K - I I - " V ' -T - "'If.' ' - gMBggBMgggBl - Ut-J - ' 1 11 - m -t ... . . . . : 1 i -1 Western Horth Carolina Bail Boad Co rfmfral PASSENGER QFFICE, Salisbury, K. O., Sept. 6th, 1885. On and aftarthe 6th inst, the fallowing Schedule will be operated by this Company: WE ST. tAwNo.iiTAiH No. a Main EfaetiT9.. Arv Leav Arv Leav i 2.34 8.43 4.09 4.40 5.15 6.33 7.13 7.81 8.42 8.56 9.21 9.29 A. M 1.251 2.351 7.54 3.44 10.02 6.30 Salisbury... 8.14 Statesville 10.07 Newton 12.30! a.m. 11. 29; 11. 30 in 'AA 10 .33 4.mil.07tll.2i;IIiCKOKT. 4.41 12.20:12.25 Icard 5.16 6.33 7.14! 8. Oli 8.43! 8.56r 5.38 9.8111 6.45) 9.39 6.57. 1.05 2.59 3.49 5.17 10.13 10.13 10.48110. 49 11.121 11.12! 11.451 1 1.25 MORQANTOS 2.59 Marios 3.55 !Om Fort... i'Rociln Knob. 5.18 'Black Mochtaik; 6.0 Cooper's .. j 6.47 SPARTAKPURG Jv p. abbeville . 1 1 Alexanders I JUrshall . . 'IBarnards .... Wakm Springs WEST tin No. 7 A.M. 18.54 11. tl tl.Sl 18.19 1.49 t.28 8.89 8.81 4.15 9.49i 10.291 10.58! 11.28i 11.54 12.29! 1.5:5 2.29 2 41 3.31 r.mi : ' -v. rr . i,eav -rv. - II sssssBaa-ss-1 j 5.30; 5.50 I I 10. 38 10.33 4.00 4. (o I 1 ! !TTl.- ir It o a 20 I 9.38' 9.88 j 2.17 2.19 9.10 9.10 1.09 l-30j - 8.12 8.12 l ll.35jll .35 . 7.42 7.42 j 10. 23110. 40 i 7.07 7.27 a 1 6.19 6.22 1 8.20 8.481 6.06! 6.06 I 7.551 7.55 " ! 5.4li 5.41 !i 7.07! 7.07 g i t oof n . t i 6.55 j l ... 4.49' 4.49 . a.m. ...H 4.11 4.18 tT1 Train No. 8 j! H 7771 , it 4 39; p.m. . IS 37 8 39 I S 8 12 3 171 So Q i 2 45 2 47 j 2. 3 j 2 00 2 251 ...... . ill 56 11 57 TO 11 45 U 46! II 1 a.m:Iiq 09 1 gl - II & y 1, and Supper j jj 9 P 1 CD S trikin p it Rich. BRIEF ITEMS. We are liable to have notions until we get knowledge. At least one ton of gold is buried iu the graves of the dead every year. Servian troops have crossed the frontier, and a battle with the Turks j believe?" is iminent. "Yes third house. They are very, "Have you called on the Browns yet?" she asked as the new minister was about to take his leave after mak ing a call. "I'm jnst going," he replied. "It's the third house from the corner, I lifu.iTth ii Division AfiUEVILLE HOMISY Pigeon River. Clyde..: Waynesville. Hall . .. . S YLV A . . . . Webster Whittier Charleston Joseph Cook, of fame as a pulpit or ator, is to take the prohibition platform this autumn. The wife and child of Seth Staun ton perished in a prarie fire in Barnes county, Dakota. Serious renorts come from the lower Black River section of the dis astrous effects of recent heavy raius. Reports from the Waecamaw sec tirin are to the effect that the rice ... a prnn Las beeif verv seriously in- Tr jured. Disastrous floods are prevailing in Georgia and Florida. Road bed: are washed out and travel is irape ded. very nice people, and I know you'll EPRound Knob is Breakfast station for Train No. Station for Train Kb. 2. Trains Nos. 1, 2, 7 and 8, run tiaily. Trains Nos. 8 and 4, run daily except Sunday. V. E. McBEE, Supt. W. A. TURK, A. G. P. A. REGISTER YOUR DEEDS. The General Assembly of XortJi Carolina do enact: Section 1. That section one thousand two Hundred and forty-five of The Code be stricken out, and the following inserted in lieu thereof : No convey ance of land, nor contract to convey, or lease of land, f of more than three years shall be valid to pass any property, as against creditors or purchasers, for a val uable consideration from the donor, bargainor, or lessor, but from the registra tion thereof within the county where the land lieth : Provided Jwwever that the provisions of this act shall not apply to contracts, leases or deeds already executed, until the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eighty six : Provided further, that no purchase from any such donor, bargainor or lessor shall avail or pass title as against any unregistered deed executed prior to