1 f f Ef iimiii i HUM mum linn iibiii iiii i Carolina Watchman. LOCAL, :r u ra THURSDAY, OCT. 15, 1885. m:tters ad- ri snh55RriT)tion Rates . . i f Hi a Carolina 'The subscription - .7! . f .. Iikfl i.' l! vear, paid in advance, 1.50 navui't delayed Wi90 paytn't-dod If .m.'2.50 oftna ; KKW ADVERTISEMENTS. MCrvuvj TttrSeed Wheat. lriffittbbins. Farm for sale Druuci , .. - . i n P Krwin, sec y, meeting oi swc.- VM " '. C.eA. Snow & CoM Patents etc. V. Wallace is receiving nis winter goods. fall and u Iron- Kkot & Co,, are receiving a new stock of goods. Work is progressing on the sides" tobacco warehouse. CongressmaiL Henderson has been doubly blessed a boy and a girl. -, Mr. Alston Horah is reading medi cine under Dr. John Whitehead. See what "Mack" Harrison has to aay about wheat in this paper. The Synod of Nortrrarolina con venes at Reidsvffle, N. C, on next Tuesday. Snd Hvf. voune men to Mocksville rnlov Ufc Siilisli.irv meet Da- vie half way. Sixty thousand shingles wtll be used covering Tbomason & Swink's to bacco warehouse. Do you want a .railroad to Mocks ville? Go to the meeting at the Court House on Saturday and say so. R. J. Hor-MES has returned from the north where he has been laying in his iaii " o Little Jack, son of Mr. Jacob Fra- 2ier. fell from a corn crib, one day last week, and broke his arm. Rev. J. Rumple, D.D., is attending meeting of Concord Presbytery at Mooramlle, this week. Tomacoo there is but little news in this branch of trade this week. Prices stiff for good medium grades. . o if t t.i r :n The rnends or. jir. i. r. no win regret to learn that he is so unwell as to be confined to nis room. I C!oTTON-Mr. J. D. Gaskill bought 64 bales last Saturday receipts for the two weeks past aliout 360 bales. Mayor Neave is making a good walk on Fisher Street it needs t"he roller to make it a finished job. Rev. Mr. Stondenmire, pastor of the Lutheran church llere, has gone to S. fL' where he will be absent for sev- f ral weeks. No doubt Salisbury will be as well represented at the circus at Concord on Friday, as was Concord here, a few weeks ago. Holmes and Gaskill will enlarge ir Tobacco factory, with a view ot vtbling their working capacity next ion. Is there life in Salisbury business meki? Certainly! Then go to the rail road meeting on Saturday and make it a lively meeting. Mr. J. C- Menus, of Mt. Ulla town ship lias a Held of cotton that he thinks Will average 51 bowls to the stalk. Fine cotton. Soda water has about played out for this season? but there is still a demand lor mineral waters among the drinkers of the lighter beverages. n Wm Swrmsn will rpf jim in AaVi -A fc . T U " AAA. A V V WW A4.U11 lie soon, where he has a large busi- in the mercantile line. Sorry to so active a business man. Mr. J. M. Patterson, of China re, has a stalk of cotton bearing bowles of cotton. He brags on a good crop this year John Goubley, Esq,, of Locke town- i - m . i m snip, boasts of three stalks or corn bearing 18 ears he says he has plenty bearing tour and live. x vol. John F. Cotton, of Montgomery county, was here this week, on his way to Presbytery. He is Elder from the new Presbyterian church at Palmersville, btanly county. The reporter find nothing about the Mayors office to "stuff a naDer" with; Salisbury has been on her good oenavior since tne new administration took hold . ft 1 -i u3.J ;i 1 low Stotkholoers Meeting. The regu lar annual meet'mg of the stockholders of-the W. N.C. R. R. Co., will be held in Salisbury on the 25th of No vember. Several parties from the north are coming down here this winter for the purpose of hunting the bird law per-4 mits snooting; alter tne xuxn oi .uct. Col. William March, of Davie coun ty, was in town this week, looking as hale and hearty as he did twenty years . ii .... ago barring tne gray nairs. Mr. W. L. Rankin has seven carrier Sigeons which he will liberate in a few ays. They were sent from Philadel- i i j. ; a.-- . pma anu are expectea w maKe we re turn flight in a day. There is a cow, belonging to a party in town, that deliberately climbs up into the barn Joft when she is hungry for hay o say those who have watch ed the perf ormatice Mrs. J. 0. WhTte and daughter, Miss Addie, have landed in New York safely on their return voyage from London. They will spend a few weeks there before returning to Salisbury. The merchants have brought on an enormous number of hats all styles and shapes for the fall and winter trade. They bought as though they expected ii ii i i every ienow in tne counwy w wear new hat. i Capt. S. N. Wilson, of "Wilson's family flour" fame, fell and sustained injuries in his right side, which