I. . r ) r) ST .--i 7 1 . . ... rill 1 I ' t,-rx - - ----- I 11 m ; I I'l II III m VV M 1111 III M I I - j j I 1 . 'r ' I VOL XVII, THIED SERIES. SAUSBwET, H. C, DECEMBES 3, 1885. VOL XVH.-THIBD SERL 3rri ..II 11 r.:i 1 ; m-. i - . ----- . b r .ii n ism hi sjaawtaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas n i l r si 3 a I o 1 j h I. s -!. Hr lie :: 5 I s a a ImS t I I I IBS' .'I E - K I w 1 II 2 1 1 r : j!Hf a IS w 1 1 11 is h I I Pd ? 1 K W .3 3 I I Lft l rr . I It I f - I I j II 3 at 35 K&l " I 2 ; , i I Si.?. 15 IS HH . a t: rr. -m - v m I 5 I LU . i 18 I : 1 IS m is J! I - : For the Watchman. To a Blossom on a Drunkard's Nose. BY E. p. B Mushroom blossom of old rye, Sprouting on hope's grave ! I scan Bacchus artificially Rearing you in hot-house man Wreathing you with idiot grin Catering you with maudlin tear, In a flow'r-bed rich with sin, In hell's suicide parterre ! ;j Blow, old rot ! Aye, blow disgust Into every youthful face ! Blow your scent, if blow you must, Into each law-making place, Till "the legislator spews All his maudlin love for you Dares the drunkard's "rights" refuse And the poison-maker's too ! For the Watchman. In Memory of Sallie and Nannie. BY j. f. c. Two loving sisters, household gems, Were with us fbr a while ; And did by purity and worth The cares of life beguile. Their brother's pride, their sister's joy, A pleasure to their peers ; Their doting parents' hope and stay In their declining years. In christian love they were through life Each other's counterpart ; And sought that love and gentleness To others to impart. In church, in school, at home, abroad, Their sphere was ever bright ; To live for others' happiness, It seemed, was their delight. Clad in consumption's ghastly form, Death claimed them as his prey ; And pining through a few short months, They passed from earth away. None can so estimate their worth -As those who feel the loss ; j None so appreciate the crown I As those who bear the cros3. Sleep on, my precious sisters, sleep ! Secure from cares of earth, Until the resurrection morn Shall give you nobler birth. One hearth, at least, shall mourn for thee, One pen your woitn recora ; Until, like you, when life is passed, I meet my sure reward. a much lesser chance than the danger of being struck by lightning. The August train of meteors is com puted to be 90,000,000 miles long or about as long as the distance from the earth to the sun. Others are of un known length. Where do they originate? The duration"' is easilv asked. The answer, while it is one about which we feel but little doubt, seems to be not Vice-President Dead. Indianapolis, Nov. 25. Vice-Presi dent Hendricks died very suddenly at his residence a few minutes before 5 o'clock this afternoon. ' He came home from Chicago early in the week anj complained of feeling unwell, but nota ing serious was thought of it at the time. Last night he and Mts. Hend ricks attended a reception at the resi- Aartna if Hnn Trdi1 Km. Crvmr nnrl susceptible of being sustained by actual he came home he complained of proof. These meteoric bodies appear ins his gide Rnd 8tomacn. This to be not exactly like any of our rqjHts. morning he was no better and his Many of them are more like alcmd of amilj physician, Dr. Thompson, was half-vitreous uiron stone than any oa"(:nr ir0 v,;m nn moiio and - . ml . 