Si . : 1 . - ir w Lf- Carolina Watchman. : THURSDAY, OCT. 512, lS8o. FBRSONS writing ?f0,.dtvtteS ertteed In this paper will please AyT la tUe Vf atcbuaau." - r I Is SnbscriT)tion Rates The subscription rates 01 cue urvKM Watchman are toitows : 1 year, paid u advanee, $1.00 44 naWt delayed 3 tiiV2.00 " pay n't defed li moj2.50 ltond . I what the enterprising WjpT- E0W8KY & Babuch of Charlotte have j to mv m this naner. They are goou T"- . 1 "shy" of Good Wheat can be grown in this coifnty when intelligent men that the erround is -properly prepared in the preliminary cultiva tion. An example 1a furnished by Capt. James Crawford. He rawed wheat this Tear not a good year at the rate of 46 bushels to the acre. This shows what can be done and is encouraging to the progressive farmer. The truth is that it takes mighty goodjand and mighty good men to beat the live men of nowan m MINING DEPARTMENT. T. K. BRUNKR, EDITOR. Mr. Geo. Counter, of the Barringer gold mine, has returned from Cleve land, Ohio his home. business men and are not printers ink. There are a few beautiful nuggets at M S. Brown's suitable for scarf pins. Thov are from the placer fields of Montgomery county, and are sold at just their intrinsic value. fir. Irvrvl- nt- tho nfirV nronnd the lJ J IKJKJlm. f KB ' " v- . . V W lilt U Ull U VA. I . . , , -my- , . - rutl.An Whn Ann rnnimnnd the i forming nr anfh;.ur ul tvinv lindr- I rie IS me owner OI uom iiuuu, uiis take Mr. Frank Williams has returned from New York whither he had gone on business connected with mining. - New Advertisements. 5. G. Mc Connavq?hey, valuable land for sale. J. F-Stansill, Jersey bull for sale. Wittkowsky & Barucb, Another Big Drive. ' . A, L. Johnson, land near town for sale. Pay your town taxes. Charlotte Fair next week., Whre shall the Mocksville depot be located? rill: t A. B. Andrews was in the city on Tuesday. Mr. T.-B. Eldredge of the Davidson Dispatch, was in Salisbury last week. W. k Primrose. Esq., President N. f! Hnnip Insurance Company is here to-day. Eev. Wm. H. Davis, of ; Transylva nia eonntv has been spending a few days here. Subscribe to the Shotwell monument fund. The list can be found at lvluttzs Drug Store. . Surely the farmers have been blessed with splendid seasons lor putting m wheat and oats. Glad to see Mr. Tebe Saunders of Montgomery county here yesterday Ie brought cotton. Brinir in your wood while the roads are favorable. Don't delay it and kill your stock this winter. There is a massive old oak in Mr A. Murphy's yard which measures six and a half feet in diameter. A beautiful monument has been placed over the grave of Mr. John A. Snider, at the Lutheran Cemetery. An Alligator passed Here, per ex press! for Ashevilk? last treek. It was from Lake Waccamaw, this State. There were several Presbyterian divines in town this week en route to Synod which meets at Renville. Mir. J. J. Brnuer is attending, as a delegate, the meeting of the N. C. Synod, at Heidsville, N. this week. How much hose has the town, fit for use, incase of fire? The town Commissioners witt please count it so-called "economy" of the County Com missioners which allows the grounds to remain in such a condition? An affray occurred on Saturday night between M. A. Bringle and J as. Patton, a typo in the "Herald"" office in whicka short club or "hilly" was used to the damage of said Patton. Cn f Ati-v'c Crrr'rmi host tirrciin YwPYl wi-i.. wr tr,n,n mU$ ey kept as long as rn-ft.- i. a Anno.l sight. The other two IlHlht J. 11135 tllliC uu iiiuiu nuo uunv except to one of the window blinds. St. Mary's is a pretty little chapel six miles south of town. Mr. Nute May hue. one of the good farmers of Franklin township, this county, has been doing some fine farm- ir ix 1- TTl uJ XI ing on mr. jacoo a. iviutii s lium. nc has cotton stalks showing from iua to 134 fully matured bowls. - Grand Inaugural Horse Fair. At R lark well s Hark. Uurham. Si. V: is announced for Oct 28, 29 and 30. They claim the finest half mile track in the South, and "will pay $l,t00 in premiums. Thanks for a ticket The C a rri ER Pta eo N3 were released from the top of one of the buildings on Main Street on last Satiirday morn ing at 6.35. There were eight of them. After making several large circles, 8oing7higher each time, six took an easterly direction for a few miles and then a northeasterly direction, which thev were in licrhtarl on the Couiihouse and remained several hours before taking their departure. Mr. W L. Rankin, who had charge of the birds, has not heard from Philadelphia, but