a?: r j. - if - j - - - I Carolina Watchman. In IP IT I THURSDAY, OCT. 22, 1885. . 0. Synod, Roidsvillo, Tobacco, &c. Reicbmlle, Oct. 20. The members The Mockevilte Bailroad. fn t.he Macedonian crv of the Ztom Ttjn, to come over and helpJ them, a delegation went to Mocksville to listen to and meet those people half wiv on any railroad proposition they might have to- make. But instead of J being listened, y were asked what ! they had to offer"? Onr people had no- - . . m i ii v - . Taey went to Lavie on We suggest rumnnRincr this boa v. many or tnem, 5 . Jl l i-K. PivuKt'forian nhlirrdl fit this f pice, at 4 p. m., and enrolled their thing to offer. They w iKW xT u.?,:0, maa ,r,fo I invitation, as follows: names. o uiuei uiisniwa no . , QETy meeting was informal, a gen- that: Rowan send to Mocksyille a dele craland shaking ! being the order of gation of her representative business I-Wr men to meet a like delegation of the tfoenouf, ... . ..jl ,.Lii.lcort of Davie. 1 lA Ji m thor nwiswm Mm. wnen "c i '- . -r' I B I f M . lit t-M 1 .A N W - - - - a-AB ".- m w r" " I - not onlv to discuss the feasibility, but the absolute practicability of going to work at once to build the road' And again : "We must and will have It was -a doctrinal dis-r proper eommumcuwuu lerciai worm aim il ounsuuiy uuu i b rfdirin Moderator. Itev. P. I.Pen ' ick, of Mooresville, Concord Presby tiMkd m-Mb! the ooeniiir sermon, ta king his text from two books Til tli v and Acts ... 1 ,i a :,.,3,-.-.,.,cv.r flo i mercial w I STS", Uhink it to her interest to assist in the vs. m fc7 . , A t I i-Umm r.. will Anr of fotl- tlftO- tlliei uilMJ, L lieu wum uuiw wul vjnw- tion ejsewnere. VV e nave tne trade to lif k un the construction of the link Overman, Wilson Trott, H. C. Bost, John Foard, Thos. A. Bessent, John N. Charlies, S. J. Tatum, J. A. Kelly, T. Bailey, A. M. Booe. H. E. Robert son, W. C. Wilson J. W. Wiseman, F.N. Johnsonj Jas. M.. Johnson, S. A. Jarvis, W. W. Barber, H. C. Coles, J. F. Finley, N. R. G win, John Cooper, J. N .Foote, J. A. Hampton, Dr. Leroy Hampton. Thers being no further business the meeting ' ad journed. H. E. Robertson, Chair'n. E. W. Mobixo, ) T. K. IBruneb, Secretaries. R. EAjMES, Jr. ) of nraachinsr the dtinuisir.ns rines of the Presbyterian Churdi. It Was an able discourse, delivered in Mr. Penick's clear and taripressivfi style. and if Salisbury is not totally blind to There were only 49 members present ! her interests she can see the benents at last night, but after the sermsn, the ! a grance. inese are oniy a iew or Moderator called the Synod to order, ! the many urgent things said bv the IT23EiIj-IiL31. iu at- iic;t.. Davie Times, and it was presumed that rIll t! lrl C I HIilL I if; til L .uv-.v - y For Uie Watchman. A H:dd School. Davenport College is located (as the readers of the Watchman may or may not know) in the picturesque little village , nmi ti n ofuWrnml lnwver. wn n of Lenoir the County seat of Caldwell and tenced to imprisonment in the State's pri The Ponaltj of Idleness. Biblical Recoider. In Raleigh, last week, a young man, the errandson of a United States Senator in order was the election of a Modera tor and temporary clerk?. A number f 0l persons were put in nomination for Moderator, among them John W. Da- it represented in some measure, at least, the sentiment of the people. But how different are the facts. The Davie peo ple had nothing to say, except that Vis, D. D.,'of Salisbury, and but for his ! they had better be "off with the old be- i.di rv.cifir.n h wnn H hnvA lore tiiev were Oil nun UIC ieen unanimously elected : but he in fiisted that his pec uliarwork forbade his . acceptance ot the place. Mr. L. J. Alexander, of Orange Prebytery, was elected to fill the chair. mi Rev. J. A. Ramsay and J. H. Came Ton, Were elected clerks. Synod then jftdjoumed until to-morrov morning, 1) o clock. - Reidsville is one of the most remark able towns in the Statejov rapid growth. I Ten years ago it was scarcely more than an ordinary way station, but now has a population of four thousand; and the solid and elegant character of tho limpirovements factories stores and res idencesshow that the people have come here to Stay. Every thing indi cates a prosperous and driving commu nity. There are nine or ten tobacco facto ries here, and some of them complete m every detail I am indebted to Mr. Bampson for the privilege of going through his large establishment. He took pleasure in