f : A i I I i fa . i " : w . I'll ' " ll 1 ilr r ... - r I " ! r k V " .:. 1 I till Wsfitem Korth Carolina Bail Eoad Co. Salisbury, Sept. 6th, 1886. rt nftnr rh th inst, the followini: Schcdttlo will be operated by this Company : WEST IrBAnfNo.ii train no. 8 Main Line Arr-J Leavj ArV Leay EAST. Traik No72 fTKAJsNql Afv. 1 Le&r AnrJjjeay d.84 ft. 43 4.08 4.40 ft. 15 6.83 7.13 1.81 8.43 8.56 6.81 9.29 10.12 10.48 11.12 11.45 A. M 1.25 2.35 3.44!10.02 4.l0iill.07 ; 4.41 12.20 5.16 1.0? 6.33 7.14 8.01 8.431 8.56i 9.21 9.39 10.13 10.49! 11.121 A.M. ' 6 30: SamsbcrI? . . . 7.541 8.14 Statestille . 10.07 NBWtoft.... 11.25 Hickory..... 12.25i'lCABD". ...... 1.25i;MORGAKTON. . 2.591 2.59 Marios . 8.461 8.55!iOLD Fort... 'RoKD Kjnob. 5.17 5. 18 Black Mountain 5.38 0.06 CoorER's .... 6.45 6.47it8PAttTAN0Uil Jc 12.90 A.M. 11.29 11.30 ilO. 33 10.33 10.04 10.05 1 6.57 r. m iAsUEVILLB 1 . . . . Alexanders. . . . Marshall .. .... !BARNARD8 ...... 'Warm SPrinok . . 9.38 1.10 8.12 7.42 7.07 6.19 8.06 5,41 5.22 4.48 4.11 8.50 9.33 9.10 8.12 7.42 7.27 6.22 6.06 5.41 5.82 4.49 4.12 3.50 3.15P 7.30' 5.30 4vO0 .57! 2.17 1.09! p. U. 5.50 4.0 3.20; 2.10; 1.30! 11.85 11.35 10.23 10.40 8.20 7.55 7.07 8.43 7.55 7.07 6.55 A. M. WB8T. Cmfv If o. 7 VMurphy Divisions EAST, Train No. 8 16.96 16.54 11.21 11.51 12.10 1.40 2.28 9.89 8.81 4.15 9.49t 10.29 10.58 11.26 11.54 12.29 1.68 2.29 2.41 8.81 P.M. AhheyilLe. . . . . . IIo.MIXY ........ Turnpike ....... Pigeon Rives.. . Clyde. Waynesvolk. . . Hall SYLVA..f.. WeBSTBR i WttrriiER . . . . . . Charleston 4 89! 3 59 3 87 8 19 2 45 2 00 12 34 12 8. 11 66111 57 11 46 11 46 10 54 10 55 a.m. 10 09 p. x. 4 01 8 89 8 17 2 47 9 28 x . 1 "Round Knob is Breakfast station for Train No. 1, and Sup station for Train No. 2. Trains Nos. 1, 2, 7 and 8, run daily. Trains Nos. 3 and 4, run daily except Sunday. V. E. McBEE, Supt. W. A. TURK, A. Q. P. A. o tr1 o t5 fed REGISTER 70UR DEEDS. tthe General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Section 1. That section one thousand two hundred and forty-five of The Code be stricken out, and the following inserted in lieu thereof : No convey ance of land, nor contract to convey, or lease of land, for more than three years Bhall be valid to pass any property, as against creditors or purchasers, for a val uable consideration from the donor, bargainor, or lessor, but from the registra tion thereof within the county where the land lieth : Provided however,' thai the provisions of this act shall not apply to contracts, leases or deeds already executed, until the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eighty six : Provided further, that no purchase from any such donor, bargainor or lessor shall avail or pass title as against any unregistered deed executed prior to the first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five, when Ihe person or persons holding or claiming under such unregistered deed shal be in the actual possession and enjoyment of such land, either in person or by his, her or their tenants, at the time of the execution of such second deed, or When the person or persons claiming under or taking such second deed, had at the tune of taking or purchasing under such deed actual or constructive notice of such unregistered deed, or the claim of the person or persons holding or Claiming thereunder. 8bo. 2. That any person or persons holding any unregistered deed or claim ing title thereunder, executed prior to the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, may have the same recorded without proof of the execution thereof : Provided, that such person or persons shall make an affida vit before the officer having jurisdiction to take probate of such deed, that the frranfiir ImrrroniAi' rv mn-... st ci1 J n J .1 i.1 "A 1 1 i . , vi maun ui sum ucwi, uuu Liitj witnesses inereto are dead or cannot be found, and that he, she or they cannot make proof of their hand writing. Said affidavit shall be written upon or attached to such deed, and the ttam A fnorafVior wifli oimli r).,n. !..