the first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five, when the person or persons holding or claiming under such unregistered deed shall be in the actual possession and enjoyment of such land, either in person or by his, her or their tenants, at the time of the execution of such second deed, or when the person or persons claiming under or taking such second deed, had at the time of taking or purchasing under such deed actual or constructive notice of such unregistered deed, or the claim of the person or persons holding or claiming tnereunaer, Sec. 2. That any person or persons holding any unregistered deed or claim ing title thereunder, executed prior to the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, may have the same recorded without proof of the execution thereof : Provided, that such person or persons shall make an affida vit before the officer having jurisdiction to take probate of such deed, that the grantor, bargainor or maker of such deed, and the witnesses thereto are dead or cannot be found, and that he, she or they cannot make proof of their hand writing. Said affidavit shall be written upon or attached to, such deed, and the same, together with such deed, be entitled to registration in the same manner and with the same effect as if proven in the manner prescribed by law for other deeds. Sec. 3. That all deeds, contracts or leases, before registration, except those mentioned in section two hereof, shall be acknowledged by the grantor, lessor or the person executing the same, or their signatures proven on oath by one or more witnesses in the manner, prescribed by law, and all deeds so executed and registered shall be valid and pass title and estate without livery of seizin, attorn men t or other ceremony whatever. Sec. 4. That for the probate of all deeds, including the privy examination of any feme covert executing the same, executed prior to January first, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five, the clerk shall receive fifteen cents for each name, and the register, for recording the same, fifty cents for the first three eopy sheets, aud five cents for each additional copy sheet. 8eo. 5. That this act shalLbe ut force from and after the first day of De cember, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five, and the Secretary of State mm m snail cause the same to be published in at least three newspapers in each iudicia district in the State for six weeks before said day, and shall furnish to each clerk and register in tiie State a copy thereof, to be posted in their offices. The register of deeds of each county shall post or cause to be posted in four public f iwb Bacn wwnsnip or nis county, for sixty days prior to the time when the shall go into effect, printed notices explaining the provisions thereof and Mourymg ail persons interested to comply with the provisions of said act. In the General Assembly read three times, and ratified this the 27th dav of A T i nn - 1 xeuruary, jx. u., 109O. STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA, , rFICE F 8ecbetay of State, Raleigh, Oct. 5, 1885. I, W. L. SAX'VDER9. Secretary i,tntn. h,. ..c. .u. true codv of the Act on fil in thirn ' "wwjr 5W5 a - - - -v. ww . I a. n A I 1 1 I I H kf Si T. K. MM KR, Ot Um Watctunan. J. S AM'L McCUBBINS, County Treasurer. BROTER & McCTTBBINS, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. The undersigned are prepared to do a GENERAL REAL ESTATE BUSINESS, and solicit business of that character. All real property entrusred to us will be adver tised all over the United States, FREE OP CHARGE to the owner. Persons having farm lands forests, mine, or other real property should consult us at once. Special attention giv en mineral lands. Reports, assays and maps lunnshed when desired. BRUNER & McCUBBINS. Salisbury, n. C. "RALEIGH REGISTER." By F. M. HALE, Printer to the State. Subscribe to your Dome Paper and pay tor It. and tBen remit Ss to pay lor your Stat Deaocratie Paper, She RaunoH Register. Each new subscriber re mitting $ direct. Is entitled t 11 f Register for one rear and to Webster s Practical diction aY which until August .Pfi 1 is offered as ia premium, Sample copies 0 1 eHpgteter mailed on implication. Address, ' RALEIGH REGISTER, Mf BALBIOU.N. , Cancer -Cured. A lvu K . , .".wuw mi rev years ago mere appeared on 1 my ngnt breast several hard lumps " jse me aimosc intolerable pain iney continued to grow, and finally de veloped into what the doctors called can cer of the breast. In a short time I found my strength gone and my constitution a total wreck. From a robust woman I was reduced to a helpless invalid. Seve ral ot the best physicians of Atlanta treat ed me for cancer, but without improving my condition in the least, and finally agreeing that they could do nothing more for me. The cancer by this time was eat ing out my very life, and for five months I was a helpless, bedridden creature. About one year ago, at the suggestion of a friend, I commenced the use of Swift's Specfic! 1 he first influence of the medicine was to increase the discharge, but after a month or more I began to improve, and this won derful medicine has brought back mv health again. I now do all my own house work I am perfectly free from pain, and feel like new person altogether. I can not feel too grateful for this wonderful re- for Swift's Specific I would have been in my grave to-day. I most cheerfully rec ommend it to all those who are auffering with this fearful disease b An Mrs. Jajie C1.KMOK8. Atlanta, Ga., April 16, 1885. T,reatj.8e n Blood and Skin Biseses mailed free. Th Swift Swcmc Co., Drawer 8, Atlanta Ga. Great efforts are required to pre veut the lynching ot the murderer Kerner. who killed Brown at Staun ton, Va. Great activity prevails in military circles in Turkey; there is little hope of a peaceful seltlemeut of the Kou Indian question. Germans are to he prohibited by the Russian government from residing within a specified zone around Rus sian fortified places. The Catholic Cardinal Newman, of London, has published an address defending and eulogizing the Lstab lished Church of Eugland. It is now conceded that the Sea Island crop is this year a deplorable failure, more complete than that of any year since 1867. Reason rules us more imperitively than a master; for in disobeying the one, one is unhappy, but in disobeying the other one is a fool. The average life of a farmer is sixty six years. At sixty-five he may safe ly begin to return borrowed tools, pay old debts and ask forgiveness for cheat ing m horse trades. True self-knowledge is never to be come at by burrowing in the narrow limit of our own individual thoughts, feelings and experience. We must, in order to trulv see ourselves, stand before the great mirror, humanity, and, in its all-reflecting focus, behold our own proper individuality. Letter From Josh Billings. Wilmington Star. Some years ago the humorist wrote and published an eulogy on Artemus Ward, a greater humorist than him self. It is not inappropriate now if applied to himself. It is a good obit ual for Mr. Shaw himself. JOSH BILLINGS ON ARTEMUS WARD. Deth hez done a cruel thing lately. Deth seldom is impar&hall; this izall that ken be said in his favor. He moves his sithe awl round the world, now in this field, now in that; wheat, flowers and weeds drop, wilt and wither, for he sythes early and late, in city and town, by the harthstun and away oph where the wanderers are. Deth hez done a cruel thing lately. Deth iz seldom kind. Here a father, a mother, a wee small thing but a month on a visit; there