, MllaLIJ1Uit, r Western North Carolina Rail Road Co. Mf?f PASSEN6ER 4FFCF, . Salisbury, H". C, Sept. 5th, 1885. On and after the 6th in , the Ibjfawliig Schedulewill 1 operated 1y this Company : EAST. WKST. &1,,.IITkmn No. 3 Jf,i Ziw-S TA,S N' 2 J T,u,Ni il env JArv. u av Arv I eav Arv Leav I A.M. ' j A.M.:' ! l.Sfti j 6.:i0 SampKi kt-.... 2.S4 2.35; 7.54; 8.14 StatkhViiLK . . 3 4:tf ;t.44tjltt.0ii 10.07 Nkbtok...... 4 . 091 4 .Wit . 07 14 f . 25; , H ick our . . , 4.40, 4.41i-.ld.90jl2.& ,Icaiii ....... -5.151 5.10' 1.0.1; I .251'MkA.tojs... A .1 f. Stall 2.50 2..VJ Mahios 7 "is1 7 14 3 41! 3.55 Oi.u FntT ...... .f 7.42 12V S M it 4 lcnKiw.. T7.07 8!42i 8.4! SA'l 5f18!;ni.ACK Mocstaik, 6.19 ft 541 8 56! t 5.38' 6.00 -jCooi'KK'ii -i .06 t'tl' 9 2fll 6.451 6.47 SrAiiTANBlKO Jii"' 5.41i 9.291 9, 10.12il0.jl3, 6.571 i 11.451 r. M. A KHKVI I.I.E 10.48 10.49- ;MAK8IIAI.t, 11 12! 11. m ! ' HAUXARfM A 1. 1 A' ANDERS . 1)12,30 a.k. I 1) '.29 11.30 ip.rjpt 10.33 10.04 10.05 9.38, 9.38 9.10, 9.10 ; 8.12 8.13 742 7.27 6.22 l.re 5 41 5.82 4.49 4.12 7.30 5.30 4.00 2.57- 2.17: 1.09 P M. , 5.50 4.0;: 3.20 i 2. 19 1.30 fll.35 11.35 10.23 10.40 I5 1 1 8.20' 8.43; M 7.55 7.55 7.0?: 4.48; 4 11; W J ST. in Xo. 7 Warm 8riiBi. .!' Murphy Division. . 3.50: 8.50 t 8.15PM, 7.07 6.55 t A.M. D3 EAST, A.M.1 9.49( 10.26 10.29 ; 16,4 10.58 11.21 11.26 11.51 11.54 12.1912.29 1.49 1.53 2.28' 2.29 2.39! 2.41 s3.31; 8.31 4.15 p.m AsJIRVIt.I.B... I HftMINT TcilNPIKK . . . Piokoh River.. . !Ci,yib.. Si iWAYJiESVIl.MC. . .!? Ham. ....... SVI.VA .... . . ,;We8TER . i . JWllITTlER ... iClIAHI.ESTON . Train 8 !t 4 39 .I P. M. 3 59 4 01' I; 8 87 3 39 ;; 3 12 i i, 2 45 2 47 ; 2 00 2 25 f !'l2 34 12 35 ' ,11 56,11 57l 11 45 1 46 J 10-54 10 55 ! a.m. 10 09 Origin of the Bloody Shirt. A numler of correspondents have written to a numler of newspapers lately inquiring about the origin the of the phrase, "bloody shirt,''' so often used in the political discussions of the present day. W e know of no better explanation than that given by Hoscoe Conkling, in a speech made in Xew York, September 17, 1880. Referring to the ''bloody shirt," he said: "It is a EIT'Round Knnh is Breakfast station for Train Xo. 1, and Supper station for Train No. 2. Trains Xos. 1, 2, 7 and 8, run dnilju Trains Nos. 3 and 4; run daily exempt Sunday. V. E. McJiEE, Supt. W. A. TURK, A. G. P. A. ;i - I -3 . The Swiss Guard. The Pope has his own soldiers, who are not very many, and who generally act as guards to the various parts or the Vatican. Behind the bronze doors, which are enormous barred gates,, we saw some of these soldiers one of whom will ask us for our ermossos, or per mits. T am sure you never beheld mil itary gentlemen like them before. J V .11.1 ' J 1 Thfv are called tne nwiss K5iru u" are 'dressed in a uniform of flowing j relief to remember that this phrase tuuic and breeches, formert or uroan perpendicular striies of black, red and venow. long stockings striped in black and vellow: and on state occasions they wesir brass helmets with heavy white plumes, and carry halberds, or pikes with ax-heads at the ends. The offi cers' dress, of the same design, is of bright silk, and they make a dazzling apiearance. There men appear as if tfiey .belonged to the Middle Ages and had nothing to do with our modern times; and they very properly seem so; for iheir uniform was designed by Michael Angelo, not long after the dis covery of America, and their costume has never been changed. It used to be the custom of many of the potentates of Europe to have personal guards composed of Swiss soldiers, as they were considered more honest and trust worthy than any others. In Pans the norter at the doors of great houses is still often called "The Swiss," although he is' almost sdwa-s a Frenchman. And these guards of the Pope are now Italians, but they still retain the old jiariie. S7. Nicholas. THE FARM AND GARDEN Is a bum -(n,-!v -nrintwl iiK.ntliiv paper, wUti BftlCIHAL ILLUSTRATIONS, (M!Usafcnilikf.BCll ibp. hiiiI AtClRATi: rurtil Jonriinl. INTERESTING CORRESPONDENCE hiiiI raliiabli Sit!iroittion frwii every Str.te in i Ijc l"n hic nu nomcHMe or Mtolrn ilfa. It l- an aMMfttgHN TBttlTS suid VCBCTASLCS. Onn-iitiit- ine lii-.sT Paultrr pases for tiiuso v$bo r h i k c ruirucax