thinks t he first six must have reached that city on time. High Waters. Lust Tuesday week, Third. Fourth and Witherow s creeks were booming full, and overflowing the bottoms. Mr. Charles Vannelt and a son of Mr. J. W. Turner were crossing With erow s creeK in a iarm wagon, at tne old Krider Mills foard, when in the deepest part of the stream the wagon became uncoupled. Both were in the There is not a cistern, afoot of hose, wagon which floated off down stream, Ml 1.1 J 4- i- 1,.,,, Ir or an enszine tnat wm imuw wntci wuiie lxic uiuia iucw uaii iu wic across the street, in the town of Salis- the two fore wheels. Mr. Van burv. In case ot hre, condenseil milk pelt, atter floating some distance down . . . . . . . 1 . county. He brought back with him Mr. S. B. Vial of few iork,wnois in terested in several mineral properties, and is a practical miner. For the Watchman. Wait for an Invitation. One thing in your last Issue arrested my Frazier Mine. At the Frazier mine in Mecklen burg county, a "chimney" of good rich ore has recently been struck. VY ork is progressing in a confidential manner. St. Catherine Mine, in Mecklenburg is moving right along. Mr. Pitcher, the Superintendent is reticent, but the golden evidences can not be hidden. They are making very fair returns daily and the mine is one of tiie paying investments of the State. attention, and provoked, if you please, this contribution to your columns - . This thing was the announcement that sportsmen from a distance northern gen tlemen would make their appearance among us at an early day to bag our par tridges. Now indulge me : these foreign ers, and our own sportsmen as well, ought always to know upon whose land they are hunting, and whether the wholesale destruction of the birds is agreeable to the owner. I am one of those who think (and there are others like me) that the birds on my place are as exclusively my property as my barn-yard fowh; that if there is any pleasure in shooting them I ought to enjoy it; that ir there is any plpasure in eating them that pleasure ought to be mine ; that if I see proper to enjoy these pleasures with my friends the professional bird hunter ought to give me a chance to. With their trained dogs and breech-loading guns they can very quick ly and thoroughly cleanrthem out, and do it generally, unless the proprietor drops his work and warns oft the successive hunter and this involves often loss of time and temper. Then, let all hunters ascertain whether they are welcome. I prefer to choose my own friends, even though those other fellows "carry more money in their vest pockets than would Fogy Farmeb. LIST OF LETTERS. List of Letters remaining in the Pos Office at Salisbury. N. Q., for the wef ending Oct. 19,1885: I . Lucrecia J Alexander, J J Battle & Sons J H llutner, Lucy Brooks, K H Brown, D L Brown, Lawson Clutch, Wm Cainer on, D V Didems Dealey Fry, Charlie Gorden, Sophia Graham, John Gobble A J llenry, J H Hanson, Emilor Hart, Chas T Hamilton, W H Jackson, Carolines Lock, McDaniel Lee, Manda Maumair, Annie Mira, Ellen Morrison, J H J Kluttz, Chas Kbit t z. Alice Kluttz, V J Z Kluttz, Bcttie Parker, R L Rogers. James Edwin Rumbough, Matilda Pite, Moses IShaw, Emaline Wing. Please say advertised when the above letters are called lor. ! 1 A. II. BOYDEX, P. M. Vein Mountain Mine. would have to be used, provided water enough could be found to dilate it. Mrs. Sarah Pless, an aged and highly esteemed lady, from near China Grove, in this county, died last week. She was the wife of the late Henry Pless, Piid the mother of a useful fami Ty of children, bhe was born 181 z Will the town Commissioners please stream, managed to catch over-hang- limbs and . get out. ner swam out. ma XT I oung Tur- The Vein Mountain placer mine, in McDowell county, is being very care fully explored by Superintendent G.i- Aan Rnnwi onrnnrnirina ''Unilss" bilVP been reported. The company have already begun the erection of a Beckett & McDowell stamp mill. They will put in ten for the oresent. but the foundation and room for ten more are provided for. Regular Correspondence ot The Watchman. PHORE & A HAF OF DE CO; OCTOBR DE TWENTY 18S5. Courthouse. The County Commis sioners will probably be indicted at the approaching term ot court tor neg ligence 01 the courtnouse ouuoing. The stuco has fallen in many places is more easily affected of weather and other and the building . 1 . . 