i i ; ii j :' 1 f m i It! -it-- ; Western Korth Carolina GENERAL fiASSEWEff Salisbury, N". C, . - . U- r11,i,;.T On and alter me oiu ma-, 1 "d by this Company : WEST I JnTTTi. TITNoTb JWf I, Tine . , t ,iArrilli It A.M. 2.35 A. M.l 6 . 30j'lSA1.18BCKT' 8.14!;8TATE8VlfcI.E, 10.07,;Kkwton.... 11.25 HlCKOKT. . .. 6 2.34 7.54 8.43 3.44! 4.10 4.41 10.02 4.0 11.07 4.40 12.20 12. 25'IcAR0 ......... 1.05 1 . 25 Mokoakton 2.59. 2.59!Makiok 5.16j 8.83 7.14 8.01 8.43 7.13 3.49 3.55! Old Fort ! 7. SI Uftot&n Kkob . - j 5.17 5.18,iBLACK MOUNTAIN 5.38 6.06Coopeb's 6.45 6.47i,SPAr.TANBUP.G Ju, 8.42 8.5 8.56 9.21 9.21 9.29 9.89; 6.57! p. m. Asiievh.i.k 10.12 10.48 10, 18. Alexanders,.. 10.49 11.12 11 11.4fti 12 WEST Train No. 7 a.m. 9.49p 10.210.29j pt.54'10.581 11.21 11. 2i iTijrxpikk ....... PlOKON HlVER.. Clyde. Waynksvili.k. . 11 .51 1 1 .54 12.19il2.29, 1.49: 1.53 2.23! 2.29; 2.89 2.41; 3.31 3.31 4.15 F. M. Ham, .... Webster Whittie . . Charleston ound Knob is Breakfast station for Station for Train No. 2. - Trains Nos. 1, 2, 7 and 8, run daily. Trains Nos. 3 and 4, run daily except V. E. McBEE, Supt. TRIAL and the OFFER lor is surprise, in terest, please you. rune of every Mai subscribers hceome pprmnncnt reanera, a more names. Expert- um their influence to sen taught us this, we fc 1 rertsin ti.it te A LIBKIt A I. OFFER ne tm try i everv reader of this who Trill send us It) rts. in BJBHMW.a " .... DCIIU 11... 1 .1 1 I . I . . A- trial for three months. Please accept this trial u oaij to saiisiy cunmiiy, ana you win certainty dlaappoinled, FARM &UI flflRfirM mnl Aodreaaatonce "" POPULAR r linuTUP ON o mun i no tr ei oi ONLY BALLADS ZO CTS Onlv to SeeiTTe Pace Aaaln. I've Onlv Like Your Bad Every Bay. My Pretiy Boav's Sunday Out. When You've Got 1 Yon Home Again, Kathleen. OM-Fasliioncd IloinesleaU. Pallet of Straw. Cradle's S3 y, Baby's uocc. r.ever taKe u:e ttoi scsiioe ivy anas my sanisspcriu rave. Maryorine wuu Moor. FeeK-a-Boo. Joe Hardy, asain. We Never Speak as we Iass Bv. Farmer's Bov. Lullahv. Rnvn Keen i Moaxi the Girls. Baby Mine. Grandmother's Old en Wait A Flower from my Ansrel Mother's Were Poor. Give sa Honest Irish Lad a 1.1. BflH. Tn V. A l Aam n. I . . .-, . ... it.. ,u uuiig. a uic MIU.I...H.. k in,- Is printed on paper same site as Oard 'X JS.0OE root. Is printed on paper same sice as sheet music. Order a copy now. Address PUBLISHING CO., 17 North Tenth St., Philadelphia, Penn'a. INDIA. A WOBK ON INDIA, BY Graccv, D. D.. for seven Twin Methodist missionarv in llint lantl. iltin trat tl l.v maps and harts. Contaipint a Well written atcount of1 India extent, resources, climate, lanjmages, religions: with a sketch of the growth of modem missions m India. 12 mo., 207 pages; bound i i paper. Price, thirty-five cents. For sale by Jones & McCubbi'ns, Main St.. Salisbury, N. C. Dr. Gracev is persona1h known to Rev. John W. Davis, D.D., wh highly recommends the work. 51:1m. K. BRUNEI?. Of Uie Watchman. J.SAM'LMcCUBBINS, County Treaburer. BEUNER & McOUBBINS, The undersigned are prepared to do a GENERAL REAL ESTATE BUSINESS, And solicit business of that character All teai property entrusred to us will be adver tised all over the United States, FREE OF CHARGE to tlw owner. Persons having farm lands forests, mines, or other real property should consult us at once. Special attention giv en m;ncial lands. Reports, assays and maps lunri-hed when desired. BRUNER &, McCUBBINS. Salisbury, CV ? "WE ASK ALL" Interested in Hides, Purs, Wool, was, Feathers, Beeswax, Butter, Cheese, Kg- 8, Dried Fruit, Poultry, Hay and Produce generally to send for our Price Currents. Prompt returns on all Consignments. Trial Shipments Solicited. R. U WIUJAMS & co. mission Mkhhiiaxts, 0ctly6S,'Wn,ianiRt'XewY-k- DEBILITY IN ADULTS IS often caused by worms. The change from child to manhood is not sufficient ro rid the system of this awful plague. Shriuet's Indian Vermifuge win expel them and restore health and a