Carolina Watchman. LOCA THURSDAY, NOV. 19, 1885. writing tor lnfo "eS;J la tUe Watcuman. - Let a policeman be stationed in the peanut gallery at the opera hall on the occasion of future entertainments here. It was a boisterous place last Saturday night. John Long stabbed Win. Todd, near the section house south of town, jester- both negroes. and were indulging in a quarrel, loud is cut in the abdomen. SiibanriDtion Rates -he subscription rates of tlie Carolina Watchman are as ino . 1 vear, paid in win - E navtu't delayed :J moV2.00 M paj la'tjld'ed J i iuo'2.50 I 7 D. Z. Gray V.rcutors sale or S&9 Hankins&Pro s & Ck owning to bacco warehouse; Blood Balm Co., '-Shakv" NL Y. Observer, new induce- mente to subscribers. "hTbanls will be closed on Thanks- giving uay. i The town clock is an unreliable time niece iust now. Porkers are begining to squeal these rvd mornings- t operations at the various. ljaruc o . rhnrches last bunday. There are a number oi yimuub sportsmen here just now. Anew and very large sign adorns the office of the North Carolina Her aid. The Lutheran congregation will hold ilar services at the nan next ou- Iff Antbonv. of New York, who has the field trials at High Point, N. C, sold his celebrated pointer W -Graphic" to Uhas. r. neaw, ox New Jersey, ior s.s,vw. Ptnrr ni. Milledffe- ville, Montgomery county, is to be filled with new machinery. D. N. Bennett, S. J. Pemberton, and W . U. omitn are in Massachusetts making the purchase. Por.f Wrns.- Brown boasts the handsomest stove brought to this mar- W for manv a day. It is ot the "Acorn pattern, and has all the modern im provements with rich ornaments. Mr AWnnrW Shoaf. whose mar riage was announced in the Watchman of the tn mst, ana wnn-.ii uccuneu uu u 9Qfb of October, died last week. Ullli h.uv. v. 1 - Hp was married to Miss Cassandra Trotter. The Leotures. Rev. Dr. Dayis delivered the two lec tures announced for last Sunday. His lecture on Japan ws$ most interesting, and was listened to $y a large audience in the Presbyterian church. In the pveninrr the Methodist church was crowded to its utmost capacity to near the lecture on Uhina and tne wore oi the Methodist missions. The lecture was pronounced the finest that. Dr. Davis has yet made here. He is en thusiastic and thoroughly devoted to the missionary cause, and it is a great pleasure to hear him. left his hatchet in the boxing. They refused to let him tear up the work to regain his property. It so happened some six years ago, that old Jim had to repair this same roor, ana nw pleasure may be imagined as he drew the hatch et from its restingfplace.t Thirty-four years had come and gone and old Jim had seen manv changes during this intervaL An nl1 TCncrlish half-nennv was also found, dated 1775, with nead of George tne in. MINING DEPARTMENT. T. K. BBUKKR, EDITOR. Mr. Williams, Supt. of Long Creek mine, in Gaston county, was here this week. Shoe Factory. There seems a DrOsnect for establish ing a shoe factory here at an early day. Aldneh. Haskms s Uo.. shoe manuiac- turers of Lakeville, Mass., are in cor respondence with gentlemen here, hav ing in view the establishment of such a factory. This is the kind of people who are needed and wanted in the South. An aggregation of small in dustries is better than a colossal scheme, so far as the growth of the town is concernea. ioese peopie mm be welcomed, should they determine to turn this way. ' Prof. Tiernan, of Asheville, has iust returned from a prospecting tour in Montgomery county, and is much im pressed with the section. Twrkofc fliA AW. nncKmt ever found in that State, and he said it was identified by Mrs. Peter L. Wunmer, an hum Die Georgia, woman. Prof. Hanks had bor rowed the nugget, a small one, and was V i 1 MIL navmg a case maae oi u. refii: WW The new bridge over Grant's creek 1HB lie" bv O -1 r, has been completed, so says Bride Com missioner Robinson. Mr. Loper, the new merchant, is getting into his quarters in the Craw ford building. TheCourlHouse is being repaired. It is in good time. Fix it well while it is being done. A bear, horn, and man formed a trio on the streets yesterday which was the delight of the small boy. Mt Hardy Hicks was married last night, in High Point, to Miss Phylena Mendeuhall. The Pleasure Club was organized ill Pant.. Theo. Parker was IrtTV 