lor uroli t, : h vre to. Kiirprixe. ill' ier-(. ana . I I e n e 3 i. ii. Nil id i or every dened in vice, but yet have trouble some consciences, which they are anx ious to quiet. Kvery blow leveled at hell is a relief to them, and tends to confirm them in their crooked ways. In short, they are afraid of hell, with all their talk to the contrary, .and are grateful to whoever relieves them of this fear. Dearer Tribune. you vour first baby kiss will be forever closed, and those sad, tired eyes will have oiened in eternity, and then you will appreciate your mother; bnt it will be too late." fen trfel untwrriiwr become perninrnt Ts-ndf-rw, nil 1ie flieir ttirtiieiiee lo mmw! more imiiH. Kier. nice havmtr tnnirUt i-t!il. e fe-l eeraiin ihntit will pay t to nmke A J.I M i'Jl I . OVKEft to imlm.-eevt ry 'ZZX. 3 riONTnS trial !Ue To every rfwler of huh who will xeiMl u rtm. in tKmw . ver. we will snl THK I-AKM AM) uAKUKH on lrl:tl for ihree nionilin. lMease ueeeit li.n trial onVr at on, ,'. If onlv lo K-iti!ry em i,-it v. and run will certainty be arreettbly .iii.,iMKu)ti-i rxDU Aun PAonru o.i i.iiinu-v St.. f JL k V l! MM Ft v t w ONLY BPULAR BALLADS I r I'm Just fiolns Down to the Oat Handful of Kurth. Wait 'till th t'louda Bolt Hy. I'll Meet Her W'Iicd the Han does IXiwn. A K not of Blue and Uray. Mary's (iono With a Coon. Sweet Violets. Bridget Ioii.ikIioc. Lillle Wife. XXellie. Uotil Me Inures. Onlv a l'any Blmsoni. Nobody Knows Wlmt a lt:u-ki t Was There. Where li My Wandrriu? Bov To-nishtf Padily luiffv's fart. Widow No- lan'r. ;..:.t. 'Warrior Bfihl. We Mot or ihe IUver, Vou und 1 You Will Miss Mo When I'm linne. Old. and 'm Onlv iii Hie War. (Ml. lh-m .,,:,!, n WilMHirs. Only UMr ITer Fee Atptttti I've Only l n IKiwn to I'.ie CJul. Nelly Orav. Vi,u .et Mon Like Your l:..i Kvy Bay. My 1'n tiy l;- d 15o e. 1'i! i: n.. n.i it Vii 1jvp, in My I'rayeiT. Itmv's KuniUty hit. Wlioi V,.n'i - i; .1 J:m i"ii"ly Vm. OM loiks at Home. I'll Take Voh Home Aain, Kathleen. ,'0:d-K;ii.iouel lloiii'li-ad. lullet of Htraw. Cradle's J'.mpty, Itabr's (ior.e. NcverTal.e tho Ilorse-ln.e froui i!:e Ikior. Blue .lsntU.ii Mouiiiatna. laf of Ivy from my Annei Mother's tin.-, e. Mary -f ilie Wild Moof. ft i'I;-n-lUm. Jte liardv. Home A sain. W" Never Snoa'J r. wt? '. r.-.imer" lay. l.nllubv. B,s. K. o. Away Irwin I' liiiiH. Baby Mint-. t.r:'.nilnio! l. r f :! Ann flu. i. liii-halr Caiils. Orll.o A r lower from my An-"el mm iters f.rav.-. I l.n ; I r !ai,l and M her It, noisa or. .tilvo r.n llo:t I e :i I .-id a t lutiuv. oi It. i . . , l?u. Ko..ui-h I'avulier. ...ii .in'. W tla- hhatoroek. IL.rin-v MilV.v. l::iii-h, r l:i- 1 '.m.i , 11 it ii tiei.tle:iiaii "iii.l, ,t K .-mm. I..ri. . ,,.1 l'.,r: t. A II the YronWi-- Yon Have Met. TtS llMOtt I, liit,li Ml 1-MlH-r -! :n .in H.tlitC. t"'1er it fbpr H,'. n- t,nh a Wall. u IWere I'm Ilti't! '"ill S,.l4f. Ill till' m i t., Philadelphia, Tcna'a. K. BRUSEn. Of the Watchman. J. SAM'I, MrfrUWlINS, County TroaHOrcr . BETJNER & McOUBBr, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, The .undersigned are prepared to do a GENERAL HEAL ESTATE BUSINESS. nd solicit business of that character. AH rii projwty entrusred to us will beNdver tistoi all over the United States, FREE OF CHARGE 4j& i ' ' ' to the owner. Persons h.-ivinir farm lands forests, mines, or other real proierty ahould consult us at once. Spceinl attention giv en mineral lands. Reports, assays and map tuorished when desired. . BUHNER & McCURBTNS. r mailT i Tl i' Salwhury, N. PATENTS Caveats, Trade Marks and Copyrights ohtalned. and ail other business in ihc r. s. Patent oftlce attended to for moderate Fees. Oar office Is opnosdte the it. s. isitnt. om iin we Jean obtain Patents In 1ks tluie than those re mote from Washington. Send Model or drawing. We advise as to .patent .rbilli y free of chaise; and make .Yo cliaige "(o". jttf-fitr We refer her to -the Postmasier, the R apt. of Money order Dlv., and to officials of ihe V. S. Pat ent onlee. Forclreular. advice, terms and refer ences to actual clients In your own suite or county. "tne i" C A. SNOW Xi i-.O Opposite Patent oriiee, Washinoton H. C. Oct. St. 1.