if "I cnman - - ' 1 ' i I .1 VOL XVn.-THntB SEEIES. SALISBURY, V. C, OCTOBER 29, 1885. 2. mi ri i ttt j i lie oaroima ai - K M 6- r-' r-d 1 i g fe - 1 5 I JB 3 ri 12.- 2 e g. a 03 ! x " I to i. rf a jr 1 & O I I I S I I 25 21 .5 . kl 2S o I iIK MX , I 2 o. u w : v --St' R'l s . ST ,1 K . P3 I - O m ' O ! c ij 3 m m . ' - ; j - 2 J su ir w P O - 91 g I i i feitt P - KV W ! J Sil I 3D! .1 - 5P. Hi ll tr1"' c t S -i .0 F i r i i i - fc . ? 3 ft 5H i 8" "2 la 1 p 1 r 1 Washington Letter. From Our Regular Correspondent. Washington-, Oct. 17, 1885. Which Bible. Ak interesting question has recently been decided in the court of common pleas of Mercer county, Pennsylvania. An ininnotion was armlied for to restrain The election in Ohio aroused but little ; the use of the Kinc James version of the interest here. I was surprised to find less Bible and tjwf gospel hymns in the open than half the usual crowd on the night of ing exercises of the public schools. The the election around the bulletin boards. ! movers were members of the Roman Cath- There was but little excitement, and the olic church. Thev alletred that in their anxious face of the government clerk was j not be seen. - - The Republican party seems to be sur prised and glad it is alive. As for the Democrats, they bold that it was simply natural that Ohio should goUepublican; ! it was and is a Republican state, and the political predictions of the people are- paramount, and cannot be changed per manently by tidal waves or trickery, i The President has nothing to say in ref I erence to the result, and those who ex pected an expression of opinion were disappointed. Of the prominent Demo- hj ; crats all advanced some reason for the 52 ; defeat, and Senator Eustis is quoted as M having said to a friend that he regarded CJ the result as a rebuke for the President. 03 j The most exciting and gossip giving tj eventof the week was of a diplomatic i and'-saturnalian character. Emanuel Del Cam no, secretary of the Chilian legation, -is List nitrht arrested and taken to the jpd -Fifth Precinct Station House for being J drunk and disorderly In company with iir. l errearu, me proprietor ui a. rreuuu al theatre last night about 10:30 o'clock, L3 1 struggling to enter while his companion endeavored to dissuade mm rrom tne act. O ' 'H1C noise of their scuffle attracted the m 1 attention of Officer McMahon, who ap "r proaehed and at or.ce proceeded to ar- I rest the one who was the most intoxica ; ted and disorderlv. This person happen ed to be Mr. Del Campo. Mr. Perreard objected to the officer's action. "You jH ! cannot arrest this uatf" he said; no, sir: belief "the only correct version of the Ho ly Hi ilo is the version, recognized, aaopt ed and directed to be used in worship by said Roman Catholic church, commonly known as the "Douay Bible, and that all other English versions of the sacred scrip tures are incorrect , unauthorized and sec tarian in character; that in the public schools their children were compelled to read and sing, or hear read and sung, that which is oilensive to the plaintiffs, and which the-plaintiffs believe to be injurious to their children, or else to absent them selves from the opening exercises of said schools." This, the plaintiffs claimed, was contrary to the Constitution and laws of Pennsylvania, which guarantee the rights of conscious and prohibit sectarian instruction in the public schools. The court held that it had no authority to de cide upon the correctness of either the King James or the Douay Bible, as all versions stood equal before the law, and the school directors had the power to au thorize -the use of any. This ruling gives Roman Catholics the right where their school directors are in the majority to have their own Bible used in the' public schools. Lessons in Heroism. Not long ago in an editorial we re ferred to heroes in broadcloth. Two instances have occurred to illustrate this. A boy had fallen in the river at New York. A crowd of men and boys were looking on. An exquisitly dress ed person appeared, fie took in the situation at a glance. He saw a strange boy in the water drowning and no one lending a helping liana Off went his coat and hat and he plunged into the river and rescued the boy. He took no care of fine