1 ' elected president. Beall, Bost & Foard are building a prize house in connection with their Tobacco Warehouse. All the saloons in town close for Thanksgiving day from Wednesday night to Thursday mornmg. M Pi-e. Smith has burchased the dwelling on Corner Curch and Monroe gj nnw oeennied bv Prof! Kizer. Wm Gales is fixing up a store room two doors aliove the Post Office, where he will soon open a stock of groceries. Services will be held at the Presby- terian church on ThanKsgiving uuy. Hnmnlp officiating at eleven lVC'i i r J o'clock. The trohoes that have visited Salis bury this season, expressed themselves as satisneu whu .ma piwgv8..v- them. Trade on Saturday last was very good. There were crowds of people here from Rowan and adjoining coun- CJal. Karnhart brought two nne wild gobblers jbo town yesterday,. He is a good shot and understands the wild turkers habits. The stairway leading from the en trance to the auditorium of the opera y,o ic Tinf snffioientlv lighted. The uuuov to -j a . ascent being long and part of the way Tiarrnw. a missten in me uur. might result seriously. The fourth Quarterly Conference on fb Rnlkbnrv District, of the M. E. church, will be held Friday night, the 20th. Dr. W. H. Bob- KHt Uia Prpsidinir Elder will preach Sunday morning and night in the Methodist church. . . Mrs. Pemberton, wife of S. J. Pem berton, Esq., of Albemarle, was serious ly burned on last Monday evening A kerosene lamp was turned over, and her Onfhino- P9.nrht fire, burning her se riously from the waist up. She is in a critical condition. One night last week several negroes the East ward to gamble, as mignx n.ive wcu ai it tprminated in a auarrel and row. One Jule Slater shot at Lem. Griffin, but missed him, the ball making a cfio-bt wnmiil on the body of Noah McCubbins. Extraordinary C&owth. A clinton grape cutting was set in the ground against the wall of this office, March 10th, 1884. It took root and the first year made a growth ot about .10 feet, counting the mam bmn feR ps and laterals. In February of the present year it was cut back to two eyes or buds, from which sprang two main branches, which made, one 24 feet and the other 25 49 feet in the two. But adding to this the lateral branches on each main stem, we have the extraordinary growth of lbO feet of vine from a cutting tne seconu year after setting. Diversified Industries. Salisbury wants diversified industries. A cotton market is a good thing, a to bftn mnrlrpfc better : Dut either, alone or combined, has not produced a city in the South of fifteen thousand inhabit ants. What is needed here, in addition to the already established tobacco and cotton markets, is the erection ot ma chine shops of various kinds, foundries, furniture manufactories, shoe manu factories, etc. Towns that are depend ent upon one enterprise alone, tobacco nr potion, for instance, while they not infreauentlv double their population in a few years, while the ftver is on, yet on t.hp. abatement of the lever, tne growth in population diminishes or en tirely ceases. Encourage any and ev erything from the blacksmith shop to the mammoth cotton factory. m i 3. Gold Mine Sold. It is reported that C. J. Knight, Esq., of Montgomery county, has sold a rpcpntlv . discovered oold denosit for $12,000. The particulars have not been g ven. In Montgomery County prospects for big mining are flattering. Pronerties are changing hands and large amounts of money are oeing spent for machinery. I he impetus civen to minins bv the successful working ot the Big ftusseii ana the Coggins mines is.beginning to be felt. There is no doubt but that Montgom ery is the richest free gold producing 1' i 'L ll.Oll. Qistncc m me ouiie. , Cherokee County, Ga. Mr. John S. Bird, Jr., of Charleston, S. C, reports that he is largely interest ed in a gold mine in Cherokee county, Cla wbip.h baa never been worked. Tbp or assavl soecimens from three irnlifioo oocavad -from sixty to three hundred and fiftyeight dollars to the ton. This is an encouraging snow ior 1 i Mr. Medernach has moved his pic- h , ri JT OA nUnt x - t,,tnni u . i.i . ,i i mi ii w iiAMia i -inr 1 1 1 lit it n ILKHLi J ' ' copper warerooms. The ladies of the Methodist congre gation here haye made their much be lwed nastor. Rev. .los. Wheeler, a pres ent of a handsome overcoat. The