explaining the various ! and numerous processes from the: be ginning to the end. This house han dles a very large amount of the weed, employing from three to four hundred hands, paying out weekly trim 556a) to $1200 for labor. I am also indebted to Mr R. P. Rich ardson, jr., for a visit to his smoking tobacco factory, and was gratified to witness the evident carefulness to send Out a nice article in this line. 8Y5T0D. Oct. 21, 9 a. m. Synod met on time and opend in .usual form. Theiumber of members was largely increased by the night trains; and this morning on, taking the vote for the place of next meeting of Synod, the result was as follows: i For Fayettville.35; Wilmington, 5; Concord,1 40. So two facts were established by the vote the large additional number of delegates present, and Concord as the place for the next meeting of Synod. I he morning was chieliy occupied m hearing reports, appointing committees and making special orders for business to come up hereafter mostly routine wort. Dr. J. W. Davis will deliver his lect ure on China Missions to-night. The church will be crowded to its utmost capacity. President McKinnon, of Davidson College will address the Svnod this af ternoon on the educational interests of the College. Many are anxious to hear him. other words, that they had a line in con templation, and that they must see that out before they were ready to en tertain a new proposition. Taking that ground placed the Rowan delegation in a sad plight the wind was out of their sails they had gone to listen, to say "yes, ' if you people intend to go somewhere with your road, and you want to come to Salisbury, I the people of Franklin township and of Salisbury are blind to no interest involving the prosperity of their section and town: they will help ; you may depend on it. But no such answer" was needed : "What do you propose to give us?" they said. The delegates felt-that they had. no authority to answer such a question. The.mceting proved of but httle importance; the only thing done from which any results may be expect ed was the calling together of the in corporators to meet at South River, this county, on the 17th. of Nov. Election Frauds. It is alleged that heavy frauds were perpetrated by the Republicans in the recent Ohio elec tions, apd several of the Democratic clubs of Cincinnati have made up the sum of 47,500 for the puporse of pros ecuting the Chief of Police, who is ac cused of failure in duty to arrest parties accused of frauds. It is no new thing for Republicans to corrupt the ballot box. Tliey take to it like ducks take to the Water. I et the Democrats lost nothing: but rather made a gain on the last year's election, when the Repnbli- . . . . A ll can majority tor tHame was sometning over thirty thousand, it is a wen known fact that Ohio is and has always been a Republican State. The constitutional amendment chang ing the State election from October to November was carried by a large ma jority. The Manufacturers' Record, of Bal timore, tkeeps a close watch on the pro gress of improvements in the South, and gives, from time to time, complete lists of every machine erected in the southern States. We quote from a late number of it as follows: Summing up the amount of capital stock represented by our list of new enterprises for the first niue mouths of 1885, we have: Alabama $5,864,000 Ths Mocksville Eailroad Two Meet- ingsr Identifying Minerals. Arkansas Florida;. Georgia. Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Mississippi North Carolina. South Carolina. Tennessee. ...... 'tCX LS Virginia West Virginia. . 5.0G0.000 1,237,000 2.052,000 4,705.000 1,955,000 0,107,800 5,371,500 2,343,000 , 592,000 2,300.000 2,280.000 2,735,000 9,644,000 comes The Statesville Landmark back at the Watchman thusly: "In The Landmark office, a year or two ago, Mr. T. J. Hunter, of Concord township, this countv, saw a piece of corundum the first ho had ever seen in his life. Afterwards he found a strahge rock on his farm; he remembered to have seen one like it in The landmark officej and thus he at once inentified it as corun dum. Comparison was of some account to him." Of course, there are exceptions to all rule, and it was of rules, or of the Landmark's suggestion, which, were it put into practice, would become a rule that the Watchman was speaking. The Landmark must, after consideration, agree that the suggestion would not be beneficial as a rule, and therefore not practical. It does not appear that the Jpndmarli can see through a stone TOry clearly, in fact, it begs the real point at issue if 'issue" may be used m this connection. The real error may as well be pointed out. It was in the omission of the word "only.