1 f m I 1 I - VA4 lilt - V. KW W WMWW-W ' thing else; they snow tneworKOineai, later . th Hav an injection. Mr and ring, on being struck with a nam- Hendricks staved in his rcom all dav met. Hartford Times. d t f ti in aJthoutrh he sat up at frequent intervals. . He received no caHers, but about 5 o'clock Mrs. Hendricks left his bedside to see The Tories and Their Allies. N. Y. Time?. A little philosophy, a little political a caller for a few minutes in the par- foresight, and above all, the patience to j lor. one was aetayea longer inan sne wait for the inevitable and speedy j expectecTand when she returned to the breaking un of the Insh-Torr alliance room she found that he was dead will go far to console the English Lib- The end of a busy and eventful life erals for Dossible defeat in the elections had come peacefully and quietly. On to he held this week. After the con- his face there was no indication of test lias shaned itself toward the last, pain or suffering and his eyes were . . i I M 1. A il 1 11 1 1 n il V a wise Liberal might well prtter defeat only nait ciosea as it m gentle sleep to victory. To Mr. Gladstone, who He died of paralysis of the brain. doubtless feels that he has taken part A Republican Senate will elect a in his last campaign, defeat would be presiding officer of the Senate in place lnpxnressiblv sadandmortitvinfr. butto of Mr. Hendricks, who will be Vice- the vounsr and ambitious men of the President of the United States, and party, men who are sincerely devoted President in the event of Mr. Cleve- to Liberal ideas and are eacer to take land's death. A rather uncertain con- Part in the great domestic reforms for dition of affairs for the Democratic i , i . ( i j i i wnicn tne time is ripening in Xingianu, party tne emoarrassiug tasKs, tne wruuii discords, and the formidable obstruc tions which await the victorious party must cause mahv missivinas, and many of them would be quite, willing, we fancy, to see the Tories succeed and prepare the way for a sweeping Liberal victory at the next dissolution. It is universally conceded that the Liberals will win with a reduced ma jority, if at all. They would be power less for undertakings of weight and "i 1 nermanence witn anv maiority or less than 50 votes over the Tories and Irish combined, and with even a much larger maiority they would be restrained by There is a milch cow for every four persons m the I. in ted states. And yet we are often led to believe that the pumps outnumber the cows. "SHAKY." CHE ZIG ZAG METHODS EMPLOYED BY MERCENARY When la The Wrong Channel. The bile wreaks grievous injnry. Head ache, constipation, pain in the liver and stomach, jaundice, nausea ensue. ATew doses of Hovfetter's Stomach Bitters jwill reform these evils and prevent further in jury. It is a pleasant aperient, its actimi upon the bowels being unaccompanied by griping. The liver is both regulatednnd stimulated by it; and as it ia very impolitic to disregard disorder of that organ, which through neglect may culminate in dapger nns congestion and hepatic abscess the Bitters should be resorted to at an tarly stage. Failure to do this renders a contest with the malady more protracted, fever and ague, rheumatism, kidney and bladder troubles, are remedied by this tuie medicine, and the increasing imfirmities of age miti gated by it. It may le also vscd i it con valescence with advantage, as it hastens the restoration of vigor. !-:- Meteoric Stones. The theory of some persons that these red-hot stones have been thrown r.nnr nnrl fbn Iwn a u-i, a 0f,b'a crf5o bv differences in their own ranks from any .-..vifptinn i whnllv untenable. These wide departure from the path ot corn- fiery rocks come from uother worlds than ours.v It is not probable that , r i i PI-a" mi. . mon place rintisn legislation, xne Tories, on the other hand, would ac- Forcign Items London, Nov. 24. A dispatch from Vienna says: "Russia and England have induced the Porte to despatch a note to Servia tomorrow counselling King Milan to stop the war. The ber vian war accounts are unreliable. All correspondents whose despatches are cooked." London. Severe shocks of earth quake were felt in Spain yesterday, at Velez, Malaga and Alusia, and especial ly at Alahama. I here were also a sciesmic movement on the African coast and numerous landships, and it is reported that the bed of