- nt. I I,,,! i- 1 ' i . , -pjv.... . vuvH uu, w t-nLiLicu wj regus irauon in ine same manner and with the same effect as if proven in the manner prescribed by law for otnef deeds. Sec. 3. That all deeds, contracts or leases, before registration, except those mentioned in section two hereof, shall be acknowledged by the grantor, lessor Or the person executing the same, or their signatures proven on oath by one or more witnesses in the manner prescribed by law, and all deeds so executed and registered shall be valid and pass title and estate without livery of seizin, attorn ment or other ceremony whatever. Bsc 4 That for the probate of all deeds, including the privy examination of ny feme covert executing the same, executed prior to January first, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five, the clerk shall receive fifteen cents for each name, and the register, for recording the same, fifty cents for the first niree copy sneets, aud five cents for each additional copy sheet. Beo. 5. That this act shall be in force from and after the first dav of D cember, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five, and the Secretary of State nan cause tne same to be published m at least three newspapers in each judicial district in the State for six weeks before said day, and shall furnish to each derk and register in the State a copy thereof, to be posted in their offices. The Agister of deeds of each county shall post or cause to be posted in four public frLaeea in each township of his county, for sixty days prior to the time when eact shall go into effect, printed notices explaining the provisions thereof and notifying all persons interested to comply with the provisions of said act the General Assembly read three times, and ratified this the 27th dav of uo.i ) , jx. XJ., J.OOU. - STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Office of Secret abv nt Stiw t t a. i.R.nnL.xnK, Of ins W dicluuan . J, SAM'L McCUBBrSS, County Treasurer. BBUNER & MoOUBBINS. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Hie undersigned are prepared to do a GENERAL REAL ESTATE BU8INES8, and solicit business of that character All real property entruared to us will be adver tised all over the United States, FREE OF CHARGE to the owaer. Persons haying farm lands forests, nnnes, or other real property Bhould consult us at once. Special attention giv en mineral lands. Reports, MsaJS and maps furnished when desired 1 BRUNER & HcCCBBIN8.? Salisbury, N. C. "I RALEIGH REGISTER. By P. M. HALE. Printer to thefitate. Subscribe to jour Some Pper and pay for it tHen remit to pay lor your State Democratic Paper, the Ralsioh Bkhstikb. Bach new subscriber m taitung W direct. Is entitled t 1 L eRKGi8TK tar n rear and to WEBSTER s PRACTICAL Diction AY which until August .86 Us offered aa premium. Sample copies o ) eReglster mailed on ..ppllcation. '4m 1 Address. RALEIGH REGISTER, SALSIGH, N. Cancer Cured. About three years ago there appeared on my right breast several hard lumps which gave me almost intolerable pain. h,ey continued to grow, and finally de veloped into what the doctor called can cer of the breast. In a short time I found my strength gone and my constitution a total wreck. From a robust woman I was reduced-to a helpless invalid; Seve ral of the best physicians of Atlauta treat ed me for cancer, but without improving my condition in the least, and finally agreeing that they could da