-tf NEW YORK OBSERVER, OLDEST AND BEST BEI4GI0US AND SECULAR FAMI LY NEWSPAPER NATIONAL AND EVANGELICAL. All the News, Vigorous EUtorials. A trustworthy paper for business men. It lias special departments for Pamn.ts Bdiues or Party Cards, Circulars or Posters, ; Letter or .Note Heads, Bill Heads, Monthly Statements, Books or Pamphlets, Lf behi, Tags, &c.,t Neatly printed at this uuu .u o ww rates us eisewnere. Ban day school Teachers and Housekeepers. Business men of Salisbury are invited 1 to call through the P. 0,. before aivintf I TOP ItVT VHD7 nDOFDTTTr'n their orders to agents or sendino them MOM 1 AH abroad. POT IftAAi Sixty-Fourth Volume, will contain a new and never before pub lished series oflnKKctTs LcttkCr!; regular corn spondencc from Great Britain FrTti.ee, Gennany and Italy : Letters from Mission Stations in India. China. Japan, Afru a and Micronesia ; original articles from men of influence and knowledge of affairs i.i rliC hfercnt parts of this country, and selected articles iron the choicest literary ami re- niui Hiuiicatinns, in poetry and prose. I A New Volume, containing a Second Series of InEx.Ktis Lkttkiss, a sketch of the author, and a review of his life and work has been published. We shall offer this year special and at tractive inducun -uts to subscribers and friend. Saaiide copies free. SEB YOttK 0BSEUVER, NEW VOBJu Tote Fair. Recently there assembled in Chicago a convention of third and fourth-class postmasters, to protest, it is stated, against the inequalities to which they ;ire forced to submit. Their grievance is said to be that their office expenses come out of their own pockets; that they are required to set up convenient fixtures, such as boxes and drawers, at their own expenses mainly, while post masters of the first and second class aref furnished with everything they may desire, whether it be needed for the transaction of business or for purposes of office comfort only. Our sympa thies go out most heartily to this meet ing and its object, and we think it strange that out of the more than four hundred members of Congress, fully 90 per cent, of whom represent these classes, of offices, that something to ward remedying the injustice has not leen attempted. The Citizen has, for the past several years, called attention to it, more sjeeificallv to our own of fice in Asheville. We are glad to know that Congressman . Johnston will give this matter early attention. Asheville Citizen. .We fully endorse what the Citizen says about the injustice meeted out to many post offices outside or large cities. Too much money is spent and wasted on5 large and magnificent buildings. and not enough on the offices which afford back-country people and towns and cities mail accouinwKlations. Ashe ville, Salisbury, Charlotte, Winston, &c, do not get their fair share from the Post Office Department at Washington or from Congress. Come, bovs, let us demand our rights. Charlotte Demo crdt. witli the tmng it means, is no inven tion of our politics. It dates back to Scotland three centuries ago. After a massacre in (jlenfruin, not so savage as have stained our annals, 220 widows rode on white palfrevs to Stirling Tower, bearing each on a spear her husband s bloody shirt. The appeal waked Scotland's slumbering sword, and outlawry and the block made the name of Glenfruin terrible to victorious Clan Alpine, even to the third genera tions." - .' . Stage Intoxication. McCullough's last performance in Chicago was under the effect of ex cessive stimulants, and this reminds us that most of our actors are great drink ers. Our Junius Brutus Booth (father of Luwni ) was rarely sober on the stage, and required incredible potations to enable him to go through his role. Sometimes he got drunk before the hour, and the audience was obliged to submit to disappointment. George Frederick Cooke, first British star who appeared on our shores, was also a vic- ! I N !! t I 11 1 tun to strong annx, wnicn destroy eu a constitution of rare vigor. Edmund ! Kean was another brilliant victim to intemperance. He was the most won-, Speak Plainly. I wish young women could be taught that it does not add a cubit to the stature of a house to call it a "resi dence;" that church, or even a meet ing house, is as venerable ts the "sa cred edifice;" that it is more genteel to say "retire" than to go to bed f that the garment