bright complexiou. A Jersey Bull FOB SALE! I have a fine throe-year old Jersey Bull of high grade for sah;. which may 1hj seen at my tartn near Hill Bri.l-o. Call aud see him. J. V. eTANSILL. l;0t-pd mm Bail Road Co. tffFCE, Sept. 6th, 1886. ftphodnle will Ic operated EAST. Train No. 2 TbAin "l Lear lArv. Uv j ii2.so; a.m. 11 .29 11 .W 10.33!10.S3 10.04 10.05 Train No. 1, and Supper Sunday. W. A. TURK, A. G. n : . . II M MBMMH BBBM 1 - i ' -n I'M a 3 f on i w ii . i J.4J0PI 4.05 H ii 2.57i 3.201 - 9,38 9.38 ;!i 2.17 2.18 9.10 9.10 1.09 1.30j -8.12 8.12 j 11.35111.35 Tmm ,7.42 7.43 uiu.soiiv.w . 7.07; 7.27 j" i . -V? 1 6.19i 6.22 '! 8.20! 8.48ft Q 6.00 6. CO 7.55 7.55 ? ' 5.41' 5.41 j 7.07 7.07 5 . . - a n a t - ..Bamako 3.50 3.50 j iiWBM Sraryog. . I 8.15pm & g jMurphy east, H" I Division. Train No. 8; rg .Abubvilue ! "jj 4 39' p.m.', SSn. U .m v . 1 .) ; W . aaapaai ; i 3 37 3 39 j: S w ii 9 191 9 1711 55 j 2- 45 2 47 j p ft (j j! 2 00 2 25 $ 12 34 12 35;! E T !..." ."jj jll 56UU57I; I i ll 41 11 46 .(I i;!0 5410 55 g .11 H A.M.H0 09..' ! & g ft I THE FARM AND GARDEN Is a handsoiiH-lv-printed monthly paper, wlta ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIO$. and is a homelike, sen sible, and AC CI' RATE rural Journal. INTERESTING CORRESPONDENCE valuable information from every State in Union, bin no nonsense or atolea ideas. It is an authority on FRUITS and VCGCTAILCS. Con tains Uie HKST Poultry paces for those who raise chlckc , -,. u , i irsa v on t, r 0 ana it will stamns offer at once . 1.11 oe afrreea L.ra Phil Philadelphia, Pa. PmJast (ioinc Down to the Gate. Handful of Karth. Walt ttll the Clouda Boll By. I'll Meet Her When the Sun Goes Down. A Knot of Blue and Gray. Mary's Gone With a Coon. Sweet Vloleta. Bridget Uonashue. Little Wife. Nellie. Bold Mclntirea. Only a Pansy Blossom. Nobody Knows What a Racket Was There. Where by the Kiyer, You and I Tou W1U m Onlv in the-Wav. Oh. Hem Onlrfon .iiisasfrr non l m none. Old. neen IViwn to the (liih. Xellv rim Vm Bed Bose. I'll ltemcmber You Love, in My But Fifty Cents. Old Folks at Some. T'fl troni the. loor. B:ue Alsatian Mountains. Arm Chair, n ieh Water Pant n, th: Crave. I I -eft Ireland and Mother Rmdu Chance. Not Before Pa. Spanish Cavalier.) iinti.ifn ,v. uat ne v tai.. Ajy . xjuicuer ooy. i 1 - Tl , r 1 . . . . 1 All the Troubles Yon Havs sheet music. Order IF YOU WANT TO. FILL YOUR GAME BAG, AND MAKE BIG SCORES, USE REMINGTON IFLES-ZHd shot guns. All the Latest Improvements. FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS, HUUHtSb Lamberson, Furman & Co., F SOLE AGENTS FOR E.Remington & Sons Sporting Arms and Ammunition, 281 A 283 Broadway, - WESTERN OFFICE, NW YORK D. H. LAMBERSON CO., i ' 71 State Street, Chicago, TO. ARMORY, - - - IUON. N. Y. : REMINGTON SHOVELS, SCOOPS, SPADES. MADE IN THE BEST MANNER) BY SKILLED WORKMEN. REMEMBER TIAT OUR GOODS ARE ALWAYS RELIABLE, One Piece of Solid Steel. NO HOLES OR RIVETS TO WEAKEN THE BLADE, j KMO FOR CIRCULARS. REMINGTON AGRICULTURAL CO., ILJON, N. Y. Hew York Ofllce. 118 Chamber Street. Business or Party Cards, Circulars or Posters, Letter or Note Heads, Bill Heads, Monthly Statements, Books or Pamphlets, Labels, Tags, &c, ? Neatly printed at this office, and at as low rates as elsewhere. Business men of Salisbury are invited to call through P. 0. before giving their orders to agents or sending them abroad. -A- A. CARD. t3t Wh? are s,?Fcrin? N the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervon. ness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c., I j ..... .c.fnj mm witi cure you. Fref or CuARK. This great remedy was dis covered by a missionary in South America !eiul a self -ail dressed envelope to the Rev" Joseph T.Ikmak, Station D. New York UJh 4:ly t ' ' THIS PAPER ?ahp ,??!' m -t 00. - - w M 1 AfcW VOitli. 