Mary, and Charley go down in white clothes. Deth mawes; menny fields are all bare, for deth cuts cluss as well as cruel, j Deth luvs to mow; tis his stile. He is old and slick with his sickle; he mowed for Able uv old and for Able uv yesterday. Detti in owes strangely, and round fall the daisy and grass, and alone, snarling stands the koarse thistle, left for what? Deth kan't tell, for God only know. Deth, you have done a cruel thing lately; you have mowed where the wittiest one of awl stood, whose words have gone lading awl over the world, whose heart waz az good and az soft az a mother's. Deth you have mowed where my friend Artemus stood, and Humor wears mourning for the child of her heart. I am sad, and I am sorry. j Gets a Natural Picture. If the teller of a French bank has doubts as to the honesty of an au known customer, he does not trust to his memory to recall the features of the person he suspects, but calls on science to protect the bank. He gives a private signal to the cashier, and that responsible officer, while the teller is in the act of making payment, brings the the photographic camera (convieatly placed beside him, but in visible to the customers) to bear upon the unsuspecting party, aud on leav ing he leaves a proof of his itentity after him without in any degree be iug conscious of the fact. As "this experiment has only been at work for a short time, it would he prema ture to pass a hasty judgment upon its merits. : 1. 7 When the minister rang the bell there was some delay in answering it. Meanwhile the scree 11 doors permit ted him to hear from the interior. Brown, who seemed to be up stairs called over the banisters: - VWt I . 1 1 "Sav. xielen. wnere in tnuuuer is that old vest I spoke of?" " W ho re you talking to? deman ded a voice from below. "royou, ot course! it you were any sort of a wife you'd put things where they could be tounn. "Solomon Brown don t you cast any slurs on me. If 1 dou t know more about housekeeping than all the Brown's on earth I'll commit suicide." "You do, eh? What did the pau per Smiths have to keep house ou?" "Solomon, you are a vile wretch!" "Much obliged, but it's living with you that s done it" At this hi net ure the minister was ushered in, and Mrs. Brown soon entered the parlor, extending both hands, and gaily exclaimed: A FRIGHTFUL CASE OF A COLORED MAN. I contracted a fearful case of Mood poison in 1883. I was treated by some ot the best phvsieuuis in Atlanta. Thiv used the old remedies of Mereurv am otash, which brought on rheumstiitn and impaired mv diirestive onraiis. Everv joint in me was swoTlen and mil of pain. When I was given up to die, my physi cians thought it would be a good time to test the virtue of SwifVs Specific. W hen commenced taking S. 8. 8. the phvsi- cian said I could not live two weeks un der the ordinary treatment. He com menced to cive me the medicine strietlv according to directions, which I continued for several months. I took nothing else, and commenced to improve from the very first. Soon the rheumatism left me, my appetite became all right, and the ulcers, which the doctor said were the most frightful he had ever seen, began to heal, and by the first of October, 1884, 1 was a weH man again. I am stronger now than I ever was before, and weigh more. 8. 