so fondly, slowly covered with side - plaitings, so coldly and quickly fraved out along the paving stones, is really a gown and not a "promenade costume; that it need not tning a blush to the cheek of even Mr. Pods nap's young person to say "leg," in stead or "limb," when "leg" is meant; that the supper at an evening party is not "the entertainment;" and that there are well founded obiections to the use of "nicely" as an adjective de scribing the state of one's health. "To clothe low creeping matter with fine language," said old Fuller, "is not fine fanev. but fiat foolery." It rather loads than raises a wren to fasten the feath ers of an ostrich to her wings. Mrs. C. Kunkle. A. CAED, . To all who ar suffering from the errors and indiscretion of youth, nervous weak ness, early decay, loss oC manhood. t!tc., I will send a recipe that will core vou, Fhke ok Ciixnc.K. This great remedy was dis covered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-add rested envelope to the Hcv .To8Kiii T. 1 n m an. Station D. JVtr Tnrt City. 4:lv THIS P APER l""1"0 f.?"",J.on fle nt oort. P. mX t. knwrll ft Go's Newspaper Advrrttetax Uarau(10 Sprue- St A where ;ulv,rti4r -tuatructs uugr be inatiu for U IJi NEW YOItK. Wright s Indian Vegetable Pills YOU TO LIVER And all Bilious Complaints aie to taae, nrtnx purHy Ing. l'ricc 23 cts. 1 - table: noirrnt- nruzKisu. MILL STONES. THE UNDIIKiWXKD itos bouKlit tbe well known ROWA. COUNTY MILL STONK QUARRY ot K. E. PuBWps, deceased, an-J wilt continue to- supply u TubHc de mand for Mill stones from this Pbatkd orit so tvl Snofru tliraoiout tliXcotintn tot Us supertorlt forviu stoDes. Cranltilock8 rtworua mental purposes, Monuments, tc., & iso we uuu ai iius quarry. Audrcss, -J. T. WTATT, Salisbury, N Baibroading. A great railroad feat was a'rcom dished by the Baltimore & phio't? special cabinet train to Indianapolis. The distance between Washington and Cincinnati, 611 miles, was cov creil ill exactly 14 hours, that being the shortest time ever knowni The average was bnt a trifle over ihirty eight miles an hour and the wQnder fnl result wasTeachetl by a-steajrly and uninterrupted running, without par allel in railroad aiuiels, it is said, tor the distance. News-Observer. Home Tenderness. No matter how busy a man jnay be, he should find time every day td tell his wife he loves her. No matter what social demands are made upon the woman, she should find time to kiss her husband and give him one of the smiles that were so sweet to him when he came courting her. ro 1 matter what their, daily cares, the parents should find time to take the children upon their knees and caress them with i-i i - -ti kind words ana tender touches. ffa fc STOMACH lTTErtS High Sounding Phrases. Too many people are fond of using long words. A gentleman said to his servant: Tat, I Aim going to town at ten oclock, and shall weed out the cu cumber bed in the interim.' 'Interim,' . . I I 1,..,I J it1 111.. ,1.11- I 111 f hi s-v quired greatromtntities of strong drink, ftont P:lt : thil 8 re n foJ' undth "habit increased until it destrov- J galen, an vhow. -Is Mr. hmith at uuiite; iiuuti n v no ciiuie Miuri- wi k;... rri.;,. t-..,i. u;a tru-i. evi iiiiii. x ni i,ii imih.c in iiir tuwi i . nt ij i i t m at n n. Ii u i i V aiierwp.ni. us. sor; veil mm nun year. Like Mcl ullough he broke down , J, , . , ,VJ , u:i- ii. " ,i u n. : at work m hisnnterim, there, buoyantly TV lllHJ Ull HIC fl.liilT, Illtll ftllllV 111 IV. 1,11C 1 1 T 1 O" 1 . 1 '1.1 i- u u u- i ' announced 1 at. bidney fomith was arms of his son who bore him off, and i , i ii Ji j. i .ii i i u ii- j l ' once looking through the hot-house- or the plav was stopped. He rallied, but , , . " " , - , a , i 1 i - p , ia.lad- who was very proud of her now- death closed his fevered career. Forrest j ers-.an.d f. very .accurately, a i . rr i it i-i! proiuston ol otiamcui nuuies. luamaii. in his great efforts used strong drink, ! 