11 to BbWbJ . V f If H X V ' V 1 a Death of Dr. Ball Tt. James K.. Hall did on Saturday morning last, after an illness of several weeks. His death had oeen expecwa ior several days by his large circle of friends. In his death a worthy man, a good citi zen and an able physician is gone. Dr. Hall was born in Iredell county, in 1816. and was widely and favorably ac quainted throughout the State as a learn ed popular physician, and his death will be deeply mourned wnerever ne was known. Dr. Hall was a , surgeon in Pettigrew's regiment, 22nd N. C. State Line, late war, in which position ne dispiayea mar ic ed ability, acquiring a reputation for himself, winning the esteem of many a soldier. Greensboro Patriot. The ''Amtrasoc." From the News-Observer. A well-known Methodist minister, liv ing in North Carolina, tells the following story: Whilst riding a circuit in the western part of the State he spent a night in the humble cabin of a mountaineer, and at bedtime was asked to lead in family prayers. He called for a Bible, in order to read a chapter, but was inform ed that there was no Bible in the house. Several members of the family could read and they told him that although they had no Bible there was a very good religious pamphlet in the house, called the "Am trasoc." This book, or pamnlet, which they esteemed so highly and called by such an outlandish name, was placed be fore the minister and proved to be a num ber of tracts published by the American tract society, with the title page torn off but bearing the well known imprint Am. Tra. Soc. The minister says that his keen sense of the ridiculous made it hard to keep from laughing. H. Western Politeness. Out West thej have a delicacy in dealing with personalities, even in gambling circles. A one-eyed man from the mining districts had won so much money at poker that his character was likely to oe impeached for cheating. Finally a cowboy arose and said : "Gen tlemen, it's twelve o'clock; we'll all take a drink," and swinging his revol ver around carelessly, continued, "after the refreshment we'll play again, and the next man that cheats we'll shoot out his other eye." It is needless to say that with this gentle hint the one-eyed man played a losing game the rest of that night. Ex. A Bird of Many Names. It is curious how the rice bird chang es its name with its habits. On the Pennsylvania coast it is the reed bird; in the Maryland or Virginia swamps it is the rail or sora; in the Georgia and Carolina rice fields it is the rice bird, and in Jamaica, where they close the season on guina grass, it is the but ter bird. In the far north it is the bobolink, with gayer plumage than it wears on the coast and a song that rivals that of the English skylark. As it passes back through Georgia from Jamaica northward it is known as a May bird. Boston Herald. Went Singing into Battle. Maj. II. B. McClellan, Chief of the Staff' ou General Jeb Stuart's staff, has written a life of his chief, which is now in the press arid will be ready in a lew days. The great cavalry officer of the war was General; Bedford Forrest, but General Stuart was gallant and dashing, and around him gathers a sort of romantic aroma. He reminded you of one of those mediaeval knights who'were both trouba dours and soldiers, and who decking themselves gayly and encircling their brows with flowers went singing into battle and even into death. Wilmington Star. Foot Disease in Cattle. For the foot disease in cattle, take one pint of fish oil lard oil will answer add two ounces of oil of vitrei ; let it stand until the vitrol and oil are one liquid ; then add a half pint of turpentine. Be careful to pour iu a little of this at a time or it will explode the bottle ; had better set in a bucket of cold water when this is added. Apply with a feather and keep the animal in dry stable for a few days, until the cure is effected. Hold up the foot and apply it between the hoofe and also to the tendons and under the pasterns. Ungrateful Elockader. Not long ago a man in Watauga coun ty was captured by the revenue officers while he was hauling a load of blockade whisky. That night a party of seventeen friends of the man attacked the officers and recaptured the whisky, wagon and horses, aud released the man. The man has now betrayed his friends by giving their names to the revenue officers, who have arrested sixteen of them and put them in jail at Boone.