Gordon case, suit against the Western N. C. Railroad, has been con tinued. It was, to have been tried at this term of Iredeil Court. The Warner suit against the same to,i will nrobablv be tried at this xvuuu f j ; term of Rowan Court. Tb W. N. C. R. R. now runs an accommodation passenger car with the regular freight train, leaving here at 0:30, a. m., and arriving at 7:30 p. m. The Salisbury Choral Union now has a membership f eighteen. The, next regular meeting will be held at the residence of Mr. A. J. Mock. Many of thr friends of Steele Cul bertson, Esq., were glad to see him on tbp streets last week. He had not been fo town for five vears previous to this time. V. C Miller has started a free deliv ery wagon in connection with his-gro-cery store. Some wealthier business houses might do well to copy the good example. W. B. Longworth, agent for J. D. Linlev & Co., nurserymen, Greensboro, N. C, is today aenveriug rruii trees fro in Beall, Bost & Cos Tobacco Ware house. v There will be no services at the MtViorJwt ibnreh on Thanksgivinglav. jUVUVUimk w w ; . The pastor will be in attendance upon Ponfprpnpp at Charlotte all of next XV week. Several gentlemen from Statesville came down on Saturday afternoon to attend the performance given oy tne "Standard Dramatic Company" on that night. A Duty. The surviving members of the First Regiment of N. C. Volun ra should erect a monument here to VSV. w-w the memory of their gallant comman der Col. Charles Fisher, who fell at the first battle of Manassas, in July 1861 Who of that regiment will take the lead in this matter? A petition has been circulated asking the business men to; close on the 26th, TWanU-strivmor davT. It has been signed by all the business houses. So that tfUrp will bp no business done here on that .lav. Persons desiring to trade must do so the day before or the day . v 1 J J af terras all business will oe suspenueu Bradford. Esq., of Wash 1 ington, D.C.vahd Mr. Birdseye, of New YnvV wpw. hprp hist week, ihev are hoth pminent lawvers. and are employ pd in the "NfcElwee tobreco brand suit This suit was moved from Iredell to Rowan, and will be tried at next court. Thp finest lecral talent in this coun try has -been retained on each side. MP V. R Xeave has iust received an elegtfntr new upright James Holmstrom piano. It is enclosed in a hand some rosewood case, and was catalogued at &S00. The instrument has a de-" litfhtfnl. even, smooth tone, and a sj)lendid, easy action. It is the best of the make, and is a very superior in strument. TKi mnrtnarv record of this town t.hp Rfch of Ausrust last, enrolls but onename, and that of a lady who died in the country and. was orougnx here for burial. There have some fionfha nmmicf the negroes, but none among the white people since that date of which any record was made at either of our two cemeteries until this week one. The schedules on the W. N. C. R. R. as they now exist are certainly in the interest of those of our people who Haverto make business trips in neighbor ing towns along this road. Leaving here about 6i o'clock A. M. one can get several hours at Statesville. Newton and Hickory and return at 7 the same afternoon. G. H. Shaver, the Town Tax Collec tor has issued notice to the effect that m 1 all persons who have not yet paid their taxes will save cost dv setiiing at once. Also, he proposes to allow those who have failed to list their taxes to pt.tlp nn before the first of Decem ber, by paying a single tax; after that time they will have to pay aouDie iax. See his posted notice. - Mr. D. A. Hampton, near Enoch- ville, lost his barn and contents, com prising a full stock of provender, on Friday night last. He believes it was t.hp wnrlr of an meendiarv. but that is viiv w w - r ' yet to be verified. The loss is a heavy one to Mr. Hampton, though not a larap one in dollars and cents. The barn was a good one, and ltsloss neces sitates the labor and expense of build- ing a new one and stocking it tor the winter and spring. The Railroad Meeting. Thp mppt.inor of the Directors of the northern extension of the Yakin Rail road was held according to appoint- mpnt. at South River, on the 17th mst. There was not a quorum present, but all of the counties were represent. Mr. Gwin, of the firm of Gwin & Chat ham, manufacturer was present and