1 . , ; a i i i. -i. j. ti a i i said lie, have yon the bentenms ion- but it never got that degree or mastery i . .,, '.v . - , K , , . , , which proves utteriv destructive. He ; a tTu i i was the most muscular man that the i winerm?d 1 d tq the, Ai-chbfshop .t. , i..i ,i.,i.4. oi anieroury; u. came out ueauuiiii-y Miigc rvci piuuui;cu, anu uu uuuui, una To Shut oat the Chinese, Sau Francisco. Dec. 1. A grand Convention of Knight of Labor . was held here last evening for the purjose of-adopting measures tor the lire veil tidn of further immigration of Phinese into the United States. Delegations were present from nearly every trade organization on the coast. IbresoJu tionto systematize anti-ChinesI move ments in every city and town ad call ing on the labor organizations! in the East to extend their sympathy and aid in the work, were adopted. She Wasn't in a Big- Hurr T r l . i- i t i " . i i ue tfuy - t earesr .-mena. i,meiia "Sir!" "What is the matter ?1 "Vou have your anil around my wasL" ul ojiu nu viuiiui, una ,i i ,a n - : mn :iv:nv lit it, mv t i:n " Am snr. , . . - . . . Ill III.- ,1111 111.' 1 , 11 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 Mil liIMn 1 " " ' ' was tne reason ne drank less tJ.au!., jLil a :.r.n -Inrispd nd Aiurkt. tnnll noi Tilrnnw 1 1 i. 1 , nic mcuicai iiiitiic iui intr tieii i. vnt: i ' i "i-i - " " Mjitic ULitei.s, Liiu-'iuiJciniicc, now ever. i ii i- i I X - . .. ' . ni inir .t nwini'Sii in :n vi'rv 111 1 ii 11 . ' is the wide spread misfortune of the. ' Y- rama. To the nwdi of the tnttrlpt, traveler ami new ftettfcr, Uo.iwi r' S;m,,. nch Bittcra is tecular!y ni1;ipit:, mi: tt Ftrciitrthoiis Ute lrtirc fii-r'inJ J bracfS the ptivsic:tl emnvies lo iii.li. si'l;.. ful infliteueAja. it 'rupt kuu .. . n ronlarinl fever, catistipHtimi, if.M: . 1 salrhfully siii.nihi i .- Iii.; ki.i-..V k .i .j biatltier, ami mrlqtcB :i !.-!! a-. iit:-. the blood. Whci! jvi i-..nu- 1 . ?Vi . .. rbeUir mental or pi. v.-i.l. ; ; and debilitated Bud it :i rfiui.? .i renewed tr-iflh and tfrtnfe.r:. I . i ,n. by all DrursiaU und Oeukr. piKiu!- e A Confederate Match Factory. given to lomiious conversation, in speaking of a deceased boarder said "Yes. we shall miss him: for notwith standing he had a touch of ferocitv The first match factorv in the Con- and a temper that kindled with veloci- federacy was in or -rather near Atlanta. ' ty. yet his verbosity, although it in- The Owner was an Atlanta man. These ciined to ponderosity, and was never matches were sold from Richmond to relieved by luminosity, often excited to the Gulf. Unlike some of our re- jocosity, in spite of his pomposity. cent experiments in that line, there ow. sir. l will give vou rust ; thirty minutes to remove vour arm." j-lMiila. Caff. was no trouble about igniting the matches. A man did not have to strike Guv Duty. The certainty that life cannot be long, and thcprobability that it will be nuich shorter than nature allnw4 ought to awaken every man to the active prosecution of whatever he is desirous A Deer on His Ear. to perform. It is true death ihav in- ( tM'ecnt the swiftest emwr; but. he who tv rv.i tv... ti a 4-. . . .i i . . . ... ,mP Hivten tim nd finallv hit if. I , i- ..-n.unii a.iu , ,s cut ott m the midst Of ail holiest 11 n- .i "i i -.i i 'i- i ... i what threatened to lie quite . . . . h . . ii-i i a i ..a a - ..iii on the head with a hammer, or light it 1 T i7 I 4 . e n I dertaking lias at least the honorfof faH- Hismain trouble was to iH aumu., i.mu,, n h:, rank imd has fonght tne ti ln.if rvl'iVIl llwr l C Ian 1.' If AltAtif 1 ill lil 1 1 1 Y. t keep the thing from going off prem a- a i v rV j battle a.tiotigh he missed the yietory. . K i p , ?. i0, r i ; Harris and Mrs. ij. V . Lat man were iiireiv. ami ine oiiiv eneciiiai saieguaru . , , i . ,i i , i i i.i iuh.jjiir .1 M.iiiv iiciti i ne cu;c oi ine was to keep it in a bottle of water. . mi i 1 j ,ni t,i . i- . , town, with a bahv carriage containing Lhey were the most utteriv two lire- i i 1 1 i iT . J ,i ,-, i an infant ami a child three vears old, vious matches ever seen in this or anv n . i .1 ' i 1 iney ciico-ttiiicit ii a j't i. riii, nincM-mi' TUTT'S PILLS 25 YEARS jM USE. Th Greatest lie die at Triumph of the Age! SYWIPTOMo OF A TORPID LIVER. I.OHof r.ppctite, ttowi lficosiive, Ptia la tho bead, with a dull sensation ia tbo back parr, Fain undeV tho ahduldcr blitde, Fullness after eut'os, with a.di tncliuai ion to exsrtion at bodr "t mlutl, Irritability of temper, IiWfpirlt, ti;U afeelineof h&vrr.jr neeiectcil -oi:.;' Jut: , Wcarineup, VizKiacsA, Flniteriutl at tLa Heart, Iots -bcicrntho oyer, it-niuvl.ti over tho risht eye, ' !;: let. i c::t, r'nU fitfal dreams, Hizhly colored 1 : ir.c, aud COr4STaPAT!ON. I TTJTT'S J?ALX.d uro especially nifJapted to such cases, cmo d'9c cilccta ir.U a chaitffti of leolinfr a h to as! mi h the ssfc' ere r. They Inrrtcs j -. ht.i ppetitetnUt ti.. body t. l'ake en KIsli. i i::t 11m r(t. itr ttourisht!,: 1 h,"i!i .rTcr.!") Ai fi.' it ; the llcst.iv.r:ar!9.Ttsr:ii:-r Mod-. priwln-.