the Medi terranean sea has risen perceptibly. Rangoon, Nov. 24. A despatch from COME QUICK! DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS!! J. S. McCUBBINS has just returned from the Northern cities with the I LARGEST ft BEST SELECTED Stock of Goods that he has ever offered to the pul. lie ; consisting of Drv Good-, Gro- I ccrics. llatH, uots ami Mioes, sole jucailier. vision. Wood and willow ware, xe. Also a full line of FERTIL.IZ E RS of the very best brands, vis: BAKER'S Well Tried FOR MEURYMAN'S A. D. Bone " WALKER'S Ground Bone " NATURAL Guano just from Orchilla, and supposed the only Natural Guano on the market. Go and get Testimonials and if you vrant to save money, don't forget to cifll on him before buying cither Goods or Fertilizers. Salisbury, Oct, 1, 1885. 25:tf WHEAT. 1 ... .., . Jm jj I - r- i , i 1 i nn,.nfmna frnm nnA of cept tne responsiDUiues or power urmer jumnia says, severe ngnung tooa piace :-. J .i I Hiwfin.f riKliirofvriTiQ fn ikp u, tor the I vpfprHnv in fhp -In nor Ins fontinninf? UIOVIUVV Vyifcwi'. w I J vv. t,.,.. , . . . . . , . Ill I . . , A 1 t party, and tne until the central post ot the Burmese THE GREAT EXTERNAL REMEDY! KLUTTZ'S TOBACCO LM the other planets; they are drawn, in all probability, by the earth's greater attraction, out of their place in some of the great meteor streams that re volve, like the earth, around the sun, each in its own orbit. At certain points in the annual journeys of our own world and of these great streams of loosely aggregated rocks of many sizes, the two orbits evidently so; nearly touch as to make it possible for the globe on which we live to capture some of the meteoric bodies which consti tute the fringe, or skirts, so to speak, of the 13th of November, benefit of Mr. Parnell's party, and the until the central post of Liberals in opposition would contem- was captured, when they fled in all di- .it . . .. plate not without a gnrasatitactionthe rections. struiTirles of a Tory Ministry between the demands of clamorous Irishmen on the one side, and the protests of startled Englishmen: on the other. Burglary as a Capital Felony. A Presbyterian minister of Charlotte, Rpv. Mr. VVoods. defends himself in the Observer of that city for having ' I . i . . . O I 1 ! 1 Li n,or,P cfraom 4 in pa nn t.hf I BlSucU U UeLIUUU lur bUK xuuuii ui nic UiCVtUl OV4.VrU.ftU V.MWVJ V-. v-w I tf M. 1 1 1 icqq inL two neirroes who were to nave ueen Liverpool, Nov. 24. Tomorrow will be a holiday in the cotton market on account of the parliamentary election to take place here. Sofia, Nov. 24.The city is wild with pxc.itement over the news from the front," statinj? that Prince Alexander at the head of the Bulgarian troops has followed uu his victories and is driv ing the Servians slowly but surely from Bulgarian territory. Ihe latest des- BIT must have actually 'brushed through hanged there Wednesday, but who were patch says that Prince Alexander FOR skirts we almost touch in RHEUMATISM. GOUT, NEU RALGIA. SPRAINS. BRUISES, August, and which is called, therefore. DAIMC APUPQ JkP the August stream. Other streams rniNOf Aiunco, mu mav exist, in the inter-planetary spaces, which the astronomers have no pos- uai niu 'M in i appivi.u a man elous conipouua lor lue reuei 01 uumuu ou- j Rfrnc RELIEF GUARANTEED. JJ Cf ITS ACTION IS V0XDERFUL.E5 i - - v. loo cinno burj'larv a capital relonv is "one ot the ISIlintf IUgClLCKUVU nmin lit" D.1.V.V o- J i - ii. i ir i a i-u uMnramuar most severe ana exiruoruinarv mai uuv come to ue n-uuwix w vuc iiummi . . r... . .. , : nnnfmdi'fi'vir.f.inn to nnoth. modern civmzea nation nas ever euuci All V-Vl va.vi-v - respited, and says the law which makes stormed the heights of Tsaribrod and reacuea ine cxiy isum uveuiug. j.uc Prince made triumphant march into stream, er whose ed in a time of profound peace." We derive this