keep him confined to his room. The Capt has many friends who regret to learn v of this accident. v A dozen apples and a drink of li quor thrown m, is Vie way a iipuor sharo is evading the Revenue license tax. He goes to country sales and oth er public gatherings. He will be caught up with one of these days. Miss Caldwell's select school for voung ladies and children has grown .... . . . . i into such proportions as to require tne assistance of another "teacher. Miss Liwrie McCorkto has been selected and is now engaged as assistant. Singing master John Eairor, mar ried Miss Sallie Suiter, recently in this county. The supposition is that sing ing John suited her he was her suiter and now she is his suiter. Suitable match. This item is by request Mr. David Swink, of Franklin town ship, lost a fine barn of tobacco by fire last week. Reports come of large los ses from this cause near Jerusalem, in Davie county. Too much care cannot be bestowed on tobacco when curing. The Street lamps were not lighted on last Sunday night. The weather was too inclement for the lamp-lighter, perhaps, but was not for the church i -i iii n . going people wno naa to grope ineir way homeward in the dark that nignt. Hymen on Wing. Mr. Thos. Mock surprised the community by eloping on last Saturday with Miss Carrie, daugh- ter ot D. L. Jonngle. in tact, it was i . 1 C. i a surmise all around, tor it was un suspected. The knot was tied in Lex ington. The result of the Ohio election is yet unknown. But the Democrats and republicans claim a victory, and from the present outlook, the latter seem to have the weight of evidence. The offi cial count may change very much the guesses now indulged in. Miss Lillian Warner, the accom plished organist of the Methodist church, is training Miss Mattie James to fill her place at the organ while she and her mother take a pleasure trip north. They will visit friends and re- ations in New Jersey and Mass. The rost Master is keeping an ac count of the number of letters that pass through his hands in one month. On Sunday and Monday of this week, twenty-two hundred was the count. This, of course, does not include letters put up in packages passing through to other omces. The manufacturers of tobacco in r i t l Salisbury are mucn encouraged, so that they are preparing to enlarge their capacity for the coming season There is every condition 'here for the successful manufacture of any article fine climate pure water and cheap living. The miserably mean vagabond who took from the lawn of Mr. Hoyden, a net belonging to a lawn tennis set, repor ted stolen m last paper, was none other than a muly eow. She mistook it for chewing gum, and was found mastica ting the net in a quiet and contented manner in another part of the green. 2ls New Hardware. Mr. D. A. At- well, the reliable and popular hard ware merchant is just now receiving a new supply of goods in his line. He has had a run on paints, oils, nails and an building materials recently m a i ii a , . mr. AtweH is one or tne oldest and (most thoroughly congenial business men of this town he is as easy as an old shoe, and never gets out of humor Maj. S. N. Finger, State Superin tendent of Public Instruction was here last week visiting the graded schools Ho predicts that the Hlair Educationa Bill will pass the next Congress will be the worst thing that could hap pen to the people of the South, and it is the duty of every thoughtful person MINING DEPARTMENT. T. K. BRUNKB, EDITOR. The negro population here is divi ded on some subjects. One of the fac tions has organized an independent free school, with A. S. Richardson, ex-mail agent, principal. Ihe Com- gome Englismen, recently arrived, mittee is made up entirely of negroes. have the Russell mine in Mont- iuia is progress, may me time suuu gomery countv. cuuie wueu mey win nave iu miuiogc ii il 4 r . ii ni- aii tneir scnoois ior tnemseives wiwi irfv a0fa win J.- ii- i a I npo-ro tar ravers. I w mmmpx, Uj.i.uB W M I kn JuuiAtiniuw at rhiH mina Humanity as seen .through the eyes Rnu n hvdraulic work not vet m L : i. . - j --th 4 "r ox a re venae ouieer is a. uxusb bwubu nnrtfA j i iti a ui. it-u Tu- r ana uepravea ining. a wh wim jui. Thos. H. Vanderford, U. S. R. Deputy Collector, reveals some of the humor- . - . T A 1 ous and some of the serious, tie tells of one man who refused to swear to his hrandv return, saying he had nev er done so. and that tne Re- re- Exposition. It is especially calculated to interest mini ng operators from Colorado and the Pacific States, who have recently been brought to concede that there may be gold and silver fields east of the Mis sissippi quite