- The sentence should have read: "Not one an in a hundred, not thoroughly eon- ersant with the subject, would be able identify corundum with the aid of a half dozen specimens by comparison only." ihespecimc gravity and hardness, wnicn are not determined by the eve. are points that mnst come into consid eration, and either one or the other frequently determines the mineral where color and structure deceive. But as the question the technique of the field geologist is not of j general in tereststhis subject must give place -for more general news. '!- -I I,': ! . . ' t, The -Watchman thanks the Wil mington Star for the exceedingly Tlat- tenns compliment paid it recent ly. To say that the Watchman is "wisely and judiciously edited" is high praise, and is appreciated, especially when it eminates trooi the ba.t news- apcr in the State. A PROSPECT FOR ORGANIZED EFFORT. Persuant to the Watchman's call, a meeting of the citizens of Salisbury gathered at the Courthouse on last Saturday at noon. Hon. John S. Hen derson was called to the chair, and T. K. Brunei and Ii. Eames requested to act as secretaries. The chair explained the object of the meeting, which was- to appoint delegates to represent Kow- an in a Railroad meeting called to con vene in Mocksville, on Monday the 10th mstant, for the purpose of discussing the possibilities of building a road to connect the two towns indicated. The Davie press had been most earnest in appeals to Rowan to come over and help, and indicating that the moneys now appropriated to another road would be turned toward Salisbury, should pro per encouragement be given. The chair, with the concurance of the meet ing appointed the following delegates : Wm. bmithdeal, A. H. rJoyuen, H. hi. Robertson, S. H. Wiley, T. K. Bruner. Theo. F. Kluttz, Col. V. N. Heijig, P. P. Meronev, Hon. F. E. Shober, R. Eames, L. rl. Clement, H. C. Bost, Mai. W. Cole, W. T. Thouiasen, and Jack Lindsay, Esq. On motion of T. K. Bruner, delegates who could not attend, were requested fo name their own alternates, and urge such alternates to attend. No other business, the meeting ad journed. John S. Henherson, Chair'n. T. E. Bruner, ) a . , R. Eames, Jr., 3Sects- THE MOCKSVILLE MEETING. The following named getlemen at tended and represented Rowan, as dele gates or alternates, m the meeting held at Mocksville on last Monday : EL E. Robertson, Col. P. N. HeiligP.P. Me- roney, A. H. Boy den, R. Eames, Jr., L. H. Clement, E. B. JNeave, J. W. Rum ple, T. K. Bruner, H. C. Bost and Jack Lindsay, fisq. mi " - mm m - lhe meeting was called to order by T. B. Bailey, Esq., in the Courthouse at Mocksville. M. K Robertson was made chairman, E. W. Moring, T. K. Bruner and R. Eames, tVere made sec retaries. Dr. J. W. Wiseman explain ed the object of the meenting. J. A. Vy llhamson, Esq., read the Act of Leg islature amending the charter of the The Southern Forestry Congress. This congress will be held at Lakede the tuminus of the C. & L. N. G. R. R Davenport's past is well known to a large number of people in Western N. C, but in the present phase of its existence it is a young shoot and deserves the sunshine of patronage to enable it to spread it's branches to the four winds and become a giant institution of learning in N. C, if not in the South. Lenoir might apprppri tely be termed the portal to a lovely por tion of our celebrated "Land of the Sky," and Davenport occupies aa eminence over-looking this Arcadian village and commanding an extensive view of the encircling Hue hills with the lights and shadows Tying so gracefully and lovingly uponthem. An impression formed in the village, would not suggest the rare beau ty of one's surroundings at the College, and even the fatigue of climbing the emi nence on which it is built, does not fully prepare one for the grandeur that bursts in full force upon the visitor as he turns at the main entrance and beholds the fair vision. "What scenes of high grandeur now loom to the view Northeast and southwest Is the region that's blue Arounrt aad afar the peaks will arlse- And point to their builder who lives in the skies." Aside from the feast of beauty that greets and refreshes one at Davenport, the thoughtful person atonce concludes