-.!. pi i . .;-.. i l Mer"r t .1 . imw Em me. GUAT H.vnt cr V.'M -'.cm ' chunked to a Glosst Li.t",i 1 v a ; r.-rUi Rpplictdion of this DTK. It jh;;aj??. .1 mitei-il colit. nt's latananocas'y. fVM ly, Un,rl3t". cr sc-nt lvu-'-n.'i "- cti r e-c:" C t. O.Ttco. P.':urr..y Gt.t Kow York. Dec. 20, '84. J y. THE WATCHMAN JOB OFFICE I mi tiiut t iituu iiit.iv w i i'vv mini 1 1 1 1 v ir-jiii other countrv. ihe enterpnse wits ! v . r t t V . n 1 . c. ,i i i i.i i ; mediate! v showed a disposition to light, never prontab e. because halt the stock mm c w a in t i 1 ...... i I h inotniT i Tsil i -.en hir e hi i tr.'ibi tlie oy spontaneous .can Land for Sale RY . J. M. HADEN, SEAL ESTATE AGENT, MAIS CTKKET, SAI.ISllLItV, N. C. Mm, Tim Lots & 111 Preperty. sCall and sec his Descriptive Cata lo -no and Price Lbt, Terras to suit no3:6ra- The Valley of the Yellowstone. This valley seems composed of two distinct sections. We have left the re- rioii of the inferno, and are suddenly in paradise. The sulpuir stream, boiling water and blinding alkali plains have suddenlv vanished, and in their place come the cool winds from the moun tains rushing through the dense shad ows of the pine woods. A pleasant ride of thirty miles brought us to the camp near the great canon, and we shall soon see this wonder of wonders. I have waited to compare it to the Yo- semite and the valley of Mexico, but comparison with any spot on earth is impossible. It stands alone, utterly un like anything the world holds. Speak ing to an hnglishiunn who has been with us4 said that Bierstadt or Church should come here and spend years in order to reproduce it on canvass, and he answered 'Twould be useless. No brush could do it justice, and the pic ture would be laurhed at as an exaer geraiion." I thinjc he was right. It is not so much in the grandeur of the cliffs, though they tower a thous and feet or more on either hand, as in its wonderfully vivid colorings. ' Bright gold and sulphur, deep crimson and blue, with the dark green of the pme trees and the rushing water, together with the fair blue sky and the light of the setting sun. Make the colors as vivid as you ean, and the crag as fan tastic as a dream, and you may in some small degree realize what this wonder of Almighty God is like. The shrine of the Invisible, the Throne of the Eternal it fascinates; and one can simply sit and ga.e upon it in silence. Surely the people can not know what our land holds, or the thous ands would ilock here and not to Switzerland. Shooting- at the Raiders. The moonshiners are beginning to make it unpleasant for the Democratic raiders. Mr. George W. Means, of Concord, accompanied bv a brother officer made a raid into Watauga coun- tyr last week, and had a regular old kuklux time of it. Their experience, as related by Mr. John C. Tipton, who is also in the revenue service, was not very pleasant, as the moonshiners fired several volleys at them, but fortunate ly,; no damage was done. The officers- captured two barrels of crooked brandy from W. II . Suttlemyer, near Hickory and arrested I an I ri;mon tor attempt- nig to shoot IT. h. Marshal Warns. Char. Offsenrr. was m variably lost combustion. W agon loads of matches on their way from the factorv to the city would burst into a blaze naif way on theroad, scaring the drv.T and his mules out of their senses. Several cam a ire just as the deer fastened his horns in the wheels and sent the vehi cle over his. head. Hushing uponthe woman with the infant he gave them a similar toss, landing them in the brush near the roadside, considerably bruised. While the other woman was endeavor- Atlanta stores handled these useful marvels of home enterprise, but custo mers tor LCUl oi. liuiiuL: . lit" nun, iitra uim i i i ,i i ,,i i . i i -.i i j . i t i iii ,! but the anm'v beast settled the dor with e. out custo- i i i i i 1 r 1 I- 1 il 1HU IU llttUtl lllO .Ji.ll 11 lltJl J1.