nothing more or me. The cancer by this time was eat ing out my very life, and for five months I was a helpless, bedridden creature. About T r el atutbc roggrfion of a friend, I commenced the use of SwifVs Specfic The first influence of the medicine was to !" ut Sin mou h derful iiSE thwon heal?i ,xnlclnT bM, oght back my health again. I now do all my own Iioufq- Effli1? Meetly free from pain, and IS r . Dew P?rson together. I can not feel too grateful for this wonderful 7e forlTift' amrTSfied ifit ,,ad SI been fZl Blood aad Skin icses The Swift Spbcific Co., Drawer 3, ! Atlanta Ga. BSIEF ITEMS. A Chinese plav-housc will soon be erected in Philadelphia. -Yacht is from the Dutch verb jag- ten, meaning to pursue swiftly. There is not an able-bod iel pauper in all the Cherokee nation. Good manners is the art of making those people easy with whom you converse. European goods sold 33 per cent. cheaper in Paso del Norte, Mex., than in 1 Paso, lex., junt opposite. The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportuni ty; when it comes. . Stick to your own opinion if you have one, and allow others the came liberty to stick to theirs. Any man who puts his life in peril in a cause which is esteemed, becomes the darling of all men. Borrowers don't amount to much, at best, but those that borrow trouble are the most foolish of any. Riches are good in their way, but a rich man with a howling toothache fails tp see much use hi money. Jndge Bond and Hughes have de cided that Blind Tom shall remain in the charge of James Beth u me. The Wilmington Star says that the last estimate of the North Carolina cotton crop is that it will be 80 per oeut. A iioy employed at a coal mine near iMiamokin leu into a box tor preparing coal and was ground to pieces by iron rollers. A seat on the Stock Exchange, New York, sold on the 9th hist, for $29,000. and that price has been bid for other seats. Secretary Manning expresses the opinion that President Cleveland will go to JNew lork in .November to vote the Democratic ticket. The amount in standard dollars put in circulation during the mouth of September, in the regular course of business, was $2,700,000. The French forces in Madagascar had an indecisive fight with the Hovas, and lost twenty-one killed and wounded, the Uovas last 200. Smith Sad Misjudged Her. Detroit Free Press. There were half a dozen of them holding down as many chairs in a suburban drug store the other even ing, when the conversation changed to tramps, inicves ana Durglars, and bmith said: "Well, now, but Pd like to try an experiment. I am a little skittish about these desperadoes, and Mrs. Smith knows it and takes advantage to brag about her own courage. She says she'd just like to fiud the tramp on tne door-step who ret used to dust when she ordered nim to." "Well?" asked one. "Well, suppose one-of you riff up and go to tke front door aud demand something to eat, and be mighty im pudent about it? it will give her a fcare aud stop her bragging." I be crowd tell in with the idea, and one of the men donned an old hat and coat and fixed up as a tramp. Ten minutes later he was knocking 0 at the side door, while Smith and his friends were posted across the street. It wasn't over two minutes after the tramp's first knock before he came out of the yard. He came over the fence. He was in such a hurry that he ran thirty rods before be could briug up. Wheu Smith and others reached him he had his hat off and was feeling of his head and grit ting his teeth to keep back a groan. "Well," said Smith, "what did you do?" "Told her that I wanted a hot supper pretty quick." "Aud what did she say?" "She asked whether 1 would have boned turkey or fricased chicken, and while I was trying to make up