rich enough to justify their The Asheville Citizens in reprodu cing a paragraph from the Watchman concerning Mr. S. H. Wiley,! has this to say: Mr. Wiley is one of the most cjmterpns- Winslow Mina Several Englishmen hav gone to the Winslow mine in Randolph county, with the view of operating it, should good book their investigations prove satisfactory. said pSwear not at all ; he was follow ing this injunction. This conscientious, pious soul was soon convinced that ne Mr. Jacobs is running right along must swear to tne returns ana ne pro- hig chlonnation works. He is ceeded to do so. The Deputy discover- eneaged nQw on a rather low grade of consideration. Modern ensrmeerintr anil ! e machinery renders any free milling ore, to know has located himself, even for the down to a very small percentage of the summer, in our Western section, to the development of which lie hast devoted much of his time and large meas. All of which is true and inure: he is a public spirited man in the broadest sense of that term. It is alvnys a pleasure to say truthful and pleasant things about our citizens, and to repro duce what other people say abut themj precious constituent, worth working, and u it snoma prove tnat the Little river bonanza is only one of the many equally good prospects in the vicinity, we need not wonder if there should be a "Pike's Peak" excitement on the basis of it. CUorination Works. ed that he had sworn to several enor mous lies. He had better not sworn at all. Blockading, says the Deputy, was practiced more in Rowan, Cabar rus, Mecklenburg and Union, than in the mountain counties. This is news rr ii r . . i ore. ne noes not propose, nowever, to work the lower grade ores as a rule. Sawyer Mine. "Mr. T. J. Redding has been develop- 111. UlU U VMv-- - I . ... . to most of the law abiding people of rag the Sawyer mine with satisfactory these counties. Seduction. The good people of Franklin township, were shocked to learn of the unnatural seduction of Miss Mollie Holden. She was the 15 or 16 year old cousin of the wife of Locke Miller, and was living in the results. The property, lying m Ran dolph, was worked in a small . way be fore the war. , Edmistonville Lots. EMfisxoKvrLLE, Rowan Co., N. C, Oct. 10th, 1885. Editor Watchman : I see in your last nnper a notice of Mes srs. Ilouck, Line & Patterson's new cotton gm. I am glad to mtorm you we have three new ones within two miles of Edmis- tonville. The one in our little village is run by two of our Rowan farmers, Messrs. Benton Ludwick and G. W. Revels; anoth er, near by, by Jos. F. McLean. Esq., and still another one, new out and out, by Messrs. Denton, Bum row & Co. All are doing good work and getfins plenty to do. So when Sheriff Kriker comes around for his taxes, (which is as sure as death,) I don't think there will be any excuse for his having to come the sec ond time this fall, for evervbodv can now have their cotton ginned, aud enough sold to pay taxes, which I believe they, arc do ing. A. H. Mica Mining. - Conflicting reports concerning the production of mica comes from several house with the family. Miller has localities in the western part of the made an assignment for the benefit of State. Over in the Webster country his creditors and fled the country. 1 it is reported that the mines are turn Miss Holden was an unfortunate insr out excellent mica, and that it is girl in her personal appearance, being not being shipped; while in Mitchell blind m one eve and a cnnDle. There countv. mica is reported flat in some j ..'.- r is one thing about Miller that softens localities. just a little his crime he is said to have been subject to some kind of fits, and was not of sound mind. It is a sad case. The innocent and helpless The Clarke Concentrator. Mr. A. D. Clarke, the inventor of the "Clarke Concentrator' is just now Flaggtown, N. C, Oct. 7th, 'So. Editor Watchman: There is little news hereabouts. Our Superior Court is in session, Judge W. J Montgomery presiding. Old Montgorn. ery has given birth to one Judge, and de lights to honor him. Two cases of inter est were tried yesterday, State vs Blake, for disturbing public worship, sentence twelve months in the county jail and costs. The other, State vs G. H. Crisley. for larceny, sentence, three years in the nenitentiarv. Defendant was a colored boy about sixteen years old, and was in the employ of J. W. Ingolds & Co., to bacconists of Greensboro, as driver. He LIST 0? LETTERS. I List of Letters remaining in the Post Office at Salisbury. N. C, for, ihe week ending Oct. 10,1835: J S Atkins, Pleas Barger, Laura E Barger, Julius Bringle, J D Bruin, Lulki Bittiugs, D A