1 f nf rlif means 01 by the changes IJUUIIOIJ a o tun iin.ii v vm. w w A ' M J a. J." profection in case of fire, at the com- causes which , tend to its destruction, mnnrf of tbfi citizens. Should a fire His Honor, Judge Montgomery warned occur thev would like to know how to them particularly m his charge a proceed in order to render assistance. last court, and the inexcusable neglect Country Homes. Mr. J. b. torn- It win CQst fwice as much to f it hnson, by no means a stranger m the n, VMr ns :t 11 now. As a matter tten out ine nrst . - up. ! i ' ' - . . . . 1 1 - a 1 1 1 1 I 1 Miss Linda Kumpie has just receiv- at the base, many are leaning ana wiu ed a new upngh grand Knabe piano, soon tall ana prouamy oreaK, . , . . . . ,1? ,i i 1;: 1 sh t fampd as a nianisLana aeserveaiv renaireu. 1 I O 1 t , . , , - m r t n v. f i- - .1-1 1 - Grove Cemetery are badlv set on base, and are liable to damage if not looked after printing office, has gottei issuse of Country Homes Published at Asheville, N. C. Subscription $1 per annum. It is filled with plenty of good reading matter. There are some monstrous bad roads leading into Salisbury. An old gen tleman, who does a great deal of trav eling and who is noted for his cool deliberate temper, says that if they are not repaired before the next grand jury sits, he will indict the overseers. TbrA arp cpvpral monuments and to enclose the park. With these addi 1 .. ., ,, , 11 11 . large grave-stones in the Lutheran 4 tions. the "parkness or ine appearance 'oTnobrv fhnt. rprimrp at.tamtiOTi trnm I WOU1U ue iueuuoi cuaaucw, iinc inc VV'UlV J VUMV V T v --- 1 . ft J 1 .11 V tTVUi VV. W T I i V , lift! would cease to trouble the tnougntiui i ...... ..I .1 n 1 I . i , . ..,1. i . . . 1 , , v . . r . . 1 t Hint Tioirrh- 11- nnt, 1 en iif ua uu n.iiiiit iu 111 iiiai uciu- of economy in the Countie s hnances, it should receive prompt attention. "The Court yard green," or ''Legal Row Park1 is a lovely spot of ground, beautiful in its verdant, velvety coat iust now. It is an ornament that the town and county should be proud of There are, however, a few things need ed to Complete the appearance and comfort of the place. Walks should be made, shade trees set out, iron or wooden seats located, and an iron fence Petty Mining. The unusual demand for hands to work on the extension of the Carolina Central Railroad, and the high price (high for that section) of one dollar 1 -i -i i 1 1 l per day nas almost entirely arawn away the men trom petty mining 1 Burke, McDowell and Rutherford coun ties. It is doubtful if one third of the customary returns from this source is probable. The petty miners ot tliose counties make fair wages with, -pick and pan, but are easily led away by more social and less careful work of loveling dirt. The aggregate of their work ususually swells the returns at the U. S. Mint several thousand dollors per annum. HARRIED. At the residence of the bride's father, in Scotch Irish township, by the Rev. R. W. Boyd, Mr. Wm. A. Morgan, of this city to Miss .Nettae, daughter of David renninger, Esq. f Kind fate hath made one of two Along through life to plod, - Bo taay kind fate e'er bind you In love and the fear of God. At the residence of James M. Erwih, Oct, 14, '85, by Rev. J. Alston Ramsjy, assisted by Rev. J. M. Wharey, Mr. Thfs. LeRoy Gillespie and Miss Lucy Erwinj Tk "1 ft ;TtT A r. l)en Bheppara 01 : vv mson, was in town this week visiting his broth er Mr. John Sheppard. Both tobacco ' T ! Bev. John W. Davis, D.D., will de- New Pleasure Club. The men-of Third Creek Station, lOUU . gravis, WWW 1- . l,a AHMniTiJ n nlpasnrp oln! )ir .lecture soon at ,tj Mf H'S,. hobjecil I'll Iiri 11 II ri C. JTLULXJ.lLl!LLlA.V after. Engineer Elliotte and Mr. Frank Brown, chiefs of the Yadkin River Improvement work, were in town last week. m young 111 this club is for giving dances and to stimulate other pleasant social gatherings. Mr. Gus Allison is tlie leaamg spirit, wnue Messrs. W. A. Allison, Dick Burroughs, Frank Bryant and other clever young men of the place are prominent The Messrs. Tatum, enterpnsinirl" , . w. merchants of Jerusalem Davie county, j are minding a nanasome new one 1 According to tne laws governing tne store house. itinerant system in the McthodisiJ Valuable land in tracts to suit pur- church, the services of Rev. Joseph ehasers, is offered for sale by Mr. A, Ii. Wheeler pastor ot that congregation Johnson. See advertisement in anoth- M?ere: " uu uie lasi om - cr column. dzy m November. es an earnest, J pious, ennsuan genneiuau ano iias The prices offered for cotton have 1 served his people here acceptably for fluctuated but little thi$ season. From