that such a location must be conducive to health. Then after inspecting the large, well ventilated rooms, so very tastefully and comfortably furnished, he is more than ever convinced that here, the pupil may drink fully from the fountain of health and thus suitably equip herself for the exertion of a deep dive into the wells of knowledge. Last year (the first term of the school) I am told, not a single case of sickness occurred; and that the physician was in the building professionally only twice, and then only for a cold. In the list of hygienic advantages Devenport possesses, thte table deserves to be favorably men tioned. The Principal seems to make it his duty to see that the food is prepared in the most digestible manner, and on the table is fouud a nice variety of dishes. Of course the main thing to be desired in a College, isthe proper instruction, and I do not see how any one could be dis pleased with the course at Davenport under the present corps of teachers. Mjr. Sanborn (the President) after graduating at a noted American College spent four years investligating the methods pursued in the best schools of Europe and in study ing music at the Royal Conservatory at Leipzig, at Burlin and at Vienna. Mrs. Sanborn has charge of the vocnl department and about her beautifully trained voice top much could not be said. She too, completed a thorough course at Leipzig and has recently returned from Berlin and Y ienna where she again studi ed under the test masters. Her voice is wonderfully powerful, clear and sweet and reminds one of a mountain stream in son at nam labor tor ten years. The Judge, in pronouncing the sentence, re minded him that his crime was the result of idleness. The day has passed when men can live on their family name. The watchword of the. present is "work." Our people look with suspicion upon liim who seeks not to better Ids condition or support himself either by brain or muscle, and the spirit of the times demands that the criminal be punished, whether born in a mansion or in a negro's cabin. All honor to Judge Clark and Solicitor Gallo way, who have, by their adherence to du ty, become a terror to evil-doers. Plantations Submerged by a Tidal Wave. savannah, October 12.-A strong northern gale, which was blowing all day yesterday, caused a tidal wave in the Savannah river at noon, and another at 10 p. m. The rice plantations are all sub merged, the banks are badly broken, and the crop is all under water. The loss is estimated at from 60 to 75 per cent. Hutch inson Island, opposite Savannah, is inun dated, and all of the residents came over to the city last night. The rice crop along the Ogcechee and Satilla rivers is also damaged, and many fields will be a total loss. The heavy rain has flooded the country south of here, and the track of the Savannah, Florida and Western rail road is washed out in several places. A freight train ran into a washout near Folkeston, and the engineer and fireman were seriously injured. The Jacksonville and Savannah express is also off the track at Callahan. uni ADMSi8fRlfOKi6TIC. ill : Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varies; A marvel of purity, strength, sifid wholesomeness. More econoaik'al than tbe ordinary kinds, and cannot be soli in competition with the multitude of low test, saiort weight, alum or phoaphate powders. Soldoalf lu cans. l;o val Baking Powukr Co.. 106 Wall st. N. y. i Ilavin estate ot Septem all pers said Sa merit; a said es within notice ery. 4 alified as adnrfgmtw on tj,e li Cooper onu. lOr!. f 1885, notice iW!v given to indebted to B &ute of th Cooper to mal;-iinMTil.t all persons hnYajmB a,ralnst will present ifor payment year from !hrof ,r thi ll be plead in b f thnir wn.. DAVID M. CQPer, AdmV. Ajoinistratos Notice. taken out letri of aclministra the estate of hn fj. Brown ai persons hav, claim's aeainst Stte are hereb otified to present t, me on or utu, o0th a... nf 1886, else this rnm will be nlead iid their reci very . f persons indent-, the said est DieaSC maktd . iii . . t prXPpl Beiuemcni. tusi it l'EELER, Adm'r. rtt. 30th. 188-).- . NOTICE ! :lp. for working t,pnj. send io cents post te. and wt-ihjjaail you free, a royal, valuable s;i: . imv or rroo.is tiQt win nUt yOUin th.-aVof mnkino- mnrA mnn. D afew days than ever thought possible at business. Capital t require. Vou can live at anu w oi k m -h'-" aeoniy, or an the time. All tn sex. oi an a-. ranaiy successful. 