Roger. W M Brown, Carol iie Brown, Laura E Cord, Mary J Clemenf, Willson Coleman, M N Carson, Albert Hentor, Mrs Huggens, Hauff & Son, W H Hery boyers, Sam Kama, Jane L Shaver, L C Trexler, Dennis Walton. Please say advertised when the above letters are called for. A. IL Botdeh, P. M. MARRIED. Jas. S. Moore, to Miss Mollif B. Pope, by Bev. J. A. Bamsay, on last-Thursday. O et 13, 1885. Oar Philadelphia markets are corrected every week. PnrLA DEipmA M AlfKET. EvauSBros large Produce CniMisiojMorclia8ts, 5t N'oitU Water streetLPniladelphia, report the following city markets: Eggs, Vir ginia and Southern, 12&13. Live poul try 12&13 eta. per pound; dressed HkMMi; turkeys 0000, according to quality ; ducks 00 10 ; geese Ol0Q. Li vo catt Ir 5 liog, live 5iG. Potatoes: Early tin ah . AftjaOl) 1tmb.inL'. , , i-- 7 t 1 y 1 : fr . . r . 1 Anni - f 1 i : jiaiuiuoiii, uni. .neest: i.rHci. rv, choice 718i; fair t good, ( to 7 Pennsylvania full cream, 0J7i) part skims, fancy 4g05; fnll skiros, 1 J5fv!. L)iul I-raits : Applet, evnpor.-iteit, W cases, 020; sliced N. Carolina, iancy 0 00; good sliced 0; Wacklienics 000$ cherries, pitted, prime dry. 00 OO peaches, pared, evaporated 0000 y !fc C. sliced 00; aupared halves uew, 000; quarters 0000; evaporated 000: pears, 0000; plums, 00; raspberries, 000 per pound. Feathers, choice geeso 4850. Hides, dry, 1( 11. Honey iu comb, 10 1 1 ; beeswax 2425. WHEAT FERTILIZERS. Am now receiving my stock bf fertili zers for wheat, including best jbrands of Phosphates, Dissolved Bones, aid Ammo niated gools. Prices $15 to $ per ton, Have a large lot of Agricultural Lime at $12.50 per ton. J. Allen Brown. justice. ii T it 1 i. . - . . v-. i rrm win i rrnn too m prtnivir in Kdnnn nn nim uni nic juiiicu, me uuu aim uuuu- y" r r tv. Sent. 30th. near Dunbars Bridire dmg wifes heart broken; the tour ing- neicis. ne conies nigniy recom- found uear Bringles Ferry, in Davidson, children left to bear their lather s mended with a reany very practical and decoyed into Montgomery was ar QUma nml bo floAiVtr frnm fbo i4iw. and valuable concentrator for placer rested on suspicion. Two hundred and inss of his conscience and more stern mines where "float" and "flour" gold nmety-nme &29i) dollars were found in TUmooW simnlA ann nn- ,lls possrasiou, hiucu uc wum uui hhh- , r- r factorily account for; was committed to rable, will handle as much jravel as jaQ byJmyaelf until the facts could be TTio Trtwn fiancme. n oroinarv simce, ana uwg eucctuaiiy, ascertained. On Friday he was ldenti- saving all the gold. Mr. Clarke is now fied as the driver of Ingold, and on Sat- The revision of the census of Salis- visiting the mines of the placer dis- urday he confessed the theft. Was in bury has been completed, and the pop- triets of North Carolina. He will go dicted on Monday tried Tuesday and ulahpnisfoundtobe 3,408. To ena- into Stanly, Montgomery, .Catawba, SLK: "rEi commtttedWed! we tne reaaers oi tnis paper to see tne liurke and McDowell counties, mr. nesdav and sentenced Tuesday follow growtn or tne town or late we win give uiarke has left with the mining riditor a ing. the numbers at the three last enumer ations hpfnrp this nnp; flnol nnomUnn nn Snntb Ronhlpr ffrpek. &C Some very fine tobaeco i o loon iooe l ill ..i r,-A tUicn i I U Ul XOiVJ. J.OOW. looiJi I VIllUlll UUUULV. VyUl., Uliu. niuac i ested are invited to call and see it. Pp.of. W. G. Browne will heat the Mt. Vernon Hotel, for one ay only, on Saturday, 17th iust.. when all should see him who require, spectacles or are suffering from impaired or Imperfect M,l vision. Consultation, examination and advice free. I SALT RITEUM OII ECZEMA In April, 1884, there appearaed oa my feet and legs what the doctors called Salt Rheum, which produced intense suffering I tried a great. many remedies, and had the attention ot one of our! best physicians, but received no permanent renet. The dis- case continued to grow worse artd ray imhs were greatly inflamed. I whs Anally induced to try Swift's Specific, and after taking four bottles relief came. I contin ued, however, -until I had taken; sevea bottles, and am now sound and well, and not a sk'n of the disease left. My general health has greatly improved, and ! most cheerfully recommend S. S. S. as being the best blood punuer that 1 hnveever known. Mrs. :i. . uignsmun, Lulaton, Wayne Co.. (3a. May 10,1685. White, Color'd, 1860. 1,267. 1,153, 1885. 