four-years, gaining many friends and. nine w nine anu uiui, are auout me admirers outsiue 01 nis congregation. Prices offered. TT . ' n ,r Uncle Tom Pinkston Gone. Many The purchase of pianos in Salisbury of his friends and acquaintances will M unprecedented. Many new and be pained to learn of the death of Mr. elegant instruments have been bought Tom rmkston, which occurred at his here recently. home in Locke township, on the 17th Cotton has been brisk the last week. mst- e was a hale,liearty, jovial o d On Saturday there were 85 - bales from man' f1ing rene? ine maiuret om the country, and on Tuesday there T.'T'in "" r lutu uitn aiuuuu 11,111 borhood. Cotton Factory. Tbprp is n. ilfe.ided find determined effort being made here for the estab- a large force to be emploved a cotton factorv. There is Mr. Mauney is a Gold riill Mr. edditur of de Watchman: Yuse i3 a dere luwer of goode rodes hain't yuse, yes i no? yuse is. darfore i is goin ter rite yuse a bout de rode mcet- 111 an de rode V orhun day dat us uaa -Know i tells vuse how Uvas, yuse Se us war all warnd in, fur ter vork de rode on er sat da v. Vel us war all dar ccptn de ober-se-her at de propur tyme, ven us war watin fur him. i use now how tis yerset, vel, dar de inetiu war helt. de argamint of de disKussun look place & ve war So much intrusted in hit dat ven de ober-se-her cum he jined hit, darfore dese am sum of de pints Vitch war rased. DeKan Oberjoy, fust Sed dat ven he jined de churh dat de slidin elder tole him dat de rode ter glora war a Strate an a naro rode, hit didn't hab no krooks an turn in hit an tater roes kross hit, whar yuse culdn't dribe ter de rite, nur dribe ter de lef, nur dribe in de Middle of de rode, but had ter dribe strate long. I)is war dis kussed by all ou-us, an ve culdn't gree, Den ober-se-her cum up and sed. se bear fellers, dis haint gwine ter do, ve is got ter vork de rode an lebe no traks f in de sand, den ve vent long vorkin de rode til ve cum ter a mud bole whar dar vas a beep of vater, Sum of us Sot on de fen?e ter vate til de vater dvide up, an den de argamint of de disKussun war cumensed agin. Wun membur oT de churh Sed dat hole of vater minded him of vot he red in de papur, whar dey took an blode de refe rock out of de vav wid di-in-er-mite So dat dey culd ginter Ilel-gate thout goin threw flud rock. Ho sed dat he had vorked Adkio rivur wid frank Brown whar dey blode de rocK out wid di-in-er- in?f on fnvo nriims siine n' de hole Saturday. He reports that they are work- war ' blode ofe, deplane war filled wid ing three shifts of men in the 270 vater, an all of us greed vith him dat as foot level of the 750 foot Randolph dat war de kase dat dat war de reson vy shaft; and that just now they are dey blode de flud rock out Rase hit . ' t. ii i x wuld let de vater in on de Hel-gate, an if difmng across a fault, lie also re- hH war like en of de stock law gates pj)rts that prospects are very good for iut VfXl& uust hit open an let de vater in a resumption of work at all the shafts an put de tire out, darfore, dey took hit nn flip nronortv. Orders of this nature out on de bibel au put She-all in. Ye all " r--r--j - . ir Vr f ott ,1.1-7 Mr Mannav SCU lllill as J Lu, uasc . i.i i i;-ii,ii:iLiiv ill , ,iitu,:' t ' " T- J J thinks that it will take about one year to put the mines m condition to keep DIED. At his home in this county, October 17 1885. Mr. Thos. Pinkston. The deceased had exceeded the limit of human life, three score and ten, and when we last 4w him he looked as if he might live much longer. His death was sudden, he being ill only a few hours. WHEAT FERTILIZERS. Am now receiving mv stock of fertili zers for wheat, including best brantfe of Phosphates, Dissolved Bones, and Ambio niated goods. Prices $15 to $35 per on. Have a large lot of Agricultural Limfe at $12.50 per ton. J. Allex BROWf. SALT RHEUM OR ECZEMA. In April, 1884, there nppearaed on my feet and legs what tbe doctors- called Salt Rheum, which produced intense suffering. I tried a great many remedies, and. had tho attention ot one of our best physicians, but received no permanent relief. The dis ease continued to gr.ov worse and my limbs were greatly Infl.-mied. I w ,8 finally induced to try wilt's Specific, and af'cr taking four bottles relief came. I contin ued, however, until I hd taken scTen bottles, and am now . sound and well, and not a su-n ot the disease oil. iuv general health has great I v improved, and I most cheerfully recommend S. S. S. as being the best blood purifier that I have ever known. .Mrs. M. . lllghsmirli; Lulaton, "Wayne Co.. Oa. May 19, 1885. .... Qstl3, 1333.