took an active park They adjourned to meet at Moeksville on the 8th of December, when it is expected a full iittonrlfincp will be oresent. One reason A . t i "II 1 Why more ot the Itowan aeiegaies were not present was the evident careiess nttitnr p nf the oeonie oi uavie at me iT - r F i n 1 i 11 meeting held in MocRsvnie a snort time since. Two Orphans. The Standard Dramatic Company foil! t.n annear in "Mv Partner as advprtised. but Dlaved "Two Orphans' t.n a rat.npr fiisannointea auuieuce. xuc Orphans had been rendered here be- a new property fra nnH HiH Tint, draw a arere nouse. The' music, both band and orchestral, Vein Mountain Gold. xc-ac rorv nnlinarv. Salisburv audiences TV.a Voin Mnnntm'n nlflper cold mine. U MM J V -J - 111V V V, i- - AlAVVv 7 ivp mt.hpr hurri to niease in tne matter Miinwp pnnntv is nrorineinsr some of music, since hey have been thor- fjne nuggets now. Recent reports oughly educated in distinguishing mu- mention two, weighing two pounds sical music from mere noise on instru- paPh This is encourasring news from ments, by competent teachers in all property, which has been idle for branches of music. Had the Standards some me Machinery is being placed Dlaved uMv Partner" as advertised, nn nronertv iust now. It is hoped a they would have left a more favorable gne reCord will be made when they SOMETHING FOR THE FARMERS. We congratulate you upon your success in tne tODacco crop xnis year, awm w Dacco nas oeen raisea ", Uflviiknn T?anrlrlnVi nnrl other counties adjacent than ever before. Everything points to a better year in Dusiness man Air unrvntl vmi host Sulisburv has al ready become recognized as destined to oe a large iuuuccu uutiKci , yyy av,iritPil fitixAns Vulva hv their vim and enterprise induced several manufacturers and leaf dealers to locate nere. a ue Will need a large amount of Tobacco dur ing the coming year. To meet the de mnHs nf this crrowth in the tobacco bus- inoiui arA in niwnnmnillktA OUT farmer UlwO UUU W V W . 1 1 ... v. w . friends in a place to sell their tobacco we have erected the "Iron Clad Warenouse, which for accommodation, convenience, utility, and novelty we claim is not sur rtaspl hv mi v in thin onuntrv. The sen- ormember of this firm has an experience an vpflr in thp tobacco business. anA -ari rivp his nprsnnal attention to the handlinsr and selline of all tobaccos brought to our house. We will have an th 25th of this month, at rir":-o . -, - j. : which time we nope ana expecv w evrvc many of our menus ana me puunu gen erally. . :. . i. It being our aim to always serve me best interest of the farmers, we respect fully submit the following : fA mistake that is made Dy many oi our meuu m not taking care of their tobacco after ft is made. Tobacco raised and cured fine is oaen greatly hurt by allowing it to .get f rvrv ViirrVi in nrder and therebv to turn red. Frequently tobacco is damaged in value Kt? narcWalv AssnrtintT. bundlins and Vianrllinar Wa therpfnrp. advise our friends to carefuily assort their tobacco, both as . . ii i tn pnlor and size to tie it in smaii uuu Salisbury Macro MaiieL CORRECTED WEEKLY BT 3. I. HARXmS PROPRIETOR KLUTTl'S WAREHOU Lues, common dark medium red Leaf, common short green. good u red mcd. fillers fine Smokers, common to medium ii IfAaJ i Rood fine i , " medium 44 fine " fancy Market active. 1 - Breaks have been quite fall lor the past wwk . witli a ftliorlit deline in common crudes, while all desirable goods are tak en at full qnotationa. 4 to $ 5 to 8 5to9 7 to 8 to 12 10 to 16 6 to 10 13 to 19 ir to 215 15 to 80 20 to 30 80 to 50 50 to 70 Nov 17, 1885. Our Philadelphia markets are corrected every week., Philadelphia Makkkt. Evans Bros., large Produce Commission Merchants, 58 North W uter street, Pniladelphia, report thp following city markets : Eggs, Vir gin in and Southern, 1213. Live pool try 1213 cs. per poond; dressed IK)00; turkeys (X00, according to quality; ducks 000 ; geese 00a00. LiveatUe 56; kogsr live 5i6. Potatoes: Earlf Rose, cboicp, per bush., 0000; Burbauks, choice 0000) Peerless, 0000; Pearl Mammoth, s0000. Cheese: N. Y. Facto ry, choice 7f8fc fair to good, 6 to 7f Pennsylyaiia full cream, 6f7i part skims, fan4y 405; full skims, li2i. Dried Frojts: Apples, evaporated, In cases, 0QQ sliced1 N. Carolina, fancy 0 00; good sliced 0 ; blackbenies 000; dry 00 00 1 i npression. The Hoop of Gold Company played to a aro-P house last t nday niKnx; This is without doubt a strong eombi nation, but the nlav could not be put on tbp stao-e nronerlv here. It was too get in good working order. hive Mine. The Shive mine is m Cabarrus coun ty, just over the southern Doruer or Rowan, and is on an extension oi some hf.ii ies. nit ted. nrime lO COlOr UUU BiiC Uy nc m " j ' - dies, as smoothly as possible not to allow peaches, pared, evaporated 0000 ; N. C. it at any time to get in very high order, sliced 0.0i uupared halves, new, 000; StST T verv mall i4T- quarters 0000; evaporated 0 pears, r"T IllXr,::;; nArlnoked bv buyers. OOcaOO; nliims, 00: raspberries, 000 per More monev is mvea dv proiwny pound. t eamevs, cuoico tcj. ling and caring for tobacco than is isadc d ; loail. Honey Tn comb. 10 oy raising n. , , 24a25. the general condition, of the markets, and will take pleasure in giving what infor- it .,.,. - nnr mation we nave io our pauvu ok time. Hankinb Bro's & to., Proprietors Iron Clad Warenouse, I 1LU TT t-t.AJ.vv j v m-m. .... - small to accommodate the scenery, and Gf the gold bearing veins of this coun- i i -it ii I . -r . i 11 CT t mm! llM the loss of the scenery coupieu w itu uuc ty. it is nemg openeu vy a. . i 1 1 1 ln U j-twOT.tvr I niT fact that they had no" music, took away mih nf the n ensure reason a Diyex ill Liv& m. -Y I - - V pected by the audience. CLrysanthemnms. Mr. Luke Blackmer has, probably, the largest variety of this beautiful fall flower of any person in the State. They comprise" all shades of color from dnrt red to nurc white, and together form a boquet of rare beauty and de lightful fraorance. He has one a seerlhno" of his own production of purple color double whose fringe like petals spread out in a qisk oi uve inches, (measured), and is in very striking contrast with any other in his esneciallv as io size. The chrysanthemum is a hardy plunt and should be cultivated dv ail wno nave an eye for the befljatif ul. Personal. R. L. Crawford, Jr-r of Winston, is here. Mai. Bomar and wife, and Miss Wil son, of Morganton, were here this week. Mrs. Branch, of Raleijrh, has been visiting Kerr Craige, Esq. Miss Lottie Mock has returned from a visit to friends in New I ork. Mrs. Asbury, of Charlotte, is visiting rrhter Mi-s. J. F. Blair, of this lit. 1 VAlfc--J-- - " place. Mrs Rkor. wife of Mr. D. A. Baker. The Roseman mine, in the same neigh borhood, on the Rowan side, is to be opened soon. This property has been developed recently by the owner, Dr. M. A. J. Roseman, to lei ieei Deiow the water line. It looks well, so he says, and is in good condition. LADIES; tADIES, LADIES, 1ytISi1 tn examine our line of EMBBOID- tfavT Stt.its It is the finest line of this class of goods ever seen here. Meboney & Bbo. North State The board of directors of the North (4old Minine torn- a . i ti ii i"- pany, at a meeting held m tne o s oi- lice at the mine, m urunioru wuny, . 1 i1 L .1 , ,1 ..... ..I uTmah on the tn mst., ueciuic au. dividend1 of ten cents on the share. This assessment must be paid by the 14th of December. The money is w be used in sinking the mam shatt 1UU feet deeper. When this work is done fVio mn n shaft wi be neanv aw ieet 111V 1111 . . 1 1 of Statesville, is the guest of Mr. C. F. Their 20 stamp mill will proba- . . 1 i ill O i Baker. bly be put in operation about oi the coming year. the first rr T-nr PlmT nnenincr be sure to go rrru fc-ora onH merchants all tell me so) A iic; On the twenty-fifth instant. They say it IS V.1 , That Hankins will have a great hullaboo Auctioneer at the great Iron Clad Ware House t a rvov-or- with his thunderine voice. Who has always been the people's choice. Stock. &c I will sell ..t nnhlifT vendtie on the farm of Mrs."J. K ( -jrenn in SCOtCll lHStl tOWnSniD, ail UJV Farm Tools. 