1,792 1,616 3,408 j Total, 2,420r 168 2,723, In 1870 the population of that part the town south of the N. C. Railroad only was counted. This shows a growth of nearly 7 in the last five yeara. Belle Mine. will be sent J At ' Tl and those inter- Irom tn l..'A ?Jr" some raieti ui ?w per iiuimrai uv luu.h; conists of High Point. This is a new in here or rather an old one revived. Jno. P. Cotton. dustry To. Subscribers. Hemempor that Mr. Jas. H. McKenzie, is regularly en gaged as general canvassing and col lectmg Agent tor the W atchIian, and he will call on all delinquent. suWri bers. Be ready to meet hiin. Tin Watciiman has been over indulgent with subscribers and a reform is neces sary. It is due both subscribers and the Proprietor that old scores le settled up. 1 HELPING CANCER. ; I have been afflicted a number of years with cancer, and have tried atl the, reme dies suggested for this terrible Idisoaae without any benefit. Six bottles of tho Swift's Specific has done me more good than all the medicine I had taken. My strength has returned, and I can walk farther and take more exercise than I have been able to do for years. Its effects have been wondcrf 1 andJhe cancer has greatly improved. W. ShiesUngr . Gritfln, May 1, 18S . Swift's Specific is entirely vegetable, and seems to cure cancers the impurities Irom the blood lv' fordins out Salisbury Choral Union. Mr. Theo. F. Kluttz, who bought a pony for Jus little son, Theo. Jr., has added a nice phaiton to the pony. It is fiKn the manufactory of Tyson & Jones, of this State. j Look here! Read what Meroney & Bro., have to say m their advert4e mrnt If you have the eash to spend there is where you will get the worth of ' it every time. Go see them. . Is it desirable to connect the towns T T j uu sjiv Rn. - . ySKEiTfe 5 .tow of the ' ! This valuable property, lying in Moore county, has been kept in practi cal idleness for several years. Develop mer has been coins on, but not in a V? . -. - . . ..i I WW T TA A T TTT A I wav to enable the nroDertv to yield as M"-. eaauur oj ae naicnman. ml r 4. M I m . ' a ;t iknM K rimiiff If is ft tine, free Since vuse war kind nut lur tew anser milling, high grade ore, and should be a private vay My tetter ter jmq The oration of the SWhuj KSfeS L,.r Z -fc V8,kSt "2JftS -,, -I XT -111 I i I WUC UHlUiV. v. v f-,, I Uai 1 IS, UUll 11 Jill UUU t UU UU KUUU. UH Choral Union was completed on last J -i,-- t nieet the payments as prom- don't do no harm, i vile writ yuse a x iiurty ociiiii at nic JC91UCUWV1 xiv. -i Tn r.xoL i u t irade any ex- nuther' 31r. edlitiir is yuse nearnc oiue Knmple, D.D. Ihe object of thel nUnDO ,vm0nUf fliS 000 dimerkrat lasses cane Seed? & dc uther nro-ani':itiori is for flip nnrnnsfl of 1 , " . , , rJ a i nrvrv 3... i.i.- vei table Seed Wat war Sont oler dor leaviJit; ci uitirtui,c vntwu vi.4 1 otintrv''' is found out bout hit lately, dar- e i is cwine ter tell hit. dey all sed r.t PlnolrtfQ ok tho nroimrs l hsp hit. wnr 'lnvfluiwl id nnorkrat Seed & dat . . -. -w . , . -mm-. I 1 1 ; I IfLl j IJIV V " JlV-i W. A " . v I "V . . . , . ' lrwin was elected f resident, Miss .1 L' j.ui.j a;., Kbits seen a bout hit ven he vent ter Linda L. Rumple, Vice-President, T.K. r(ftvpr ao thtA the DroB t for the Cleveland Ohire, but dat ain't So Bruner, JSec. and Treasurer, and Miss "VV"' :r U,. L De Seed am prcsaent vieveiunu aimer t? u xr, n T) T?w,- Tir t 1 useiumws Ui j k t geed Avhur he kaptured lrUm cie n -aAi. r t j r j ir- m8- publecan partv dat John shurMan dc de Gnrhth, Mrs. L. b. Overman and Miss lode the vein is only 12 to Sther Ohireipublecans payd three or fore Ella thrown were elected Committee of 15 incnea in tb, but wonderfully dolers a bushel fer & piled avay in de arrangements. It is the duty of this m. 1 i..j. iuL Nunited States barn iu Vashinjrton fur to v. . v 1 r II' I I I 1IH VHI II III til mym I .LI II I I 1 Ii L 11 T I . I ... -. r r , . I sSiw-kit Krtinor nn tin h hcjin WOteS. OCV stiifivinff tne niirner erraae or cnoruses ri L o u t i tt. j " t.Z " 4i original owners, o. iv. xoaruii, x4., ffil l "-v"' s iV Salisbury, and Mr. b. rJ. JLonton, fOI Rnminff winrer evfiiintrs. Mai. It. H. i ,i n m .. Regular Correspondence of The Watchman. PHORE & A HAF OF DE Co; OCTOBR DE TWELF 1885. GOOD SMALL FAUM, near town, for sale at reasonable price 75 acrei- briiiir. cotton, corn, wheat and oats opd mead ow (2-" one horse loads hay ipmnally) pasture, and gool dwelling and put hous es. Apply for particulars to Bbun'eb & iMcfrPBiN's, Keal Estate Agents. A FRIGHTFUL CASE OF A COLORED MAN. MERC L" III VL POISOSINCl. I contracted poison in 1883. committee to provide entertainment . e 1. ieeu ior eacu uieeung. luee.ings occur once ft depth of a hundred and ten in two weeKS. xne next meetine is n. i. L. h.u t? i K-j. uiwjcii xeet to oe neiu on r nuay evening, xjci. 23d, at the residence of Mrs. Lee