- Asheville Citizen. Church and World. At one Of his meetings in St. Joseph, Mo., Sam Jones said : "The church ana the world here are as thick as niggers. You go td the ball together, you go to prayer meeting together, and you dance together, and go to church together ; yeu drink together and you play cards together. You ain't got but one more thing to do, and that is to go to hell together ; and if you don't break off that is where you are going to." Good Advice to Slangy Girls. If young ladies who through associa tion with young men whose limited edu cation and poverty of ideas compel the use of slang in lieu of correct expressions comprehended the meaning of many of the terms thus put into their innocent mouths, they would be shocked at the vulgarity of their companions. Almost without exception words and phrases popularly denominated "slang" are drawn from the slums j they are the in vention of the most depraved elements of human society, and should be avoided by all persons with any pretensions to refine ment and gentility. The Biblical Recorder savs : "The SUP- cess of the Baptist Orphanage Association is most remarkable. Bro. Mills has suc ceeded beyond the exoectation nf hi is most remarkable, most enthusiastic friends in raising mon ey for the building and grounds, and will soon be ready to receive orphans. The location and buildings meet the bearty approbation of all who have seen them, and in a year more the Baptist Orphan age will be one of the most substantial and prominent institutions in North Carolina, President Cleveland is able to repeat from memory the entire Presbyterian Shorter Catechism. Mr. A. I Craver, of this count v, is to be the auctioneer of the Iron Clad Ware house at Salisbury. He will wake up the average tobacco buy er on the first pile he tackles.- Lexington Dispatch. A man who has kept an account of the number of kisses exchanged with his wife since their union consents to its publication as follows: First year, 36,500; second year, 16,000; third year, 3,650; fourth year, 120; fifth year, 6. ; tie then left off keeping the record. Wake Jail. -There was an insurrection in the jail Tuesday night the prisoners refusing to go into cells until compelled by the police. The next morning Judge Clark increased the punishment of the two ring leaders by adding four and three years respectively to their penitentiary terra, iron shutters will be put to the jail. State Chronicle. Death of a Great Hew York Merchant. Horace B. ! Chaflin, the well-known New Yoirk merchant, died rather sudden ly at his suburban residence on the 14th, inst. He was 74 years of age, and was identified throughout the crreater nortion of his liffe with the mercantile interests of New York, having been for years the act ive rival of A. T. Stewart. Since the death of the merchant prince Mr. Cha rt in' s house has stood at the head of the dry goods trade in the metropolis. ; "It Was the Fee Federal Court." Asheville Advance. The average illicit distiller, it seems, does not entertain a very high opinion of the Federal Court, nor does he feel very keenly the sanctity of its forms and ceremonies. The following story would seem to illustrate the idea. A witness was being cross-examined in a magistrate's court in this city, some time ago, with a view to discredit him : Attorney: Have you not been in dicted for perjury? Witness: What? Attorhey: Haven't you been indicted tor swearing to a he? Witness: Yes, but if I was, it was in the Federal Court. In Some Families It is So. Chicago Herald. "There are some queer Couples in this world, " L 1--J T 1 J. 1 nrmaraeq a