8. S. has saved me from an early grave. ll..i MCULiiiiN luxm . Lem McClendon has been in the em plov of the Chess-Carlev Companv for some vears, and I know the above state ments to be true. At the time he began taking Swift's Specific he was in a horri ble condition. I regard his cure almost miraculous. W. B. CROSBY, Manager, Chess-Carley Co., Atlanta Division Atlanta, Oa., April 18, 1885. For sale by all druggist. SEND FOR SAMPLE COPY. Tl STATE CHRONICLE The meanest man in this city cuts the dry goods advertisements out of his newspaper before he gives the paper to hit wife. He says she wants to go out and buy everything she sees advertised. There are thousands like her; but only one such mean man, eo far as beard from. N. 0. Picayune, "Ah! I'm triad! Solomon and I botA wanted to see you so much! Sol mi on Solly, dear, hurry up and cone down our New preacher is heiel" And Solomon came down, painted a grin on his face, aud greeted the good man with: "Well, well, but this is good of yju! Wifey and I were wishing you'd call. We want to see if an effort can't be made to increase the interest hi the Thursday evening prayer meet ings!". Y. Sm. L (Successor to the Farmer & Mechanic and the Chronicle.) UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT NEWSY, . BRIGHT AND CLEAN! UP WITH THE TIMES ! The "State Chronicle" will be what its names implies a State paper. It is not I Don't Care. Some years ago there was a bright, talented boy coming late out of school. He had been kept in by his teacher for bad couduct. As he step ped into the street a friend of his, a noble man aud who always delighted in helping boys, said to him: " am very sorrow to see you coming out of school so late." The boy replied in a careless, ungentlemanly wav: "I don't care." Now, remember that I was inti mately acquainted with this lad. I knew his father and mother. They were excellent people, and denied themselves many things that they might give their son the advantages of a good education. This boy was talented; no one in school more so. He could stand at the head of his classes whenever he tried to, but he didn't care. Let us gc further and follow this boy, the boy who could always say: "I don't ctre." This spirit of "I don't care" grew upon him, and at last his father took him out of sciiool and put him iuto a store. But he failed there, for he didn't care whether he pleased his employer's customers or not. After remaining in the store a short time, he was dismissed. He didu't care, but his father and mother and sister cared, for they shed many tears on account of his failure. Some years after this I saw him driving a dirt cart, iu' trousers and shirt and barefoot; but he didu't care. For several years I did not hear anything from him. One day I as certained that he had shipped as a common sailor for a foreign port; but on shipboard, as everywhere else, he didu't care, and when the vessel reached her harbor, the Captain kicked him off the ship. After wan dering about a few months on a fbr eigu shore he died of fever, and lies buried thousands of miles ftom home. Upon his tombstone truthfully might be inscribed these words: 'Here lies a once noble, talented boy who came to an untimely grave, because he didu't care I" Poor Men's Wives Love them Best. No woman will love a man better for being renowned or prominent. Though be be first among men, she will be prouder, not fonder; as is of ten the case, she will not even be proud. But give her love, apprecia tion, kindness, aud there is no sacri fice she would not make for his con tent and comfort. The man who loves her well is her hero aud kiu;. No less a hero to her though he is net to any other; no less a king though his only kingdom is heart and home. It is a man's own fault if he is unhappy with his wife in nine cases out of ten. It is a very exceptional woman who will not be all she can to an attentive husband, and a very exceptional one who will not be very disagreeable if she finds herself willfully neglected. Ex. Business or Party Cards, Circulars or Posters, Letter or Note Heads, Bill Heads, Monthly Statements, Books or Pamphlets, Labels, Tags, &c., Neatly printed at this office, and at as low rates as elsewhere. Business men of Salisbury are invited to call through the P. 0. before giving their orders to agents or sending them abroad. the Raleigh "Ciouicle." and will not be local or Kectioiial, It will aim to keep up witli the current news from Murphy to Mau too, or as the 'politicians put it, from Cherokkee to Currituck. It will be the organ of 110 man, no ring, no section, no party. It will be demo cratic in politic, but will not hesitate to criticize Democratic measures and Dem ocratic officers. - i "Rough on rats.' Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bedbugs. Heart Pains. til Palpitation, Dropsical Swellings, Divi nes, Indigestion, Headache, Sleeplessness -ured by WelU' Health Rencwer." Hough on Corns." Ask for Wella' "Rough on Corns." 15cia. Qaiclt complete cure. Hard or soft corps, warts, bunions. "Buchu-Paiba" i Quick, complete cure of all Kidney, Blad der and Urinary diseases. Scalding, Irrita tion, Stone, Gravel, Catarrh oi the Bladder. $ 1, Druggists. Bed-Bugs, Flies. Flies, roaches ants, bedbugs, rats, mice, gophers, chipmunks, cleared out by "Rough od Rats." 15c. Thin People. "Wells' Health Renew er" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, SJfex- ual Debility, f 1. "Rough on Pain." Cures cholera, colic, cnunr.s, diarrhcen, aches, pains, sprains, headache, neuralgia. rheumatism. 20c. Rough on Fain Tlaster, 15 cts. Mothers.: I If you are failing, broken, worn out and nervous, use "Wells tiealtn Ktnewcr. si Druggists. Life Preserver. If you are losing your grip on life,itry Wells' Health Renew er." Goes direct to weak spots. 'Rough on Piles." Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, Itchfng, Protruding, Bleeding, Internal or other. Internal and external remedy, in -each pack age, bure cure, 5uc. Druggists. Pretty Women. Ladies who would retain freshness am vivacity, don't fail to try "Wells' Health Reuewer." . "Rough on Itch." "Rough on Itch" cures humors, eruptions, ringworm, tetter, salt rheum, frosted peet chillbluir.s. "Rough on Catarrh." Corrects offensive odors at once. Com plete eure of worst chronic cases, il-o Une qualed as gargle lor diptlieria, sore thrpat, foul 'reath. 50cts. The Hope of the Nation. Children, slow in development, piny, scrawny and delicate, use "Wells' Health Reuewer." TERMS GF SUBSCRIPTION: One year, .... $2.00 Six mouths, . . . 1 .00 Three mouths, . . . .50 For a Sample Copy add re, THE STATE CHRONICLE, Raleigh, N. C. Land and Mill Property FOR RALE ! The plantation consists of 230 acres of which there is about 60 acres of good lxt tom. The soil 4s red, mulatto, and gray, suitable for the cultivation of wheat, corn, oats, rye, cotton and tobacco, with a suffi cient supply of wood, water, meadow land, &c. There is on the premises a large two story dwelling house with six rooms, situ ated" in a beautiful oak grove, with all necessary outbuildings. The Mill property consists of a large three story mill house, with 1 pair of burrs, 1 p'r of corn rock, new Eureka smut machine, new bolting cloth, Farrjr pattent water wheels, new fore bay and penstock. Also a cotton gin house, 3(3x24, with a 40 saw Hall gin with sell feeder and condenser, and a Liddell Boss Press. There is also a 35 horse power engine and boiler situated between the mill and cotton gin so that either or all can be run at the same tsme. The proper ty is all in good repair and can be be run at any time either by water or steam. Price $5,000 $2,000 cash, the balance as may be agreed upon. The property is situated on Crane Creek fire miles south of Salisbury. Any person wishing to purchase such property will do well to call on or address P. N. HEILIG, Salisbury, N. C. Aug. 18, 1885. 3m. THE WATCHMAN JOB OFFICE IS THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED ?oa rem vasistt m f) tinting, Job FROM POSTERS as big as a barn door down to most delicate Listing ukds. Letter and Note Heads, Bill Heads and Statements, BUSINESS CARDS, PAMPHLETS, PRICE LISTS, rfcool anl Jartj Jrogrammts, AJST BLANKS OP ALL KINDS Court ani Magisterial. 