my mind she kicked me on the shin, hit me on the head with a club and pusned me on tne steps all at oue and the same lime." And every one of the group look ed back aud saw Mrs. Smith un the street in front of the house, apparent ly waiting for somebody s return, and each mail gasped out: "Well, I'll be kazooeed! an equal start in life with their neigh bors; Such people will never per form their duty until a law is passed making education com pulsy." -Char. Democrat. A 6pecial to the Richmond Dispatch says that a very distiuct shock of earthquake, of three quarters of n minutes duration, was felt at 11.35 on the night of the 9th inst.. at Louisa Uourt Mouse. Not imp has Un heard from other points of anv dis turbance. On the same niffht the shock was also felt at Lviichlmro- "Bough on rats.' THE STATE CHRONICLE SEND FOR SAMPLE COPY I (Successor to the Farmer & Mechanic and the Chronicle.) UNDER HEW MANAGEMENT! NEWSY, BRIGHT AND CLEAN ! UP WITH THE TIMES ! The "State Chronicle" will be what its names implies a State paper. It is uot the Raleigh "Crouicle," and will not be local or sectional. It will aim to keep up with the current hews from Murphy to Manteo, or as the (politicians put it, froin Cherokkee to Currituck. It will be the orgau of no man, no ring, no section, no party. It will be demo cratic in politics, but will not hesitate to criticize Democratic measures aud Dem ocratic officers. $2.00 .50 Virginia The Supreme Court of has granted a writ of error in the case of Cluverius, under sentence of death for the murder of Lillian Madison. Chas. D. Jacobs has been appoint- ed U. b. Minister to the U. S. of Columbia; Chas. Foster, Consul Gen eral to Calcutta; and D. Parlell, Con sul at Dusseldorf. A fire in the Charter House build ings, a row of thirteen eight story warehouses in London, England, de stroyed property valued at j3,000-, 000 about $15,000,000. A Boston bank disinfects the mon- ev it receives lrom Montreal bv dio- ping.it in carbolic acid aud drying it belorc passing it along. A man in Franklin county, Tcnn., wears a heard six feet nine inches in length. He keeps about four-fifths of it wound around a card board and carries it in his coat pocket. Two Troy (N. Y.) men have in vented a machine which makes twen ty-four thousand perfect matches in a minute, and its capacity is expected to reach fifteen million in ten hours. A young woman who wants to be a teacher in Danville, Va., is vouch ed for by the local papers as "past the g'ggliug age," but as "not too old to be a very agrceaole compauion." Blood-red note paper and envelops. with rough edges aud surface, called xi anvii pajjci, is ueing USeU. Jk. lady writes: "Nobody knows how Malidi am for buying a box of it." Canon Farrar thinks the Ameri can people "the most wonderful peo- pie on tne race tne ot earth." Canon J?arrar is going to lecture to the American people soon. ! 'Pope Leo is said to have an income of $1,800,000 annually, and it is sta ted on the authority of Moris;- Capel that the Pope's per8oualex penses are limited to $2 a day. A Clever Trick. Lite in all its various phases is made up of receiving and bestow in?. and he he who fancies he can do with out either loses more than half of life's ower aud happiness. In Arizona and northern Mexico experiments are being made with the castor bean for the manufacture of oil. Ihe estimates Pive fifteen hnndrpl lanl8 to the acre, which produce six tundred pounds of beans worth $180. A gentleman traveling on a railway ost his hat. when, without a moment's lesitation, he pitched out his hat-box on which was his uame aud address wisely judging that the latter would ead to the return of the former, which it did. The American AnqUr tells of a gentleman who