-- Our Philadelphia markets are correeted every week. Philadelphia Market. Evans Rros., largf Produce Commission Serdianfs56 North Wilter street, PiMltlelplii;r, report the following city markets.: Eggs, Vir ginia and Southern, 12 13. Live imnl- I try 12 13 cts. ier poiuid; dressed fK)00; turkeys 000i), according to quality ; dncks 00 10; geese KI(g00. Li vecattle 53; hogk, live 5Jf. Potattieff: Early Rose, choiiee, per bush., 0000; Rntbanks, choice 0000; Poei less, 0000 ; Penrt Mauunoih, 00&0O. Cheese: N. Y. Factiw ry, choice 7J3i; fair togowl, to 7 Peiin8ivani full cream, 6i7i ; pa. t skims, fancy 4t5; full skims, li2i. Dried Fruits: Apples, evaporated, in . cases, 0(0; sliced N. Carolina, tancv 0 00; good ElieeilO ; blackberries QffitiQf cherries, pitteil, prime dry 00 00 peaches, pared, evaporated. 0000: N. C sliced 0i); nupared halves, new, 000; quarters -0000; evajwrated 000: pears, 0000; plqms, OOj raspberries, O00 per pound. Feathers, choice geese 4S50. Hides, dry, 10l'i Honey iu comb, 10 beeswax 242o. To Subscribers. Remember hat Mr. Jas. H. HdKenzie, is reoularlv eiir easred as fireneml canvassinij: and Scol- lecting A -rent for tbe Watchman, and he will call on all delinquent subcri bers. Be ready to meet him. Th Watchman has been over indulgent with subscribers and a reform is nqces- sarv. It is due both subscribersiand the Proprietor that old scores be settled and seems to up. 1 ; HELPING CANCER. I have been afflicted a number of years with cancer, and have tried all the reme dies suggested lr this terrible dist-;ie without any benefit. Six bottles of tho Swift's Specific has done me more good than all i-hc medicine I had taken. My strength, has returned, and I can walk farther and take more exercise than I have leen able to do for year?. Ii effects have been wonderful and the can' t r has jjreatly improved. W. Shiesling. Griffin, Ga., Mav 1, 1883. Swift's Spitific is entirely vegetable, cure cancers iy lorcing out the impurities-from the blood. Gold Hill Mines. (Superintendent Mauney of the Gold Hill mines was in Salisbury on last their 20 stamp mill in ceaseless motion, The work to be done is sinking tlie shafts deeper and driving on 1 lie lodes, so as to onen enoush cronnd to enable L " had red bit, den de inetiu broke up, ve valked on a leetel furder, put sum brush in de boles an sum durt on bit, an den de rode vas vorked, an den sum of us vent py de Stil, an got a dram, and den vent ter de Corn Sbukiu, dat vas all. Yourn, Wroan W rambler. lishment of every condition here for tbe successful operation of an) kind of manufactur ing, viz: cheap labor, pure water, healthy climate. Mr. J. 1). McNeely, Mr. John Iledrick and others are work ing up the interest in a cotton factffry, man, and! will do well what he undertake. The tight rope walker who amused the children and grown people here a short time since, was killed in Spar tanburg a few days ago. He was rvialrinrr bis: fnmoim "oVon' down a fTUV Elliotte, of Montgomery I ,m it urokfi the toor fel- was tempted into buying a , kull was ma3hed in. He Bought a Nugget. Mr. C. P. county, i ii.: til' i in x i j i v . . l. m. . l ifc v.' v vyii . i. v v - . t t . . f m and Mr. McNeelv will open subscrip-hu?"et one dajr last summer lie Later. Davidson, the tight-rope w -T- . I J rt -m-t-rn . riVMI VI a Vl ft tW T 1 X I T" T" tion books on Saturday the 21th inst for the purpose of enrolling stockhold ers. W hen from thirty to fifty thou sand dollars are subscribed, the organi will bo off.if-frd mid nrnnpr nffl. Tr,0 ci,3r Aa confidentially ot his success S50 so as to be in reach of everv far- n4.a Jet "nknown locality: lie must mer in the county. The movement is hnder was a stranger to Mr. r.. out as i n .vi.osp 1 1, rilliric? fall and renort he professed to live in an adjoining Lj jpnfu n Rnartanburcr was reDorted . . , mi i c-7 i by us, surprised the doctors -by getting i mi county no suspicion was arotisca. inis luckv miner was out or money, and must make a raise. He told Mr. E. m a new well. The crack in his cranium has grown together, his eyes have resumed their wonted position m Ins head, and he now wants to visit our fair and give a dailv exhibition of tight rope GOOD SMALL FARM, near town, for I sale at reasonable price; 75 acres brings cotton, corn, wheat and oats good niead- ow ('2o one horse loads hay annually) pasture, and good dwelling and out hous es. Apply lor particulars to Bkuner & McCuBBnt, Real Estate Agenta. A FRIG1ITFUL CASE OF A COLORED MAN. I contracted a fearful case of ; blood poison in 1883. I was treated by some of the best phvsicians in Atlanta, i 1 hey used the old remedies of Mercury and Potash, which brought on rheumatism and impaired my digestive organs. Every joint in me Was swollen and full of pain. When I was given up to die, my physi cians thought it would be a good time to test the virtue of Swift's Specific, j When I commenced taking cL S. S. the-physi- 1 A . . . 