clothes, diamonds, or life as long as a human being was in peril. He was a hero in fine fcnen. Here is a lesson net to judge by appearances. Another instance is reported at Roches ter, N. Y. The Genessee river runs through it and the batiks are steep and rocky. A gentleman living there bad long been absent and had just returned on the train. He was harrying home, anxious to see his wife and children. An account says : "He was hurrying along the streets with a bright vision of home in his mind, when he saw on the bank of he river a lot of excited men. 14 'What is the matter?" he shouted. "They replied, 'A boy is in the va ter.' " 'Why don't you save him?' he asc ed. "In a moment, throwing down hs carpet bag and pulling off his coat, ht jumped into the stream, grasped th boy in his arms and str uled with mrx Mary Anderson in Boy's Clothes. New York Graphic. 1 If Mary Anderson has gained in flesh during her long absence, the fact is not made evident through any en largement of her somewhat thin but always beautiful features. Sue has, however, learned to give new expres sions to her countenance as well us to her voice, and as Rosalind she haft nianv new moods and caprice, some of them recalling, without greatly resembling, the Parihenia which is an abiding picture in the memory of most Americans. In her dress as a boy she gives us an especially pleas ing new feature in the exhibition for "If I were you and you were I" she sang vigorously at the piano, tfnd taming to him she said: "What would you do?" "Well, love," he answered, "judging from your dispo sition and the color of your hair, I'd say you would take a dab and knock roe-off that piano stool if I didn't stop singingsCincinnati Merchant Traveller. Particular attention paid to fresco!" and decorative p.iliuln j, in oil. wax or water-color - will make bias on Cnnrehes. Diitllc bullAii and l pnvute residences. Work guaranteed. Keterencen. u desired. Post office, address. " When In .The Wrong Channel. The bile wreaks grievous injury. Head ache, constipataon, pain in the liver and stomach, jaundice, nausea ensue. A few doses of Ilnstetter's Stomach Bitters will reform these evils and prevent further in- the first time on tins stage of a leg upon the bowels being unaccompanied by which, it is mil the irntn im say, needs . griping, rue uver is notti regulated and only to be seen to be admired. It is i ;.i . i ? t . ampie wmioui oeing gross, it is ap. The Hickory Fair a Success. Notwithstanding the limited time in which it was gotten up. and the busv cj A ' . j i li 11 10 cui 1110 nuu oji ur ILU 1 111 111U. season with the farmers, the Fair which to the shore, and as he wiped the watei has been m progress here since Wed- from his drippinir face he reconizedi 6 - . u " nesdaymominghas been largely attend- ZTomX reconlze4 possess,r w, h he consummate grace Here is lesson number two. Do not judge by appearances. Wil. Star. ed and is a success in everv particular The exhibit of the various articles from Ohio Gone Republican. As Im rlifl not state anv reason why he could not arrest him, the officer conclu ded that Mr. Ferreard was trying to re- the field, orchard, garden, workshop, sist him and take his prisoner He ac- stu(iio and cf a domestic nature is cordingly struck TJm,& splendid. The display of musical in- and disengaged his nold upon the diunK- r r j . en man he had arrested. Hr. Perreard, struments, machines and articles m l lo- who is a Frenchman and naturally of a ral Hall made by some of our business fur-inns nt thft Vl nl-Un mAGr and poured out a torrent of abuse at the interestirfg and substantial feature of awaited the Democrats. omcer, wno piacea nim aiso uuuer arr,u f, PThibitinn is the dailv oarade of registered and fine blooked stock from propriate to the trunk to which it be longs as if it had come from the hands of an artist specially gifted as to har mony in proportion, bearing in mind the entire structure from head to heel. On a buxom person it would certain ly have the appearance of a leg pain fully misplaced and dangerously un certain; but as Miss Anderson's mem ber it is precisely as it shonld be it is graceful, it is accurately rounded, it is confident and at the same time modest, it is pathetic in some of its movements, in accordance with the Hues it helps to interpret; it is wiu- rung always, and it is hand lea oy its C. A. KRA.IT S, if ! 