2 Horses, 3 Mules, a lot of Pnttl'a anrl linrro and ft lot of Corn. Sale 4- faVn nio t hp lot iv. ueccmwr, ioou Any of this property may be bonght before tne sale Dy appiymg w x m.i -x. Mt. Yernon, itowan tuuuij, x. . Grx for Sale A side action, W. Richard's breech loading, double bar rell shot gun will be sold at about half cost. Apply at this office. ' SALT RHEUM OR ECZEMA. Tn AnriL 1884. there annearaed on my feet and legs what the doctors called Salt . . . i i - ? Rheum, winch prooucea intense Bunenng. I tried a great many remedies, and had tno attention of one of our best physicians, but received no permanent reuei. ineai ease contmued to grow worse and my limbs were greatly inflamed. I was finally induced to try Swift's Specific, and after taking fou bottles relief came. I contin ued, however, -until I had taken seven bottles, and am now souna ana weii, ana not a sign of the disease left. My general health has greatly improved, and I most cheerfully recommend 8. S. S. as being the best blood purifier tnat I nave ever kquwu. SU.TO. iU. O. lllgUDUiim, Lulaton, Wayne Co.. Ga. May 19,1885. HELPING CANCER. I have been afflicted a number of yeai with cancer, and have tried all tne reme- . . -i dies suggested for this ternoie aisease without mj benefit. Six bottles of the Swift's Specific has done me more good than all tlie medicine I had (taken. My rongth has returned, and I can wallc ii ther ana take more exercise than I have a abVe to do for years. Its effects have been wonderful and the cancer lias greaiiy mnroved.l W. bhiesling. Griffin, G, May 1, 1885. Swift s Specific is entirely vegeiaoie. and seems td cure cancers by forcing out the impurities from the blood. visit- toe Vagrant law. Have we no vagrant laws? Yes, but when have they ever been enforced! The policemen of this town ought to keep a little book in their pockets in which to note down the names or the idlers who may be found standing, sit ting, and lounging about in the streets nf the town, a miblic nuisance. Note nnwn rhw bv dav these vagabonds. A, cr 1 J 1 ii 1 K rloi-c uays uuriiig tuu muuui. j and so on; makeup record against them, and then let the officers ot the law require them to show how tney make tneir living, or go to work on the streets. No man or woman has a 'mnr-Al riprht, to be idle, and any man . 0 . i. i ii. nt may be required to snow tne meaiia w his living ghOUlU tne questiuit be raised. Mi Wharton: of Virv. is ing relatives here Mrs. Edwin Shaver, and Mrs. itumple. Conmdum. Prnf .1. 4. T. Stevenson of Statesville, has shown the writer a lot of deep blue opaque crystals perfect torm or co rundum iii a matrix of fibrolite. They are from a locality in Iredell county. thinks that in this lo- Mrs. Amanda'Caldwell, who has been cality will ultimately be found crystals Mrs. G. P. Erwin attended the mar rincre nf Mr. Dick Evans to Miss Mag rrm flhambers. at Statesville on the ft,v- w 1 17th iust. visiting her daughter, Mrs. Theo her home F. in Kluttz, has returned to Statesville. Mr. A. H. Craige and Mr. Lipencott, nf Philnrlelnbia. are visitincr tnends in this county, and are having some fine sport among the birds. Miss Ella Brown has returned from Charlotte, bringing with her Miss Lillie Scott. Mrs. J. E. Fogartv, of High lands, also a guest at Mrs. John D. Brown's. of sufficient purity and transparence to be used as gems. These opaque crys tals have the true sapphire color, ana Prof. Stevenson's long and careful study of the corundum localities of Ire- dell and surrounding couuuw his opinion valuable. He says the fibrolite a changed corundum is a rather rare mineral in this State, but this locality. bilclL It cui3 - y The crystals of corundum are pertectiy formed hexagonal prysms. Remember that nr To TT MrSTenrie is reCTllarlv en- ,11 I U HO. ii. M.u-.-s- 1 C3 t gaged as general canvassmg and col lecting Agent for the Watchman, and he will call oh all delinquent subscn to meet him. The Watchman has been over indulgent cua.fKarsiTirl a reform is neces- VV 1LLI OUU""v'" , ia ilno bnth snbscnliers and the Proprietor that old scores be settled up. . SALISBURY MARKET. Dangerous. This is the cotton crinniner season. Don't forget that itis dangerous to work about a cotton gin when running. If it should get choked, or need other at tention, it is safest to throw off the band and stop the gin. it is saier to roll up the sleeves ot your snirx tnan to co about the : saws with garments swinging loosely arounti. uAngeT rl-iTiirer alwavs about a cotton gin in v"o .rv .zi r -iii motion, and "don t you iorget it. Onlr ft dav or two aso a voung man in Mecklenburg, named Davis, says the nhprrtr. lost his nsht arm in a em while rnkinff awav the accumulations . c .. u. , underneath it. It was torn to pieces and had to be