1 Cian saui l coum noi live iwo weens un der the ordinary treatment. lie com menced to give me the medicine strictly according to directions, which I continued fur several months. I took, nothing else, and commenced to improve from the verv first. Soon the rheumatism left me, my appetite became all right, and the ulcers, which the doctor said were the most frightful he had ever seen, negan to heal, and by the first of October! 1884, I was a well man again. 1 am strougcr . r U ? l now man l ever was oeiore, anu weign more. S. S. S. has saved me from an early grave. LEM McCLENlXlN. MERCURIAL . POISONING. For 23 years I have suffered from the effect s of Mercury and Iodide of Potassium I was salivated in a nirst k-jtriiil wt, and was fiiven up to die. I have had uo relief from anything I havctaken for it, and I have tried everything, until now, that I have taken a course of Swill's Specific, It has entirely cured me. It also curtu me of It also cu led uie of sciatic, rluji mat ism, from which I have. suffered for many long years. I am now well of both, and there is no evidence ot mercurial poisoning or rheumatism about me. O. F. Russ, With Howe Scale Co, Albany. X. Y.,June 20, 1885. a proper one and it is hoped that the responses from the people will be liberal. Buying a Trousseau walking. Char. 0b. 1 . XJ V v many fnends. He was an unusually A magnifaccnt vtew ol the surround- vigorous man for his- years, and work ing country way re jam irom any or on the farm up to within a short ' i . . & s - i - i a Ti I we inree si;ory Duuarngs in rown. it tjme 0 is death is worth a climb. h . I 1 Some of the vounp; sneakers of tbe Miss Kittie Stabler; of Gettysburg, town were m warm, discusion over the Pa., and Miss Jennie Ringwalt, -of kind of fruit that Wm. Tell wore on Pownigtown, Fa,, are the guests of his head on tbe occasion of the archers Mrs. T. C. Linn. Mr. J. H. Neisler, saddler and har ness maker, has opened a new harness 'ebon on Main street, onnosite D. A. Atwell's hardware store. sticks to the letter, maintaining that it was an apple! Is it possible to have The Landmark states that the pro- this discussion conducted before an prietors of the new Methodist paper, to audience? issued soon, are undecided wbetler tiny will publish it Salisbury. tournament was a grape another there One maintained that it native of Switzerland that it was a pumpkin, but is one man in the town that at States ville or Sweet Potatoes. Mr. Abe Glover II I I --MM fitrd Ki 1"' Hit if Hi Si r 1 i boasts of raising 35 bushels of sweet not a toes on a little less than one fourth Mrs. Paul Whitehead and daughter,! of fln acre. Mr. J. V. Barrinsrer has Miss Jeannette, of Richmond, Va., who iust fathered 250 bushels from an acre, Mi it -. ii ii rj i , I i V . . i nave ueen spenamg tne oummer in tne The latter has a potato house where he mountains, are the guest of Mrs. Vir- keens his crop for winter use. He suc- ginia Whitehead. MM ' 11 i xnere w not an idle carpenter in f i rm i i oausDury. i nere is a demand tor car penters just now. The progress of some of the bunding now going on in town is hindered from this cause. ceeds in preserving them and they are worth 60 or 75 cents per bushels in the early spring. Raising potatoes ii 1 1 n . . . - ir oavs verv well at tnose nirures. .ur I mi mf W (CUT THIS OUT.) Another Big Drive. AT covery through his (the lucky miners) WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH'3, instrumentality, that he should be al- charlotte X: c. lowed to De a partner oy paying nan . , . jur store is mieu viuii cugci Pur- 1 Don't Fkel Like Wobk." It makes no diirereaiy what Imsincss xox are tnitg edin: whether you ar n prea:hcrv a me chanic, a lawyer or a comnjon laborer, you can t do your work well while yen are hall sirk. Thousands trv to, wit all m vu?n. How much better to" keep y.our-orgons in good (frder by taking l'arker's Tonic when you feci "a little out of sorts." It would bo money iu jour pocket. One liour ol good, rejoicing health is worth half a doz en hours full ot languor and pain. Splendid Farm tor Sale. Terms rea sonable u-ood neighborhood splendid tobacco lands. BRUNER & McCUBBINS. Splendid Water Power for sale. Pow- er enougli to run several lactones. Brunei! & McCuebins. realize some cash in order to meet cur rent expenses. He displayed a beauti ful 22 oz. nugget, with quartz attached and begged for an advance of $50 cash; would take a note for a hundred morer but this bargain was with the express understanding that should Mr. its ciivuy iiiiri e.