47:3m o. The many. EN m THE GREAT EXTERNAL REMEDY! KLTJTTZ'S TOBACCO Hit - f o r : ! RHEUMATISM, OOUT, NEW RALGIA, SPRAINS, BRUISES, PAINS, ACHES, Silly Combining the wonderrul curative virtues or (To bacco, with other approved rubefacients, lnakpug a marvelous compound tor tue renei oi uuuiau am ttirtng I election in Ohio surprised It was believed that a victo- The nom ination of Hoad I v was reerarded as a Meanwhile his first prisoner had Jeen "" Tr " T.rIT. mLnA .n,l p.pa D struggling to release himself, swearing at registered anu nne oiooKeu siuca irum - - r- the officer in a curious jumble of French, Catawba andadjoining counties, consist were found declaring in advance English, and Spanish. McMahon, Avho ing mainly of cattle, but there are a that he would be defeated.Tbe Re is a powerful man, was quite capable, great many fine horses, mules, stallions, publicans are victors, electing the however of managing two prisoners at a jacs sheep, hogs, chickens, &c. The Governor and carry ing the Legislature hou?e matches, DaseDaii playing, c, nave an is no doubt that unio is ltepuoiican. is your name?" inquired the been enjoyed very much by all. Among It m always so when there are not lo- of which only she is capable. We feel that this notice of its first appearance on the New York stage without the dis6gurement of drapery is unavoid able. The debut was ent irely success ful, and, more thau that, it serves to remove a rowingiy unhappy doubt as to the member in question which has been carried by an always patient but at present thoroughly gratified public altogether too long. buiiiuiuuu u ii, nuu us iu iss very impolitic iu uirpgiiru uiBurucr 01 mat organ, wnicn through neglect may culminate in danger ous congestion and hepatic abscess, the Bitters should be resorted to at an early J . wt-: i a. i r i . n eiue. r niiure 10 uo tins renaers a contest with the maladv more protracted. Fever and ague, rheumatism, kidney and bladdery troubles, are remedied by this tine medicine,; and the increasing imflrmities of age miti-: gated by it. It may be also used in con i valescence with advantvge, as it hastens' the restoration of vigor. tj:ntty high. An English and Classical School for boyi and girls, located at Woodleaf, 11 miles west of Salisbury. Students prepared for business or college. Desirable board at reasonable rate. Students desiring to study music will be under the instruction of an experienced teacher, Mrs. R. W. Boyd. Term opens the 28th of September, 1885, and continues nine months. Address G. B, WETMQRE, Jr., Principal, Woodleaf, N. C. f 50:eow-foi4w HARDWARE. WHEN YOU WANTf HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES Oall on the undersigned at NO. 2, Granite Ro w. D. A. A'npjX. Agent for the "CardwellThreaher," Salisbury, N. C, June 8th tf. kecjier, addressing the drunken I the winners of the trotting and running races, we notice Messrs. Abel Kobinson, J. M. Garrison, H. F. Kistler and D. W. Rowe. Press. "What station mann. "I am Emanuel Del Campo, of the Chilan Legation," was the reply extracted from the prisoner, amid many oaths and curses. ''And if you arrest me," he add ed, shaking his list in the station keeper's face, "I'll have you life." The handsome face of the man was nvid with rage anct bloated with dissipation. He raved and stormed, knocked the books and ink stand off the desk, and shouted and swore in all the tongues at his command. "The difference between you and me," said he to the station keeper, "is that I am a gentleman of birth and education, while you you " and here his indigna tion chocked him. "Miserable" summed up his estimation of the station keeper when he could regain his speech. As soon as hehowed his i Silent Men. Washington never made a speech. In the zenith of his fame he once at tempted it, failed, and gave it up con fused and abashed. In framing the Constitution of the United States the labor was almost wholly performed in Committee of the Whole, of which cal issues to divide. The Germans have not alwavs voted solid for tlie Republican candidates but when they have done so there has been no difi culty iu electing them. What effect the Democratic