amputated close up to the shoulder. Such cases should be a warning, but people will be careless and consequently pay the penalty sometimes amounting to life itself. MERCURIAL POISONING. Vnr 2S wars I have suffered from the effects of Mercury and Iodide of Potassium. I was salivated in a most fearful way, snd was given up to die. 1 nave uaa no renei from anything I have taken for it,, and I have triejl everything, until aow, that I have taken a course ot bwirrs bpecinc, has entirely cured me. it aiao cureu m u It also cuied me ot sciatic rneumatism, from which I have suffered tor many long years. I am now well of both, and there is no evidence of mercurial poi-ioning or rheumatism about me. u. r . hubs. With II owe Scale Co. Albany, 4 Y., June 20, 1885. r Wood Working. There' is a prospect for the establish ment of a factory for working our hard woods, near Salisbury. A practi cal man from West Virginia is in search of an available mill site for the manufacture of hard wood lumber, and has his eve on several places in this county. Name Both Offices. Subscribers to this paper ordering a change in the address rrotn one post office to anothor, should always give the name of the office to which the paper is nrow sent, and the name of the office to which they want it di rected; otherwise the object desired may not be accomplished by our ina bility to find on our books the name of the man writing to us. Bare Old Liquor. While lowering the floor of one of the rooms connected with the old Mansion Hotel. ooenTnsr on Main street, an old time nocket flask was exhumed snme two feet below he surface of fhe crmnnd. It Was filled with whis- kev and the spectators eagerly tasted the enntenta until none remained. The build in 1845. so Rev. Mr Lambeth says, which makes this bottle nf brandv fortv vears old. It was nrohahlv hidden bv some of the work men and was covered with clay before bft thought to remove it. The cork stopper had long since decayed, but the bottle was standing upright. They do nv the hrandv tasted mellow ana good. ,tim bbowk's hatchet. Mr. Lambeth relates a story about Jim Brown's hatchet. Jim is an old time neTro. and was employed as carpenter In boxing up the eaves he carelessly Jersey Eed Pigs. This breed of hogs, though much vaunted for a while, have not given rifrate satisfaction to those who have tried them. The Poland China and the Rerkshire. on the contrary, have gen erally sustained their good character, nTirl are most in favor. 1 here is so Mv " fhe Veen nr treat Ullltll iiuiu j- ment of hogs, however, that we should kr ufiMia in enndemninor anv nartic- ular breed, not even excepting the razor-backs and pine-rooters to be found nil thrmiQ-h the country. Flentitul feeding and good attention to the com fort of pigs will make fat hogs of any breed. The most peautnui aniraai oi the hog kind we ever saw was made from a scrubby pine-rooier. ne was hardy, grew tall and graceful through out, and was almost as active as a deer when driven to the outcners. uoou attention and plentiful feeding did it, -rt' . 'fit t J T4 and so it wiU De witn any Dreea. xjt. J. .L Snmmerell has two red Jersey niera ornssed on Poland China, Id P'CSI . -- . . , months old, estimated at ouu lbs, wmcn is certainly very fine ; but they verify nothing in respect to tne creed, except n a ernss. The Doctor is a ffood feed er and rarely fails to make fine pork, without regard to Dreea- Cable Creek. Gable Creek is a small stream which emiree somewhere near uavis 11 CXO UO jVvi-w - mountain, in Randolph county, nd empties into buck creCK some xnree miles below its source. For a long time this short stream has been known as a prolific source for placer gold, and washing the dirt and gravel on its banks has given occasional employ ment to the people living near for more than fifty years. There is now con all alons this branch. The workmen dig down through the alluvium one to two feet to the grit i i - i bed which is panned or washed in rockers, paying one dollar and upwara a day per hand. In some places they have turned the water irom iuc vici nal channel and are engaged in dig ging and washing the bed grit, wmcn also profitable. Recently they found while panning, small quantities of n;ni-;iver in some of the irravel beds, and at a depth of two feet under sur face soil. This was doubtless used long ago and by parsons unknown to anyone living in the neighborhood now. Nov. 19, fieelv. at 4050: Meal, 8000 Wheat. 