law, if we are not mistaken, from England. It goes upon the pre sumption that a man who enters the hnnsp of another in the nightime. wnen the city and was received with enthu- 9f siasm by the populace. Let Justice be Done. We have not and do not intend to write anv private letters to Gov. Scales r - - - a . .. ., It is a notable fact that the people of Atlanta and elsewere arc beginning to be thoroughly convinced that worthless com pounds become vhak v" at all new innova tions, while an honest preparation never fears opposition. We do not propose to "wipe out" others, as the field for operation is large, and we accord to one and all the same privileges we enjoy. We are not so far lost to business principles as to denounce any other remedy as a fraad, or imitation, or as containing a vegetable poison, the effects of which are horrible to comtem plate. The alarm need not be sounded, for there is ample room for all declining anti potash, pine top slop water compounds. If one bottle ot B. B. B. is more valua ble in effects than half a dozen of any other preparation, we won't ct man about it. If ten bottles of B. B. B. cures a ense of 1 Crockery and Queens-ware, Clothing, Pro- blood poison which others could not cure at all, it only proves that B. B. B. ia far the best medicine. SO.OOO BottlcH of B. B. B. have been sold to parties living inside the corporation of Atlanta since it was started two years ago ! Why this wonderful sale of a now-reme-dy in so short a time with so little adver tising? It must be confessed that it is because B. B. B. has proven itself to possess merit in the cure of blood, skin and kidney dis eases. Hundreds of home certificates attest the fact of our claim that in Atlanta and many other points B. B. B. is "on top," and will stav there. Many persons desire to know how the 15. u. . acis on uie sys tem. Bv entering the circulation, it modifies the vitiated blood globules, increases the red corpuscles, antagonizes all poison, vi talizes and regenerates the flagging forces, furnishes the pabulum for rich, new blood, eliminates all poison through the secre tions, and increases the appetite, while, by its wonderful action upon the pores of the skin, the kidneys, liver and glandular system, all effete and impure matter is speedily conducted from the body, leaving the blood pure, fresh and healthy. By its magical alterative powers, B.B.B. unloads the blood or all impurities, un locks the liver, arouses all secretions, re stores nature to its normal condition, un- cloudsthe troubled brain, clears and beau tides the complex ion,checrs the despondent, strengthens tire feeble, calms the disturbed nerves, and induces quiet ami peace: ill slumbers. It has been in use over twenty five years as private prescription lu the south. It is no far-fetched, foreign-found or dream discovered subterranean wonder, but is a scientific and happy combination of recognized vegetable blood poison agents effected after many years ot constant use and experiment in the treatment of thou sands of some of the most appalling cases ot scrofulous, syphilitic and cutaneous blood poisons ever known in the btate, resulting t Particular atteoUon paid to frescoing and decorative palarlar. la oil. wax or water-ei Ul make bids on cimniues, public building an u uesiml. ros.1 office address. SifiSiWrV HARDWARE. 1 i r - WHEN YOU WAST HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES i Call on the undersigned at NO. 2. Granite Row. D. A. ATWELL. ' x Agent for the " Salisbury, N. C, June 8th tf. f '1 OS. A HARRIS'! A Radical Cure for TfATTD ni'HtT.rrv f Organic Weakness, fPH x S I Ciklj DECAY, Ir You na St Mlddl e Aged Wen. Tested for over 8ix Years bv use i n mamyI Thousand Cases. TRIAL PACKAGE. ? T12EATXEXT. One Month. - $3 00 Two Month. - 6.001 Utcq Moath. 