50 ctft, easily earnea ev, evening. That all wbo work may test tUmlnpss. vp mnt:i t-hs nn lleled offer: Toavao are not well satlsflett ill sena to pt r the trouble of writing us. narticulars, alrec ns.ete.. sprit free. ImmpnAe - absolutely sure r.-n who stait at once. Don't elay. Address stinsos qq., Portland, Maine, xov ti, 4. iy Funiakj, Florida, oh December 16tb, and will be largely attended. Gov. Per ry, of that State, who has taken a deep interest in the matter, has extended in vitations to the Governors of nil the Southern States to be present, and to send one delegate for each congression al district. The late American r orest- rv Congress will also send delegates, when directed and c who will advise with those from the ir3 ls Y-apo South as to the best shape necessary to A Jersey Bull FOR SATjE! I have a finn three-year old Jersey Bull of liifh gra.de.for sale, which may be seen at my farm near Mill Bridge; Call and see him! J. F, BTANSILL. l:Gt pd The Tegular annual meeting of the. Stockholders of the Western North Caro lina Railroad Company will take placel in Salisbury, C. on the fourth Wedpes-J day in November 1885, it being the 2."th day ot the month. Gko. P. Ettwim Sec. and Trens. Salisbury, N. C. Oct. 13, '85. 52:4t. Whea t! Wheal MEEQIiY h Dm 980 -pv "vjA" lyqy.Tyjy G-EEAT STOCK OF it's clearness and purity of tone, as it gracefully glides from mountain heights to the softest vales below. Her crystal notes might be termed a rainbow of sound. What a . wonderful gift is a good voice ontroled by science! power hid in pathos"' 'Throuirh all symbols I search for its sweetness in vain." - i i i i 1 f i J i protect the soutnern rorests rrom too The Art department is in charge of Miss rapid ana extravagant uestruction, ana Norwood, who, aside, from her achieve to call attention to the wealth and re- mrnts in Art, is "a perfect woman nobly sources of the southern woodland. plannea." For years she was the pupil oi a ceieDraiea urnst, irom luunicn, went throiiKh a thorough course at Cooper In- Too MUCH INQUISITIVENESS. Chas. stitute and the Academy of Design in in the H. B. MEDITERANEAF: Seed Wheat! Seed Wheal For sale at Mr. J. S. McCubbins, S at my farm. I sowed this variety of will in December last year and mde more 34 bushels to one nvvn. Exnect to io mv crop of it this fall and do much b!4 with it this time. J. M. IIAHHIS Oct. 13, 1885. 2t INDIA. A WORK ON IND BY Hev. J. T. (ir.ifcv, i). 1J., lor seven vt a Methodist missionary in tiiat land.lli trated by maps and charts. Contaijnj well written account of India's e(i resources, climate, languages, rel with a sketch of the growth or ii' missions in India. 12 nu., 207 bound in paper. Price, thirty-five For sale by Jones fc McCubbins, Mi Salisbury, N. C. Dr. Gracey is por known to Rev. John VY . Davis, D. recommends the work. 51:1m. Administi tor's Notice. f .. I i Ilavinpr qnahP.l as Administrator of Joseph Mahaley. c'd. I hereby ive no tnee to all person having claims again$t llis estate to exlit the same to me on or before the 3d ; of September. 1886. This Septeml 2nd, 1S85. DAVIDl. MAHALEY, Adm'r 46:6w Of Joseph Mahaley. Noiti Carolina Rowan Cou:y.-Ia Superior Court. SUM3JNS FOR RELIEF. James Hell d, Adm'r of Sarah Rico Agaimt Sec, Gales, and others. I davit of plaintiff it is order- tion lie ui;tilc in the 'Laro- t)r sixsuccessive weeks. ii Gales, l'inkncy Ga)es, John ce, lizzie nice, ivIch nice, jhn U. Hit -e, Crawford Rice, land t hai it s Rice, who are of this State, to appear at he Clerk ct the Superior Court, iv ot How an. on I lie lah dav highly COMMISSIONER'S ALE! Upon the i.i. i en mat ouoi Una WatclnJ notifying S; Rice, llenrj para l nu ej Melissa Rij non-resideu the ofliceoj for the co i of Octoberf"'85, and an-wci the complaint hfiled in thfaction in t lie orrice of the Clerk of the Suirior Court,- and let them take; notice thafii" they fail to answer the sairr com plain'wii liiu that time, the plaintiff will appl Jto the Court for the relief de manded i; the compliant. Given fMfh'1" ,ljy hand, this 1st daj of ScptembjlS5. f J. M. IIORAII-, C. S. C. 46:61 ' liwan County. Adninistrator's Notice. F. Ohlney, late assistant post master at New York and has lately studied in th Clarksburg, W. Va., has been indicted fIcriW for opening mail matter addressed to oppertunities for acquiring proficiency, otner persons, rrom me iiispecLorsuheiacerluiiily capble of giving sucft m report it appears he had a rival m the affections of a young