-5 ll llllll'', were cautioned to tread lightly mA . i .... u i lllilll I Ulirtl L'J JI'. l If.-tllC Vt IUI .1 UUy. He that goes a borrowing sorrowing i- conflagration, and clerks were detailed to sit up every night to watch the trou blesome stock. The owner of this match factorv put i . i . i i .i i r - ' seemed to i up tne stun in wnicn ine inaicnes were dipped, and sold it for rat poison, it certainly killed rats, but the hasty character of the stuff created such a panic in the city that the industry had to be squelched. A Whitehall street merchant bought a box of the poison one day, and carrying it to his store tried to spread a dnb of it on a piece of dry bread as a bait for the rats. He gave it one spread when there was a "whish! ' and the whole affair blazed up in his face, singing off his whiskers. A few similar experiments prejudiced the people against the new poison. They said it was too rough on rats to burn out their stomachs with such an explosive. A complete collection of Atlanta's manufactured products from 'GO to "Go would Ik? worth seeing. But it is too late in the day to secure such a collection. Atlanta ( (ia.) Constitution. one thrust, and then he sprang upon the young "man. who fired two ineffect ual shots from his revolver, which onlv ncrease the deer's anger. He sprang upon the man and thrust one of his antlers through his thigh, inflicting an ugly wound. Then, jus he stood over his prostrate victim, a second man, who had lieen attracted to the scene, killed the animal with a double barrel shot gun. The injuries to the women are not serious. Boh Inger soil's Audiences. One well acquainted in this city is struck, in looking over an Iugersoll congregation, at the presence of all the people who are known to be crooked in their various walks, but who keep up a genteel appearance, and who have 1 'i . ii i . l r 1 i enough intelligence to oe rorcea to think what comes after life. The gambler who steal cards is there. So is the liquor dealer who drugs his whis ky. The well dressed disreputable wo man is present, with a face full of eajjer interest. And so are nianv wo men of reputable social standing, who have their own heart's secrets, which make them quite anxious to see a life of torture hereafter for sins in this world proved to be a myth. The old citizen, whose early crookedness has been forgotten since he became wealthy, the lawyer who sells out his client, and the doctor who prolongs the illness of his patient are all there. The more solid parts of his argument seem to make but little impression, and -the reasoning against the possibility of the exi.- t'ince of a first cause does not ap pear to be understoed or appreciated. J3ut when he craks a stale joke at the expense of hell the faces of his audi tors become animated with delight; and they bre ik into heartfelt applause. It is clear that they are not atheists from a prcc.ss of logical reasoning, but are rather sinner; who have Jjeeome liar- Kisses on Interest A father, talking to his careless daughter, said: "I wall t to s teak to you of vour mother. It mav be that you have noticed a careworn look upon her face lately- Of course it h;is not been there by anv act of yours: still it is your duty to chase it away. 1 want you to get up to morrow morn ing and get breakfast and when your mother conies and begins to express her surprise, go right to her and kiss her on the mouth. You can't imag ine how it will brighten her dear face. Besides, you owe her a kiss or two. Away back, when you were a little girl she kissed you when no one else was tempted by your fever tainted breath and swollen face. You were not as at tractive then as you are now. And through these years of childish sun shine and shadows she was always ready to cere, by the magic of a moth er's kiss, the little, dirty chubby hands. whenever they were injured in those first skirmishes' with the rough od world. And then the midnight kiss with which she routed so many bad dreams as she leaned over your restless pillow, have all been on interest these long, long veal's. Of course, she is not so pretty and kissaMe as you are; but if you had done your share of work the last ten years, the contrast would not have been so marked. vHer face has more wrinkles than yours far more, and yet if you were sick that face would appear more beautiful than an angel's as it hovered over vou. watch ing ever' opportunity to minister to Remedy for Elight 1 $ 1 Salt is being freely used by certain New York nurVery nien in their ear nurseries for the purpose of counter acting blight. Iron filings ami cop peras in solution have been ujfeed for the same purpose,' If' these remedies do not prevent the !iese, they- at least correct a .disposition to blight. Farm ami Stockman. 