-iiui;. iucic 10 world of latitude in the meaning of the term; it may include many handsome dresses and other articles of apparel, Lu. ,,mnnfnf tbp nnroh monev. i t i i. .1 "l"v'""" - r . . 1 , . i .a; 4i otiue pt'uu, eiegaiii. cwbliy iiu Hu- the 22 oz uugget was worth cnasers, maiiv wii aie wmuug pucui- merous. But it is not of these that about Mr Elliotte thought it a ly to be served. The Bargains offered vour reporter has to speak. No. In . .;imn anA rln fbp lelow astonish our competitors and are . - . . .1 , I ifLV fl (X i;iC ui ui;voiui wuu iwv-v t .... . . ., tit he humbler walks ot life the outht is nn fVl f0Vrr, the talk ot this whole community, we so scant and the presents so few that After a lause of several months and owe it to our out of TowU Patrons to trousseau is an aitogetner superfluous f- Cm iu IhpW minpr. Mr. secure such bargains term, yet a case recently happened here E determmea to sell the nugget. Im that strikes the reporter as rather re- ajrfne his surprise when the usual, test markable. The story is told by one of "Joved it b It waa r and the voting business men of the town, T, bably heen mouded in a cavity and here it is: '! was iust tying up a I m 0.i i.La aTnno Uml from nno roa ti' non I oow oin n .it nnnn in I - i 'I IV- 1 (1 1 ' 11L1L A. Ol TT V1U UU. VUillL He walked to a secluded part i - 1 i' J i 1 HT store ana mononeu me oacit. yv uen x ij tu;0 .hm nrni, . m to i i 4 I Vi. eJil -M. Ilia i rj ' A 1, got to him he said ; u 2200 vards ot black gr. gr, "Have you got any kcrloner" Montgomery or some other nugget "sublime, worth ?.-o per yard, now "0 yes, plenty of it, how much do ,-nty i-i;fv 81.37i. you want? r & J 40 pieces of colored all Wool Irench Cashmeres, 38 inches wide, m cardinal, Woodleaf Items. navy blue, seal brown, myrtle green, o-arnet. worth 75c per yard, now 5 1. Mr. R. B. Baily is building a new resi- 0 50 f 54 mch wide all Wool Lem McClendon has been in the em ploy of the Chess-Carley Company for some vears. and I know the above .fate- ments to be true. At the time lie began takinsr Swift's Specific he was in a horri ble condition, I reirard his curie almost miraculous. W. B. CROSBY, Mnnajrer, Chess-Carley Co., Atlanta division. Atlanta, Ga., April IS, 1885. For sale by all druggist. TronfiRfi on Blood and Skin ill mailed free. The Swift Snecific Co.. Diacr3At- . 9 lanta, Ga. Valuable Mineral Land for sale oa 1 m 1) - . easv terms. jiRUNEit . jitx t .iibish. MOTHER for have therefore reserved quantity to till their orders. Just Think of It. them and a limited 600 yards of Black gr. gr. hilk. rare i , 1 AHtvu vi n -r - rowi -imr mva.p of the A it'tX oa irWl bv a nintinir 900 vards of Black gr. gr. Silk, choice T1KCV, nmwi i-' J " J TO . ., J 1 ,. cnnbl on v croods. woitil 51.U per yaru, nvw utv . n it , OllK, "What do you ax fer it I aint use- ter buyn, 'fumery, but I got ter git some shore. "Different prices, Eff. why are you obliged to buy cologne t dence at Woodleaf for Mr. J. -atr iv ,;4-a- . 1.1 uric Mxwxuy B ,i rV Ar Bro's and Baily, merchants. anew ri- 50 pieces neai wr ;ur. j. r.umunu - , mam. Briggs, who'is clerk for the firm of Rice , u T i inTu?,! noJK, owi,flntfi it nii snnn able street shade, worth 1.10 per 3 ard, nite, and the folks 'lowed we'd better ready foT occupancy. now 75c. have a little kerlone in the house." The farmers brag greatly on their to- qq dozen Bleached Damask Towels, -0 ho! it's an occasion of that kind. I bacco crop3 in this section. They are vpf fnr 2oc each, send for some. r .1 t i rf . I IUV WV'JV J -w" 1 ' some Handkerchiefs Efi scratched his head and tried to I Penninerer is an industrious vounsr lady. Vnn pver saw. send for one or more remember; looking puzzled and conf us- The happy pair have the good wishes of 15 pieces Bleached Table Damask, iha worth 00c per yard for 4oc tne , -1-11 :j j n 1 SALISBURY MARKET. Oct 22, 1885. Corn, freely, at 4050j Meal, 80(00; Wheat, 90MX); Flour per sack, $2.25 $2.35; Western bulk meats, 810; Laid, 1012i; Beif, retail, 6H; on the hoof, 2i34; Butter 2025; Eggs, 12T; llay,30 40: Fodder, 0OIH); Shucks, p0; Bran, 30; Potatoes, Irish, for table 3i40; for planting l1.25; Sweet potatoes 3040f Pea8,12500; Oats, 3540; Tallow, 6; Dry Hides, 10; Rabbit furs, OOO0 cts per dozen; Mink skins, 0000. Cotton, ready sales at 9J cts for good middling highest, 09$. Tobacco, sales every day and prices satisfactory. Poultry, in steady demand, cbut prices moderate. ARB YOU rpp ATTPT T? nVith Any disease pecn llbU U DLiJjiliar 10 your gentle sex? If , toy vi we bring tidings of comfort and . great joy. 1 ou c:tn BE CUBED and restored to perfect health by usitfg Bradfield's Female ! ... . Regulator !