uearoon street real estate agent. "The other day a man and woman called to see about renting a flat on the north side. The woman did all the talking and turned to the man for confirmation or corrob oration. ; He always agreed with her, and he did it verv meekly. "Well," said the woman finally, "I will give you $25 for the flat, won't we, Johnj' " 'Yes'in1 replied the man. " 'And ; I'll pay my rent promptly, too, wou't we John?' "'YesV " But, I inquired, as is usual in such cases, are you man and wife?1 " "Man and wife!' exclaimed the wo man, sharply, 'indeed we are not, are we, John?" "No'm.f "'Whalr says I, 'not man and wife?' " 'Not much. I'd have you know that in this family we are wife and man, ain't we, John?' "Yes'm," ; Kisses by Mail A young postmaster of a village post office was bard at work when a gent le tap was heard at the door, and in stepped a bashful maiden of sixteen,-with a money order, which she desired cashed. She handed it to the official with a bashful smile, who after closely examining it handed her the money it called for. At the same ime he asked her if she had read what was written on the margin of the order. . . "No. I have not," replied the girl, "for I could not make it out. Will you please read it for me ?" The young postmaster read as follows : "I send fou three dollars and a dozen kisses." I Glancing at the bashful girl he said : "Now, I have paid you the money, and I suppose that you want the kisses." "Yes," she said, "if he has sent me any kisses I want them too.' It is hardly necessary to say that the balance of the order was promptly paid, and in a scientific manner at that, and eminently satisfactory to the country maiden, for she went out of the office smacking her lips as if there was a taste upon them she never encountered before. After she arrived at home she said to her mother : "Eh, mother, but this post office system-of ours is a great thing, developing more and' more every year, and each new feature added seems to be best. Jimmy sent me a dozen kisses along with the money order, and the postmaster gave me twenty.; It beats the special delivery system all hollow." U. S. Mail. Boycotting Explained. N. Y. Journal of Commerce. New Yoek, November 7, 1885. Please inform me what the word "boycotting" means and from what the word comes. Any information you can give will be ap preciated. H. C. R. Reply. Captain Boycott, an Irish land lord, was the first victim of the new sys tem. His tenants, and all his neighbor r, and everyone in the vicinity, bound themselves willingly or were coerced into an agreement to have no intercourse of any kind With him. They were not to sell anything to him or buy anything from him, or to have anything more to do with him than if he bad the leprosy, or plague, or small pox. This system has been car ried to such an extent that some of the persons selected as victims have almost erished in the midst of abundance. It las been tried in this country, but cannot e carried too the same extent as in Ire and, where the mass of the people, part -y through a community of feeling and partly through a dread of abuse or assas sination, are brought to act together for this purpose. Here, for instance, a brew er gives otfence to the trades unions by declining toi accede to terms imposed by workmen, who have left him on a strike. He and all his product are boycotted. All who belong to any branch of the t fades union are forbidden to purchase his beer of to enter a saloon where his beer is sold, or to have any dealings with any other person who has any dealings with him. The Iribune had a disagreement with its printers. The unions denounced it and attempted to Sftycott, not only the Ee- puDiican party, whose organ it is, but ev ery dealer of whatever kind who adver tised in its columns. Many persons were kept from inserting their advertisements in that paper for fear of incurring the enmity or losing the patronage of these bitter, unscrupulous