lady living at struct ion as is seldom obtained in the South. The teachers of Languages, Elocution 1 11 il f 1 . I I.,!!,,!, temptation to open their letters and in- who have graduated at well known Col form htmselt ot his rival s progress. A iees ana are therefore fully competent. bench warrant has been issued tor his Telegraphy is also tought, which is rather Clarksburg, and could not resist the arrest. been granted Electric Light. The Ncirs-Obser-ver, of Raleigh, says that Mr. C. M. ett of Washington, D. C, has the exclusive right for three year's to locate poles and run wires through the streets for the pur pose of distributing the Thompson Houston system of electric lights; and having already obtained thirty subscri bers, will proceed at once to put in the plant and begin operations. unusual in female Colleires. The most striking feature of this school, is the home like intercourse between teachers and pupils which dispells the formal airsohools generally assume. Pupils are permitted to attend the chuch of their choice as the school is not den om inatiobal. Such are the impressions Davenport College left on the mind of a visitor who has no interest in it beyond that created by the mercits of the institution. Oct 20th 1885. t Comprtfclns the greatest, most varied, most tasty most useful, as well as ccanoailcal, stock ot Goods EVEK OFFERED IN SALISBURY ! SIMPLY IMMENSE ! HEAD PARTIAL LIST: Tricots, Flannels, Ladles' Cloths, Casslmeres, Plaid Sultlnes, Detnn'es, Alpaceas, SILKS, Satins, Velvets, Velveteens, (In all shades), Feather aad Fur Trlm;aings, Woolen Laces, Hercules Braid and Buttons, In Immense variety. Handkerchiefs and Gloves, In large variety. WRAPS, . NORTHERN EXTENSION OF THE YADKIN RAILROAD, . and suggested that as a public discus sion was not what was wanted, that those incorporators of the road nresent. named in the act just read, repair to the Davie Hotel, and call to assist in their deliberations those most earnestly interested in the work. Accordingly the incorporators and a number of gen tlemen from the two counties repaired to the hotel and went into session with the same chairman and secretaries. This meeting1 practically became a citi zens meeting and the pros and cons were discussed at some length by Mes srs. A. H. Boyden, W. B. Clement, H. C. Bost, Dr. Wiseman, Jack Lindsay, ftev VV . U. VV llson and others. On motion of H. C. Bost, the five in corporators present were resolved into a woi iviug committee, and requested to call a meeting of all the incorporators to convene at South River. Rowan county, on the 17th of November, and that the secretaries be requested to no tifv said incorporalors of the meeting. This, committee consisted of H. C. Bost, A. M. Booe, Rev. W. C. Wilson, H. E. Robertson and T. B. Bailey. The following is the list of the incorporators: M. L. Holmes, J.D.Gaslrill, J.S.Mc- Cubbins, sr., Iheo. T. Kluttz. Lee S. H. W. Shaw, better known as Josh Billings, is dead. He died at San Fran cisco, Oct. 14th, aged about 65 years. He accumulated, by his literary labors, about 8000,000.. He leaves a widow and two daughters. One of his daugh ters married a millionaire of South Carolina. Shotwell Monument Fund. The list of free contributions to the Shot well monument fund has been increased considerably since last week. The list will be kept standingmtil the aggregates make one hundred dollars. There are many persons who desire and will contri bute to this fund but who have not yet seen the list. It is kept by Mr. C. R. Barker, at Kluttz's drug store. John Whitehead, M. D., jMiss a. o. Kutieage. J. J. Sumrnerell, M. D., C. R. Barker, Wm. H. Overman, Will. H. Kcstler, Kerr Craise. Eugene Johnston, H. T. Trantham, M. D., J. B. Lanier, PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY. 1 1 1). A. Ramsay, IV. L. Kluttz. E. B. Neave, J. Allen Brown, T. K. Bruner, J. G. Heilig, Robt, W. Price, Lee S. Overman, A. S. Luter, T. B. Beall, Buerbaum & Eames, D. L. Lindsay, John S. Henderson, W. C. Blackmer, Mrs J. F. Griffith, Mrs M. S. Henderson. S. W. Cole, D. A. At well, Frank Brown, L. W. Coleman. M. D., Mrs J. S. McCubbins, Jr., Jas. A Craige, VV. Ii. Barker, John S. Bryan, Isaac M. laylor, J. A. Fisher, $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I shall sell Thursday, 12th day of No vember, 1885, on the premises, my valuable FARM OF 350 ACRES, divided into (8) eight lots containing from (4) four to (75) seventy-live acres each lour et