7.001 -MEBVOUSpEBIUTY I Decay ,od numerous Fnin"ha skiffed'phy 'cicir n, result froni routhful 4 n d iscretio n, .oo free ind u leence. or wnrbrainwork. Avoid I the impouiion ot prsicn- Iliout mneuiei ior inrw troubles. : Get oor It Cinnilar Mid Trial Pck- Re, and learn important I men ociore nuuniiiraf inert elsewhere. Take a I SURE HEM EOT taal II AB CURED thoustna, doea net inteifere with atten tion to baiineM, or causa pain or tueon vi -r :enes in anv wey. Founded on scientific medira 1 princi ple s. By direct a pp'.ication to the seat of disease its specific influence i felt without delay. The nat ural function jof the hu man ornnlsm Is atstored. II he animstinft eicmmia of life, which hae been wasted are siren backhand toe patient becomes cheer irni aim raproiy ". strength a ud sexual rigor. HARRIS REMEDY CO., M'FCCMEMiS73 IjUViBi 30CH N. Tenth St., 8T, Kerosene Oil! BY THF BARREL AT ENNISS' TJrug Store. July 9, '85 tf. Yadkia Mineral Sprinp Academy,! PALMRSVILLE,(SuiG!yco)H.c. I t'. II. xARTrN, Principal, 0raduate of Wake Forest College, and tUso at i tae L nivermty or Virginia. W frrnoN. as to $15 per seastoa of & montha The only school In ibis section that teaches xne Lnirersiiy ot va. meuioaa. vigoroos ex- tensive, thorough. The cheapest school la tha U. 8. where these world-re nowed methods aft. taught . Good Board only t per moata. . ? 8T ly Address, C H. MABVW, Prtn. SEND YOUR WOOL TO THE Salisbury Woolen Mills TIH3 NEW FACTORY is biv in operation, unci iscilittea lor uf'acturin Woolen Goods such as have nev er before been ofl'ered to our people, are within the reach of the entire Wool grow ing community. We manufacture JEANS, CASSIMERS, FLANNELS, LINSEY8, BLANKETS, YARNS. ROLLS, &c. Soliciting a liberal patronage of our pie, wc arc respectfully, Salisbury Woolrh MiLLa. office at old Express Office. May 28th, 1885. 32tf R.T.HOPKINS IS NOW ATTHB M Corner of Kerr & with a fall line of DRY GROCERIES. AIho keepa GOODS and a Firat Clmaa FRESH TURNIP SEED? The Earliest and Beat Turnip Sed for sale at ENNISS'. itive knowledo-e; or, there may le ir- the family ia asleep, for the purpose ot .amst the commutation of the death Suffer no longer. Be humbugged with quack cure-alls uo longer. Tobacco is Nature's Great Remedy. It has been used in a crude way irom the days ot Sir Walter Raleigh down, and has work ed many a marvelous cure, and saved many a valu able life. In the "Fobuceo Llnlmenlt" Its virtues are sclentlllcally extracted, combined with other valuable medical agents, and confidently offered to the pubUc, not as a cure-all. but as a sate, powerful ana etreeitve external Keuieay, appucaoie vuer- ever there is pain to be reueveu. In large bottlea at only 25 cents. For aale by all Druggists. Ask fur it, and in sist upon having it. Don't be but oflF with worthless substitutes. Try it and you will be, thankful for having had it brought to your attention. ..- THEO. P. KLUTTZ & CO., d Wholesale Druggists, Proprietors, 1 50:3m Sausbcby, N. C. SOUTH RIVER ACADEMY. regular masses, or even endless cases ot separate meteoric bodies, aR rushing - . - 1 Aa I 1 i A. . Ti around the sun in diirerent oroits. it certain that countless millions of these objects, mostly quite small bodies, are actually drawn in upon the earth. Most of them, apparently, are burnea up before reaching the earth's surface, and descend in an invisible, impalpable form of exceedingly fine dust. Occa sionally this can be plainly seen as it was once, m the suburbs ol this city, when it seemed at committing a felony, will kill the in mates in their helpless condition if it becomes necessary for himjto do so in order to escape. The presumption is pnt.irelv irist and the law throws its protecting arm- around the sleepin piti7n and warns the felon who in- sentence of the two negro burglars in this city. As a public journalist, hav ing the interests of all citizens in view both