1 "Orders solicited and satisfaction guaranteed . Are you faiiuirr, try mta n - Kzrrsa, a puro, cieaa, uwww For Train. Ncrren, Stomach, IJresjKldBejr DTSPEi?5T A , s TP!ulnrb. Fever. Acme. Chills, DEBILITY & WEAKNESS. Nice to take, true merit, unequaled fori Sweats. Nervous Weafcnfsa, Malaria. Jann. Husual lechne. r bvt. 6 for C5.00, at Dr EU-3, Jersey City, K. J.. Buchu-Paiba Remarkr.iii Cnros of Catarrh of the Bladder !:-"TaM ion, IrrRationof K3d nevs ftivi biaider. rtonecr Gravel LH eases of the Prostata Gland, J'ropalcal Swelliiyrs, Pemi'e Disoasc3. Iaeontin enco of Urins. all L!isr-ases of the GeadtO Uriacry Qrn'. -, tix t 8.?JC. For Un healthy or Unnatural Ckhares toe also"ChariT'3ii.it m v;err.eehfi. For 8TPH1T,1S. . v ftnntmcted or hereilitAry tairr, u. . -.ania's Constitu tion Bitter Hyrvp. ) -r ottlo, cjnd Chapin's Svhlhii'J kjls. i-'J 00; asdChft pin'S Syphiiif 'c Balv-, fL0i. 6 bottles Syrup. 2 of I ii's, 1 Sa'-ve. by Express on aiinfnKil E. 6. Wtti.i Jersey dry. N. J., U. BLA. i-i Catarrh of the Bladder. St-iflginir, irritation, inflamution, .all Kil acy artl Urinary complaints, cured by "JJu-cllff-Paiba', $f. "Water Bags, Roaches." Hats" clears them out, Beetles, Ants. also PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ii ft ST ETTl! W v siiicaai FITTER5 K E K H CUAKiK. L. 11. CLEMICST CBAIGE & CLEMENT,j Attorneys At Xjiattct Salisuluy, N. C. Feb. 3ml, 1881. Y FRIEND! No Mora Terror! No More Fain ! No More Sanger ! TO To Mother or Child The Dread of Motlierliooa Transformed to HO.PE and JOY. Safety and Ease -TO Suffering Woman. j This invaluable pre paration is truly a ri luinph of scientific sklj, land no more inestinja jble benetit was ever be jPlowed on the mothers ol the world. I fiIt not only shrjrt jensthetime of labor and lessens the iuteosit of ain,but better than U it greatly diminishes the danger to life? of hotli mother and chBd, and leaves the mother !in a condition highly j favorable to speedy fe jcovery, and far less Ha JWe to flooding, convul sions and oilier alarm jing symptoms incident Itolingeringand painful labor, lis truly wonder jful etficacy in this rL spect entitles the Mov er's Friend to be rartk jed as one of the life saW jing appliances given o jthe world by thediscoy- eriesot modern science. From the nature oPtjie case it will of coiirne be understood that we can not publish certificates concorningthis Remedy without wounding tfce delicacy of the writers. Yet we have hundreds of such testimonials dn tile, and no mother wlfo has once used it v ill everagain bewithout jt in her time of trouble. tia. siil To the nfeis of the toijrlst, rorr.rr-elal traveler and now settler, ffostcfier'r ."tm arh Kilters is iecnliarly (MUipiod, since Ut 6trewgthen3 tiie iliestijro orgocsJ and" brac-s the physical energies to lii.r.ealtlv ful Influences. It removses unit pfert-n malarial lever, c-r,..s;:iH.;ii)i, ilynppvi 1 ?ultfmillv Ptimula'.i s t;.e l.i.lnevs r biaduer,' and enriches well rs tumik' the biood. Y'h overcome bv fatigue Whether mental or pliysiciil, the vresrS and debilitated find it a jreli:ilde source 01 renewel strength oniro":-t. For sale by all DriisJlits and Desicrd generally. MILL STOITES. I TT17' UNDEKSIGNED has bought the veil 8TOXE QUARKY Of F.. E. PUilllpB, deceased, and will continue to; supply the public de mand Tor Mill stones from this celkbratib CKtT so well known throughout this country for its superiority tor Mill fctoncs. Granite blocks for Ornamental purposcsV-Btonuments, tc, tc, can alto be had at this quarry. Address, J.T. WYATT, Salisbury, X. C til or;', i:!V&VABLE Pills :R TUB "3 And a!! Bilicus Complaints Kale to take, being purely vegetable; noznp ' Ing. trlco cU. All Uruggists. - Dec. 20,"'84. ly. POUTS'S HORSE APiD CAT 1 Li: POWDERS 1 - N.