defeat will have on New York may not be known, but the Jprobability is that it will injure the prospects of that party. It may be tliat it ought not to huve such an effect, but judging from former defeats an unfavorable influence will be ex erted. The greatest danger iu New York, however, will be found iu the en- Opposed to the Blair Bill. The Salisbury Watchman thinks that the passage of the B!air Educa tional Aid Bill by the next Congress "will be the worst thing that could happen to the people of the South, and it is the duty of every thought ful person to fight it." We agree-with the Watchman, and say good bye to States' Rights and self-independence when a Southern state acknowledges it sell a pauper and dependent ou the National Treas ury for a gift of money for any pur pose. Char. Dem. COME QUICK! f DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS A J. S. McCUBBINS has just returned from the Northern cities LARGEST & BEST SELECTED Stock of Goods that he has ever offered to the public; consisting of Dry Good, Gro ceries. Hats, Boots and Shoes, Sole Leather, Crockery and Queen9-ware, Clothing, Prf- visiou, Wood and Willow Also a full line of ware Sec. Where the Editor Stopped. Overcome by Quirine. but he made bn?y two speeches during unfortunate discords, thot M P " lL , the convention, which were of a very " perpeiuai.rrM.ocar. tihsk i it pi, :l i r ( m i i .- r' - -t - ii l i: that he belonged to the legation, the ser geant on duty told him that he was free and could go. "No," yelled Del Campo, with excited frenzy, "1 won't go. "I'll have Secretary Bayard brought here to prove my Identity. Telephone to him, A hansym which had been sent for ar- ea upon, me wusuiuuou vvuuiu nave j from h,s chair aod ftt,og to the there and rived at mis moment, anu iei uuupu rieen rejecueu oy uie pwpie. aiiuukus was taken out between two policemen and Jefferson never made a speech. He sent home. I onnlrln'f. rln if Mnrmlpnn. whnsp PYPfiii- tive ability is almost without a parallel, few words each. The convention, how ever, acknowledged the master spirit, and histonans affirm that, had it not been for his personal popularity, and .... . Ti the thirty words of his hrst speech, pro- The Boyden House, at Salisbury, is being fitted up for Winter guests, a number of whom have already en gaged rooms, and others expected. The house will probably be full all ho V inter. Amongr other guests w A scene was created in the Supreme are expected, one of the largest deal &" RELIEF GUARANTEED. E6T1TS ACTION IS WONDERFUL. Suffer no longer. Be humbugged with quack cure-alls no louger. Tobacco IS Nature's Oieat Keuiedy. It-has bi'en used In a crude way ij-om the d lys of Sir Walter ttaleigh down; and has work ed many a marvelous cure, and saved many a valu able life. In the "Tobacco Uniment." its virtues are sclentiilcally extracted, combined with othet valuable medical agents, and cwnUdcntly offereU to the public, not as a cure-all. but as a safe, powdriul and effective External Remedy, applicable wher ever there Is pain to be relieved. In large bottles at only 25 cents. For al by all Druggists. Ask for it, and in tuit upon having it. Don't be put off with worthless substitutes. Try it and you iill be thank t'ul for having had it brought to jour attention. THE O. F. KLUTTZ to CO., j Wholesale Druggists. lropi1eUrs 50:3m Sausbukv, N. C. SOUTH RIVER ACADEMY. South Biver, Rowan County, N. p. What a terrible little gaine cock of a ...... i ' , i 1 In I i i.i ui n f mr it a1 Tl 1 1 shake "in her boots over the events of said that his greatest trouble was in last nitrht. But it is well understood Uniting men or aeeas ratner man woras that the American Navy is not in such nn advanced statre of reconstruction as to render a hostile misunderstanding with JToo Well xiepresentea. any foreign power at all desirable; and I , . . , it is well known that the Chilian govern- Last week there were six blockaders ment has a somewhat contemptuous ana a negro, mil uichson, cnargeu wun opinion of the Udited states, and might jump at this little emeute as a veritable casus belli. Court at Atlanta. Ga.. cn luesdav. o,-a rcnl oatnt in Hip Xw F.norland ' - .1 1 I 1 , "I,, "i t . ' . . I V.B " P nouncmgit tne best mat couia oe unit- by Justice