men. A great Rock stands in a weary land, And its shadows fall on the parched sand, And it calls to the travellers passing by " I will shelter thee here continually." Then why will ye die ? Beset on all Sides. By malaria, how shall we escape the dread infection? is the question which the denizens cf fever and ague districts ask themselves. The answer comes from former suHereis who for years have escaped the visitations of the periodic scourge, through the protect ilnfitin"ueneeo1 Hostetter's Stomach Bitters wnen tne necessity lor usinr nreventive measures arises, use this means of preven tion at once. It regulates the liver, facili tates digestion, and liberates impurities from the system, when such exist, by pro moting healthful action of the bowels and kidneys. Act early. In all regions where miasmatic vapors breed disease, it is abso lutely necessary to be provided with a safe guard, and this is true, though a sojourn in such localities is destined to be brief. No one can afford to breathe malaria for a short time. The Bitters is a sovereign specific ior rheumatism, debility and nervousness. Keep it on hand. PATENTS Caveats, Trade Marks and Copyrights Obtained, and all other business In the V. 8. Patent urace attended to ror Modern e Fees. our office is opposite the U. S. Patent Offlce, and we can obtain Patents in less time than titose re mote from Washington. sond Model or drawing. We advise as to patent ability free of charge; and make JVo charge uuiess ux Obtain Patent. We refer her to the Postmaster, the Sunt, of Money Order Dlv.. and to officials of the C. S. Pat ent omce. iov circular, udvice, terms and refer ences to actual clients in your own State or county. wntew C A SHOW & CO. . Opposite Patent OHice, W ashtaigton 1). C Oct. 21, 'S5. tt THE WATCHMAN JOB OFFICE 13 THOROUGHLY KQU1PPBD 0? 0l) a FROM posmRs is Wg ai a barn door down to most delicate LISTING AHDS. Letter and Note Heads, Bill Heads and Statements, BUSINESS CARDS, PAMPHLETS, 9 PRICE LISTS, School an gartn rogramm, AJST BLANKS OF ALL KINDS Court and Magisterial. ty Orders solicited and satlstaction guaranteed NEW YORK OBSERVER, OLDE8T AND BE8T RELIGIOUS AND SECULAR FAMI LY NEWSPAPER. NATIONAL AND EVANGELICAL. All the News. Vigorous Editorials. A trustworthy paper for business men. It has special departments for Farmers, Sunday school Teachers and Housekeepers. THE Hit YORK OBSERVER FOR 1886, Sixty-Fourth Volume, will contain a new and never before pub lished series of I ken.: us Letters ; regular correspondence from Great Britain, Prance Germany and Italy : Letters from Mission Stations in India, China, Japan, Africa and Micronesia ; original articles from men of influence and knowledge of affairs id dif ferent parts of this country, and selected articles from the choicest literary and re ligious publications, iu poetry and prose. A New Volume, containing a Second Series of I hen.: us Letters, a sketch of the author, and a review of his life and work has been published. We shall offer this year special and at tractive inducements to subscribers and friends. Sample copies free. NEW T03K OBSERVER, EU YORK. $ niunifl, 'Rough on rats " Clears out fats, mice, roache?. flies, ants. bedbugs. - Heart Fains. Palpitation, Dropsical Swellings, Dizi- ness. Indigestion. Headache. Sleeplessness Cured by "Wells' Health Renewer."5 ' "Bough on Corns." Ask for Wells' "Rough on Corns.'1 15cts. Quick complete cure. Hard or soft corns, warts, bunions. ik "Buchu-Paib" -Quick, complete cure of all Kidnej,Blud der and Urinary diseases. Scalding, Irrita tion. Stone. Gravel, Catarrh of the Bladder. 1, Druggists. Bed-Bugs, Flies. Flies, roaches ants, bedbugs, rats, mice. gophers, chipmunks, cleared oat by f'Rough on Rats." 15c. Thin People. "Wells' Health Renewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sex- urn ueunuy. fi. "Bough on Pain." Cures cholera, colic, cramps, diarrhoea. aches, pains, sprains, headache, neuralgia, rheumatism. 