S. Overman. nl.rinf fbyoo wide. It has been developed to ftS i i j j j wcic fc" "'v i- oi i innrl Ar Fi-wtfh u-ntp? Si Send tnurman SHOTWELL MONUMENT FUND. In accordance with the suggestion made in the Watchman last week, Mr. C. R. Barker opened a dollar subscription list, at Kluttz & Co's Drug store, on which are found the following voluntary subscribers: John WhiteheadjAI.D., $1.00 Miss A. . Rut led ire. 1.00 J. J. Summerell,lM.D., 1.00 C. K.T$arker, 1.00 Wm. H. Overman, Will. H. Kestler, Kerr Uraige, Eugene Johnston, H. T. Trantham, M.D., J. B. Lanier, Southern Mineral Boom. New Orleans Times-Oemocrat, Oct 6th. If only to excite avarice enough among Times-Democrat readers to encourage them to efforts connected with the develop ments of Louisiana s mineral resources, it is an extremely salutary thing to give them occasional views of the golden pro cress of mining and metallic industries in m m - . i Am t m . . 1 ml neighboring States or tne feoutn. ine resources peculiar to some of our sister States are not identical with our own, land & fotch wotcs. back to thc'Cenate ter vave de bludy Short flasr rtsrin. but Murat haltsted Ker- vorted in de papur; presdent Lleviund x John ess heinderson war lected, de Seed war kaptered & Hoardly-d up, Knot fur Ohir, , butturusiN. U. dimerivrats. x brung hear py John ess henderson Yen he cum home fruin de big thrashin de "!imerkrids Lih de nublecans in de Nuni jp x ted States barn in V aslungtn, Dem lasses cane lasses am splendid, dar hain't no ded bete fceed, de Sower Kraut Uabages am large, cie Cow-comers, de sqush fc de Comatuses war de best i eber Sede & bo war all ot de seed & dat am de vay dey cum ter be caled dimerKrat Seed. D kantured lasses cane seed war fearful case of blood I was treated ? by-some of the best physicians in Atlanta. They used the old remedies of Mercury and Potash, which brought on rhetimatism and impaired my digestive organjs. Every joint in me was swollen and full pf pain. V hen 1 was given up to die. nfy physi cians thought il would be a ;)4 time to lest the virtue of SwiiVs SneeitteJ When I commenced taking S. S. S. t lip physi cian said I could not live two wbeks un der the ordinary treatment, file com menced to give me the medicine strictly according to directions, which 1 continued for several months. I took nothing else, and commenced to improve from the very first. Soon the rheumatism: left me, my appetite became all right, and the ulcers, which the doctor sai'd were the most frightful he had ever seen, began to heal, and by the first of Octobef, 1SSL I was a well man again. I am stronger For 25 years I have suffered from the rffectsof Mercury andIodide of Potussium. I was ealivatcdin a most fearful tyay, and was given up to die. I have had no relief from anything I have taken for it, and I have tried everything, until now, that I have taken a course of Swift's Specific. It has entirely cured me. It a!.:o cured me of It also cuted me of Fciatic rheumatism, from which I have suffered for many long years. lam now well of. b. tit, and there is no evidence of mercurial poisoning or rheumatism about me. O. F; Russ, . With Howe Scale Co. Albany, N. Y., June 20, "I Don't Fkki. Likk Wohk." Jt makes no diHerence whal lus-iness you nre cnvg ed in : whether you are a prcaHler, a me chanie, a lawyer or .i common i.iliorer, yo can't lo your work well while yog are halt sick. Thousands try to, but all in vain. How lunch better to keep our organs in' good order 1, taking Parker's Tonic when you feel -a liitle out of sorts." It would bj money in your pocket. One hour ol i frooit. reioicin.' iieaiiii is worm nan a uoz- en hours full of languor and pain. Splendid Faum fop, Sale. Terms rea sonablegood neighborhood -e-splendid tobacco lands. BftU.NEB & McCtrBBisa. 1: now man l ever was peiorc, auo weign more. S. S. S. has saved me from an early grave. LEM McCLEDOX. lime i D. A. Ramsav, W. L. Kluttz, E. B. Neave, J. Allen Brown, T. K. Bruner, J. G. Heilig, Robt. W. Price, Lee S. Overman, A. S. Luter, T. B. Beall, Buerbaum & Eames, D. L. Lindsay, There are many others in the town and county who are desirous of contributing but they are not more important or val- 1 HA I nokla on1 tViorn cli-iiilfl Ko itonrlitv flfi tn i m l , aA-aaao Am toMM! .-rxTxoA tn thorn I nlanted. tho sum of dem war Sprouted w I L 1 i V 1.V1 VIIH 1 AAA9AJAAASA W V I g 7 "! , fur nnblieans. but when dev cum up, aey 1.0a wealth for the people of the Virginias, war DimerKrat & all of us is aii AIji- krnt, Darfore de Seed wont Sprout i i nn i inMgVf fiH fe shurman wont be 1 no m,m,rti,0 wiifoT minaml HiafrirtK Sont back to do Ceiiato. Is other is .31a -i nn I ii A i " u I..