witnessed the murder of twenty baby trout by raosauitocs near Denver. As soon as the trout rose to the surface of the water and exposed the tip of its head a mofoui- to wouin uart upon it, drive its sting into the brain of the fish, and pn ceed to gorge itself with the life-blood. Dr. Hauffe, the celebrated physi cian of Vienna, one day received a telegram from Cracow, requested hind to repair thither with all haste, as Moses Abrahamson was very ill and required advice. This Moses wa3 known to be one of the richest men of his tribe. The doctor, who had an enormous practice aud was very busy at the time, wired back: "My fee will be two thousand florins." A second dispatch urged him io come without delay, but added that he might surely do it for less. ".Not a kreutzer less than two thousand florins," was the reply from Vienna; whereupon a fiual telegram came to hand, directing the physician to come at once. It was the depth of winter and bit terly cold, so that the medical man was anything but pleased at the pros pect of the long journey. But what was 1ms disgust on being met at the. Cracow railway station by a deputa- tion of long-coated Polish Jews, bringing the tidings that he came too late, as Moses Abrahamson had died a few hours before. As there was no train back to Vienna that day, he was perforce compelled to put up for the night at a hotel. Meanwhile the news of the great doctor's arrival had spread through the town, and sick people of every descriptien, both Jews and Christians, beseiged his door. So many sick persons touched his com passionate heart, and he freely gave them advice they needed. Wheu at last he got to the staiiou, and was about to step into the carriage, a Polish Jew came sidling up to him with a knowing smile ou his face, and whispered in his ear: "I say, doctor, I only wanted to tell you that Moses Ambrahamson isn't dead. Not a bit of it; he was among those patients whom you just cured for nothing. TERMS GF SUBSCRIPTION: One year, .... Six months, . . . ' Three months, For a Sample Copv addres, THE STATE CHRONICLE, . Ealiii, N. C Business or Party Cards, Circulars or Posters, Letter or Note Heads, Bill Heads, Monthly statements, Books or Pamphlets, Labels, Tags, &c, Neatly printed at this orhce, and at as low rates as elsewhere. Business men of Salisbury are invited to call through the P. O. before giving their orders to agents or sending them abroad. Lanfl anflMill Property FOR BALE ! Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, antf , bedbugs. ilil . Heart Painai Palpitation. Drnjwirjil Spelling, Dizi ness, Indigestion, Uuadache Slecpfcssness cured by "Wells' Health Rcnewer." "Bough on Corjis." Ask for Wells' "Rouirh on Corns." lScts. Quick complete cure. Hardor sort corns. i i - all m M aris, uumons. . I "Buehu-Paiba" . Quick, complete cure of afPKiduev. Blad der and KJrttiftrj diseases. Scalding, Irrita tion, Stone, Gravel, Catarrh of the Bladder. $1, Druggists. Bed-Bugs, Flieji. Plies, roaches ants, bed hues. rats. mice. gophers, chipni links, cleared out bv "Rough on Rats." 15c. - Thin People. "Wells' Health UeneweY' restores hmlth and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sex- "Rough on Paii." Cures cholera, coiic. cranfns. flinrrWa. aches, pains, sprains, headache, neuralgia, rneuniausm. zuc. Kouh on Pain Plaster, 15 cts. ! . Mothers. If yo are failing, hroken, worn out and nervous, use "Wells' Health Rcnewer." $ 1. Druggists. Life Preserver! If you are losinsr vour rin on lifp trx "Wells' Health Renewer." Goes direct to weak spots. 'Boagh on Pilet." Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids. Itching Protruding, Bleeding, Internal or other. Internal and external remedy ra each pack age. Sare cure, 50c. DniL'sngts. J Pretty Women. Ladies who would retain fresh nes- and vivacity, tlon't fail to try "Wells' Health ltenewer." "Rougrh on Itch." "Roagh on Iu h" cures humors, eruptions, nnsrworm, tetter, salt rheum,? frosted feet ..1. : 1 1 1 ; cuuiouuns. "Rough on Catarrhi" corrects offensive odors at once. Com plete cure of worst chronic cass, also une- 4uuieq as gargie lor diptuornysore throat, toul Veath. oOcts. The Hope of the Nation. C 1 1 1 1 i I .1 i I siuw iu development, puny. o.onu,? uim oeueate, use "VV ells' Hcaltl uenewer. Catarrh of the Bladder. Stinting, irritation, inHamatifu, all Kid ney and Urinary complaints, cuied bv "Bu-chu-Paiba" l. " J "Water Bugs, Roaches." "Kough on itats" clears the4 out Beetles, At. is. Are yo: failing, try -w ntxs' Health Ba-j For Brain. TJerTO. Stomach. Liver. Kidney. Long. An unoqu&laa inviorani. -uro DYSPEP3T A.j Headache, Fever. Acne. Chills, DEBILITY WEAKNESS Nice to ta.Traem'eritl tinequaled for TORPID LIVER and Might Sweats, Nervous Weakness, Malaria. Leanness, Bexual lMoline. tl.00 tvr but.. 6 for fs.00, ut Drugguta E. & w ills, Jersey City, N. J., I las r a II. Ii ' ' If , ; Buchu-Paiba RWir&aMe Cares of Catarrh of the Bladder. IntUm nation, Irritation of E3d nejrs and Ll.uMor, Btono or Gravel Dis eases of the Prostate Uland, Propgical 8wellinfr3, Female Diseases, Incontin enoe of Urine, aH Diseases of the Genito urinary Orgai.s ii4tJr ses. For Un healthy or Unncttaal 'Discharges use also "Chanra's Eajecfy!H Fisur," each $1. For SrPliM.IS. t -r contracted r hereditary taint, ic t naoin's Constitd tion Bitter Svrrp. $1.(W tv-r hottle, and -Gbapin's Byfniiitic M3a ttJO; andChA pin's SyphliUlc 8aiv 1.00. 6 bottles Byntp. 2 of Pills, 1 Solve, by Express ob receipt of ?10.00. c-raTDnuBilsts. I K. h. WELLfl, jersey ty, . J., u. b. A. 7 The plantation consists of 200 acres of which there is about 60 acres of good bot tom. The aail is red, mulatto, and gray. suitable for the cultivation of wheat, corn, oats, rye, cotton and tobacco, with a suffi cient supply of wood, water, meadow land, fee. There is on the promises a large two story dwelling house with six rooms, situ ated in a beautiful oak grove, with all necessary outbuildings. The Mill property consists of a large three story mill house, with 1 pair of burrs, 1 p'r of corn roek, new Eureka smut machine, new bolting cloth, Farr.-r pattent water wheels, new fore bay and peustock. Also a cotton gin house, 315x24, with a 40 saw Hall gin with sell-feeder add condenser, and a Liddell Boss Press. There is also a 3.5 horse power engine and boiler situated between the mill and cotton gin so that cither or all can be run at the same tsme. The proper ty is all in good repair and can be be run at any time either by water or steam. Price $5,0002,000 cash, the balance as may be agreed upon. The property is situated on Crane Creek are miles south of Salisbury. Any ptrson wishing to purchase such property will do well to call on or address P. N. HEILIG, Salisbury, N. C. Aug. 18, 1835. 3m. THE WATCHMAN JOB OFFICE also PHOFEMWJSAL CAMUS. L. UJCLKMENT CRAIGE & CLEMENT, ATtornoys At Ijn Salisbury, X. C. CELEBRATED A itteRs ftm xiii-io u (Jt-cuuariy .ic!upK-u( since H Ftremrtllt'ttS the di?estivf nrranc airi.lt Feb. .1ri, 1881, eIseI? True about White Parents but not about Negroes. One of the causes of the ignorance in this btate, among the youth, is the indifference of many parents in regard to the education of their chil dren. The Rev. T. J. Gatlis, in a sermon ou the training of children, preached in Stanly county, an ex tract of which we find in the Raleigh Register, sum up the situation in a nut shell. He is reported to have said: "There are thousands of parents all over this country whose ouly