the lots having trom lo to 2o acres of splendid well drained bottom and good buildings, clover, &c. S3FTekm8 One-fourth cash, balance in twelve,-eiuhteeii) and twentv-four months, with interest from day of sale at 8 per cent payable every six months. Possession given in a few days. Sale be gins at 11 o'clock a. n., sharp. ' Sale positive. Also at the s ante time and place, I shall sell several hundred bushels of corn, some sweet and Irish potatoes, Black Berkshire hogs, one new Dexter Queen Top Bug;v, one new cook stove, farm and garden tools, household and kitchen furniture, &c. All new. Terms cash. J. G. McCONNAUGHEY, l:3w A BARE CHANCS! FINE FARM fcr Sale! CLOAKS, ULSTERS, JACKETS, NEW MARKETS, RUSSIAN CIRCULARS, CLOAKING, and a magnificent line ot JERSEYS; Shawls, Nu bias, Uoods, Knit Jackf-ts, Short Wraps, Zephyrs, Napkins, Tovrc-ls, i Table Linen, QUILTS, COMPORTS, BLAKSETS Ladles and children's Underwear : CORSETS, woven and otherwise; IlOSERi, lull and complete line, Including special line of RIBBED HOSERY-Uxxcsit ever seen here. Full line of Gentlemen's Underwear & furnishings. Dont fail to see them UATS, Caps, Boots k Shoes. GROCERIES. Full, New, Fresh, and superior line of Standard Groceries same price others sell old goods for. Wood and Willow Wear, Trunks and Valices. Sewing Machines. , Agents for AMERICAN and ST. JOHN Sewing Ma chines the most reliable on the market. A splendid and varied assortment of the finest Dress Goods left over from last winter, wlU be sold BELOW COST, to make room. These Goods are In per fect condition, and are as serv iceable as any goods. ISF-Look for the bargain cocntkr. Also, a lot ot HATS afld SUOES, carried over from last winter, at a bargain below cost. In the matter of David M. Coopc A. Cooper, James C. Cooper. Overcash, Eiuiiia C. Riti hie. . Coflius, heirs at law ot bfti deceased : Having been appointed Cnmi Court to st 1 1 the Lands belon above named parties, 1 wiu pr on the premises, on the 1st Monday in November it being the 2nd day of Novcn lowing described real estate Atwell township : A tract of 4 or less, adjoining tne lands oi A. Bost, Allison Deal and said tract was assigned to William Cooper as her dowe Terms of sale; One-third remaining two-thirds on a and twelve months respeftiv est on the dclcrred pay me sale, at six per cent. Title until the nurcnaso monev i DAVID M. CO Sept. 10, 1885. 51:1 w Qcorgc vutcv u. 1 fMary i Cooper, jidner of igjto the eU Jo sell r, tne lol uaied in icrei more u:h J'arks, 4 . . crs, jwuicn wijpow of sh, and the red it -of six r, witft inttr fromlday of be reserved fid. I ER, Cnm'r. Sale o m en i Haviaf qualiflcdgs administratr mm testameaie (i'hrJ?i, upou the estate of Rob ert Knoxi Wd, I hereby notify all persons having qf;iims against said estate to jpre sent thefi tn me for payment on or before thf 17tl day of Septcraber, 1SS6, orftbU notice vill be plead in bar f their recove ry. Tiis Sep:, 17th. 1885. JOHN S. KNOX, Adm'r Tho F. Kluttz, Atty. 48:6w By virtue of a decree Court of Rowan Count Y. F. Lackey, Administr against R. G. Sloan and at the Court House do Saturday, the 7th day of public auction, a tract the lands of J. L. Cowa the John Graham land tainins 48 acres. Bid $294.93. Terms one-1 balance in six months, day of sale at the fate num. W. F. Oct. th, 1885. f the Superior a the fasc ol wof R. I. Sloan tiers, I Will sell in Salisbury on ,venib'r?1885, at kind adjoining James Pearson, ud others ; con- n rs to open at rd cash, sand the th interest lrom per cen per an- CKEY, 4dm'r 1 51:4t J. M. HADBIT, . Beal Estate Apit, Office in J. D. McNeely's Store HAS FOR SALE the following real estate on terms to suit purchasers : jf0- j Eight building lots, four of them fronting on Main str. These lots are' near Car Shops. I No. 2 Has eight building lots and four small farms. This property is situated on the lb ingle ferry road J mile from car shops 0 3 Ten small farms, containing cacb from 10 to 12 acres, situated on theBringle ferry road. 1$ miles from Salisbury. No. 4 - Has seven building lots, two on Main street and five on Church street 0 5 ilas eleven small lots, situated on Long street, near Gas. house, Woolen ;MilIs, freight and passenger depots. This proper ty is valuable for tenement houses. No 6 Has eight small farms, containing four to six acres, situated about 1$ milcfl of Salisbury on the N. C. K. K. No. 7 Has about o or w emui irm, containing a to iu acres eacn. ral other valuable