1 .f Be Careful willi Your Gun. A son of Mr. George Sedilen Shady Grove township, was out rab bit hunting on Saturday, and while standing on a stump, his gun slipped, strikii g the hammer agaipst the slump and discharging. The cn- IS THOnoiIOHLY KtUIPPtD ' )thitiitg, FROM POSTERS as Mr a barn door down to injtat delicate tire load entering his right arm, in jured it so badly that amputation was necessary. Davie TJmes. The bank of the Mississippi river at Hojiefield. Ark., is caving in. The wharf and several streets have; gone in. Winston is to be lighted by gas. a New York company taking the con tract. The Charlotte water works lave been Sold to two Baltnuoreans foH&K,U00. Death is the dropping of the flower that the fruit may swell. It takes two women, his mother and his wife, to make a great man. A propensity to hope and joy is real riches,; one tjo fear and sorrow, real poverty. The way to wealth is as plain as the way to market. It depends chiefly upon two words, "Industry" and "frugality that is, waste nei ther time nor money, but make the best use of both. - ! It is not worth while to - think too much about being good. Doing the best we know, minute by minute, hour by hour, we insensibly grow to good ness as fruit grows to ripeness. V ISTING igAHDS. Letter iiiul'Xote Heads, j - Bill Heads and Statement, BUSINESS CARDS, PAMPHLETS, PSICE LISTS, j iihol anil i.ul5 -PtojtimmH, A.1 BLANKS OI A I.I. KINDS Court and Magisterial. t-7oitlfrs snllitcl mid satlsfacttoniptiarantfrd .i .... PROFESSIONAL CAJiDS. KEItlt CUAIGE. I. II. I.KMKNT CRATGE & CLEMENT, SALE m LA By virtue of a decree of tje Superior Court of Howan Countv. mkide at No vemW Term 18S.. 1 will sell at public outcry to the higest bidder for cash, at i.i 1 i i n . . . I tne l ouri-nouse aeor in ntlisourv on Attorneys -A.t Xiaw S ."5AI.IS1.L UV, N. C Feb. 3rd, 1d8l. Decr jtod name 2 II ins 1 uuthful I x f re indalMoca. or work. A vote vour comfort, and-all tho wrinkles U - SBETWb would seem to be bright wavelets of SfJ Dfc-tar Ifflji. sunshine chasing each other over her i 51 tn,ct ''f h,n1 contmningabottt J4(l PROX1. A HARRIS' 1 A Radical Cum H)Ri KERVOUS I DEBILITY.! Organic Weakness, PHYSICAL t- DECAY, IrYoung&Mlddlel Agod Men. TCSTEO FOR OVER Six I Years use in many T HOU3ANO Cases. n-erhrtan woi I the imncwition Itioui rencdlM for IV I our i: trouble. Oct oil Circular utd Trial toi WH i tor th. . rick- dear face, hhe will leave vou one of these davs. j hese burden? her down. Tiu.se rou tnat nave uon so nianv necessary acret'. adjoining the lands if Crawford dens will Jr 1- !a'' ,'as" an,l thcrs situated in gh hard hands 1 township, known at the Link lfc i place, whereon Mrs. Jennil McCorkle set TWAL PACXACB TBSAT3LBKT. Orto Moulh, - $3,001 TlfOHMT.1, - 5.HOI CtrccA'octU, 7.001 t things ibr you will b- crossetl upon her, rmlvM U(v wr f I u...f TitAi ti,u.f,i ' JOHN M. HOUxVlI, ( umnusviom brcikst. Thos1 iieglcctd Mtm that gave .it7t9 r. Ifaeti befcre Ukinjt rrtw mrnt c:whrt. Take I SI HE Rf Ml KYtOatliS CURED thotiMtnto. 4uf not interfere itlt Mpj tion to baine. or cau-o any wty. rounded on KtMtftne mdiel prlnci plei. By dlwtUnnrltin lo the Mat of dUeate it upecifla II LI h felt s-ithoot delay. Th cat nral function (of the hu man omniim la rettored. The auimatine elemeata of life, whieh hare been waited are jt ire bacluand the patiepthecotnei eheef fu 1 and rapidly fminj both atrt-: r:h kmX aexttai rigor. HAKRiS REMEDY CO., M'F&CNEHIST3 nnu J. Tenth 5t. 8T. LOUIE. MO. jCJggiSTUftEO P.-RSON3!Mot a Truss. IX S" A;.k. ft.r t.-r:.i of mr A,PtU Ml !' T - ;h i ... 1 U 1 i I

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