desire iu regard to their children seems to be to get as much manual labor as possible out of them before they are twenty-one years old, without auy reference to their mental or moral traiuiug. Then they are turned upon society, illiterate, to be the dupes of wicked, designing persons, bewers of wood and drawers of water all their days, without any possible chance of rising above their servile condition." Tn is is true. Instances have come under our immediate observation where farmers bave kept their chil dren in the tobacco fields, year after year, and never look beyond ihe dol lars and cents to be derived from their labor. As the Register very truly remarks; "many people seem to feelT no responsibility whatever to ward their children, and make no o:'- fort to educate them and give the n IS THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED fob apiiiuiuj), FROM POSTERS a3 big as a barn dcor down to mcst delicate Listing 'AKBS. Letter and Note Heads, Bill Heads and Statements, BUSINESS CARDS, PAMPHLETS, io the needs or the tourist, corr.TCrlal traveler and new settlor, Hstrtt-r.'.- .Sthm- ftm xiii-io u (Jt-ouuariv .iciapK-u since H Ftrengtht i:s tne digestive organ? mj ira'8 me imj-Bicai energici, !, unhritlUi fid influences. It ren oves and previ-a malarinl fever, cmistipaMon, dyspemta. I nlth fully stimal.ites the kidneys ni bll ic. r, and enj iches a xr II us pnifi the Mood. When overcome by futine, Whether mental .or phyhu-i.L . the wearj and (Itbi'it Itnst it ri'uil!e source oi lvnev.Ml Mr. ni.th ami r 1 or ale by nil ln;::u;., biidOeal, cneraily, No Mdtq Terror! No Kore Fain ! No More Sanger! TO T IlThZi STONES. The Drcatl of If otherhcod to taki ia,:. Uiis hivulukble pre paration is liblv a iri i"iiijli of scientific skill, jaod no more iheidimu jble benttil wasiever be-ji-iowed on ihe ujothers ,ol the world. I te'il not onlv short jeiisihetimeoflaborand lleiwcns the intensity of !i-io,ouioeticrtlianall it great Jy diminishes ToMotherorGhiltl tll(;a,1t;r 10 vU mother ann child, I ,nd leaves the Smother in a condition'; liihiy i.t.uruuie 10 speedy re coverr, and lurjehs lia ble to Hooding, :onvui ! ims ami othtr Salarui- hns synijttonis iirfdent OA ,0, tt)lingerinandainful Dcc' 0' fc4' I labor. I ts truly wfonder lul efficacy in this re- ijeci euuiies llio MOID--r's Friend to b rank ai as one of the life sav appliances given to he world by thefliscovt. jries of modern science. From the nature of the case it will of course be understood that me can not publish certificates cqneerningthis Kennedy without wounding the delicacy of the Writers. Yet we have hundreds of such testimonials on tile, and no mother who has once used it will everhgain be without it in her time of trouble. UNDERSIGNED has bought tbc well known ROWAN COUNTY MILL STONE QUAI'KY of E. E, Phillips, ieceAsert, and will continue 10 supply the public de mand for Will Stones lrom this cklebkated cisir so welt known throughout 1111k country for its superiority for iMiii Stoat's. Granite blacks lor Ornamental purposes, Monuments, Hcl, 4c, can also be had at tbls quarry. Address, J. T. WYATT, Salisbury, N. 0. waiaHT s ifiDi AH Vegetable pills IXS THE And all Si 2! ous Complaints pur.ly vegetable: no gnp e -Si cis. All -Druggists. Transformed to HOPE and' JOY. Safety and Ease -TO- Suffering Woman.! jfr1 CD XJ r'' S 3 KOSE AWJ CAtTlePOWDERS 4 WW i Zm LrK: Fk- Fn'itz's fo-( A prominent physician lately remarked to the proprietor, that ifit were admirable to iake public the letters we receive, the 'fMoth eHs Friend" would outsell anything on the market. 