in town and country, we demand that the verdict of an intelligent jury shall stand and that the midnight burglars and thieves be hanged accord- n complete and unparalleled cures of pro nounced incurable cases. Send to Blood Balm (Jo. Atlanta, Ga., for a copy of their Book ot Won tiers, rar, tilled with information about Blood and Skin Diseases, Kidney Complaints, &c. Sold by all Dru.gist. 5:1m. onlv ten days ago, r i j i ii oknimi oiraincr. tup iiTrprnnnn sun E rVrr r.CZ J :n : rrr. f after the toils of the day, his wife and liae a rem tuiunci ui ''"t A - , s . . . i. r,-, -i from a clear sky, but which quickly children ground him? bain is his pn A Ir. o chnuor nt flnst. an tiriP Uiarv OLHeuL, uui mctc jo m 1 , i a. 1 trudes upon him that it will demand his m2 to the sentence of the Court. As life. It : should do so. What more a Journalist and citizen we make that frightful picture can the imagination! demand in behalf of a large maiority conjure up than that of the villain Gf the people of this section. We could armed with a knife or cocked revolver, lrPt nD petitions with thousands of .... ?. .1! 1 It I O . 4 gliding stealthily tnrougn tne room in which the honest Citizen is' sleeping Cancer Cured. About three years ago there appeared , . I. . . I liimnu on in? rttrni oicasv ocvuiui lumpo which gave me almost intolerable .pain. They continued to grow, and finally de veloped into what tne doctors caueu can cer of the breast. Iu a short time I found ray strength gone and my constitution a wreck. Krom a roousi woman i TRUSSES reduced prices, nt Of all kinds, at EXNISS'. Fruit Jars! " CHEPER THAN EVER. ALSO Rnbbor Rings for Fruit Jura, nt EXNISS!. that unless it chanced to be seen against the sun it was invisible. Mr. Proctor, the astronomer, holds this un seen falling meteor dust to have been an appreciable, indeed an important ' . .1 1 1 a i 1 factor involved in the pro mem oi tne a Wed growth of the bulk ot our his heart the settled purpose to take hie if the master of the house is aroused and crowds him close. If the invader had nine lives he should sacrifice them all. The mail awake is able in a measure to take care of himself: asleep he is at the merev of the marauder. And if the a Jnnol' an A bs nfttiiflllv triprl t,n fniTi- law guarantees the waking man prt i mm iliuni, iuju - J ' I ! . , . , wuauu wyw, AuwwanA wwuwwj, i. w. . te something ot the rate and extent; public iournalists feel it a duty to de- mand the execution ot cnmmais wno have been fairly tried and condemned by a lawful jury; but the frequent depredations in this section demand it and we shall not hesitate to do our duty. But few people go to sleep at SCARE'S PRESERYJH& POWDES For sale at EXNISS'. A rnod school located in a healthv v il laue. 8 miles from Salisbury). Term com inences Srpiember 7th, 1S65. and coutin ues nine months. All the English branches (including Algebra) taught thor oughly. Latin and Greek optional. , Cootl board iu nrivafe families at low rates. Tuition moderate, and graded ac cording to studies pursued Best fur uisbed-acbool-buildiug in the county. For paticulaia address, J. M. HILL, Priucipal. Sept. 2,188J. am SALE OF LAND ! Bv virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Rowan County, in the case of J. L. Sifford, Guardian of Mary C. Miller, ex parterI will sail at public auctioii at the Court House door, in Salisbury on Monday the 5th day of October. 1885, a tract of land adjoining the lands of Morris. .Lean u. uernnart and otners oe- inr lot No. 4 in the division of the lands -c i -j m . . - - tection m person and property, how uight without feeling that their dwell- of that supposed incretvse. However much more amoie snouia mar, guarau- ings may be entered Dy some muruer-. that may be. our globe certainly does ty be when he lies down to sleep: it is ous burglar, and but tew tarmers ieei caDture an enormous number of little to JS drth Carolina s credit that that that their barns and gin-houses are foreign bodies, une or more can Dei pity wnwa uorrupw justice was mn saje rrom ine uuuuim wa. v,f(. sppii silentlv streaming across the sky f yet so far over-; ldden our sober senses Democrat . . W I . , : 1 1 . . 