29c. Rough on Tain Plaster, 15 ctsv Mothers. If yon are failing, broken, worn out and nervous, use "Wells' Health Renevrfr." $ 1. Druggists. J Life Preserver. If you are losing your grip on life, try "Wells' Health Renewer." Goes direct to weak spots. 'Bough on Pilei." Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, Itching, Protruding, Bleeding, Iuternal or Dther. Internal and external remedy in each pack age. Sure cure, SOcgpruygists, f . Pretty Women. 1 Ladies who would retain freshhes- and vivacity, don't fail to try "Wells' Health Renewer." . j "Bough oh Itch " j "Rough on Itch" cures humors, eruptions, ringworm, tetter, salt rheum, frosted feet chillblains. "Bough on Catarrh." I Corrects offensive odors at once. Com plete cure of worst chronic cases, nlso une qualed as gargle tor diptheria, sofe throat, foul '-reath. SOcts. The Hope of the Natioij. Children, slow in development, nunv. scrawny and delicate, use "Wells' Health Kenewer. . Catarrh of the Bladdet. Stinging, irruatiim, inflamatiotf, all Kid ney and Urinary complaints, tuicd by "Bu-chu-Paiba" $1. : "Water Bugsl Boaches;7' "Rough on Rats" clears them out, also Beetles. Ants. PR0FE1U.AL CAMUS. KEKlt CliAKiE. L. H. (2LEMKXT. CRAIGE & CLEMENT, Attorneys A. T Salisbury', N. C. Feb. 3rd, 1881. I'hu invaluable pre paration 13 .my u iri uiupn ot rtcienuiic skilly anu no mure ietiaia lle btiftrhi ever t towtd on the inhtrs yt tlie world. - .IWll not only iiort- enf thetinjfeoljjaboiand lt.sM.-nn liie intetiMtv ul i'a,MitifUeihanall it areilhv .iJh.it, ...h No Mora Terror! No ioro Fain ! No Horc Sanger ! TO To Mother or Chile! ihe danger t life oi "oil. mother apd child, nu leave tiif mother in a conditiofi high.y lavorahie to aleedy re tverjandKaleM lia ble to fiuodn.convul ions and other alarm svniptomsUncident 10 lingering a rjd painful labor. Its truly wonde r ful efficacj in? iIuh re spect entitles he Moth er's Friend to( be rank ed a8oneoftieifesav "8 "Ppiiancca given to the world by thediscov. eriea of modern science. From the najutaof the case it will of cource be tinderetood Hint we can not publish cfcrtificates concern i ng t h j Ke m edy without wounding the delicacy of the writers. Yet we have hnndreds of such testimonials on tile, and no mo! her who Iihs once used it will everagMin be without it in her time of trouble. The Dread of Motherhood Transformed to HOPE ami JOY. Safety and Ease -TO Suffering Woman. A prominent physician lately retnitsked to the proprietor, that if it were admirable to make public the letters we receive, tjie Moth er's Friend" would outsell anything on the market. I most earnestly entreat every female ex pecting to be confined to use .Mother's Relief. Coupled with this entreaty I will add that during a long obstetrical practice (44yeara), 1 have never known it te fail to produce a safe and quick delivery. H.J. HOLMES, M. D.. Atlanta, Ga. Send for onr Treatise on "Health and Hap pinesa of Woman," mailed free. f Bbadpield Reodlator Co., Atlanta, Ga. Lai anil Hill Property FOR SALE! The plantation consists of 23f acres of which there is about 60 acres of good bot tom. The soil is red, mulatto, and gray, suitable for the cultivation of wheat, corn, oats, rye, cotton and tobacco, with a suffi cient supply of wood, water, meadow land, fee. There is on the premise a hrge two story dwelling house with six rooms, situ ated in a beautiful oak grove,? with all necessary outbuildings. The Mill property consists of a large three story mill house, with 1 pair of burrs, 1 pV ! of corn rock, new Eureka smut machine, new bolting clotD, rancor pattpnt water wheels, new fore bay and penstock. Also a cotton gin house, 36x24, with a 40 saw Hall gin with self-feeder nnd condenser, and a Liddell Boss Press. There is also a 33 borsc power engine aud boiler situated between the mill and cotton gin so that eft her or all can be run at the same Uraie. The proper ty is all in good repair