- It is a special remedy for all clisenses perr. to tlie womb, and any iattrlbgent wo- j man can cure herself by follnwg tbe dirt-c-: tions. Il is especially tflAcireiouH in oas off suppresFed or painful menstruation, in whites anl pirtial prolapsus, it anord immediate relief an. I permanently restore the menstrual function. Aa remedy to be used during that erifical period known as "(iHAKOEor LlFB." this invaluable reparation has no t i vol. "U no: its an occasion 01 tnax Kina, o&cco crop3 in mis seeuou. mey nr vet for 4DC eacu, sena ior son is it? And who is she to marry ?" fill- just finishme the tedious work of curing. .f . t it refcurn them Sat H -th the cTJt. Hi, 20c. and 25c will buy fluid. est jewels ofthis community. Miss Nettie of the lovehesr Ladies-. Handkerchu . . . T mt A. Atwell tells of an economical and sure way of saying potatoes through the winter. It is, he says, by Mr. J. A. Hunt, one of Mr. Turks' 1 simply building a base for the cone, of assistants in the W. N. C. R. R. office clay, 15 or 20 inches high, on which bprp fpll from fha crofT, . 1,-1 .. .1 tVi nnlofnoa an sta'lrpd. Over the t.bp T1PW MrFLao msiilanna im l..i C!l I ,Ann sit vrf ! f ri;i blllld O.Y OnlinfirV " H . ' iwiucuw. uu ltiob Oil L- ! lunu Tji uuunvw) - j tt?oay and boke his left arm. The arm hay stack. The hay absorbs moisture, was broken near the elbow iniwf n n,-i and maintains an even temperature. also dislocated iThese stacks never faiL ed at the same time: "I'll deciar, I fergit his name peers ter me like no it haint no sich name as I were about ter call; I jist fergit, but give me the kerlone." Woodleaf. Farmers are warned to oe on tne , L,' , -, i p wl T-.b far lreo ihVPa NUniRkHlR W UUZ. XilUUIumr. v"! SAVE YOUR Children from a horrible death bv worms. Shriner's Indian Ver mifuge will do all that is for it. Ton can rely on it i i characters ara haunting the woods, and Covers only $1 Av eacn, some attempts to steal horses ha this neigh-j Cut This Out. tS&SSJ. to Mr. B. B. good, at these prices until they Baily's stable a few nights since and are exnaustea. knocked a calf in the head, and cut its AU orders, "small or large, prompt- throat, but left his job unfinished and fled. jy attended to. Miss Rosa Wetmore, daughter of Dr. J WITTKOWSKY & BABUCH. Charlotte, IN. U., recommended Wetmore, will go to JJomasvill Female COt It nm Jkb. Oct 22 -It Salisiiry Toliacco Met CORRECTED WEEKLY BY J. Ji RASKINS, PKOPRIKTOB-KLiUTTZ S WAREHOUSE. Lncrs. common dark 5 4 to 6 44 medium red 5 to 8 Leaf, common short green. 5 to 7 good " red 7 to 9 44 nied. fillers 8 to 12 fine 44 10 to 16 Smokers, common to medium s 6 to 10 good 44 4 12 to 16 ' fiue 15 to 25 Wrappers, common J 5 to 20 u medium 20 to 30 fine 20 to 50 " fancy 50 to 70 M.trket active. Breaks have been quite full for the past week, with a s.ight decline in common grades, while all de-nrable goods are tak en at full quotations. Saved Her Life ! Ridoe, Mcl-.vTOfH Co.,Oa. Dr. J. Bradfi eld Dear Sir: I liave tak en several bollles of your Ftioale Regulator, for fallingof the worub and oiher (iii. e.m Vined, of sixteen jcars standing, and rrealjjf believe 1 am cured entirely, fr which please accept my hearlfflt thanks and must prufonml gratitude. I know your medicine aaved mjf life, ro you see I cannot speak too highly in its favor. I have reoommended it to several ofmy friends who are suffering sin 1 waa. Youra very respeetfiillv, MRS. W. E.STEEBINS. Happi Our Treatise on the ''Heahb and ness1' mailed free. Brafikld Reocla tor Co., Atlanta, G. PEIITIl OFFICE! Anv one desSrinff o purchase a cfunDletfc j outfit for a 24 column Newspaper and Job Office, with an abundance ot body type, display and job type, prog, rases, etc., ut ficient for a first rate count; office, will d, well by writing it once for teims, aiui sample b ecU. Addre??, Watcumak Office, 134:3t - oalisburv, N. C I m r;'t, - tm II J ! mi I ;: .i. H fh i in l i 4