11 T 1 ..4- t,w nlnov o,, m n 1 rr Vi t enm o S tO have allowed US tO StHKe OOWn aniiw "J vreni wiiu I 77. T . , , i , ...... m,. nli, S.f. Vair fimaa n nnmhpr of them their seem- this great shield oi tne citizen mis v-, - l , V. . . . . . T (. I . .. - . ing course across the sky, instead of law which says to the vicious, it you The pilot of a United btates revenue lnrrincr sfraio-bt. down, heincr merftlv enter an occupied dwelling in the night- ...ftpr was asked if he knew all the wuui,iij-. o T o . I . fc . , , - i . . .... . 1 I .1 i il 1 1 I i-- 1L .c,.-. v-F nvimittltl Q I 1 1 . il i k. omlnJ an optical enect,, aue w tiie angle at time mk puiuac ui wiuiuuinug jocks along tne cuusi wucre uc mucu. ieiony. you snail die- diaresvuie ijana- Hp renlied. "JNo: it is onlv necessary ... I- . a ii . I ' " mam. t.n know where there are no tocks ....i ......... 1.- Crum a ritlnier. wfinisn If 1 1 1 1 il U . . 1 I W WW. - . .. names attached to nave tuc uurgitwr, . dced to a helpless invalid. Seve- executed, but no citizen ought to be raj 0fthe best physicians of Atlanta treat- expected to do that in order to enforce ed me for cancer, but without improving iaw my condition in tne i east, an u li.inuj Things are coming to a bad condition t "T.K-Z-Z when experienced and conservative "."";". i,r. 'a r.,, mooth, I . . a . i T I I 1 1 t' 11 k III. mvja was a helpless, bedridden ercature. About one year ago. at the suggestion of a friend, I commenced the use of Swift's Specfic. The first influence ot tlie medicine was to increase the discharge, but after a month or more I began to improve, and this won derful medicine has brought back my health aain. I now do all my own house work, I am perfectly tree from pain, and feel like a new person altogether. I can not feel too grateful for this wonderful re covery, for I am satisfied if it had not been for Swift's Specific I would have been in ray grave to-day. I most cheerfully rcc oiiim ;nd it to all those who are suffering with this fearful disease. Mrs. Jase Clemoks. Atlanta, Ga., April 16, 1885. THE BEST AND CIIEPEST MACHINE OIL For Threshers, Reapers, and Mowera at ENNiSS PRESCRIPTIONS ! If you want your prescriptions put up cheaper than anywhere else go to ENNISS' Drug Store. v 9, ,65.-tf. HOARDING HOUSE. 28:ply. Call and see him. ORGANIZED 183(9 CAPITAL k ASSETS. S750.000. 1 KHODfcS BHOWNE, 1 I'rest. f ( WM. C COAST, Z sacfaurr j Twenty-sixth AnwisJ January 1, ISM. LIABILITIES. Casta Capital - Unadjusted Lowes Reserve (or-Ue-tDsurance and another 1 of Chas. Miller, dee'd, containing 54 acres. Terms one-third cash, one-third in six and one-third in twelve mwnths, with bond and interest from date of sale at eight per cent, on the deferred, pnvments. J. L. SIFFORD, Guardian. Sept. 4tb, 99, .J 47:4t. which the aDpearance is seen. These meteors, entering the earth's atmos phere, and plunging with more and more velocity as they get nearer the surface, are heated to a white heat, and thus made luminous and visible by the increased friction caused Ijy their in creased speed and the increasing densi ty of the air. Most of them appear literally "burnt up," but some, usually the larger ones, hold out against their own conflagration till they burst wi a great explosion, or plunge intact, but red-hot, into the ground or the sea. Without giving credence to the Wes tern storv. a few years ago, of a man Enniss' Blackberry Cordial, KOR liabilities. Net Surplus,.... f 11 SCHEDULE OF ASSETS: Casta In National Bank t 74 SS Casta In hands ot