Blandford suddenly drop- states will make his headquarters ping irom nis cnair ano iamng to ine there and carry on an extensive busi- floor. Court was immediately sus- ness in North Carolina lands. The pended and Chief Justice Jacson and Boyden, we understand, has a fair ousiice an rusiieu to nis suie anu share ot the traveling patrouage. laid him on one ot the velvet, benches Lexington Dispatch. t j i fpi. i .I i ' oi tne room, ine lawvcrs in in room. 1 lie lawyers in the room gathered around him and it was thought he was dvii. Medical aid was summoned, but when the physi cians arrived it was found that he was better. He was soon well enough to get up and was carried to his home. He had taken fifteen grains of quinine for the bad cold from which he was The Mortgage System. The Durham Reporter says of tne mort gage system: If, however, a larmer or any one else can get along without mortgages, it is far better. Sometimes it is the best thing that can be done, and like other species of credit, is a benefit to the mortgagor, but in many cases great loss falls on the mortgagee. If a man will look over the larceny, in iail. The moonshiners were all taken to Statesville to attend Feder al court Monday and Bill is left in sol itary confinement. In addition to these suffering, which overcame his nervous men, who were in jail, several others J system aud prostrated him, have been, withm the last tew weeks, bound over to attend court at States ville on the charge of either making or selling whiskev illicitly. Caldwell and o . Alexander are too well represented at Statesville this week. Indeed, it seems that this illicit whiskey business is be- in sr run for all it is worth and the de- Eistoric Room. The Jerusalem chamber, in which the bible was revised, is a part of Westminster Abbev. and teok its name from tapestries and pictures pile of mortgages held by some of our Lty marshals are having plenty of hvhu:h represent scenes of Jerusalem. work. This business should either be .-. it 111 tr hohi Small broken up root and orancn or eise tne Mormon Proselyting in North Carolina. A meeting was held by three eld- ers ana two laaies oi me mormon faith at an old school house in a se cluded place near the village of East Bend, xadkin county, a short time mi .. I 1 since, ine attendance was smaii ana earnest exhortation tailed to add a single convert to the fold. Polygamy was barely mentioned and is entirely omitted from the "Articles of Faith" which were distributed at the close of the meeting upon neatly printed cards with the name of an elder upon the opposite sid Win ston Sentinel. FERTILIZERS of the very best brands, viz : BAKER'S Well Tried FOR WHEAfT. MERRY MAN'S A. D. Bone " WALKER'S Ground Bone " " NATURAL, Guano just from Orchilla, and supposed the only Natural Guano "on the market. Go and get Testimonials and if you want to save money, don t forget to call on him before buying either Goods or Fertilizers. Salisbury, Oct. 1, 1885. 35:ti NERVOUSDEDILITY U Ii G AN I C W I1KKIW r.an tl nomeroqa re disease, baf fling Uw skilled phJ 8icir,nf, result . f roa roulhf ul indiscretion, oo free indulgence, or over brain work. Avoid the impontion oi prcicq tioun remedies for tlx te troubles. Oet our Fret I Circular and Trial Pack am. and learn imDOrtaui IfacU before taking treal- Iment elsewhere. Take, a SURE KFMF.PYlhatiua ClKLl) tnousanas. boss I not interfere with aucn- Ition to businesi, or cause I pain or inconvenience tn any way. Jounded on scientific medical prinej pies. By direct appflcatifa to the aeat of disease to tpeciflc InHnence u without delay. The t3 ural function a of the hu man organism Is restored. The animating elements of life, which have been waited are given ba: k .arid the pat i cr t becomes chert fuland rapidly galnabeja. latrengu ana fcaiuu vigir. HARRIS' A Radical Cure for KERVOUS DEBILITY. Organic Weakness, fFHx oICA-Li DECAY. 1 r. Young & Middle! tea men. Tested for ove8x Years by usein many I Thousand Cases. V TRIAL TTtEATHUXT. One Month. - CS.OOl Two Months, - 6.oo! Threa Month. 7 00 Yadkin Mineral Sprioas Academy, i PALMERSVILLE.