-i irn i: r. ' tki. 1? ; .. f - I l -.f7v iv.vj.:, Ko-iiN IV i-.i,. or, i 1 in 1 ui-i:i a:, ! v "-t. r m'm'j ! 'ov-1. D!' sf to w'.i.r oo.u ever f :.eri! CiV ; (1 i rip-, y ..... , Ixxa Kb- P i if. r ! or w in ti'T'c. y vt-M .'UofunT-WtA. Overs' t Vtim. tiiii r,!i:,iHtrf iiiillc a.i.i i:iak- ;i.e btiUerfirat CM W ij. -. ! :jfH.-:e s'i'-ijert. : i -''vrz, Troprleter. rU.t.ni'oaa.iiB. A prominent physician lately remarked o the proprietor, that if it were admi.-sa lie to make public the letters we receive, the "Moth er's Friend" would outsell anything on the market. - 1 most earnestly entreat every female ex pecting to be confined to use Mother's Relief. Coupled with this entreaty I will add that during a long obstetrical practice (44 years),;! have never known it to fail to produce a safe and quick delivery. U.J. HOLMES, M. P., Atlanta, Ga. j Send for our Treatise on "Health and Hapr. pines? ofWoman," mailed free. Bk.vdfield Regui-ator Co., Atlanta, Ga "WU ASK ALL" Interested in Hides, Furs, Wool, Rooti, Feathers Beeswax, Butter, Cheese, Eg;. at, )ried Era it, Poultry, Hay and Product gene? ally to send for our Price Currents Prompt returns on all Consignments. Trial Shipments Solicited, j R. L. WILLIAMS & CO. Gknrrai, Commission Mekbiiaxts, Office, 169, William St., New Yorkj Oct. '84 l:ly Beset on all Side?. By malaria, how shall wc escape the dread infJectioD? is the question which the denizen cf fever and ague districts ask themselves'. The answer comes from former sufferers who for years have escaped the visitations of the periodic scourge, through the protect! ing influence of HostetterV Stomach Bitter. When the necessity for using preventive measures arises, use this means of preven tion at once. It regulates the liver, facilij tates digestion, and liberates impurities from the system, when such exist, by pr sting healthful action of the bowels anil kidneys. Act early. In all regions wherp miasmatic vapors breed disease, it is abso lutely necessary to be provided with a sale guard, and this is true, though a sojourn ip. such localities is destined to be brief. No one can afford to breathe malaria for a short time. The Bitters is a sovereign specific for rheumatism, debility and nervousnesf. Keep it on hand. TUT PS : PILLS 25 YgJjL se. Tha Greatest JedicalT rinrah of the Age! 8YNIPTOKI8 OF A TORPID LEVER. Los of nppetite, Bowel c costive, Pain la the head, with n dull ses&atiaa la ! Daclc part, l'ain nader the afaoalder blade, Fullness after eatlec, with adi fncllnaticn to exertion of body or mind Irritability of temper, Lev spirits, with afeeiinsrofhavins neglected soma dnty, Weariness, DizzineRs, Fluttering at the Heart, Dots before tite eyes. Headache over the right eye, It?9tlesncs with fitful dreams, Hishiy colcved I'rine, and CONSTIPATION. TUTT'S Pixels arc .ipeclally adapted to such oases, ono dots ctTecta sucli a change of fee: ir.pas to astonish thcfiullcrer. They Increase ttir. fi p?ette,3al cautc ths body to Take ou fc"ie.i!i. t,.u iho i-jvtciu noarunra.SM DyiUfimenie Actica oa the lUiesviveOrcrr.3.Ieuiar aolsaro r Ghat Hair c-r Vinvstens etnet to a Grxissr Ulacx br 'A. kl.tn'n . application of thisDrn. It. in ya. '" a ii: 'urH color, act lnstantanecir;:--y. -f old i by lfn.?Bat" or sent by cxr.r.-- . cn : :;oincf n.' Olco, iritiri.v Lz,, r.cwYork. Dec. 20, '84. lv. 1 TOTT'S V :' ill h ss -Ml- A cut nolo -..to to t . ' J r .!ir iu. msinz far th (l!u "e.nli," Soothcra axstkhr ' 20 Per Cent , Profit. RSBhr priot, Wsr y ri mtt nd f rrfim it oaths on nnl of t.00. P irr.j !. Cpi SO ccnu mmc. Ad. SOUTHERN EIVOUAOT D.F. Avory & Cono, Louiaville, Ky. ..I i. m

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