a worus 10 mai cirecr. j.ne man wnw . - . . - r,!Ui ,llsf pftmmitteo: that Iiin tv.1 J . was conspiciioiis in rapTng Eouisiana and in installing a creature who was never elected Presitleut, and who has made a million and a half dollars in thirty years upon a salary of from $5,000 to $8,000 annually is too de graded a wretch to worry the South. Morning Star. offense. "You are fined ten dollars, Kerosene Oil! BY THF BARREL AT E NNISS' Drug Store. J July 9, '85 tf. FRESH TURNIP SEED? j The Earliest aud Best Turnip Seed for sale at KXNISSt 3. BnODKS BUOWXK, I fWM. C.COAET, KM. J Prcst. it secrcury Twenty-sixth Annual Statement Jaxcakt 1, 14S. LIABILITIES. Casta Capital .. ... Ke9ervefor Ke-lnsuranot and alloihcr Set Surpla-, llaUUUea, f 1W-,UM sir, "It's the truth, though," replied the lawvpr as he naid the money. "I don't care if it is the truth," re torted the Judge. "A court of law is no place to tell the truth." TRUSSES reduced prices, at Of all kinds, at ENNI88'. SCHEDULE OF ASSET: Cash In National Bank... I j.'n 06 Cash in hands or Agents I1.92 ' . MC3 it ST'lIHO 32 The simplest and best test for glu close in sugar is to place a little of it under the low power of a microscope. Magnifying forty times is quite suffi cient, aud less will do. Cane sugar under this power is distinctly and beautifully crystal line, and each crys tal looks liue rock candy. They are clear, bright ami beuutiful. Glucose, on the other hand, has a dull, opaque appearance, DEBILITY IN ADULTS IS often ,...mi.,! liv worms. The change irom enno to manhood is not wifhcieiit to rui ine system of this awful plague. Shnuer'H IikIihh Verm if nia will exiKl tiu-m aim restore health and a bright coiuplexiou. Fruit Jars! CHEPER THAN EVER. ALSO Rubber Kings for Fruit Jar, at EXXISo1. United States Heglstered BondK State and M unicipal Bonds NaUonal Bank Stocks totton Manuf:u:turtni twks Other Iyical stocks Ileal Estate (unincumbered clly pioprty) IT Loans, swured by llrst naorta'cs H,413 84 t W9?t4 8S . I7,w 00 . (1,091 94 . IK, KM 00 111, "35 00 :,;:o oo Total Assets, - $741,3$0 32 When la The Wrong Caaaael. The bile wreaks grievous injury. Head ache, constipation, pain in the liver and stomach, jaundice, nausea ensue. A few .L.ses of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters will like a lump of tallow, j reform these evils and prevent further in- Once seen, it ever after. Will he easily known jury. It is a pleasant aperient, its action J . l 1 ........ I.. u nn IMT1.WI iliMl.'llllfll UV upon uiu tia j-"p, t 1 uriuing. Tlie liver is both regulated and c;.r..,tf. bv it, and as it is very impolitic .. i ..filit nrvan u lnc i A n,r U WMfnii fiIi t M Aftan 'u,wth ' . i j O t 9 f " " 1 ' a l V I ti,r,..i .Ii neiflect may culminate in danger cauo-ht op in the clouds by revolving lous conaestioa and hepatic alweess, the and dropped again many storms, miles from the place where they were taken up. Small fish have of ten been found in puddles of water in vi.laifc tirccts. to the astonishment of people who were unacquainted 1 with the phenomenon. nitte.rs should lxi resorted to at an early stae. Failure to do this renders a contest SCARE'S PRKSKRYIJG POWDIS For side at EXXISS'J THE BEST AND CHEPEST MACHINE Olt For Threshera, Keaners, aud ifewei at ENNtSST. Salisbury, N". C. J. AI.l.KN BHOWN. Agt. March xfi. i wr . fin. SOMETHING NEW! KTLAMP OlflMNETSI that will not break by Jieat, hr sale at ENNISS'. DIAMOND DYES All v a 1 a nt PRESCRIPTIONS II If you want your prescriptions put up cheaper than anywhere else go to ENSISS' Drug Store. DONT FORGET to call all kinds at rotors you ENNISS' fori Herd of ENXISS', TO THIS Ii 1)5 ITS : Call and sec the Flower Pot at ENNIS8 ... . ....r.. ,r..f rw t.i 1 Vvwr an,l aue, rlipnmalisni, kidney ami bladder t roubles, are remedied by this tine medicine, and the increasing imftrmities ot rtgu niiti I iw it. It mat be also uei in eon- valcenc.e with advaniu3'e, as it hasteas DUentery, Diarrhoea, Flux. &c., for sale the restoration of vior. I At ENNiSS' Drag Stoie. amiss' Blackberry Coidiil, roa ; CONVULSION, FITS, ed.. arc frequent ly caused by an annv of worms gnawiap gnawing, gnawing nijrhr mh dav eatint; the itals away. Sliriu f IndtHiiXefnii- fnte is a safe aud ihewp r.iuetlt - i- ! - -4 rit I J hi 1 4s 1 4 44H 5 ' 'if r -5 t i m " 1 n Us i - i