- i :n:. i,:nn. hinnoc Mnn Vicip. entif fur ter send nun 1.00 Hnrintr thft nast, venr i, is snnerfluous to back but fitz Lee 1.00 car flint. TCVirt.b f!nrnlina is mnre than chesnuts from vill kontimie ter shell out on unkle Kobberts She Kase vy be a rode meetin & Wroan Wbambleb i no i mm.A tx, xnikiiM S;id(l e hairs m ole urcinnv -m...- 't IlllUtll QUI 1 11 Lt 111 V I t ' A . IL lJlicirv'-v i--- CT 1.00 pxnoftition of rpsniirroft and industrial uebber tires. i nn -7-i v. r.. k.. aaaA fha Hur nm mvmo ter be a 1.00 fiflfcet. tn Attract, a oroAt dl of outside a Yorkin day sune, a bout vich yuse shal LOO capital to its forests, mines, fisheries, and no i.oo so on: and the practical developments re 1.00 wealth and renntation of the Common- For a Forthcoming BOOK Oil Ul U . 5 wealth. SlnmA rOMnt monnroln in the Tlnlti- A TkAlV of English tOUHStS Were COm- to this fund, and they are requested to more Manufacturer' Record, from the pen ing from the Yosemite- last week, when call and put their names down. There will be no canvassing only free-will offerings are sought. ue Court to fight it. The intelligence of the State, except those who hope for pecu niary gain by its adoption, oppose it. The Presbytery of Concord is now in session at Mooresville, N. CL and Dr. Rumple and Mr. R. A. Knox are in attendance. Besides the routine business, there will be several questions sent down by the General Assembly, to he answered. One of these will be whether the clause in the Confession of Faith, forbidding a man to marry any kindred of his deceased wife, near er than of his own, is tcrbe answered. In other words, shall a man be allowed to marry his "deceased wife's sister? Another question is, whether provision shall be made, allowing a Ruling Elder! to be Moderator of a Presbytery, Syn- I1TDIA. Af r t v D.nnv trA mill Vui Amnm. of f nATTi. who had been auDDca tne VI U1 ay a IV, JM UUll , nUU M ill I UUv Vf "7 . . . r . T 9 f I.. a ' . , 4 k.-k nrrl aaruo 1 a bered pleasantly by many of our readers interrogation pinuv L"y 1 '" V" as the courteous and able assistant commis- pair of hrogans sticKing m ine race oi ine t,itr tnri down. udinntr the coacn oivuvi uvuipvtiju Viaiuiuut ioov niuiciiuiuu) y' - j,.., are calculated to afford an idea of the driver, wiio (-aanccu wuu uiuum current activity of the local interest de- Clcnathan, he asked Ah, driver, 1 voted to mining the precious metals. Jn wondan wnax ino uuuse ww addition to the HaiJe and Brewer gold doing up theah? Uid Hm seareeij g anc- mines just over the line in South Caroli- ed up as he replied: l nat s a man nun na HrkfVi nf Tflii1 i-r tyi o r in or a ram iiar e. nn there, and the boys were in such a Lem McClendon has been in the em ploy of the Chess-Carley C'oinpfany ful some years, and I know the alKye state ments to be true. At the time he began taking Swift's Specific he was in4a horri ble condition. I regard his cure almost miraculous. W. B. CKOS1JY, Minager, Chess-Carley Co., Atlanta Division. Atlanta, Ga., April 18, 188.. For sale by all druggist. Treatise ou Blood nud. Skin rVeaws mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Diar li At lanta, Ga. I Splendid Watets Power for sale. Pow er enough to run several fa,torie. BllUNKU & MCCBBINA, Land for sale on McCt'llBINS. ' Messrs Editors: Tlease allow me, through your columns, to call attention to an un pretentious but valuable little book upon India and its missions. Havinc emminpd o lit, ivtu vt n iiiv u ui V iuu Auir u iuni v 'i v,t f - this book. I am prepared to erive it a hear- nlnnn that thevdid not dig deep enough ty approval. It is , written in a simple, items regarding the work at a number of to get his feet in," "Bah Jawve, that s clear and direct style and gives much in- home mines, and reports a discovery very strange, ye knau; I'll make a note formation in a few pages. To persons which may be of importance to the fu- of that. But I say, driver, the toes point who are wanting information about for- ture of the gold mining interest of the down. He must be buried on his face, tAirm mica inn wort T wnll lft AfmAMflllv oAnti TJn 4 ;,.V, Avi A'-.- lrnan " ' Vp Said old Bill. mUS- milling vein has been struck on Little commend the volume. The author was for . " A W Y I a. A m.