1 most earnestly entreat every female ex pecting to be canlined to use Mother's Keiief. Couplet! with this entreaty I will ad that during a long obstetrical practice (44 years), I have never known it to fail to producer a safe and quick delivery . . H.J. HOLMES, M. D., Atlantat(3a. PRICE tlST8, 5001 anir tjsttj programmes, BLANKS OF ALL KINDS Court and Maist3ria? orders solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. Senul for our Treatise on "Health and Hap. pines? of Woman," mailed free. . HaxDFiKf.n Rkgl'i.ator Co., Atlanta, Ga. T'WS ASK ALL" Interested in Hides, Fuls, Wool, IJcots, Feathers, Beeswax, Butter, Cheese, Eg8, )rie3 Fruit, Poultry, Hay and Frpdut e gcnei ally to send for our Price Currents. Prompt returns on all Consignments, Trial Shipments Solicited. R. L. "WILLIAMS & CO: General Commission Merchants, Office, 169, William St., New Ifork. l:ly . .1 ... . ... ii win rw ( iii.ic. fm or k. ii rivu,. i dv. Hers are f on in Dm. vvdeis will c-urc aii'l nrovrm llva-CnnTM ra u ill mwt.nl R.u.a .4. !..... -.,.,,...., ... .... .V. r-"-"'' in i'wi. . .. ..,. , hi w..; !:.,.r.;i-P tec ii:anfitv of milk anl itmiii tcni3- p-r ci nt., nnd make the tutUT firm ani fwi'L ; routes IViri riors w ill r.irp or prorcnf xlruontiftKBT Vfrsn to which Ii m mkLCnUI art naUett. I '':-' I'fVm-Rs WILL GIVK h'ATISF ACTIOS. boiu everywhere. i DX.VID E. FOUTZ, Proprietor v BALTlil'CIl2,tn. Oct. 4 BejettonJall Sides. By malaria, how shall we escape the dread infection? is the question which the dejtixeos of fever and ague districts ask themselves. The answer comes from former sufferers wlio for years have escaped the visitations of the periodic scourge, through the protect ns i nflucnee of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Whcii the necessity for using preventive measures arises, use this means of preven tion at once. It regulates the liver, facili tates digestion, and liberates impurities from the system, when such exist, by pro moting healthful action of the bo wo Is am! kidnevs. Act early. In all regions where !: :..: imtic vapors breed disease, it is also- j Iutely necessary to be pr ovided with fisafc- j guard, and this is trnc, though a sojourn in ; such localities is destined to be brief. No j one can afford to breath j malaria for a;shoit time. The Bitters U a sovereign specific' lor rheumatism, debility and nervousness. Keep it on hand. j TUTT'S PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE Tat Greatest Medical Trinmph of tne Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LSVER. LomoI mppetlte( Bowali coative, Pain la ttao head, with a dull Mnaacloa In the back part, Fala under the shaaMer Made, Fallcoaa after eating, with a dis inclination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, I.ovr aplrtta, With a feeling: of haviasnccloctcd aome dutr. Wearinese Dizzlncas Flatterine at tho Heart, Dots before the eves, Headache over tho rirht eye. Ueeileascesa. with fitfal dreams, Highly colored Urines and CONSTIPATION, r TtTTT'8 1'lLLS are especially adapted to such cares, one dose effects such a change of feel Ing aa to aaton isli the sufferer. To. y Increase the Appetite nd cause ths body to Take on Kleahtthai the Tlent fa nourished, nn4 by i heir Tonic Action oa the IteestiveOrfdtne,neiJar0tooisara grodnced. Pri-c lrsc. 4 4 Murray M..IV.Y . TUTT3 mm DYE, Git at IlAin or TTuikers changed to a GLOSsr islack Dy n. etngta nppucatusn cr it i.-aparra r. uatnrai tcior, nen this DTE insrautaccously. CoM by D sent bvexnrcsHOn rcccirtcf 01 OiTico, rViuarayCt., Wov York. Dec. 20, 'd4. ly. H0BEY BIADE1 $ v GoI can tatim BO U . " r day tarn. TsiB,- tot lb "BT70TJAC" (tlM "euli" Soo'.bfTn noatUy eaSsQi , 20 Per Cent Profit. Rrfatr pow, ' oft&ao.-- Staple Cpls SO ceib ek. f u,- " SOUTHERN B! VOOAC, "t " D.iT. Avery & Sor.9, Louisvlite, Ky. - i 1

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