(an'yco) M.C. C. U. MAKTIN, Principal, raduate of Wake Fun-st College, and also at tae Cnlversltr of Virginia. ar rrmoN, $5 to $in per session or 5 months. The only school In this section that teaches jthe University of Va. methods. vigorous ex tensive, thorough. The cheapest school in the J. s. where these world-renowed methods are taugut, uood Boarti only fo permontn. I 27 ly Address, C U. Maktin, Prla. SEND YOUR WOOL TO THE SalisburyVoolen Mills THI3 NEW FACTORY is now iu operation, and facilities for man ufacturing W oolen Goods such as have nev er before been offered to our people, are within the reach of the entire Wool grow ing community. We manufacture JEANS, CAS8IMER8, FLANNELS, LINSEYS, BLANKETS, YARNS, ROLLS, &c. Soliciting a liberal patronage of our peo ple, we are respectfully, ; - j SALI8BUBT woolen mills. 5r"OrBcc it old Express Office. May 28th, 4885. 32tf R.T.HOPKINS 18 NOW AT THE Corner of Kerr ft Lee Streets, with a full line of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES. Also keeps a First ClAtt BOARDING HOUSE. Call and see liwn. 28:ply. ORGANIZED 1859 HAKRSS REMEDY CO., M FCCHEMlSTt I QTUREO PERSONS! Not a Truss. S r Ask for terms of o-ir Appliance. A good school located in a healthy J lage, 8 miles from Salisbury. Term com mences September 7th, 1885, and contirv nes nine months. All the English branches (including Algebra) taught tiior ouglily. La tiu and Greek optional, Good board iu private fauiiliesrt low rat 's. Tuitiou moderate, and gradediac cording to studies pursued. Rest fur nished school-building in the county. For paticulars address, J. M. 111LL, Principal. Sept. 2,1838. 3m SALE OF LAND ! Bv virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Rowan County, in the ease! of J. L. Siffbrd, Guardian of Mary C. Miller, ex parte, 1 will sail at public auction at the Court House door, iu Salisbury ou Monday the 5th day of October, 188J5, a tract of land adjoining the lands of 4 r Morris, Leah C. Bern hart and others fbe ing lot No. 4 in the division of the lands of Chas. Miller, dee'd. containing 54 acres. Terms one-third cash, one-third inj six and one-third in twelvemonths, with bond and interest from date of sale at eight! per cent, on the deferred payments. J. L. SLFFORD, Guardian. business men that are past due and no way to collect them he will see who has the big end of the bag amounts, from ten to twenty dollars, scattered over an area of from twenty to thirty miles, comprising in the aggregate perhaps a thousand dollars, with no, way to collect, is a considerable item to one nian. Our advice is to keep out of mortgages if possible, as the best thing for both parties." There are farmers and fanners. One will thrive, grow rich, and another close to him will be in debt, will mortgage and finally be bankrupted and homeless. You may see this in the finest cotton and tobacco counties. One man makes his three, five,teii thousand dollars clear each year while his neighbor just over the fence loses year by year, and finally ends with complete ruin. How is this? It is the mum much more than in the land hour of the of the day by pointing with its beak at a dial stretched beneath the wire, and having the figures from one to twenty-four. When it reaches the latter figure, it glides across the window to one again. There is no mechanism The mortgage system once entered upon J that can be seen, it all being inside the will tKsalways coutinuea irom year u year by poor farmers, or lazy farmers, or drinking farmers or extravagant farmers. The first mortgage upon a jarm is as bad for the farmer as the first chill is for the victim in a vellow fever district. It is the beginning of an attack that wnll end I A ict oinrmlA 11nnfn11r.11 I n I. rAAIYI Xll ID f SIIUMiC I CI IttllgllJHl IUUUI) wainscoted with cedar from the Holy Land. In the center of the room stands a long, broad table. In this chamber Henry VI died in 1413 when he was on the eve of a pilgrim age to Palestine. In I he room Ad A Westen jeweler has invented a dison and oir Isaac .Newton lay in novel time-piece in the shape of a steel 1 state before thev were laid in their wire streched across bis show window, final resting places. Kinc James' in which a stuffed canary hops from Version of the Biblee, the Westmin ieii, w rigui, luuicauug ua n gura me 6ter Catechism ami the common internal revenue system should be abol ished as useless. Lenoir Topic. A Hovel Clock, Asheville Fair Notes. Mr. W. S. Primrose, President of the State Exposition, after lookingjthrough . . 