90ai00; Flour per sack, $2.25 $2.35; Western bulk meats, 810 ; Lard, 1012i; Beef, retail, 610; on the uoor, 2i3i; Butter 2025; Eggs, 12; Hay, 30 40; Fodder, 0000; Shucks, 00; Bran, 30; Potatoes, Irish, for table 3040; for planting $ll-25; Sweet potatoes 3040i Peas,12500; Oats, 3540; 1 allow,o; urS Hides, 10; Rabbit furs, 00uu cts per dozen; Mink skins, 0000. Cotton, ready sales at cts lor gooo middling highest, 09. Tobacco, sales every day and prices satfsfactory. Poultry, in steady demand, but prices moderate. rriTYY-v-lh-TVT n Fl iltUUDljtiU R. J. HOLMES- New Winter Goods For the Wutcnman. Fogy Farmer. Editor : I am reliably informed Xft that some one signing himself "ogy Farmer" has written some very cowardly letters to parties at High Point, from the Salisbury postomce. i iuereiy wisu io o,- t.-. tKnsA interested, on vonr account a w .""v j m ( and my own, that while I am bitterly op- nnson tj Tiit uesLi uttiuu vi ui Y uii . have never resorted to anonymous letter T have iust returned from the North, and -wl stnk of eroods un- equalled in leauty and unrivalled m prices It embraces a general stock ot DRY GOODS AND First California Hngget In the Smithsonian Institution, at Washington, is the small nugget of gold, a little larger than a pea, that first met .i r TmM Marshall in the saw 1 11C CYC! Vf ; . mill raceway at Sacramento, and was the beginning of those discoveries in Cahfor rrf Vi." oAArA nearlv il .500.000.000 in gold to the world's stock of the pre cious mctais jxcfiunyc. The above item has been going the nf the nress. associated occa- sionally with a kindred story, giving wiif fr vet another person. While ; Orleans last winter, the writer t. u-.Tr 11 TTanks. F. G. S F. L M S. State Mineralogist of California, uu v r . u-ritiiu- t , nroteet them : and I should be clad to see this coward who has stolen h.y charge of the vast collection mv num r'i JT iT. I fmm f hat, State. DC xanini ishment. iwi V ahmkk. GROCERIES. Call before trading-see the best before buying. NOTICE ! T have accounts, notes and mortgages which are past due. These must be settiea nn There is no oeivcr um , ' there are good crops made this season throughout the country. Settle up, take a new start, with bright new goods. FOE RENT! A. brick building, in the Holmes Block, near the Post Office. Store room 22x63, with cellar. Four good rooms and a - Salisbcut, N. v. "I DoN'tr Feel Like Work." It makes -no difference what husanesB you are engag. ri in wKptliKr vou are a preacher, a mer chanic, a lawyer or a common laborer, jotL can't do your work well wnue you are uau Bick. Thousands try io, oui an m How much better to keep your organs in good ordr by taking Parker's Tonic w hen you feel 4 little out of sorts. It would be money in your pocket. One hour ot good, rejoicing health is worthJialf a do en hours full ot languor and pain. MOTHER ! ARE YOU With anv disease pecu- Har to your gentle sax? If so. tofyoti we bring tidings of comfort and great joy. You can ! BE CURED and restorad to perfect health by using Braclfield's 1 Female j Regulator! lilt is a apecial remedy for all disease per taining to the womb, and any tatelligent w man can cure herself by follrwg the direc tions. Il i especially efficacious in cas s of suppressed or painful menstruation, in whites and partMil prolapsoa. It affords immediate relief and permanently restores the menstrual function j Asa remedy to be uaed dut ing that critical lieriod krow a"C;HANOBoy L,irm, this invaluable reparation nas no maj. ill lim .ii i Saved Her Life! Ridge, McLvtosh Vo., Ga. r T ; RmnnELB Detr Sir! I have tak en several bottleadf your Female Regulator for falliifgof the womb and otner a ueaaes com bined, ot sixteen years standing, and I really believe I am cured entirely, for which please ccept my heartfelt thanks and most profound gratitodf . I know jour medicine saved my life so you see I cannot apeak too highly tn its favorf I have reoommended rt to aevsr al ofimy fdenda who are sufferinar " I - fT,TKffBS,sWa. Our Tfrestisa on the "nlth and Hp4 n(W mailed free. BraHeM) Reovkatob So , Atlanta, G4 a. v I r it I m 1 i . -

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