farms, containing from 50 to 110 acres, with buildings all within two to three miles ot towm l wm ia pleasure in showing the property to any one wishing to nuy. j- m. uaif. June 4, 18b5 Tie Hoii MO of- UPRIGHT- BKsT Dualities purity, vol Itongruity ot lone: and eautv ot construction, m - ile few arc neanv so (re $225, $250 and $275 I will pell on favorable terms 100 acres of my form, situated miles west from the public square in Salisbury, on the Lincoln road, and adjoining the lands of Bent. Lndwick and others; 50 acres of it is well timbered, the remainder in fine state of cultivation. Has on it a hewed loir dwelling, good well, two excellent meadows, a first-class fish pond, and is in a fine and healthy neighborhood. There is a gold bearing vein on it, and a 21 pwt. piece was picked up there last year. The property lies well and may be divided to suit purchasers. Call on or address. A. L. JOHNSON, Salisbury, N. C. , Oct. 20, 1885. lm HEALTH IS THE GREATEST blessing. No child can be healthy if worms abound in its stomach. Shriner's Indian Vermifuge will destroy and expel them and brinj the blessing so long sought. when rou want anytlilnsr that should oea "kept In a first class Store, come to us for it. rt 'We propose to meet and satisfy the de- m rjrmaads of customers. Come and see us. MERON'EY & BRO. Salisbury, Oct. 15. 18S5. 52:3m PATENTS Caveats, Trade Marks and Lopyngnis Obtained, and all other business In the U. S. Patent Office attended to for Moderate Fees. our office is opposite the U. S. Patent Onlce, and we can obtain Patents In dess time than those re. tuote from Washington. ' Send Model or drawing. We advise as to patent ability tree of charge; and make JT charge umtta tee Obtain Patent. ' We refer her to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Monev Order Dlv., and to officials of Lhe U. S. Pat ent office. For circular, advice, tonus anJ rcfer encea to actual clients in your own Stuteor county. write io c A. qNVW 9. COi Opposite Patent Ouice, WaiMiuttuu u. C UCl. 81, -H9VI IS TI in these concrete ume, continuity an tor durability and none are better, i good. The prices CASH. The ScuiibertfPianc--Uivriglit-- IS THE ONiY SUBSTANTIAL and truly musicil "Cheap" Piaio price $175.00. f The reasons wiy such honesj, artistic work can be obtalne.Lat the low Jbut legit imate rates will Be fully given inja hvtirtess conference with W. H. 4sA Vi!. Sept. 17, lW5.-r-tf P Executor's Notice. Having nnrvli will ahd .testae deceased, all pe the said James tied to present payment on or tcmber, 1880 as a bar to the ber the 25th, 11385 J JAS 50:6w THIS PAJ Advertising Bar rvntraeu nsay (1 as Executor.-of the last uit ot .lames B. Gibson, ns holding claims againsj Gibson, arei hereby noti em to the unJlersicned tor forcthe 25tft dav ot Scp- this notice recovery. rili le plead 'his Septem i I C. UlfSCfN, Ext'r. 14 . J-,.-.-, I I H nar do on ni at rat wo in all her Ucvs, Heaven tn her 1. every gesture dignity and love f j h appeared Mother Eve, and s may shin her lair defendants, with the ex- pr.'i of common sense, care and pro per treatment. An enormous number of female complaints are directly aus A kv disturbances or suppression ot the Mer.stral Function. In rrcry:Mich case that sterling and unfailing specific, Braofield's Female Regulator, will eflect relief and cure. it frrm i h recioe of a mostdlstin- . uished nhvsician. It is composed of strictly officinal ingredients, whose happy combination has never been sur pawed. It i- prepared with scientific t-kill from the finest materials, it bear dhe palm for constancy of strength, riainiv ui ciicti. .i.r" . !..,: t....i. nf annearence and at Kin, u(ui; -ri jtive cheapness. Ifavor is genuine. lfairly tried. Cartersville Gs. Thi willcertify that two memben" nfmv immediate family, after having ..Serine, for man? years from nienstru- ral irregularity, and having been treat Lj :ii,mi konolit bv various meoicsi iK'U wimvAi.v rv J - . ., . . , idoctors, were at tenglh W'? " bv one bottle of Lr. urauueiu r i,.. its efFfft in such cases i rulv wonderlui. anu wu mj -j -- fdy"be called "Woman's Best Friend. Resned fully, JasWIStbaKge. Send fororlxoktb;,H' Happiness of Woman." Mailed free. FIBbawiixd Regclator Co. Atlar. rela i The testimony in its It never fails wheni o d g P m HEALTH EBSTOftT t V Mi i - I ft US j I I f 'if II M if I I mi -mm " - m ' m t, m" t rffnMlif - - ... - . , - H

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