1 A 11- J Li i. i the exmbits, saia tne uepan-pent oi agricultural products on our j grounds is decidedly the best he ever saw in the State. Everybody is praising the !magnifi-j cent display of farm products at the Fair. This is but a just tribute to our farmers and section, and a specially merited compliment to Capt. Jsatt At kinson, to whose extraodinary energy RU Kerosene Oil! BY THF BARREL AT ENNISS' Drug Store. July 9, '85 tf. FRESH TURNIP SEEP? The Earliest and Best Turnip Seed for sale at prayer book have all come from the I and judgment the success is dije. Jerusalem chamber. bird. The inventor says he was three years in studying it out. Great and Rich Country. In the days of the Montezumas we are told that the aboriginal Mexicans shod their horses with silver and cov ered their houses with gold sheeting, so plentiful were these now preciom metals then in that newly discovered land. Upon the same principle we Cluveriue will Probably Hang. The writ of error granted by the in great suffering and possibly in finan- Virginia Court of Appeals in the case 1 suppose that Doc Smith, of BuQalo, cial death. Betcare of the first mortgage. I rMor:,,- tli Riohmond mnrderpr !. -i,an ho Imva a,, W if. 3or. . , I . . iD ,Q.r,oa ,,iMn.ifl, I a t r until the question of granting a new ed up in a crater made of walnut slats, trial can be heard and disposed of. What with a railroad from Richlands It has no effect whatever on the ulti- with silver rails and marble topped mate carrying out of the sentence in walnut goose crates from Buffalo, we case of an adverse decision by the are inclined to pronounce this a great court. country. Lenoir Topic, A stump orator exclaimed, "I know no north, no south, no east, no west, fellow- citizens!" "Then, exclaimed an old farmer in the crowd. "Its time you went to school and larnt The stock exhibited is land, and ve- rv fine. This is one of the (most en couraering features of the FaJr. The improvement in stock is mostj noticea- a .. .i ble. Several counties are represented Citizen. Ex-Governor Anthony oice said: "The average Kansas town will vote bonds to buy a can to tie to a dogs tail." A man who died in Cincinnati the other day owned up to having six wives. There was a smile on his face when he was dead. It is generally believed that Dako ta and Montana territories will be ad mitted into the Union as states dur ing the next session of Congress. TRUSSES reduced prices, at Of all kinds, nt EXXISS'. Fruit Jars! CHEPER THAN EVER, ALSO Bobber Rings for Fruit Jars, at ENN1BS'. SCARR'S PRESERVJHG POWDES For sale at EN NIBS', THE BEST AND CHEPEST MACHINE OIL For Threshers, Reapers, and Mowers at ENNSS PRESCRIPTIONS! H von want yonr prescriptions put up . " .. 1 1 A. ? cheaper man anywuere erne gu w , ENNISS' Drug Store. -!y 9, '85. tf. jj Enniss' Blackberry Cotdial, KOB ? nintrr. Diarrhoea, Flnr, &c, for sale At ENNISS' Drug Store n T)Tnr at a cts 750.000. I RHODkS BROWNK, WM. C COAST, Prest. f Secrteurj .Twenty-sixth Annual State it, January 1, isss. LIABILITIES. Cash Capital Unadjusted Losses Reserve for Re-Insurance and all other I llabiuues, t Net Surplus, r 8CnKDULE OF ASSETS : Cash In NaUonal Bank.... ...-$ T.904 M Cash In hands of Agents ll,6J w $300,000 00 24,000 00 12,117 SO . 255,23 IS $711,380 3 $ lt.SN 3$ . 110,800 00 . 51, W 00 United States Registered Bonds State and Municipal Bonds National Bank Stocks 180,400 00 Cotton Manufacturing stocks 1 1 4,735 00 Other Local 8tocks ,m) OS Real Estate (unincumbered city property) 07.107 17 Loans, secured by first mortgages 50,413 84 Total Assets, $741,380 38 SaUsbury , N. C J. ALLEN BROWN; Agt. March i6. 1885. &n SOMETHING NEW ! EST" LAMP CHIMNEYS. that will not break bjheat, tor sale at ENNISS'. DIAMOND DYES All colors you wish at ENNISS DON'T FORGET to call alt kinds at for Seeds of ENNISS'. TO THE LADIES: Call and see the Flower Pots at ENNISS- A MILLION of worms gnawing day ;h i nnltn enough, we think, to thro child into snasms. Sh riner'o Indian Ver raifuge will destroy and expeinem rootore the ch ild. 4 4 i! m XI 1 1 u It Srpt. 4th, 185. 4T:4t. jography X ! i I- a. y

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