-nm, A . . seven years a missionary vo mai ana i river, m JNorth Carolina. Tho ore is quartz, in taico-argillaceous slate forma- knows whereof he affirms. The book is for sale by Bev. Dr. Davis tion. and does not show much free eold missionary from Soochow, who is person- to the eye, but produces wonderful re ally acquainted with the author and gives suits in the pan. It is worth several him an unqualified endorsement. It is hundred dollars per ton, and is perfectly bound in paper has two hundred pages free milling. "The vein is two and a and can be bought at thirty five cents a half to three and a half feet wide, and W WT Copy. JOSEPH W HEELER. Salisbury, Oct 13, 1885. has been opened at several places, the deepest being twenty feet, where splendid ore is found." Montgomery county, where t this bonanza is loeate I. is the most noted 'But what's ;rrK- "hu-fSsnn lnsliman his being an irishman got to do with his being buried face dovn?- asked the now thoroughly arouseu uu. 4 looked at him in a pitying manner for some seconds, and then, m a tone full of cArmw and astonisnmem ai my SALISBURY MARKET. Oct 15, H85. Corn, freely, at 4050; Meal, 000j Wheat, !)0g10t); Flour per sack, f'2.25 $2.35; Western bulk meals, 810jj Lard, 101-i; Beef, retail, G10; on tlje boot, 23i; Butter 2025; Eggs, 12; Slay, :J0 40; Fodder, 00)0; Shucks, 00 j Bran, 30; Potatoes, Irish, for table 3?)40; for planting $11.25; Sweet potatoes 040i Peas,12500; 0ats,354p; Tallow; Dry Hides, 10; Rabbit furs, 0000 ca per dozen ; Miuk skins, 00(K). Cotton, ready sales at 0i cts fr good raiddling highest, 09L Tobacco, sales every day and ipiiccs salfsfactory. Poultry, in steady demand, but prices moderate. ;r- Valuahj.e Mkveual easy terms. BlU'NEB u MOT AZxU YOU- TOniTRl V H With any diiaaneptca lllU U L I J LTUliar toyoiirgentlewx? I f so, to yo-i we bring ibling of comfort and greaijoy. You can BE CUBED anu restored lo perfect health by using Bradfield's- Fcmale ':; Eegulatcr I ; Ht is a special remedy for all tU"ntnen per t.iir.iiig V) the wornh, and any intllruent wo- -' , man can cure herself by folh wg jlhe dine tious. it y especially cfiicaciuiM in eiH f - -sapprensetl or parnful menHirn.ttiori, in whites aud partird prlapkiiK. It aflbrdd immedial relief and permanently restores the; menslraal function. Aa remedy to be unea duting that & critical periol kiown . "Chahiof Ltn this invaluable iepraUon has no rival. Uxim Tobacco Mariet. CORRECTED WKEKLY BV J. A. nAXfCINS, PR)PlllKTOR KLUTTZ'8 WAREUOl'f E. deep "Well, do you out nnrist's toTiorance, said: ko'va crnt a sort of suncrstttjon this way that on election day every dead Irishman gets out of his grave and votes, anA en bitdv we've srot to burying em on the too of the hill, face down, so that the nils uuuauzu is iikswic , uudv uv. t vu t- r- . , j TVVKNTY THOUSAND CHILDREN ' -frA millimr" district of North Carolina, more the corpse tries to dig out t no dcep- iprw aa t V v a wuror tne w 06 iuuuerawr ui u jrresoywry, oyn- " " r r? Lijlu-a 9 K Abm ia 1 or b irets in the crounu." un. ves, i lem ; and W m gtatefl ? ! , AssemW J rfcj is 1 aftved from di8ea8e and death bv the most ! The HMKJ1JK fSSSf ' SL JS iZ Euelishman. irravely : "I'll I inv in iXovonii , , i & t r i i j t - verv liKeiv w avinH't cyou mvic in.iui"" . . . , y 'bablvl Z r!t ?W will always new business, and the Session WOnderful iM 8hriner Indian Ve.nj; than already has been given to 'North make a note -of that for my book. -Sen j oe one ot tne points visited. will be an interesting one. fage. It will not deoeivs you. Carolina old resources since the World's Francisco Post. Lngs, Common dark j medium red Leaf. Common short green, pood kl red " med. fillers fine 44 Smokers, common to medium gooa 1 to 6 f to b to 7 ? to 9 8 to V2 Wto 1(5 Of to 10 lto 10 l.lto 25 10Uo 20 2ujto ?,0 30lto 50 5Qto 70 Saved Her Life ! Kiixje, McIntosh Co., Oa. Dr. J. BaAKPif Li Der Sir: I have tak-en-everal bottle of your P male Regulator for Calling of the womb and oiler diieascftcom l.inod, of sixteen jrara standing, and I really believe I am cured entirely, for which please accept my hearlfe.lt thanks and nwjat profound .rralitnde. I know your medicine saved my Jife, so you nee I cannot apejik too highly in it favor. I have recommended it to several ofjmy friends who are saftering as I was. Youra verv respectfully, M RS. VV. E. STEBBINS. Our Treat i on ihe -H-. aHi and Happi new" mailed free. Brafielo Regulator Co., Atlanta, Oa. " fine Wrappers, common nicoium fine fancy Market active. j Breaks have been quite full for th past week, with a al'ght decline in common grades, while ail desirable g.ood& a re- tak en at full quotations. PEIITIlirOFFICE ! Any one desiiinrj to purchase a complete outfit for a 24 column Newspaper and Job Office, with nn abundance of Mdy type, displav and job type, preys, easrs, etc., aut ficient for a iii st rate country ..fn?e, will de well by writing at once lor tcims, aid SHmple-slieets. Addrses, p.t:3t Salisbury, W. C. t. m 4 m it-