and -can be be run at any time either by water or steam Price $5,00012,000 cash, the balanc as may be agreed upon. f The property is situated on Crane Creek dre miles south of Salisbury, ny person wishing to purchase such propejrty will do well to call on or address I P. N. nEILIG, Salispurv, X. C. Are you failing, try Weixs' IT e alto Ra- j xewch, a r'J"o clean, wholesome TORne, For Brain. Serve. tnmw IJrcr, Kktnj-, Luntfs. A.n Vneqoaled iuvigonuit. Cow I ucQuauuv, cover, akqu VUJ DEBILITY & WEAKN Headache, Fever, Ane, Chilly, it,, - m.:ii- J WESS. Nice to take, truo merit, unequated for I TORPID LIVER nr.d Misht A . : Sweats, Nervous Weakness, I Malaria. Leanness, Sequel Decile. I tl.00 per but, 0 for ?5.00, at DniMrtet. I E. t3. Wells, Jersey City, N. J., Vi tL A. Buchu-Paiba Remarkable Cures of Cfitarrh Of the Bladder, lailaJaation, Irrigation ef Kid neys and Bladder, Stone cr Cnwal Dis eases of tho Prostate Ciland. Drdpsieal Swellinjrs. Fema'o Diseases, Io4ontta eoce of Urfai?, ail D&scs oi tbc Uenito Urinary Orjaiis in t-itVir sex. P4r Un healthy or Pi i i i ii IT 111 TliDiSfi use also "Chanin'a Injv e i,T3ir,"cacb$L For SYl'HM Is. . I r csntir.eted or herelitary tatnr, ur : i - ;::'s Constitu tion Bitter 5ttvt, 81,0 i j-1 bottle, and ChApinsrBypliiI,;ic j iio. iliM; aau0ba inS Syphi!!t:c Salv, $1.00. 6 bottles Synip. S of HI la, 1 fc'altfc, by Express on receint of S1G.'.K, or atlnirr-sts. j E. H. WF.iAs, Jersey City, N. J., U. B. A. To the needs pf I'.ti- , traveler n;xl newseiilvi , l Tr uck Bitters is pecu!'ari .: l strenfitlifiis. lite dsgr! ; braces the jiiiyslcal en . fal influencef." It n-,. , m:i!:ir: .1 fever, cn -i I with fully stin-'.l.i'. bladder, and i-.rte.;. . the blood. When oi . . -Whether mental or p:. and debilitated find ir ' i renewed strength wnl , by all Drugsiets aa.l De..; MILL STONES. h: UNDERSIGNED has bought the well known KOYVAN COUNTY MILL STONE QUAKK of KT F. Pluin;'H, deceased, and will eoutinne to wqiplj the public rtc- ' (? --t :"S ttji CEi.eATr.B uki: fo:v.TTrici.(.wt Us ro ,.'!. (ill "this co&ntnr tor its superiority for stones. );ramt blwcks toi urn imuLtal purposti , Monunieula, c., Ac, can also Ce.huU at this quai ty. Address J. T. WYATT, Salisbury, N. C And ail Bilsou3Compi Safe to take, beinor purely vegcfall ing. Price & ctt. U Druggii Dec. 2084 lv. POXJTZ HORSS ASD CATTLE POWDERS No IT -r.'-it vi'l Of CitUfl. I'.O'IS nr I rva h. iwlrt are in tim ' i"' .r- an( p?rvenitei rmuiA. RJi I pwef L ... , . - uiin OAtolT''" r"rp ?r rwwttt!alm wnmr AV1D F. FOCTZ. rroprietoi. TUTT 25 YEARS IN USE. The Greatest Medical Triumph of the Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. I.oaa of appetite, Dowels costive, Pain la the bead, with a dull aensatlaa la the Iff a PbI J!Br tUe Soalder- blade, 1 u llnees after entice, with a die Incli nation to exertion of body 5 aai ad. Irrltabilltj of temper. Low aplrtta, with afeclincofhriTinsnclrctod oraVdatr Weariaea Cizzincea, Flattering at tba 2i,A?0?roret!sB vSFSEESm ver the rieht eye, Reatleaoaeaf. with Btfal dreamt, Illxhly colored t rice, and CON STI PATIO N . TCTT'S riLLS aro CHpeciallv adapted to such cases, one dooo cflccts aucba cbang.; of feallnaaa to autoniah the sotTcrcr . They Increase thie A poetitenl caute t hS 'iconic AcYloiTcn i8 i,1?stJl ve roa,necular St an turn mm: (jrJtAT HAITI or WM-witrwa nhanaAii . GJjossv Black by a si.tirrin erplication of uAtu ny a s?tir:)B explication of It imparts a usitoraf color, cct icu-iiy. c!-,l by Htns&Bt, or :pyc5". on r cipt of OlT r UUlllSi A A I instantanecn:;! sent bv exr'.x;s OlTico, 44 rsiu;ray St., Now York. Dec. 20, '84. ly. $ mmx made i $ aafaahl aaa iSMfaaaa, Qk4 "eBtf" 20 Per Cent rxofit. r. a II , aaiHi on noript of d.oo. Smpl.- C SO cvati SOUTHERW BIVOUAC u.r. Avery e Sone. Louisylle. mm - fc STOMACH 0 ITTERS gar tB sUS' CuT2 I I xt m m if p r it i - m i 1 j m . 2 fr. - i i v4

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