Agents -.11, Ml fTiueast 1 4: The Duchess of Edinburgh is fond of hop picking, and often goes out with her children into the fields. Would that all our young men and boys were as wise as this pilot! He did iiot attempt to know about all the rocks, and see how near he couid steer - at . TT to them and not wreck his cratt. He r. t- l if j mieht have said, "Oh, I'm tired of go Queen Victoria is extremely fond of T rvilTnmnd dav hv dav driving, and hardlv allows a day to pass at Balmoral without going out. The Empress Eugenie has been spend ing! some time in Home, and while there had an interview with the rope. SivnVpr Carlisle is eonnsel lh a law . 1 -11 .1 1 -,-t 4-K , A I L . -r- . , . a w'inj? Kliieu u uuc ui incsc uiewure, msbih Kentucky, crrowinp-out or a there is still some small degree of like- dispute as to the ownership of a bull ' from ii&ood thai sucn ihuir siii - jmpa-ii; Worth y.i.t a k I. wav 4 I ing this monotonous round day by day and year by year; i rjeneve 1 n wy new track. Some say this is the only safe track, but I'm going to see for myself." That is what the boy saysJ when he wants to break away from Sarental restraints or when tempted to rink the first glass or smoke tne first moor or cicarette. Total abstinence all alcoholic liquors 13 tne saie AGUE-SHAKEN SUFFERERS. Who resort to Hostetters Stomack Bitters, experience speedier and more complete re lief than they can nope io oo uy iu ubc- ui nuinine. This m cII authenticated fact is of 1 - M fr . a. 1 A .11 I - 1, . -4 n W i . . m itSelt SUmCiert IO llttYe nuuilMitu n mull reputation for the Bitten. But the article is not a specific merely for the various forms of malarial disease, it endows the svstem with a degree of vigor, and reforms it irregularities with a certainty that con- disorders ot Diaeutery, Diarrhoea, Flnx, &c, for sale At ENNISS' Drug Suae. NOTICE. Having qualified as Administrator of Paul HolslTouser, dee'd, I liereby give no tice to all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent, to present them to me on or before the 12th day of Novem ber, 1886. CnnisENBrRT Hoi.suocsEni dec'l7 Adm'r of Paul Holsbousfer Craigc & Clement, Att'vs. NOTICE I hand between one and two it sat is United States Registered Bonds m.soo as State and Municipal Bonds National Bank Stocks ... Cotton Manufacturing stocks lli,TS OS other Local Stocks kKiW'9tr Real Estate (unincumbered city property y tT.ttT ft Loans, secured by first mortgages 80,418 S4 Totai $741 t. ALLEN BROWN, Aft ausbury, N. C, March tf, mi. SOMETHING NEW! that MS-LAMP CHIMNEYS will not break by heat, lor sals at ENNISS'. DIAMOND wish at All colors yoti ENNISS' DON'T FORGET to call all kinds at for Seeds of ENNISS', I have on itn host defence auainst r .. s . . . ,. r r . . . . .j the Stomach, liver ana Doweis, specially , hundied thmisano tect oi airincu rife where the atmosphere and water are j PLANK miasma tainted. Fever and ague, bilious 13 ig feet long, mostly Flooring jind ,m;ttntit dumb auue and asue cake are i ;n.i, nhmfe : some Weatherboarding and j; .nrl nrrvrmtpd hv it. and it also i r..ir.nn- whi-h I will deliver on cars or at I l intuitu f - - . . tlnt'p- T , I . t . - Jfitviuia rnntirMLtin. rhenma- i n,uni nn line ot itaiiroad. 1 attics rruluicB J r'l I ' t ; miy , ... ... Tsiire this medicine on the first i .,iL.Jr., to nurchase Will do well to con isms, ------ - . . , : . o . T.. os rn nric.es. 3Iorganton, i. v.., .ot. iu, iw. TO TAE LADIES t Call and see the J1 lower ron as , . ! : t:..t;nn that. the. avatcm is out of order. I JIIUIV..'. ml I and rest assured that you will be grateful lor the hint. lifA MILLION of worms gnawing flay mi suit ' night is.quite enogh; JtM ttgf. .fr..ill rlestroy and expel Hfsss) and - - Till ' J ----- . - nol?:de3 . , .... restore the en w. r' - m A I

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